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5 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Rob Pearce 7f809977ce - [+] chage skill descriptions to use Accuray Rating numbers, not
- [+] change hardness calculation
- [+] assertion roomidx failure
    - [+] map roomids are geetting screwed up.
    - [+] especially when i do RESTART MAP GENERATION.
    - [+] possible fix is in place...
- [+] maybe make all monsters always have close to max hp
* [+] change weapons to use 'damage rating'
- [+] when reading a spellbook, notify which spells are too hard. OR
      don't even list them?
- [+] print "it is too powerful for you to cast" in red
- [+] don't show "[magic]" on identified objects
- [+] why does agility of 12 give +3 accuracy??? should be lower
- [+] why do i suddenly show about rings???
    - [+] bug in giveobflag()
    - [+] fixed ???
- [+] why could i learn a level 4 fire spell (flame pillar) when my
      fire mgic skillw as only lv3 (adept) ???
    - [+] bug in getspellpower's enforecement of max spell levels
- [+] higher level spells should cost more to cast.
    - [+] l1 = 1
    - [+] l2 = 2
    - [+] l3 = 4
    - [+] l4 = 8
    - [+] l5 = 16
    - [+] l6 = 32
- [+] lurking horror missing a weapon
- [+] in makedesc_spell, put mp cost in red if you can't cast it
2011-10-24 16:46:19 +00:00
Rob Pearce c79a0403c2 - [+] wizard staff should deal 1 extra magic damage as long as you can
pay it
    - [+] use "enchanted" weapon mod?
    - [+] test
    - [+] why aren't obmods working on start obs?
    - [+] why isn't wizard starting with staff weilded
        - [+] because gamemode was GM_LOADING
        - [+] use something different during character gen.
- [+] use different text for followup weapon hits (extradam)
    - [+] "you hit the xxx" (first one)
    - [+] "the xxx burns" (second)
    - [+] "magic blasts the xxx"
    - [+] "the xxx is chilled"
    - [+] move all of this into construct_hit_string(lf, victim, wep,
          damtype, dam, damnum)
    - [+] test
    - [+] move getkillvebr()  and getattackverb() into text.c
    - [+] make attackob() use the same code
- [+] spellbooks now contain multiple spells
    - [+] they have an associated SKILL (not spell)
    - [+] they have contents (a list of spells)
    - [+] hiddenname isn't getting assigned
    - [+] contents aren't getitng filled in
    - [+] when you read them, you learn all the spells (if you can)...
          OR prompt what to read
    - [+] DONT give wizards spells on levelup anymore?
- [+] gods should say WHY they are angry.
    - [+] angergodmaybe, angergod need to take enum GODANGERREASON
        - [+] change definitions
        - [+] change calls
    - [+] add new godsay text into angergod()
2011-10-20 17:15:24 +00:00
Rob Pearce 2db53bca61 - [+] when throwin gn aobject, warn if you have no LOF (just like
- [+] allow dodge/catch of thrown object when there is no thrower (ie.
      arrow traps)
- [+] simplify monster spellcasting
    - [+] don't use any mp
    - [+] select power based on monster hit dice only
    - [+] monsters should cast spells less often  - use f_castchance,
          default of 15% chance
    - [+] TEST
    - [+] you keep your own mpdice when polymorphing into a mosnter
- [+] fxied: throw a tranq dart, then:
    - [+] The cockatrice loses consciousness.  The cockatrice falls
- [+] bug: can't operate a fridge on the ground cause it's too heavy to
- [+] monsters generated on dark levels should always have seeindark 3-4
- [+] vending machines not working... fixed.

- [+] in getchoicestr:
    - [+]  if !showall, and if it shows a longdesc, then you hit
          backspace, longdesc should be cleared.
    - [+] show completion in a different colour
- [+] bug: sometimes we seem to have map->room[x], but no cells with
      cell->room->id == thatid!!
    - [+] stop vaults from overlapping.
- [+] taking too long to walk down levels - enforce max number of
      monster free turns
- [+] inept weapon penalty should be slightly higher
- [+] bad feeling check is too easy.
- [+] skeletons should have f_noinjuries
- [+] shouldn't check for slipping on things while swimming
- [+] tweak how traps + perception skill impact search checks 
- [+] bug: sometimes we have no player start position.
    - [+] if the vault creation fails, restart map generation.
- [+] only give study scroll ability at high spellcasting skill
- [+] typo:  ring (1 charges left)
* [+] god effects when you die:
- [+] pea soup should work in the cell in FRONT of you.
- [+] bug: ring of control seems to work when you _weild_ it!!
- [+] non-lethal weapons
    - [+] sword of mercy (at <1hp, ko)
    - [+] tranq dart
- [+] add sleeptypes
    - [+] change all refernces to f_asleep->val[1] (now an enum)
    - [+] change "stirs in its slumber" if unconscious
    - [+] change all 'fallasleep' calls
    - [+] attacking a ko'd enemy with merciful weapon should do nothing.
    - [+] ai shouldn't target ko'd enemies
- [+] ai should stop targetting people once they're dead/ko'd
- [+] bashing damage should sometimes just knock unconscious instead of
    - [+] if their hp would be >= -3, and onein(2)
- [+] different body part names? "metal frame" instead of "body"
    - [+]  implement F_BPNAME, v0=enum bodypart, text = name
    - [+] getbodypartname() needs a lf argument.
    - [+] once i add this, also make animals have "front legs" instead
          of "arms", "paws" rather than "hands" etc.
    - [+] fix calls to getbodypartname to pass in lf or null
- [+] cyborg mods:
    - [+] can't wear most armour?
        - [+] need f_noarmouron - we HAVE this bp, but can't put armour
              on it.
    - [+] large rust damage from water
- [+] if you have a bad feeling about an object, mark it as "[bad]"
    - [+] f_knownbad
- [+] killing should anger the god of mercy
2011-09-22 02:00:16 +00:00
Rob Pearce 5bd96d7e5a - [+] bug in skillpoint % display in @@
- [+] make detect life last longer
- [+] stirge should have enhacnesmell
- [+] plants should never "turn to face you". 
    - [+]  they should be able to see in all dirs.
    - [+] don't announce "turns to face" if the lf has f_awareness
- [+] AGAIN: walk on to a dark place and i can still see my own cell! 
      needed >= instead of > in celllitfor
- [+] don't show sacrifice text if you can't see
- [+] butterflies shouldn't produce light.
- [+] peaceful things shouldn't turn to face you all the time (only low
      % chance)
- [+] CRASHES when killing flags
    - [+] killflag() was dereferencing f-> after freeing it.
- [+] skill which aren't ready not showing up in 'm' list
    - [+] i think a previous fix for spells broke this...
    - [+] whatever it was, it shoudl only apply to spells, not
- [+] don't show @G if you're looking at someone else.
- [+] sunrise code didn't work - i immediately went to full fov!
    - [+] was a bug in isnighttime().
- [+] jimbo needs more hp
- [+] diningroom should have a fridge, instead of all food being on
- [+] bug: "it is pitch black" as soon as you use stairs....... need to
      recalc light 
- [+] show temp lit areas as bold
    - [+] do it.
    - [+] test.......
- [+] notification of being followed to other maps/stairs:
    - [+] "you walk up the stairs. xxx follows you."
    - [+] implement.
- [+] move sacrifice code to god.c
- [+] change twoewapon->master to make your second weapon act like a
    - [+] ie. getshield() returns it.
    - [+] act like low level shield skill. special case in
- [+] make twoweaponers only be able to use secondary weapons in which
      they are skilled.
2011-09-15 01:40:26 +00:00
Rob Pearce 81c7f37eff - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying  might give you a gift. 
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
      before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
    - [+] prey = oneoff effect
    - [+] gift = ongoing
    * [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00