
595 lines
13 KiB
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2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "defs.h"
#include "lf.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "move.h"
#include "nexus.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include "save.h"
extern lifeform_t *player;
extern map_t *firstmap;
int loadall(void) {
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *ent;
char *filename;
FILE *f;
dir = opendir(MAPDIR);
if (!dir) {
dblog("Could not open map directory '%s'",MAPDIR);
return B_TRUE;
// for each map file in directory
while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
char *p;
// ie. start of 4 char prefix
p = ent->d_name + strlen(ent->d_name) - 4;
// load this map
if (!strcmp(p, ".map") ) {
if (!loadmap(ent->d_name)) {
printf("Error loading map from file '%s'",ent->d_name);
return B_FALSE;
// load and allocate one lifeform from given file
lifeform_t *loadlf(FILE *f, cell_t *where) {
lifeform_t *l;
int lfid, lfraceid;
long obid;
int rv;
int i;
char buf[BUFLEN];
int obcount;
int mapid;
map_t *m;
int x,y;
int db = B_TRUE;
if (db) dblog("--> Loading lifeform...\n");
fscanf(f, "startlf\n");
fscanf(f, "lfid: %d\n",&lfid);
fscanf(f, "race: %d\n",&lfraceid);
fscanf(f, "map: %d\n",&mapid);
fscanf(f, "pos: %d,%d\n",&x, &y);
// find the map
m = findmap(mapid);
if (!m) {
dblog("ERROR loading lf id %d: can't find map id %d\n",lfid,mapid);
if (where == NULL) {
where = getcellat(m, x, y);
if (!m) {
dblog("ERROR loading lf id %d: can't find cell at %d,%d on map id %d\n",lfid,x,y,mapid);
l = addlf(where, lfraceid);
l->id = lfid;
l->x = x;
l->y = y;
// load rest of this lf
fscanf(f, "contr: %d\n",&l->controller);
fscanf(f, "hp: %d/%d\n",&l->hp, &l->maxhp);
fscanf(f, "alive: %d\n",&l->alive);
fgets(buf, BUFLEN, f); // lastdam
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; // strip newline
l->lastdam = strdup(buf + 9); // after 'lastdam: '
fscanf(f, "timespent: %d\n",&l->timespent);
fscanf(f, "sorted: %d\n",&l->sorted);
if (db) dblog("--> Got hp=%d/%d. timespend=%d. sorted=%d. Now loading ob list.",l->hp,l->maxhp,l->timespent,l->sorted);
// load object list
obcount = 0;
obid = 9999; // for testing
rv = fscanf(f, "ob:%ld\n",&obid);
while (obid != -1) {
if (db) dblog("--> Load ob id %d into list...",obid);
l->pack->oblist[obcount] = obid;
fscanf(f, "ob:%ld\n",&obid);
// terminate with -1s!
for (i = obcount ; i < MAXPILEOBS; i++) {
l->pack->oblist[i] = -1;
if (db) dblog("--> Finished oblist. Found %d objects.",obcount);
// now load load object defs!
fscanf(f, "obdefs\n");
for (i = 0; i < obcount; i++) {
//if (db) dblog("-----> ob %d/%d...\n",i+1,obcount);
if (loadob(f, l->pack)) {
dblog("Error - can't create object %d/%d!\n",i+1,obcount);
// is this the player?
if (l->controller == C_PLAYER) {
player = l;
map_t *loadmap(char *basefile) {
FILE *f;
char filename[BUFLEN];
char buf[BUFLEN];
char buf2[BUFLEN];
int obcount;
int i;
int x,y;
int db = B_TRUE;
lifeform_t *l;
object_t *o,*nexto;
map_t *m;
cell_t *dummycell;
if (db) dblog("Loading map from %s...",basefile);
sprintf(filename, "%s/%s",MAPDIR,basefile);
f = fopen(filename, "rt");
// create map
m = addmap();
dummycell = malloc(sizeof(cell_t));
dummycell->obpile = addobpile(NULL, dummycell);
dummycell->map = m;
dummycell->type = (celltype_t *)0xabcde; // for debugging
if (!m) {
dblog("Error creating map while loading file '%s'",filename);
return NULL;
// load map info
if (db) dblog("--> Loading map info...\n");
fscanf(f, "id:%d\n",&m->id); // map id
fgets(buf, BUFLEN, f); // map name
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; // strip newline
m->name = strdup(buf + 5); // after 'name:'
fscanf(f, "habitat:%d\n",(int *)&m->habitat); // habitat
fscanf(f, "seed:%d\n",&m->seed); // seed
fscanf(f, "dims:%d,%d\n",&m->w, &m->h); // map dimensons
fscanf(f, "nextlfid:%ld\n",&m->nextlfid);
fscanf(f, "nextmaps:\n");
for (i = 0; i < MAXDIR_ORTH; i++) {
fscanf(f, "%d\n",&m->nextmap[i]); // map dimensons
if (db) dblog("--> Finished map info. name='%s', dims=%d x %d\n",m->name, m->w, m->h);
fscanf(f, "id:%d\n",&m->id); // map id
// load lifeforms
if (db) dblog("--> Loading lifeforms...\n");
fscanf(f, "lifeforms:\n");
fscanf(f, "%s\n",buf);
while (!strcmp(buf ,"startlf")) {
loadlf(f, dummycell);
// check for more lifeforms...
fscanf(f, "%s\n",buf);
// load cells
if (db) dblog("--> Loading map cells...\n");
fscanf(f, "cells:\n");
for (y = 0; y < m->h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < m->w; x++) {
cell_t *c;
celltype_t *ct;
int celltypeid;
long obid;
//if (db) dblog("cell %d,%d...",x,y);
// allocate this cell
c = addcell(m, x, y);
c = m->cell[y * m->w + x];
c->map = m;
c->obpile = addobpile(NULL, c);
c->lf = NULL;
c->x = x;
c->y = y;
c->roomid = -1;
// cell info
fscanf(f, "%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
&c->roomid, &celltypeid, &c->known, &c->visited);
ct = findcelltype(celltypeid);
if (ct) {
c->type = ct;
} else {
dblog("ERROR loading map cells - can't find celltype id %ld\n",celltypeid);
// cell objects
obcount = 0;
fscanf(f, "ob:%ld\n",&obid);
while (obid != -1) {
c->obpile->oblist[obcount] = obid;
fscanf(f, "ob:%ld\n",&obid);
// terminate with -1s!
for (i = obcount ; i < MAXPILEOBS; i++) {
c->obpile->oblist[i] = -1;
// load object definitions
if (db) dblog("--> Loading object definitions for map obs...\n");
fscanf(f, "MAPOBS:%d\n",&obcount); // how many obs?
// create all objects in a dummy cell
for (i = 0; i < obcount; i++) {
if (db) dblog("-----> ob %d/%d...\n",i+1,obcount);
if (loadob(f, dummycell->obpile)) {
dblog("Error - can't create object %d/%d!\n",i+1,obcount);
// hand out the objects to lifeforms...
for (l = m->lf ; l ; l = l->next) {
int curob = 0;
long obid;
obid = l->pack->oblist[curob];
while (obid != -1) {
int found = B_FALSE;
// find this ob id in the dummycell
for (o = dummycell->obpile->first ; o ; o = nexto) {
nexto = o->next;
if (o->id == obid) {
relinkob(o, l->pack);
found = B_TRUE;
if (!found) {
dblog("Error loading obs - lf %d should have obid %ld but can't find it.\n",l->id, obid);
// next one
obid = l->pack->oblist[curob];
// clear the oblist
for (i = 0; i < MAXPILEOBS; i++) {
l->pack->oblist[i] = -1;
// hand out objects to cells
for (y = 0; y < m->h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < m->w; x++) {
cell_t *c;
long obid;
int curob = 0;
c = m->cell[y * m->w + x];
obid = c->obpile->oblist[curob];
while (obid != -1) {
int found = B_FALSE;
// find this ob id in the dummycell
for (o = dummycell->obpile->first ; o ; o = nexto) {
nexto = o->next;
if (o->id == obid) {
relinkob(o, c->obpile);
found = B_TRUE;
if (!found) {
dblog("Error loading obs - cell %d,%d should have obid %ld but can't find it.\n",x,y, obid);
// next one
// clear the oblist
for (i = 0; i < MAXPILEOBS; i++) {
c->obpile->oblist[i] = -1;
// move lifeforms to their proper locations
for (l = m->lf ; l ; l = l->next) {
cell_t *c;
c = getcellat(m, l->x, l->y);
if (!c) {
dblog("Error loading map - Can't find cell at %d,%d to place lifeform id %d.\n",
l->x, l->y, l->id);
movelf(l, c);
//dblog("Moving lf %d to %d,%d\n",l->id, l->x, l->y);
return m;
int loadob(FILE *f, obpile_t *op) {
objecttype_t *ot;
object_t *o;
material_t *mat;
long obid;
int otid,matid;
char buf[BUFLEN];
int flagid;
flag_t tempflag;
int rv;
fscanf(f, "id:%ld\n",&obid);
fscanf(f, "type:%d\n",&otid);
ot = findot(otid);
if (!ot) {
dblog("ERROR loading objects - can't find obtype id %ld\n",obid);
return B_TRUE;
// create the object
o = addob(op, ot->name);
// overwrite ob parameters
o->id = obid;
fscanf(f, "material:%d\n",&matid);
mat = findmaterial(matid);
if (!mat) {
dblog("ERROR loading objects - can't find material %d\n",matid);
return B_TRUE;
o->material = mat;
fscanf(f, "weight:%f\n",&o->weight);
fgets(buf, BUFLEN, f); // inscription
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; // strip newline
o->inscription = strdup(buf + 6); // after 'inscr:'
if (!strcmp(o->inscription, "^^^")) { // ie. if equal to ^^^...
o->inscription = NULL;
fscanf(f, "letter:%c\n",&o->letter);
fscanf(f, "bless:%d\n",&o->blessed);
fscanf(f, "blessknown:%d\n",&o->blessknown);
fscanf(f, "amt:%d\n",&o->amt);
fscanf(f, "flags:\n");
rv = fscanf(f, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
&, &tempflag.nvals, &tempflag.val[0], &tempflag.val[1], &tempflag.val[2]);
// get flag text
fgets(buf, BUFLEN, f);
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; // strip newline
while ( != -1) {
dblog("got flag id=%d\n",;
tempflag.val[2], strcmp(buf, "^^^") ? buf : NULL);
// load next one
rv = fscanf(f, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
&, &tempflag.nvals, &tempflag.val[0], &tempflag.val[1], &tempflag.val[2]);
//dblog("fscanf returned %d\n",rv);
fscanf(f, "endob\n");
return B_FALSE;
int loadsavegame(void) {
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *ent;
char filename[BUFLEN];
FILE *f;
// now see if there is a savegame...
dir = opendir(SAVEDIR);
if (!dir) {
dblog("Could not open savegame directory '%s'",SAVEDIR);
return B_TRUE;
ent = readdir(dir);
while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
char *p;
// ie. start of 4 char prefix
p = ent->d_name + strlen(ent->d_name) - 4;
// load this savegame
if (!strcmp(p, ".sav") ) {
sprintf(filename, "%s/%s",SAVEDIR,ent->d_name);
dblog("Trying to load from %s\n",filename);
f = fopen(filename, "rt");
if (!f) {
printf("Error opening savegame file '%s'",ent->d_name);
if (!loadlf(f, NULL)) {
printf("Error loading savegame from file '%s'",ent->d_name);
// successful load - kill the savegame now
return B_FALSE;
int savelf(FILE *f, lifeform_t *l) {
object_t *o;
int obcount = 0;
// save this lf
fprintf(f, "startlf\n");
fprintf(f, "lfid: %d\n",l->id);
fprintf(f, "race: %d\n",l->race->id);
fprintf(f, "map: %d\n",l->cell->map->id);
fprintf(f, "pos: %d,%d\n",l->cell->x, l->cell->y);
fprintf(f, "contr: %d\n",l->controller);
fprintf(f, "hp: %d/%d\n",l->hp, l->maxhp);
fprintf(f, "alive: %d\n",l->alive);
fprintf(f, "lastdam: %s\n",l->lastdam);
fprintf(f, "timespent: %d\n",l->timespent);
fprintf(f, "sorted: %d\n",l->sorted);
// lifeform objects
obcount = 0;
for (o = l->pack->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
fprintf(f, "ob:%ld\n",o->id);
fprintf(f, "ob:-1\n");
fprintf(f, "obdefs\n");
// now save our object definitions
for (o = l->pack->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
saveob(f, o);
return B_FALSE;
int savemap(map_t *m) {
FILE *f;
char filename[BUFLEN];
int i;
object_t *o;
lifeform_t *l;
int x,y;
int obcount = 0;
// TODO: check that map dir exists
sprintf(filename, "%s/",MAPDIR, m->id);
f = fopen(filename, "wt");
// save map info
fprintf(f, "id:%d\n",m->id); // map id
fprintf(f, "name:%s\n",m->name); // map name
fprintf(f, "habitat:%d\n",m->habitat); // habitat
fprintf(f, "seed:%d\n",m->seed); // seed
fprintf(f, "dims:%d,%d\n",m->w, m->h); // map dimensons
fprintf(f, "nextlfid:%ld\n",m->nextlfid);
fprintf(f, "nextmaps:\n");
for (i = 0; i < MAXDIR_ORTH; i++) {
fprintf(f, "%d\n",m->nextmap[i] ); // map dimensons
// save all non-player lifeforms (includes their objects)
fprintf(f, "lifeforms:\n");
for (l = m->lf ; l ; l = l->next) {
if (l->controller != C_PLAYER) { // don't save the player!
savelf(f, l);
fprintf(f, "endlifeforms\n");
// cells
fprintf(f, "cells:\n");
for (y = 0; y < m->h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < m->w; x++) {
cell_t *c;
c = getcellat(m, x, y);
// cell info
fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
c->roomid, c->type->id, c->known, c->visited);
// cell objects
for (o = c->obpile->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
fprintf(f, "ob:%ld\n",o->id);
fprintf(f, "ob:-1\n");
// save object definitions from map cells
fprintf(f, "MAPOBS:%d\n",obcount);
for (y = 0; y < m->h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < m->w; x++) {
cell_t *c;
c = getcellat(m, x, y);
// cell objects
for (o = c->obpile->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
saveob(f, o);
return B_FALSE;
int saveob(FILE *f, object_t *o) {
flag_t *fl;
fprintf(f, "id:%ld\n",o->id);
fprintf(f, "type:%d\n",o->type->id);
fprintf(f, "material:%d\n",o->material->id);
fprintf(f, "weight:%f\n",o->weight);
fprintf(f, "inscr:%s\n",o->inscription ? o->inscription : "^^^");
fprintf(f, "letter:%c\n",o->letter);
fprintf(f, "bless:%d\n",o->blessed);
fprintf(f, "blessknown:%d\n",o->blessknown);
fprintf(f, "amt:%d\n",o->amt);
fprintf(f, "flags:\n");
for (fl = o->flags->first ; fl ; fl = fl->next) {
fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
fl->id, fl->nvals, fl->val[0], fl->val[1], fl->val[2]);
if (!fl->text || !strcmp(fl->text, "")) {
fprintf(f, "%s\n","^^^");
} else {
fprintf(f, "%s\n",fl->text);
fprintf(f, "-1,-1,-1,-1,-1\n");
fprintf(f, "endob\n");
return B_FALSE;