# Overview Sound level monitoring via USB Benetech GM1356. Named after [Loud Howard](https://dilbert.com/strip/1995-04-21). Big thanks to [Maciej Ciemborowicz](https://github.com/ciembor) for his work documenting the [USB protocol](https://github.com/dobra-noc/gm1356/blob/master/PROTOCOL.md) this device uses. # Requirements - [hidapi](https://github.com/libusb/hidapi) - An OS which recognises the GM1356 as a USB device (ie. not OSX Big Sur). # Usage TBC # Screenshots TBC # Implementation Notes - The device seems to 'hang' periodically and cause all subsequent reads to timeout. To work around this, after two concurrent timeouts I send an `IOCTL_USBDEVFS_RESET`.