- [+] gate spell should always take you to a location wihtout water!!
- [+] enhance speak with dead spell (SPEAKDEAD)
- [+] may ask "how did you die" plus one of the below:
- [+] tell me about the area
- [+] mark stairs on the map
- [+] mark shops on the map
- [+] tell about very rare objects
- [+] tell me about nearby dangers
- [+] tell about odd monsters
- [+] tell about traps
- [+] test
- [+] let you ask peaceful lfs about the surroundings too
- [+] move code into io.c "askaboutarea(char *who)"
- [+] test
- [+] the first time you ask someone for info, randomly determine
whether they know about:
- [+] stairs (high chance)
- [+] shops (medium chance)
- [+] traps (low chance)
- [+] areacomms_danger should include out of depth monsters - need
- [+] room floors should take the entry type from the habitat, NOT just
use ct_room!!!!
- [+] sometimes generate fixed SEWER regionthings
- [+] done
- [+] BUG: canT enter goblin caves again!!!!
- [+] getting "ERROR - can't find opposite end of stairs/portal!"
- [+] FAILED to link stiars: 'tunnel leading up'
- [+] make maps direct you to regionthings.
- [+] region things need unique IDs !!!
- [+] change F_MAPTO
- [+] v0 = src region id
- [+] v1 = src depth
- [+] v2 = regionthing with whatkind = RT_REGIONLINK
- [+] when generating map objects, fill in a random branch entry
- [+] fix getobname code for unknown maps.
- [+] TEST
- [+] with "map to the goblin caves"
- [+] with "map"
- [+] with "map to"
- [+] use "the goblin caves are to the north", not "is to the north"
- [+] is
- [+] isn't
- [+] test reading a map when on the wrong branch
- [+] test reading a map when on the wrong level
- [+] test reading a map when on the right level
- [+] move staircase generation to END of map create
- [+] finalisemap()
- [+] countobswithflagval(obpile, flagid, val0...)
- [+] countmapobswithflagval(map, flagid, v0...)
- [+] jimbo's map should lead you to one of the major branches.
- [+] crit pos shouldn't be higher than you can reach!
- [+] same size or bigger = can reach anything
- [+] 1 size smaller = you can't reach the head
- [+] 2 sizes smaller = can't reach head or hands
- [+] 3 sizes smaller = can't reach head, hands or body
- [+] jimbo's room should contain all the staircases
- [+] make you have to pass a speech check before people will tell you
about the area
- [+] bug in recruitment skillchecks - using wrong attribute, and too
- [+] rename dwarf to delver
- [+] somtimes say "dons" instead of "puts on"