- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ai.h"
#include "attack.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "flag.h"
#include "god.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "lf.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "move.h"
#include "nexus.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include "spell.h"
#include "text.h"
extern map_t *firstmap;
extern map_t *heaven;
extern race_t *firstrace, *lastrace;
extern raceclass_t *firstraceclass, *lastraceclass;
extern job_t *firstjob, *lastjob;
extern skill_t *firstskill, *lastskill;
extern objecttype_t *objecttype;
extern lifeform_t *player;
lifeform_t *godlf[MAXGODS];
int ngodlfs = 0;
void angergod(enum RACE rid, int amt) {
lifeform_t *god;
char lfname[BUFLEN];
int piety;
god = findgod(rid);
real_getlfname(god, lfname, B_FALSE);
modpiety(rid, -amt);
piety = getpiety(rid);
// if you have never prayed to this god before, finish now.
if (!lfhasflag(god, F_PIETY)) {
// if you HAVE prayed to this god before, something bad will probably happen.
// announce
if (piety > 0) { // not angry yet.
godsay(rid, "You are testing my patience, mortal!");
} else if (piety > -100) { // minor bad stuff
godsay(rid, "You have angered me, mortal!");
} else if (piety > -200) { // major bad stuff
godsay(rid, "You go too far, mortal!");
} else { // god will attack
godsay(rid, "You will regret that!");
// bad stuff
if (piety <= 0) {
void *poss[MAXCANDIDATES];
object_t *o;
flag_t *f;
int isflag[MAXCANDIDATES];
int nposs = 0;
enum ATTRIB a;
// lose at least one god gift
for (o = player->pack->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
if (hasflagval(o->flags, F_GODGIFT, rid, NA, NA, NULL)) {
poss[nposs] = o;
isflag[nposs] = B_FALSE;
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
for (f = player->flags->first ; f ; f = f->next) {
if ((f->lifetime == FROMGODGIFT) && (f->obfrom == god->race->id)) {
poss[nposs] = f;
isflag[nposs] = B_TRUE;
if (nposs) {
int sel;
msg("\"You are unworthy of my gifts, mortal!\"");
sel = rnd(0,nposs-1);
if (isflag[sel]) {
killflag((flag_t *)poss[sel]);
} else {
obdie((object_t *)poss[sel]);
// then...
if (piety > -100) {
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
int i,n;
2011-08-18 06:57:43 +10:00
lifeform_t *l;
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
// minor bad stuff
switch (rid) {
castspell(god, OT_S_PAIN, player, NULL, player->cell);
2011-08-11 02:39:32 +10:00
castspell(god, OT_S_DRAINLIFE, player, NULL, player->cell);
2011-08-18 06:57:43 +10:00
// all undead in sight become hostile
for (l = player->cell->map->lf ; l ; l = l->next) {
if (!isplayer(l) && isundead(l) && cansee(l, player)) {
if (getallegiance(l) != AL_HOSTILE) {
aiattack(l, player, PERMENANT);
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
// take a random object
castspell(god, OT_S_CONFISCATE, player, NULL, player->cell);
// lower one attribute
msg("\"Be glad that I am feeling merciful, mortal!\"");
a = rnd(0,MAXATTS-1);
modattr(player, a, -1);
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
// remove blessings
msg("\"Your actions do not befit the bearer of blessed objects!\"");
nposs = 0;
for (o = player->pack->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
if (isblessed(o)) {
poss[nposs++] = o;
n = rnd(1,3);
if (nposs < n) n = nposs;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
o = (object_t *)poss[rnd(0,nposs-1)];
while (!isblessed(o)) {
// pick again...
o = (object_t *)poss[rnd(0,nposs-1)];
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
} else if (piety > -200) {
object_t *o;
2011-08-18 06:57:43 +10:00
lifeform_t *l;
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
int n,i;
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
// major bad stuff
switch (god->race->id) {
castspell(god, OT_S_PAIN, player, NULL, player->cell);
castspell(god, OT_S_DRAINLIFE, player, NULL, player->cell);
2011-08-18 06:57:43 +10:00
// all undead in sight become hostile
for (l = player->cell->map->lf ; l ; l = l->next) {
if (!isplayer(l) && isundead(l) && cansee(l, player)) {
if (getallegiance(l) != AL_HOSTILE) {
aiattack(l, player, PERMENANT);
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
switch (rnd(1,2)) {
case 1:
msg("\"This will teach you some humility, mortal!\"");
if (getattr(player, A_IQ) > getattr(player, A_STR)) {
castspell(god, OT_S_FEEBLEMIND, player, NULL, player->cell);
} else {
castspell(god, OT_S_WEAKEN, player, NULL, player->cell);
case 2:
// summon undead
msg("\"Destroy him, my pets!\"");
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
summonlfs(god, player->cell, RC_UNDEAD, SZ_ANY, AL_EVIL, 3, PERMENANT);
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
o = getweapon(player);
msg("\"Allow me to lighten your load a little...\"");
if (o) { // take player's weapon
castspell(god, OT_S_CONFISCATE, player, o, player->cell);
} else { // take 3 objects
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
castspell(god, OT_S_CONFISCATE, player, NULL, player->cell);
msg("\"Even my mercy has its limits!\"");
// age
age(player, 15);
// lower every attribute by one
for (a = 0; a < MAXATTS; a++) {
modattr(player, a, -1);
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
switch (rnd(1,2)) {
case 1:
// break objects
msg("\"Time for a lesson in materialism!\"");
nposs = 0;
for (o = player->pack->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
if (hasflag(o->flags, F_DAMAGABLE) && !hasflag(o->flags, F_DEAD)) {
poss[nposs++] = o;
n = rnd(1,3);
if (nposs < n) n = nposs;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
char obname[BUFLEN];
o = (object_t *)poss[rnd(0,nposs-1)];
// damage it
getobname(o, obname, o->amt);
msg("Your %s %s struck by divine force!", (o->amt == 1) ? "is" : "are",
takedamage(o, roll("2d4"), DT_DIRECT);
case 2:
// summon holy creautes
msg("\"Destroy him, my pets!\"");
summonlfs(god, player->cell, RC_ANY, SZ_ANY, AL_GOOD, 3, PERMENANT);
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
} else {
// god attacks!
godappears(god->race->id, NULL);
aiattack(god, player, PERMENANT);
// anger the god if you are worshippin them.
void angergodmaybe(enum RACE rid, int amt) {
lifeform_t *god;
god = findgod(rid);
if (lfhasflag(god, F_PRAYEDTO)) {
angergod(rid, amt);
lifeform_t *findgod(enum RACE rid) {
lifeform_t *lf;
// search heaven first
for (lf = heaven->lf ; lf ; lf = lf->next) {
if (lf->race->id == rid) return lf;
// now search other maps
lf = findlfunique(rid);
return lf;
int getpiety(enum RACE rid) {
lifeform_t *god;
flag_t *f;
god = findgod(rid);
f = lfhasflag(god, F_PIETY);
if (f) {
return f->val[0];
} else {
// ie. haven't prayed to them before.
return 100;
return 0;
enum PIETYLEV getpietylev(enum RACE rid, enum COLOUR *col, char *happiness) {
int piety;
/// figure out piety bracket
// min = -200
// max = 400
// range = 600
piety = getpiety(rid);
if (piety <= -200) { // -200 - -100
if (col) *col = C_ORANGE;
if (happiness) strcpy(happiness, "Enraged");
return PL_ENRAGED;
} else if (piety <= -100) { // -199 - -100
if (col) *col = C_RED;
if (happiness) strcpy(happiness, "Furious");
return PL_FURIOUS;
} else if (piety < 0) { // -99 - 0
if (col) *col = C_YELLOW;
if (happiness) strcpy(happiness, "Angry");
return PL_ANGRY;
} else if (piety <= 99) { // 0 - 99
if (col) *col = C_BROWN;
if (happiness) strcpy(happiness, "Tolerated");
} else if (piety <= 199) { // 100 - 199
if (col) *col = C_GREY;
if (happiness) strcpy(happiness, "Indifferent");
} else if (piety <= 299) { // 200 - 299
if (col) *col = C_GREEN;
if (happiness) strcpy(happiness, "Pleased");
return PL_PLEASED;
} else if (piety <= 399) { // 300 - 399
if (col) *col = C_BOLDGREEN;
if (happiness) strcpy(happiness, "Delighted");
} else { // 400+
if (col) *col = C_BOLDCYAN;
if (happiness) strcpy(happiness, "Ecstatic");
lifeform_t *godappears(enum RACE rid, cell_t *where) {
lifeform_t *god;
char killedname[BUFLEN],godname[BUFLEN];
god = findgod(rid);
real_getlfname(god, godname, B_FALSE);
strcpy(killedname, "");
if (!where) {
// somewhere next to the player.
where = getrandomadjcell(player->cell, WE_WALKABLE, B_FALSE);
if (!where) {
2011-08-11 02:39:32 +10:00
where = getrandomadjcell(player->cell, B_FALSE, B_FALSE);
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
// now see if anyone is there.
if (where->lf) {
// kill them.
getlfname(where->lf, killedname);
if (where->type->solid) {
setcelltype(where, where->habitat->emptycelltype);
teleportto(god, where, B_TRUE);
if (haslos(player, where) && strlen(killedname)) {
msg("%s transforms into %s!", killedname, godname);
} else {
teleportto(god, where, B_TRUE);
return god;
// maybe get a gift
int godgiftmaybe(enum RACE rid) {
lifeform_t *god;
int piety,gotgift = B_FALSE;
god = findgod(rid);
piety = getpiety(rid);
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
if (piety >= 200) {
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
int chance;
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
// ie. 200 -> 4%
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
// ie. 500 -> 10%
2011-08-06 07:34:35 +10:00
chance = piety / 50;
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
if (pctchance(chance)) { // if this is true, you get a gift.
char obtogive[BUFLEN];
int rollagain = B_TRUE;
gotgift = B_TRUE;
godsay(god->race->id, "I bestow a gift upon you, mortal!");
strcpy(obtogive, "");
switch (god->race->id) {
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
while (rollagain) {
int n,nposs,i;
object_t *poss[MAXCANDIDATES],*o;
flag_t *f;
object_t *wep;
rollagain = B_FALSE;
switch (rnd(1,6)) {
case 1:
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "2-4 blessed potions of water");
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
case 2:
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "blessed great weapon");
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
case 3:
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "wand of turn undead");
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
case 4: // bless your weapon
wep = getweapon(player);
if (wep && !isblessed(wep)) {
} else {
rollagain = B_TRUE;
case 5: // holy aura
if (lfhasflag(player, F_HOLYAURA)) {
rollagain = B_TRUE;
} else {
f = addtempflag(player->flags, F_PRODUCESLIGHT, 3, NA, NA, NULL, FROMGODGIFT);
f->obfrom = god->race->id;
f = addtempflag(player->flags, F_HOLYAURA, NA, NA, NA, NULL, FROMGODGIFT);
f->obfrom = god->race->id;
case 6: // bless 1-3 obs
nposs = 0;
n = rnd(1,3); // num to bless
for (o = player->pack->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
if (!isblessed(o)) {
poss[nposs++] = o;
if (nposs < n) n = nposs;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
o = poss[rnd(0,nposs-1)];
while (isblessed(o)) {
o = poss[rnd(0,nposs-1)];
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
while (rollagain) {
flag_t *f;
object_t *wep;
rollagain = B_FALSE;
2011-08-06 07:34:35 +10:00
switch (rnd(1,5)) {
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
case 1:
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "3-5 cursed potions of water");
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
case 2:
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "cursed branded weapon");
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
case 3: // poison your weapon
wep = getweapon(player);
if (wep && canbepoisoned(wep->type->id)) {
applyobmod(wep, findobmod(OM_POISONED));
msg("A layer of venom covers your weapon!");
} else {
rollagain = B_TRUE;
case 4: // resistant/immune to necrotic
if (lfhasflagval(player, F_DTRESIST, DT_NECROTIC, NA, NA, NULL)) {
if (lfhasflagval(player, F_DTIMMUNE, DT_NECROTIC, NA, NA, NULL)) {
rollagain = B_TRUE;
} else {
f = addtempflag(player->flags, F_DTIMMUNE, DT_NECROTIC, NA, NA, NULL, FROMGODGIFT);
f->obfrom = god->race->id;
} else {
f = addtempflag(player->flags, F_DTIMMUNE, DT_NECROTIC, NA, NA, NULL, FROMGODGIFT);
f->obfrom = god->race->id;
case 5:
msg("\"Go forth and kill in my name!\"");
2011-08-06 07:34:35 +10:00
setrace(player, R_VAMPIRE, B_TRUE); // ie. don't set origrace!
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
while (rollagain) {
rollagain = B_FALSE;
switch (rnd(1,7)) {
case 1:
if (getskill(player, SK_TECHUSAGE) >= gettechlevel(OT_LOCKHACKER)) {
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "lock hacker");
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
} else {
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "3-6 blessed lockpicks");
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
case 2:
if (onein(6)) {
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "large bag of holding");
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
} else {
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "bag of holding");
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
case 3:
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "safebox");
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
case 4:
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "wand of opening");
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
case 5:
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "wand of invisibility");
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
case 6:
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "3-6 potions of invisibility");
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
case 7:
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "leather boots of stealth");
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
while (rollagain) {
flag_t *f;
rollagain = B_FALSE;
switch (rnd(1,4)) {
case 1:
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "3 vials of ambrosia");
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
case 2:
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "ring of regeneration");
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
case 3:
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
snprintf(obtogive, BUFLEN, "ring of miracles");
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
case 4: // immune to disease / poison
if (lfhasflag(player, F_DISEASEIMMUNE)) {
if (lfhasflagval(player, F_DTIMMUNE, DT_POISON, NA, NA, NULL)) {
rollagain = B_TRUE;
} else {
f = addtempflag(player->flags, F_DTIMMUNE, DT_POISON, NA, NA, NULL, FROMGODGIFT);
f->obfrom = god->race->id;
} else {
f = addtempflag(player->flags, F_DISEASEIMMUNE, B_TRUE, NA, NA, NULL, FROMGODGIFT);
f->obfrom = god->race->id;
} // end switch
if (strlen(obtogive)) {
object_t *o;
o = addob(player->cell->obpile, obtogive);
if (o) {
char buf[BUFLEN];
addflag(o->flags, F_GODGIFT, god->race->id, NA, NA, NULL);
if (haslos(player, player->cell)) {
getobname(o, buf, o->amt);
msg("%s appear%s!", buf, (o->amt == 1) ? "s" : "");
} else {
msg("You hear something hitting the ground.");
2011-08-06 07:34:35 +10:00
// since you got a gift, lower piety a little.
//setpiety(rid, 101);
modpiety(rid, -50);
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
} // end if (pctchance enough to get a gift)
} // end if (piety > 100)
return gotgift;
int godisangry(enum RACE rid) {
if (getpiety(rid) < 0) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
void godsay(enum RACE rid, char *format, ...) {
lifeform_t *god;
char godname[BUFLEN], buf[BUFLEN];
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
2011-09-01 03:33:35 +10:00
vsnprintf( buf, BUFLEN, format, args );
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
god = findgod(rid);
real_getlfname(god, godname, B_FALSE);
msg("%s%s voice booms out from the heavens:", godname, getpossessive(godname)); more();
msg("\"%s\"", buf);
void modpiety(enum RACE rid, int amt) {
lifeform_t *god;
flag_t *f;
god = findgod(rid);
f = lfhasflag(god, F_PIETY);
if (!f) return;
f->val[0] += amt;
limit(&f->val[0], PIETY_MIN, PIETY_MAX);
void pleasegod(enum RACE rid, int amt) {
lifeform_t *lf;
char lfname[BUFLEN];
lf = findgod(rid);
real_getlfname(lf, lfname, B_FALSE);
modpiety(rid, amt);
// announce
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
if (hasflag(lf->flags, F_PRAYEDTO)) {
switch (rid) {
msg("You feel a thrill of unholy ecstasy.");
msg("You feel a sense of peace.");
msg("You hear a distant choir singing.");
msg("You feel a guilty pleasure.");
msg("You feel like %s approves of your actions.", lfname);
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
void pleasegodmaybe(enum RACE rid, int amt) {
enum PIETYLEV modplev;
int chance;
modplev = abs(getpietylev(rid, NULL, NULL));
// the angrier or more happy the god gets, the harder it
// is to please them.
// ie. INDIFFERENT = 1 in 1 (always)
// ie. PLEASED/TOLERATED = 1 in 2
// ie. DELIGHTED/ANGRY = 1 in 3
// ie. ECSTATIC/FURIOUS = 1 in 4
// ie. ENRAGED = 1 in 5
chance = modplev + 1;
if (onein(chance)) {
pleasegod(rid, amt);
int prayto(lifeform_t *lf, lifeform_t *god) {
int piety,i;
taketime(lf, getactspeed(lf));
// this will return 100 if we haven't prayed to this
// god before
piety = getpiety(god->race->id);
// remember that we have now prayed to this god.
// ie. player is expected to follow the god's rules.
if (!hasflag(god->flags, F_PRAYEDTO)) {
addflag(god->flags, F_PRAYEDTO, B_TRUE, NA, NA, NULL);
if (godisangry(god->race->id)) {
// get even more angry
angergod(god->race->id, PIETYPRAYLOSS);
return B_FALSE;
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
// sacrifices if god isn't angry.
if (god->race->id == R_GODPURITY) {
object_t *o,*nexto;
int donesomething = B_FALSE;
for (o = lf->cell->obpile->first ; o ; o = nexto) {
nexto = o->next;
if (iscursed(o) && (o->blessknown)) {
char buf[BUFLEN];
getobname(o, buf, o->amt);
msg("%s explode%s in a shower of sparks!",buf, (o->amt == 1) ? "s" : "");
donesomething = B_TRUE;
pleasegodmaybe(god->race->id, 5);
return B_FALSE;
if (piety <= 99) {
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
// piety between 0 and 99 = ignored
//godsay(god->race->id, "Stop pestering me!");
angergod(god->race->id, 0);
modpiety(god->race->id, -30);
return B_FALSE;
// if we get here, piety is >= 100.
// you get some help...
godsay(god->race->id, "You appear in need of assistance, mortal!");
switch (god->race->id) {
lifeform_t *l;
int donesomething = B_FALSE;
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
cell_t *c;
object_t *o;
object_t *oposs[MAXPILEOBS];
int noposs = 0;
msg("\"Witness the holy radiance of purity!\"");
c = getrandomadjcell(lf->cell, WE_WALKABLE, B_ALLOWEXPAND);
if (c) {
dospelleffects(god, OT_S_LIGHT, 10, NULL, NULL, c, B_BLESSED, NULL, B_TRUE);
// get list of cursed obs
noposs = 0;
for (o = lf->pack->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
if (iscursed(o)) {
oposs[noposs++] = o;
if (noposs) {
o = oposs[rnd(0,noposs-1)];
// smite evil
for (l = lf->cell->map->lf ; l ; l = l->next) {
if (getalignment(l) == AL_EVIL) {
if (haslof(lf->cell, l->cell, LOF_WALLSTOP, NULL)) {
// smite them
castspell(god, OT_S_SMITEEVIL, l, NULL, l->cell);
// turn undead
castspell(god, OT_S_TURNUNDEAD, lf, NULL, NULL);
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
msg("\"Behold, the power of death!\"");
for (l = lf->cell->map->lf ; l ; l = l->next) {
if ((l != lf) && lfhasflagval(l, F_TARGETLF, lf->id, NA, NA, NULL)) {
castspell(god, OT_S_PAIN, l, NULL, l->cell);
dospelleffects(god, OT_S_ANIMATEDEAD, 10, lf, NULL, lf->cell, B_UNCURSED, NULL, B_TRUE);
dospelleffects(god, OT_S_DARKNESS, 10, lf, NULL, lf->cell, B_UNCURSED, NULL, B_TRUE);
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
if (isinbattle(lf)) {
lifeform_t *l;
int donesomething = B_FALSE;
if (isbleeding(lf)) {
// teleport away
msg("\"Nothing like a quick getaway!\"");
dospelleffects(NULL, OT_S_DISPERSAL, 10, lf, NULL, lf->cell, B_UNCURSED, NULL, B_FALSE);
} else {
// steal from your enemies
for (l = lf->cell->map->lf ; l ; l = l->next) {
if ((l != lf) && lfhasflagval(l, F_TARGETLF, lf->id, NA, NA, NULL)) {
object_t *wep;
// confiscate their weapon
wep = getweapon(l);
if (wep) {
if (!donesomething) {
msg("\"I'll take that...\"");
donesomething = B_TRUE;
castspell(god, OT_S_CONFISCATE, l, wep, l->cell);
if (!donesomething) {
// teleport away
msg("\"Nothing like a quick getaway!\"");
dospelleffects(NULL, OT_S_DISPERSAL, 10, lf, NULL, lf->cell, B_UNCURSED, NULL, B_FALSE);
} else {
int i,first = B_TRUE;
msg("\"Allow me to reveal your surroundings...\"");
dospelleffects(lf, OT_S_MAPPING, 5, lf, NULL, lf->cell, B_UNCURSED, NULL, B_TRUE);
dospelleffects(lf, OT_S_REVEALHIDDEN, 10, lf, NULL, lf->cell, B_UNCURSED, NULL, B_TRUE);
// unlock doors
for (i = 0; i < player->nlos; i++) {
cell_t *c;
object_t *o;
c = player->los[i];
* [+] why did i get a gift from yumi in the middle of a battle?
- [+] need alignment. f_alignment. default neutral.
- [+] slight change to armour damage calc
- [+] thrown poisoned weapons don't work!
- [+] holy aura spell. lv3 cleric.
* [+] are kobolds working properly?? seem buggy
* [+] calmed down a war hound with a mushroom.
- [+] use wisdom for checks for unwise things, not iq.
* [+] hecta should only care about attacking evil creatures if they
were NOT hostile.
- [+] optimise:
- [+] use getflags() more often.
- [+] lookforobs() - redo code for ai wanting things.
* [+] precalclos - 28%
* [+] hasbetterweapon()
- [+] haslos - 27.3%
- [+] when you move now, you don't have los to your previous cell on
the first drawscreen when your turn starts!!!!!
- [+] ai is coming too close before firing ranged weapons. allow them
to stay within 2 - maxrange if they have a weapon.
- [+] also let them fire form furhter away!
* [+] give healing potion to hurt (intelligent) lf to calm them down?
* [+] Amberon (m) purity, righteousness
* [+] Hecta - female, death, undead, evil, night
* [+] Felix - male, thieves, greed
* [+] bug - i found jimbo dead!
- [+] cave vault (different wall types, boulder at the entrance, lots of
food, bears)
2011-08-10 12:40:29 +10:00
if (c != player->cell) {
o = hascloseddoor(c);
if (o && hasflag(o->flags, F_LOCKED)) {
if (first) {
msg("\"Access granted!\"");
first = B_FALSE;
killflagsofid(o->flags, F_LOCKED);
noise(c, NULL, NC_OTHER, 2, "the click of a lock.", NULL);
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
if (ispoisoned(lf)) {
msg("\"Let thy body be purged of toxins.\"");
castspell(god, OT_S_CUREPOISON, player, NULL, player->cell);
donesomething = B_TRUE;
if (gethungerlevel(gethungerval(player)) >= H_PECKISH) {
msg("\"Let thy stomach be satisfied.\"");
castspell(god, OT_S_SATEHUNGER, player, NULL, player->cell);
donesomething = B_TRUE;
if (isbleeding(lf) || !donesomething) {
msg("\"Let thy wounds be healed.\"");
castspell(god, OT_S_HEALINGMAJ, player, NULL, player->cell);
donesomething = B_TRUE;
if (!godgiftmaybe(god->race->id)) {
// if you didn't get a gift, lower piety for this god
modpiety(god->race->id, -PIETYPRAYLOSS);
// lower piety for other related gods
for (i = 0; i < ngodlfs; i++) {
if (godlf[i] != god) {
modpiety(godlf[i]->race->id, -25);
return B_FALSE;
void setpiety(enum RACE rid, int amt) {
lifeform_t *god;
flag_t *f;
god = findgod(rid);
f = lfhasflag(god, F_PIETY);
if (!f) return;
f->val[0] = amt;
limit(&f->val[0], PIETY_MIN, PIETY_MAX);