they get out of sight.
- [+] some kind of obstacle which you must CLIMB over
- [+] objects
- [+] metal barricade (also breakable)
- [+] pile of rubble (not breakable)
- [+] need a climb check of difficulty v0 to move ON to it. if you
fail, you fall off in a random direction.
- [+] if you don't ahve the climbing skill, you can't move onto it.
- [+] ...and EVERYONE needs to be able to learn swimming & climbing
- [+] vaults:
- [+] room with heaps of these in rows - "fortified_room"
- [+] room with lots of these over a pit - "pit_path"
- [+] room with lots of these over fires (or something
damaging) - "firepit"
- [+] if you're standing on something with "climbobstacle", you
count as being higher
- [+] tables should have CLIMBOBSTACLE diff 5
- [+] vault - pit with archers on the side
- [+] cope with "monster_name with _objectname_"
- [+] cope with objects of name "random firearm"
- [+] BUG: "Gather up the spoils of battle!" A masterwork weapon store
- [+] rarity on wands seems broken...
- [+] god gifts are happening too often when god is just 'pleased'
- [+] on levels where floor is carpet, don't create vaults with obs
made of MT_FIRE
- [+] bjorn prayer's forcesphere radius should depend on piety level
- [+] collapsing door trap - need f_doortrap to restict this to just
- [+] make more shops let you donate
- [+] bookstore
- [+] jewellery store
- [+] rename blood hawk to hunting hawk
- [+] offering a bribe to creatures should make them move likely to
helkp you, AND reset the "auto don't help' flag
- [+] change "get lost " message to "get lost, <racename>" if your race
is different.
- [+] sayphrase() needs a new arg: lifeform_t *talkingto
- [+] colours for spell effect.
- [+] eg. "the flame dart hits xxx" should use CC_BAD
- [+] muddy room - mud should be immutable.
- [+] maybe change rage - you lose control totally and just attack
anything in sight?
- [+] do it.
- [+] don't train when enraged
- [+] don't hear sounds when enraged
- [+] RAGE effects: strength bonus, accuracy bonus, infinite
stamina, never flee,
- [+] fix bug in skill point calculation
- [+] CRASH - someone got their turn BEFORE the player!
- [+] new poisontype field - contracttext
- [+] hecta's pray effect not working.
- [+] adjust food poisioning check difficulty based on food age
- [+] check OBHP percentage of max.
- [+] >= 80% obhp means -30% difficulty check
- [+] ring of unholiness should confer dtvuln holy.
- [+] fix colour on spellclouds
- [+] fix bug with spellclouds not affecting centre cell.
- [+] if you are frozen, heat does extra damage and cold does none.
- [+] when frozen, lessen chance of melting.
- [+] reduce bite damage of snakes
- [+] balaclava should protect from gas
- [+] make some floor types (like carpet) be multicoloured
- [+] celltype->altcolour
- [+] if altcolour is not C_NONE then use it where (x + y) % 2 is
- [+] don't regain stamina while training
- [+] random text in shops - sayphrase needs to cope with lf == null
- [+] done
- [+] fixed - hecta gifted me with a bamboo staff, but i'm inept with
- [+] BUG: in vault.vlt.
- [+] "30% chance of door" really means "otherwise empty cell"
- [+] need to be able to say "else put a wall here"
- [+] so change:
- [+] c:type:what[:pct]
- [+] to this:
- [+] c:type:what[:pct][:alttype:altwhat]
- [+] vlegend_t needs
- [+] enum VAULTTHING tt2
- [+] char *what2
- [+] they default to VT_NONE, NULL
- [+] secret doors should take their fake wall type from the vault spec
- [+] vaults need f_celltypeempty/solid flags
- [+] add via: solid:xxx in vault def
- [+] recycler
- [+] donate anything
- [+] warn before eating your own kind if it will anger your god, and
you wisdom is high.
- [+] make disease way worse if you eat your own race's corpse!
- [+] CRASH when i try to cook firebug corpse
* [+] bones files:
- [+] when your leg is bleeding, don't lose hp for ATTACKING, only for
- [+] bug: issue with skill display if you learn higher than your max
level by reading a book!
- [+] in this case, reading the book should fail.
- [+] when you start worshipping felix, allow you to learn lockpicking
& thievery to full level!
- [+] infinite loop when an ashkari enters rage while already eating.
- [+] felix prayer should always unlock all nearby doors
- [+] if you add f_calwill xxx, v1=112312 v2=NA, make v2 = v1.
- [+] that way we can confer it!
- [+] say "this is xxx!" after wearing a new amulet.
- [+] fork / knife should make you eat faster.
- [+] double the hp of most armour again
- [+] add new bodypart = neck
- [+] object hiddennames
* [+] nouns
* [+] adjectives
- [+] flight (canwill fly)
- [+] enhance spell power
- [+] victimization (makes everything hostile) (no auto id)
- [+] blinking
- [+] anger (canwill rage)
- [+] vs poison (poison immune)
- [+] vs magic (magic resistance)
- [+] common
- [+] feather fall (dt_fall dmg = 0)
- [+] don't "slam into the ground", just "float gently to the
- [+] of amplification (boost listening skillchecks, allow you to
listen at stairs)
- [+] peaceful sleep (don't get woken up by sound, cursed)
- [+] chef's amulet(lower metabolism)
- [+] thief's amulet (lockpicking)
- [+] ....but only about their home level!
- [+] f_startmapid
- [+] cave entrances should make noise
- [+] drip
- [+] echoing
- [+] cope with multiple f_makesnoise flags on objects (pick one
- [+] showlfstats skill display bug - "MORE" keystroke doesn't fall
- [+] You impale the chicken! The chicken turns to face you.
- [+] shouldn't turn to face if your'e dead!
- [+] nulllify spell not populating seenbyplayer
- [+] crash in createfakes()
- [+] animals hsould still walk onto SHARP objects.
- [+] secret doors showing up as empty remembered cells when you look
away from them (and have lowish cartography)
- [+] don't call remove_deadends on vaults.
- [+] when walking down stairs to level 3:
- [+] ERROR - stairs link to existing map 3('dungeon L2 (id #3)',
depth 2), but it has no free stairs
- [+] ie. Level 3 has too many up staircases ? no. 3 on all of them.
- [+] FIXED. countstairs() was including too much. now using
countmapobs(map, stairtype) instead.
- [+] The goblin rogue a half-sized leather armour (null).
- [+] fixed crash when you cast rage on someone who is eating.
- [+] crash when catching a glowbug in a flask
- [+] use canreachbp code when selecting armour to damage as well....
ie newt can't hit your helmet!
- [+] BUG: "tunnel doing up" went down!
- [+] for monsters:auto raise lf stats to match starting weapons
- [+] crash in aigetspelltarget() for CLIMB
- [+] should deactiveate all spells on polymorph
- [+] allow usage of FEIGNDEATH while prone.
- [+] make coprses non-stackable
- [+] CRASH in animatedead
- [+] shouldn't say 'you attack x from behind' if x has awareness
- [+] create 1 vault
- [+] must have:
- [+] ot_playerstart
- [+] ot_stomachexit
- [+] swallow ability moves to there
- [+] when the lf dies, destroy the map
- [+] TEST
- [+] mover object
- [+] moves you if you didn't move
- [+] f_pushdir, v0 = dir
- [+] invisible obejct
- [+] may flip them horizontally
- [+] chance to dodge the swallow
- [+] rename green ooze to "sizzling slime"
- [+] don't put traps on top of stairs!!
- [+] remove unneeded extra redraw when changing levels.
- [+] make ']' show object AR bonusss
- [+] don't even call precalclos during endgame.
- [+] don't say "you see footprints and footprints here"
- [+] break grabs when you fall unconscious
- [+] bug - ring of wounding not working.
- [+] crash in free(npcnames) !!!!! pointer being freed was not
- [+] grave sprite
- [+] glutworm
- [+] swallows you
- [+] eats all objects
- [+] canines/felines should die from chocolate
- [+] weapons with multiple damtypes
- [+] at adept skilllevel, you can change type (but only with
weapons you're pr_skilled or higher in)
- [+] f_altdamtype xx. must have altdam for normal dam too.
- [+] fire primality
Hecta effect: - [+] necrotic beam