cat game ??? gems diff kinds of cats, and food swap cat with food = cat chomps food. minor points for food vanish. food: dry food food: wet food food: cheese food: ham cat gets fatter ? line of diff cats = cat parade. medium points. line of same cats = big points! line of cats with goat at the end = get rid of lots! any parade gives you more moves. game params: # of moves limit score phone fixes as per ---------------------------- *make forcethings actually work replace points goal with 'survive x turns' *doors - *sunlight * - makes nearby cats sleepy * - swaps with thing below each turn. * - then disappears off the bottom parademovement bounces up down! slow down parades to test. still bugs in getarndomtype() ? bug with 2 suns above each other special things - 5% chance of any { white cat - move cat on to it to FIGHT. destroy 9 in a block around. pow pow cloud. doona - hide under it in the cold ? mouse toy - match 3 to explode everything ? } more goals: form x parades of length y survive x moves sounds: chomp catparade (can-can ?) indy theme - title screen? (if so, make title text indy themed too) make path part of game object make things part of game object ideas: llamas don't appear after the start, you just have to get rid of them all?