- [+] need a potion and venom sac
- [+] make more things drop venom sacs - snakes etc
- [+] operate the venom sac ?
- [+] can do this with first levle chemistry
- [+] different kind of venom - blindness
- [+] "blue venom sac" vs "purple venom sac"
- [+] combiesn to potion of blindness
- [+] more amulets
- [+] common
- [+] of bravery
- [+] of light (common)
- [+] of minor protection (common) (=5 AR
- [+] energy absorbtion (absorb explosions, then pump them out)
- [+] uncommon
- [+] injury prvention (instead of ring)
- [+] rare
- [+] or major protection (not common) +10 AR
- [+] had a missing eye. drunk a healing potino.
- [+] Your head grows back! Your injured head has healed.
- [+] objects with positive F_BONUS should never start cursed
- [+] (in addobject)
- [+] territorial monsters talk when you are approaching their
threshold (but not within it)
- [+] put this in ai_talk()
- [+] if someone almost at territorial range:
- [+] make f_noisetext v2 be SP_xxx. if it's set, just say
this instead.
- [+] if we can talk, SP_TERRITORY_APPROACH
- [+] possibilities:
- [+] stay away!
- [+] keep back!
- [+] get away froma me!
- [+] don't come any closer!
- [+] that's close enough.
- [+] keep your distance, stranger!
- [+] out of my way!
- [+] test with giant and
- [+] test with insane humanoid
- [+] make territorial creatures not walk too close to things,
unless they are attacking or fleeing
- [+] in willmove(), fail if it is too close to something
- [+] ...unless we have a target lf
- [+] ...or we are fleeing
- [+] jumping when woozy will go to a random cell
- [+] fix autoshortcuts to include starting spells
- [+] still bugs with canreachbp - "The giant rat critically scratches
your wizard hat."
- [+] zombies shoudln't be able to talk.
- [+] allow pets to "cheat" to find player's lcoation.
- [+] need some kind of limit on zombie army creation
- [+] no stairs
- [+] areallies() on two pets returning false
- [+] psychic shove
- [+] push off something, or push them away
- [+] l2 mental
- [+] pushback power+1 cells (max power 3)
- [+] different god message for first prayer.
- [+] fix crash during swapplaces()
- [+] sacrifice of masterwork weapons should work better. shoddy
should be worse.
- [+] bug: shops don't work anymore
- [+] change lessen poison - power always goes to 1
- [+] replace description "spell's power is boosted when cast outside"
with "boosted when cast in a forested area"
- [+] minor healing problem. "at lest 2hp per power" but mxpower 10.
should be maxpwer 5
- [+] wish for 'protection' should give something you can wear without
- [+] locate object should give a message when none are found.