
132 lines
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phone fixes as per
--- check here for ios
*move goal progress increments to thing.kill() function
*Make 'allowedthings' default to previous level's one.
*fix lev6 help
*bugfix: whitecats aren't ever appearing randomly?
*new object: bricks
*Don't allow extending path off the top of the grid.
*fix incorrect pluralisation "foods" in goal text
no points for cats hitting bricks
give points when things DIE, not when you start a parade.
make points for parades come from the _side_ of the screen.
(where the cats/whatever disappear)
make kill() take an arg ("don't give progress/points")
adjust brick points goal
new door fell down on top of new goat!!
(or the other way around ??)
check code for doors falling when off the top of the screen.
check code for adding new objects at top of screen.
Powerup to break bricks
other colour cats
more goals:
form x parades of length y
more prizes: ???
mouse - place to clear all cats in grid/column
overeat (cheese changes to niblet bags, can eat without sleep)
arrow/signpost - cat parades bounce off and take out htings in the path
diff colour cats which only match themselves
actual fireworks when you achieve a goal rather than a flash.
fireworks later.
random levels after 100
generate w/h increases (up to a maximum)
generate goals
generate obstacles
use existing maxturns code
... adjust point goal calculation code now that we have multiplier.
... adjust # of turns per level
foot/human/cat toy - adjacent cat pushes it, clear the horiz. line.
fixedin place like doors
parade over to scratch
blow up and pow!
show points for each element along path??
-- some kind of cat that doesn't fall?
way for cat to 'climb' and not fall ?
other special things - 5% chance of any
mouse toy - match 3 to explode everything ?
special food that lets you turn corners?
brush -
doona - hide under it to avoid llama /sun effects ?
catparade (can-can ?)
indy theme - title screen?
(if so, make title text indy themed too)
make path part of game object
make things part of game object
llamas don't appear after the start, you just have to get rid of them all?