* [+] DIETY is slow.
- [+] map bug - from 0,0, walk NE (off top edge). i end up at 0,0
- [+] BUG: dig X only goes 1 cell.
- [+] add a U shaped turn vault.
- [+] change wehre i apply HADRNESS for lfs! - don't use
adjustdammaterial cause we inherit there
- [+] make obchance/thingchance part of habitat_t
- [+] make sense surroundings take cartography skill into account
* [+] BUG: rotated at() etc not working.
- [+] if you fail stealing, the target should get angry!!!
- [+] make sure to redraw stat bar when mind scan finishes.
- [+] villages
- [+] initial code
* [+] town gaurds. stand next to the gate
- [+] potion shop vault
- [+] implement
- [+] potion shop isn't getting potions!!
- [+] and getting wrong floor type.
* [+] stop shop from always being at the top left.
- [+] make sure its x/y arent too close to edge of map (at
least 5 away)
- [+] vault param. f_mapmargin, 5
- [+] make calcroompos take x/y margin
- [+] don't put auto obs inside vaults
- [+] town walls
- [+] more kinds of shops
* [+] signs outside shops
- [+] bug with ai swapping between firearms and twohanded weapons.
* [+] make _CELLS_ have habitats!
- [+] move vaultchance to a habitat param instead of
* [+] shopkeepers (special race)
village things:
- [+] barrels,
- [+] guards,
- [+] statue
- [+] thrown objects should still take damage if blocked via a shield
* [+] hardness (must do dam >= xx to hurt)
* [+] WATER spread mods
* [+] very powerful spells have casttime
- [+] allow linkstairs() to take a parameter rather than always jsut
searching for the other end
- [+] when digging holes, only use getrandomadjcell if there is an lf
in the way. and then use WE_NOLF. clear out solid cells
- [+] show armour EVASION penalty in describeob
- [+] teleportation trap. You reintegrate inside a solid object! You
- [+] riverroom vault
* [+] water: swap { and ~ again??
- [+] make "large puddle of water" evaporate more quickly
* [+] special glyph case: for deep water
- [+] don't drip blood from melting damge
* [+] climbing
- [+] LOTS of bugs with holes
- [+] cope with walking diagonally off world map
- [+] can no longer walk off the world map!!!
* [+] BUG: worldmap 0,-1 had a link to dungeon!
- [+] Dig down into a pit - CRASH. fixing previous one might fix this?
* [+] CRASH:
* [+] walking onto water:
- [+] boots of stealth / elven boots - make footstep volume = 1
* [+] f_freezingtouch
- [+] replace f_target with f_targetlf
- [+] wantrange. for melee fighters (default), it's 0. for
spells/archers, it's higiher.
- [+] if we are further away than bestrange, move towards.
- [+] if we are closer than bestrange, move away
- [+] AND: move to wantrange before doing spells etc
- [+] if we have a ranged attack and wantrange is default, increase
- [+] in movetowards/away, cells in the wrong dir should NEVER be
* [+] mflag_push for monsters
- [+] randomly use ranged attacks when adjacent
* [+] show trail in askcoords
- [+] when throwing, pass range to askcoords
- [+] max monsters per room is depth + 1
* [+] why do humans take ages to appear?
- [+] fireball spell is slow
- [+] why can i throw objects through magic barriers?
- [+] add a bonus for mastery of cartography - magic mapping every 50
- [+] crash with monsters moving off edge of world map
- [+] make magic barriers be ON stairs, not around them.
- [+] handle DIAGONAL entry to maps
- [+] OR make this impossible.
- [+] druid should get auto nature knoeldge as they levle up (levs 5 10
- [+] CRASH flagpile corrupt
- [+] happening during AI movement.
- [+] make lightning storm only hit enemies
- [+] store last known movement dir in TARGETLF and PETOF.
- [+] limit monsters per room not working?!?!
- [+] make askcoords let you show object piles with .
- [+] make askcoords say "A magical barrier (+xx other objects)"
- [+] combine getlastknownmovedir into getlastknowncell
* [+] BUG: secret doors are showing up as . again!
* [+] implement trails (footprints & scent)
* [+] aimovetowardslf(lf, wantattack)
* [+] make pets use wantdist code?
- [+] what does expert/master tracking give you?
- [+] ex: your tracks don't last as long
- [+] ms: you don't leave tracks.
- [+] change f_reducemovement from multiplier to addition
- [+] comma still showing up scents and footprints incorrectly!!!!!!!!
Initial shallow/deep water:
- [+] restrict movement
- [+] check for drowning in turneffectslf AND movelf
- [+] warn before walking onto dangerous objects.
- [+] change how walkdam works for deepwater.
- [+] don't use walkdam flags.
- [+] don't make splashes of water on top of deepwater.
* [+] deep water will drown you if
- [+] don't leave footprints in either
- [+] create steam on fire damage, but don't CONVERT to it.
- [+] f_waterbreathing
- [+] can't drown in water
- [+] extra damage from cold/elec if in deep/shallow water
Initial swimming implementation
* [+] sacred/cursed ground
- [+] vending machine
- [+] don't transfer f_rarity flag when making objects / lifeforms.
Initial work on adding a goal to the game!
- [+] should ALWAYS be blank (' ')
- [+] The fire giant forgecaller incinerates you with a flaming
morningstar.--More-- HP:-115193/139
- [+] barbarian should start with a heavy weapon (to do heavy blow with)
- [+] chang epegasus symbol to Q
- [+] stop sprinting when you open a door, attack, etc
- [+] "the darkmantle vanishes" "the darkmantle appearS" "the
darkmantle steps though the shadows"
- [+] when generating humanoid monsters on dark levels without
seeindark, high chance of them having a torch/candle
- [+] all undead should seeindark
- [+] major healing pot doesn't work
- [+] crossbow should do more damage
* [+] aiming skill - determines accuracy of firearms
* [+] change spellbooks to be a single object ("spellbook")
- [+] call wind spell
- [+] make plants boost power of druid spells
- [+] secret iron door showing up as '.'
- [+] table shoudl be misc, not dfeature
* [+] implement sound volume. 1 - xx
* [+] some monsers have f_varlevel. v0 = max.
- [+] implement 'say'
* [+] bandits should demand a bribe (based on their hit dice)
* [+] replace graph paper with cartography skill
- [+] lightning bolt (air, goes THROUGH all lfs until the target one.
less damage than fireball though.)
- [+] no casting spells while prone
Initial world map implemention.
- [+] maps need flags.
* [+] when in world map, calculate rarity differently based on distance
from 0,0
* [+] allow walking off edge of forest to new map areas
- [+] make eating take longer - depends on lf size and food sizes
* [+] stop eating if something attacks you!
- [+] change spell code to cope with caster = NULL!!
- [+] why are rooms never more than 2 high
* [+] traps
* [+] eating bug again
* [+] disarm trap skill?
- [+] lots of needredraw bugs
- [+] bug with cursor jumping around lots
- [+] draw darkened visible cells in blue
* [+] shadow cloak
- [+] tree shouldn't prevent resting!
- [+] make plants not attack druids
* [+] cooking
- [+] stop eating if your eating object is no longer with you
- [+] pet walking back and forth on rotted objects
- [+] purified food shouldn't decay anymore.
- [+] plants shouldn't sleep
- [+] RESTING on statbar not being cleared. the add of f_interrupted
was clearing statdirty before f_asleep got removed in killflag().
- [+] AI: don't eat if in battle
- [+] reduce projectile damage
- [+] show raceclass in statbars
- [+] smoke should make you cough.
- [+] when going up levle, only prompt for spells you can cast?? (don't
- [+] Your young hawk dies. The stirge releases something!
- [+] sleeping thigns shoudn't follow you up/down stairs.
- [+] when throw'ng an object, don't let it stack (otherwise we might
destroy too much)
- [+] don't draw "c - " for nopickup objects.
- [+] saving throw for traps if you know about it.
- [+] druid - get xp for calming animals
- [+] rogue- get xp for picking locks, disarming traps.
- [+] metal should be immune to most damage types
* [+] make heavy blow need HEAVY weapon, not bashing.
- [+] can't rest/train while levitating!
- [+] gas traps only go off once.
- [+] bug: The goblin throws a boulder at you. A boulder misses you.
- [+] don't give short sword skill to wizard.
- [+] hearing range based on listen skill
* [+] coldness disease:
- [+] CRASH when swapping places
- [+] bug: i can teleport into an impassable object!
- [+] add: "really target (your ally)?"
- [+] give wizards school-based skill instead of manaspike + wildmagic
- [+] LevUp still not being cleared!!!
* [+] why is air wizard being prompted for call lightning at level 2???
* [+] summon weapon (summoning)
- [+] hold portal (mod)
- [+] reveal hidden
- [+] stench (death)
- [+] frostbite (minor but direct cold damage. 1dpower. maxpower 3)
- [+] grease (modific) creates oil in a circle
- [+] fear (death)
- [+] seeinvis (div)
- [+] locate obejct (div) tells you where a seen objcet is.
- [+] swap places (transl) "twiddle"
- [+] fire brand (fire, melee attaks deal fire damage)
- [+] iceedge
- [+] lore (div, temporary knowledge from a particular school?)
- [+] icicle (cold, deals cold dam and knocks enemies away)
* [+] chill (ice, 1d3 damage per exposed body part)
- [+] hail storm (ice, big damage in area)
- [+] wall of ice (creates icy wall, hp based on power)
- [+] make sheilds very good against projectiles
- [+] make smoke just REDUCE vision, not block it.
- [+] noncorporeal should stop grabs!
* [+] don't say 'a javelin is damaged' when you throw it, just apply
the damge
- [+] increase damage bonus with every lore level. +10% each time
(ie. up to 50% at top)
* [+] give accuracy + critical bonus for lore levles too
- [+] typo: Enhance which skill enhance (1 left)? ['=next page,?=toggle]
- [+] Show Pain on botl.
* [+] more staves
- [+] low hitpoint warning for pets (or make them shriek, whine, etc)
- [+] undead should be immune to poison!!
- [+] make code to auto add flags to undead.
- [+] if you ever move a door (ie. airblast), automatically open it.
- [+] young wolf shouldn't be able to open a door!
* [+] You throw a dart at the carpet snake. Your dart misses
- [+] no sprinting while burdneed
- [+] blood should be drawn BELOW stairs
- [+] weilded torch should do 1d4 fire damage (counts as a club)
* [+] The skeleton touches a leather belt then recoils in pain!The
skeleton drops a blessed leather belt.The skeleton puts on a
leather belt.
- [+] don't show "you can cast it at power level xxx" for abilities
* [+] more item randomising
- [+] make grey ooze splatter into acid
- [+] "the vine grabs you" if you walk onto an entangling vine.
- [+] don't start monsters within player's los
- [+] properly randomise sticks to snakes
- [+] stirge
- [+] leech (like stirge but can charge/leap, and slightly more hp /
- [+] treesnake
- [+] constrictor
- [+] cobra
- [+] stickes to snakes - make caster's weapon revert.
- [+] A something comes into view.
- [+] is invisibility code working properly when you see someone use
the invis spell?
- [+] don't include cosmetic objects in 'you see xxx'
* [+] monsters: don't use spells if you don't have lof.
- [+] pets not following around corners if you move diagonally. fixed a
- [+] summon small animals (2-3 x SZ_SMALL)
* [+] jet of water
- [+] summon medium animals (2-4 x SZ_MEDIUM, wolf etc)
- [+] lightning storm (lightbning everyone within los, and more damage)
- [+] summon large animals (SZ_LARGE, horse, bear etc)
- [+] make lamps last heaps longer
* [+] web spell
* [+] spider monstrer
* [+] funnelweb:
* [+] redback:
- [+] if you are wracked with pain, don't clear msg
- [+] check rarity for spiders
* [+] attack/defense mod if there is stickiness in your square
- [+] replace "sticky" with "restrictive"
* [+] make some mosnters start hidden
- [+] adjust spot checks basd on distance
- [+] ensure that attacking stops you hiding
- [+] casting spells stops you from being hidden
- [+] hidden mosnters shouldn't move unless their victim is ADJACENT.
- [+] hidden mosnters shouldn't cast spells, throw missiles, etc unless
their victim is ADJACENT.
- [-] XP CALC
- [+] funnelweb and redback are the same.
- [+] check this is right...... i want funnel web to be worse.
- [+] make hitconfer check in calcxpval take lifetime into account
- [+] ALSO assign an xp rating to each hitconferred flag.
- [+] hardcode this.
* [+] entangle spell
- [+] reveal secret doors if you see them get damaged.
* [+] make askcoords list restrivitce objects
- [+] ACTUALLY make vines not damaged by struggling
* [+] object descriptions, a/an needs to change if showing condition:
"a battered entangling vine"
- [+] wizard levelled up and was prompted for "WISH, GIFT"! shouldn't
- [+] The human diety reads a blessed scroll of create monster! -- but
nothing happens??
* [+] throw code
- [+] wizard: ask for school specialty at start, from: fire, ice, xxx
? You get this + WILD.
- [+] describe varpower spells
- [+] fix mp cost for varpower spells
- [+] we're not stopping running at staircases anymore for some reason.
- [+] CHARGE ability (like swoop but don't return to original positino)
- [+] need to honor f_canlearn when displaying new skills to learn!
- [+] ai: if we are going to player's last known loc (via targetcell),
abandon if we can SEE the player!
- [+] make shatter() into a function
- [+] oil potion makes oil puddle whan smashed
- [+] make flammable objects be able to convert to others
- [+] replace 'magic item usage' with 'channeling'
- [+] a cloud of darkness descends. this is a *cursed* wand of light.
- [+] spiders shouldn't be able to be stuck in a web!
* [+] spells should be able to have MULTIPLE schools.
- [+] don't bleed into walls
- [+] in @M, use colours to show which spells are too hard so far (ie
cost > maxmp)
* [+] in @M, use schools that you know
* [+] after loading game, barbarian is getting an extra attack?
You miss the eyebat. You punch the eyebat.
- [+] show objects on top of stairs
- [+] stuck mosnters must pass a saving throw to follow you up/down
- [+] genericise: trytomove(lf)
* [+] add more snakes
- [+] undead can't eat or drink? or MOST undead can't.
* [+] why can MONSTERS shoot webs through things? (but I can't)
- [+] barkskin - doesn't reduce max mp enough?
- [+] The skeleton touches a fuming aqua potion [tried] then recoils in
The skeleton drops a blessed fuming aqua potion [tried].
The skeleton drinks a fuming aqua potion!
- [+] why can't i use abilites anymore?
- [+] infinite loop bug due to ai only having one ignorecell.
- [+] make sleet storms rust all armour
- [+] make a kind of walkdam that hits armour
- [+] add this as well as walkdam for: acid, fire, water
- [+] Takeoff isn't prompting properly. only showing weapons!
* [+] waterproof obs (ie cloak)
* [+] walkdambp doesn't hurt body if you have a cloak
- [+] mending, heals 1d6 damage
- [+] spark
- [+] purify food
- [+] sticks to snakes
- [+] calm animals (power_d4 hd)
* [+] charm animal (works on one animal up to power hit dice, temporary)
- [+] airblast
- [+] barkskin (power +2 AR, firevuln, ongoing)
- [+] soften earth (makes ground into mud)
- [+] warp wood (damages wooden objects)
- [+] repel insects
- [+] reduce poison
- [+] web
- [+] windshield
- [+] call lightning, air
- [+] resist elements, ongoing
- [+] passwall
- [+] poisonbolt
- [+] quench (puts out a fire)
- [+] sleet storm (lowers movement, vision)
- [+] healing
- [+] cure poison
* [+] calming scent
- [+] dig
- [+] entangle
- [+] levitate
- [+] flamepillar
- [+] hailstorm. like sleetstorm but hurts more. power d 6.
- [+] burning wave
- [+] gaseous form
* [+] knowledge skills:
* [+] force makespellchoicelist() to show spells in level order.
* [+] druid
- [+] check OBJECT rarity list (dumplev)
- [+] fix bug where heaps of books suddently appear from dlev 3 onwards
- [+] gain skills on level up for some jobs
- [+] f_levspellschool, v0=lev, v1 = school or ANY - select one
from that school
- [+] xat shouldn't be able to open doors!
- [+] semicontrolled createmonster
* [+] implement semicontrolled teleport (can pick the general direction)
* [+] change how semicontrolled teleport works
- [+] make identify/remove curse more common
- [+] make minorheal/heal more common
* [+] NOTDONE. maybe reduce the amount of damage which AR blocks a bit?
i got to 30ar very fast! (ie -45% dam)
* [+] make a special case for F_FLAKJACKET
- [+] BUG: glowbug is causing PERMENANT light, not temp!
- [+] diety ability - levelup
- [+] new damtype: necrotic
- [+] drain life spell
- [+] make water evaporate
- [+] BUG in validating target cell. was asking a monster for input
* [+] boots get wet if you walk in water
- [+] why does oil lamp and pil lantern make the same range of light?
- [+] fixed another vending maching crash
- [+] crash due to sprinting?
- [+] 2 blessed flask of battery acids
- [+] "This is a wand!" - don't use code for hiding names in the dark!
* [+] animals shouldn't eat their own race!
- [+] gem of seeing costs nothing!
- [+] frozen weapons do +1d4 cold damage
- [+] allomancy/psionics don't need spellcasting
- [+] poison isn't being announced on mosnters?
- [+] "you are full" only interrupt if we went < normal (ie peckish
starving etc)
- [+] only F_HUMANOID creatures can wear armour / use weapons
* [+] what does a masterwork bow do?
- [+] implement strength requirements on weapons
- [+] UNDEAD cannot be poisoned by eating corpses!
- [+] ai lfs shoudlnt' eat tainted food
- [+] change how gravboost works wrt movement
- [+] smart ai lfs shouldnt move when in pain
- [+] don't stop walking if the only things there are non-pickupable
- [+] make mosnters swap places with each other if they are the same
* [+] scroll of permenance
- [+] make more monsters have gold
* [+] can learn novice level weapon skills by using one a lot
* [+] finish hawks
* [+] add colour
* [+] job attribs aren't working
- [+] pile of ash has weird glyph!
* [+] when you learn the first rank of some magic skills, you get a
spell with it
- [+] add colours to statbar
- [+] can only "stop on xxx" if you have feet
- [+] monsters shouldn't attack other to get to wanted objects.
* [+] "xat throws a knife"
- [+] manaspike doing no damage to giant newt
- [+] assign colours to rings
- [+] prevent autoswap if there is somethign dangerous to the other lf
in your cell
- [+] sometime give monsters random loot (if they dont have f_nopack)
- [+] stop sprinting and spellcasting if you slip.
- [+] impement "C"ommunicate command
- [+] ' with who'?
* [+] list of options:
- [+] can throw items TO allies
- [+] improvements to getbestweapon()
* [+] give xp for using can of insecticide
- [+] fix monser spell casting
- [+] in describeob, include BONUS for armour
- [+] monsters start asleep and make spot checks ?
- [+] make them start asleep
- [+] then make this random
- [+] sound will wake them (ie. "makenoise")
- [+] when you move, make SC_STEALTH check. if you fail, you make
- [+] must pass LISTEN check OR have los to hear something.
- [+] "the blowfly falls asleep" "the blowfly appears" when summoned.
- [+] don't show 'falls asleep' while being created!
* [+] don't start summoned mosnters asleep!
* [+] clean up bresnham functions
- [+] hearing - instead of just using distance, use distance modiied by
# of walls!
- [+] getcelldistsound() - each wall counts as an extra cell!
- [+] add WALK/FLY noises to all monsters!
- [+] don't show 'you hear xxx' when resting.
- [+] extra damage for weapon skill (up to 50% extra)
- [+] make broken glass crushable
- [+] only interrupt rest for non-peaceful, non-friendly monsters
- [+] save to fight off poison
* [+] beholder is never using its BITE attack
* [+] need a price for manuals!!
* [+] change"dobresnham" to populate an array of cells
- [+] make ai cast animate metal (if they ahve a second weapon)
- [+] implement getallegiance() to clean up isfriendly / ispeaceful etc
- [+] bug - f_else f_ifpct etc not working in startobs
* [+] OT_S_CHARM
- [+] update askcoords to show "weilding x AND Y"
- [+] stop enemies from throwing firearm ammo somehow
* [+] implement
- [+] pacify spell
- [+] make spellbooks less common
- [+] detectmetal not wokring. fixed.
- [+] detectobjects spell
- [+] cleanup using flagcausesredraw()
- [+] increase odds of weapons in rooms, and max ob count in rooms
* [+] "you arrive at level 2" "it is pitch black" - but it isn't
- [+] make detect magic find more things
* [+] make some objects harder to identify? from easy->hard
* [+] magic item usage skill
- [+] with 'R', ask "heal mp, hp or both?"
- [+] make dt_fire damage evaporate water.
- [+] make ring of sight increase nightvis and nomal visrange slightly
- [+] FIX seeindark to give RANGE.
* [+] BUG: monster moved on top of me!
* [+] boost spells
* [+] more boost spells
- [+] modify accuracy based on size difference.
* [+] ooze should hurt objects it steps on
* [+] resist magic save
- [+] potion of blood
- [+] ability to fill a potion with blood / water
- [+] better potion -> splash code.
- [+] stop stoning when you polymorph
- [+] can't stone incorporeal or gaseos things
- [+] cockatrice blood
- [+] cockatrice
- [+] when being stoned, give 1 turn's grace
- [+] gain/lose text for "CANWILL"
- [+] things killed by poison gas should have tainted corpses
- [+] make troglodyte corpses poisonous
* [+] smallteeth vs teeth
- [+] fix hitconfer code
- [+] simplify AI spell code
- [+] sense surroundings - use power for radius!
- [+] OT_A_LEARN for dietys
* [+] getspellname(spellid, power)
* [+] max powers
- [+] Created monsters need f_xpval = 0
- [+] createmonster - let player choose the type at high power (ie. 8)
- [+] peaceful monsters are still attacking other ones!
- [+] explosions knock you back from centre of it!
- [+] manuals - teach you a skill, or enhance it.
- [+] wand of weakness not being identified.
* [+] more wizard mp reegn fixes
- [+] if you walk into a wall which you can't see, you DO lose hp.
- [+] maybe make it you CANT always see your cell?
- [+] "you feel" instead of "you see" if you have no light source ?
- [+] make it so you dont need LOS to cast spells
* [+] if you arrive in a dark cell after movement show msg
- [+] cannot INSPECT when blind.
* [+] reduce mp heal skill check difficulty since it takes longer
begore triggering.
- [+] replace gamestarted/loading with gamemode.
- [+] fix spellpower calculation during validation of races
- [+] let "produceslight" go non orthogonal for radius=1
* [+] more frequently appearing light objects
* [+] allow use of oil potion to unjam doors too.
- [+] don't behead tiny/small things
- [+] rats / batsshould be hostile!
just can't attack?)
- [+] glow bug corpse in empty flask
* [+] auto hit if paralyzed/frozen
- [+] allomancer has permenant detect metal
- [+] remove detect metal spell
- [+] make detect magic last way longer (at least triple)
* [+] change scrolls to wands:
* [+] on "behead", leave head?
- [+] allomancer way to heal using metal? like absorb metal but costs
* [+] way to see spell descriptions
* [+] replace most occurensces of getmovespeed() with getactionspeed()
* [+] "sprint" ability
- [+] remove curse scroll!
- [+] need average IQ to know if something is rotting!
- [+] make mosnters rest.
- [+] create monster needs to cope with 'xxx wizard'
- [+] ie. if no match on name, look for job suffixes
- [+] if found, strip it, make the monsters (force no job!), then
apply the job
- [+] rotting corpses turn into bones
* [+] Monster wizards start with a _random_ book, not flamedart.
- [+] 'R'esting bug.
- [+] waited forever. NEver gained any hp!
- [+] need to somehow check when resting that we _ARE_ actually
gaining hp... ?