- [+] monsters should start sprinting if targetlf is sprinting && we
can sprint && we aren't sprinting
* [+] The kobold throws a potion of sleep at you. A potion of sleep
hits you.
A potion of sleep shatters! You are showered in glass shards!
* [+] in getchoicestr, when there is only one valid choice, show its
description below!
- [+] in getchoicestr:
- [+] remember desc_end_y
- [+] if our typed text doesn't match, and desc_end_y is set
- [+] blank out those lines
- [+] in ], show letters and let you view amrour
- [+] Still occasionally have bugs where no up stairs are placed in the
first level!!!!!
- [+] put in debugging to show if we ever destroy a staircase
- [+] test when it happens again.....
- [+] for "pentagram pulses black", if you can't see the estination,
still say "your xxx flies away"
- [+] change listen code: you can only hear one _footstep_ noise per
turn, but any number of other things.
- [+] instead of jobs replaceing hitdice, make them _modify_ maxhp by a
certain %age. ie. f_modmaxhp 80% to get lower.
- [+] jobs can no longer have F_HITDICE
- [+] instead, they have F_MAXHPMOD
- [+] why am i getting wet and drowning while flying??
- [+] show f_canwill SPELLS under abilities, not spells??
- More playable races
- [+] need f_playablerace
- [+] can pick when you start the game (before you pick job)
- [+] human
- [+] implement f_jobattrmod
- [+] ALL PLAYABLE RACES must have FULL sets of STARTATT
* [+] elf
* [+] dwarf
- [+] aviad (birdfolk)
- [+] can fly
- [+] vuln to electric attacks
- [+] vuln++ to fire
- [+] ---str
- [+] cyborg
- [+] +str, +int, +dex, +con
- [+] ---cha
- [+] -wis
- [+] vulnerable to lightning, water,cold
- [+] cannot use any magic, or med-high chance of spell failure
- [+] bleeds oil rather than water
- [+] see exact hp damage (f_extrainfo)
- [+] tech usage.
- [+] remember race in highscores.
- [+] make detect life last longer
- [+] stirge should have enhacnesmell
- [+] plants should never "turn to face you".
- [+] they should be able to see in all dirs.
- [+] don't announce "turns to face" if the lf has f_awareness
- [+] AGAIN: walk on to a dark place and i can still see my own cell!
needed >= instead of > in celllitfor
- [+] don't show sacrifice text if you can't see
- [+] butterflies shouldn't produce light.
- [+] peaceful things shouldn't turn to face you all the time (only low
% chance)
- [+] CRASHES when killing flags
- [+] killflag() was dereferencing f-> after freeing it.
- [+] skill which aren't ready not showing up in 'm' list
- [+] i think a previous fix for spells broke this...
- [+] whatever it was, it shoudl only apply to spells, not
- [+] don't show @G if you're looking at someone else.
- [+] sunrise code didn't work - i immediately went to full fov!
- [+] was a bug in isnighttime().
- [+] jimbo needs more hp
- [+] diningroom should have a fridge, instead of all food being on
- [+] bug: "it is pitch black" as soon as you use stairs....... need to
recalc light
- [+] show temp lit areas as bold
- [+] do it.
- [+] test.......
- [+] notification of being followed to other maps/stairs:
- [+] "you walk up the stairs. xxx follows you."
- [+] implement.
- [+] move sacrifice code to god.c
- [+] change twoewapon->master to make your second weapon act like a
- [+] ie. getshield() returns it.
- [+] act like low level shield skill. special case in
- [+] make twoweaponers only be able to use secondary weapons in which
they are skilled.
- [+] rename magic skills: Magic:Cold
- [+] bug: infinite loop in poison arrow trap - make sure the arrow
always dies.
- [+] bug: c4 didn't kill iron door
- [+] implement stamina (float). max is Fit/2
* [+] in startlfturn:
- [+] sprinting drains this.
- [+] ...then stop using f_sprinting for exhausted
- [+] ...and remove f_tired
- [+] if exhausted, stop sprinting. (in modstamina)
- [+] change crushed windpipe
- [+] f_stamcost for abilities.
- [+] modify cancast.
- [+] tumbling
- [+] jumping
- [+] rage
- [+] swimming
- [+] drains stamina like sprinting
- [+] if stamina drops to 0, you start drowning.
- [+] new spell: lethargy (sets stamina to 0)
- [+] if a sleep spell fails, use lethergy instead.
- [+] no attacking while stam = 0 ???
- [+] need to update statbar right away when casting ongoing spells.
- [+] bug: reading an awareness scroll counting as an active spell!
- [+] genericise magic resistance check into a function
- [+] "disorient" - l1 mental spell which randomly turns lf, someitmes
makes them dizzy
- [+] change stun - just means you can't attack, cast spell, use abils
* [+] AI shouldn't look for targets if stunned or no stamina
* [+] why do mosnters end up facing -1 (d_none) ??
- [+] turn undead problem.
- [+] The skeleton turns to flee from you! The skeleton bites you.
- [+] crit which spins you around (bash to body)
- [+] say "you attack xxx from behind" when you ar ebehidn them and
they can't see you
- [+] or "you attack the helpless xxx" when thye just can't see you
- [+] genericise sacrifice text
- [+] fix up weight of heads (8% of body mass)
- [+] make attribss do more:
- [+] iq: determine how soon you learn new skills (ie. modify
- [+] fit: determines stamina points.
- [+] wisdom >= AT_HIGH
- [+] warn before wearing/eating/drinking/weilding unknown
bad/cursed objects (low chance)
- [+] use isbadobject()
- [+] chance:
- [+] high = 10%
- [+] vhigh = 30%
- [+] exhigh = 50%
- [-] idea: sacrifice to gods to make them happier
- [+] mercy: weapons
- [+] death: any corpses
- [+] thieves: gold
- [+] make it only protect against missiles? no AR as such
- [+] facing N, walk NW. turn instead of walk! bug in
getrelativedir(). fixed.
- [+] ctrl+dir = turn.
- [+] make novice level listen more useful.
- [+] l2 tech: "styptic" -
- [+] heals certain bleeding injuries
- [+] then if still bleeding() due to low hp, heal back up.
* [+] tool: bandage -fix blood loss
- [+] change enhancedsmell to happen in same place as 'detectlife'
- [+] spells:
- [+] sixth sense - l1 - warns if someone is within 2 cells behind
you. lasts for a single use.
- [+] canine tracking - l2 divination spell, gives temporary
enhanced smell for short range (3).
- [+] heightened awareness - l3 ongoing divination spell to enhance
FOV to 360 degrees
- [+] scrolls for the second two
- [+] apportation
- [+] let wizards pick two secondary spell schools
- [+] start with beginner in primary, novice in sec
- [+] monsters automatically turn to face targets you after
movement towards them (for 0 cost)
- [+] not walking towards properly.... was turning to face us but
then being distracted by 'footsteps'
- [+] add player->facing
- [+] this gets set to the last move direction
- [+] you can only see in an arc in front of you
- [+] going backwards just changes facing (and takes less time)
- [+] shift+samedir = run
- [+] shift + otherdir = walk without turning / strafe
- [+] when ai is moving towards a seen target, always strafe
- [+] when fleeing, you can turn your back.
- [+] make strafing backwards/sideays take longer
- [+] enhanced-smell means you can see all LIFEFORMS or _smell
obects_ in all directions
- [+] ie. look in all dirs, but in precalclos(), can only see
RD_BACKWARDS/SIDEWAYS cells if they have lfs
- [+] define "smelly" objects - non-undead lifeforms, food,
ot_scent. f_smellable
- [+] make eyedestroyed half your FOV (lose the right side)
- [+] change pirate to start with permenant IJ_EYEDESTROYED
- [+] mosnters should always turn to face sounds
- [+] shields should give no AR, but have a chance of blocking all
damage based on shield skill
- [+] healing potions should fix nonpermenant injuries (check for this
after checking for missing bodyparts)
- [+] shouldn't remember map cells anything when bezerk
- [+] show skillxp until next skill in @@
- [+] only allow 'c' to close doors which you can see.
- [+] bug in precalclos when going off map.
- [+] even with 0 cartography, remember cells. but then forget once
they're >4 cells away.
- [+] Exp Level: 3 (-2147483087 XP, 2147483704 for next)
- [+] add asserts
- [+] calcxp is sometimes returning -xxxxxxx. turned on debugging.
- [+] wait for it to happen again
- [+] bug: player can see own cell when maxvisrange = 0(resting)
- [+] mods for perception skill:
- [+] adept pereption: FOV widened
- [+] expert perception: leave no footprints (rather than
partically obscure)
- [+] master perception: see in nearly all dirs
- [+] CRASH in linkexit()
- [+] make most monsters either have sk_perception at least novice.
- [+] show success rate when studying scrolls
- [+] bug: unable to drink from fountains anymore
- [+] always use multidrop - this will free up 'D'
- [+] forest tree cluster maps are not working - only a single tree in
each cluster!
- [+] crash - ghost adding footprint to solid cell!
- [+] amberon's wrath for attacking peaceful should happen once per
ATTACK, not once per HIT
- [+] show cells outside LOS as blue or darkgrey
- [+] Don't place normal rooms next to the edge of the map either!!
- [+] getradiuscells(scatter) needs an option to include density
- [+] then make absolute zero have high density
* [+] summoning spells on pentagram will summon a demon instead
- [+] "confusion" / "baffle" mental spell - l2
- [+] add 'concussion' injury (head bash) - confusion effect.
- [+] iswoozy checks for this.
- [+] severed limbs -"frominjury" so taht you can heal them
- [+] linkexit() needs to be able to handle making THREE turns:
- [+] when looking for turnpos, remember each up/down celll
- [+] if we don't find one ("annot find a way to link up") , go
through each up/down cell and look left/right
- [+] fix is in place.
- [+] tested.
- [+] bug: doors being placed on top of rock walls!!! think this is
related to fix_deadends.
- [+] assert statement added.
* [+] bug: no up stairs generated on first dungeon map! was being
removed by clearcell() for overlapping rooms.
- [+] mass stun spell - l4. stuns all in los ?
* [+] make "stun" / massstun durations be 2-4 depending on power
- [+] "restricted" jobs/races?
- [+] don't put shopkeepers in pubs
- [+] make a per-map maxvisrange. the deeper you go, the lower this
gets (ie . it is darker, less ambientlight)
- [+] limit getvisrange(lf) by getmapmaxvisrange()
- [+] map->habitat->maxvisrange. set this during createhabitat()
- [+] reduce maxvisrange
- [+] reduce it to 6
- [+] why can i still see 1 cell?
- [+] why can i still always see my own cell?
- [+] when in pitch black for a certain amount of time, your vision
adjusts to maxrange=1
- [+] ie. getnightvisrange(lf) should be modified by
- [+] reset if you can ever see a lit cell.
- [+] when this happens to the player:
- [+] msgs about this
- [+] also force light recalc
- [+] only recalc light when dirty
- [+] if we call "haslos()" for a lf and they have losdirty,
precalclos first.
- [+] vis range problems
- [+] sunglasses/footballhelm visrangereduce isn't working anymore
- [+] it's reducing maxvisrange(lf).
- [+] BUT - my maxvisrange is 5, which is still higher than the
ambient range.
- [+] need to apply reductions AFTER ambient light
- [+] NOW eyeadjustment isn't working. because cell lit is
l_temp, not l_notlit.
- [+] but if this is the case, why can't i see? anwer: because
my visrange has been reduced to 0 due to no ambient light!
- [+] so.... how do i make lightt sources override this?
- [+] maybe say: if a cell is lit, i can see it, even if it's
outside my ambient light.
- [+] falling over isn't reducing your visrange anymore
- [+] why doesn't eyeadjust make the screen update?
- [+] is regular "haslos" code ever used anymore????
- [+] now i can't see lit cells in the darkness again....fixed
- [+] after you calm something, give it xpval0
- [+] show message when calm animals fails
- [+] check all spell sc_resistmag oskillcheck difficulties
- [+] diff should be 20 + (spelllev*2) + power
- [+] l1 spell should be diff 20
- [+] l2 should be diff 24
- [+] ...
- [+] l7 should be diff 34
- [+] bleeding injuries should make armour "bloodstained" (5% chance
per turn)
- [+] msgs for "the sun is starting to set" and "the sun is starting to
- [+] make 6am, 18pm be constants
- [+] add crushed windpipe - lower Fitness, cannot sprint
* [+] CRASH when going down stairs! another overlapping room bug i
- [+] cockatrices and chickens should cluck
- [+] canwill param: race:xxx;
- [+] define it
- [+] use this in "createmonster"
- [+] use this in "polymorph" when on self
- [+] then remove f_forcepoly
- [+] TEST
- [+] make playerstart vaults able to appear randomly (just don't place
the the "playerstart" object)
- [+] redo texttospellopts() to make it more friendly
- [+] give a list of what we want as args, rather than passing lots
of nulls
- [+] "pw:", &localpowervar etc
- [+] make "n_lowhp" noisetext happen at END of lf turn - NOT during
- [+] rename turneffectslf() to startlfturn()
- [+] show hunger level as a bar in @@
- [+] warn before becoming burdened.
- [+] warn when you ARE burdened. at the end of moveob()
- [+] l6 - absolute zero (turn everyone around you to ice, freeze all
obs, turn ground to ice)
- [+] some monsters leave non-meat food behind?
- [+] cactus -> cactus juice/fruit
- [+] dreamfungus -> sleeping powerder
- [+] silver weapons (5% chance on eligible weapons)
- [+] hurt vampires
- [+] vulnerable to mat??? - then use fromob in losehp()
- [+] f_matvuln mt_xxx multiplier
- [+] add some silver weapons
- [+] f_canbediffmat mt_silver 10%
- [+] if f_canbediffmat is true, sometimes change material to
this on creation
- [+] getobname - if material is differnet, show this
- [+] dagger
- [+] sword
- [+] arrow
- [+] bolt
- [+] dart
- [+] addob should accept 'wantdiffmat'
- [+] reduce hardness values
* [+] problem with skills: as you level up , you learn them less often
* [+] throw objects to set off traps
- [+] combination strike ability at expert wep level
- [+] reduce skill bonus to sc_stealth and sc_search
- [+] modify descriptions for all spells to explain the effect of spell
- [+] make chill work more like frostbite (but less powerful)
- [+] make beginner skills still only cost 1. above there thye csost
- [+] modify cha check based on remaining hp% (ie. less attractive if
you're bleeding everywhere!)
- [+] am i getting all level up skill messages? don't think i saw "you
can now detect magic" as a wizard.
- [+] can use "more()" more often now that it checks strlen(msgbuf)
- [+] make askchar etc call more() first.
- [+] falling over should lower your visrange.
- [+] missile size should impact how hard it is to catch it
- [+] backstabbing doesn't seem to work..... fixed now ?
- [+] all non-movement actions should stop sprinting.
Cold spells:
- [+] l1 - glaciate (turns water to sheets of ice)
- [+] l1 - snowball (minor cold damage in a ball, 1 to all)
- [+] l2 - e "train" to train skills or go up a levle, instead of 'R'.
- [+] better way to learn spells (without spellbooks)
- [+] transcribe from scrolls using "study scroll"ability
- [+] sc_learnmagic
- [+] (int/2) + yourlevel + sorceryskill + BONUS:(spellskill*2)
- [+] difficulty is 20 + spelllevel*3
- [+] you lose the scroll even if it fails
- [+] same for learning from a spellbook!
- [+] but difficulty is 15 + sorceryskill + spelllevel*3
- [+] make pea soup be targetted. ie. make mist on top of your enemy,
not you!
- [+] implement maximum level in f_canlearn.
- [+] wizards - short blades at novice.
- [+] limit spell skills for some other classes?
ce shield? creates a shield
- [+] fix bug with redrawing when you open a door.
- [+] fix bug where pleasing gods during killflag() causes crash.
- [+] creatures >= 2 sizes bigger than you should block los
- [+] explosion trap should kill doors
- [+] redo getflags to take more args
- [+] genericise isprisoner code
* [+] jimbo's lair needs a portal back to dlev1
* [+] linkexits still not working properly. fixed i think!
- [+] rename some spells
- [+] make max spell level be 6 (to match up with pr_master)
- [+] modify mp per level by sk_sorcery/2
- [+] bug: reading a blessed scroll of manding does nothing!
- [+] improved crit effects
- [+] bash
- [+] slash
- [+] fire dam cauterises slash wounds
- [+] cold dam fixes brusing
- [+] add crit chance to weapons. (default of xxx)
- [+] stirges shouldn't be able to latch on if you have no exposed body
- [+] more haslos() improvements
* [+] fix god pleaseing when fleefrom expires
* [+] bug with pet running away
- [+] instead of "You hit xxx but do no damage", say "You hit xx
- [+] if you do >half someone's AR, they always take at least 1 damage
- [+] initial objects aren't worth any points
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
- [+] limit name length
* [+] The fire titan is burnt by a flaming greatsword!
- [+] make ar slightly less effective.
- [+] don't prompt "really walk into xxxdangerousthingxxx" when
carefully walking.
- [+] allow dodge check for web spell.
- [+] speedups in attack.c
- [+] "the centipede bites you" "the centipede hits you"
- [+] how did it get "hit"? it should only have a teeth attack!
- [+] after looking at skills, bottom line of status bar isn't redrawn.
- [+] anything with a --more--
- [+] druids regenerate mana based on nearby plants
- [+] bug: "your young wolf starts casting a spell" when sprinting.
- [+] bug with AI follow code - now fixed.
- [+] make ai pets be able to "smell" the player.
- [+] unarmed adept: break wood (no "ow!" and extra dam to wood/doors)
- [+] automatically give all player pets the ability to see footprints!
* [+] monsters not following properly! fixed now i think.
- [+] mark fountain potiontypes as "tried" after you drink
- [+] replace barbarian with warrior. make it armour-based.
- [+] bug: "A Jimbo comes into view" should be "Jimbo coes into view"
- [+] more findlfags() calls needed in lf.c.
- [+] give jimbo f_dontleaveroom!
- [+] ?? for commands
- [+] ?s for skills
- [+] don't say "you see a few things" if one of them is footsteps
* [+] IFMONSTER code failing....because flags are now SORTED!!!
- [+] tumble - askcoords is letting us pick a cell we don't have lof to.
* [+] assign a name to lfs once you hire them
* [+] coloured msgtext
- [+] make min dam reduction from AR be AR/5.
- [+] safebox
- [+] if intelligent, prompt before walking into RESTRICTMOVEMENT with
no getsweaker (val1)
* [+] make fire / ice damage mor elike netheck
- [+] towns should have gates on EVERY side
- [+] forest cells outside town gates need to be CLEARED. (maybe turn
to dirt)
- [+] fix up knock targetting to include magical barriers
- [+] say "open a bag?" not "operate a bag?"
* [+] implement immunetodisease
- [+] sort known skills in @s.
- [+] better damage bonus when attacking someone who is asleep
- [+] practive firearms/throwing
* [+] need objecttype->size
* [+] containers
* [+] change guns so you have to reload them. ("operate")
- [+] crash when loading map with water
- [+] monsters with jobs aren't getting start items
- [+] shopkeeper has shotgun
- [+] bug: monster keeps swapping between shotgun and flail
- [+] when hiring, remember failure.
* [+] Inn
- [+] bug: pets fighting!!! then they all turn on you. never make
allies get angry unless the attacker is the player
* [+] hiring npcs
- [+] chat to pet: "stay close" or "keep your distance"
- [+] new 'furniture' obclass
- [+] allow for 'randomshop' regiontype
* [+] add enchantment school
- [+] cast a scroll of mending on itself. CRASH.
* [+] lessengravity should make you jump better and get knocked back
- [+] boostgrav/lessengrav cancel out each other.
* [+] CRASH when you fall down a hole and die.
- [+] problem: master gravitation doesn't let us cast levitat.
getspellschoolknown() should return the HIGHEST known skill, not
the first.
* [+] bug: dregion is null?!??!
* [+] dig a pit, if you cleared out land below, you just stay down
- [+] potion of leveitation
- [+] warning msg when levitate is about to expire
* [+] if you fall upwards to the surface...
* [+] if you are ever on the surface while levitating....
- [+] BUG: cna't go up stairs to surface anymore!!!!!
- [+] get hungry LOTS more quickly when you start sprinting
* [+] monk slow metabolism psionic pell.
- [+] fix buf with lore giving LESS accuracy instead of more.
- [+] food shop
- [+] wand of digging not identified if you dig upwards
* [+] when you make ah ole in the roof, objects above should fall
through right away
* [+] all towns should have:
- [+] give monks more psionics spells.
- [+] sk_throwing skill
- [+] make calm animals use spellpower
* [+] add wisdom
* [+] need to save region data along with maps
* [+] COMBINE armour evasion and accuracy penalty!!!
* [+] make armour reduce accuracy as well (unless you have 'armour'
- [+] landmine trap
* [+] make friendly monsters of same raceclass swap ammo
- [+] rename 'pull' to 'suck' to avoid confusion with pull metal
* [+] food to fix blindness
- [+] potion of coffee
* [+] genericise statbrackets
* [+] tumble ability
* [+] simplify spell power
* [+] shopkeeprs should be allowed to pursue targets outside of the
- [+] give shopkeepers a shotgun
* [+] make F_RNDHOSTILE be able to ahve a random chance.
* [+] if you randomly generate food in a shop, still give it a price.
- [+] if peaceful humanoid walks into you, "sorry!"
- [+] sayphrase(lf, SP_SORRY, vol)
- [+] only let you recruit jobs with j_recruitable
- [+] CRASH - summon "monk"
- [+] dogs,
- [+] chickens,
- [+] drunks,
* [+] village objects
- [+] change armourrating AGAIN. instead of a percentage, make it a
- [+] rename inn to "pub", since you can't sleep there.
* [+] random speech code
* [+] genericise sayphrase text based on lf's job
* [+] monks - add rest of abliities
- [+] add fiengdeath ability to some monsters