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2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
#ifndef __SPELLS_H
#define __SPELLS_H
#include "defs.h"
int abilityeffects(lifeform_t *user, enum OBTYPE abilid, cell_t *targcell, lifeform_t *target, flag_t *cwflag);
- [+] implement getradiuscells() - [+] evaporate spell - turn water into steam - [+] monster generation bug? even on dlev10 i'm stil getting mostly kobolds - [+] ai infinint eloop again - frost hawk trying to open door - [+] another infinite loop - not falling through after spell failure. * [+] reduce attack delay for most weapons. - [+] letplayer see a tiny bit in the dark (1 cell ?) - [+] beginner tracking not working - fixed. - [+] only show "...but do no damage" if you have good knowledge about their race. - [+] make gold lighter * [+] footprints glyph shouldn't override pudles of water! - [+] only show eviscerate etc if you have good knowledge? - [+] don't start monsters on the stairs/magical barriers!!! - [+] stone should be immune to more damage types * [+] addexits adding way too many exits. - [+] blessed identify should ID everything - [+] blessed mending mends all - [+] don't make noise when slowmoving. - [+] eyebat dispersal big: The eyebat's strong scent leading north disappears! - [+] go over footprint+scent+corpse and pickup:"You can't pick up footprints!" * [+] doors can't do on top of each other!!! * [+] low ground - [+] make sure you can't have more than one "water" object in a cell. * [+] make val2 of rarity be "common/uncommon/rare" etc - [+] more monster types should appear in the forest. - [+] when i go down stairs into a dark area, "it is pitch black!" is being cleared. * [+] helm of the poltergeist - [+] flying creatures get penalties in webs etc - [+] blind things shoudln't follow up/donw stairs - [+] You shout a blood-curdling war cry! The sawgrass turns to flee from you! - [+] potions still worth too much. minor healing was 420!! - [+] AI should only go towards covetted object if it's closer or the same distanec as target. - [+] branded objects should be worth LOTS - at the moment they're worth 1!! * [+] maybe just adjust value of rarity? - [+] don't roll spot checks while training! * [+] replace f_nofeel with: - [+] revenge did too much damage (50) * [+] change how AR works - [+] need to add: "really walk into a falling rock trap" ? - [+] put only ONE staircase going up on dlev 0 - [+] why am i stopping sprinting after 1 move? * [+] somehow make sure mosnters can't see footprints in a cell with mist - [+] bones shouldn't be able to catch on fire. - [+] when you levle up, gainskill BEFORE getting new spells - [+] put out flaming objects after pickup * [+] don't say "really target yourself?" when using a potion of sleep!! - [+] enhance a random skill when levelling up? every 2 levels? - [+] weaken koboldsa little - less change of javelin - [+] don't drown instantly - take a few turns, depending on CON * [+] create vault spell for debugging ??? - [+] doors in the middle of rooms. - [+] highlight selected choice in askstr - [+] flooded_room being created without walls!!!!!! - [+] describe spell from levleup not working * [+] GETROOMEDGE RETURNING NO CELLS for circularroom!!!!! - [+] fire wizard not prompted to get firedart at l2.. Vaults * [+] X corridor - - [+] crosshatch - [+] should water be ~ instead ?? and change whatever is currently a tilde to something else... Initial work on goal: - [+] surround all stairs with barriers - [+] start player NEAR stairs (randomadjcell from stairs, allowexpand) + methods of escape - [+] knock scroll - [+] digging (but it stops the dig from going any further)
2011-06-09 18:58:35 +10:00
int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_t *target, object_t *targob, cell_t *targcell, int blessed, int *seenbyplayer, int frompot);
2011-05-20 06:30:58 +10:00
objecttype_t *findspelln(char *buf);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
void fizzle(lifeform_t *caster);
2011-03-16 15:45:46 +11:00
//int getiqreq(enum OBTYPE oid);
int getmpcost(lifeform_t *lf, enum OBTYPE oid);
2011-05-20 06:30:58 +10:00
enum OBTYPE getrandomspell(void);
enum SKILL getschoolskill(enum SPELLSCHOOL ss);
- [+] young hawk moving very slowly? was healing. - [+] make monsters heal faster when resting - [+] make pet rest when you do - [+] allow 'R' to heal allies - [+] F_RESTUNTILALLIES - [+] mindless/animal mosnters won't throw things - [+] announceflag for attrset not working * [+] feeblemind spell - reduces intelligence to ANIMAL. - [+] ai: if we are carrying too much, drop something (non-weapons/armour first) - [+] teleport spell should teleport any adjacent allies too. * [+] new 'C'hat commands: * [+] change 'resist elements' potion to 'rum' * [+] notify when pet is low on hp - [+] why could a pirate use a biuckler? * [+] genericise usage of canhaveobmod! - [+] armour mod: blooodstained. adds scary. - [+] CRASH when you have two weapons and catch a glowbug in your flask. * [+] potion of restoration onto frozen axe: - [+] slow spell repeated message: The brown snake looks sluggish. The brown snake is now moving slower. - [+] make you only hear one thing each turn ? - [+] always draw impassable objects on top - [+] special ash - [+] exploding powder - explode in radius 1 around player (including player) - [+] concealing powder - create smoke cloud radius 3 around player - [+] redo levelup logic. - [+] trigger LevUp when you have 'newskillready' - [+] announce when you gain level. - [+] can't gain more experience when LevUp! - [+] only update maxhp/mp from new level after you train - [+] diety can't use abilities. fixed. * [+] when i exit from@S output, statbar isn't redrawn * [+] make SKILLS page show which skills you can learn. - [+] In @s, downline isn't showing the title on the second page of SKILLS... - [+] show POWER in @M spells page - [+] ###--- - [+] show cost RANGE in @M for varpower ones - [+] need getspellcosttext(spellid, power, buf) function - [+] 25-62MP - [+] leftover rubbish chars at end of ---- in doheading() - [+] mosnters should follow you up/down stairs * [+] different poison types - [+] implement tremorsense (like darkvision butrun can't be blinded etc) * [+] implement HIDE ability * [+] Thief job - [+] if you walk into a room and every cell is lit, reveal it all. - [+] auto-learn jump ability with high athletics skill * [+] secret doors - [+] items to spot secret doors - [+] gem of seeing - [+] ENHANCESEARCH - [+] F_SEEINVIS - [+] spell: "reveal hidden" - [+] shows secret doors - [+] removes invisibility - [+] wand of detect hidden - [+] ... casts the spell
2011-04-14 09:44:29 +10:00
char *getspellcosttext(lifeform_t *lf, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, char *buf);
int getspellduration(int min,int max,int blessed);
2011-03-04 12:22:36 +11:00
int getspelllevel(enum OBTYPE spellid);
2011-03-16 15:45:46 +11:00
int getspellmaxpower(enum OBTYPE spellid);
char *getspellname(enum OBTYPE spellid, lifeform_t *lf, char *buf);
2011-03-16 15:45:46 +11:00
int getspellpower(lifeform_t *lf, enum OBTYPE spellid);
2011-03-04 12:22:36 +11:00
enum SPELLSCHOOL getspellschool(enum OBTYPE spellid);
* [+] bug: secret doors revealed when we walk away from them. - [+] make lamps last heaps longer * [+] web spell * [+] spider monstrer * [+] funnelweb: * [+] redback: - [+] if you are wracked with pain, don't clear msg - [+] check rarity for spiders * [+] attack/defense mod if there is stickiness in your square - [+] replace "sticky" with "restrictive" * [+] make some mosnters start hidden - [+] adjust spot checks basd on distance - [+] ensure that attacking stops you hiding - [+] casting spells stops you from being hidden - [+] hidden mosnters shouldn't move unless their victim is ADJACENT. - [+] hidden mosnters shouldn't cast spells, throw missiles, etc unless their victim is ADJACENT. - [-] XP CALC - [+] funnelweb and redback are the same. - [+] check this is right...... i want funnel web to be worse. - [+] make hitconfer check in calcxpval take lifetime into account - [+] ALSO assign an xp rating to each hitconferred flag. - [+] hardcode this. * [+] entangle spell - [+] reveal secret doors if you see them get damaged. * [+] make askcoords list restrivitce objects - [+] ACTUALLY make vines not damaged by struggling * [+] object descriptions, a/an needs to change if showing condition: "a battered entangling vine" - [+] wizard levelled up and was prompted for "WISH, GIFT"! shouldn't happen! - [+] The human diety reads a blessed scroll of create monster! -- but nothing happens?? * [+] throw code - [+] wizard: ask for school specialty at start, from: fire, ice, xxx ? You get this + WILD. - [+] describe varpower spells - [+] fix mp cost for varpower spells - [+] we're not stopping running at staircases anymore for some reason. - [+] CHARGE ability (like swoop but don't return to original positino) - [+] need to honor f_canlearn when displaying new skills to learn! - [+] ai: if we are going to player's last known loc (via targetcell), abandon if we can SEE the player! - [+] make shatter() into a function - [+] oil potion makes oil puddle whan smashed - [+] make flammable objects be able to convert to others - [+] replace 'magic item usage' with 'channeling' - [+] a cloud of darkness descends. this is a *cursed* wand of light. - [+] spiders shouldn't be able to be stuck in a web! * [+] spells should be able to have MULTIPLE schools. - [+] don't bleed into walls - [+] in @M, use colours to show which spells are too hard so far (ie cost > maxmp) * [+] in @M, use schools that you know * [+] after loading game, barbarian is getting an extra attack? You miss the eyebat. You punch the eyebat. - [+] show objects on top of stairs - [+] stuck mosnters must pass a saving throw to follow you up/down stairs - [+] genericise: trytomove(lf) * [+] add more snakes - [+] undead can't eat or drink? or MOST undead can't. * [+] why can MONSTERS shoot webs through things? (but I can't) - [+] barkskin - doesn't reduce max mp enough? - [+] The skeleton touches a fuming aqua potion [tried] then recoils in pain! The skeleton drops a blessed fuming aqua potion [tried]. The skeleton drinks a fuming aqua potion! - [+] why can't i use abilites anymore? - [+] infinite loop bug due to ai only having one ignorecell. - [+] make sleet storms rust all armour - [+] make a kind of walkdam that hits armour - [+] add this as well as walkdam for: acid, fire, water - [+] Takeoff isn't prompting properly. only showing weapons! * [+] waterproof obs (ie cloak) * [+] walkdambp doesn't hurt body if you have a cloak NATURE SPELLS: - [+] mending, heals 1d6 damage - [+] spark - [+] purify food - [+] sticks to snakes - [+] calm animals (power_d4 hd) * [+] charm animal (works on one animal up to power hit dice, temporary) - [+] airblast - [+] barkskin (power +2 AR, firevuln, ongoing) - [+] soften earth (makes ground into mud) - [+] warp wood (damages wooden objects) - [+] repel insects - [+] reduce poison - [+] web - [+] windshield - [+] call lightning, air - [+] resist elements, ongoing - [+] passwall - [+] poisonbolt - [+] quench (puts out a fire) - [+] sleet storm (lowers movement, vision) - [+] healing - [+] cure poison * [+] calming scent - [+] dig - [+] entangle - [+] levitate - [+] flamepillar - [+] hailstorm. like sleetstorm but hurts more. power d 6. - [+] burning wave - [+] gaseous form * [+] knowledge skills: * [+] force makespellchoicelist() to show spells in level order. * [+] druid - [+] check OBJECT rarity list (dumplev) - [+] fix bug where heaps of books suddently appear from dlev 3 onwards - [+] gain skills on level up for some jobs - [+] f_levspellschool, v0=lev, v1 = school or ANY - select one from that school
2011-04-23 14:27:42 +10:00
enum SPELLSCHOOL getspellschoolknown(lifeform_t *lf, enum OBTYPE spellid);
2011-03-16 15:45:46 +11:00
int getspellrange(enum OBTYPE spellid, int power);
* [+] bug: secret doors revealed when we walk away from them. - [+] make lamps last heaps longer * [+] web spell * [+] spider monstrer * [+] funnelweb: * [+] redback: - [+] if you are wracked with pain, don't clear msg - [+] check rarity for spiders * [+] attack/defense mod if there is stickiness in your square - [+] replace "sticky" with "restrictive" * [+] make some mosnters start hidden - [+] adjust spot checks basd on distance - [+] ensure that attacking stops you hiding - [+] casting spells stops you from being hidden - [+] hidden mosnters shouldn't move unless their victim is ADJACENT. - [+] hidden mosnters shouldn't cast spells, throw missiles, etc unless their victim is ADJACENT. - [-] XP CALC - [+] funnelweb and redback are the same. - [+] check this is right...... i want funnel web to be worse. - [+] make hitconfer check in calcxpval take lifetime into account - [+] ALSO assign an xp rating to each hitconferred flag. - [+] hardcode this. * [+] entangle spell - [+] reveal secret doors if you see them get damaged. * [+] make askcoords list restrivitce objects - [+] ACTUALLY make vines not damaged by struggling * [+] object descriptions, a/an needs to change if showing condition: "a battered entangling vine" - [+] wizard levelled up and was prompted for "WISH, GIFT"! shouldn't happen! - [+] The human diety reads a blessed scroll of create monster! -- but nothing happens?? * [+] throw code - [+] wizard: ask for school specialty at start, from: fire, ice, xxx ? You get this + WILD. - [+] describe varpower spells - [+] fix mp cost for varpower spells - [+] we're not stopping running at staircases anymore for some reason. - [+] CHARGE ability (like swoop but don't return to original positino) - [+] need to honor f_canlearn when displaying new skills to learn! - [+] ai: if we are going to player's last known loc (via targetcell), abandon if we can SEE the player! - [+] make shatter() into a function - [+] oil potion makes oil puddle whan smashed - [+] make flammable objects be able to convert to others - [+] replace 'magic item usage' with 'channeling' - [+] a cloud of darkness descends. this is a *cursed* wand of light. - [+] spiders shouldn't be able to be stuck in a web! * [+] spells should be able to have MULTIPLE schools. - [+] don't bleed into walls - [+] in @M, use colours to show which spells are too hard so far (ie cost > maxmp) * [+] in @M, use schools that you know * [+] after loading game, barbarian is getting an extra attack? You miss the eyebat. You punch the eyebat. - [+] show objects on top of stairs - [+] stuck mosnters must pass a saving throw to follow you up/down stairs - [+] genericise: trytomove(lf) * [+] add more snakes - [+] undead can't eat or drink? or MOST undead can't. * [+] why can MONSTERS shoot webs through things? (but I can't) - [+] barkskin - doesn't reduce max mp enough? - [+] The skeleton touches a fuming aqua potion [tried] then recoils in pain! The skeleton drops a blessed fuming aqua potion [tried]. The skeleton drinks a fuming aqua potion! - [+] why can't i use abilites anymore? - [+] infinite loop bug due to ai only having one ignorecell. - [+] make sleet storms rust all armour - [+] make a kind of walkdam that hits armour - [+] add this as well as walkdam for: acid, fire, water - [+] Takeoff isn't prompting properly. only showing weapons! * [+] waterproof obs (ie cloak) * [+] walkdambp doesn't hurt body if you have a cloak NATURE SPELLS: - [+] mending, heals 1d6 damage - [+] spark - [+] purify food - [+] sticks to snakes - [+] calm animals (power_d4 hd) * [+] charm animal (works on one animal up to power hit dice, temporary) - [+] airblast - [+] barkskin (power +2 AR, firevuln, ongoing) - [+] soften earth (makes ground into mud) - [+] warp wood (damages wooden objects) - [+] repel insects - [+] reduce poison - [+] web - [+] windshield - [+] call lightning, air - [+] resist elements, ongoing - [+] passwall - [+] poisonbolt - [+] quench (puts out a fire) - [+] sleet storm (lowers movement, vision) - [+] healing - [+] cure poison * [+] calming scent - [+] dig - [+] entangle - [+] levitate - [+] flamepillar - [+] hailstorm. like sleetstorm but hurts more. power d 6. - [+] burning wave - [+] gaseous form * [+] knowledge skills: * [+] force makespellchoicelist() to show spells in level order. * [+] druid - [+] check OBJECT rarity list (dumplev) - [+] fix bug where heaps of books suddently appear from dlev 3 onwards - [+] gain skills on level up for some jobs - [+] f_levspellschool, v0=lev, v1 = school or ANY - select one from that school
2011-04-23 14:27:42 +10:00
char *getvarpowerspelldesc(enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, char *buf);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
void pullobto(object_t *o, lifeform_t *lf);
2011-05-20 06:30:58 +10:00
int schoolappearsinbooks(enum SPELLSCHOOL ss);
- [+] implement getradiuscells() - [+] evaporate spell - turn water into steam - [+] monster generation bug? even on dlev10 i'm stil getting mostly kobolds - [+] ai infinint eloop again - frost hawk trying to open door - [+] another infinite loop - not falling through after spell failure. * [+] reduce attack delay for most weapons. - [+] letplayer see a tiny bit in the dark (1 cell ?) - [+] beginner tracking not working - fixed. - [+] only show "...but do no damage" if you have good knowledge about their race. - [+] make gold lighter * [+] footprints glyph shouldn't override pudles of water! - [+] only show eviscerate etc if you have good knowledge? - [+] don't start monsters on the stairs/magical barriers!!! - [+] stone should be immune to more damage types * [+] addexits adding way too many exits. - [+] blessed identify should ID everything - [+] blessed mending mends all - [+] don't make noise when slowmoving. - [+] eyebat dispersal big: The eyebat's strong scent leading north disappears! - [+] go over footprint+scent+corpse and pickup:"You can't pick up footprints!" * [+] doors can't do on top of each other!!! * [+] low ground - [+] make sure you can't have more than one "water" object in a cell. * [+] make val2 of rarity be "common/uncommon/rare" etc - [+] more monster types should appear in the forest. - [+] when i go down stairs into a dark area, "it is pitch black!" is being cleared. * [+] helm of the poltergeist - [+] flying creatures get penalties in webs etc - [+] blind things shoudln't follow up/donw stairs - [+] You shout a blood-curdling war cry! The sawgrass turns to flee from you! - [+] potions still worth too much. minor healing was 420!! - [+] AI should only go towards covetted object if it's closer or the same distanec as target. - [+] branded objects should be worth LOTS - at the moment they're worth 1!! * [+] maybe just adjust value of rarity? - [+] don't roll spot checks while training! * [+] replace f_nofeel with: - [+] revenge did too much damage (50) * [+] change how AR works - [+] need to add: "really walk into a falling rock trap" ? - [+] put only ONE staircase going up on dlev 0 - [+] why am i stopping sprinting after 1 move? * [+] somehow make sure mosnters can't see footprints in a cell with mist - [+] bones shouldn't be able to catch on fire. - [+] when you levle up, gainskill BEFORE getting new spells - [+] put out flaming objects after pickup * [+] don't say "really target yourself?" when using a potion of sleep!! - [+] enhance a random skill when levelling up? every 2 levels? - [+] weaken koboldsa little - less change of javelin - [+] don't drown instantly - take a few turns, depending on CON * [+] create vault spell for debugging ??? - [+] doors in the middle of rooms. - [+] highlight selected choice in askstr - [+] flooded_room being created without walls!!!!!! - [+] describe spell from levleup not working * [+] GETROOMEDGE RETURNING NO CELLS for circularroom!!!!! - [+] fire wizard not prompted to get firedart at l2.. Vaults * [+] X corridor - - [+] crosshatch - [+] should water be ~ instead ?? and change whatever is currently a tilde to something else... Initial work on goal: - [+] surround all stairs with barriers - [+] start player NEAR stairs (randomadjcell from stairs, allowexpand) + methods of escape - [+] knock scroll - [+] digging (but it stops the dig from going any further)
2011-06-09 18:58:35 +10:00
void spellcloud(cell_t *srcloc, int radius, char ch, enum COLOUR col, enum OBTYPE sid, int power, int frompot);
void stopspell(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid);
void stopallspells(lifeform_t *lf);
* [+] F_prone if you're knocked down - [+] make sheilds very good against projectiles - [+] make smoke just REDUCE vision, not block it. - [+] noncorporeal should stop grabs! * [+] don't say 'a javelin is damaged' when you throw it, just apply the damge - [+] increase damage bonus with every lore level. +10% each time (ie. up to 50% at top) * [+] give accuracy + critical bonus for lore levles too - [+] typo: Enhance which skill enhance (1 left)? ['=next page,?=toggle] - [+] Show Pain on botl. * [+] more staves - [+] low hitpoint warning for pets (or make them shriek, whine, etc) - [+] CRITKNOCKDOWN * [+] FINISH GRIZZLY - [+] undead should be immune to poison!! - [+] make code to auto add flags to undead. - [+] if you ever move a door (ie. airblast), automatically open it. - [+] young wolf shouldn't be able to open a door! * [+] You throw a dart at the carpet snake. Your dart misses you.--More-- - [+] no sprinting while burdneed - [+] blood should be drawn BELOW stairs - [+] weilded torch should do 1d4 fire damage (counts as a club) * [+] The skeleton touches a leather belt then recoils in pain!The skeleton drops a blessed leather belt.The skeleton puts on a leather belt. - [+] don't show "you can cast it at power level xxx" for abilities * [+] more item randomising - [+] make grey ooze splatter into acid - [+] "the vine grabs you" if you walk onto an entangling vine. - [+] don't start monsters within player's los - [+] properly randomise sticks to snakes - [+] stirge - [+] leech (like stirge but can charge/leap, and slightly more hp / damage) - [+] treesnake - [+] constrictor - [+] cobra - [+] stickes to snakes - make caster's weapon revert. - [+] A something comes into view. - [+] is invisibility code working properly when you see someone use the invis spell? - [+] don't include cosmetic objects in 'you see xxx' * [+] monsters: don't use spells if you don't have lof. - [+] pets not following around corners if you move diagonally. fixed a little. - [+] summon small animals (2-3 x SZ_SMALL) * [+] jet of water - [+] summon medium animals (2-4 x SZ_MEDIUM, wolf etc) - [+] lightning storm (lightbning everyone within los, and more damage) - [+] summon large animals (SZ_LARGE, horse, bear etc)
2011-05-03 17:34:07 +10:00
int summonlfs(lifeform_t *caster, enum RACECLASS wantrc, enum LFSIZE wantsize, int howmany, int lifetime);
lifeform_t *validateabillf(lifeform_t *user, enum OBTYPE aid, lifeform_t **target);
- [+] implement getradiuscells() - [+] evaporate spell - turn water into steam - [+] monster generation bug? even on dlev10 i'm stil getting mostly kobolds - [+] ai infinint eloop again - frost hawk trying to open door - [+] another infinite loop - not falling through after spell failure. * [+] reduce attack delay for most weapons. - [+] letplayer see a tiny bit in the dark (1 cell ?) - [+] beginner tracking not working - fixed. - [+] only show "...but do no damage" if you have good knowledge about their race. - [+] make gold lighter * [+] footprints glyph shouldn't override pudles of water! - [+] only show eviscerate etc if you have good knowledge? - [+] don't start monsters on the stairs/magical barriers!!! - [+] stone should be immune to more damage types * [+] addexits adding way too many exits. - [+] blessed identify should ID everything - [+] blessed mending mends all - [+] don't make noise when slowmoving. - [+] eyebat dispersal big: The eyebat's strong scent leading north disappears! - [+] go over footprint+scent+corpse and pickup:"You can't pick up footprints!" * [+] doors can't do on top of each other!!! * [+] low ground - [+] make sure you can't have more than one "water" object in a cell. * [+] make val2 of rarity be "common/uncommon/rare" etc - [+] more monster types should appear in the forest. - [+] when i go down stairs into a dark area, "it is pitch black!" is being cleared. * [+] helm of the poltergeist - [+] flying creatures get penalties in webs etc - [+] blind things shoudln't follow up/donw stairs - [+] You shout a blood-curdling war cry! The sawgrass turns to flee from you! - [+] potions still worth too much. minor healing was 420!! - [+] AI should only go towards covetted object if it's closer or the same distanec as target. - [+] branded objects should be worth LOTS - at the moment they're worth 1!! * [+] maybe just adjust value of rarity? - [+] don't roll spot checks while training! * [+] replace f_nofeel with: - [+] revenge did too much damage (50) * [+] change how AR works - [+] need to add: "really walk into a falling rock trap" ? - [+] put only ONE staircase going up on dlev 0 - [+] why am i stopping sprinting after 1 move? * [+] somehow make sure mosnters can't see footprints in a cell with mist - [+] bones shouldn't be able to catch on fire. - [+] when you levle up, gainskill BEFORE getting new spells - [+] put out flaming objects after pickup * [+] don't say "really target yourself?" when using a potion of sleep!! - [+] enhance a random skill when levelling up? every 2 levels? - [+] weaken koboldsa little - less change of javelin - [+] don't drown instantly - take a few turns, depending on CON * [+] create vault spell for debugging ??? - [+] doors in the middle of rooms. - [+] highlight selected choice in askstr - [+] flooded_room being created without walls!!!!!! - [+] describe spell from levleup not working * [+] GETROOMEDGE RETURNING NO CELLS for circularroom!!!!! - [+] fire wizard not prompted to get firedart at l2.. Vaults * [+] X corridor - - [+] crosshatch - [+] should water be ~ instead ?? and change whatever is currently a tilde to something else... Initial work on goal: - [+] surround all stairs with barriers - [+] start player NEAR stairs (randomadjcell from stairs, allowexpand) + methods of escape - [+] knock scroll - [+] digging (but it stops the dig from going any further)
2011-06-09 18:58:35 +10:00
cell_t *validatespellcell(lifeform_t *caster, cell_t **targcell, int targtype, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, int frompot);
Monster AI improvements: - [+] replace f_target with f_targetlf - [+] wantrange. for melee fighters (default), it's 0. for spells/archers, it's higiher. - [+] if we are further away than bestrange, move towards. - [+] if we are closer than bestrange, move away - [+] AND: move to wantrange before doing spells etc - [+] if we have a ranged attack and wantrange is default, increase it. - [+] in movetowards/away, cells in the wrong dir should NEVER be acceptable! * [+] mflag_push for monsters er-ai-part-three.html - [+] randomly use ranged attacks when adjacent * [+] show trail in askcoords - [+] when throwing, pass range to askcoords - [+] max monsters per room is depth + 1 * [+] why do humans take ages to appear? - [+] fireball spell is slow - [+] why can i throw objects through magic barriers? - [+] add a bonus for mastery of cartography - magic mapping every 50 turns. - [+] crash with monsters moving off edge of world map - [+] make magic barriers be ON stairs, not around them. - [+] handle DIAGONAL entry to maps - [+] OR make this impossible. - [+] druid should get auto nature knoeldge as they levle up (levs 5 10 15). - [+] CRASH flagpile corrupt - [+] happening during AI movement. - [+] make lightning storm only hit enemies - [+] store last known movement dir in TARGETLF and PETOF. - [+] limit monsters per room not working?!?! - [+] make askcoords let you show object piles with . - [+] make askcoords say "A magical barrier (+xx other objects)" - [+] combine getlastknownmovedir into getlastknowncell * [+] BUG: secret doors are showing up as . again! * [+] implement trails (footprints & scent) * [+] aimovetowardslf(lf, wantattack) * [+] make pets use wantdist code? - [+] what does expert/master tracking give you? - [+] ex: your tracks don't last as long - [+] ms: you don't leave tracks. - [+] change f_reducemovement from multiplier to addition - [+] comma still showing up scents and footprints incorrectly!!!!!!!! Initial shallow/deep water: - [+] restrict movement - [+] check for drowning in turneffectslf AND movelf - [+] warn before walking onto dangerous objects. - [+] change how walkdam works for deepwater. - [+] don't use walkdam flags. - [+] don't make splashes of water on top of deepwater. * [+] deep water will drown you if - [+] don't leave footprints in either - [+] create steam on fire damage, but don't CONVERT to it. - [+] f_waterbreathing - [+] can't drown in water - [+] extra damage from cold/elec if in deep/shallow water Initial swimming implementation * [+] sacred/cursed ground - [+] vending machine - [+] don't transfer f_rarity flag when making objects / lifeforms. Initial work on adding a goal to the game!
2011-05-25 12:12:00 +10:00
//lifeform_t *validatespelllf(lifeform_t *caster, lifeform_t **lf);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00