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3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Rob Pearce d5b1e40f98 - [+] add more vrare vaults to reduce likelihood of cockatrice lair!
- [+] bazaar
    - [+] money vault hsould be vrare
    - [+] so should traproom
- [+] rename giant rat to "dire rat"
- [+] don't show anything other than object description and throwing
      for unknown tech
- [+] shouldn't be able to rest in a tent if it's not known!
- [+] eyebat corpse increase maxmp?
- [+] blessed missiles should nearly always hit undead
* [+] too easy to dodge thrown missiles?
- [+] spell and wand of culinary abundance
- [+] if a carnivorous animal kills you:  "Eaten by a xxx"
* [+] bug: stairsperlev is only ever used in making DUNGEONS. 
      generecise this ??
- [+] safetorest - should ignore monsters feigning death
- [+] broken nose should reduce smell range
- [+] fresh and stale bread should be interchangable in cooking
- [+] make scroll of permenance act on you, not your objects
- [+] tweak object rarity yet agian...
- [+] bug: hole in roof above player start pos is immediately destroyed.
- [+] change pickaxe to be like resting
    - [+] wait first, then if not interrupted, do the dig.
    - [+] add cell->hp, celltype->hp. around 100.
    - [+] f_digging, x, y, digperturn
    - [+] interrupt() will stop this.
    - [+] each turn, lower hp of cell by 1.
- [+] make wlaking bakwards take less time based on athletics skill!!!
    - [+] at adept, takes no extra time?
- [+] better racial display
    - [+] ? for extra info.
        - [+] hitdice
        - [+] general attribs (str etc)
        - [+] don't show description until you press '?'
        - [+] addbonustext(flagpile, f_BONDESC, "asdffas") - to avoid
              index issues
        - [+] remove VULNS from "effects" unless temporary
            - [+] isresistantto() etc need to have "int onlytemp"
        - [+] remove VULNS from manual BONTEXT flags
        - [+] CRASH IN DTVULN CODE!!
- [+] limit '?r' display ??
    - [+] what to show
        - [+] show races you have encountered
        - [+] show races you know about through Lore (adept level)
        - [+] show playable races?????
    - [+] structs
        - [+] race->encountered
        - [+] need to save this.
- [+] make EFFECTS only show TEMPORARY effects or ones which don't come
      from race?
- [+] automate bondesc/pendesc based on flags!
    - [+] vulnarabilities / resist / immun
    - [+] vision range!! (visrangemod)
    - [+] size? restricted armour.
    - [+] stayinroom
    - [+] f_humanoid (can use weapons)
    - [+] tamable
    - [+] seeindark
    - [+] caneatraw
    - [+] enhancesmell
    - [+] caneatraw
    - [+] vegeatrian
    - [+] cernivore
    - [+] fastmetab
    - [+] startskill
    - [+] tremorsense
    - [+] silentmove
    - [+] deaf
    - [+] flying / levitating
    - [+] awareness
    - [+] nocturnal / diurnal
    - [+] heavyblow
    - [+] packattack
    - [+] dodges
    - [+] autocreateob
    - [+] MPMOD
    - [+] HPMOD
    - [+] MEDITATES
    - [+] PHOOTMEM
    - [+] canwill "Spells: xx, x, x, x"
- [+] spells:
    - [+] animate stone - "power" walls turn into stone golems
        - [+] implement spell
        - [+] golem
            - [+] r_golemstone
            - [+] knockback attack
            - [+] high str
            - [+] fists 
            - [+] corpsetype and iunsummonob = boulder
- [+] spell power modification - subtract spell level.
- [+] when i go down a drain, make sure the new map links to THE DRAIN
      I WENT DOWN. not some otehr one.
- [+] some monsters shouldn't sleep! add new flag: f_nosleep
- [+] make spanner help disarm traps!
2011-12-03 22:33:37 +00:00
Rob Pearce 10e4713940 - [+] shops on a level should make loud sounds every few turns. (onein3)
- [+] inifniite loop in ?k
- [+] add to balaclava:  equipconfer -> f_anonymous
    - [+] can't get banned from shops with this!
- [+] when randomly increasing skills, don't select maxed ones.
- [+] remove warning for movement while bleeding
- [+] injuries heal too fast.
- [+] bug: The sound of sounds of fighting awakens you!
- [+] shouldnt be able to rest while airborne!
- [+] make drunkenness give more damage resistance!
- [+] "unseen" etc not working on tombstone
- [+] bug: merloch getting infinite attacks!!
- [+] add "a xxx moves out of view"
- [+] why are wizards starting with 2 cold spells? fixed. was getting
      an extra one for gaining a "new" spell skill.
- [+] slowwalking shoudl reduce move volume, not eliminate it.
- [+] i noticed a secret iron door forom 6 cells away!
    - [+] make SC_SEARCH not autopassable on natural 20.
- [+] armour can have a SIZE
    - [+] remove some occurences of "f_noarmouron"  for sz_large,
          sz_small creatures
    - [+] in "canwear", implement size check.  if lf's body size isn't
          sz_human then armour must have "f_armoursize -> sz_xxx"
        - [+] exception for ears / eyes
    - [+] f_multisize
    - [+] f_armoursize sz_xxx
    - [+] can only wear armour whih is your size
    - [+] in io.c, show armour size
    - [+] assign f_multisize to objects
    - [+] when adding objects
        - [+] cope with asking for "large armour" etc
        - [+] adding to a lf's pack? make sure armour is the correct fit
        - [+] somewhere else?  25% chance of different size.  if so,
              50/50 as to which way.
    - [+] in getobname, show "huge armour" etc
        - [+] medium ("halfling size pair of gauntlets"),  human
              ("gauntlets"), or large ("huge gauntlets")
    - [+] high sewing/metalwork skills will let you modify armour for
          custom fit.
        - [+] half the hit points of the object
- [+] implement a multi-level menu system for shops
- [+] text on shop exit ("thank you for your business!")
- [+] shops:
    - [+] only let you donate if you can takeoff / unweild it first.
- [+] replace "vending machine" with shop
- [+] make shops/buildings their own category
    - [+] this will let us say 'random shop'
- [+] enable stealing from shops
- [+] armour
- [+] book
- [+] weapon
- [+] general
- [+] potion
- [+] hardware
- [+] food 
- [+] jeweller
- [+] always show full name for shop items
- [+] temple of xxx -
    - [+] actions
        - [+] donate
        - [+] detect curse
        - [+] bless(costs more if equipped)
        - [+] absolve sins
        - [+] special depending on who the temple is to?
    - [+] temple of'xxx' - assign in addobject()
- [+] extend CHA/SPEECH mods to all shops
- [+] disable stacking for shop objects
- [+] hotel/inn 
    - [+] actions
        - [+] pay to rest (for 100 turns)
            - [+] if you do this, call startresting() before exitting
            - [+] and set some kind of flag so monsters will never
            - [+] maybe:  f_resting_in_hotel
            - [+] and so that they will never wake up you up through
            - [+] remove these when you stop resting.
            - [+] force you to stop resting once your time expires
        - [+] buy food/drink
- [+] weapon shop:
    - [+] donate weapons
- [+] armour shop:
- [+] buy armour
- [+] donate armour (so that monsters don't pick it up!)
* [+] firearm reload messages
- [+] don't take f_throwmissile into account when using telekinesis
- [+] ranged weapons: auto reload after firing.
    - [+] done.
2011-11-16 00:57:21 +00:00
Rob Pearce 7f33b6351c - move all definitions into data.c / data.h
- [+] monsters should start sprinting if targetlf is sprinting && we
      can sprint && we aren't sprinting
* [+] The kobold throws a potion of sleep at you.  A potion of sleep
      hits you.
      A potion of sleep shatters!  You are showered in glass shards!
* [+] in getchoicestr, when there is only one valid choice, show its
      description below!
- [+] in getchoicestr:
    - [+] remember desc_end_y
    - [+] if our typed text doesn't match, and desc_end_y is set 
        - [+] blank out those lines
- [+] in ], show letters and let you view amrour
- [+] Still occasionally have bugs where no up stairs are placed in the
      first level!!!!!
    - [+] put in debugging to show if we ever destroy a staircase
    - [+] test when it happens again.....
- [+] for "pentagram pulses black", if you can't see the estination,
      still say "your xxx flies away"
- [+] change listen code: you can only hear one _footstep_ noise per
      turn, but any number of other things.
- [+] instead of jobs replaceing hitdice, make them _modify_ maxhp by a
      certain %age. ie. f_modmaxhp 80% to get lower.
    - [+] jobs can no longer have F_HITDICE
    - [+] instead, they have F_MAXHPMOD
- [+] why am i getting wet and drowning while flying??
- [+] show f_canwill SPELLS under abilities, not spells??

- More playable races
- [+] need f_playablerace
- [+] can pick when you start the game (before you pick job)
- [+] human
- [+] implement f_jobattrmod
- [+] ALL PLAYABLE RACES must have FULL sets of STARTATT 
* [+] elf
* [+] dwarf
- [+] aviad (birdfolk)
    - [+] can fly
    - [+] vuln to electric attacks
    - [+] vuln++ to fire
    - [+] ---str
- [+] cyborg
    - [+] +str, +int, +dex, +con
    - [+] ---cha
    - [+] -wis
    - [+] vulnerable to lightning, water,cold
    - [+] cannot use any magic, or med-high chance of spell failure
    - [+] bleeds oil rather than water
    - [+] see exact hp damage (f_extrainfo)
    - [+] tech usage.
- [+] remember race in highscores.
2011-09-19 01:47:35 +00:00