#ifndef __GLOBALS_H #define __GLOBALS_H /* global variables */ int musicplaying; SDL_Surface *temps; // temporary surface SDL_Surface *screen; // the actual video screen sprite_t *sprite; // head of sprite linked list sprite_t *lastsprite; // tail of sprite linked list sprite_t *player; // pointer to the player's sprite Mix_Music *music, *fastmusic, *normalmusic; Mix_Chunk *sfx[MAXFX]; level_t *curlevel; // the current level's data tiletype_t fakeblock; // used for returning tiletypes from a function int vidargs; // arguments for SetVideo call TTF_Font *font[MAXLETTERHEIGHT]; /* timers */ int gtime; // game time - time elapsed on current level int timer; // generic 1-100 timer for repeated events int toggletimer; // used for toggling between fullscreen mode /* colours */ SDL_Color red; SDL_Color black; SDL_Color white; SDL_Color green; SDL_Color yellow; #endif