- [+] make non-lethal kills (ie. knockouts) display in grey rather than
- [+] ability: merciful fighting? always does bashing damage, always
- [+] done
- [+] Chatting to gods shouldn't work
- [+] bug: when running with shift+dir, i'm running past corridors.
- [+] when announcing skill gains, say if they are from a level.
- [+] set lifetime to FROMJOB when giving them.
- [+] if lifetime = FROMJOB, ""you can now use the ability 'xxx'
(warrior skill)"
- [+] grenade/c4 explosions should be able to damage cells!
- [+] change grenades to have bigger radius (dtorth 1)
- [+] automatically call "fireat" for grenades
- [+] impement this
- [+] make the timer shorter!
- [+] add extra checks to stop monsters from attacking allies
- [+] replace "insane"monster behaviour with F_TERRITORIAL v0=range.
- [+] will atatck anything else visible within range xxx
- [+] grave sprite should be able to see in the dark
- [+] instead of saying "An orc [drunk]", change getlfname to return "a
drunken orc" etc
- [+] when you throw an object at someone in a wall, it should fall
onto the ground in front, NOT the wall itself!
- [+] show how MUCH high/low str/agi will affect weapon damage/accuracy
- [+] different shoddy/masterwork text based on weapon types
- [+] bug: monsters never bleed from injuries!
- [+] another bug in getavgdam - negative accuracy returns negative
damage since we modify damage by accuracy!
- [+] within this function, limit accuracy to range 0-100
- [+] bug with options - opt->id never being initialised!
- [+] don't apply "behaviours" to anythuing other than humanoids.
- [+] increase missile accuracy if you are above your target
- [+] (ie you are flying higher them them)
- [+] getflightsizemod()