3906 lines
88 KiB
3906 lines
88 KiB
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_keysym.h>
#include <SDL_rotozoom.h>
#include <SDL_ttf.h>
#include <SDL_framerate.h>
#include <SDL_mixer.h>
#include "shared.h"
#include "rc.h"
FPSmanager manager;
SDL_Surface *temps;
SDL_Surface *screen;
Mix_Music *curmusic = NULL; // pointer to currently playing music
char tempm[BUFLEN];
int playedbell;
int clocktime;
SDL_Surface *pausedtext, *pausedshadow;
int paused;
tiletype_t fakeblock;
/* the order in which fruit will appear */
int fruittypes[] = {
/* the order in which powerups will appear */
int poweruptypes[] = {
int curfruittype = 0;
int curpoweruptype = 0;
int gtime = 0;
int fpsticks = 0;
int fpsstart = 0;
int curworld = 1;
int curlevelnum;
int skipto = -1; // which level to skip to
level_t *curlevel;
int levelcompletetime = -1;
sprite_t *sprite = NULL; /* main sprite list */
sprite_t *player;
sprite_t *lastsprite;
SDL_Color red = {255, 0, 0, 0};
SDL_Color black = {0, 0, 0, 0};
SDL_Color blue = {0, 0, 255, 0};
SDL_Color cyan = {0, 255, 255, 0};
SDL_Color white = {255, 255, 255, 0};
SDL_Color grey = {210, 210, 210, 0};
SDL_Color green = {0, 255, 0, 0};
SDL_Color yellow = {255, 255, 0, 0};
int vidargs = 0;
int timer = 0;
int toggletimer = 0;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
Uint8 *keys;
sprite_t *s,*nextsprite;
char filename[BUFLEN];
int i;
int *animtile;
curlevelnum = 1;
musicplaying = B_FALSE;
cheat = B_FALSE;
levelbg = NULL;
/* handle arguments */
if (argc >= 2) {
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fs")) {
printf("Fullscreen mode enabled.\n");
vidargs |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c")) {
printf("Cheat mode.\n");
cheat = B_TRUE;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-l")) {
if (++i >= argc) {
printf("Missing level number.\n");
skipto = atoi(argv[i]);
printf("Skipping to level %d.\n",skipto);
} else {
printf("SDL_Init: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
#ifdef OPENGL
SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5 );
SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 5 );
SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5 );
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16);
//SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8);
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640,480,16,SDL_OPENGLBLIT|vidargs);
//screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640,480,16,SDL_SWSURFACE|SDL_DOUBLEBUF|vidargs);
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640,480,16,SDL_SWSURFACE|vidargs);
if (!screen) {
printf("Failed to open window: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
if (loadimagesets()) {
printf("Error loading images.\n");
return 1;
if (loadlevellist()) {
printf("Error loading level list from levels.dat.\n");
return 1;
// is we're skipping to a level, do so now
if (skipto >= 0) {
for (i = 0; i < numlevels; i++) {
if (levelentry[i].id == skipto) {
curlevelnum = i;
fakeblock.id = T_LAND;
for (i = 0; i < TILEW; i++) {
fakeblock.lowness[i] = 0;
fakeblock.solid = S_SOLID;
fakeblock.img[0] = IMG_Load("newtiles/land.png");
fakeblock.numframes = 1;
fakeblock.next = NULL;
fakeblock.prev = NULL;
/* load fonts */
sprintf(filename, "gamefont.ttf");
for (i = 1; i < MAXLETTERHEIGHT; i++) {
font[i] = TTF_OpenFont(filename,i);
if (!font[i]) {
printf("Error opening font: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
return 1;
/* calculate fps delay */
SDL_setFramerate(&manager, WANTFPS);
/* init sound */
if (initsound()) {
printf("sound error.\n");
return 1;
/* init tiles */
if (loadtiletypes("green.tiles")) {
printf("Cannot initialise tiles\n");
if (loadlevel(curworld,curlevelnum)) {
return 1;
//levelcomplete = LV_FINAL;
curlevelnum-- ; // since nexlevel() will increment it
timer = 0;
player->invuln = INVULNTIME;
player->score = 0;
player->lives = 3;
/* generate images for "PAUSED" text */
pausedtext = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_PAUSED], "PAUSED", yellow);
pausedshadow = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_PAUSED], "PAUSED", black);
paused = B_FALSE;
// main loop
while (1) {
/* check for death & update movement status*/
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = nextsprite) {
s->moved = MV_NONE;
nextsprite = s->next;
if (s->dead == D_FINAL) {
if (s == player) {
if (player->lives > 0) {
/* if we have lives left, go back to start position */
s->x = (curlevel->p1x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
s->y = (curlevel->p1y * TILEH) + (TILEH/2);
s->invuln = INVULNTIME;
} else {
if (levelcomplete == LV_GAMEOVER) {
// TODO: Wait until "game over" text is gone, then slowly fade out the screen
// then show hiscores
// then back to title screen
} else {
addoutlinetext(320,240,TEXTSIZE_GAMEOVER,"Game Over",&red,&black,GAMEOVERDELAY);
levelcomplete = LV_GAMEOVER;
} else {
// check for level completion
/* check for end of level */
if (levelcomplete == LV_CLEAR) {
addoutlinetext(320,240,TEXTSIZE_LEVEL,"Level Complete!",&green,&black,LEVELWINDELAY);
levelcomplete = LV_WAIT;
// turn off clock powerup
if (player->powerup == PW_CLOCK) {
player->powerup = B_FALSE;
} else if (levelcomplete == LV_WAIT) {
int mcount = 0;
sprite_t *s2;
/* when all monsters have become fruits */
for (s2 = sprite->next ; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (ismonster(s2->id)) {
if (s2->id != P_CLOUD) {
if (mcount == 0) {
levelcompletetime = gtime;
levelcomplete = LV_FINAL;
/* check for keys */
keys = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL);
if (keys[SDLK_p]) {
if (toggletimer == 0) {
if (paused) {
paused = B_FALSE;
} else {
paused = B_TRUE;
toggletimer = 80;
if (keys[SDLK_ESCAPE]) {
return 1;
if (!paused) {
if (keys[SDLK_q]) {
gtime = nexthurryup-1;
if (keys[SDLK_l]) {
if (toggletimer == 0) {
addscore(player, 100001);
toggletimer = 80;
if (keys[SDLK_n]) {
if (toggletimer == 0) {
toggletimer = 50;
if (keys[SDLK_d]) {
if (toggletimer == 0) {
// dump sprites
toggletimer = 50;
if (keys[SDLK_RETURN]) {
if (toggletimer == 0) {
toggletimer = 50;
if ((!player->dead) && (!player->teleporting)) {
if (keys[SDLK_RIGHT]) {
if (canmove(player)) {
movex(player, getspeed(player));
if (canturn(player)) {
player->dir = D_RIGHT;
if (keys[SDLK_LEFT]) {
if (canmove(player)) {
movex(player, -getspeed(player));
if (canturn(player)) {
player->dir = D_LEFT;
if (keys[SDLK_UP]) {
//if (isonladder(player) || isladderabove(player)) {
if (player->climbing || isladderabove(player)) {
if (!player->netting && !player->slamming) {
player->y -= getspeed(player);
player->jumping = 0;
player->falling = 0;
player->climbing = B_TRUE;
player->moved = MV_WALK;
if (keys[SDLK_DOWN]) {
if (isonladder(player)) {
if (!player->netting && !player->slamming) {
player->y += getspeed(player);
player->jumping = 0;
player->falling = 0;
player->climbing = B_TRUE;
player->moved = MV_WALK;
if (keys[SDLK_x]) {
if (isinwater(player)) {
if (!player->jumping) {
//player->jumping = B_FALSE;
player->falling = B_FALSE;
if (!isroofabove(player)) {
// is there water above us too?
if (isinwaterpoint(player->x, player->y-TILEH)) {
// if so, swim up
player->y -= (getspeed(player)*3);
} else {
int whichway;
// if not, jump up
player->climbing = B_FALSE;
if (keys[SDLK_RIGHT]) {
whichway = 1;
} else if (keys[SDLK_LEFT]) {
whichway = -1;
} else {
whichway = 0;
jump(player, whichway);
} else { // not in water
if (!player->jumping) {
if (!player->falling) {
if (isonground(player) || isonladder(player)) {
/* dropping through a bridge */
if (keys[SDLK_DOWN]) {
if (isonbridge(player) && !player->falling) {
/* drop down */
player->dropping = B_TRUE;
player->dropx = player->x / TILEW;
player->dropy = player->y / TILEH;
} else { // jumping
int whichway;
if (keys[SDLK_RIGHT]) {
whichway = 1;
} else if (keys[SDLK_LEFT]) {
whichway = -1;
} else {
whichway = 0;
jump(player, whichway);
if (keys[SDLK_z]) {
if ((!player->netting) && (!player->slamming)) {
if (keys[SDLK_DOWN]) {
/* slam */
if ((!player->slamming) && (isonground(player))) {
player->slamming = B_TRUE;
player->slamangle = 0;
player->netxstart = player->x - (player->img->w/2)*player->dir;
player->netystart = player->y;
/* handle mace */
if (player->powerup == PW_MACE) {
sprite_t *s;
int found;
// use existing mace if it is there
found = B_FALSE;
for (s = sprite; s ; s = s->next) {
if (s->id == P_MACE) {
s->x = player->x;
s->y = player->y - (imageset[player->id].img[F_SHOOT]->h / 2) + 5;
found = B_TRUE;
if (!found) {
addsprite(P_MACE, player->x,
player->y - (imageset[player->id].img[F_SHOOT]->h / 2) + 5,
} else {
if ((player->netcaught < player->netmax) && (player->climbing == B_FALSE)) {
/* shoot net */
player->netting = 1;
if (player->netbig) {
player->netspeed = NETSPEED+3;
} else {
player->netspeed = NETSPEED;
player->netlen = 0;
player->netdir = player->dir;
/* handle boxing glove */
if (player->powerup == PW_BOXING) {
sprite_t *s;
int found;
// use existing glove if it is there
found = B_FALSE;
for (s = sprite; s ; s = s->next) {
if (s->id == P_GLOVE) {
s->x = player->x;
s->y = player->y - (imageset[player->id].img[F_SHOOT]->h / 2) + 5;
found = B_TRUE;
if (!found) {
addsprite(P_GLOVE, player->x,
player->y - (imageset[player->id].img[F_SHOOT]->h / 2) + 5,
if (!paused) {
if (player->powerup != PW_CLOCK) {
// for each animated tile on the level...
for (animtile = curlevel->animtiles; animtile && *animtile != -1; animtile++) {
int offset,numframes;
tiletype_t *tt;
offset = *animtile;
tt = gettile(curlevel->map[offset]);
numframes = tt->numframes;
// is it time to change frames?
if ((timer % tt->animspeed) == 0) {
// change its frame
if (curlevel->tileframe[offset] >= numframes) {
curlevel->tileframe[offset] = 0;
// redraw it
drawtile(temps, offset%LEVELW,offset/LEVELW);
// ice effect
if (curlevel->iced == ICE_INPROGRESS) {
// move sprites
for (s = sprite; s ; s = s->next) {
if (levelcomplete == LV_INIT) {
// only player
} else {
if (levelcomplete != LV_NEXTLEV) {
/* gravity */
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = s->next) {
/* tile effects */
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = s->next) {
// bell flash effect
if (player->hasbell) {
/* check for bell sound */
/* play a bell sound if the powerup will be a permenant one */
if (ispermenant(level->poweruptype)) {
// play sound once
if (!playedbell) {
playedbell = BELL_DONESOUND;
if (playedbell != BELL_DONEFLASH) {
if (timer >= BELLTIME) {
playedbell = BELL_DONEFLASH;
} else if (timer % 10 == 0) {
SDL_Rect area;
area.x = 0;
area.y = 0;
area.w = 640;
area.h = 480;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &area, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,white.r,white.g,white.b));
/* check collisions for player and effects */
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = s->next) {
if ((s == player) || needscollisions(s->id)) {
/* draw non-puff sprites */
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = s->next) {
if (s->id != P_PUFF) drawsprite(s);
/* draw puff sprites */
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = s->next) {
if (s->id == P_PUFF) drawsprite(s);
/* draw text */
if (paused) {
SDL_Rect area;
// show that we are paused
area.x = (640/2) - (pausedshadow->w/2) - 2;
area.y = (480/2) - (pausedshadow->h/2) + 2;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(pausedshadow, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x = (640/2) - (pausedtext->w/2);
area.y = (480/2) - (pausedtext->h/2);
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(pausedtext, NULL, screen, &area);
if (!paused) {
/* is screen shaking? */
if (player->powerup == PW_BOMB) {
if (timer % 5 == 0) {
int amt;
SDL_Rect area;
amt = (rand() % 20)+1;
area.x = 0;
area.y = amt;
area.w = 640;
area.h = 480-amt;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &area, screen, NULL);
area.x = 0;
area.y = 480-amt;
area.w = 640;
area.h = amt;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &area, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,black.r,black.g,black.b));
if (--player->timer1 == 0) {
player->powerup = B_FALSE;
// Update screen
if (!paused) {
if (++timer == 100) timer = 0;
if (toggletimer > 0) toggletimer--;
if (!paused) {
return 0;
void tick(void) {
sprite_t *s;
fpsticks = SDL_GetTicks();
if (fpsstart == 0) {
fpsstart = fpsticks;
} else {
/* once per second */
if (fpsticks - fpsstart >= 1000) {
// handle clock effect
if (player->powerup == PW_CLOCK) {
char tempm[SMALLBUFLEN];
// text
if (clocktime > 0) {
sprintf(tempm, "%d",clocktime);
addoutlinetext(320,120,TEXTSIZE_LEVEL, tempm, &yellow,&black,15);
// sound effect
// never reach hurryup time
// decrement counter
if (clocktime < 0) {
// finished!
player->powerup = B_FALSE;
/* check for hurryup*/
if (gtime == nexthurryup) {
if (!levelcomplete) {
for (s = sprite; s; s = s->next) {
if ((s != player) && (ismonster(s->id))) {
s->angry = B_TRUE;
s->iced = B_FALSE;
addoutlinetext(320,240,TEXTSIZE_HURRY, "Hurry up!", &yellow,&black,HURRYDELAY);
Mix_PlayChannel(CH_HURRYUP, sfx[FX_HURRYUP], 0);
} else if (gtime == nexthurryup + 15) { // 15 secs after hurryup
if (!levelcomplete) {
addsprite(P_CLOUD, 320,240,"cloud");
addoutlinetext(320,240,TEXTSIZE_HURRY, "Too slow!", &red,&black,HURRYDELAY);
/* check for random power up */
if ((curlevel->powerupx != -1) && (curlevel->powerupy != -1)) {
if (!curlevel->gotpowerup) {
if (gtime == curlevel->poweruptime) {
if (!levelcomplete) {
/* add a random powerup at the right position */
/* the type of powerup is randomly determined when the level is
loaded */
/* IMPORTANT: the name 'random_up' is important as it tells addsprite() to
give it a higher doomcount */
curlevel->powerupx*TILEW + (TILEW/2),
curlevel->powerupy*TILEH + TILEH - 1,
curlevel->gotpowerup = B_TRUE;
/* 5 seconds after level completion */
if (levelcomplete == LV_FINAL) {
if (gtime - levelcompletetime >= 5) {
if (!player->dead) {
levelcomplete = LV_NEXTLEV;
fpsstart = fpsticks;
void nextlevel(void) {
char msg[SMALLBUFLEN];
// remove the player
/* in case we skipped the level due to a powerup etc */
levelcomplete = LV_NEXTLEV;
/* go to next level */
if (!musicplaying || (curmusic == fastmusic)) {
// don't want the player flashing while scrolling
player->invuln = 0;
// these two handle the scroll effect to the next level
// now the player gets invincibility
player->invuln = INVULNTIME;
/* reset game stats */
levelcomplete = LV_INIT;
levelcompletetime = -1;
/* reset level stats */
level->gotpowerup = B_FALSE;
if (player->hasbell) {
playedbell = B_FALSE;
} else {
playedbell = BELL_DONEFLASH;
level->iced = ICE_NONE;
level->icey = -1;
sprintf(msg, "Level %d-%d",curworld, curlevelnum);
sprintf(msg, "%s", curlevel->name);
/* reset player stats */
player->netting = B_FALSE;
player->slamming = B_FALSE;
player->jumping = B_FALSE;
player->powerup = B_FALSE;
if (cheat) {
player->speed = 2;
// reset timer
timer = 0;
void jump(sprite_t *s, int dir) {
// if we've just been hit with armour, bypass all these checks)
if (!s->recoiling) {
// can't jump if already jumping
if (s->jumping) return;
if (s->jumptimer) return;
// can only jump up when climbing
if (s->climbing && (dir == 0)) {
if (s->recoiling || isonground(s) || isinwater(s) || isonladder(s)) {
if (ismonster(s->id)) {
s->jumpdir = dir;
if (s->jumpdir != 0) {
s->dir = s->jumpdir;
s->jumptimer = 60;
} else {
s->jumpdir = dir;
if (s->jumpdir != 0) {
s->dir = s->jumpdir;
s->jumping = 1;
if (s->climbing) {
s->jumpspeed = 3;
} else if (s->ontramp) {
s->jumpspeed = 7;
} else {
s->jumpspeed = 5;
// stop climbing
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
// stop recoiling
s->recoiling = B_FALSE;
// play a sound effect if this is the player
if (s == player) {
if (player->ontramp) {
} else {
adjustx(s, F_JUMP);
void die(sprite_t *s) {
sprite_t *s2;
/* clouds can't die like this */
if (s->id == P_CLOUD) return;
/* if this is the player, hurryup time counter resets */
// We already do this in the cloud movement routine, but
// this handles cases where the cloud hasn't appeared yet.
if (s == player) {
// if we have armour, we lose it instead of dying
if (player->armour) {
// lose armour
player->armour = B_FALSE;
player->id = P_PLAYER;
// become invulnerable temporarily
player->invuln = INVULNTIME;
// bounce back
player->recoiling = B_TRUE;
jump(player, -player->dir);
// play sound
// don't process rest of the death code
} else {
int tnum;
if (player->powerup == PW_CLOCK) {
player->powerup = B_FALSE;
nexthurryup = gtime + level->hurryuptime;
if (curmusic == fastmusic) {
// reset powerup types
curpoweruptype = 0;
/* lose a life */
/* play sound */
// draw text
tnum = rand() % MAXDEATHTEXT;
/* release anything we've caught */
for (s2 = sprite->next ; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2->caughtby == s) {
s2->caughtby = NULL;
s2->angry = B_TRUE;
// un-ice everything
if (s == player) {
for (s2 = sprite->next ; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2->iced) {
s2->iced = B_FALSE;
/* set death attribute */
s->dead = D_INITIAL;
s->netting = 0;
s->slamming = 0;
s->iced = 0;
// check for level clear
// check whether the level has been won
void countmonsters(void) {
sprite_t *s2;
int mcount;
mcount = 0;
/* any monsters left? */
if (!levelcomplete) {
for (s2 = sprite->next ; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (ismonster(s2->id) && !s2->dead) {
if (s2->id != P_CLOUD) {
if (mcount == 0) {
levelcomplete = LV_CLEAR;
void cleanup(void) {
int i;
for (i = 1; i < MAXLETTERHEIGHT; i++) {
void checkcollide(sprite_t *s) {
sprite_t *s2;
int keepchecking;
int xdiff,ydiff;
int ythresh;
int netsleft;
// for all other sprites
for (s2 = sprite ; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2 == s) continue;
else if (s->dead) continue;
else if (s2->dead) continue;
else if (s->caughtby) continue;
else if (s2->caughtby) continue;
else if (s2->teleporting) continue;
keepchecking = B_TRUE;
/* check for colission with our net */
if (s->netting ) {
if (ismonster(s2->id) && s2->id != P_CLOUD) {
xdiff = (s->x + s->netlen*s->netdir) - s2->x;
if (xdiff < 0) xdiff = -xdiff;
ydiff = s->netystart - (s2->y - s2->img->h/2);
if (ydiff < 0) ydiff = -ydiff;
// take numnets into account for y check
ythresh = s2->img->h;
netsleft = s->netmax - s->netcaught;
if (netsleft > 1) {
ythresh += ((int)s->img->h / (int)(netsleft+1) );
//if ((xdiff <= s2->img->w/2) && (ydiff <= s2->img->h)) {
if ((xdiff <= s2->img->w/2) && (ydiff <= ythresh)) {
// we hit something!
// if we have a boxing glove, it dies
if (s->powerup == PW_BOXING) {
s2->dead = D_BOUNCING;// die as soon as it hits a wall
s2->bounces = 1;
s2->quickdie = B_TRUE;
/* go FAST in the direction player is facing */
s2->xs = s->dir * 5;
s2->ys = 0;
/* slightly raise the sprite to avoid isonground() being true */
s2->y -= 3;
/* make sure we're not too high since we'll never get lower now */
if (s2->y <= TILEH) s2->y = TILEH+1;
// become something special
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
sprintf(tempm, bifftext[rand() % MAXBIFFTEXT]);
addoutlinetext(s2->x,s2->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BIFF, tempm,&red,&yellow,POINTSDELAY);
keepchecking = B_FALSE;
} else if (s2->iced) {
// it dies
} else {
// otherwise we caught it if we have enough nets
if (s->netcaught < s->netmax) {
s2->caughtby = s;
s2->jumping = B_FALSE;
s2->falling = 0;
s2->caughtstate = C_NETTING;
keepchecking = B_FALSE;
} // end if s->netting
// don't keep going if this sprite has now been killed/caught
if (!keepchecking) continue;
/* now check for collision with us */
xdiff = s->x - s2->x;
if (xdiff < 0) xdiff = -xdiff;
ydiff = (s->y-(s->img->h/2)) - (s2->y-(s2->img->h/2));
if (ydiff < 0) ydiff = -ydiff;
if ((xdiff <= s->img->w/2 + s2->img->w/2) &&
(ydiff <= s->img->h/2 + s2->img->h/2)) {
// are we the player?
if (s == player) {
//if (isfruit(s2->id) && (s2->teleporting == 0)) {
if (isfruit(s2->id)) {
int gotscore = s2->score;
/* kill the fruit */
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
/* give points to the player */
addscore(player, gotscore);
/* handle fruit effects */
if (!dofruiteffect(s2)) {
sprintf(tempm, "%d", gotscore);
addoutlinetext(s2->x,s2->y - s2->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm, &white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
} else if (ismonster(s2->id) || isbullet(s2->id)) {
if (s2->iced) {
// monster dies
} else if (!s->invuln) {
// player dies
} else if (s->id == P_SMASH) { // smash from mace slam
if (ismonster(s2->id)) {
// monster dies
// become something special
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
} // end for each sprite
// do death bouncing effect
void bouncesprite(sprite_t *s) {
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
if (s->x >= (640-TILEW-(s->img->w/2))) {
// move back onto screen
while (s->x >= (640-TILEW-(s->img->w/2))) {
if (s->xs > 0) s->xs = -s->xs; // reverse direction
} else if (s->x <= TILEW+s->img->w/2) {
// move back onto screen
while (s->x <= TILEW+s->img->w/2) {
if (s->xs < 0) s->xs = -s->xs; // reverse direction
if (s->y >= (480-(s->img->h/2))) {
while (s->y >= (480-(s->img->h/2))) {
if (s->ys > 0) s->ys = -s->ys; // reverse direction
} else if (s->y <= s->img->h) {
while (s->y <= s->img->h) {
if (s->ys < 0) s->ys = -s->ys; // reverse direction
void movesprite(sprite_t *s) {
int rv;
tiletype_t *tt;
if (levelcomplete == LV_INIT) {
// most things can't move in this state
//if ((s->id != P_PUFF) && (s != player)) {
if (!iseffect(s->id) && (s != player)) {
// caught or dead sprites can move, in case
// the player catches something before level start time
if ((!s->caughtby) && (!s->dead)) return;
// only player can move if you have a clock
if (player->powerup == PW_CLOCK) {
if (!iseffect(s->id) && (s != player) && !s->caughtby && !s->dead) {
// iced monsters can't move
if (ismonster(s->id) && s->iced) {
/* timer */
if (s->doomcount) {
if (s->doomcount == 0) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
/* avoid edges of screen */
if (s->y < s->img->h) {
if (!s->flies) {
s->y = s->img->h;
if (s->x > (640 - s->img->w/2)) {
s->x = 640 - s->img->w/2;
if (s->x < (s->img->w/2)) {
s->x = s->img->w/2;
if (s->invuln) {
if (s->caughtby) {
if (s->caughtby->slamming) {
/* */
s->x = s->caughtby->netxstart;
s->y = s->caughtby->netystart;
} else {
/* stay at position of net */
s->y = s->caughtby->y;
if (s->caughtstate == C_NETTING) {
s->x = s->caughtby->x + (s->caughtby->netlen*s->caughtby->netdir);
} else {
s->x = s->caughtby->x + (s->caughtby->img->w/2) * -(s->caughtby->dir);
} else if (s->dead == D_INITIAL) { /* just set to dead */
// 0 through 5
s->xs = 0.5 + ((rand() % 50) / 10); // 0.5 through 5.5
if (rand() % 2) { // 50% change of going left
s->xs = s->xs * -1;
s->ys = -1 * (4 + ((rand() % 30) / 10)); // -4 through -7
s->dead = D_BOUNCING;
s->bounces = 0;
if (s == player) {
s->jumpspeed = 8;
s->jumping = 1;
} else if (s->dead == D_BOUNCING) { /* dying */
if (s == player) {
/* shoot up in the air, then fall */
s->y -= s->jumpspeed;
if (s->jumping % 5 == 0) {
/* if we've fallen off the bottom... */
if (s->y >= 480) {
/* pause before respawning */
s->jumpspeed = 0; /* this is now a timer */
s->dead = D_LASTBOUNCE;
} else {
/* bounch around the screen 3 times */
if ((s->bounces >= 2) && (s->ys >= 0)) {
// make sure we're not on the ground
if (!isonground(s)) {
//int tx,ty;
//tiletype_t *tt;
//tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y,&tx,&ty);
s->dead = D_LASTBOUNCE;
} else if (s->dead == D_LASTBOUNCE) { /* final fall */
if (s == player) {
/* just delay... */
if (s->jumpspeed == 50) {
/* really die */
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else { /* bounce around, stop when we hit the ground */
if ((s->ys >= 0) && (s->y >= TILEH)) {
if (s->quickdie || isonground(s)) {
int x,y,ty;
s->dead = D_FINAL;
/* change into a fruit */
x = s->x;
//y = ty*TILEH + TILEH - 2;
y = ty*TILEH - 2;
/* make sure it's within the screen */
if (x > (640-TILEW)) x = 640-TILEW;
if (x < (TILEW)) x = TILEW;
//addsprite(s->willbecome, x, y, "Fruit", B_FALSE);
puffin(s->willbecome, x, y, "fruit", 0);
//ss = addsprite(P_PUFF, x, y, "Fruit", B_FALSE);
//ss->timer3 = s->willbecome;
} else if (s->teleporting > 0) {
SDL_Surface *ts;
if (timer % 2 == 0) {
/* shrink */
if (s->teleporting == TP_SHRINKING) {
ts = rotozoomSurfaceXY(s->img,0, 0.9 , 0.9 ,0);
s->img = ts;
} else {
ts = rotozoomSurfaceXY(s->img,0, 0.9 , 0.9 ,0);
s->img = ts;
if ((s->img->w <= 2) || (s->img->h <= 2)) {
/* go to tele dest */
int x,y;
/* find destination */
for (y = 0; y < LEVELH; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < LEVELW; x++) {
tt = gettile(curlevel->map[y*LEVELW+x]);
if (tt->id == T_TELEPORTDEST) {
/* teleport there */
s->x = (x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
s->y = (y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
s->teleporting = -1;
} else s->teleporting++;
} else if (s->teleporting < 0) {
double size;
if (timer % 2 == 0) {
/* grow */
size = (double)-s->teleporting / 10;
if (size >= 1) {
s->teleporting = 0;
s->img = imageset[s->id].img[F_WALK1];
} else {
s->img = rotozoomSurfaceXY(imageset[s->id].img[F_WALK1],0,size,size,0);
} else if (s->jumping) {
movex(s, s->jumpdir*getspeed(s));
if (!iseffect(s->id)) {
if (isonground(s)) {
if ((!s->falling) && (!s->jumping)) {
if (!s->climbing && !s->dropping) {
if (!isonladder(s)) {
/* sprite is about to jump */
if (s->jumptimer) {
if (s->jumptimer == 0) {
s->jumping = 1;
s->jumpspeed = 5;
if (s->jumpdir != 0) s->dir = s->jumpdir;
} else if (s->jumptimer % 20 == 0) {
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else if ((s->id == P_PUFF) || (s->id == P_SMASH) || (s->id == P_SPARKLE)) {
indicates current frame. if < 0, don't draw.
if >= PUFFFRAMES, use last frame.
when timer1 gets to PUFFAPPEAR, create a gem
of type s->
loops from 0 to 9.
at intervals of PUFFSPEED, increment timer1.
// still delaying
if (s->timer1 < 0) {
// increment "frame"
} else {
// increment frame at a slower pace
if (++s->timer2 >= 10) {
s->timer2 = 0;
if (timer % PUFFSPEED == 0) {
// finished animating
if (s->timer1 == PUFFAPPEAR) {
// create a gem/fruit/etc
if (s->id == P_PUFF) {
if (s->timer3 >= 0) {
addsprite(s->timer3, s->x,s->y,s->name );
} else if (s->timer1 >= PUFFFRAMES) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_GLOVE) { // boxing glove effect
// dies when the player finshes netting
if (!player->netting) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else {
// keep it at the end of the net
s->x = player->x + (player->netdir * player->netlen);
s->y = player->y - (player->img->h/2) + 5;
s->dir = player->dir;
} else if (s->id == P_MACE) { // mace slam effect
// dies when the player finishes slamming
if (!player->slamming) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else {
double dist;
// keep it at the end of the slam
dist = (player->slamangle * (180/M_PI))/2;
s->x = player->x + cos(player->slamangle-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist*player->dir;
s->y = player->y + sin(player->slamangle-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist + imageset[P_MACEPOWERUP].img[F_WALK1]->h/2;
s->dir = player->dir;
} else if (s->id == P_RAT) {
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff, absxdiff;
/* distance to player */
xdiff = player->x - s->x;
if (xdiff < 0) absxdiff = -xdiff;
else absxdiff = xdiff;
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir+getspeed(s),s->y,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us */
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
if ((player->y > s->y) && (s->angry)) {
/* if player is below, fall off */
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*8)) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else if (player->y == s->y) {
if (s->angry) {
/* if player is at same level and close, jump */
if ((s->dir == D_RIGHT) && (xdiff > 0) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*7))) {
} else if ((s->dir == D_LEFT) && (xdiff < 0) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*7))) {
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s));
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
if (s->angry) {
if ((player->dead == 0) && (!s->jumping) && (!s->jumptimer)) {
/* if player is above us, jump */
if (player->y < s->y) {
if ((xdiff >= (TILEW*2)) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*3))) {
/* jump right */
jump(s, 1);
} else if ((xdiff <= -(TILEW*2)) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*3))) {
/* jump left */
jump(s, -1);
} else if (s->y - player->y <= (TILEH*6)) {
if ((xdiff >= 0) && (xdiff < (TILEW*2))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if ((xdiff <= 0) && (xdiff > -(TILEW*2))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else {
/* jump whichever way we're facing */
s->jumpdir = s->dir;
s->jumping = 1;
s->jumpspeed = 5;
} else if (s->id == P_COKE) {
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff, absxdiff;
/* distance to player */
xdiff = player->x - s->x;
if (xdiff < 0) absxdiff = -xdiff;
else absxdiff = xdiff;
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir+getspeed(s),s->y,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us */
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
if (player->y > s->y ) {
/* if player is below and nearby, fall off */
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*16)) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else if (player->y == s->y) {
/* if player is at same level and close, jump */
if ((s->dir == D_RIGHT) && (xdiff > 0) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*7))) {
} else if ((s->dir == D_LEFT) && (xdiff < 0) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*7))) {
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s));
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
/* moves like an angry rat all the time */
if ((player->dead == 0) && (!s->jumping) && (!s->jumptimer)) {
/* if player is above us...*/
if (player->y < s->y) {
if ((xdiff >= (TILEW*2)) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*3))) { // if 2-3 tiles right
/* jump right */
jump(s, D_RIGHT);
} else if ((xdiff <= -(TILEW*2)) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*3))) { // if 2-3 tiles left
/* jump left */
jump(s, D_LEFT);
} else if (s->y - player->y <= (TILEH*6)) { // player less than 6 tiles above
if ((xdiff >= 0) && (xdiff < (TILEW*4))) { // ... and within 4 tiles
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if ((xdiff <= 0) && (xdiff > -(TILEW*4))) { // ... and within 4 tiles
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if (s->id == P_SNAKE) {
/* timer1 loopsfrom 0 - 19
if timer2 is 0, we can shoot. if it is 1, we can't.
// inc shooting timer
if (s->timer1) {
if (s->timer1 == 0) {
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff, absxdiff,ydiff;
/* distance to player */
xdiff = player->x - s->x;
if (xdiff < 0) absxdiff = -xdiff;
else absxdiff = xdiff;
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir+getspeed(s),s->y,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us */
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
if ((player->y > s->y) && (s->angry)) {
/* if player is below, fall off */
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*8)) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else if (player->y == s->y) {
if (s->angry) {
/* if player is at same level and close, jump */
if ((s->dir == D_RIGHT) && (xdiff > 0) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*7))) {
} else if ((s->dir == D_LEFT) && (xdiff < 0) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*7))) {
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
/* shoot */
ydiff = player->y - s->y;
if (ydiff < 0) ydiff =-ydiff;
if (ydiff <= (TILEH*4)) {
sprite_t *ss;
int shoot = B_FALSE;
if (s->bullet == NULL) { // if we don't already have a bullet
// if we are facing the player
if ( (player->x < s->x) && (s->dir == D_LEFT) ) {
shoot = B_TRUE;
} else if ( (player->x > s->x) && (s->dir == D_RIGHT) ) {
shoot = B_TRUE;
if (shoot) {
// if our shooting timer is okay
if (s->timer1 == 0) {
ss = addsprite(P_SPIT,s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2,"spit" );
ss->ys = 0;
ss->xs = s->dir * (getspeed(s)*2);
ss->dir = s->dir;
ss->owner = s;
s->bullet = ss;
// start timer for shooting again
s->timer1 = 200;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s));
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
if (s->angry) {
if ((player->dead == 0) && (!s->jumping) && (!s->jumptimer)) {
/* if player is above us, jump */
if (player->y < s->y) {
if ((xdiff >= (TILEW*2)) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*3))) {
/* jump right */
jump(s, 1);
} else if ((xdiff <= -(TILEW*2)) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*3))) {
/* jump left */
jump(s, -1);
} else if (s->y - player->y <= (TILEH*6)) {
if ((xdiff >= 0) && (xdiff < (TILEW*2))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if ((xdiff <= 0) && (xdiff > -(TILEW*2))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else {
/* jump whichever way we're facing */
s->jumpdir = s->dir;
s->jumping = 1;
s->jumpspeed = 5;
} else if (s->id == P_BEE) {
double absxs,absys;
if ((s->xs == -99) || (s->ys == -99)) {
s->xs = getspeed(s);
s->ys = getspeed(s);
if (s->xs > 0) absxs = 1;
else absxs = -1;
if (s->ys > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
/* this will fix the speed if ANGRY is set */
s->xs = absxs*getspeed(s);
s->ys = absys*getspeed(s);
/* can we move? */
tt = gettileat(s->x + absxs*((s->img->w/2)+8), s->y-(s->img->h/2),NULL,NULL);
if ((tt->solid) || (tt->spikes )) {
/* turn */
s->xs = -s->xs;
tt = gettileat(s->x, s->y-(s->img->h/2) + absys*((s->img->h/2)+8),NULL,NULL);
if ((tt->solid) || (tt->spikes)) {
/* turn */
s->ys = -s->ys;
/* check for top of screen */
// TODO: later, remove this when we can wrap around
if ((s->y <= s->img->h) && (s->ys < 0)) {
s->ys = -s->ys;
/* move */
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
s->dir = absxs;
s->moved = MV_WALK;
} else if (s->id == P_SPIDER) {
/* timer1 loopsfrom 0 - 45
if timer2 is 0, we can shoot. if it is 1, we can't.
if (s->timer1) {
/* if on ground, go up */
if (isonground(s) && !s->flies) {
s->flies = B_TRUE;
s->falling = B_FALSE;
s->ys = -getspeed(s);
} else if (s->falling) {
/* if we are about to hit spikes, go back up */
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y + 8,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->spikes) {
/* go back up */
s->flies = B_TRUE;
s->falling = B_FALSE;
s->ys = -getspeed(s);
} else {
if (s->ys != -99) {
/* if roof above us */
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y - s->img->h,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) {
int tiley;
/* start walking again */
tiley = (int) (s->y / TILEH);
s->y = tiley*TILEH;
s->ys = -99;
s->flies = B_TRUE;
} else {
s->y += s->ys;
s->flies = B_TRUE;
} else {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff;
/* walk back and forwards */
/* drop if player is close */
xdiff = player->x - s->x;
if (xdiff < 0) xdiff =-xdiff;
if ((player->y > s->y) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*2)) && (s->timer1 == 0)) {
s->timer1 = 200;
s->flies = B_FALSE;
s->falling = B_TRUE;
s->fallspeed = 8;
} else {
int tx,ty;
s->flies = B_TRUE;
/* if there's a hole in front of us */
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir*((s->img->w/2)+2),s->y - s->img->h - 4,&tx,&ty);
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
move = B_FALSE;
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s));
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else if (s->id == P_SPIT) {
if (movex(s, s->xs)) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_CLOUD) {
if ((player->dead) || (levelcomplete)) {
if ((s->img->h <= 3) || (s->img->w <= 3)) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
/* reset hurryup timer */
nexthurryup = gtime + level->hurryuptime;
} else {
SDL_Surface *ts;
/* get smaller */
ts = rotozoomSurfaceXY(s->img,0, 0.9 , 0.9 ,0);
s->img = ts;
} else {
if ((s->xs == -99) || (s->ys == -99)) {
s->ys = 0.5;
s->xs = 1;
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
if (s->x >= (640 - s->img->w/2 - 5)) {
s->xs = -s->xs;
s->x = 640 - s->img->w/2 - 6;
if (s->x <= (s->img->w/2 + 5)) {
s->xs = -s->xs;
s->x = s->img->w/2 + 6;
if (s->y >= (480 - s->img->h/2 - 5)) {
s->ys = -s->ys;
s->y = 480 - s->img->h/2 - 6;
if (s->y <= (s->img->h/2 + 5)) {
s->ys = -s->ys;
s->y = s->img->h/2 + 6;
if (timer % 50 == 0) {
int w,h;
SDL_Surface *ts;
/* get bigger */
w = s->img->w;
h = s->img->h;
ts = rotozoomSurfaceXY(s->img,0, 1.1 , 1.1 ,0);
s->img = ts;
s->y += 2;
void dotileeffects(sprite_t *s) {
tiletype_t *tt;
int finished = B_FALSE;
int state = 0;
int tilex,tiley;
if (s->jumping || s->dead || s->caughtby) {
/* check where we are */
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y-2,&tilex,&tiley);
// teleporters
if ((tt->id == T_TELEPORT) || (tt->id == T_TELEPORT2)) {
if (s == player || ismonster(s->id)) {
if (s->id != P_CLOUD) {
if (!s->teleporting) {
s->teleporting = 1;
/* check under us */
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y+3,&tilex,&tiley);
while (!finished) {
if (tt->id == T_RIGHT) {
if (!ismonster(s->id) && !isfruit(s->id)) {
if (player->powerup != PW_CLOCK) {
movex(s, 1.5);
finished = B_TRUE;
} else if (tt->id == T_LEFT) {
if (!ismonster(s->id) && !isfruit(s->id)) {
if (player->powerup != PW_CLOCK) {
movex(s, -1.5);
finished = B_TRUE;
} else if ((tt->id == T_ICE) || (tt->id == T_ICETOP)) {
if (s == player) {
if (player->powerup != PW_CLOCK) {
if (!s->moved) {
movex(s, s->dir*s->speed);
s->moved = MV_ICE;
finished = B_TRUE;
} else if (tt->spikes) {
if (!isfruit(s->id) && !iseffect(s->id) && !isbullet(s->id)) {
if (!s->invuln) {
if (s->id != P_CLOUD) {
finished = B_TRUE;
} else if (tt->id == T_TRAMPUP) {
/* tile changes to trampoline down */
if (!isfruit(s->id) && !iseffect(s->id) && !isbullet(s->id)) {
// are we on a trampoline already?
if (s->ontramp) {
// a different one?
if ((s->trampx != tilex) || (s->trampy != tiley)) {
// if a different one, release it
curlevel->map[s->trampy * LEVELW + s->trampx] = getuniq(T_TRAMPUP);
drawtile(temps, s->trampx, s->trampy);
} else {
// remember we were on it so it can release
s->ontramp = B_TRUE;
s->trampx = tilex;
s->trampy = tiley;
// move it down then draw it
curlevel->map[tiley*LEVELW+tilex] = getuniq(T_TRAMPDOWN);
drawtile(temps, tilex, tiley);
finished = B_TRUE;
} else if (tt->id == T_TRAMPDOWN) {
// don't keep checking tiles left/right
finished = B_TRUE;
} else {
if (state == 0) {
/* check tile to our right */
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->img->w/2,s->y+3,&tilex,&tiley);
state = 1;
} else if (state == 1) {
/* check tile to our left */
tt = gettileat(s->x - s->img->w/2,s->y+3,&tilex,&tiley);
state = 2;
} else {
finished = B_TRUE;
// initial transition to a new level
void drawlevel(void) {
int x,y;
int dstx,dsty,xdis,ydis;
int turns;
double pxspeed,pyspeed;
SDL_Rect area,dst;
int speed = 16;
SDL_Surface *playerbg;
/* TODO: chekc for memory leak here with temps -
need to free it at the end? */
if (temps) {
temps = NULL;
temps = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
640, 480,
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
// change player to floating image
player->img = imageset[player->id].img[F_SHOOT];
// create buffer for player background
playerbg = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
player->img->w, player->img->h,
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
// draw the full level onto the temporary surface
for (x = 0; x < LEVELW; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < LEVELH; y++) {
// figure out where the player's new start position is
dstx = (curlevel->p1x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
dsty = (curlevel->p1y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
// figure out distance to newposition
xdis = player->x - dstx; if (xdis < 0) xdis = -xdis;
ydis = player->y - dsty; if (ydis < 0) ydis = -ydis;
// figure out how many loops it will take to scroll to the next level
switch (oldexitdir) {
case D_LEFT:
case D_RIGHT:
speed = 16;
turns = 640 / speed;
case D_UP:
case D_DOWN:
speed = 12;
turns = 480 / speed;
turns -= 2; // just to be safe
// figure out how fast player needs to move to get there in time
pxspeed = ceil((double)xdis / (double)turns); if (pxspeed < 1) pxspeed = 1;
pyspeed = ceil((double)ydis / (double)turns); if (pyspeed < 1) pyspeed = 1;
if (oldexitdir == D_LEFT) {
// blit a column at a time to the real screen, shuffling
// the real one along.
for (x = 0; x < 640; x += speed) {
// move player
// shuffle real screen
area.x = 0;
area.y = 0;
area.w = 640-speed;
area.h = 480;
dst.x = speed;
dst.y = 0;
dst.w = 0;
dst.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &area, screen, &dst);
// blit next column from temp surface (take last column first)
area.x = 640-x;
area.y = 0;
area.w = speed;
area.h = 480;
dst.x = 0;
dst.y = 0;
dst.w = 0;
dst.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, &area, screen, &dst);
// remember area behind player
grabbehind(player, playerbg);
// draw player
// update screen
SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0,0,640,480);
// remove player
area.x = player->x - player->img->w/2;
area.y = player->y - player->img->h;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(playerbg, NULL, screen, &area );
} else if (oldexitdir == D_UP) {
// blit a row at a time to the real screen, shuffling
// the real one along.
for (y = 0; y < 480; y += speed) {
// move player
// shuffle real screen
area.x = 0;
area.y = 0;
area.w = 640;
area.h = 480-speed;
dst.x = 0;
dst.y = speed;
dst.w = 0;
dst.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &area, screen, &dst);
// blit next row from temp surface (take last column first)
area.x = 0;
area.y = 480-y;
area.w = 640;
area.h = speed;
dst.x = 0;
dst.y = 0;
dst.w = 0;
dst.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, &area, screen, &dst);
// remember area behind player
grabbehind(player, playerbg);
// draw player
// update screen
SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0,0,640,480);
// remove player
area.x = player->x - player->img->w/2;
area.y = player->y - player->img->h;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(playerbg, NULL, screen, &area );
} else if (oldexitdir == D_DOWN) {
// blit a row at a time to the real screen, shuffling
// the real one along.
for (y = 0; y < 480; y += speed) {
// move player
// shuffle real screen
area.x = 0;
area.y = speed;
area.w = 640;
area.h = 480-speed;
dst.x = 0;
dst.y = 0;
dst.w = 0;
dst.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &area, screen, &dst);
// blit next row from temp surface (take last column first)
area.x = 0;
area.y = y;
area.w = 640;
area.h = speed;
dst.x = 0;
dst.y = 480-speed;
dst.w = 0;
dst.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, &area, screen, &dst);
// remember area behind player
grabbehind(player, playerbg);
// draw player
// update screen
SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0,0,640,480);
// remove player
area.x = player->x - player->img->w/2;
area.y = player->y - player->img->h;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(playerbg, NULL, screen, &area );
} else { // RIGHT right, or default
// blit a column at a time to the real screen, shuffling
// the real one along.
for (x = 0; x < 640; x += speed) {
// move player
// shuffle real screen
area.x = speed;
area.y = 0;
area.w = 640-speed;
area.h = 480;
dst.x = 0;
dst.y = 0;
dst.w = 0;
dst.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &area, screen, &dst);
// blit next column from temp surface (take last column first)
area.x = x;
area.y = 0;
area.w = speed;
area.h = 480;
dst.x = 640-speed;
dst.y = 0;
dst.w = 0;
dst.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, &area, screen, &dst);
// remember area behind player
grabbehind(player, playerbg);
// draw player
// update screen
SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0,0,640,480);
// remove player
area.x = player->x - player->img->w/2;
area.y = player->y - player->img->h;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(playerbg, NULL, screen, &area );
levelcomplete = B_FALSE;
double getspeed(sprite_t *s ) {
int id = s->id;
double speed = 1;
if (s == player) {
speed = s->speed;
} else if (id == P_RAT) {
if (s->angry) speed = 1.5;
else speed = 1;
} else if (id == P_SNAKE) {
if (s->angry) speed = 1.5;
else speed = 1;
} else if (id == P_BEE) {
if (s->angry) speed = 2;
else speed = 1;
} else if (id == P_SPIDER) {
if (s->angry) speed = 2;
else speed = 1.5;
} else if (id == P_CHEESE) {
speed = 0;
if (isinwater(s)) speed /= 2;
return speed;
int addtext(int x, int y, int size, char *string, SDL_Color *c, int delay) {
text_t *t;
if (text == NULL) {
text = malloc(sizeof(text_t));
t = text;
t->prev = NULL;
} else {
t = lasttext;
t->next = malloc(sizeof(text_t));
t->next->prev = t;
t = t->next;
t->bg = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
300, 110,
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
t->c = c;
t->x = x;
t->y = y;
t->maxsize = size;
t->size = 3;
strcpy(t->txt, string);
t->state = 0;
t->delay = delay;
t->img = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[t->size], t->txt, *t->c);
t->next = NULL;
lasttext = t;
return B_FALSE;
/* copy background buffer (ie. tiles) to screen, erasing sprites */
void fruit(void) {
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, NULL, screen, NULL);
void movetext(void) {
text_t *t,*nextt;
for (t = text ; t ; t = nextt) {
nextt = t->next;
if (t->state == 0) {
t->size += TEXTSPEED;
if (t->size >= t->maxsize) {
t->state = 1;
} else if (t->state == t->delay) {
t->size -= TEXTSPEED;
if (t->size <= 3) {
} else {
void drawscore(void) {
SDL_Surface *score;
SDL_Rect area;
int i;
addcommas(tempm, player->score);
/* shadow */
score = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_SCORE], tempm, black);
area.x = 18;
area.y = 7;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(score, NULL, screen, &area);
/* score */
score = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_SCORE], tempm, red);
area.x = 20;
area.y = 5;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(score, NULL, screen, &area);
// lives
// lives - show 1 less than lives
area.x = 20;
area.y = 25;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
for (i = 1; i < player->lives; i++) {
SDL_BlitSurface(head, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x += (head->w + 3);
// level #
sprintf(tempm, "Level %d-%d",curworld, curlevelnum);
/* shadow */
score = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_SCORE], tempm, black);
area.x = 320-(score->w/2)-2;
area.y = 7;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(score, NULL, screen, &area);
/* score */
score = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_SCORE], tempm, white);
area.x = 320-(score->w/2);
area.y = 5;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(score, NULL, screen, &area);
void drawtext(void) {
text_t *t;
SDL_Rect area;
for (t = text ; t ; t = t->next) {
/* create text */
if (t->img) {
t->img = NULL;
t->img = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[t->size], t->txt, *t->c);
// make sure it's on the screen (leave space for border)
if (t->x - (t->img->w / 2) < 2) { // left
t->x = 2 + (t->img->w/2);
if (t->x + (t->img->w / 2) > 640-2) { // right
t->x = 640-2 - (t->img->w/2);
if (t->y - (t->img->h / 2) < 2) { // top
t->y = 2 + (t->img->h/2);
if (t->y + (t->img->h / 2) > 480-2) { // bottom
t->y = 480-2 - (t->img->h/2);
/* get bg */
t->bgarea.x = t->x - t->img->w/2;
t->bgarea.y = t->y - t->img->h/2;
t->bgarea.w = t->img->w;
t->bgarea.h = t->img->h;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &t->bgarea, t->bg, NULL);
/* draw text */
area.x = t->x - t->img->w/2;
area.y = t->y - t->img->h/2;
area.w = t->img->w;
area.h = t->img->h;
SDL_BlitSurface(t->img,NULL, screen, &area);
/* copy background buffer (ie. tiles) to screen, erasing sprites */
void removeall(void) {
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, NULL, screen, NULL);
void drawnetting(sprite_t *s) {
int sx;
int xx;
SDL_Rect area;
if (s->netting) {
int y,yy;
int dis;
int netsleft;
sx = s->x;
s->nety = s->y - (s->img->h/2) + 2;
s->netxstart = s->x;
s->netystart = s->nety - 3;
if (s->netdir == 1) {
area.x = s->netxstart + TILEW/2;
} else {
area.x = s->netxstart - TILEW/2 - s->netlen;
//area.y = s->netystart;
area.y = s->y - s->img->h-2 + 2;
area.w = s->netlen;
area.h = s->img->h+2;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &area,s->netbg, NULL);
netsleft = s->netmax - s->netcaught;
if (netsleft < 1) netsleft = 1;
dis = (int)s->img->h / (int)(netsleft+1) + 1;
for (y = dis; y < s->img->h; y += dis) {
yy = s->y - s->img->h;
yy += y;
xx = s->x + s->netdir*s->netlen;
// add sparkle
xx = s->x + s->netdir*s->netlen;
addsprite(P_SPARKLE, xx + (rand() % 14) - 7, yy + (rand() % 8) - 4, "sparkle");
//drawline16(screen,sx,s->nety,s->x + s->netdir*s->netlen,s->nety-3,white);
//drawline16(screen,sx,s->nety,s->x + s->netdir*s->netlen,s->nety,white);
//drawline16(screen,sx,s->nety,s->x + s->netdir*s->netlen,s->nety+3,white);
} else if (s->slamming) {
double dist;
int x,y;
int ii;
dist = (s->slamangle * (180/M_PI))/2;
s->netxstart = s->x + cos(s->slamangle-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist*s->dir;
s->netystart = s->y + sin(s->slamangle-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist;
/* middle line */
drawline16(screen,s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2,
/* left line */
x = s->x + cos(s->slamangle-(5*(M_PI/180))-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist*s->dir;
y = s->y + sin(s->slamangle-(5*(M_PI/180))-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist;
drawline16(screen,s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2,x, y, white);
/* right line */
x = s->x + cos(s->slamangle+(5*(M_PI/180))-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist*s->dir;
y = s->y + sin(s->slamangle+(5*(M_PI/180))-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist;
drawline16(screen,s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2,x, y, white);
// add sparkles
for (ii = 0 ; ii < player->netmax; ii++) {
addsprite(P_SPARKLE, s->netxstart + (rand() % 8) - 4, s->netystart + (rand() % 8) - 4, "sparkle");
void removenetting(sprite_t *s) {
SDL_Rect area,sarea;
if (s->netting) {
sarea.x = 0;
sarea.y = 0;
sarea.w = s->netlen;
sarea.h = s->img->h+2;
if (s->netdir == 1) {
area.x = s->netxstart + TILEW/2;
} else {
area.x = s->netxstart - TILEW/2 - s->netlen;
//area.y = s->netystart;
area.y = s->y - s->img->h-2;
area.w = s->netlen;
area.h = s->img->h+2;
if (s->netbg != NULL) {
SDL_BlitSurface(s->netbg, &sarea, screen, &area);
void removesprite(sprite_t *s) {
int startx,starty,endx,endy;
int x,y;
/* find topleft-most tile */
gettileat(s->x - s->img->w, s->y - s->img->h,&startx,&starty);
/* find bottomright-most tile */
gettileat(s->x + s->img->w, s->y + s->img->h,&endx,&endy);
if (s->slamming) {
if (s->dir == D_LEFT) {
startx -= 5;
endx += 1;
} else {
startx -= 1;
endx += 5;
starty -= 2;
endy += 1;
/* draw the tiles */
for (y = starty; y <= endy; y++) {
for (x = startx; x <= endx; x++) {
int isonbridge(sprite_t *s) {
tiletype_t *tthere;
tthere = gettileat(s->x,s->y, NULL,NULL);
if (tthere->id == T_BRIDGE) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isladder(int tid) {
switch (tid) {
case T_LADDER:
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isonladder(sprite_t *s) {
tiletype_t *tthere;
tthere = gettileat(s->x,s->y, NULL,NULL);
if (isladder(tthere->id)) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isladderabove(sprite_t *s) {
tiletype_t *tthere;
tthere = gettileat(s->x,s->y-TILEH, NULL,NULL);
if (tthere->id == T_LADDER) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isinwater(sprite_t *s) {
return isinwaterpoint(s->x, s->y - s->img->h/2);
int isinwaterpoint(int x, int y) {
tiletype_t *tt;
tt = gettileat(x, y, NULL, NULL);
if (tt->water) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isroofabove(sprite_t *s) {
tiletype_t *tt;
/* get tile above sprite's head */
tt = gettileat(s->x, s->y - s->img->h,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) return B_TRUE;
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->img->w/3, s->y - s->img->h,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) return B_TRUE;
tt = gettileat(s->x - s->img->w/3, s->y - s->img->h,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
/* is there a roof n tiles above us. If howfar is 1, this is the same
as the regular isroofabove() */
int isroofnabove(sprite_t *s, int howfar) {
tiletype_t *tt;
int ypos;
ypos = s->y - s->img->h - TILEH*(howfar-1);
/* get tile above sprite's head */
tt = gettileat(s->x, ypos,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) return B_TRUE;
tt = gettileat(s->x + (s->img->w/2 - 2), ypos,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) return B_TRUE;
tt = gettileat(s->x - (s->img->w/2 - 2), ypos,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isonground(sprite_t *s) {
/* get tile below sprite's feet */
if (isongroundpoint(s, s->x, s->y)) {
return B_TRUE;
if ((s->dead) || (!s->falling && !s->dropping)) {
if (!s->swimming) {
if (isongroundpoint(s, s->x + s->img->w/2, s->y)) {
return B_TRUE;
if (isongroundpoint(s, s->x - s->img->w/2, s->y)) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isongroundpoint(sprite_t *s, int x,int y) {
tiletype_t *tt;
int tilex,tiley;
int xoff;
int groundy;
tt = gettileat(x,y, &tilex, &tiley);
// slope etc doesn't matter if you're dead
if (s->dead && tt->solid) {
return B_TRUE;
// when dropping, the tile you dropped from doesn't count
// as "ground".
//if (s->dropping && (tilex == s->dropx) && (tiley == s->dropy)) {
if (s->dropping && (tiley == s->dropy)) {
return B_FALSE;
/* get offset */
xoff = x - (tilex*TILEW);
/* if it's not solid... */
if (tt->solid == 0) {
return B_FALSE;
} else {
/* check height of tile at that position */
groundy = tiley*TILEH + tt->lowness[xoff];
/* above ground level */
if (y < groundy) {
return B_FALSE;
} else if (y > groundy + 3) {
/* below ground level */
if (s->jumping) {
return B_FALSE;
} else if (s->falling) {
tiletype_t *abovetile;
/* falling, on a tile, but with tiles above you */
// ie. you've jumped up through a single tile (can't
// jump through two or more tiles
abovetile = gettileat(x,y-TILEH, NULL, NULL);
if (abovetile->solid) {
return B_FALSE;
// } else if (s->dropping) {
// tiletype_t *abovetile;
/* if the tile we're on is solid but not the one
above, then we've "dropped" and are still
travelling through the tile we dropped from. */
// abovetile = gettileat(x,y-TILEH, NULL, NULL);
// if (!abovetile->solid) {
// return B_FALSE;
// }
return B_TRUE;
void dogravity(sprite_t *s) {
sprite_t *s2;
tiletype_t *tt;
int tilex,tiley;
// only player can move if you have a clock
if (player->powerup == PW_CLOCK) {
if (!iseffect(s->id) && (s != player) && !s->caughtby && !s->dead) {
// if we were on a trampoline and are now not, it releases */
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y,&tilex,&tiley);
if (s->ontramp) {
if (s->trampy != tiley) {
// change tile type
curlevel->map[s->trampy * LEVELW + s->trampx] = getuniq(T_TRAMPUP);
drawtile(temps, s->trampx, s->trampy);
// update sprite settings
s->ontramp = B_FALSE;
s->trampx = -1;
s->trampy = -1;
if (s->dead) return;
if (s->flies && !s->iced) return; // ice cancels flying
if (iseffect(s->id)) return;
if (isbullet(s->id)) return;
//if (isonladder(s) && !s->falling && !s->jumping) {
if (isonladder(s) ) {
s->falling = B_FALSE;
// iced sprites can't jump
if (s->iced) {
s->jumping = B_FALSE;
// update water stats
if (s == player || ismonster(s)) {
if (isinwater(s)) {
if (!s->swimming) {
s->swimming = B_TRUE;
adjustx(s, F_SWIM1);
} else {
if (s->swimming) {
s->swimming = B_FALSE;
if (s->climbing) {
int attop = B_FALSE;
// check if we are at the top of our ladder
//tt = gettileat(s->x, s->y - s->img->h-1,NULL,NULL);
if (!isonladder(s)) {
attop = B_TRUE;
//if (isonground(s)) {
if (isongroundpoint(s, s->x, s->y)) {
if (!isongroundpoint(s, s->x, s->y-1)) {
attop = B_TRUE;
attop = B_TRUE;
if (attop) {
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
} else {
// don't do any more checking
// handle jumps
if (s->jumping) {
s->falling = B_FALSE;
s->y -= s->jumpspeed;
if (s->jumping % 5 == 0) {
if (s->jumpspeed > 0) {
} else {
s->jumping = B_FALSE;
s->falling = B_TRUE;
s->fallspeed = 0;
// handle ring
if (s == player) {
if (player->powerup == PW_RINGJUMP) {
if (timer % 2 == 0) {
int xx,yy;
// add sparkle
xx = player->x + (rand() % player->img->w) - (player->img->w/2);
yy = player->y - (rand() % (player->img->h/2));
addsprite(P_SPARKLE, xx, yy, "sparkle");
// gain points
addscore(player, 20);
/* have we hit a roof ? */
/* can jump through one tile, but not two or more */
if (isroofabove(s) && isroofnabove(s,2)) {
/* stop jumping */
s->jumping = B_FALSE;
s->falling = B_TRUE;
s->fallspeed = 0;
} else { // not jumping
if (isonground(s) ) {
if (s->falling && s->iced) {
// when an iced monster hits the ground, it smashes
s->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
s->dropping = B_FALSE;
s->falling = B_FALSE;
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
} else {
if (s->falling == B_FALSE) {
s->fallspeed = 1;
s->falling = B_TRUE;
if (isinwater(s) && !s->iced) {
s->y += (s->fallspeed/2);
} else {
s->y += s->fallspeed;
if ((timer % 10 == 0) && (s->fallspeed < FALLSPEED)) {
if (s->netting) {
s->netlen += s->netspeed;
if (s->netting % 2 == 0) {
if (s->netspeed > -NETSPEED) s->netspeed--;
else {
if (s->netlen <= 0) {
s->netting = 0;
for (s2 = sprite ; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if ((s2->caughtby == s) && (s2->caughtstate == C_NETTING)) {
s2->caughtstate = C_NETTED;
} else if (s->slamming) {
int netx;
double dist;
int hitwall = B_FALSE;
s->slamangle += (10 * (M_PI/180));
dist = (s->slamangle * (180/M_PI))/2;
netx = s->x + cos(s->slamangle-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist*s->dir;
if ((netx >= (640-TILEW)) || (netx <= TILEW)) {
hitwall = B_TRUE;
if (s->slamangle >= (180 * (M_PI/180)) || hitwall) {
/* finished slamming */
int xdiff,ydiff,xnet = 0,ynet = 0;
int pointsinc = 250;
int psize = 6;
int gotsomething = B_FALSE;
int macex,macey;
s->slamming = 0;
/* reset fruit type counter */
curfruittype = 0;
// if we have a mace, add an explosion and play a thump sound
if (player->powerup == PW_MACE) {
// play sound
// find location of mace
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2->id == P_MACE) {
if (!s2) {
// should never happen
macex = 0;
macey = 0;
} else {
int xx,yy;
macex = s2->x;
macey = s2->y - s2->img->h/2;
// add explosion
//puffin(-1, macex, macey, "nothing", 0);
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex, macey, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex+TILEW, macey, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex-TILEW, macey, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex, macey+TILEH, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex, macey-TILEH, "smash");
for (yy = 1; yy <= MACEEXPY; yy++) {
for (xx = 1; xx <= MACEEXPX; xx++) {
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex+xx*TILEW, macey-yy*TILEH, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex-xx*TILEW, macey-yy*TILEH, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex+xx*TILEW, macey+yy*TILEH, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex-xx*TILEW, macey+yy*TILEH, "smash");
//puffin(-1, macex+xx*TILEW, macey-yy*TILEH, "nothing", 0);
//puffin(-1, macex-xx*TILEW, macey-yy*TILEH, "nothing", 0);
/* kill anything we've caught */
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
/* kill anything we have caught */
if (s2->caughtby == s) {
tiletype_t *tt;
tt = gettileat(s2->x,s2->y+2,NULL,NULL);
/* if on ground or hitting a wall, monster dies */
if ((hitwall) || (tt == NULL) || (tt->solid)) {
/* will become a fruit when it finishes dying */
s2->willbecome = fruittypes[curfruittype];
/* increment fruit type */
if (fruittypes[++curfruittype] == -1) {
curfruittype = 0;
pointsinc *= 2;
psize += 10;
xnet = s2->x;
ynet = s2->y - s2->img->h/2;
} else {
/* otherwise it gets angry */
s2->angry = B_TRUE;
// if we have a powerup, centre of net is the mace position
if (player->powerup == PW_MACE) {
xnet = macex;
ynet = macey;
// only check for hitting something if we already had a monster caught,
// or we have a mace
if (gotsomething || (player->powerup == PW_MACE)) {
/* kill anything we hit */
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if ((s2->caughtby != s) && (!s2->dead) && (ismonster(s2->id))) {
int xthresh,ythresh;
xdiff = s2->x - xnet;
if (xdiff < 0) xdiff =-xdiff;
ydiff = (s2->y - s2->img->h/2) - ynet;
if (ydiff < 0) ydiff =-ydiff;
if (player->powerup == PW_MACE) {
xthresh = TILEW*MACEEXPX*2;
ythresh = TILEW*MACEEXPY*2;
} else {
xthresh = s2->img->w;
ythresh = s2->img->h;
if ((xdiff <= xthresh) && (ydiff <= ythresh)) {
if (s2->id != P_CLOUD) {
/* dies and becomes a powerup */
// if we were holding something, we can get a powerup
// if we used a mace, it becomes a diamon.
if (gotsomething) {
s2->willbecome = poweruptypes[curpoweruptype];
if (poweruptypes[++curpoweruptype] == -1) {
curpoweruptype = 0;
} else if (player->powerup == PW_MACE) {
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
} else { // should never happen
/* will become a fruit when it finishes dying */
s2->willbecome = fruittypes[curfruittype];
/* increment fruit type */
if (fruittypes[++curfruittype] == -1) {
curfruittype = 0;
pointsinc *= 2;
psize += 10;
if (gotsomething >= 1) {
if (gotsomething > 1) {
gotsomething = B_FALSE;
/* release anything we've caught */
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2->caughtby == s) {
/* release it */
s2->caughtby = NULL;
s->netcaught = 0;
/* show points */
if (psize >= MAXLETTERHEIGHT) {
if (pointsinc > 250) {
sprintf(tempm, "%d",pointsinc);
addoutlinetext(xnet,ynet-TILEH, psize, tempm, &white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
/* give points to player */
//s->score += pointsinc;
addscore(s, pointsinc);
} // end if slamangle > 180degrees
} // end if slamming
int movex(sprite_t *s,double amt) {
double newx,newy;
double curx,cury;
int tilex,tiley;
tiletype_t *tt,*tt2;
int newxoff,newgroundy;
int newtilex,newtiley;
double amtdir;
tt = gettileat(s->x, s->y, &tilex,&tiley);
if (amt > 0) amtdir = 1;
else (amtdir = -1);
curx = s->x;
cury = s->y;
/* check for blockage to E/W */
newx = s->x + (amtdir*(s->img->w/2)) ;
//newx = s->x + (amtdir*TILEW/2);
newy = cury-TILEH;
tt2 = gettileat(newx,newy,&newtilex,&newtiley);
if (tt2->solid == S_SOLID) {
return B_TRUE;
if (tt2->solid == S_SLOPE && (!candoslopes(s->id))) {
return B_TRUE;
// if falling, check the tile directly to our SW/SEtoo */
if (s->falling) {
newx = s->x + (amtdir*TILEW/2);
newy = cury;
tt2 = gettileat(newx,newy,&newtilex,&newtiley);
if (tt2->solid == S_SOLID) {
return B_TRUE;
if (tt2->solid == S_SLOPE && (!candoslopes(s->id))) {
return B_TRUE;
/* get new position */
newx = curx + amt;
newy = cury-2;
tt2 = gettileat(newx,newy,&newtilex,&newtiley);
newxoff = newx - (newtilex*TILEW);
newgroundy = newtiley*TILEH + tt2->lowness[newxoff];
/* new block is at least partially solid */
if (tt2->solid == S_SOLID) {
return B_TRUE;
} else if ((tt2->solid == S_SLOPE) && candoslopes(s->id)) {
/* we can move, but need to adjust our height */
s->x += amt;
} else {
/* new block is empty */
s->x += amt;
s->moved = MV_WALK;
// rings
if (s == player) {
if (player->powerup == PW_RINGWALK) {
if (isonground(player)) {
int xx,yy;
// add sparkle
xx = player->x + (rand() % player->img->w) - (player->img->w/2);
yy = player->y - (rand() % (player->img->h/2));
addsprite(P_SPARKLE, xx, yy, "sparkle");
// gain points
addscore(player, 3);
return B_FALSE;
void adjustheight(sprite_t *s) {
tiletype_t *tt;
int xoff,groundy;
int tilex,tiley;
if ((s->flies) || isbullet(s->id)) {
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y-1,&tilex,&tiley);
if (!tt) return;
if (tt->solid == S_SLOPE) {
xoff = s->x - (tilex*TILEW);
groundy = tiley*TILEH + tt->lowness[xoff];
s->y = groundy;
} else if (tt->solid == S_SOLID) {
while (tt->solid == S_SOLID) {
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y-1,&tilex,&tiley);
int dofruiteffect(sprite_t *s) {
if (s->id == P_SPEED) {
player->speed = 2;
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, "Speed up!", &white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_NUMNETS) {
if (player->netmax < 4) {
sprintf(tempm, "%d nets!",player->netmax);
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_BIGNET) {
player->netbig = B_TRUE;
sprintf(tempm, "Big net!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_TROPHY) {
// all powerups
player->netmax = 4; // all nets
player->netbig = B_TRUE; // big net
player->speed = 2; // fast
sprintf(tempm, "Full power!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_BELL) {
// all powerups
playfx(FX_BELL); // different sound effect
player->hasbell = B_TRUE;
sprintf(tempm, "Powerup Detector!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_RINGGOLD) {
// points for walking
player->powerup = PW_RINGWALK;
sprintf(tempm, "Walk Ring!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_RINGSILVER) {
// points for walking
player->powerup = PW_RINGJUMP;
sprintf(tempm, "Jump Ring!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_MACEPOWERUP) {
player->powerup = PW_MACE;
sprintf(tempm, "Mace Slam!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_BOXING) {
player->powerup = PW_BOXING;
sprintf(tempm, "Boxing Glove!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_HELMET) {
int xx,yy;
player->id = P_ARMOUR; // change how the player looks
player->armour = B_TRUE;
sprintf(tempm, "Armour!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
// add puffs
for (xx = s->x - TILEW; xx <= s->x + TILEW; xx += TILEW) {
for (yy = s->y - TILEW*2; yy <= s->y; yy += TILEH) {
puffin(-1, xx, yy, "nothing", 0);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_GEMBOOST) {
if (player->gemboost <= 1) {
player->gemboost = 2;
} else {
player->gemboost = 3;
sprintf(tempm, "Bonus x%d!",player->gemboost);
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_FTODIAMOND) {
sprite_t *s2, *nexts;
// convert all flowers to diamonds
sprintf(tempm, "Make diamonds!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isflower(s2->id)) {
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y, "nothing", 0);
// replace with a diamond
s2->id = P_DIAMOND;
s2->score = getpoints(P_DIAMOND);
sprintf(s2->name, "made_diamond");
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_FTOGEM) {
sprite_t *s2, *nexts;
int howmany;
int puffdelay;
int gemtype = P_GEMYELLOW;
int xx;
tiletype_t *tt;
// convert all flowers to gems
sprintf(tempm, "Make gems!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isflower(s2->id)) {
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y, "nothing", 0);
// replace with a diamond
s2->id = flowertogem(s2->id);
s2->score = getpoints(s2->id);
sprintf(s2->name, "made_gem");
// and also make a stream of gems underneath us
howmany = (STREAMWID+1)*3;
puffdelay = 0;
for (xx = s->x+TILEW; xx < s->x + (TILEW*howmany); xx += TILEW) {
// if on a wall, exit
tt = gettileat(xx,s->y-TILEH,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) {
switch (puffdelay % 3) {
case 0: gemtype = P_GEMYELLOW; break;
case 1: gemtype = P_GEMRED; break;
case 2: gemtype = P_GEMPURPLE; break;
/* create a gem */
puffin(gemtype, xx, s->y, "gem", puffdelay);
puffdelay += 1;
puffdelay = 0;
for (xx = s->x+TILEW; xx > s->x - (TILEW*howmany); xx -= TILEW) {
// if on a wall, exit
tt = gettileat(xx,s->y-TILEH,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) {
switch (puffdelay % 3) {
case 0: gemtype = P_GEMYELLOW; break;
case 1: gemtype = P_GEMRED; break;
case 2: gemtype = P_GEMPURPLE; break;
/* create a gem */
puffin(gemtype, xx, s->y, "gem", puffdelay);
puffdelay += 1;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_CLOCK) {
// Freeze monsters
player->powerup = PW_CLOCK;
clocktime = CLOCKTIME;
sprintf(tempm, "Freeze time!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
// pause music
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_SNOWMAN) {
// ice
sprintf(tempm, "Blizzard!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
if (!curlevel->iced) {
curlevel->iced = ICE_INPROGRESS;
curlevel->icey = 0;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_BOMB) {
sprite_t *s2, *nexts;
// make the screen shake
player->powerup = PW_BOMB;
player->timer1 = 100;
// kill all monsters
sprintf(tempm, "KABOOM!!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BOMB, tempm,&red,&yellow,POINTSDELAY);
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isbullet(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (ismonster(s2->id)) {
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
s2->caughtby = NULL;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_SHIELD) {
sprintf(tempm, "Shield!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY);
// temp invincibility
player->invuln = SHIELDTIME;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_HELP) {
// TODO: move other HELP text around if need be!
addoutlinetext(320,240,TEXTSIZE_HELP, s->name, &white,&black,HELPDELAY);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (isflower(s->id)) {
int xx;
sprite_t *ss;
tiletype_t *tt;
int found = B_FALSE;
/* was this the last fruit of its kind on the level? */
for (ss = sprite; ss; ss = ss->next) {
if ((ss != s) && (ss->id == s->id)) {
found = B_TRUE;
/* if so, create a left/right stream of flowers */
if (!found) {
int howmany = (STREAMWID + 1) * player->gemboost;
int puffdelay;
puffdelay = 0;
for (xx = s->x+TILEW; xx < s->x + (TILEW*howmany); xx += TILEW) {
// if on a wall, exit
tt = gettileat(xx,s->y-TILEH,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) {
/* create a flower */
puffin(flowertogem(s->id), xx, s->y, "flower", puffdelay);
puffdelay += 1;
puffdelay = 0;
for (xx = s->x+TILEW; xx > s->x - (TILEW*howmany); xx -= TILEW) {
// if on a wall, exit
tt = gettileat(xx,s->y-TILEH,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) {
puffin(flowertogem(s->id), xx, s->y, "flower", puffdelay);
puffdelay += 1;
sprintf(tempm, "BONUS!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BONUS, tempm,&white,&black,BONUSDELAY);
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
void usage(void) {
printf("usage: rc [-fs] [-l xx]\n");
printf(" -fs Start in full-screen mode.\n");
printf(" -l xx Skip to level xx.\n");
// returns B_TRUE if the given player is able to walk/fall left/right
int canmove(sprite_t *pl) {
if (!pl->jumping && !pl->slamming ) {
if (!pl->netting) {
//if (!isonladder(pl) || pl->falling || isonground(pl)) {
if ( pl->climbing || pl->falling || isonground(pl)) {
return B_TRUE;
} else if (pl->netting && pl->falling) { // netting and falling
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
// returns B_TRUE if the given player is able to change which direction they're facing
int canturn(sprite_t *pl) {
if (!pl->slamming && !pl->netting) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int loadfx(int sid , char *filename) {
char tempname[BUFLEN];
sprintf(tempname, "sounds/");
strncat(tempname, filename, BUFLEN);
sfx[sid] = Mix_LoadWAV(tempname);
if (!sfx[sid]) {
printf("error loading %s\n",tempname);
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int initsound(void) {
int i;
/* init */
if (Mix_OpenAudio(44100, AUDIO_S16SYS, 2, 1024) < 0) {
printf("Error initialising sound: %s.\n",Mix_GetError());
return B_TRUE;
loadfx(FX_SHOOT, "shoot.wav");
loadfx(FX_SLAM, "slam.wav");
loadfx(FX_KILL, "kill.wav");
loadfx(FX_MULTIKILL, "multikill.wav");
loadfx(FX_JUMP, "jump.wav");
loadfx(FX_FRUIT, "fruit.wav");
loadfx(FX_POWERUP, "powerup.wav");
loadfx(FX_DIE, "die.wav");
loadfx(FX_WINLEVEL, "winlevel.wav");
loadfx(FX_HURRYUP, "hurryup.wav");
loadfx(FX_TOOSLOW, "tooslow.wav");
loadfx(FX_BONUS, "bonus.wav");
loadfx(FX_MORPH, "morph.wav");
loadfx(FX_BOOM, "boom.wav");
loadfx(FX_SPRING, "spring.wav");
loadfx(FX_TELEPORT, "teleport.wav");
loadfx(FX_SPLASH, "splash.wav");
loadfx(FX_MACE, "mace.wav");
loadfx(FX_LIFE, "life.wav");
loadfx(FX_GAMEOVER, "gameover.wav");
loadfx(FX_OW, "ow.wav");
loadfx(FX_BELL, "bell.wav");
loadfx(FX_CLOCK, "clock.wav");
loadfx(FX_ARMOR, "armor.wav");
loadfx(FX_FREEZE, "freeze.wav");
loadfx(FX_ICEBREAK, "icebreak.wav");
// load sound effects
for (i = 0; i < MAXFX; i++) {
if (!sfx[i]) {
return B_TRUE;
// set up callback
// load music
normalmusic = Mix_LoadMUS("music/main.mod");
if (!normalmusic) {
printf("can't load music\n");
return B_TRUE;
fastmusic = Mix_LoadMUS("music/mainfast.mod");
if (!fastmusic) {
printf("can't load fast music\n");
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
void playfx(int num) {
Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sfx[num], 0);
void playmusic(Mix_Music *toplay) {
/* stop music */
if (musicplaying) {
/* start music */
//music = toplay;
Mix_PlayMusic(toplay, -1);
curmusic = toplay;
musicplaying = B_TRUE;
void stopmusic(void) {
/* stop music */
if (musicplaying) {
musicplaying = B_FALSE;
curmusic = NULL;
// callback for sound effects finishing
void channeldone(int channel) {
if (channel == CH_HURRYUP) {
// start fast music
// move player towards new position
void movetostart(sprite_t *p, int dstx, int dsty, double xspeed, double yspeed) {
if (p->x < dstx) {
p->x += xspeed;
if (p->x > dstx) p->x = dstx;
if (p->x > dstx) {
p->x -= xspeed;
if (p->x < dstx) p->x = dstx;
if (p->y < dsty) {
p->y += yspeed;
if (p->y > dsty) p->y = dsty;
if (p->y > dsty) {
p->y -= yspeed;
if (p->y < dsty) p->y = dsty;
// grabs area behind a sprite into a temp buffer
SDL_Surface *grabbehind(sprite_t *s, SDL_Surface *surf) {
SDL_Rect area;
// remember area behind player
area.x = s->x - s->img->w/2;
area.y = s->y - s->img->h;
area.w = s->img->w;
area.h = s->img->h;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &area, surf, NULL);
return surf;
void dumpsprites(void) {
sprite_t *s;
int i = 0;
int mcount = 0;
for (s = sprite; s ; s = s->next) {
printf("Sprite #%d: %s at %1.0f,%1.0f id=%d (",i,s->name,s->x,s->y, s->id);
if (ismonster(s->id)) { printf("MONSTER, "); mcount++; }
if (isfruit(s->id)) printf("FRUIT, ");
if (isflower(s->id)) printf("FLOWER, ");
if (isbullet(s->id)) printf("BULLET, ");
if (iseffect(s->id)) printf("EFFECT, ");
printf("Total monsters: %d\n",mcount);
void addoutlinetext(int x, int y, int size, char *msg, SDL_Color *col, SDL_Color *bgcol, int delay) {
addtext(x-1,y,size,msg,bgcol,delay); // outline
addtext(x-1,y-1,size,msg,bgcol,delay); // outline
addtext(x,y-1,size,msg,bgcol,delay); // outline
addtext(x+1,y-1,size,msg,bgcol,delay); // outline
addtext(x+1,y,size,msg,bgcol,delay); // outline
addtext(x+1,y+1,size,msg,bgcol,delay); // outline
addtext(x,y+1,size,msg,bgcol,delay); // outline
addtext(x-1,y+1,size,msg,bgcol,delay); // outline
addtext(x,y,size,msg,col,delay); // main text
char *addcommas(char *buffer, int num) {
char tempbuf[MIDBUFLEN];
char *p;
char *p2;
int count;
sprintf(tempbuf, "%d",num);
p2 = buffer;
p = tempbuf;
if (strlen(tempbuf) <= 3) {
return buffer;
} else {
count = ((strlen(tempbuf)-1) % 3)+1;
for (p = tempbuf; *p; p++) {
if (count == 0) {
count = 3;
*p2 = ',';
*p2 = *p;
*p2 = '\0';
return buffer;
void addscore(sprite_t *s, int amt) {
int oldscore;
oldscore = s->score;
s->score += amt;
// each multiple of 100,000
if (s == player) {
if ((s->score / 100000) > (oldscore / 100000)) {
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_LIFE, "Extra life!",&green,&black,LIFEDELAY);
void doice(void) {
int yy,xx,changed;
sprite_t *s;
// just in case
if (!curlevel->iced) {
curlevel->iced = ICE_INPROGRESS;
// slowly change a level to ice
//if (timer % ICESPEED == 0) {
xx = 0;
for (yy = curlevel->icey; yy >= 0; yy--) {
// finished?
if ((xx == LEVELW-1) && (yy == LEVELH-1)) {
curlevel->iced = ICE_COMPLETE;
// make sure tile is valid
if ((yy >= 0) && (yy < LEVELH) && (xx >= 0) && (xx < LEVELW)) {
changed = B_FALSE;
// if not already a second layer here...
if (curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx] == T_BLANK) {
// add ice layer
switch (curlevel->map[yy*LEVELW+xx] ) {
case T_FULL:
curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx] = getuniq(T_ICE);
changed = B_TRUE;
case T_LAND:
curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx] = getuniq(T_ICETOP);
changed = B_TRUE;
if (changed) {
drawtile(temps, xx, yy);
if (xx >= LEVELW) break;
// ice any monsters
for (s = sprite; s ; s = s->next) {
if (ismonster(s->id)) {
if ((s->x <= (xx*TILEW)) && (s->y <= (curlevel->icey*TILEH))) {
if (!s->iced && !s->dead && !s->caughtby) {
// ice it!
s->iced = B_TRUE;
s->jumping = B_FALSE;
// increase icey for next time
void adjustx(sprite_t *s,int framenum) {
int newx,newy,diff;
tiletype_t *tt;
diff = (imageset[s->id].img[framenum]->w - s->img->w) +1 ;
newy = s->y-TILEH;
// check RIGHT
newx = s->x + (s->img->w/2);
tt = gettileat(newx,newy,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid == S_SOLID) {
s->x -= diff;
// check LEFT
newx = s->x - (s->img->w/2);
tt = gettileat(newx,newy,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid == S_SOLID) {
s->x += diff;