they get out of sight.
- [+] some kind of obstacle which you must CLIMB over
- [+] objects
- [+] metal barricade (also breakable)
- [+] pile of rubble (not breakable)
- [+] need a climb check of difficulty v0 to move ON to it. if you
fail, you fall off in a random direction.
- [+] if you don't ahve the climbing skill, you can't move onto it.
- [+] ...and EVERYONE needs to be able to learn swimming & climbing
- [+] vaults:
- [+] room with heaps of these in rows - "fortified_room"
- [+] room with lots of these over a pit - "pit_path"
- [+] room with lots of these over fires (or something
damaging) - "firepit"
- [+] if you're standing on something with "climbobstacle", you
count as being higher
- [+] tables should have CLIMBOBSTACLE diff 5
- [+] vault - pit with archers on the side
- [+] cope with "monster_name with _objectname_"
- [+] cope with objects of name "random firearm"
- [+] BUG: "Gather up the spoils of battle!" A masterwork weapon store
- [+] rarity on wands seems broken...
- [+] god gifts are happening too often when god is just 'pleased'
- [+] on levels where floor is carpet, don't create vaults with obs
made of MT_FIRE
- [+] bjorn prayer's forcesphere radius should depend on piety level
- [+] collapsing door trap - need f_doortrap to restict this to just