Rob Pearce d51dfa11f9 - [+] make "fear" be used to flee, not attack
- [+] CRASH in linkexit()
- [+] make most monsters either have sk_perception at least novice.
- [+] show success rate when studying scrolls
- [+] bug: unable to drink from fountains anymore
- [+] always use multidrop - this will free up 'D'
- [+] forest tree cluster maps are not working - only a single tree in
      each cluster!
- [+] crash - ghost adding footprint to solid cell! 
- [+] amberon's wrath for attacking peaceful should happen once per
      ATTACK, not once per HIT
- [+] show cells outside LOS as blue or darkgrey
- [+] Don't place normal rooms next to the edge of the map either!!
- [+] getradiuscells(scatter) needs an option to include density
    - [+] then make absolute zero have high density
* [+] summoning spells on pentagram will summon a demon instead
- [+] "confusion" / "baffle" mental spell - l2 
- [+] add 'concussion' injury (head bash) - confusion effect.
    - [+] iswoozy checks for this.
- [+] severed limbs -"frominjury" so taht you can heal them
- [+] linkexit() needs to be able to handle making THREE turns:
    - [+] when looking for turnpos, remember each up/down celll
    - [+] if we don't find one ("annot find a way to link up") , go
          through each up/down cell and look left/right
    - [+] fix is in place.
    - [+] tested.
- [+] bug: doors being placed on top of rock walls!!! think this is
      related to fix_deadends.
    - [+] assert statement added.
* [+] bug:  no up stairs generated on first dungeon map! was being
      removed by clearcell() for overlapping rooms.
- [+] mass stun spell - l4. stuns all in los ?
* [+] make "stun" / massstun durations be 2-4 depending on power
- [+] "restricted" jobs/races?
    - [+] don't put shopkeepers in pubs
- [+] make a per-map maxvisrange. the deeper you go, the lower this
      gets (ie . it is darker, less ambientlight)
    - [+] limit getvisrange(lf) by getmapmaxvisrange()
    - [+]  map->habitat->maxvisrange. set this during createhabitat()
    - [+] reduce maxvisrange
    - [+] reduce it to 6
- [+] why can i still see 1 cell?
- [+] why can i still always see my own cell?
- [+] when in pitch black for a certain amount of time, your vision
      adjusts to maxrange=1
    - [+] ie. getnightvisrange(lf) should be modified by
    - [+] reset if you can ever see a lit cell.
    - [+] when this happens to the player:
        - [+] msgs about this
        - [+] also force light recalc
- [+] only recalc light when dirty
    - [+] if we call "haslos()" for a lf and they have losdirty,
          precalclos first.
- [+] vis range problems
    - [+] sunglasses/footballhelm visrangereduce isn't working anymore
        - [+] it's reducing maxvisrange(lf).
        - [+] BUT - my maxvisrange is 5, which is still higher than the
              ambient range.
        - [+] need to apply reductions AFTER ambient light
        - [+] NOW eyeadjustment isn't working.  because cell lit is
              l_temp, not l_notlit.
        - [+] but if this is the case, why can't i see?  anwer: because
              my visrange has been reduced to 0 due to no ambient light!
        - [+] so.... how do i make lightt sources override this?
        - [+] maybe say:  if a cell is lit, i can see it, even if it's
              outside my ambient light.
    - [+] falling over isn't reducing your visrange anymore
- [+] why doesn't eyeadjust make the screen update?
- [+] is regular "haslos" code ever used anymore????
- [+] now i can't see lit cells in the darkness again....fixed
- [+] after you calm something, give it xpval0
    - [+] show message when calm animals fails
- [+] check all spell sc_resistmag oskillcheck difficulties
    - [+] diff should be 20  + (spelllev*2) + power
    - [+] l1 spell should be diff 20
    - [+] l2 should be diff 24 
    - [+] ...
    - [+] l7 should be diff 34
- [+] bleeding injuries should make armour "bloodstained"  (5% chance
      per turn)
- [+] msgs for "the sun is starting to set" and "the sun is starting to
    - [+] make 6am, 18pm be constants
- [+] add crushed windpipe -  lower Fitness, cannot sprint
* [+] CRASH when going down stairs! another overlapping room bug i
- [+] cockatrices and chickens should cluck
- [+] canwill param:  race:xxx;
    - [+] define it
    - [+] use this in "createmonster"
    - [+] use this in "polymorph" when on self
    - [+] then remove f_forcepoly
    - [+] TEST 
- [+] make playerstart vaults able to appear randomly (just don't place
      the the "playerstart" object)
- [+] redo texttospellopts() to make it more friendly
    - [+] give a list of what we want as args, rather than passing lots
          of nulls
    - [+] "pw:",  &localpowervar etc
- [+] make "n_lowhp" noisetext happen at END of lf turn - NOT during
- [+] rename turneffectslf() to startlfturn()
- [+] show hunger level as a bar in @@
- [+] warn before becoming burdened.
- [+] warn when you ARE burdened.  at the end of moveob()
- [+] l6 - absolute zero (turn everyone around you to ice, freeze all
      obs, turn ground to ice)
- [+] some monsters leave non-meat food behind?
    - [+] cactus -> cactus juice/fruit
    - [+] dreamfungus ->  sleeping powerder
- [+] silver weapons (5% chance on eligible weapons)
    - [+] hurt vampires 
    - [+] vulnerable to mat??? - then use fromob in losehp()
        - [+] f_matvuln mt_xxx multiplier
    - [+] add some silver weapons
        - [+] f_canbediffmat  mt_silver  10%
        - [+] if f_canbediffmat  is true, sometimes change material to
              this on creation
        - [+] getobname - if material is differnet, show this
        - [+] dagger
        - [+] sword
        - [+] arrow
        - [+] bolt
        - [+] dart
        - [+] addob should accept 'wantdiffmat'
2011-09-09 23:03:32 +00:00
cave_bear.vlt Committing new vaults: 2011-08-25 09:15:37 +00:00
cavein.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
cell.vlt Committing new vaults: 2011-08-25 09:15:37 +00:00
circle.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
crosshatch.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
crossroads.vlt Committing new vaults: 2011-08-25 09:15:37 +00:00
diagcross.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
diningroom.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
floodroom1.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
floodroom2.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
glasscorner.vlt Committing new vaults: 2011-08-25 09:15:37 +00:00
glasswall.vlt Committing new vaults: 2011-08-25 09:15:37 +00:00
godshrine1.vlt Committing new vaults: 2011-08-25 09:15:37 +00:00
grove.vlt Committing new vaults: 2011-08-25 09:15:37 +00:00
island.vlt Committing new vaults: 2011-08-25 09:15:37 +00:00
jimbo.vlt - [+] fix bug with help not working 2011-08-24 08:15:09 +00:00
labyrinth.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
lair_cockatrice.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
monsterzoo.disabled - [+] make "fear" be used to flee, not attack 2011-09-09 23:03:32 +00:00
monsterzoo.vlt 2011-08-17 20:57:43 +00:00
mudroom.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
pillar.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
pillarglass.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
playerstart1.vlt - [+] make "fear" be used to flee, not attack 2011-09-09 23:03:32 +00:00
playerstart2.vlt - [+] make "fear" be used to flee, not attack 2011-09-09 23:03:32 +00:00
playerstart3.vlt - [+] make "fear" be used to flee, not attack 2011-09-09 23:03:32 +00:00
playerstart4.vlt - [+] make "fear" be used to flee, not attack 2011-09-09 23:03:32 +00:00
playerstart5.vlt - [+] make "fear" be used to flee, not attack 2011-09-09 23:03:32 +00:00
playerstart6.vlt - [+] make "fear" be used to flee, not attack 2011-09-09 23:03:32 +00:00
playerstart7.vlt - [+] make "fear" be used to flee, not attack 2011-09-09 23:03:32 +00:00
pub.vlt Committing new vaults: 2011-08-25 09:15:37 +00:00
riverroom.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
roundabout.vlt Committing new vaults: 2011-08-25 09:15:37 +00:00
shop_armour.vlt - [+] thrown objects taking no damage due to hardness 2011-06-29 08:48:48 +00:00
shop_food.vlt Committing new vaults: 2011-08-25 09:15:37 +00:00
shop_potion.vlt - [+] thrown objects taking no damage due to hardness 2011-06-29 08:48:48 +00:00
shop_weapon.vlt - [+] thrown objects taking no damage due to hardness 2011-06-29 08:48:48 +00:00
shrine.vlt Committing new vaults: 2011-08-25 09:15:37 +00:00
traproom.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
uturn.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00
vault.vlt - [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! 2011-08-03 18:43:05 +00:00