since they're ilmited by stamina.
- [+] rename dexterity to agility
- [+] The leprechaun steals an uncursed ring of miracles from you!
The leprechaun cowers away from you!
- [+] should FLEE , not cower!
- [+] should set blessknown after reading a scroll
- [+] cursed mending scroll not working on non-damaged objects
- [+] spanner helps metal repair
- [+] needle boosts sewing ability
- [+] when resting in a tent, monstesr have very low chance of noticing
you (5%)
- [+] move display of resistances to 'effects' section.
- [+] show what a mosnter wants in effects (if you have >= beginner
- [+] prevent running into monsters with shift+dir
- [+] infinite loop when creating a map, constant getrandomroomcell()
calls failing
- [+] monstesr will steal objects they WANT rather than always random
- [+] monster:
- [+] leprechaun
- [+] lucky
- [+] covets gold
- [+] shillelagh ? or just a club?
- [+] blink
- [+] steal
- [+] dodge
- [+] at the moment attack doesn't seem to be draining stamina...
- [+] it is, but i'm getting it right back due to attack speed.
- [+] make stamina take longer to regen. - 1 per 3 turns rather
than 1 per 2.
- [+] stamina loss must be MORE than basic regen rate (0.3)
- [+] make stamina loss for attack depend on atatck speed!
- [+] instead of "you feel sick", say "you have contracted
weakening poison" or "you have been infected with xxx"
- [+] store stamina as a float, but getstamina() should return an
- [+] sprinting - use 1.5 stamina per cell instead of 1?
- [+] modify accuracy text
- [+] fork
- [+] showing f_entertext should set didmsg
- [+] instead of printing 100% accuracy, show "Acc:0" (ie 100),
"Acc:-1" (ie -10) etc
- [+] do this in @@
- [+] do this in describeob
- [+] nocturnal monsters
- [+] base monsters initially being asleep on time and whether
mosnter is nocturnal
- [+] also during aiturn(), if they have nothing to do and it's
their sleeping time, goto sleep
- [+] add flags
- [+] flies should always move towards corpses if possible
- [+] maybe F_WANTSOB corpse, covet?
- [+] but thye can't pick it up so they'll just hover nearby?
- [+] now they can be hostile too
- [+] when we're picking a random corpse, try again if we get something
with nocorpse like a ghost
- [+] getrandomcorpserace()
- [+] lower stamina max - currently at lv1+ft:11 i have 7 stam. should
be more like 5
- [+] severed finger shoudn't count as making you bleed when you attack
- [+] in askcoords, always show cell name
- [+] monsters with no melee attacks can always cast spells while
- [+] resting issues
- [+] having a temporary injury means oyu need to rest, so don't
say "you don't need to rest"!
- [+] also don't stop resting until all temporary injuries are
- [+] show comparative weights / armour ratings
- [+] make price for npcs to join be lower
- [+] assertion failure with who->timespent == 0 when a mosnter falls
through a hole
- [+] (after I follow by falling down the pit)
- [+] make taketime() not work when not on the player's map
- [+] bug - monsters never waking up
- [+] "tailwind" spell (fast movement speed but forwards only)
- [+] now that i have Hardness, _all_ reduced damage should go towards
- [+] earthquake - pits open up around you (but not under you)
- [+] force sphere - radial blast outwards, knocks back lfs + obs +
doors etc