- [+] allow dodge/catch of thrown object when there is no thrower (ie.
arrow traps)
- [+] simplify monster spellcasting
- [+] don't use any mp
- [+] select power based on monster hit dice only
- [+] monsters should cast spells less often - use f_castchance,
default of 15% chance
- [+] TEST
- [+] you keep your own mpdice when polymorphing into a mosnter
- [+] fxied: throw a tranq dart, then:
- [+] The cockatrice loses consciousness. The cockatrice falls
- [+] bug: can't operate a fridge on the ground cause it's too heavy to
- [+] monsters generated on dark levels should always have seeindark 3-4
- [+] vending machines not working... fixed.
- [+] in getchoicestr:
- [+] if !showall, and if it shows a longdesc, then you hit
backspace, longdesc should be cleared.
- [+] show completion in a different colour
- [+] bug: sometimes we seem to have map->room[x], but no cells with
cell->room->id == thatid!!
- [+] stop vaults from overlapping.
- [+] taking too long to walk down levels - enforce max number of
monster free turns
- [+] inept weapon penalty should be slightly higher
- [+] bad feeling check is too easy.
- [+] skeletons should have f_noinjuries
- [+] shouldn't check for slipping on things while swimming
- [+] tweak how traps + perception skill impact search checks
- [+] bug: sometimes we have no player start position.
- [+] if the vault creation fails, restart map generation.
- [+] only give study scroll ability at high spellcasting skill
- [+] typo: ring (1 charges left)
* [+] god effects when you die:
- [+] pea soup should work in the cell in FRONT of you.
- [+] bug: ring of control seems to work when you _weild_ it!!
- [+] non-lethal weapons
- [+] sword of mercy (at <1hp, ko)
- [+] tranq dart
- [+] add sleeptypes
- [+] change all refernces to f_asleep->val[1] (now an enum)
- [+] change "stirs in its slumber" if unconscious
- [+] change all 'fallasleep' calls
- [+] attacking a ko'd enemy with merciful weapon should do nothing.
- [+] ai shouldn't target ko'd enemies
- [+] ai should stop targetting people once they're dead/ko'd
- [+] bashing damage should sometimes just knock unconscious instead of
- [+] if their hp would be >= -3, and onein(2)
- [+] different body part names? "metal frame" instead of "body"
- [+] implement F_BPNAME, v0=enum bodypart, text = name
- [+] getbodypartname() needs a lf argument.
- [+] once i add this, also make animals have "front legs" instead
of "arms", "paws" rather than "hands" etc.
- [+] fix calls to getbodypartname to pass in lf or null
- [+] cyborg mods:
- [+] can't wear most armour?
- [+] need f_noarmouron - we HAVE this bp, but can't put armour
on it.
- [+] large rust damage from water
- [+] if you have a bad feeling about an object, mark it as "[bad]"
- [+] f_knownbad
- [+] killing should anger the god of mercy