- [+] add player->facing
- [+] this gets set to the last move direction
- [+] you can only see in an arc in front of you
- [+] going backwards just changes facing (and takes less time)
- [+] shift+samedir = run
- [+] shift + otherdir = walk without turning / strafe
- [+] when ai is moving towards a seen target, always strafe
- [+] when fleeing, you can turn your back.
- [+] make strafing backwards/sideays take longer
- [+] enhanced-smell means you can see all LIFEFORMS or _smell
obects_ in all directions
- [+] ie. look in all dirs, but in precalclos(), can only see
RD_BACKWARDS/SIDEWAYS cells if they have lfs
- [+] define "smelly" objects - non-undead lifeforms, food,
ot_scent. f_smellable
- [+] make eyedestroyed half your FOV (lose the right side)
- [+] change pirate to start with permenant IJ_EYEDESTROYED
- [+] mosnters should always turn to face sounds
- [+] shields should give no AR, but have a chance of blocking all
damage based on shield skill
- [+] healing potions should fix nonpermenant injuries (check for this
after checking for missing bodyparts)
- [+] shouldn't remember map cells anything when bezerk
- [+] show skillxp until next skill in @@
- [+] only allow 'c' to close doors which you can see.
- [+] bug in precalclos when going off map.
- [+] even with 0 cartography, remember cells. but then forget once
they're >4 cells away.
- [+] Exp Level: 3 (-2147483087 XP, 2147483704 for next)
- [+] add asserts
- [+] calcxp is sometimes returning -xxxxxxx. turned on debugging.
- [+] wait for it to happen again
- [+] bug: player can see own cell when maxvisrange = 0(resting)
- [+] mods for perception skill:
- [+] adept pereption: FOV widened
- [+] expert perception: leave no footprints (rather than
partically obscure)
- [+] master perception: see in nearly all dirs