pay it
- [+] use "enchanted" weapon mod?
- [+] test
- [+] why aren't obmods working on start obs?
- [+] why isn't wizard starting with staff weilded
- [+] because gamemode was GM_LOADING
- [+] use something different during character gen.
- [+] use different text for followup weapon hits (extradam)
- [+] "you hit the xxx" (first one)
- [+] "the xxx burns" (second)
- [+] "magic blasts the xxx"
- [+] "the xxx is chilled"
- [+] move all of this into construct_hit_string(lf, victim, wep,
damtype, dam, damnum)
- [+] test
- [+] move getkillvebr() and getattackverb() into text.c
- [+] make attackob() use the same code
- [+] spellbooks now contain multiple spells
- [+] they have an associated SKILL (not spell)
- [+] they have contents (a list of spells)
- [+] hiddenname isn't getting assigned
- [+] contents aren't getitng filled in
- [+] when you read them, you learn all the spells (if you can)...
OR prompt what to read
- [+] DONT give wizards spells on levelup anymore?
- [+] gods should say WHY they are angry.
- [+] angergodmaybe, angergod need to take enum GODANGERREASON
- [+] change definitions
- [+] change calls
- [+] add new godsay text into angergod()