- [+] new option when chatting:
- [+] "care to trade knowledge?"
- [+] works if:
- [+] you have a skill which they don't know (or a spell
which they don't know)
- [+] otherwise "there is nothing you can teach me."
- [+] AND ONE OF
- [+] works if they know a spell which you don't know (but
are able to learn)
- [+] works if they have the same skills as you, but better,
- [+] works if they have the a skill which you don't, AND
they are >= adept
- [+] otherwise "i fear there is nothing useful i can
teach you"
- [+] TEST
- [+] can only do this once per person ("i have nothign more i
can teach you")
- [+] if high speech, you can pick what to learn. otherwise
it's random.
- [+] bug: human rogue asking to learn 'summon weapon' but not
skilled in summoning!!!
- [+] speech skill determines what you can ask people about!
- [+] nov:any dangers?
- [+] beg:any useful items around?
- [+] ad:trade knowledge?
- [+] sk:join me?
- [+] (but make skillchecks harder otherwise by the time you get
the rigth speech skill level, you'll always pass!)