15305 lines
369 KiB
15305 lines
369 KiB
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef WINDOWS
#include <winsock.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_keysym.h>
#include <SDL_rotozoom.h>
#include <SDL_ttf.h>
#include <SDL_framerate.h>
#include <SDL_mixer.h>
#ifdef OPENGL
#include <SDL_opengl.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include "shared.h"
#include "rc.h"
FPSmanager manager;
SDL_Surface *temps;
SDL_Surface *screen;
SDL_Surface *credittext;
SDL_Surface *endgamebox;
SDL_Surface *temptilesurf;
int lockcredits = B_FALSE;
int globtimer;
int endgame = B_FALSE;
int autoshot = B_FALSE;
int shottaken = B_FALSE;
int introstate;
char hiscoreserver[BUFLEN];
int hiscoreport;
hiscore_t hiscore[MAXHISCORES];
int numhiscores;
int wanthiscores;
int gothiscore = -1;
int gothiscore2 = -1;
int joytest = B_FALSE;
int havejoysticks;
int joybuttons[2];
const char *joyname[2];
int joytype[2];
int joyanalog[2];
int joythresh[2];
SDL_Joystick *joy[2];
Uint8 *keys;
int joyx[2],joyy[2],joybut[2][MAXJOYBUTTONS], joymap[MAXJOYBUTTONS];
Mix_Music *curmusic = NULL; // pointer to currently playing music
char tempm[BUFLEN];
// used to remember old level if we flood it
int savemap[LEVELW*LEVELH];
int watertime;
double gunorigx[2];
double gunorigy[2];
int gundelay[2];
int guntime;
int cameraalpha;
int playedbell;
int clocktime;
int lamptime = -1;
int gameovertime;
int sprayalpha; // for spray effect
#ifdef OPENGL
SDL_Surface *realscreen;
extern GLuint tex;
extern float texw,texh;
extern GLint sampleBuffers, samples;
int rm = 0x000000ff;
int gm = 0x0000ff00;
int bm = 0x00ff0000;
int am = 0xff000000;
regrow_t regrow[MAXREGROW]; // for tile regrowth
int numregrow = 0;
int gameover;
int firstlevel;
SDL_Surface *pausedtext, *pausedshadow;
int paused;
int wantframerate = B_FALSE;
int initialswapplayers = B_FALSE;
int fps;
int fpscount;
int titlemode = TS_INSERTCOIN;
int blinkspeed;
int credits = 0;
int titledone;
int forcegold = B_FALSE;
int forcegoldlev = -1;
int skiplevels;
int force1up = B_FALSE;
int force2up = B_FALSE;
/* the order in which fruit will appear */
int fruittypes[] = {
/* the order in which powerups will appear */
int poweruptypes[] = {
int fruittime = -1;
int curfruittype = 0;
int curpoweruptype[2];
int tilefadex[LEVELW*LEVELH];
int tilefadey[LEVELW*LEVELH];
int nfadingtiles = 0;
int gtime = 0;
int fpsticks = 0;
int fpsstart = 0;
int skipto = -1; // which level to skip to
level_t *curlevel;
int levelcompletetime;
int oldlevelcomplete;
sprite_t *sprite = NULL; /* main sprite list */
sprite_t *lastsprite;
sprite_t *lastmet;
int pokereffect;
int pokerpoints;
SDL_Color red = {255, 0, 0, 0};
SDL_Color red2 = {150, 0, 0, 0};
SDL_Color red3 = {90, 0, 0, 0};
SDL_Color orange = {255, 167, 88, 1};
SDL_Color black = {0, 0, 0, 0};
SDL_Color blue = {0, 0, 255, 0};
SDL_Color cyan = {0, 255, 255, 0};
SDL_Color purple = {200, 0, 200, 0};
SDL_Color brown = {166, 97, 7, 0};
SDL_Color brown2 = {116, 47, 0, 0};
SDL_Color white = {255, 255, 255, 0};
SDL_Color white2 = {150, 150, 150, 0};
SDL_Color grey = {210, 210, 210, 0};
SDL_Color grey2 = {90, 90, 90, 0};
SDL_Color green = {0, 255, 0, 0};
SDL_Color green1 = {0, 200, 0, 0};
SDL_Color green2 = {0, 150, 0, 0};
SDL_Color yellow = {255, 255, 0, 0};
SDL_Color greenish = {82, 125, 74, 0};
char *endtext[] = {
"As the chest opens, a great light bursts forth...",
"A feast of purloined food rains from the sky!",
"The dwarven couple eagerly gather the bounty",
"and return in triumph to their castle",
"where a grand banquet awaits.",
" ",
SDL_Color *endtextcol[] = {
int endtextid = 0;
int endtexttimer = 0;
int endtexty = 0;
int vidargs = 0;
int fullscreen = B_FALSE;
int timer = 0;
int toggletimer = 0;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
//sprite_t *s,*nextsprite;
char filename[BUFLEN];
int i;
int *animtile,*l3tile;
levelbg = NULL;
datadir = NULL;
// default
sprintf(hiscoreserver, "ratcatcher.nethack.net");
hiscoreport = 80;
gamemode = GM_NORM; // default
showhelp = B_FALSE; // default
// set program name (including version string)
sprintf(progname, "Rat Catcher");
/* handle arguments */
if (argc >= 2) {
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fs")) {
printf("Fullscreen mode enabled.\n");
fullscreen = B_TRUE;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v")) {
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d")) {
if (++i >= argc) {
printf("Missing data dir.\n");
datadir = strdup(argv[i]);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c")) {
printf("Cheat mode.\n");
cheat = B_TRUE;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-as")) {
printf("Automatic screenshot mode activated.\n");
autoshot = B_TRUE;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-s")) {
printf("Swapplayers mode activated.\n");
initialswapplayers = B_TRUE;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-t")) {
printf("Tutorial mode activated.\n");
showhelp = B_TRUE;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-l")) {
if (++i >= argc) {
printf("Missing level number.\n");
skipto = atoi(argv[i]);
printf("Skipping to level %d.\n",skipto);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-1")) {
printf("1up added.\n");
force1up = B_TRUE;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-2")) {
printf("2up added.\n");
force2up = B_TRUE;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-jt")) {
printf("Joystick test mode enabled.\n");
joytest = B_TRUE;
/*} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-hs")) {
if (++i >= argc) {
printf("Missing hiscore server name.\n");
if (strstr(argv[i], ":")) {
char *p,*p2;
// use port as well
p2 = hiscoreserver;
for (p = argv[i];p; p++) {
if (*p == ':') {
} else {
*p2 = *p;
*p2 = '\0';
hiscoreport = atoi(p);
printf("Hiscore server set to '%s'\n",hiscoreserver);
printf("Hiscore port set to '%d'\n",hiscoreport);
} else {
sprintf(hiscoreserver, "%s",argv[i]);
printf("Hiscore server set to '%s'\n",hiscoreserver);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-hp")) {
if (++i >= argc) {
printf("Missing hiscore port.\n");
hiscoreport = atoi(argv[i]);
printf("Hiscore port set to '%d'\n",hiscoreport);
} else {
if (datadir == NULL) {
datadir = strdup("data");
if (TTF_Init()) {
printf("TTF_Init: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
if (joytest) {
if (havejoysticks) {
int done = B_FALSE;
SDL_Event event;
printf("Joystick test mode\n");
while (!done) {
/* check for key releases */
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) {
if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) {
done = B_TRUE;
} else if (event.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONUP) {
printf("Joy %d: Button %d pressed.\n",event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button);
} else if (event.type == SDL_JOYAXISMOTION) {
int j,jx,jy;
j = event.jaxis.which;
jx = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy[j],0);
jy = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy[j],1);
printf("Joy %d: Moved ",j);
if (jy <= -6000) printf("UP\n");
if (jy >= 6000) printf("DOWN\n");
if (jx <= -6000) printf("LEFT\n");
if (jx >= 6000) printf("RIGHT\n");
} else {
printf("ERROR: no joysticks found.\n");
return 0;
if (loadimagesets()) {
printf("Error loading images.\n");
return 1;
if (loadlevellist()) {
printf("Error loading level list from %s.\n",FILE_LEVELMAP);
return 1;
fakeblock.id = T_LAND;
for (i = 0; i < TILEW; i++) {
fakeblock.lowness[i] = 0;
fakeblock.solid = S_SOLID;
fakeblock.img[0] = IMG_Load("newtiles/land.png");
fakeblock.numframes = 1;
fakeblock.next = NULL;
fakeblock.prev = NULL;
/* load fonts */
sprintf(filename, "%s/gamefont.ttf",datadir);
for (i = 1; i < MAXLETTERHEIGHT; i++) {
SDL_Surface *surf;
font[i] = TTF_OpenFont(filename,i);
if (!font[i]) {
printf("Error opening font: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
return 1;
surf = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[i], "test", red);
if (!surf) {
printf("Error during font test, size %d\n",i);
return 1;
/* calculate fps delay */
SDL_setFramerate(&manager, WANTFPS);
/* init sound */
if (initsound()) {
printf("sound error.\n");
return 1;
/* init tiles */
if (loadtiletypes(FILE_TILEDEFS)) {
printf("Cannot initialise tiles\n");
/* generate images for "PAUSED" text */
pausedtext = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_PAUSED], "PAUSED", yellow);
pausedshadow = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_PAUSED], "PAUSED", black);
paused = B_FALSE;
temptilesurf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, TILEW, TILEH,
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
screen->format->Gmask,screen->format->Bmask, 0);
SDL_FillRect(temptilesurf, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,black.r,black.g,black.b));
SDL_SetAlpha(temptilesurf, SDL_SRCALPHA, 25);
endgamebox = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
screen->format->Gmask,screen->format->Bmask, 0);
SDL_FillRect(endgamebox, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,white.r,white.g,white.b));
// try to get hiscores
//printf("Attepting to download hiscores from %s:%d...\n",hiscoreserver,hiscoreport); fflush(stdout);
printf("Loading hiscore data...\n");
if (gethiscores(B_FALSE)) {
printf("Couldn't download hiscores. Disabling hiscore code.\n");
wanthiscores = B_FALSE;
} else {
printf("Hiscores successfully downloaded.\n");
wanthiscores = B_TRUE;
player = NULL;
player2 = NULL;
// outside loop
while (1) {
// title screen
if (skipto <= 0) {
} else {
// skipping to a level from command line
if (force1up) want1up = B_TRUE;
if (force2up) want2up = B_TRUE;
if (!want1up && !want2up) {
// must have at least 1 player!!
want1up = B_TRUE;
// shuffle cards
// main loop
while (!gameover) {
// check for sprite death and update moevment counters
* check for end of level
if (levelcomplete == LV_CLEAR) {
sprite_t *s2, *nexts;
if (!endgame) {
addoutlinetext(320,240,TEXTSIZE_LEVEL,"Level Complete!",&green,&black,LEVELWINDELAY, TT_NORM);
levelcomplete = LV_WAIT;
// turn off certain powerups
if (globpowerup == PW_CLOCK) {
globpowerup = -1;
} else if (globpowerup == PW_LAMP) {
globpowerup = -1;
} else if ((curlevel->iced == WATER_INPROGRESS) || (curlevel->iced == WATER_COMPLETE)) {
curlevel->iced = B_FALSE;
} else if (haspowerupany(PW_GUNNER)) {
// certain things disappear at end of level
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (iscard(s2->id) || s2->id == P_MOVINGCARD) {
// kill all cards, so we don't have a pokereffect during endoflevel
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (strstr(s2->name, "random_up")) {
// also kill the random level powerup if it exists
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y, "end_of_lev_pw_die", 0);
} else if (isflower(s2->id)) {
// also kill flowers
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y, "end_of_lev_fl_die", 0);
// stop teleporting
if (player) {
if (player->teleporting) {
if (player2) {
if (player2->teleporting) {
} else if (levelcomplete == LV_WAIT) {
int mcount = 0;
sprite_t *s2;
/* when all monsters have become fruits */
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (ismonster(s2->id)) {
if (s2->id != P_BLACKCLOUD) {
if (mcount == 0) {
levelcompletetime = gtime;
levelcomplete = LV_FINAL;
* check for keypress or other input (joystick etc)
if (!paused) {
* Special effects #1 - ones which change the level by
* modifiying tiles, etc, or by moving sprites.
if (globpowerup != PW_CLOCK) {
// for each animated tile on the level...
for (animtile = curlevel->animtiles; animtile && *animtile != -1; animtile++) {
int offset,numframes;
tiletype_t *tt;
offset = *animtile;
// Is l2 tile animated?
tt = gettile(curlevel->map2[offset]);
if (tt->numframes == 1) { // if no l2, use l1
tt = gettile(curlevel->map[offset]);
numframes = tt->numframes;
// is it time to change frames?
if ((timer % tt->animspeed) == 0) {
// change its frame
if (curlevel->tileframe[offset] >= numframes) {
curlevel->tileframe[offset] = 0;
// redraw it
drawtile(temps, offset%LEVELW,offset/LEVELW);
// ice effect
if (curlevel->iced == ICE_INPROGRESS) {
// water effect
if (timer % FLOODSPEED == 0) {
if (curlevel->iced == WATER_INPROGRESS) {
// gunner effect - red overlay
if (haspowerupany(PW_GUNNER)) {
if (levelcomplete != LV_DOPOKER) {
if (uncaughtmonsters() <= 0) {
// finish if no monsters are left alive & uncaught
* Move sprites
if (levelcomplete == LV_DOPOKER) {
// only fivecards sprite can move
sprite_t *this;
for (this = sprite; this ; this = this->next) {
if (this->id == P_FIVECARDS) {
} else { // all other states...
if (levelcomplete != LV_HELPFREEZE) {
// move sprites
* Intro sequence
if (inintro()) {
* Move onscreen text
if (levelcomplete != LV_HELPFREEZE) {
* Gravity
if (levelcomplete == LV_INIT) {
// only player
if (player2) {
} else {
sprite_t *s;
switch (levelcomplete) {
case LV_CLEAR:
case LV_WAIT:
case LV_FINAL:
case LV_CLOUD:
/* gravity */
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = s->next) {
/* tile effects */
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = s->next) {
if (levelcomplete == LV_CLOUD) {
if (isplayer(s)) {
if (!s->oncloud) dotileeffects(s);
} else {
} else {
case LV_GAMEOVER: // no collision detection or player movement
/* gravity */
for (s = sprite; s ; s = s->next) {
if (!isplayer(s)) {
case LV_DOPOKER: // do nothing
case LV_HELPFREEZE: // do nothing
* Special effects #2 - ones which need to happen
* after sprite movement
if ((player && player->hasbell) || (player2 && player2->hasbell)) {
int dobell = B_FALSE;
SDL_Color fcol;
/* check for bell sound */
/* play a bell sound if the powerup will be a permenant one */
if (ispermenant(level->poweruptype)) {
// flash white
dobell = B_TRUE;
fcol.r = 255; fcol.g = 255; ; fcol.b = 255;
} else if (isabilitypowerup(level->poweruptype)) {
// flash green
dobell = B_TRUE;
fcol.r = 0; fcol.g = 255; ; fcol.b = 0;
} else if (iswinpowerup(level->poweruptype)) {
// flash red
dobell = B_TRUE;
fcol.r = 255; fcol.g = 0; ; fcol.b = 0;
} else if (isbadpowerup(level->poweruptype)) {
// flash purple
dobell = B_TRUE;
fcol.r = 255; fcol.g = 0; ; fcol.b = 255;
if (dobell) {
// play sound once
if (!playedbell) {
playedbell = BELL_DONESOUND;
if (playedbell != BELL_DONEFLASH) {
if (timer >= BELLTIME) {
playedbell = BELL_DONEFLASH;
} else if (timer % 10 == 0) {
SDL_Rect area;
area.x = 0;
area.y = 0;
area.w = SCREENW;
area.h = SCREENH;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &area, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,fcol.r,fcol.g,fcol.b));
// melting/fading tiles
for (i = nfadingtiles-1; i >= 0; i--) {
int tx,ty;
tx = tilefadex[i];
ty = tilefadey[i];
if (--(curlevel->tilewalkvanish[ty*LEVELW+tx]) <= 0) {
int n;
// remove from list.
for (n = i; n < nfadingtiles-1; n++) {
tilefadex[n] = tilefadex[n+1];
tilefadey[n] = tilefadey[n+1];
} else if (curlevel->tilewalkvanish[ty*LEVELW+tx] >= 20) { // maybe drip if not too faded
//printf("curmelt ---- %d\n",curlevel->tilewalkvanish[ty*LEVELW+tx]);
if ((timer % 10 == 0) && !(rand() % 3)) {
sprite_t *s;
// add drip
s = addsprite(P_DRIP, tx*TILEW + (TILEW/4) + (rand() % (TILEW/2)), (ty*TILEH) + TILEH, "drip");
s->fallspeed = ICEDRIPSPEED;
// now re-draw it to change transparency
drawtile(temps, tx, ty);
// endgame flash
if (globpowerup == PW_ENDGAME) {
int val;
SDL_Rect area;
area.x = 0;
area.y = 0;
area.w = SCREENW;
area.h = SCREENH;
// screen fades from white to black
val = 255 - globtimer;
if (val < 0) val = 0;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &area, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, val, val, val));
// camera flash
if ((globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) && (cameraalpha)) {
SDL_Surface *whitebox;
whitebox = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
screen->format->Gmask,screen->format->Bmask, 0);
SDL_FillRect(whitebox, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,255,255,255));
SDL_SetAlpha(whitebox, SDL_SRCALPHA, cameraalpha);
// clear screen
if (timer % 10 == 0) {
cameraalpha -= 35;
if (cameraalpha < 0) cameraalpha = 0;
* Collision detection
if ((levelcomplete != LV_DOPOKER) && (levelcomplete != LV_HELPFREEZE)) {
* Drawing routines
// player netting
if (levelcomplete != LV_DOPOKER) {
// cannon firing
if ((levelcomplete != LV_DOPOKER) && (levelcomplete != LV_HELPFREEZE)) { // cannon firing
if (haspowerup(player, PW_CANNONFIRE)) {
if (haspowerup(player2, PW_CANNONFIRE)) {
// draw sprites
if (levelcomplete != LV_DOPOKER) {
/// draw layer 3 tiles
// for each layer 3 tile on the level...
for (l3tile = curlevel->l3tiles; l3tile && *l3tile != -1; l3tile++) {
int offset;
tiletype_t *tt;
offset = *l3tile;
tt = gettile(curlevel->map3[offset]);
// redraw it
drawl3tile(screen, offset%LEVELW,offset/LEVELW);
// warning for cloud
if (!isbosslevel(curlevelnum)) {
if ((gtime >= nexthurryup + 10) && (gtime < nexthurryup+15)) { // 15 secs after hurryup
if (levelcomplete == LV_INPROGRESS) {
if (timer % 4 == 0) {
// add puffs
puffin(-1, 320 + (rand() % (TILEW*4)) - (TILEW*2),
240 + (rand() % (TILEH*2)) - TILEH, "cloudwarn", rand() % 5);
// poker effect
// this must come last as it clears the screen and blanks out other sprites
if (levelcomplete == LV_DOPOKER) {
SDL_Rect area;
sprite_t *this;
area.x = 0;
area.y = 0;
area.w = SCREENW;
area.h = SCREENH;
// clear screen
SDL_FillRect(screen, &area, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,black.r,black.g,black.b));
// only fivecards sprite is drawn
for (this = sprite; this ; this = this->next) {
if (this->id == P_FIVECARDS) {
} else if (levelcomplete == LV_HELPFREEZE) {
SDL_Rect area;
SDL_Surface *blackbox;
blackbox = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
screen->format->Gmask,screen->format->Bmask, 0);
SDL_FillRect(blackbox, &area, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,black.r,black.g,black.b));
SDL_SetAlpha(blackbox, SDL_SRCALPHA, 175);
// clear screen
// draw text
if (!inintro()) {
// draw score
// draw boss health
if (boss) {
// draw 'PAUSED' text
if (paused) {
SDL_Rect area;
// show that we are paused
area.x = (SCREENW/2) - (pausedshadow->w/2) - 2;
area.y = (SCREENH/2) - (pausedshadow->h/2) + 2;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(pausedshadow, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x = (SCREENW/2) - (pausedtext->w/2);
area.y = (SCREENH/2) - (pausedtext->h/2);
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(pausedtext, NULL, screen, &area);
* Special effects #3 - ones which need to happen
* after graphics drawing
if (!paused) {
/* is screen shaking? */
if (globpowerup == PW_BOMB) {
if (timer % 5 == 0) {
int amt;
SDL_Rect area;
amt = (rand() % 20)+1;
area.x = 0;
area.y = amt;
area.w = SCREENW;
area.h = SCREENH-amt;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &area, screen, NULL);
area.x = 0;
area.y = SCREENH-amt;
area.w = SCREENW;
area.h = amt;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &area, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,black.r,black.g,black.b));
if (--globtimer == 0) {
globpowerup = -1;
} else if (globpowerup == PW_SPRAYUP) { // green overlay for fly spray
if (levelcomplete != LV_DOPOKER) {
SDL_SetAlpha(greenbox, SDL_SRCALPHA, sprayalpha);
sprayalpha += 5;
if (sprayalpha >= 100) {
globpowerup = PW_SPRAYDOWN;
} else if (globpowerup == PW_SPRAYDOWN) { // green overlay for fly spray
if (levelcomplete != LV_DOPOKER) {
SDL_SetAlpha(greenbox, SDL_SRCALPHA, sprayalpha);
sprayalpha -= 5;
if (sprayalpha <= 0) {
globpowerup = PW_SPRAYUP;
} else if (globpowerup == PW_RATSHAKE) { // horizontal shake due to rat
// shake screen
if (timer % 5 == 0) {
int amt;
SDL_Rect area;
amt = (rand() % 20)+1;
area.x = amt;
area.y = 0;
area.w = SCREENW-amt;
area.h = SCREENH;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &area, screen, NULL);
area.x = SCREENW-amt;
area.y = 0;
area.w = amt;
area.h = SCREENH;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &area, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,black.r,black.g,black.b));
// create rat
if (timer % 10 == 0) {
if (countmonsters(-1) < 8) { // max 7 rats + king rat
puffin(P_RAT, rand() % (SCREENW-(TILEW*8))+(TILEW*4), TILEH, "gen_rat",0);
if (--globtimer == 0) {
globpowerup = -1;
} else if (globpowerup == PW_SNAILSHAKE) { // vertical shake due to king snail
// shake screen
if (timer % 5 == 0) {
int amt;
SDL_Rect area;
amt = (rand() % 20)+1;
// offset screen upwards
area.x = 0;
area.y = amt;
area.w = SCREENW;
area.h = SCREENH-amt;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &area, screen, NULL);
// fill in empty bit
area.x = 0;
area.y = SCREENH-amt;
area.w = SCREENW;
area.h = amt;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &area, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,black.r,black.g,black.b));
if (--globtimer == 0) {
globpowerup = -1;
} else if (globpowerup == PW_CATWIND) {
if (boss) {
// move players
if (player) {
movex(player, (double)boss->dir*1.5, B_FALSE);
if (player2) {
movex(player2, (double)boss->dir*1.5, B_FALSE);
if (countsprites(P_LEAF) < 10) {
int xx,yy,xs;
sprite_t *ss;
// add a leaf
if (boss->dir > 0) {
xx = TILEW/2;
xs = 10 + (rand() % 7);
} else {
xx = (LEVELW * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
xs = -(10 + (rand() % 7));
yy = rand() % (LEVELH * TILEH);
ss = addsprite(P_LEAF,xx, yy, "leaf" );
ss->ys = 0;
ss->xs = xs;
ss->dir = boss->dir;
} else {
globpowerup = -1;
} else if (globpowerup == PW_CATBRICKS) {
if (boss) {
// shake screen
if (timer % 5 == 0) {
int amt;
SDL_Rect area;
amt = (rand() % 20)+1;
// offset screen upwards
area.x = 0;
area.y = amt;
area.w = SCREENW;
area.h = SCREENH-amt;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &area, screen, NULL);
// fill in empty bit
area.x = 0;
area.y = SCREENH-amt;
area.w = SCREENW;
area.h = amt;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &area, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,black.r,black.g,black.b));
// drop bricks
if ((timer % KC_BRICKTIME) == 0) {
int i,tx,poss[LEVELW],nposs = 0;
tiletype_t *tt;
printf("timer = %d\n",timer);
// select a random top tile
for (i = 0; i < LEVELW; i++) {
tt = gettileat(i*TILEW,0, NULL, NULL);
if (tt && tt->solid) {
poss[nposs++] = i;
if (nposs) {
sprite_t *ss;
tx = poss[rand() % nposs];
// destroy the tile
// add a falling brick
ss = addsprite(P_FALLINGBRICK,
(tx*TILEW) + (TILEW/2), TILEH,"fallingbrick");
ss->ys = 1;
ss->xs = 0;
ss->dir = 1; // doesn't really matter
} else {
globpowerup = -1;
} else {
globpowerup = -1;
} else if (globpowerup == PW_ENDGAME) {
// timer will control background fade
if (globtimer < 1024) {
if (countfruits() < 10) {
sprite_t *ss;
int x,y;
// spawn a new fruit
x = (rand() % (SCREENW-(TILEW*2))) + TILEW;
y = 0;
ss = addsprite(fruittypes[curfruittype], x,y, "fruit_endgame");
ss->xs = 0;
ss->ys = rand() % 2;
if (countsprites(P_UPSTAR) < MINUPSTARS) {
if (endgame == EG_FADETOBLACK) {
int val;
// screen fades out to black
SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, black.r, black.g, black.b));
val = 255 - globtimer;
if (val < 0) val = 0;
SDL_SetAlpha(endgamebox, SDL_SRCALPHA, val);
if (val <= 0) {
// really finished now - back to title screen
gameover = B_TRUE;
} else if (endgame == EG_FADETOWHITE) {
int val;
// screen fades out to white
val = globtimer;
if (val > 255) val = 255;
SDL_SetAlpha(endgamebox, SDL_SRCALPHA, val);
if (val >= 255) {
globtimer = 0;
} else if (endgame == EG_FRUITFALL) {
if (++endtexttimer >= ENDTEXTTIME) {
endtexttimer = 0;
// display next ending text
if (endtext[endtextid]) {
addoutlinetext(320,endtexty,TEXTSIZE_ENDING, endtext[endtextid],
endtexty += TTF_FontHeight(font[TEXTSIZE_ENDING]);
endtexty += 2;
} else {
// trigger very end of game
levelcomplete = LV_FINAL;
levelcompletetime = gtime;
endgame = EG_FADEPAUSE;
//gtime += 10;
* Update the screen
* Timers
if (!paused) {
int n;
if (++timer == 100) timer = 0;
for (n = 0 ; n < numregrow; n++) {
if (regrow[n].timer <= 0) {
int nn,tx,ty;
// put original tile back
tx = regrow[n].tx;
ty = regrow[n].ty;
curlevel->map[ty * LEVELW + tx] = regrow[n].origid;
curlevel->tilewalkvanish[ty * LEVELW + tx] = getwalkvanish(regrow[n].origid);
drawtile(temps, tx,ty);
puffin(-1, tx*TILEW+(TILEW/2), ty*TILEH+TILEH, "nothing", 0);
// remove from list
for (nn = n ; nn < (numregrow-1); nn++) {
regrow[nn].tx = regrow[nn+1].tx;
regrow[nn].ty = regrow[nn+1].ty;
regrow[nn].origid = regrow[nn+1].origid;
regrow[nn].timer = regrow[nn+1].timer;
// do this number again
if (toggletimer > 0) toggletimer--;
if (haspowerupany(PW_GUNNER)) {
int n;
// delay between shots
for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
if (gundelay[n] > 0) {
// screenshot
if (autoshot && (levelcomplete == LV_INPROGRESS)) {
if (shottaken) {
sprite_t *s2, *nexts;
// go to next level
// kill all enemies and fruits
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isbullet(s2->id) || ismonster(s2->id) || isfruit(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
if (ismonster(s2->id)) {
if (s2->caughtby) {
// call in cloud immediately
levelcomplete = LV_FINAL;
} else {
shottaken = B_TRUE;
} // end main loop
// turn off level skip now, if it was selected at commandline
skipto = -1;
// clear screen
SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,black.r,black.g,black.b));
if (wanthiscores) {
// check for a hiscore, if so submit it
if (player) checkhiscores(player);
if (player2) checkhiscores(player2);
// clear screen
SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,black.r,black.g,black.b));
// show high scores
// clear screen ready to start again...
SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,black.r,black.g,black.b));
} // end outside loop
return 0;
void tick(void) {
sprite_t *s;
if (!paused) {
if (paused) return;
if (levelcomplete == LV_HELPFREEZE) return;
fpsticks = SDL_GetTicks();
if (fpsstart == 0) {
fpsstart = fpsticks;
} else {
/* once per second */
if (fpsticks - fpsstart >= 1000) {
// calculate frames per second
fps = fpscount;
fpscount = 0;
// incremenet game time
// check for game over - 5 seocnds after game over text disappears
if (gameovertime > 0) {
if (gtime >= (gameovertime + GAMEOVERWAIT)) {
gameover = B_TRUE;
// handle visual countdown timers
if (levelcomplete == LV_INPROGRESS) {
// clock
if (globpowerup == PW_CLOCK) {
char tempm[SMALLBUFLEN];
// text
if (clocktime > 0) {
sprintf(tempm, "%d",clocktime);
addoutlinetext(320,120,TEXTSIZE_LEVEL, tempm, &yellow,&black,15, TT_NORM);
// sound effect
// never reach hurryup time
// decrement counter
if (clocktime < 0) {
// finished!
globpowerup = -1;
} else if (globpowerup == PW_LAMP) {
int maxdoom = -1;
sprite_t *s2;
// never reach hurryup time
//////// display countdown
// find goldcoin with highest doomcount
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if ((s2->id == P_GOLDCOIN) && (s2->doomcount > maxdoom)) {
maxdoom = s2->doomcount;
if (maxdoom > -1) {
int secondsleft;
secondsleft = (maxdoom / fps);
if (secondsleft != lamptime) {
SDL_Color *col;
lamptime = secondsleft;
sprintf(tempm, "%d",lamptime);
if (lamptime < 5) {
col = &red;
} else if (lamptime < 15) {
col = &yellow;
} else {
col = &green;
addoutlinetext(320,120,TEXTSIZE_LEVEL, tempm, col,&black,15, TT_NORM);
// handle flood effect
if (curlevel->iced == WATER_COMPLETE) {
char tempm[SMALLBUFLEN];
// text
if (watertime > 0) {
sprintf(tempm, "%d",watertime);
addoutlinetext(320,120,TEXTSIZE_LEVEL, tempm, &cyan,&black,15, TT_NORM);
// never reach hurryup time
// decrement counter
if (watertime < 0) {
// finished!
curlevel->iced = B_FALSE;
// handle gunner effect
if (haspowerupany(PW_GUNNER)) {
char tempm[SMALLBUFLEN];
// text
if (guntime > 0) {
sprintf(tempm, "%d",guntime);
addoutlinetext(320,120,TEXTSIZE_LEVEL, tempm, &red,&black,15, TT_NORM);
// never reach hurryup time
// decrement counter
if (guntime < 0) {
// finished!
/* check for hurryup*/
if (!isbosslevel(curlevelnum)) {
if ((gtime == nexthurryup) && (curlevel->iced != WATER_COMPLETE)) {
if (!levelcomplete) {
// all sprites get angry and un-iced
for (s = sprite; s; s = s->next) {
if (!isplayer(s) && ismonster(s->id) ) {
s->angry = B_TRUE;
s->iced = B_FALSE;
// rings are disabled
addoutlinetext(320,240,TEXTSIZE_HURRY, "Hurry up!", &yellow,&black,HURRYDELAY, TT_NORM);
Mix_PlayChannel(CH_HURRYUP, sfx[FX_HURRYUP], 0);
} else if (gtime == nexthurryup + 15) { // 15 secs after hurryup
if (!levelcomplete) {
sprite_t *bc,*s2;
int found = B_FALSE;
// does cloud already exist? (could happen if someone
// picked up the whistle powerup)
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2->id == P_BLACKCLOUD) {
found = B_TRUE;
if (!found) {
bc = addsprite(P_BLACKCLOUD, 320,240,"cloud");
addoutlinetext(320,240,TEXTSIZE_HURRY, "Too slow!", &red,&black,HURRYDELAY, TT_NORM);
/* check for random power up */
if ((curlevel->powerupx != -1) && (curlevel->powerupy != -1)) {
if (!curlevel->gotpowerup) {
if (gtime == curlevel->poweruptime) {
if (!levelcomplete) {
/* add a random powerup at the right position */
/* the type of powerup is randomly determined when the level is
loaded */
/* IMPORTANT: the name 'random_up' is important as it tells addsprite() to
give it a higher doomcount */
curlevel->powerupx*TILEW + (TILEW/2),
curlevel->powerupy*TILEH + TILEH - 1,
curlevel->gotpowerup = B_TRUE;
/* 5 seconds after level completion */
if (levelcomplete == LV_FINAL) {
if (gtime - levelcompletetime >= 5) {
if (endgame == EG_FRUITFALL) {
// ... do nothing
} else if (endgame == EG_FADEPAUSE) {
globtimer = 0;
} else if ((endgame == EG_FADETOWHITE) || (endgame == EG_FADETOBLACK)) {
// ... do nothing
} else if (endgame == EG_FINAL) {
// ... do nothing
} else if (playersalive()) {
sprite_t *newsp;
int x,y;
levelcomplete = LV_CLOUD;
switch (curlevel->exitdir) {
case D_RIGHT:
x = TILEW/2;
y = rand() % SCREENH;
case D_LEFT:
y = rand() % SCREENH;
case D_UP:
x = rand() % SCREENW;
case D_DOWN:
x = rand() % SCREENW;
y = TILEW/2;
if (player && player->lives > 0) {
newsp = addsprite(P_PINKCLOUD, x, y, "pinkcloud_1");
newsp->timer1 = LV_CLOUD;
newsp->owner = player;
puffin(-1, x, y, "nothing", 0);
if (player2 && player2->lives > 0) {
newsp = addsprite(P_PINKCLOUD, x, y, "pinkcloud_2");
newsp->timer1 = LV_CLOUD;
newsp->owner = player2;
puffin(-1, x, y, "nothing", 0);
fpsstart = fpsticks;
void nextlevel(void) {
char msg[SMALLBUFLEN];
sprite_t *cloudp;
int x,y;
int curworld;
// remove the players
if (!firstlevel) {
/* in case we skipped the level due to a powerup etc */
levelcomplete = LV_NEXTLEV;
// disable "forcegold" (comes form magic lamp) unless we got
// if on this level
if (forcegold) {
if (forcegoldlev != curlevelnum) {
forcegold = B_FALSE;
/* go to next level */
// this won't trigger on the first load of the intro
// becasue curlevelnum is decremented before this function
// is called. When the intro ENDs, the next line will
// be true.
if (curlevelnum == INTRO_LEVELNUM) {
curlevelnum = 1;
} else {
curworld = getcurworld();
if (!musicplaying || (curmusic == fastmusic[curworld])) {
if (curlevelnum != INTRO_LEVELNUM) {
// don't want the player flashing while scrolling
if (player) player->invuln = 0;
if (player2) player2->invuln = 0;
// not on a trampoline!
if (player) {
player->ontramp = B_FALSE;
player->trampx = -1;
player->trampy = -1;
player->oncloud = B_FALSE;
if (player2) {
player2->ontramp = B_FALSE;
player2->trampx = -1;
player2->trampy = -1;
player2->oncloud = B_FALSE;
// clear regrowth
numregrow = 0;
// load next level data
if (haspowerupany(PW_PHONE) && !isbosslevel(curlevelnum)) {
// don't add monsters
loadlevel(curlevelnum, B_FALSE);
} else {
loadlevel(curlevelnum, B_TRUE);
// remmeber layer 2 in case we replace it with water
for (y = 0 ; y < LEVELH; y++) {
for (x = 0 ; x < LEVELW; x++) {
savemap[y*LEVELW+x] = curlevel->map2[y*LEVELW+x];
watertime = -1;
fruittime = -1;
// do the moving to next level transition (ie. scroll the screen)
// now the player gets invincibility
if (!inintro()) {
if (!cheat) {
// phone is cancelled on boss levels
if (haspowerupany(PW_PHONE)) {
if (isbosslevel(curlevelnum)) {
sprite_t *pp;
pp = haspowerupany(PW_PHONE);
skiplevels = 0;
/* reset game stats */
if (haspowerupany(PW_PHONE)) {
levelcomplete = LV_CLOUD;
} else {
levelcomplete = LV_INIT;
levelcompletetime = -1;
/* reset level stats */
level->gotpowerup = B_FALSE;
// this is based on the max number of monsters killed
// simulatneously on the previous level...
forcegoodcard = nextforcegoodcard;
nextforcegoodcard = B_FALSE;
if (isbosslevel(curlevelnum)) {
// don't play bell on boss levels
playedbell = BELL_DONEFLASH;
} else {
if ((player && player->hasbell) || (player2 && player2->hasbell)) {
playedbell = B_FALSE;
} else {
playedbell = BELL_DONEFLASH;
// if this is boss level, play music
if (isbosslevel(curlevelnum)) {
} else {
if (curlevelnum != INTRO_LEVELNUM) {
if (curmusic != normalmusic[curworld]) {
level->iced = ICE_NONE;
level->icey = -1;
if (!inintro()) {
sprintf(msg, "Level %d-%d",getcurworld(), getcurlevel());
addoutlinetext(320,240-18,TEXTSIZE_LEVEL,msg,&white,&black,LEVELDELAY, TT_NORM);
sprintf(msg, "\"%s\"", curlevel->name);
addoutlinetext(320,240+18,TEXTSIZE_LEVEL2,msg,&cyan,&black,LEVELDELAY, TT_NORM);
/* reset player stats */
if (player && player->lives > 0) {
player->netting = B_FALSE;
player->slamming = B_FALSE;
player->jumping = B_FALSE;
player->netcaught = 0;
// make sure player is at the right position
player->x = (curlevel->p1x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
player->y = (curlevel->p1y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
if (player2 && player2->lives > 0) {
player2->netting = B_FALSE;
player2->slamming = B_FALSE;
player2->jumping = B_FALSE;
player2->netcaught = 0;
// make sure player2 is at the right position
player2->x = (curlevel->p2x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
player2->y = (curlevel->p2y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
// remove powerup, phone is a special case
if (haspowerupany(PW_PHONE)) {
if (skiplevels <= 0) {
} else {
// lose ALL temp powerups
if (player) losepowerup(player);
if (player2) losepowerup(player2);
// remove level powerup effect (bomb etc)
globpowerup = -1;
// add initial fading cloud
if (!inintro()) {
if (player && player->lives > 0) {
cloudp = addsprite(P_PINKCLOUD, player->x,player->y + (imageset[P_PINKCLOUD].img[F_WALK1]->h / 2),"initial_pinkcloud_1");
cloudp->timer1 = levelcomplete;
cloudp->size = 1.0;
cloudp->owner = player;
cloudp->rotated = 0;
cloudp->angle = 0;
if (player2 && player2->lives > 0) {
cloudp = addsprite(P_PINKCLOUD, player2->x,player2->y + (imageset[P_PINKCLOUD].img[F_WALK1]->h / 2),"initial_pinkcloud_2");
cloudp->timer1 = levelcomplete;
cloudp->size = 1.0;
cloudp->owner = player2;
cloudp->rotated = 0;
cloudp->angle = 0;
if (cheat) {
if (player) {
player->speed = PLAYERFAST;
player->netmax = 4;
if (player2) {
player2->speed = PLAYERFAST;
player2->netmax = 4;
// make players face the correct way
if (player) {
if (player->x < (SCREENW/2)) {
player->dir = D_RIGHT;
} else {
player->dir = D_LEFT;
if (player2) {
if (player2->x < (SCREENW/2)) {
player2->dir = D_RIGHT;
} else {
player2->dir = D_LEFT;
// haven't got a card yet
gotcard = B_FALSE;
// reset timer
timer = 0;
if (autoshot) {
shottaken = B_FALSE;
void jump(sprite_t *s, int dir) {
// if we've ust been hit with armour, bypass all these checks)
if (!s->recoiling) {
// can't jump if already jumping
if (s->jumping) {
// unless we have the doublejump powerup
if (!s->doublejump || s->useddoublejump || !s->doublejumpready) {
if (s->jumptimer) return;
if (s->doublejump && (s->falling || s->jumping ) && (s->useddoublejump || !s->doublejumpready)) {
// can only jump sideways when climbing
if (s->climbing && (dir == 0)) {
// check for recoiling here, because we always need to be able to
// "jump" backwards, even if already jumping
if (s->recoiling || isonground(s) || isinwater(s) || isonladder(s) || s->doublejump) {
if (ismonster(s->id) || (s->id == P_KSSHELL)) {
if (s->recoiling) { // recoiling monsters don't pause before jumping
if (s->id == P_KSSHELL) {
s->jumpspeed = 3;
s->jumpdir = dir*3;
} else {
s->jumpspeed = MONJUMPSPEED;
s->jumpdir = dir;
s->jumping = 1;
s->dir = -s->jumpdir; // face backwards
} else {
//s->jumpdir = s->dir * getspeed(s);
s->jumpdir = dir;
if (s->jumpdir != 0) {
s->dir = s->jumpdir;
// special case
if ((s->id == P_KINGRAT) && (s->timer1 == KRS_CHARGEWAIT)) {
// jump right away
s->jumpspeed = MONJUMPSPEED; // will be changed later
s->jumping = 1;
} else if (s->id == P_FROG) {
sprite_t *whoabove;
whoabove = isplayerabove(s);
if (whoabove) {
double ydis;
ydis = abs(s->y - whoabove->y);
if (ydis <= (TILEH*5)) {
s->jumpspeed = MONJUMPSPEED; // normal jump
} else {
s->jumpspeed = FROGJUMPSPEED2; // very high
} else {
s->jumpspeed = FROGJUMPSPEED1; // ie not high enough for most platforms
s->jumping = 1;
} else {
// delay then jump
s->jumptimer = getjumpdelay(s->id);
s->willjumpspeed = getmonjumpspeed(s);
} else if (isfruit(s->id)) {
s->jumping = 1;
s->jumpspeed = 2;
s->jumpdir = dir;
} else { // player
tiletype_t *tt;
s->jumpdir = dir;
if (s->jumpdir != 0) {
s->dir = s->jumpdir;
if (s->doublejump) {
if (s->falling || s->jumping) {
// we just used up the doublejump
s->useddoublejump = B_TRUE;
puffin(-1, s->x, s->y, "nothing", 0);
} else {
// we're jumping off the ground
// need to let go of jump before double jumping
s->doublejumpready = B_FALSE;
if ((s->powerup == PW_JETPACK) && (!s->useddoublejump)) {
// jetpack makes a blast of fire
addsprite(P_SMASH, s->x, s->y, "jet_smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, s->x+(TILEW/2), s->y, "jet_smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, s->x-(TILEW/2), s->y, "jet_smash");
// jetpack always adds speed to sideways jumps
if (s->jumpdir > 0) {
if (!haspowerup(s, P_SPEED) == PLAYERSLOW) s->jumpdir++; // go fast even if player is slow
} else if (s->jumpdir < 0) {
if (!haspowerup(s, P_SPEED) == PLAYERSLOW) s->jumpdir--; // go fast even if player is slow
} else {
tt= gettileat(s->x, s->y, NULL, NULL);
// if on rollers, they add to your inertia
// if you are facing their direction
if ((tt->id == T_RIGHT) && (s->jumpdir > 0)) {
} else if ((tt->id == T_LEFT) && (s->jumpdir < 0)) {
} else if (tt->slippery && !isinwater(s)) {
s->jumpdir = s->xs / getspeed(s);
//if (s->jumpdir > getspeed(s)) s->jumpdir -= getspeed(s);
//if (s->jumpdir < -getspeed(s)) s->jumpdir += getspeed(s);
s->jumping = 1;
if (s->climbing) {
s->jumpspeed = 3;
} else if (!s->useddoublejump && (s->powerup == PW_JETPACK) && (s->jumpdir == 0)) {
s->jumpspeed = 7;
} else if (s->ontramp) {
s->jumpspeed = 7;
} else {
s->jumpspeed = 5;
// Special hidden cheat - jumping on the up sign on level 1
// skips you to level 3 (to avoid boring levels at the start)
// Only if you haven't lost a life too!
if ((levelcomplete == LV_INPROGRESS) && (!s->lostlife) && (s->jumpdir == 0)) {
sprite_t *ss;
int found = B_FALSE;
// make sure a warp doesn't already exist
for (ss = sprite ; ss ; ss = ss->next) {
if ((ss->id == P_PHONE) && (strstr(ss->name, "warp"))) {
found = B_TRUE;
if (!found) {
int tx,ty;
tt= gettileat(s->x, s->y - (TILEH/2), &tx, &ty);
if (tt->id == T_WARP) {
// it disappears
curlevel->map[ty*LEVELW+tx] = getuniq(T_WARP);
// puff in a telephone
puffin(P_PHONE, tx*TILEW + (TILEW/2), ty*TILEH+TILEH, "warpphone", -1);
// stop climbing
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
if (isplayer(s) ) {
// stop recoiling
if (s->recoiling) {
s->recoiling = B_FALSE;
} else {
// play sound effect
if (s->ontramp) {
} else if (!s->useddoublejump && (s->powerup == PW_JETPACK)) {
} else {
adjustx(s, F_JUMP);
void die(sprite_t *s) {
sprite_t *s2;
/* clouds can't die like this */
if (s->id == P_BLACKCLOUD) return;
if (s->id == P_PINKCLOUD) return;
/* if this is the player, hurryup time counter resets */
// We already do this in the cloud movement routine, but
// this handles cases where the cloud hasn't appeared yet.
if (isplayer(s)) {
// if we have armour, we lose it instead of dying
if (s->armour) {
// lose armour
s->armour = B_FALSE;
if (s == player) {
s->id = swapplayers ? P_PLAYER2 : P_PLAYER;
} else {
s->id = swapplayers ? P_PLAYER : P_PLAYER2;
// become invulnerable temporarily
// bounce back
s->recoiling = B_TRUE;
jump(s, -s->dir);
// play sound
// don't process rest of the death code
} else {
int tnum;
int curworld;
curworld = getcurworld();
if (globpowerup == PW_CLOCK) {
if (globpowerup == PW_LAMP) {
sprite_t *s2;
// kill all gold coins
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2->id == P_GOLDCOIN) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y, "gcpuff", rand() % 5);
} else if ((s2->id == P_PUFF) && (s2->timer3 == P_GOLDCOIN)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y, "gcpuff", rand() % 5);
// turn off some global powerups
switch (globpowerup) {
case PW_CLOCK:
globpowerup = -1;
// lose normal powerups immediately
s->powerup = PW_NONE;
s->umbrella = B_FALSE;
if (curmusic == fastmusic[curworld]) {
// mark sprite as dead
s->lostlife = B_TRUE;
// turn off attributes
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
s->swimming = B_FALSE;
s->slamming = B_FALSE;
s->netting = B_FALSE;
// kill mask sprite
for (s2 = sprite ; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if ((s2->id == P_MASK) && (s2->owner == s)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
// reset powerup types
curpoweruptype[0] = 0;
curpoweruptype[1] = 0;
/* lose a life */
/* play sound */
// draw text
tnum = rand() % MAXDEATHTEXT;
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y,TEXTSIZE_DEATH,deathtext[tnum],getptextcol(s),&black,DIEDELAY, TT_NORM);
/* release anything we've caught */
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2->caughtby == s) {
s2->angry = B_TRUE;
// un-ice everything if player dies
} else if (s == boss) { // boss effects
sprite_t *ss;
// stop screen shaking and rats falling
if (globpowerup == PW_RATSHAKE) {
globpowerup = -1;
} else if (globpowerup == PW_SNAILSHAKE) {
globpowerup = -1;
// reset timers
s->timer1 = 0;
s->timer2 = 0;
// death timer
s->timer3 = BOSSDIETIME;
if (s->id == P_KINGRAT) {
// stop rats from coming in
for (ss = sprite ; ss ; ss = ss->next) {
if ((s->id == P_PUFF) && (ss->timer3 == P_RAT)) {
// cancel the puffin
ss->timer3 = -1;
// give a permenant powerup!
switch (s->id) {
addsprite(P_BIGSPEED, (SCREENW/2), 0, "bigspeed");
addsprite(P_BIGSCUBA, (SCREENW/2), 0, "bigscuba");
addsprite(P_SUPERUMBRELLA, (SCREENW/2), 0, "bigumbrella");
addsprite(P_BIGHELMET, (SCREENW/2), 0, "bighelmet");
addsprite(P_BIGCHEST, (SCREENW/2), 0, "bigchest");
} else if ((s->id == P_SNAIL) && (s->lives > 0)) { // snails can't die but turn into slugs instead
sprite_t *newsp;
sprite_t *catcher;
if (s->caughtby) {
catcher = s->caughtby;
} else {
double dist1, dist2;
// pick closest one
if (player) dist1 = getdistance(player->x,player->y,s->x,s->y);
else dist1 = 99999;
if (player2) dist2 = getdistance(player2->x,player2->y,s->x,s->y);
else dist2 = 99999;
if (dist1 < dist2) {
catcher = player;
} else {
catcher = player2;
// create a slug here
newsp = addsprite(P_SLUG, s->x,s->y, "slug" );
puffin(-1, s->x, s->y, "nothing", 0); // create the illusion of a puff
newsp->dir = catcher->dir; // facing away from player
// make sure it can't be netted right away!
if (globpowerup != PW_CLOCK) {
newsp->invuln = SLUGINVULNTIME;
// the shell recoils (other code will kill us off when this is done)
// -become invulnerable temporarily
s->invuln = INVULNTIME*2; // make sure this lasts until we die
// -bounce back
s->recoiling = B_TRUE;
jump(s,catcher->dir); // ie. away from the player
// when we hit the ground, later code will check for this.
// if a snail with lives=0 hits the ground, they die (it actually
// looks like a shell)
s->lives = 0;
// attributes
s->angry = 0;
s->iced = 0;
// don't do rest of code
/* set death attribute */
s->dead = D_INITIAL;
s->netcaught = B_FALSE;
s->netting = 0;
s->slamming = 0;
s->iced = 0;
s->angry = 0;
// play effect if they are going to be flaming
if (globpowerup == PW_CANDLE) {
// check for level clear
void checklevelend(void) {
sprite_t *s2;
int mcount;
if (inintro()) return;
// can't win until monsters have appeared
if (levelcomplete == LV_INIT) return;
if (!levelcomplete) {
if (globpowerup == PW_LAMP) {
// level ends when all gold coins are gone
mcount = 0;
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2->id == P_GOLDCOIN) {
} else if ((s2->id == P_PUFF) && (s2->timer3 == P_GOLDCOIN)) {
if (mcount == 0) {
levelcomplete = LV_CLEAR;
} else {
// level ends when all monsters are dead
mcount = 0;
/* any monsters left? */
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (ismonster(s2->id) && !s2->dead) {
if (s2->id != P_BLACKCLOUD) {
if (mcount == 0) {
levelcomplete = LV_CLEAR;
int countcaughtfruits(sprite_t *who) {
sprite_t *s;
int count = 0;
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = s->next) {
if ((s != who) && isfruit(s->id) && (s->caughtby == who)) {
return count;
int countfruits(void) {
sprite_t *s2;
int mcount;
mcount = 0;
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (!s2->dead) {
if (isfruit(s2->id)) {
return mcount;
// count monsters of a given type (-1 for all) on level
int countmonsters(int montype) {
sprite_t *s2;
int mcount;
mcount = 0;
/* any monsters left? */
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (ismonster(s2->id) && !s2->dead) {
if (s2->id != P_BLACKCLOUD) {
if ((montype == -1) || (s2->id == montype)) {
return mcount;
int counttextoftype(int wanttype) {
text_t *t;
int count = 0;
for (t = text ; t ; t = t->next) {
if (t->type == wanttype) {
return count;
int countsprites(int montype) {
sprite_t *s2;
int mcount;
mcount = 0;
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (!s2->dead) {
if (s2->id != P_BLACKCLOUD) {
if ((montype == -1) || (s2->id == montype)) {
return mcount;
// count of monsters left alive and uncaught
int uncaughtmonsters(void) {
sprite_t *s2;
int mcount;
mcount = 0;
/* any monsters left? */
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (ismonster(s2->id) && !s2->dead && !s2->caughtby) {
if (s2->id != P_BLACKCLOUD) {
return mcount;
void cleanup(void) {
int i;
printf("commencing cleanup routine....\n");
for (i = 1; i < MAXLETTERHEIGHT; i++) {
sprite_t *getrandomaliveplayer() {
if (!playersalive()) return NULL;
if (player2 && (rand() & 2)) {
return player2;
} else if (player) {
return player;
return NULL;
int isonplatform(double x, double y) {
sprite_t *s2;
for (s2 = sprite ; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2->id == P_PLATFORM) {
if ((x >= (s2->x - s2->img->w/2)) && (x <= (s2->x + s2->img->w/2)) &&
(y >= (s2->y - s2->img->h)) && (y <= s2->y)) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
void checkcollideplatform(sprite_t *s) {
sprite_t *s2;
SDL_Surface *walkimg;
for (s2 = sprite ; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
// only monsters and players and fruits can be on platforms
if (!ismonster(s2->id) && (!isplayer(s2)) && (!isfruit(s2->id))) {
} else if (s2->id == P_BLACKCLOUD) {
if (s2->onplatform == s) {
// if already on us, default to not being on us in case
// it's moved away
s2->onplatform = NULL;
walkimg = imageset[s2->id].img[F_WALK1];
if (walkimg != NULL) {
// has it hit the top half of us?
if ((s2->x >= (s->x - s->img->w/2 - walkimg->w/2 ) ) && (s2->x <= (s->x + s->img->w/2 + walkimg->w/2)) &&
(s2->y >= (s->y - s->img->h) ) && (s2->y <= s->y - s->img->h/2)) {
if ((!s2->jumping) && (!s2->dead)) {
s2->y = s->y - s->img->h;
s2->onplatform = s;
// check whether a corpse has collided with a monster
void checkfruitcollide (sprite_t *s) {
double xdiff,ydiff,xthresh,ythresh;
sprite_t *s2;
// for all other monsters
for (s2 = sprite ; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2 == s) continue;
else if (!ismonster(s2->id)) continue;
else if (s2->dead) continue;
else if (s2->caughtby) continue;
else if (s2->teleporting) continue;
else if (!isnettable(s2)) continue;
// did we hit it?
xdiff = s->x - s2->x;
if (xdiff < 0) xdiff = -xdiff;
ydiff = (s->y-(s->img->h/2)) - (s2->y-(s2->img->h/2));
if (ydiff < 0) ydiff = -ydiff;
// adjust for zapper
xthresh = s->img->w/2 + s2->img->w/2;
ythresh = s->img->h/2 + s2->img->h/2;
if ((xdiff <= xthresh) && (ydiff <= ythresh)) {
// Colllision!
// if so, it turns into a fruit too!
s2->id = fruittypes[curfruittype];
// stop jumping etc and allocate score
/* increment fruit type */
// fruit time
fruittime = gtime;
// bounce backwards
if (s->xs > 0) {
jump(s2, D_RIGHT);
} else {
jump(s2, D_LEFT);
void checkcollide(sprite_t *s) {
sprite_t *s2;
int keepchecking;
double xdiff,ydiff;
double xthresh, ythresh;
int netsleft;
// for all other sprites
for (s2 = sprite ; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2 == s) continue;
else if (s->dead) continue;
else if (s2->dead) continue;
else if (s->caughtby && !isfruit(s->id)) continue;
else if (s2->caughtby && !isfruit(s2->id)) continue;
else if (s2->teleporting) continue;
else if (iseffect(s2->id)) continue;
keepchecking = B_TRUE;
/* check for collision with our net */
if ((s->netting ) && (s->powerup != PW_RAYGUN)) {
if ((isnettable(s2) && !s2->invuln) || (s->netsticky && isfruit(s2->id))){
double nety;
if ((s->x + s->netlen*s->netdir) > s2->x) {
xdiff = (s->x + s->netlen*s->netdir) - s2->x;
} else {
xdiff = s2->x - (s->x + s->netlen*s->netdir);
if (xdiff < 0) xdiff = -xdiff;
nety = (s->y - (s->img->h/2) - 1);
if (nety > (s2->y - s2->img->h/2)) {
ydiff = nety - (s2->y - s2->img->h/2);
} else {
ydiff = (s2->y - s2->img->h/2) - nety;
if (ydiff < 0) ydiff = -ydiff;
xthresh = s2->img->w;
ythresh = s2->img->h;
// check...
if (ythresh > TILEH*2) {
//printf("*DEBUG* ythresh too high: %0.0f\n",ythresh);
ythresh = TILEH*2;
// take numnets into account for y check
netsleft = s->netmax - s->netcaught;
if (netsleft > 1) {
ythresh += ((int)s->img->h / (int)(netsleft+1) );
if (ythresh > TILEH*3) {
//printf("*DEBUG2* ythresh too high: %0.0f\n",ythresh);
ythresh = TILEH*3;
//if ((xdiff <= s2->img->w/2) && (ydiff <= s2->img->h)) {
if ((xdiff <= xthresh) && (ydiff <= ythresh)) {
// we hit something!
if (s->netsticky && isfruit(s2->id) && !s2->caughtby) {
//getfruit(s, s2, 1);
// delay movement back with net a little.
s2->caughtdelay = (countcaughtfruits(s) * (TILEW/2));
printf("%s caughtdelay = %d\n",s2->name, s2->caughtdelay);
// grab it, but don't use up one of our nets.
s2->caughtby = s;
s2->caughtstate = C_NETTING;
} else {
// Otherwise, it must be a monster
// if we have a boxing glove, it dies
if (s->powerup == PW_BOXING) {
s2->dead = D_BOUNCING;// die as soon as it hits a wall
s2->bounces = 1;
s2->quickdie = B_TRUE;
/* go FAST in the direction player is facing */
s2->xs = s->dir * 5;
s2->ys = 0;
/* slightly raise the sprite to avoid isonground() being true */
s2->y -= 3;
/* make sure we're not too high since we'll never get lower now */
if (s2->y <= TILEH) s2->y = TILEH+1;
// become something special
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
strncpy(tempm, bifftext[rand() % MAXBIFFTEXT], BUFLEN);
addoutlinetext(s2->x,s2->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BIFF, tempm,&red,&yellow,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
keepchecking = B_FALSE;
} else if (s2->iced) {
// it dies
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
if (s2->id == P_SNAIL) s2->id = P_SLUG;
} else {
// otherwise we caught it if we have enough nets
if (s->netcaught < s->netmax) {
//printf("caught: ydiff=%0.0f,ythresh=%0.0f,s='%s',%0.0f,%0.0f s2='%s',%0.0f,%0.0f\n",
//s->name, s->x, s->y, s2->name,s2->x,s2->y);
s2->caughtby = s;
s2->jumping = B_FALSE;
s2->falling = 0;
s2->caughtstate = C_NETTING;
// special case for whitetail
if (s2->id == P_WSPIDER) {
s2->timer2 = 0;
// special case for bosses
if (isbosslevel(curlevelnum)) {
if (s2->owner) {
s2->owner = NULL;
// special case for spider, so that it will
// recover if we release it
if (s2->id == P_SPIDER) {
s2->flies = B_FALSE;
keepchecking = B_FALSE;
} // end if isfruit or ismonster
} // end if s->netting
// don't keep going if this sprite has now been killed/caught
if (!keepchecking) continue;
/* now check for collision with us */
xdiff = s->x - s2->x;
if (xdiff < 0) xdiff = -xdiff;
ydiff = (s->y-(s->img->h/2)) - (s2->y-(s2->img->h/2));
if (ydiff < 0) ydiff = -ydiff;
// adjust for zapper
xthresh = s->img->w/2 + s2->img->w/2;
ythresh = s->img->h/2 + s2->img->h/2;
if (s->id == P_ZAPPER) {
xthresh += (TILEW*2.5);
ythresh += (TILEH*2.5);
if ((xdiff <= xthresh) && (ydiff <= ythresh)) {
// are we the player?
if (isplayer(s)) {
//if (isfruit(s2->id) && (s2->teleporting == 0)) {
if (isfruit(s2->id)) {
getfruit(s, s2, 1);
} else if (ismonster(s2->id) || isbullet(s2->id)) {
if (s2->iced) {
// monster dies
if (s2->id == P_SNAIL) s2->id = P_SLUG;
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
} else if (!s->invuln) {
if (s->umbrella && s->umbrellaup && isbullet(s2->id) &&
(s2->id != P_BIGFIREBALL) &&
(s2->y <= s->y - s->img->h) ) {
// umbrella will block most bullets,
// if they are above you
} else {
// player dies (unless it was the initial black cloud)
if (s2->id != P_BLACKCLOUD) {
if ((s2->id == P_SNAIL) && (s2->invuln)) {
// snail shell doesn't hurt us
} else if (s->caughtby) {
// can't die while being slammed
if (!s->caughtby->slamming) {
} else {
printf("DB: player killed by %s\n",s2->name); fflush(stdout);
} else {
// initial flashing black cloud doesn't kill player;
if ((s2->id == P_BLACKCLOUD) && (!s2->invuln)) {
printf("DB: player killed by blackclodu\n"); fflush(stdout);
// play sound
// add puffs if this was the cloud
if (s2->id == P_BLACKCLOUD) {
int xx,yy;
int halfwid = s2->img->w/2;
for (xx = s2->x - halfwid; xx <= s2->x + halfwid; xx += TILEW) {
for (yy = s2->y - s2->img->h; yy <= s2->y; yy += TILEH) {
puffin(-1, xx, yy, "nothing", 0);
// if a bullet hit us, it dies too
if (isbullet(s2->id)) {
if (s2->id != P_BIGFIREBALL) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if ((s->id == P_SMASH) || (s->id == P_STAR) || (s->id == P_METEOR) || (s->id == P_RAYGUNBULLET) ) {
if (ismonster(s2->id)) {
switch (s->id) {
case P_STAR: playfx(FX_STARHIT); break;
// monster dies
if (s2->id == P_SNAIL) s2->id = P_SLUG;
// become something special
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
} else if ((s->id == P_BLACKCLOUD) && (globpowerup == PW_WHISTLE)) {
if (ismonster(s2->id)) {
// monster dies
if (s2->id == P_SNAIL) s2->id = P_SLUG;
// become something special
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
// play sound
} else if (s->id == P_ZAPPER) {
if (ismonster(s2->id)) {
if (s->timer4 == 0) {
// set timer for zap effect
s->timer4 = ZAPPERTIME;
s->zapping = s2;
// monster dies
if (s2->id == P_SNAIL) s2->id = P_SLUG;
// become something special
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
} else if ((s->id == P_ANT1) || (s->id == P_ANT2) || (s->id == P_ANT3)) {
int isfr;
int goal = 5;
// eat fruits
isfr = isfruit(s2->id);
if (isfr) {
int fruitamt;
// eat the fruit
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y, "nothing", 0);
// increase health
switch (isfr) {
case FT_FRUIT:
case FT_PERM:
case FT_TEMP:
fruitamt = 5;
case FT_GEM:
fruitamt = 1;
// override for ant egg..
if (s2->id == P_EGG) fruitamt = 5;
s->timer1 += fruitamt;
// huw much fruit is needed to grow?
if (s->id == P_ANT3) {
goal = 1;
} else {
goal = 5;
if (s->timer1 >= goal) {
s->timer1 = 0;
// grow
if (s->id == P_ANT1) {
s->id = P_ANT2;
} else if (s->id == P_ANT2) {
s->id = P_ANT3;
} else if (s->id == P_ANT3) {
sprite_t *newsp;
// spawn a new ant
newsp = addsprite(P_ANT1, s2->x, s2->y, "spawned_ant");
puffin(-1, s->x+(s->dir*TILEH), s->y, "nothing", 0);
newsp->dir = -s->dir;
} else if (inintro() && (s->id == P_RAT)) {
// collect fruits
if (isfruit(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y, "nothing", 0);
} // end for each sprite
// do death bouncing effect
void bouncesprite(sprite_t *s) {
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
if (s->x >= (SCREENW-TILEW-(s->img->w/2))) {
// move back onto screen
while (s->x >= (SCREENW-TILEW-(s->img->w/2))) {
if (s->xs > 0) s->xs = -s->xs; // reverse direction
} else if (s->x <= TILEW+s->img->w/2) {
// move back onto screen
while (s->x <= TILEW+s->img->w/2) {
if (s->xs < 0) s->xs = -s->xs; // reverse direction
if (s->y >= (SCREENH-(s->img->h/2))) {
while (s->y >= (SCREENH-(s->img->h/2))) {
if (s->ys > 0) s->ys = -s->ys; // reverse direction
} else if (s->y <= s->img->h) {
while (s->y <= s->img->h) {
if (s->ys < 0) s->ys = -s->ys; // reverse direction
// returns TRUE if we finished the level
int movesprite(sprite_t *s) {
int rv;
tiletype_t *tt;
if ((isplayer(s)) && (s->powerup == PW_GUNNER)) {
return B_FALSE;
if (levelcomplete == LV_INIT) {
// most things can't move in this state
//if ((s->id != P_PUFF) && (s != player)) {
if (!iseffect(s->id) && (!isplayer(s))) {
// caught or dead sprites can move, in case
// the player catches something before level start time
if ((!s->caughtby) && (!s->dead)) return B_FALSE;
} else if (s->id == P_PLATFORM) {
return B_FALSE;
// only player can move if you have a clock
if (globpowerup == PW_CLOCK) {
if (!iseffect(s->id) && (!isplayer(s)) && !s->caughtby) {
return B_FALSE;
// iced monsters can't move
if (ismonster(s->id) && s->iced) {
return B_FALSE;
// for random powerup, pick a random image
if ((timer % 5) == 0) {
if (s->id == P_RANDOM) {
s->timer1 = randompowerup();
while (s->timer1 == P_RANDOM) {
s->timer1 = randompowerup();
// set image
s->img = imageset[s->timer1].img[F_WALK1];
/* timer */
if (s->doomcount) {
// fruits don't time out in gunner mode
if (!haspowerupany(PW_GUNNER)) {
if (s->doomcount == 0) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
/* avoid edges of screen */
if (s->y < s->img->h) {
// if (!s->flies) {
if (s->dead) {
s->y = s->img->h;
if (s->x > (SCREENW - s->img->w/2)) {
s->x = SCREENW - s->img->w/2;
if (s->x < (s->img->w/2)) {
s->x = s->img->w/2;
if (s->invuln) {
// anchor weighs down flying enemies
if (ismonster(s->id) && s->flies && !s->dead && (globpowerup == PW_ANCHOR)) {
if (s->id != P_BLACKCLOUD) {
if (!isonground(s)) {
// move down
s->y += 3;
if (s->caughtby) {
if (s->caughtby->slamming) {
/* */
s->x = s->caughtby->netxstart;
s->y = s->caughtby->netystart;
} else {
/* stay at position of net */
s->y = s->caughtby->y;
if (s->caughtstate == C_NETTING) {
// at the end of the player's net
s->x = s->caughtby->x + (s->caughtby->netlen*s->caughtby->netdir);
if (isfruit(s->id)) {
s->x += (s->caughtdelay * s->caughtby->netdir);
} else {
// behind the player's back
s->x = s->caughtby->x + (s->caughtby->img->w/2) * -(s->caughtby->dir);
return B_FALSE;
} else if (s->dead == D_INITIAL) { /* just set to dead */
if (s == boss) {
// flash
if (s->timer3 == 0) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else {
// 0 through 5
s->xs = 0.5 + ((rand() % 50) / 10); // 0.5 through 5.5
if (rand() % 2) { // 50% change of going left
s->xs = s->xs * -1;
s->ys = -1 * (4 + ((rand() % 30) / 10)); // -4 through -7
s->dead = D_BOUNCING;
s->bounces = 0;
if (isplayer(s)) {
s->jumpspeed = 8;
s->jumping = 1;
return B_FALSE;
} else if (s->dead == D_BOUNCING) { /* dying */
if (isplayer(s)) {
/* shoot up in the air, then fall */
s->y -= s->jumpspeed;
if (s->jumping % 5 == 0) {
/* if we've fallen off the bottom... */
if (s->y >= (SCREENH+s->img->h)) {
/* pause before respawning */
s->jumpspeed = 0; /* this is now a timer */
s->dead = D_LASTBOUNCE;
} else {
/* bounch around the screen 3 times */
if ((s->bounces >= 2) && (s->ys >= 0)) {
// make sure we're not on the ground
if (!isonground(s)) {
//int tx,ty;
//tiletype_t *tt;
//tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y,&tx,&ty);
s->dead = D_LASTBOUNCE;
// if flaming...
if (globpowerup == PW_CANDLE) {
if (timer % 5 == 0) {
// add explosion
addsprite(P_SMASH, s->x, s->y, "candle_exp");
return B_FALSE;
} else if (s->dead == D_LASTBOUNCE) { /* final fall */
if (isplayer(s)) {
/* just delay... */
if (s->jumpspeed == 50) {
/* really die */
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else { /* bounce around, stop when we hit the ground */
if ((s->ys >= 0) && (s->y >= TILEH)) {
int x,y,ty;
// get position for puff/fruit
x = s->x;
//y = ty*TILEH + TILEH - 2;
y = ty*TILEH - 2;
/* make sure it's within the screen */
if (x < (TILEW)) x = TILEW;
if (s->quickdie || (isonground(s) && !isongroundpoint(s, s->x, s->y-TILEH))) {
/* change into a fruit */
s->dead = D_FINAL;
if (boss) {
puffin(-1, x, y, "nothing", 0);
} else {
puffin(s->willbecome, x, y, "fruit", 0);
// check for collision with a live monster
//ss = addsprite(P_PUFF, x, y, "Fruit", B_FALSE);
//ss->timer3 = s->willbecome;
} else if (s->bounces >= 6) {
// just die
s->dead = D_FINAL;
puffin(-1, x, y, "nothing_sprd", 0);
// if flaming...
if (globpowerup == PW_CANDLE) {
if (timer % 5 == 0) {
// add explosion
addsprite(P_SMASH, s->x, s->y, "candle_exp");
return B_FALSE;
} else if (s->teleporting > 0) {
SDL_Surface *ts;
if (timer % 2 == 0) {
int prew,preh;
prew = s->img->w;
preh = s->img->h;
/* shrink */
if (s->teleporting == TP_SHRINKING) {
ts = rotozoomSurfaceXY(s->img,0, 0.9 , 0.9 ,0);
s->img = ts;
} else {
ts = rotozoomSurfaceXY(s->img,0, 0.9 , 0.9 ,0);
s->img = ts;
// mark that we've allocated the player's teleport image
s->allocimg = B_TRUE;
if (((s->img->w <= 2) || (s->img->h <= 2)) ||
((s->img->w == prew) && (s->img->h == preh))) {
/* go to tele dest */
int x,y;
/* find destination */
for (y = 0; y < LEVELH; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < LEVELW; x++) {
tt = gettile(curlevel->map[y*LEVELW+x]);
if (tt->id == T_TELEPORTDEST) {
/* teleport there */
s->x = (x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
s->y = (y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
} else { // search map2
tt = gettile(curlevel->map2[y*LEVELW+x]);
if (tt->id == T_TELEPORTDEST) {
/* teleport there */
s->x = (x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
s->y = (y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
s->teleporting = -1;
} else s->teleporting++;
} else if (s->teleporting < 0) {
double size;
if (timer % 2 == 0) {
/* grow */
size = (double) -s->teleporting / 10;
if (size >= 1) {
s->allocimg = B_FALSE;
s->teleporting = 0;
s->img = imageset[s->id].img[F_WALK1];
} else {
s->img = rotozoomSurfaceXY(imageset[s->id].img[F_WALK1],0,size,size,0);
} else if (s->jumping) {
if (s->id != P_KINGRAT) {
int rv;
rv = movex(s, s->jumpdir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
// frogs bounce off walls
if (s->id == P_FROG) {
if (rv == NM_SIDE) {
if (!isongroundpoint(s,s->x,s->y - (TILEH/2))) {
if (!isroofabove(s)) {
s->dir = -s->dir;
s->jumpdir = -s->jumpdir;
return B_FALSE;
// adjust height to match the ground
if (!iseffect(s->id) ) {
if (isonground(s) || ((s->id == P_KINGRAT) && (s->timer1 == KRS_WALK))) {
if ((!s->falling) && (!s->jumping)) {
if (!s->climbing && !s->dropping) {
if (!isonladder(s) ) {
if ((s->id == P_KINGFLY) || ((s->id == P_FLY) && (s->owner))) {
// don't adjust
} else {
} else if (!s->climbing) { // on ladder but not climbing
/* sprite is about to jump */
if (s->jumptimer) {
if (s->jumptimer == 0) {
s->jumping = 1;
if (globpowerup == PW_ANCHOR) {
// jump very low
s->jumpspeed = 1;
} else {
s->jumpspeed = s->willjumpspeed;
if (s->jumpdir != 0) s->dir = s->jumpdir;
return B_FALSE;
} else if (s->jumptimer % 20 == 0) {
if (s->id != P_SLUG) { // slugs don't turn back and forth before jumping
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else if ((s->id == P_SMASH) || (s->id == P_FLAME)) {
// still delaying
if (s->timer1 < 0) {
// increment "frame"
} else {
// increment frame at a slower pace
if (++s->timer2 >= 10) {
s->timer2 = 0;
if (timer % PUFFSPEED == 0) {
// finished animating
if (s->timer1 == imageset[s->id].numimages) {
s->timer1 = 999; // for debugging
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_MOVINGCARD) {
// timer1 is the actual cardid
// timer2 is the target x position
// timer3 is the target y position
// move towards end position
moveto(s, s->timer2, s->timer3, CARDSPEED, CARDSPEED);
// are we there yet?
if ((s->x == s->timer2) && (s->y == s->timer3)) {
gaincard(s->owner, s->timer1);
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if ((s->id == P_PUFF) || (s->id == P_SPARKLE)) {
indicates current frame. if < 0, don't draw.
if >= PUFFFRAMES, use last frame.
when timer1 gets to PUFFAPPEAR, create a gem
of type s->
loops from 0 to 9.
at intervals of PUFFSPEED, increment timer1.
// still delaying
if (s->timer1 < 0) {
// increment "frame"
} else {
// increment frame at a slower pace
if (++s->timer2 >= 10) {
s->timer2 = 0;
if (timer % PUFFSPEED == 0) {
// finished animating
if (s->timer1 == PUFFAPPEAR) {
// create a gem/fruit/etc
if (s->id == P_PUFF) {
if (s->timer3 >= 0) {
sprite_t *newsp;
// if both players already have this, and no cards already on screen,
// we get a card instead (and also haven't got a card yet htis
// level)
if (!gotcard && s->timer3 != P_SPEED) {
if ((isfruit(s->timer3) == FT_PERM) && (haspowerup(player, s->timer3) && haspowerup(player2, s->timer3))) {
sprite_t *search;
int found;
found = B_FALSE;
// is there already a card here or about to appear?
for (search = sprite; search ; search = search->next) {
if (iscard(search->id)) {
found = B_TRUE;
// if it's a puff that will become a card...
if ((search->id == P_PUFF) && (iscard(search->timer3))) {
found = B_TRUE;
if (!found) {
s->timer3 = P_FIRSTCARD;
if (s->timer3 == P_FIRSTCARD) {
if (levelcomplete != LV_INPROGRESS ) {
// no cards at end of level!
s->timer3 = P_CHEESE;
} else {
s->timer3 = getrandomcard();
gotcard = B_TRUE;
newsp = addsprite(s->timer3, s->x,s->y,s->name );
if (s->timer3 == P_FROG) {
// so all frogs don't jump at once.
newsp->timer3 = (rand() % FROGPAUSE);
// is it a boss? if so update boss pointer
switch (s->timer3) {
boss = newsp;
// is it in the water?
if (isinwater(newsp)) {
newsp->swimming = B_TRUE;
newsp->watertimer = rand() % BUBBLETIME;
// is it a points fruit appearing on top of us?
if (isfruit(newsp->id) == FT_FRUIT) {
int xdiff,ydiff;
int gotit = B_FALSE;
/* now check for collision with players */
if (player) {
xdiff = player->x - newsp->x;
if (xdiff < 0) xdiff = -xdiff;
ydiff = (player->y-(player->img->h/2)) - (newsp->y-(newsp->img->h/2));
if (ydiff < 0) ydiff = -ydiff;
// appeared on top of us
if ((xdiff <= player->img->w/2 + newsp->img->w/2) &&
(ydiff <= player->img->h/2 + newsp->img->h/2)) {
if ((!player->dead) && (player->powerup != PW_GUNNER)) {
if (newsp->id != P_GOLDCOIN) {
// bonus!
getfruit(player, newsp, 4);
addoutlinetext(player->x,player->y - (player->img->h*1.5), TEXTSIZE_MULTI, "Nice catch!", &green,&black,MULTIDELAY, TT_NORM);
gotit = B_TRUE;
if (!gotit && player2) {
xdiff = player2->x - newsp->x;
if (xdiff < 0) xdiff = -xdiff;
ydiff = (player2->y-(player2->img->h/2)) - (newsp->y-(newsp->img->h/2));
if (ydiff < 0) ydiff = -ydiff;
// appeared on top of us
if ((xdiff <= player2->img->w/2 + newsp->img->w/2) &&
(ydiff <= player2->img->h/2 + newsp->img->h/2)) {
if ((!player2->dead) && (player2->powerup != PW_GUNNER)) {
// bonus!
getfruit(player2, newsp, 4);
addoutlinetext(player2->x,player2->y - (player2->img->h*1.5), TEXTSIZE_MULTI, "Nice catch!", &green,&black,MULTIDELAY, TT_NORM);
} else if (s->timer1 >= PUFFFRAMES) {
s->timer1 = 999; // for debugging
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_MOVINGCARD) {
// timer1 is the actual cardid
// timer2 is the target x position
// timer3 is the target y position
// move towards end position
moveto(s, s->timer2, s->timer3, CARDSPEED, CARDSPEED);
// are we there yet?
if ((s->x == s->timer2) && (s->y == s->timer3)) {
gaincard(s->owner, s->timer1);
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_FIVECARDS) {
// are we there yet?
if ((s->x == 320) && (s->y == 240 )) {
if (s->timer2 == 0) {
int i;
SDL_Surface *blackness, *cardimg;
SDL_Rect area;
int cardwidth;
cardwidth = imageset[P_FIRSTCARD].img[F_WALK1]->w;
s->timer2 = -1; //this means we are counting down
s->timer1 = POKERWAITTIME;
// hide non-used cards
cardimg = imageset[P_FIRSTCARD].img[F_WALK1];
if (s->owner == player) {
area.x = 0;
area.y = 0;
area.w = cardimg->w;
area.h = cardimg->h;
} else {
area.x = 4*(cardwidth+2);
area.y = 0;
area.w = cardimg->w;
area.h = cardimg->h;
// create semi-transparent black surface the size of a card
blackness = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
cardimg->w, cardimg->h,
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
SDL_FillRect(blackness, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));
SDL_SetAlpha(blackness, SDL_SRCALPHA, 200);
for (i = 0; i < s->owner->numcards; i++) {
if (s->owner->usedcard[i] == B_FALSE) {
// hide it
//SDL_FillRect(s->img, &area, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));
SDL_BlitSurface(blackness, NULL, s->img, &area);
if (s->owner == player) {
area.x += (cardimg->w + 2);
} else {
area.x -= (cardimg->w + 2);
} else {
if (s->timer1 == 0) {
sprite_t *s2, *nexts;
int i;
// die
s->dead = D_FINAL;
// restore state
levelcomplete = oldlevelcomplete;
// do effect!
// clear player cards
for (i = 0; i < MAXCARDS; i++) {
s->owner->card[i] = -1;
s->owner->numcards = 0;
// shuffle cards
// kill all monsters (if not skipping levels)
if (s->owner->powerup != PW_PHONE) {
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isbullet(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (ismonster(s2->id)) {
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
s2->lives = 0; // for snails
if (s2->caughtby) {
} else {
// move towards centre of the screen
} else if (s->id == P_MASK) { // mask effect
// stay on top of player
if (s->owner->slamming) {
s->y = s->owner->y + MASKOFFSETSLAMY;
s->x = s->owner->x + (MASKOFFSETSLAMX*s->owner->dir);
} else {
s->y = s->owner->y + MASKOFFSETY;
s->x = s->owner->x + (MASKOFFSETX*s->owner->dir);
// die if player doesn't have a mask
if (!s->owner->hasmask) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_STAR) { // shuriken effect
// animate
if (s->timer1 >= STARFRAMES) {
s->timer1 = 0;
// move until we hit the edge of the screen
s->x = s->x + s->xs;
s->y = s->y + s->ys;
// if off screen
if ((s->x >= SCREENW - s->img->w/2) || (s->x <= s->img->w/2) || (s->y <= 0) || (s->y >= SCREENH+s->img->h)) {
// die
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_FIREUP) { // vertical fireball
s->y = s->y + s->ys;
s->ys += 0.1;
// if lower than starting y position & moving down
if ((s->y >= s->timer1) && (s->ys > 0)) {
// die
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if ((s->id == P_METEOR) || (s->id == P_FALLINGBRICK)) { // meteor
double oldy;
oldy = s->y;
// fall to bottom of screen then die
s->y = s->y + s->ys;
if (s->id == P_FALLINGBRICK) {
// increase speed
s->ys += 0.2;
// if just appeared onscreen
if (s->id == P_METEOR) {
if ((oldy < 0) && (s->y >= 0)) {
// if off screen
if (s->y >= (SCREENH + s->img->h)) {
// die
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_UPSTAR) { // star at endgame
double oldy;
// rise to top of screen then die
oldy = s->y;
s->y = s->y - (s->ys*2);
// if off screen
if (s->y <= 0) {
// die
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_DRIP) { // water drip from melting tile
// fall downwards
if (isinwater(s) || isongroundpoint(s, s->x, s->y+1)) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else {
s->y += s->fallspeed;
// gravity...
if ((timer % 10 == 0) && (s->fallspeed < FALLSPEED)) {
if (s->fallspeed > FALLSPEED) s->fallspeed = FALLSPEED;
// if off screen
if ((s->y <= 0) || (s->y >= (LEVELH*TILEH))) {
// die
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_BUBBLE) { // bubble effect
tiletype_t *tt;
// float up, die when we leave the water
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y, NULL,NULL);
if (tt->water) {
s->y -= 0.5;
// move left/right
s->x += (sin(s->y/5)/5);
} else {
// die
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_ZAPPER) { // zapper effect
double degs;
/* timer1 is the frame
timer2 controls when to change frame
doomcount ?
// die if level finished
if ((levelcomplete == LV_CLEAR) || (levelcomplete == LV_WAIT)) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
// move in figure 8 around player
s->x = s->owner->x;
s->y = s->owner->y;
degs = (double)s->timer3 * ((double)M_PI/(double)180);
s->x += (sin(degs)*(double)48);
s->y += (sin(degs*2)*(double)16);
// adjust position counter
s->timer3 += 3;
if (s->timer3 >= (360*2)) {
s->timer3 = 0;
// adjust frame
if (s->timer2 <= 0) {
if (s->timer1 >= imageset[P_ZAPPER].numimages) {
s->timer1 = 0;
s->timer2 = ZAPPERDELAY;
// adjust zap counter
if (s->timer4 > 0) {
} else if (s->id == P_CANNON) { // cannon effect
// die if owner dies
if (s->owner->dead) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->owner->powerup == PW_CANNON) {
int targx,targy;
// try to stay behind player
targx = s->owner->x - (s->owner->dir * 32);
targy = s->owner->y;
if (s->x < targx) {
s->x += 2;
if (s->x > targx) s->x = targx;
if (s->y < targy) {
s->y += 2;
if (s->y > targy) s->y = targy;
if (s->x > targx) {
s->x -= 2;
if (s->x < targx) s->x = targx;
if (s->y > targy) {
s->y -= 2;
if (s->y < targy) s->y = targy;
} else if (s->id == P_GLOVE) { // boxing glove effect
// dies when the player finshes netting
if (!s->owner->netting) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else {
// keep it at the end of the net
s->x = s->owner->x + (s->owner->netdir * s->owner->netlen);
s->y = s->owner->y - (s->owner->img->h/2) + 5;
s->dir = s->owner->dir;
} else if (s->id == P_MACE) { // mace slam effect
// dies when the player finishes slamming
if (!s->owner->slamming) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else {
double dist;
// keep it at the end of the slam
dist = (s->owner->slamangle * (180/M_PI))/2;
s->x = s->owner->x + cos(s->owner->slamangle-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist*s->owner->dir;
s->y = s->owner->y + sin(s->owner->slamangle-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist + imageset[P_MACEPOWERUP].img[F_WALK1]->h/2;
s->dir = s->owner->dir;
} else if (s->id == P_RAT) {
if (inintro()) {
// move right FAST
double xpoint;
xpoint = (curlevel->powerupx * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
if (s->x <= xpoint) {
int rv = B_FALSE;
rv = movex(s, s->speed, B_TRUE);
} else { // not in intro sequence
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff ,absxdiff;
tiletype_t *tunder;
/* distance to closest player */
xdiff = getxdisttoplayer(s, NULL);
absxdiff = abs(xdiff);
// tile in front and below
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir*getspeed(s) + (s->dir * (s->img->w/2)),s->y + (TILEH/2),NULL,NULL);
// tile below
tunder = gettileat(s->x ,s->y + 1,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us and below*/
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
// we're on a slope
if (tunder->solid == S_SLOPE) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
if (s->angry || boss) {
if ((player && (player->y > s->y)) || (player2 && (player2->y > s->y))) {
/* if player is below, fall off */
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*8)) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else if ((player && (player->y == s->y)) || (player2 && player2->y == s->y)) {
if (globpowerup != PW_CAMERA) {
/* if player is at same level and close, jump */
if ((s->dir == D_RIGHT) && (xdiff > 0) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*7))) {
} else if ((s->dir == D_LEFT) && (xdiff < 0) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*7))) {
} else if (level->bottomopen && (s->y >= (SCREENH - 100)) && isplayerabove(s)) {
// if near bottom of the screen and can fall through...
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) {
move = B_TRUE;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
if ((s->angry) || (boss)) {
if ((!s->jumping) && (!s->jumptimer)) {
/* if player is above us, jump */
if ( (player && (!player->dead) && (player->y < s->y)) ||
(player2 && (!player2->dead) && (player2->y < s->y))) {
if ((xdiff >= (TILEW*2)) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*3))) {
/* jump right */
jump(s, 1);
} else if ((xdiff <= -(TILEW*2)) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*3))) {
/* jump left */
jump(s, -1);
} else if ((player && (s->y - player->y <= (TILEH*6))) ||
(player2 && (s->y - player2->y <= (TILEH*6)))) {
if ((xdiff >= 0) && (xdiff < (TILEW*2))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if ((xdiff <= 0) && (xdiff > -(TILEW*2))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else {
/* jump whichever way we're facing */
s->jumpdir = s->dir;
s->jumping = 1;
s->jumpspeed = 5;
} else { // falling
tiletype_t *tunder, *t2under;
// tile below
tunder = gettileat(s->x ,s->y,NULL,NULL);
t2under = gettileat(s->x ,s->y+s->img->h,NULL,NULL);
if ((tunder->solid == S_SLOPE) || (t2under->solid == S_SLOPE)) {
movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
} else if (s->jumpdir) {
movex(s, s->jumpdir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
} // end if inintro
} else if (s->id == P_ANT1) { // worker ant - moves like a rat
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff ,absxdiff;
tiletype_t *tunder;
/* distance to closest player */
xdiff = getxdisttoplayer(s, NULL);
absxdiff = abs(xdiff);
// tile in front and below
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir*getspeed(s) + (s->dir * (s->img->w/2)),s->y + (TILEH/2),NULL,NULL);
// tile below
tunder = gettileat(s->x ,s->y + 1,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us and below*/
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
// we're on a slope
if (tunder->solid == S_SLOPE) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
if (s->angry || boss) {
if ((player && (player->y > s->y)) || (player2 && (player2->y > s->y))) {
/* if player is below, fall off */
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*8)) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else if ((player && (player->y == s->y)) || (player2 && player2->y == s->y)) {
if (globpowerup != PW_CAMERA) {
/* if player is at same level and close, jump */
if ((s->dir == D_RIGHT) && (xdiff > 0) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*7))) {
} else if ((s->dir == D_LEFT) && (xdiff < 0) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*7))) {
} else if (level->bottomopen && (s->y >= (SCREENH - 100)) && isplayerabove(s)) {
// if near bottom of the screen and can fall through...
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) {
move = B_TRUE;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
if (s->angry) {
if ((!s->jumping) && (!s->jumptimer)) {
/* if player is above us, jump */
if ( (player && (!player->dead) && (player->y < s->y)) ||
(player2 && (!player2->dead) && (player2->y < s->y))) {
if ((xdiff >= (TILEW*2)) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*3))) {
/* jump right */
jump(s, 1);
} else if ((xdiff <= -(TILEW*2)) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*3))) {
/* jump left */
jump(s, -1);
} else if ((player && (s->y - player->y <= (TILEH*6))) ||
(player2 && (s->y - player2->y <= (TILEH*6)))) {
if ((xdiff >= 0) && (xdiff < (TILEW*2))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if ((xdiff <= 0) && (xdiff > -(TILEW*2))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else {
/* jump whichever way we're facing */
s->jumpdir = s->dir;
s->jumping = 1;
s->jumpspeed = 5;
} else { // falling
tiletype_t *tunder, *t2under;
// tile below
tunder = gettileat(s->x ,s->y,NULL,NULL);
t2under = gettileat(s->x ,s->y+s->img->h,NULL,NULL);
if ((tunder->solid == S_SLOPE) || (t2under->solid == S_SLOPE)) {
movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
} else if (s->jumpdir) {
movex(s, s->jumpdir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
} else if (s->id == P_ANT2) { // soldier ant - moves like a tick
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff, absxdiff;
/* distance to player */
xdiff = getxdisttoplayer(s, NULL);
absxdiff = abs(xdiff);
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir+getspeed(s),s->y,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us */
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
double ycutoff = s->y + (TILEH/2);
if ((player && (player->y >= ycutoff)) || (player2 && (player2->y >= ycutoff ))) {
/* if player is below and nearby, fall off */
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*16)) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else if ((player && (player->y == s->y)) || (player2 && (player2->y == s->y ))) {
if (globpowerup != PW_CAMERA) {
/* if player is at same level and close, jump */
if ((s->dir == D_RIGHT) && (xdiff > 0) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*7))) {
} else if ((s->dir == D_LEFT) && (xdiff < 0) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*7))) {
} else if (level->bottomopen && (s->y >= (SCREENH - 100)) && isplayerabove(s)) {
// if near bottom of the screen and can fall through...
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) {
move = B_TRUE;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
/* moves like an angry rat all the time */
if (globpowerup != PW_CAMERA) {
if ((playersalive()) && (!s->jumping) && (!s->jumptimer)) {
sprite_t *abovep;
/* if player is above us...*/
abovep = isplayerabove(s);
if (abovep) {
if ((xdiff >= (TILEW*2)) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*3))) { // if 2-3 tiles right
/* jump right */
jump(s, D_RIGHT);
} else if ((xdiff <= -(TILEW*2)) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*3))) { // if 2-3 tiles left
/* jump left */
jump(s, D_LEFT);
} else if (s->y - abovep->y <= (TILEH*6)) { // player less than 6 tiles above
if ((xdiff >= 0) && (xdiff < (TILEW*4))) { // ... and within 4 tiles
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if ((xdiff <= 0) && (xdiff > -(TILEW*4))) { // ... and within 4 tiles
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else { // falling
movex(s, s->jumpdir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
} else if (s->id == P_ANT3) { // moves like a snake
/* timer1 loopsfrom 0 - 19
if timer2 is 0, we can shoot. if it is 1, we can't.
// inc shooting timer
if (s->timer1) {
if (s->timer1 == 0) {
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff, absxdiff,ydiff;
/* distance to player */
xdiff = getxdisttoplayer(s, NULL);
absxdiff = abs(xdiff);
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir+getspeed(s),s->y,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us */
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
if ((player && (player->y > s->y)) || (player2 && (player2->y > s->y))) {
/* if player is below, fall off */
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*8)) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else if ((player && (player->y == s->y)) || (player2 && player2->y == s->y)) {
if (s->angry) {
/* if player is at same level and close, jump */
if ((s->dir == D_RIGHT) && (xdiff > 0) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*7))) {
} else if ((s->dir == D_LEFT) && (xdiff < 0) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*7))) {
} else if (level->bottomopen && (s->y >= (SCREENH - 100)) && isplayerabove(s)) {
// if near bottom of the screen and can fall through...
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) {
move = B_TRUE;
/* shoot */
ydiff = getydisttoplayer(s);
ydiff = abs(ydiff);
// if there's a player close up/down...
if (ydiff <= (TILEH*4)) {
sprite_t *ss;
sprite_t *closeplayer;
int shoot = B_FALSE;
if (player && (s->y - player->y <= (TILEH*12)) ) {
closeplayer = player;
} else if (player2 && (s->y - player2->y <= (TILEH*12))) {
closeplayer = player2;
} else {
closeplayer = NULL;
if (closeplayer) {
if (s->bullet == NULL) { // if we don't already have a bullet
// if we are facing the player
if ( (closeplayer->x < s->x) && (s->dir == D_LEFT) ) {
shoot = B_TRUE;
} else if ( (closeplayer->x > s->x) && (s->dir == D_RIGHT) ) {
shoot = B_TRUE;
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) shoot = B_FALSE;
if (shoot) {
// if our shooting timer is okay
if (s->timer1 == 0) {
ss = addsprite(P_FIREBALL,s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2,"spit" );
ss->ys = 0;
ss->xs = s->dir * (getspeed(s)*2);
ss->dir = s->dir;
ss->owner = s;
s->bullet = ss;
// start timer for shooting again
s->timer1 = 200;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
if (globpowerup != PW_CAMERA) {
if (playersalive() && (!s->jumping) && (!s->jumptimer)) {
/* if player is above us, jump */
if ( (player && (!player->dead) && (player->y < s->y)) ||
(player2 && (!player2->dead) && (player2->y < s->y))) {
if ((xdiff >= (TILEW*2)) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*3))) {
/* jump right */
jump(s, 1);
} else if ((xdiff <= -(TILEW*2)) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*3))) {
/* jump left */
jump(s, -1);
} else if ((player && (s->y - player->y <= (TILEH*6))) ||
(player2 && (s->y - player2->y <= (TILEH*6)))) {
if ((xdiff >= 0) && (xdiff < (TILEW*2))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if ((xdiff <= 0) && (xdiff > -(TILEW*2))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else {
/* jump whichever way we're facing */
s->jumpdir = s->dir;
s->jumping = 1;
s->jumpspeed = 5;
} else { // falling
movex(s, s->jumpdir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
} else if (s->id == P_SNAIL) {
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff, absxdiff;
/* distance to closest player */
xdiff = getxdisttoplayer(s, NULL);
absxdiff = abs(xdiff);
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir+getspeed(s) + (s->dir * (s->img->w/2)),s->y,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us */
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
if (s->angry || boss) {
if ((player && (player->y > s->y)) || (player2 && (player2->y > s->y))) {
/* if player is below, fall off */
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*8)) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else if (level->bottomopen && (s->y >= (SCREENH - 100)) && isplayerabove(s)) {
// if near bottom of the screen and can fall through...
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) {
// always move
move = B_TRUE;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
// jump?
if (boss) {
if ((!s->jumping) && (!s->jumptimer)) {
/* if player is above us or at same level...*/
if ( (player && (!player->dead) && (player->y <= s->y-TILEH)) ||
(player2 && (!player2->dead) && (player2->y <= s->y-TILEH))) {
int ydiff;
if (player && (!player->dead) && (player->y <= s->y-TILEH)) {
ydiff = s->y - player->y;
} else {
ydiff = s->y - player2->y;
if ((ydiff >= (TILEH*4)) && (ydiff <= (TILEH*8))) { // player between 4 and 8 tiles above
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*16)) { // if closeish horizontally
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if ((xdiff >= (TILEW*1)) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*9))) { // if 1-9 tiles right
if (s->dir == D_RIGHT) {
/* jump right */
jump(s, D_RIGHT);
} else if ((xdiff <= -(TILEW*1)) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*9))) { // if 1-9 tiles left
if (s->dir == D_LEFT) {
/* jump left */
jump(s, D_LEFT);
} else { // falling
if (s->recoiling) {
// fall backwards
rv = movex(s, -s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
} else if (s->jumpdir) {
movex(s, s->jumpdir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
} else if (s->id == P_FROG) {
if (isinwater(s)) {
// move like a fish
double absxs,absys;
s->flies = B_TRUE;
s->falling = B_FALSE;
if ((s->xs == -99) || (s->ys == -99)) {
s->xs = getspeed(s) * s->dir;
s->ys = getspeed(s);
if (s->xs > 0) absxs = 1;
else absxs = -1;
if (s->ys > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
/* can we move? */
tt = gettileat(s->x + (s->dir * ((s->img->w/2)+3)) + s->xs , s->y-(s->img->h/2),NULL,NULL);
if ((tt->solid) || (tt->spikes )) {
/* turn */
s->xs = -s->xs;
tt = gettileat(s->x, s->y-(s->img->h/2) + s->ys,NULL,NULL);
if ((tt->solid) || (tt->spikes) ) {
/* turn */
s->ys = -s->ys;
} else if (!tt->water) {
s->flies = B_FALSE;
// exit water
jump(s, s->dir);
// force big jump
s->jumpspeed = FROGJUMPSPEED2;
/* move */
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
s->dir = absxs;
s->moved = MV_WALK;
} else {
// for if we get back in the water
s->xs = -99;
s->ys = -99;
s->flies = B_FALSE;
// timer3 used for pause inbetween jump
if ((!s->falling) && (!s->jumping)) {
if (s->timer3) {
} else {
// jump forwards
jump(s, s->dir);
s->timer3 = FROGPAUSE;
} else { // falling
int rv;
// move forwards
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv == NM_SIDE) { // bounce off walls
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else if (s->id == P_SLUG) {
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff, absxdiff;
sprite_t *target = NULL;
/* distance to closest player */
xdiff = getxdisttoplayer(s, &target);
if (target != NULL) {
absxdiff = abs(xdiff);
xdiff = target->x - s->x;
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir+getspeed(s),s->y,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us */
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
if ((player && (player->y > s->y)) || (player2 && (player2->y > s->y))) {
/* if player is below and nearby, fall off */
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*16)) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else if ((player && (player->y == s->y)) || (player2 && player2->y == s->y)) {
if (globpowerup != PW_CAMERA) {
/* if player is at same level and close, try to jump over the gap */
if ((s->dir == D_RIGHT) && (xdiff > 0) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*9))) {
} else if ((s->dir == D_LEFT) && (xdiff < 0) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*9))) {
} else if (level->bottomopen && (s->y >= (SCREENH - 100)) && isplayerabove(s)) {
// if near bottom of the screen and can fall through...
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) {
move = B_TRUE;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
if (globpowerup != PW_CAMERA) {
/* moves like an angry rat all the time */
if ((!s->jumping) && (!s->jumptimer)) {
/* if player is above us or at same level...*/
if ( (player && (!player->dead) && (player->y <= s->y)) ||
(player2 && (!player2->dead) && (player2->y <= s->y))) {
int ydiff;
if ( (player && (!player->dead) && (player->y <= s->y))) {
ydiff = s->y - player->y;
} else if (player2) {
ydiff = s->y - player2->y;
} else {
ydiff = 999;
if (isplayerabove(s) && (ydiff >= (TILEH*4)) && (ydiff <= (TILEH*8))) { // player between 4 and 8 tiles above
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*8)) { // if closeish horizontally
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if ((xdiff >= (TILEW*1)) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*10))) { // if 1-9 tiles right
if (s->dir == D_RIGHT) {
/* jump right */
jump(s, D_RIGHT);
} else if ((xdiff <= -(TILEW*1)) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*10))) { // if 1-9 tiles left
if (s->dir == D_LEFT) {
/* jump left */
jump(s, D_LEFT);
} else { // falling
int rv;
// move forwards
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
} else if (s->id == P_PLANT) {
/* timer1 loopsfrom 0 - 19
if timer1 is 0, we can shoot. if it is 1, we can't.
// don't move!
s->moved = MV_WALK;
if (!s->falling) {
int xdiff, absxdiff;
sprite_t *pp;
/* distance to player */
xdiff = getxdisttoplayer(s, &pp);
if (pp) {
absxdiff = abs(xdiff);
if (!s->bullet) {
if (s->timer1 == 0) {
if ((pp->y < s->y) && (absxdiff <= (TILEW*4)) ) {
sprite_t *ss;
ss = addsprite(P_FIREUP,s->x,s->y - TILEH,"fireup" );
ss->ys = -4;
ss->xs = 0;
ss->dir = s->dir;
ss->owner = s;
s->bullet = ss;
// remember our starting y pos.
ss->timer1 = ss->y;
// reset out shoot timer
s->timer1 = 75;
} else {
} else if (s->id == P_KINGRAT) {
/* timer1 is state
0 == walk back and forth
timer2 counts down, at zero we change state
if (s->timer1 == KRS_WALK) {
int canseeplayer = B_TRUE;
int ydis;
// move
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
// if player is in front, charge!
if (!playersalive()) {
canseeplayer = B_FALSE;
} else {
if (player) {
ydis = abs(s->y - player->y);
if (ydis > 2) {
canseeplayer = B_FALSE;
} else if ((s->dir < 0) && (player->x > s->x)) {
canseeplayer = B_FALSE;
} else if ((s->dir > 0) && (player->x < s->x)) {
canseeplayer = B_FALSE;
if ((canseeplayer == B_TRUE) && (player2)) {
ydis = abs(s->y - player2->y);
if (ydis > 2) {
canseeplayer = B_FALSE;
} else if ((s->dir < 0) && (player2->x > s->x)) {
canseeplayer = B_FALSE;
} else if ((s->dir > 0) && (player2->x < s->x)) {
canseeplayer = B_FALSE;
if (canseeplayer) {
s->timer1 = KRS_CHARGEWAIT;
s->timer2 = KR_NUMJUMPS;
} else {
// dec timer
if (s->timer2 == 0) {
if (!playersalive()) {
// reset timer
s->timer2 = KR_WALKTIME;
} else {
// jump to player's height
s->timer1 = KRS_JUMP;
} else if (s->timer1 == KRS_CHARGEWAIT) {
// jump timer2 times.
if (timer % 2 == 0) {
// add puffs
puffin(-1, s->x + (rand() % (s->img->w)) - (s->img->w/2), s->y, "nothing", rand() % 5);
if (!s->jumping && !s->falling) {
if ((s->timer2 <= 0) && (!s->jumping)){
s->timer1 = KRS_CHARGE;
s->flies = B_TRUE;
} else {
// bounce
s->jumpspeed = 1;
} else if (s->timer1 == KRS_CHARGE) {
int rv;
// move fast forwards
rv = movex(s, s->dir*KR_CHARGESPEED, B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
// hit a wall - get stunned
s->timer1 = KRS_STUN;
s->timer2 = KR_STUNTIME;
s->flies = B_FALSE;
// shake the screen via a fake player powerup
globpowerup = PW_RATSHAKE;
globtimer = RATSHAKETIME;
} else if (s->timer1 == KRS_STUN) {
if (s->timer2 == 0) {
s->timer1 = KRS_WALK;
s->timer2 = KR_WALKTIME;
} else if (s->timer1 == KRS_JUMP) {
// jump to closest player height
if (!s->jumping) {
int ydis;
int try;
int tot;
int n;
if ((!playersalive()) || isplayerbelow(s) ) { // player below or dead
try = 2;
} else {
// get distance
ydis = getydisttoplayer(s);
ydis = abs(ydis);
// figure out how much we need to jump
for (try = 2; try < (KR_MAXJUMP-1); try++) {
tot = 0;
for (n = try; n >= 1; n--) {
tot = tot + (5*n);
if (tot >= ydis) {
jump(s, 0);
// manually adjust speed
try++; // one more just to be sure
s->willjumpspeed = try;
// next state
s->timer1 = KRS_WAITFORTOP;
} else if (s->timer1 == KRS_WAITFORTOP) {
if (!s->jumping) {
s->timer1 = KRS_FALL;
} else if (s->timer1 == KRS_FALL) {
// fall to player height
if (!s->jumping && ((player && (s->y >= player->y)) || (player2 && (s->y >= player2->y))) ) {
// back to normal state but lower timer
s->timer1 = KRS_WALK;
s->timer2 = KR_WALKTIME; // low delay
} else if (s->id == P_KINGSNAIL) {
/* timer1 is state
0 == walk back and forth
timer2 counts down, at zero we change state
if ((s->timer1 == KSS_WALK1) || (s->timer1 == KSS_WALK2)) {
// walk back and forth
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
// dec timer
if (s->timer2 == 0) {
if (!playersalive()) {
// reset timer
s->timer2 = KR_WALKTIME;
} else {
// release snails or jump, depending on state
if ((countmonsters(P_SNAIL) == 0) || (s->timer1 == KSS_WALK1)) { // next state is shooting
s->timer1 = KSS_PAUSE1;
s->timer2 = KS_SHOOTWAIT;
} else { // next state is jump
s->timer1 = KSS_PAUSE2;
s->timer2 = KS_JUMPWAIT;
} else if (s->timer1 == KSS_PAUSE1) {
// add puffs on shell
if (timer % 6 == 0) {
puffin(-1, s->x + -s->dir*((s->img->w/4) + (rand() % 7)-3),
s->y-(s->img->h/2) - (rand() % 7) - 3, "nothing", rand() % 5);
if (s->timer2 == 0) {
sprite_t *newsp;
// shoot!
s->timer1 = KSS_SHOOT;
// shell cracks
newsp = addsprite(P_KSSHELL, s->x + -s->dir*((s->img->w/4) + (rand() % 7)-3),
s->y-(s->img->h/2) - (rand() % 7) - 3, "ksshell");
// the shell recoils (other code will kill us off when this is done)
// -become invulnerable temporarily
newsp->invuln = INVULNTIME*2; // make sure this lasts until we die
// -bounce back
newsp->recoiling = B_TRUE;
jump(newsp,-s->dir); // ie. away from king snail
} else if (s->timer1 == KSS_SHOOT) {
// shoot out snails
if (timer % 20 == 0) {
if (countmonsters(-1) < 6) { // max 5 snails + king snail
sprite_t *newsp;
newsp = addsprite(P_SNAIL, s->x + -s->dir*(s->img->w/4), s->y-(s->img->h/2),"babsnail");
// make it shoot upwards
newsp->jumping = 1;
newsp->jumpspeed = (rand() % 7) + 7; // 7 - 13
newsp->jumpdir = (((double)(rand() % 110) - 50) / 10); // -5 to 5
if (rand() % 2) newsp->dir = 1;
else newsp->dir = -1;
} else {
// enough, regenerate shell
s->timer1 = KSS_REGEN;
s->timer3 = 1; // percentage of shell size
} else if (s->timer1 == KSS_REGEN) {
// shell gets bigger
// wait for shell to finish
if (s->timer3 >= 120) {
// walk again
s->timer1 = KSS_WALK2;
s->timer2 = KS_WALKTIME;
} else if (s->timer1 == KSS_PAUSE2) {
if (!s->jumptimer) {
int ydis;
int try;
int tot;
int n;
// remember our height
s->timer3 = s->y;
// delay then jump
s->jumptimer = getjumpdelay(s->id);
s->jumpdir = 0;
if ((!playersalive()) || isplayerbelow(s)) { // player below or dead
try = 2;
} else {
// get distance
ydis = getydisttoplayer(s);
ydis = abs(ydis);
// figure out how much we need to jump
for (try = 2; try < (KR_MAXJUMP-1); try++) {
tot = 0;
for (n = try; n >= 1; n--) {
tot = tot + (5*n);
if (tot >= ydis) {
jump(s, 0);
// manually adjust speed
try++; // one more just to be sure
s->willjumpspeed = try;
// next state
s->timer1 = KSS_JUMPING;
} else if (s->timer1 == KSS_JUMPING) {
// wait until we land...
if (!s->jumptimer && !s->jumping && !s->falling) {
sprite_t *ss, *nexts;
// snails turn to slugs!!
for (ss = sprite ; ss ; ss = nexts) {
nexts = ss->next;
if ((ss->id == P_SNAIL) && !ss->caughtby && !ss->dead) {
// now pause a while before moving again
s->timer1 = KSS_PAUSE3;
s->timer2 = KS_RELOADWAIT;
// shake the screen via a fake player powerup
globpowerup = PW_SNAILSHAKE;
} else if (s->timer1 == KSS_PAUSE3) {
if (s->timer2 == 0) {
// go back to start!
s->timer1 = KSS_WALK1;
s->timer2 = KS_WALKTIME;
} else if (s->id == P_KINGFLY) {
double absxs,absys;
if ((s->timer1 == KFS_FLY1) || (s->timer1 == KFS_FLY2)) {
if ((s->xs == -99) || (s->ys == -99)) {
s->xs = getspeed(s);
s->ys = getspeed(s);
if (s->xs > 0) absxs = 1;
else absxs = -1;
if (s->ys > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
/* this will fix the speed if ANGRY is set */
s->xs = absxs*getspeed(s);
s->ys = absys*getspeed(s);
/* can we move? */
if (s->x >= SCREENW - (s->img->w/2) - 2) {
/* turn */
s->xs = -abs(s->xs);
} else if (s->x <= (s->img->w/2)) {
s->xs = abs(s->xs);
if (s->y <= s->img->h) {
s->ys = abs(s->ys);
} else if (s->y >= SCREENH-2 ) {
s->ys = -abs(s->ys);
/* move */
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
s->dir = absxs;
s->moved = MV_FLY;
// generate babies
if (timer % 25 == 0) {
int numbabies, numflies;
sprite_t *ss;
numflies = countmonsters(P_FLY);
// count how many babies we have
numbabies = 0;
for (ss = sprite ; ss ; ss = ss->next) {
if ((ss->id == P_FLY) && (ss->owner == s)) {
if (numflies < 12) {
if (numbabies < 6) {
sprite_t *newsp;
puffin(-1, s->x, s->y, "nothing", 0);
newsp = addsprite(P_FLY, s->x, s->y, "gen_fly");
newsp->invuln = FLYINVULNTIME * (numbabies+1);
newsp->xs = s->xs;
newsp->ys = s->ys;
newsp->owner = s;
if (s->timer2 <= 0) {
if ((s->y >= s->img->h*4) && (s->y <= (SCREENH-s->img->h*2))) {
if ((s->x >= s->img->w) && (s->x <= SCREENW-(s->img->w))) {
if (s->timer1 == KFS_FLY1) {
s->timer1 = KFS_HORZWAIT;
s->timer3 = s->y;
} else {
s->timer1 = KFS_VERTWAIT;
s->timer3 = s->x;
} else if (s->timer1 == KFS_HORZWAIT) {
double ymod;
sprite_t *ss;
int ready = B_TRUE;
// hover
s->ys = 2;
ymod = sin(((double)timer * (double)3.6) * (M_PI/180));
if (s->ys * (ymod) > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
s->y += (s->ys * ymod);
s->moved = MV_FLY;
// if all babies attached
for (ss = sprite ; ss ; ss = ss->next) {
if ((ss->id == P_FLY) && (ss->owner == s) && (ss->timer1 != KFS_HORZWAIT)) {
ready = B_FALSE;
if (ready) {
int numflies,n;
s->timer1 = KFS_HORZPUSH;
s->timer3 = s->y;
// set position for babies
numflies = countbabies(s, P_FLY);
n = 1;
for (ss = sprite ; ss ; ss = ss->next) {
if ((ss->id == P_FLY) && (ss->owner == s)) {
ss->timer1 = KFS_HORZPUSH;
ss->timer2 = n * (SCREENW/(numflies+1)); // target x
//printf("setting target to %d\n",ss->timer2);
} else if (s->timer1 == KFS_HORZPUSH) {
double ymod;
int ready = B_TRUE;
sprite_t *ss;
// hover
s->ys = 2;
ymod = sin(((double)timer * (double)3.6) * (M_PI/180));
if (s->ys * (ymod) > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
s->y += (s->ys * ymod);
s->moved = MV_FLY;
// if all flies in position, release them
for (ss = sprite ; ss ; ss = ss->next) {
if ((ss->id == P_FLY) && (ss->owner == s) && (ss->x != ss->timer2)) {
ready = B_FALSE;
if (ready) {
for (ss = sprite ; ss ; ss = ss->next) {
if ((ss->id == P_FLY) && (ss->owner = s)) {
// release it!
ss->owner = NULL;
s->timer1 = KFS_HORZ;
s->timer2 = KF_HOVERTIME;
} else if (s->timer1 == KFS_HORZ) {
double ymod;
// hover
s->ys = 2;
ymod = sin(((double)timer * (double)3.6) * (M_PI/180));
if (s->ys * (ymod) > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
s->y += (s->ys * ymod);
s->moved = MV_FLY;
if (s->timer2 == 0) {
// fly around again
s->timer1 = KFS_FLY2;
s->timer2 = KF_FLYTIME;
s->timer3 = 0;
} else if (s->timer1 == KFS_VERTWAIT) {
double ymod;
sprite_t *ss;
int ready = B_TRUE;
// hover
s->ys = 2;
ymod = sin(((double)timer * (double)3.6) * (M_PI/180));
if (s->ys * (ymod) > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
s->y += (s->ys * ymod);
s->moved = MV_FLY;
// if all babies attached
for (ss = sprite ; ss ; ss = ss->next) {
if ((ss->id == P_FLY) && (ss->owner == s) && (ss->timer1 != KFS_VERTWAIT)) {
ready = B_FALSE;
if (ready) {
int numflies,n;
s->timer1 = KFS_VERTPUSH;
s->timer3 = s->x;
// set position for babies
numflies = countbabies(s, P_FLY);
n = 1;
for (ss = sprite ; ss ; ss = ss->next) {
if ((ss->id == P_FLY) && (ss->owner == s)) {
ss->timer1 = KFS_VERTPUSH;
ss->timer2 = n * (SCREENH/(numflies+1)); // target x
//printf("setting target to y = %d\n",ss->timer2);
} else if (s->timer1 == KFS_VERTPUSH) {
double ymod;
int ready = B_TRUE;
sprite_t *ss;
// hover
s->ys = 2;
ymod = sin(((double)timer * (double)3.6) * (M_PI/180));
if (s->ys * (ymod) > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
s->y += (s->ys * ymod);
s->moved = MV_FLY;
// if all flies in position, release them
for (ss = sprite ; ss ; ss = ss->next) {
if ((ss->id == P_FLY) && (ss->owner == s) && (ss->y != ss->timer2)) {
ready = B_FALSE;
if (ready) {
for (ss = sprite ; ss ; ss = ss->next) {
if ((ss->id == P_FLY) && (ss->owner = s)) {
// release it!
ss->owner = NULL;
s->timer1 = KFS_VERT;
s->timer2 = KF_HOVERTIME;
} else if (s->timer1 == KFS_VERT) {
double ymod;
// hover
s->ys = 2;
ymod = sin(((double)timer * (double)3.6) * (M_PI/180));
if (s->ys * (ymod) > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
s->y += (s->ys * ymod);
s->moved = MV_FLY;
if (s->timer2 == 0) {
// fly around again
s->timer1 = KFS_FLY1;
s->timer2 = KF_FLYTIME;
} else if (s->id == P_KINGANT) {
- Move back and forth for a while
- spawn out ants if not enough
- Jump to top, destroying platforms
- Move back and forth for a while
- spawn out ant food
- Jump to bottom, destroying platforms
// add flames on it
if (( timer % 2) == 0) {
addsprite(P_FLAME, s->x + (rand() % s->img->w) - (s->img->w/2),
s->y - (s->img->h/2) + (rand() % s->img->h/2), "antflame");
// move back and forth
if ((s->timer1 == KAS_WALK1) || (s->timer1 == KAS_WALK2)) {
// move
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
// shoot out monsters
if (s->timer3 <= 0) {
// reset shoot timer
s->timer3 = KA_SHOOTTIME;
if (s->timer1 == KAS_WALK1) {
// shoot an ant out
if (countmonsters(-1) < 7) { // max 6 ants + king ant
sprite_t *newsp;
puffin(-1, s->x, s->y - (s->img->h/2), "nothing", 0);
newsp = addsprite(P_ANT1, s->x, s->y-(s->img->h/2),"babant");
// make it shoot upwards
newsp->jumping = 1;
newsp->jumpspeed = (rand() % 7) + 7; // 7 - 13
newsp->jumpdir = (((double)(rand() % 110) - 50) / 10); // -5 to 5
if (rand() % 2) newsp->dir = 1;
else newsp->dir = -1;
} else {
// enough monsters, shoot food instead
sprite_t *newsp;
puffin(-1, s->x, s->y - (s->img->h/2), "nothing", 0);
newsp = addsprite(P_EGG, s->x, s->y-(s->img->h/2),"antegg");
// make it shoot upwards
newsp->jumping = 1;
newsp->jumpspeed = (rand() % 7) + 7; // 7 - 13
newsp->jumpdir = (((double)(rand() % 110) - 50) / 10); // -5 to 5
if (rand() % 2) newsp->dir = 1;
else newsp->dir = -1;
// dec walk timer
if (s->timer2 == 0) {
if (playersalive()) {
// jump to other side height
if (s->timer1 == KAS_WALK1) s->timer1 = KAS_JUMP1;
else s->timer1 = KAS_JUMP2;
} else {
// nobody alive - reset timer
s->timer2 = KA_WALKTIME;
s->timer3 = KA_SHOOTTIME;
} else if ((s->timer1 == KAS_JUMP1) || (s->timer1 == KAS_JUMP2)) {
// jump to closest player height
if (!s->jumping) {
if (!playersalive() ) { // player below or dead
// go back to walking
s->timer1 = KAS_WALK1;
s->timer2 = KA_WALKTIME;
s->timer3 = KA_SHOOTTIME;
} else {
int jumpheight, jumptarget,nextstate;
jump(s, 0);
if (s->timer1 == KAS_JUMP1) {
jumpheight = 13;
jumptarget = TILEH*3; // jump to top
nextstate = KAS_WAITFORTOP1;
} else {
jumpheight = 3;
jumptarget = SCREENH - (TILEH*3); // jump to bottom
nextstate = KAS_WAITFORTOP2;
s->willjumpspeed = jumpheight;
// next state
s->timer1 = nextstate;
s->timer3 = jumptarget;
} else if (s->timer1 == KAS_WAITFORTOP1) {
if (!s->jumping) {
s->timer1 = KAS_FALL1;
} else if (s->timer1 == KAS_WAITFORTOP2) {
if (!s->jumping) {
s->timer1 = KAS_FALL2;
} else if ((s->timer1 == KAS_FALL1) || (s->timer1 == KAS_FALL2)) {
// King Ant's jump is handled specially in dogravity()
if (s->falling) {
if (!s->bullet) {
sprite_t *mytarget;
// shoot fireball if player in front!
mytarget = isplayerahead(s);
if (mytarget) {
sprite_t *ss;
// shoot!
ss = addsprite(P_BIGFIREBALL,s->x,mytarget->y+(TILEH/2),"horzfireball" );
ss->ys = 0;
ss->xs = s->dir * 4;
ss->dir = s->dir;
ss->owner = s;
s->bullet = ss;
} else {
// back to normal state
if (s->timer1 == KAS_FALL1) {
s->timer1 = KAS_WALK2;
} else {
s->timer1 = KAS_WALK1;
s->timer2 = KA_WALKTIME;
s->timer3 = KA_SHOOTTIME;
} else if (s->id == P_KINGCAT) {
/* timer1 is state
0 == walk back and forth
timer2 counts down, at zero we change state
1 == spell
if (s->timer1 == KCS_WALK) {
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff ,absxdiff;
tiletype_t *tunder;
/* distance to closest player */
xdiff = getxdisttoplayer(s, NULL);
absxdiff = abs(xdiff);
// tile in front and below
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir*getspeed(s) + (s->dir * (s->img->w/2)),s->y + (TILEH/2),NULL,NULL);
// tile below
tunder = gettileat(s->x ,s->y + 1,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us and below*/
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
// we're on a slope
if (tunder->solid == S_SLOPE) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
if ((player && (player->y > s->y)) || (player2 && (player2->y > s->y))) {
/* if player is below, fall off */
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*8)) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else if ((player && (player->y == s->y)) || (player2 && player2->y == s->y)) {
/* if player is at same level and close, jump */
if ((s->dir == D_RIGHT) && (xdiff > 0) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*10))) {
} else if ((s->dir == D_LEFT) && (xdiff < 0) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*10))) {
} else if (level->bottomopen && (s->y >= (SCREENH - 100)) && isplayerabove(s)) {
// if near bottom of the screen and can fall through...
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) {
move = B_TRUE;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
if ((!s->jumping) && (!s->jumptimer)) {
/* if player is above us, jump */
if ( (player && (!player->dead) && (player->y < s->y)) ||
(player2 && (!player2->dead) && (player2->y < s->y))) {
if ((xdiff >= (TILEW*2)) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*7))) {
/* jump right */
jump(s, 1);
} else if ((xdiff <= -(TILEW*2)) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*7))) {
/* jump left */
jump(s, -1);
} else if ((player && (s->y - player->y <= (TILEH*6))) ||
(player2 && (s->y - player2->y <= (TILEH*6)))) {
if ((xdiff >= 0) && (xdiff < (TILEW*4))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if ((xdiff <= 0) && (xdiff > -(TILEW*4))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else {
/* jump whichever way we're facing */
s->jumpdir = s->dir;
s->jumping = 1;
s->jumpspeed = 5;
} else { // falling
tiletype_t *tunder, *t2under;
// tile below
tunder = gettileat(s->x ,s->y,NULL,NULL);
t2under = gettileat(s->x ,s->y+s->img->h,NULL,NULL);
if ((tunder->solid == S_SLOPE) || (t2under->solid == S_SLOPE)) {
movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
} else if (s->jumpdir) {
movex(s, s->jumpdir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
// inc timer
if (s->timer2 == KC_WALKTIME) {
if (!playersalive()) {
// reset timer
s->timer2 = 0;
} else if (!s->jumping && !s->falling) {
// cast a spell
//TODO: sfx
s->timer1 = KCS_SPELLPAUSE;
// otherwise wait until we're not jumping/falling
} else {
} else if (s->timer1 == KCS_SPELLPAUSE) {
// go to pause frame...
if (timer % 2 == 0) {
// add puffs above
puffin(-1, s->x + (rand() % (s->img->w)) - (s->img->w/2),
s->y - (s->img->h) + (rand() % TILEH) - (TILEH/2), "nothing", rand() % 5);
if (s->timer2 <= 0) {
} else if (s->timer1 == KCS_SPELLCAST) {
if (s->timer3 == SPL_TELEPORT) {
// move to player
if (s->timer4 < KC_TELETIME) {
// add random puff at destination
puffin(-1, s->newx + (rand() % s->img->w) - (s->img->w/2),
s->newy - (rand() % s->img->h), "nothing", rand() % 5);
} else {
int x,y;
// cover destination with puffs
for (y = s->newy - s->img->h; y < s->newy; y += TILEH) {
for (x = s->newx - (s->img->w/2); x < s->newx + (s->img->w/2); x += TILEW) {
puffin(-1, x, y, "nothing", 0);
// teleport!
s->x = s->newx;
s->y = s->newy;
// finished
s->timer2 = 0;
} else if (s->timer3 == SPL_SUMMON) {
// summon monsters
int numsummon = 5,i;
if (s->timer2 == KC_SPELLCASTTIME) { // ie. once only.
for (i = 0; i < numsummon; i++) {
tiletype_t *tt = NULL;
int x = -1,y = -1;
int tooclose = B_TRUE;
while ((x == -1) || (y == -1) || !tt || tt->solid || tooclose) {
sprite_t *closeplayer = NULL;
tooclose = B_FALSE;
x = ((rand() % (LEVELW-1)) * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
y = ((rand() % (LEVELH-1)) * TILEH) + (TILEH/2);
tt = gettileat(x, y, NULL, NULL);
closeplayer = getclosestplayerxy(x, y);
if (closeplayer) {
double dist;
dist = getdistance(x, y, closeplayer->x, closeplayer->y);
if (dist <= (5*TILEW)) {
// too close
tooclose = B_TRUE;
puffin(randommonster(), x, y, "randmonster", 0);
// delay before finishing.
if (s->timer2) s->timer2--;
} else if (s->timer3 == SPL_FIREBALLS) {
if (s->timer2 == KC_SPELLCASTTIME) { // ie. once only.
int dir;
for (dir = -1; dir <= 1; dir += 2) {
sprite_t *ss;
// horz
ss = addsprite(P_BIGFIREBALL,s->x,s->y - (s->img->h / 2) ,"horzfireball" );
ss->ys = 0;
ss->xs = dir * 4;
ss->dir = dir;
// up
ss = addsprite(P_BIGFIREBALL,s->x,s->y - (s->img->h / 2) ,"up_horzfireball" );
ss->ys = -2;
ss->xs = dir * 4;
ss->dir = dir;
// down
ss = addsprite(P_BIGFIREBALL,s->x,s->y - (s->img->h / 2) ,"down_horzfireball" );
ss->ys = 2;
ss->xs = dir * 4;
ss->dir = dir;
} else if (s->timer3 == SPL_WIND) {
globpowerup = PW_CATWIND;
} else if (s->timer3 == SPL_BRICKS) {
globpowerup = PW_CATBRICKS;
// timer2 will become 0 once spell is finished.
if (s->timer2 <= 0) {
// turn off spell effects
switch (s->timer3) {
case SPL_WIND:
globpowerup = -1;
default: break;
// back to walking.
s->timer1 = KCS_WALK;
s->timer2 = 0;
s->timer3 = 0;
s->timer4 = 0;
} else if (s->id == P_PLATFORM) { // moving platform
// timer1 tells whether we are at top speed
double dstx,dsty;
int rv;
if (s->numwaypoints > 0) {
sprite_t *s2;
double oldx,oldy,xdiff,ydiff;
if (s->timer1 == 0) {
oldx = s->x;
oldy = s->y;
// move torwaeds next waypoints
dstx = s->wayx[s->curwaypoint];
dsty = s->wayy[s->curwaypoint];
rv = moveto(s,dstx,dsty,s->speed,s->speed);
// remember how far we moved
xdiff = s->x - oldx;
ydiff = s->y - oldy;
// got there?
if (rv == 0) {
// pause
s->timer1 = PLATFORMPAUSE;
// move anything on top of us by the same amount
for (s2 = sprite ; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2->onplatform == s) {
int ii,oldmoved;
int preroof = B_FALSE;
double dir,amt;
amt = abs(xdiff);
if (xdiff > 0) dir = 1;
else dir = -1;
if (isroofabove(s2) && (ydiff < 0)) {
preroof = B_TRUE;
oldmoved = s2->moved;
for (ii = 0; ii < amt; ii++) {
//s2->x += dir;
if (movex(s2, dir, B_TRUE)) break;
s2->moved = oldmoved; // so that we don't animate
s2->y += ydiff;
// check if s2's head has hit something
if (preroof && isroofabove(s2) && (ydiff < 0) && (s2->id != P_BLACKCLOUD)) {
if (isplayer(s2)) {
printf("DB: killed by head crush\n"); fflush(stdout);
} else if (isfruit(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y, "nothing", 0);
} else if (ismonster(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y, "nothing", 0);
} else {
if (s->timer1 == 0) {
// go to next waypoint
if (s->curwaypoint >= s->numwaypoints) {
s->curwaypoint = 0;
} else if (s->id == P_TICK) {
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff, absxdiff;
/* distance to player */
xdiff = getxdisttoplayer(s, NULL);
absxdiff = abs(xdiff);
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir+getspeed(s),s->y,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us */
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
double ycutoff = s->y + (TILEH/2);
if ((player && (player->y >= ycutoff)) || (player2 && (player2->y >= ycutoff ))) {
/* if player is below and nearby, fall off */
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*16)) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else if ((player && (player->y == s->y)) || (player2 && (player2->y == s->y ))) {
if (globpowerup != PW_CAMERA) {
/* if player is at same level and close, jump */
if ((s->dir == D_RIGHT) && (xdiff > 0) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*7))) {
} else if ((s->dir == D_LEFT) && (xdiff < 0) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*7))) {
} else if (level->bottomopen && (s->y >= (SCREENH - 100)) && isplayerabove(s)) {
// if near bottom of the screen and can fall through...
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) {
move = B_TRUE;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
/* moves like an angry rat all the time */
if (globpowerup != PW_CAMERA) {
if ((playersalive()) && (!s->jumping) && (!s->jumptimer)) {
sprite_t *abovep;
/* if player is above us...*/
abovep = isplayerabove(s);
if (abovep) {
if ((xdiff >= (TILEW*2)) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*3))) { // if 2-3 tiles right
/* jump right */
jump(s, D_RIGHT);
} else if ((xdiff <= -(TILEW*2)) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*3))) { // if 2-3 tiles left
/* jump left */
jump(s, D_LEFT);
} else if (s->y - abovep->y <= (TILEH*6)) { // player less than 6 tiles above
if ((xdiff >= 0) && (xdiff < (TILEW*4))) { // ... and within 4 tiles
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if ((xdiff <= 0) && (xdiff > -(TILEW*4))) { // ... and within 4 tiles
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else { // falling
movex(s, s->jumpdir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
} else if (s->id == P_WSPIDER) { // white spider - very intelligent!
// timer3 is climb direction
// timer2 is drop countdown
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff, absxdiff;
int ladderx = isladderabove(s);
if (s->timer2) {
int mod,mod2;
mod = (s->timer2 / (WS_DROPDELAY/2));
if (s->timer2 == 0) {
// drop!
/* drop down */
s->dropping = B_TRUE;
s->dropx = s->x / TILEW;
s->dropy = s->y / TILEH;
} else {
mod2 = (s->timer2 / (WS_DROPDELAY/2));
if (mod2 != mod) {
// change direction
if (s->dir == D_RIGHT) s->dir = D_LEFT;
else if (s->dir == D_LEFT) s->dir = D_RIGHT;
/* distance to closest player */
xdiff = getxdisttoplayer(s, NULL);
absxdiff = abs(xdiff);
/* already climbing */
if (s->climbing) {
// TODO: replace with just climbing the current dir
if (s->timer3 == D_UP) {
// climb up
int ladderx = isladderabove(s);
// if tile above is non-solid, or a ladder
if (ladderx || !isroofabove(s)) {
// lock to ladder
if (ladderx) {
s->x = ladderx; // lock to ladder
// continue climbing
s->y -= getspeed(s);
s->jumping = 0;
s->falling = 0;
s->climbing = B_TRUE;
s->moved = MV_WALK;
} else {
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
// face a player
} else { // down
if (isonladder(s)) {
if (isladderbelow(s)) {
// climb down
s->y += getspeed(s);
s->jumping = 0;
s->falling = 0;
s->climbing = B_TRUE;
s->moved = MV_WALK;
} else {
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
} else if (ladderx && isplayerabovegt(s,TILEW)) { // if we are at the bottom of a ladder
// start climbing
s->x = ladderx; // lock to ladder
s->y -= getspeed(s);
s->jumping = 0;
s->falling = 0;
s->climbing = B_TRUE;
s->moved = MV_WALK;
s->timer3 = D_UP;
} else if (isonladder(s) && isplayerbelowgt(s,TILEW)) { // are we at top of ladder
int ladderx = isonladder(s);
if (isladderbelow(s)) {
s->y += getspeed(s);
s->jumping = 0;
s->falling = 0;
s->climbing = B_TRUE;
s->moved = MV_WALK;
// lock to centre of ladder
s->x = ladderx;
s->timer3 = D_DOWN;
} else {
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
} else if (!s->dropping && (s->timer2 == 0)) {
/// not climbing - walk or drop down
int willdrop = B_FALSE;
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
// drop down?
if (isonbridge(s) && !s->falling) {
int dist = 9999;
/* player below (get the one with closest x distance)? */
if (player && !player->dead && player->y > s->y) dist = abs(player->x - s->x);
if (player2 && !player2->dead && player2->y > s->y) {
int dist2;
dist2 = abs(player2->x - s->x);
if (dist2 < dist) dist = dist2;
if (dist <= (TILEW*3)) {
willdrop = B_TRUE;
if (willdrop) {
s->timer2 = WS_DROPDELAY;
} else {
// walk
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir+getspeed(s),s->y,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us */
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
double ycutoff = s->y + (TILEH/2);
if ((player && (player->y >= ycutoff)) || (player2 && (player2->y >= ycutoff ))) {
/* if player is below and nearby, fall off */
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*16)) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else if ((player && (player->y == s->y)) || (player2 && (player2->y == s->y ))) {
if (globpowerup != PW_CAMERA) {
/* if player is at same level and close, jump */
if ((s->dir == D_RIGHT) && (xdiff > 0) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*7))) {
} else if ((s->dir == D_LEFT) && (xdiff < 0) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*7))) {
} else if (level->bottomopen && (s->y >= (SCREENH - 100)) && isplayerabove(s)) {
// if near bottom of the screen and can fall through...
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) {
move = B_TRUE;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
/* moves like an angry rat all the time */
if (globpowerup != PW_CAMERA) {
if ((playersalive()) && (!s->jumping) && (!s->jumptimer)) {
sprite_t *abovep;
/* if player is within 5 tiles above us...*/
abovep = isplayerabovelt(s,TILEH*5);
if (abovep) {
if ((xdiff >= (TILEW*2)) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*3))) { // if 2-3 tiles right
/* jump right */
jump(s, D_RIGHT);
} else if ((xdiff <= -(TILEW*2)) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*3))) { // if 2-3 tiles left
/* jump left */
jump(s, D_LEFT);
} else if (s->y - abovep->y <= (TILEH*6)) { // player less than 6 tiles above
if ((xdiff >= 0) && (xdiff < (TILEW*4))) { // ... and within 4 tiles
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if ((xdiff <= 0) && (xdiff > -(TILEW*4))) { // ... and within 4 tiles
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else { // falling
movex(s, s->jumpdir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
} else if (s->id == P_BAT) {
/* timer1 tracks state, timer2 tracks previous direction
timer3 is current direction
if (s->timer1 == BS_FLY) {
if (s->timer3 == D_NONE) {
int tx,ty;
int d;
int maxdist = -99;
int newdir = D_NONE;
tiletype_t *tt;
// get current pos
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y-2,&tx,&ty);
// pick a direction
// scan each direction...
for (d = 0; d < 4; d++) {
int xm,ym,dir;
if (d == 0) {
dir = D_UP;
xm = 0; ym = -1;
} else if (d == 1) {
dir = D_RIGHT;
xm = 1; ym = 0;
} else if (d == 2) {
dir = D_DOWN;
xm = 0; ym = 1;
} else { // ie. d == 3
dir = D_LEFT;
xm = -1; ym = 0;
// are we allowed to go this dir?
if ((dir != s->timer2) && (dir != oppositedir(s->timer2))) {
int curx,cury,hitwall=B_FALSE;
int dist = 0;
curx = tx;
cury = ty;
// check distance until wall
while (!hitwall) {
curx += xm;
cury += ym;
tt = gettilexy(curx, cury);
if (tt->solid) hitwall = 1;
if (curx <= 0) hitwall = 2;
if (cury <= 0) hitwall = 3;
if (curx >= LEVELW) hitwall = 4;
if (cury >= LEVELH) hitwall = 5;
if (dist > maxdist) {
newdir = dir;
maxdist = dist;
// update our direction
s->timer2 = s->timer3; // old dir
s->timer3 = newdir; // current dir
} else { // we DO have a current direction
tiletype_t *tt;
if (s->timer3 == D_UP) {
tt = gettileat(s->x, s->y - s->img->h - getspeed(s), NULL, NULL);
if (tt->solid || (s->y - s->img->h) <= TILEH) {
// hit a wall
s->timer1 = BS_PAUSE1;
s->timer2 = s->timer3; // old dir
s->timer3 = BAT_PAUSE;
} else {
s->moved = MV_FLY;
s->y -= getspeed(s);
} else if (s->timer3 == D_DOWN) {
tt = gettileat(s->x, s->y + getspeed(s), NULL, NULL);
if (tt->solid) {
// hit a wall
s->timer1 = BS_PAUSE1;
s->timer2 = s->timer3; // old dir
s->timer3 = BAT_PAUSE;
} else {
s->moved = MV_FLY;
s->y += getspeed(s);
} else { // right or left
s->dir = s->timer3;
if (movex(s, s->dir * getspeed(s), B_TRUE)) {
// hit a wall
s->timer1 = BS_PAUSE1;
s->timer2 = s->timer3; // old dir
s->timer3 = BAT_PAUSE;
} else {
s->moved = MV_FLY;
} else if (s->timer1 == BS_PAUSE1) {
s->moved = MV_FLY;
// wait for countdown...
if ((s->timer3 == BAT_FIRESPACE*2) || (s->timer3 == BAT_FIRESPACE) || (s->timer3 == 0)) {
sprite_t *ss,*target = NULL;
// closest player
target = getclosestplayer(s);
if (target) {
double ang;
// get angle towards target
ang = atan2(target->y - s->y, target->x - s->x);
// shoot
ss = addsprite(P_SONAR,s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2,"bat_sonar" );
ss->xs = cos(ang) * getspeed(ss);
ss->ys = sin(ang) * getspeed(ss);
ss->timer1 = 0;
if (s->timer3 == 0) {
// go to next state
s->timer1 = BS_PAUSE2;
s->timer3 = BAT_PAUSE;
} else if (s->timer1 == BS_PAUSE2) {
s->moved = MV_FLY;
if (s->timer3 == 0) {
// go to next state
s->timer1 = BS_FLY;
s->timer3 = D_NONE;
} else if (s->id == P_SNAKE) {
/* timer1 loopsfrom 0 - 19
if timer2 is 0, we can shoot. if it is 1, we can't.
// inc shooting timer
if (s->timer1) {
if (s->timer1 == 0) {
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff, absxdiff,ydiff;
/* distance to player */
xdiff = getxdisttoplayer(s, NULL);
absxdiff = abs(xdiff);
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir+getspeed(s),s->y,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us */
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
if (s->angry) {
if ((player && (player->y > s->y)) || (player2 && (player2->y > s->y))) {
/* if player is below, fall off */
if (xdiff <= (TILEW*8)) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else if ((player && (player->y == s->y)) || (player2 && player2->y == s->y)) {
if (s->angry) {
/* if player is at same level and close, jump */
if ((s->dir == D_RIGHT) && (xdiff > 0) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*7))) {
} else if ((s->dir == D_LEFT) && (xdiff < 0) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*7))) {
} else if (level->bottomopen && (s->y >= (SCREENH - 100)) && isplayerabove(s)) {
// if near bottom of the screen and can fall through...
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) {
move = B_TRUE;
/* shoot */
ydiff = getydisttoplayer(s);
ydiff = abs(ydiff);
// if there's a player close up/down...
if (ydiff <= (TILEH*4)) {
sprite_t *ss;
sprite_t *closeplayer;
int shoot = B_FALSE;
if (player && (s->y - player->y <= (TILEH*4)) ) {
closeplayer = player;
} else if (player2 && (s->y - player2->y <= (TILEH*4))) {
closeplayer = player2;
} else {
closeplayer = NULL;
if (closeplayer) {
if (s->bullet == NULL) { // if we don't already have a bullet
// if we are facing the player
if ( (closeplayer->x < s->x) && (s->dir == D_LEFT) ) {
shoot = B_TRUE;
} else if ( (closeplayer->x > s->x) && (s->dir == D_RIGHT) ) {
shoot = B_TRUE;
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) shoot = B_FALSE;
if (shoot) {
// if our shooting timer is okay
if (s->timer1 == 0) {
//ss = addsprite(P_SPIT,s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2,"spit" );
ss = addsprite(P_SPIT,s->x,s->y - TILEH,"spit" );
ss->ys = 0;
ss->xs = s->dir * (getspeed(s)*2);
ss->dir = s->dir;
ss->owner = s;
s->bullet = ss;
// start timer for shooting again
s->timer1 = 200;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
if (s->angry && (globpowerup != PW_CAMERA)) {
if (playersalive() && (!s->jumping) && (!s->jumptimer)) {
/* if player is above us, jump */
if ( (player && (!player->dead) && (player->y < s->y)) ||
(player2 && (!player2->dead) && (player2->y < s->y))) {
if ((xdiff >= (TILEW*2)) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*3))) {
/* jump right */
jump(s, 1);
} else if ((xdiff <= -(TILEW*2)) && (xdiff >= -(TILEW*3))) {
/* jump left */
jump(s, -1);
} else if ((player && (s->y - player->y <= (TILEH*6))) ||
(player2 && (s->y - player2->y <= (TILEH*6)))) {
if ((xdiff >= 0) && (xdiff < (TILEW*2))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else if ((xdiff <= 0) && (xdiff > -(TILEW*2))) {
/* jump up */
jump(s, 0);
} else {
/* jump whichever way we're facing */
s->jumpdir = s->dir;
s->jumping = 1;
s->jumpspeed = 5;
} else { // falling
movex(s, s->jumpdir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
} else if (s->id == P_BEE) {
double absxs,absys;
if ((s->xs == -99) || (s->ys == -99)) {
s->xs = getspeed(s);
s->ys = getspeed(s);
if (s->xs > 0) absxs = 1;
else absxs = -1;
if (s->ys > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
/* this will fix the speed if ANGRY is set */
s->xs = absxs*getspeed(s);
s->ys = absys*getspeed(s);
/* can we move? */
tt = gettileat(s->x + absxs*((s->img->w/2)+8), s->y-(s->img->h/2),NULL,NULL);
if ((tt->solid) || (tt->spikes )) {
/* turn */
s->xs = -s->xs;
tt = gettileat(s->x, s->y-(s->img->h/2) + absys*((s->img->h/2)+8),NULL,NULL);
if ((tt->solid) || (tt->spikes)) {
/* turn */
s->ys = -s->ys;
/* move */
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
s->dir = absxs;
s->moved = MV_WALK;
} else if (s->id == P_FLY) { // fly - like bee but more erratic flight and can walk on ground if player far away
if (s->owner) { // move like king fly
if (!s->invuln) {
if (s->timer1 == KFS_HORZWAIT) {
// hover
s->y = s->owner->y;
s->moved = MV_FLY;
} else if (s->timer1 == KFS_VERTWAIT) {
double ymod;
// hover
s->ys = 2;
ymod = sin(((double)timer * (double)3.6) * (M_PI/180));
s->y += (s->ys * ymod);
s->x = s->owner->x;
s->moved = MV_FLY;
} else if (s->timer1 == KFS_HORZPUSH) {
// move towards target position
if (s->timer2 > s->x) {
s->x += (getspeed(s)*2);
if (s->x > s->timer2) s->x = s->timer2;
} else if (s->timer2 < s->x) {
s->x -= (getspeed(s)*2);
if (s->x < s->timer2) s->x = s->timer2;
s->moved = MV_FLY;
} else if (s->timer1 == KFS_VERTPUSH) {
// move towards target position
if (s->timer2 > s->y) {
s->y += (getspeed(s)*2);
if (s->y > s->timer2) s->y = s->timer2;
} else if (s->timer2 < s->y) {
s->y -= (getspeed(s)*2);
if (s->y < s->timer2) s->y = s->timer2;
s->moved = MV_FLY;
} else {
double absxs,absys;
if ((s->xs == -99) || (s->ys == -99)) {
s->xs = getspeed(s);
s->ys = getspeed(s);
if (s->xs > 0) absxs = 1;
else absxs = -1;
if (s->ys > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
/* this will fix the speed if ANGRY is set */
s->xs = absxs*getspeed(s);
s->ys = absys*getspeed(s);
/* can we move? */
if (s->x >= SCREENW - (boss->img->w/2) - 2) {
/* turn */
s->xs = -abs(s->xs);
} else if (s->x <= (boss->img->w/2)) {
s->xs = abs(s->xs);
if (s->y <= boss->img->h) {
s->ys = abs(s->ys);
} else if (s->y >= SCREENH-2 ) {
s->ys = -abs(s->ys);
/* move */
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
if (s->owner->timer1 == KFS_HORZWAIT) {
// fly until we're level with owner
if (abs((s->y-(s->img->h/2)) - (s->owner->y - (s->owner->img->h/2))) <= (s->img->h/2)) {
// lock y
s->timer1 = KFS_HORZWAIT;
} else if (s->owner->timer1 == KFS_VERTWAIT) {
// fly until we're level with owner
if (abs(s->x - s->owner->x) <= (s->img->w/2)) {
// lock x
s->timer1 = KFS_VERTWAIT;
s->dir = absxs;
s->moved = MV_FLY;
} else {
double absxs,absys;
double xmod,ymod;
if (s->flies) {
if ((s->xs == -99) || (s->ys == -99)) {
s->xs = getspeed(s);
s->ys = -getspeed(s);
if (s->xs > 0) absxs = 1;
else absxs = -1;
if (s->ys > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
/* this will fix the speed if ANGRY is set */
s->xs = absxs*getspeed(s);
s->ys = absys*getspeed(s);
if (s->flies == F_FLYVERT) {
ymod = sin(((double)timer * (double)3.6) * (M_PI/180));
//ymod *= 0.8;
// XXX
xmod = 0;
if (s->ys * (ymod) > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
} else if (s->flies == F_FLYHORZ) {
xmod = sin(((double)timer * (double)3.6) * (M_PI/180));
// XXX
ymod = 0;
if (s->xs * (xmod) > 0) absxs = 1;
else absxs = -1;
} else {
xmod = 0;
ymod = 0;
/* can we move? */
tt = gettileat(s->x + absxs*((s->img->w/2)+8), s->y-(s->img->h/2),NULL,NULL);
if ((tt->solid) || (tt->spikes )) {
/* turn */
s->xs = -s->xs;
tt = gettileat(s->x, s->y-(s->img->h/2) + absys*((s->img->h/2)+8),NULL,NULL);
if ((tt->solid) || (tt->spikes)) {
/* turn */
s->ys = -s->ys;
if (tt->water && !s->swimming) {
/* turn */
s->ys = -s->ys;
/* move */
if (s->flies == F_FLYVERT) {
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += (s->ys * ymod);
} else {
s->x += (s->xs * xmod);
s->y += s->ys;
s->dir = absxs;
s->moved = MV_FLY;
// inc flying timer
if (s->timer1 >= FLY_FLYTIME) {
if (s->flies == F_FLYHORZ) {
s->flies = F_FLYVERT;
} else {
s->flies = F_WALK;
s->timer1 = 0;
} else { // walking - move like a rat
double myspeed = getspeed(s) * 0.75;
double playerdist1,playerdist2,playerdist;
if (!s->falling) {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff, absxdiff;
tiletype_t *tunder;
/* distance to player */
xdiff = getxdisttoplayer(s, NULL);
absxdiff = abs(xdiff);
// tile in front and below
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir*myspeed + (s->dir * (s->img->w/2)),s->y + (TILEH/2),NULL,NULL);
// tile below
tunder = gettileat(s->x ,s->y + 1,NULL,NULL);
/* if there's a hole in front of us and below*/
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
// we're on a slope
if (tunder->solid == S_SLOPE) {
move = B_TRUE;
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*myspeed, B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
s->moved = MV_WALK;
// take off if player is close
if (player) {
playerdist1 = getdistance(player->x,player->y,s->x,s->y);
} else {
playerdist1 = 9999;
if (player2) {
playerdist2 = getdistance(player2->x,player2->y,s->x,s->y);
} else {
playerdist2 = 9999;
if (playerdist1 < playerdist2) {
playerdist = playerdist1;
} else {
playerdist = playerdist2;
if (globpowerup != PW_CAMERA) {
if (playerdist <= (TILEW*10)) {
s->timer1 = 0;
s->flies = F_FLYHORZ;
s->xs = -99;
s->ys = -99;
// ...and take off eventually anyway
if (s->timer1 >= FLY_WALKTIME) {
s->timer1 = 0;
s->flies = F_FLYHORZ;
s->xs = -99;
s->ys = -99;
} else { // falling
tiletype_t *tunder, *t2under;
// tile below
tunder = gettileat(s->x ,s->y,NULL,NULL);
t2under = gettileat(s->x ,s->y+s->img->h,NULL,NULL);
if ((tunder->solid == S_SLOPE) || (t2under->solid == S_SLOPE)) {
movex(s, s->dir*myspeed, B_TRUE);
// reset walk timer
s->timer1 = 0;
// take off eventually
// ...and take off eventually anyway, or if spikes underneath
if ((s->timer1 >= FLY_WALKTIME) || (t2under->spikes) || tunder->spikes) {
s->timer1 = 0;
s->flies = F_FLYHORZ;
s->xs = -99;
s->ys = -99;
} // end if s->owner
} else if (s->id == P_FISH) { // very similar to bee
double absxs,absys;
// dies if not in water
if (!isinwater(s)) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
puffin(-1, s->x, s->y, "nothing", 0);
if ((s->xs == -99) || (s->ys == -99)) {
s->xs = getspeed(s)*2;
s->ys = getspeed(s);
if (s->xs > 0) absxs = 1;
else absxs = -1;
if (s->ys > 0) absys = 1;
else absys = -1;
/* this will fix the speed if ANGRY is set */
s->xs = absxs*getspeed(s)*2;
s->ys = absys*getspeed(s);
/* can we move? */
tt = gettileat(s->x + absxs*((s->img->w/2)+8), s->y-(s->img->h/2),NULL,NULL);
if ((tt->solid) || (tt->spikes )) {
/* turn */
s->xs = -s->xs;
tt = gettileat(s->x, s->y-(s->img->h/2) + absys*((s->img->h/2)+8),NULL,NULL);
if ((tt->solid) || (tt->spikes) || !tt->water) {
/* turn */
s->ys = -s->ys;
/* move */
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
s->dir = absxs;
s->moved = MV_WALK;
} else if (s->id == P_SPIDER) {
/* timer1 loopsfrom 0 - 45
if timer2 is 0, we can shoot. if it is 1, we can't.
if (s->timer1) {
/* if on ground, go up */
if (!s->flies && (isonground(s) || (s->y >= (SCREENH-TILEH) ) )) {
s->flies = B_TRUE;
s->falling = B_FALSE;
s->ys = -getspeed(s);
} else if (s->falling) {
/* if we are about to hit spikes, go back up */
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y + 8,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->spikes) {
/* go back up */
s->flies = B_TRUE;
s->falling = B_FALSE;
s->ys = -getspeed(s);
} else {
if (s->ys != -99) {
/* if roof above us */
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y - s->img->h,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) {
int tiley;
/* start walking again */
tiley = (int) (s->y / TILEH);
s->y = tiley*TILEH;
s->ys = -99;
s->flies = B_TRUE;
} else {
s->y += s->ys;
s->flies = B_TRUE;
} else {
int move = B_FALSE;
int xdiff;
sprite_t *pp = NULL;
/* walk back and forwards */
/* drop if player is close */
xdiff = getxdisttoplayer(s, &pp);
xdiff = abs(xdiff);
if (pp) {
if ((pp->y > s->y) && (xdiff <= (TILEW*2)) && (s->timer1 == 0)) {
s->timer1 = 200;
s->flies = B_FALSE;
s->falling = B_TRUE;
s->fallspeed = 8;
} else {
int tx,ty;
s->flies = B_TRUE;
/* if there's a hole in front of us */
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->dir*((s->img->w/2)+2),s->y - s->img->h - 4,&tx,&ty);
if (tt->solid == S_NOTSOLID) {
move = B_FALSE;
} else {
move = B_TRUE;
/* either move or turn around */
if (move) {
rv = movex(s, s->dir*getspeed(s), B_TRUE);
if (rv) {
/* if we couldn't move (hit a wall), turn */
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else {
s->dir = -s->dir;
} else if ((s->id == P_SPIT) || (s->id == P_FIREBALL)) {
if (movex(s, s->xs, B_TRUE)) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_BIGFIREBALL) {
tiletype_t *tt;
int yyy,tx,ty;
// move
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
// melt any ice bridges it touches
for (yyy = s->y - s->img->h ; yyy < s->y ; yyy += 4) {
tt = gettileat(s->x + (s->img->w/2),yyy, &tx,&ty);
if (isbridge(tt->id)) {
melttile(tx,ty,REGROWTIMER_SHORT, B_PUFF);
// die if it leaves screen
if (s->x >= (SCREENW-TILEW)) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->x <= TILEW) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_LEAF) { // blowing leaf
s->x = s->x + s->xs;
s->y = s->y + s->ys;
// if off screen
if ((s->xs > 0) && (s->x >= (SCREENW - s->img->w))) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if ((s->xs < 0) && (s->x <= (s->img->w))) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_SONAR) {
// timer1 = frame
// update frame
if ((timer % 5) == 0) {
if (s->timer1 >= imageset[P_SONAR].numimages) {
s->timer1 = 0;
// move
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
// die if it leaves screen
if (s->x >= (SCREENW-TILEW)) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->x <= TILEW) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->y >= (SCREENH+(s->img->h))) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->y <= TILEH) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_RAYGUNBULLET) {
s->x += s->xs;
if (s->x >= (SCREENW-TILEW)) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->x <= TILEW) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (s->id == P_PINKCLOUD) {
if (s->timer1 == LV_CLOUD) {
SDL_Surface *ts;
double targx,targy;
double amtleft;
double xdis,ydis,dis;
int turnsleft;
if (s->owner->dead) {
if (s->owner->lives <= 0) { // out of the game
// no use for us anymore...
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else {
If small, grow and move towards player's feet (at a speed
which will get us there when we are fully grown.
targx = s->owner->x;
targy = s->owner->y + (imageset[P_PINKCLOUD].img[F_WALK1]->h / 2);
if (s->img->w < imageset[P_PINKCLOUD].img[F_WALK1]->w) {
// grow
s->size += ((double)PCGROWSPEED);
ts = rotozoomSurfaceXY(imageset[P_PINKCLOUD].img[F_WALK1],0, s->size, s->size,0);
s->img = ts;
// calculate number of turns left
amtleft = 1.0 - s->size; // amount left
turnsleft = (int) (amtleft / (double)PCGROWSPEED);
if (turnsleft < 1) {
// make sure we're in the right place
s->x = targx;
s->y = targy;
s->rotated = 0;
s->timer1 = LV_CLOUDLOOP;
// stop the player teleporting if required
if (s->owner->teleporting) {
// mark the player as on top of us
s->owner->oncloud = B_TRUE;
} else {
// calculate distance to player
xdis = abs(targx - s->x);
ydis = abs(targy - s->y);
dis = sqrt((xdis*xdis) + (ydis*ydis));
// calculate speed needed to reach player x/y in time
s->speed = dis / turnsleft;
// figure out angle to player
s->angle = atan2(targy - s->y, targx - s->x);
// keep between 0 and 360
if (s->angle > (360*(M_PI/180))) {
s->angle -= (360*(M_PI/180));
if (s->angle < 0) {
s->angle += (360*(M_PI/180));
// figure out x/y speed
s->xs = (cos(s->angle) * s->speed);
s->ys = (sin(s->angle) * s->speed);
//printf("cloud: amtleft = %0.2f (1.0 - ssize=%0.2f)",amtleft,s->size);
// printf("cloud: speed = %0.2f, xdis=%0.2f,ydis=%0.2f,dis=%0.2f, turnsleft=%d,xs=%0.2f,ys=%0.2f\n",speed,xdis,ydis,dis,turnsleft,s->xs,s->ys);
// move
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
// keep on screen!!
} else if (s->timer1 == LV_CLOUDLOOP) {
// make sure we are on the screen!!
// should never happen, but...
if (s->x < 0) s->x = 320;
if (s->y < 0) s->y = 240;
if (s->x >= SCREENW) s->x = 320;
if (s->y >= SCREENH) s->y = 240;
// stick player to us
s->owner->x = s->x;
s->owner->y = s->y - (imageset[P_PINKCLOUD].img[F_WALK1]->h / 2);
// turn off player attributes
s->owner->climbing = B_FALSE;
s->owner->netting = B_FALSE;
s->owner->slamming = B_FALSE;
s->owner->jumping = B_FALSE;
// keep turning towards exit (2 degrees at a time)
s->angle += (PCTURN * (M_PI/180));
// keep between 0 and 360
if (s->angle > (360*(M_PI/180))) {
s->angle -= (360*(M_PI/180));
if (s->angle < 0) {
s->angle += (360*(M_PI/180));
// track total rotation
s->rotated += (PCTURN * (M_PI/180));
if (s->angle < (270 * (M_PI/180))) {
// decellerate
if (s->speed > 5) {
s->speed -= 1;
} else {
// accellerate
if (s->speed < 10) {
s->speed += 0.5;
// figure out x/y speed
s->xs = (cos(s->angle) * s->speed);
s->ys = (sin(s->angle) * s->speed);
// move
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
// keep on screen (but use player height
if (s->x > SCREENW-(s->img->w/2)) {
s->x = SCREENW - (s->img->w/2);
if (s->y > SCREENH-(s->img->h/2)) {
s->y = SCREENH - (s->img->h/2);
if (s->x < s->img->w/2) {
s->x = s->img->w/2;
if (s->y < s->owner->img->h/2) {
s->y = s->owner->img->h/2;
// if we've done at least one revolution
if (s->rotated >= 360 * (M_PI/180)) { // done one revolution
sprite_t *c;
int ready = B_TRUE;
// and other cloud is finished or dead...
for (c = sprite ; c ; c = c->next) {
if ((c->id == P_PINKCLOUD) && (c->timer1 != LV_CLOUDLOOP) && (c->owner->lives > 0)) {
ready = B_FALSE;
if (ready) {
// level clear!
levelcomplete = LV_NEXTLEV;
return B_TRUE;
} else if ((levelcomplete == LV_INIT) || (levelcomplete == LV_INPROGRESS)) {
SDL_Surface *ts;
// shrink
s->size -= ((double)PCSHRINKSPEED);
if (s->size <= 0.1) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else {
ts = rotozoomSurfaceXY(imageset[P_PINKCLOUD].img[F_WALK1],0, s->size, s->size,0);
s->img = ts;
// move up slightly
} else if (s->id == P_BLACKCLOUD) {
if ((player && player->dead) || (player2 && player2->dead) || (levelcomplete)) {
if (s->size <= 0.2) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
/* reset hurryup timer */
} else {
SDL_Surface *ts, *cloudim;
if (s->angry) {
cloudim = imageset[P_BLACKCLOUD].img[MAXFRAMES*2];
} else {
cloudim = imageset[P_BLACKCLOUD].img[0];
/* get smaller */
s->size -= 0.1;
ts = rotozoomSurfaceXY(cloudim,0,s->size, s->size, 0);
//ts = rotozoomSurfaceXY(s->img,0, 0.9 , 0.9 ,0);
SDL_FreeSurface(s->img); // free old image
s->img = ts;
} else {
if (!s->invuln) {
if ((s->xs == -99) || (s->ys == -99)) {
if (isplayerabove(s)) {
s->ys = -0.5;
} else {
s->ys = 0.5;
if (isplayerright(s)) {
s->xs = 1;
} else {
s->xs = -1;
s->x += s->xs;
s->y += s->ys;
if (s->x >= (SCREENW - s->img->w/2)) {
s->xs = -s->xs;
s->x = SCREENW - s->img->w/2;
if (s->x <= (s->img->w/2)) {
s->xs = -s->xs;
s->x = s->img->w/2;
//if (s->y >= (SCREENH - s->img->h)) {
if (s->y >= SCREENH-1) {
s->ys = -s->ys;
//s->y = SCREENH - s->img->h;
s->y = SCREENH-1;
if (s->y <= (s->img->h)) {
s->ys = -s->ys;
s->y = s->img->h;
//if (timer % CLOUDGROWSPEED == 0) {
if (1) {
double growamt;
//int w,h;
SDL_Surface *ts, *cloudim;
if (s->angry) {
cloudim = imageset[P_BLACKCLOUD].img[MAXFRAMES*2];
} else {
cloudim = imageset[P_BLACKCLOUD].img[0];
//w = s->img->w;
//h = s->img->h;
//ts = rotozoomSurfaceXY(s->img,0, 1.1 , 1.1 ,0);
growamt = ((double)CLOUDGROWAMT / (double)CLOUDGROWSPEED);
s->size += growamt;
//printf("grow, now %0.2f\n",s->size);
// TODO: free old first? depends if we ever use a preset one
ts = rotozoomSurfaceXY(cloudim,0,s->size, s->size, 0);
s->img = ts;
s->y += growamt;
} // end if !s->invuln
} else if (haspowerupany(PW_MAGNET) && isfruit(s->id) && (isfruit(s->id) != FT_SUPER)) {
sprite_t *who;
who = haspowerupany(PW_MAGNET);
if (abs(who->y - s->y) <= (TILEH)) {
double dis;
double spd;
dis = abs(who->x - s->x); // ie. 0 - SCREENW
if (dis <= 320) {
spd = dis / 45; // ie. 0 - 10
// now reverse it (so the closer it is, the faster it goes)
spd = 7 - spd;
if (spd > 7) spd = 7;
if (who->x > s->x) {
movex(s, spd, B_FALSE);
} else if (who->x < s->x) {
movex(s, -spd, B_FALSE);
} else if (haspowerupany(PW_BADMAGNET) && isfruit(s->id)) {
sprite_t *who;
who = haspowerupany(PW_BADMAGNET);
if (abs(who->y - s->y) <= (TILEH)) {
double dis;
double spd;
dis = abs(who->x - s->x); // ie. 0 - SCREENW
if (dis <= 320) {
spd = dis / 45; // ie. 0 - 10
// now reverse it (so the closer it is, the faster it goes)
spd = 7 - spd;
if (spd > 7) spd = 7;
if (who->x > s->x) {
movex(s, -spd, B_TRUE);
} else if (who->x < s->x) {
movex(s, spd, B_TRUE);
// at endgame, fruits fall down
if (isfruit(s->id) && endgame) {
s->y = s->y + s->ys;
// increase speed
s->ys += 0.2;
// if off screen
if (s->y >= (SCREENH + s->img->h)) {
// die
s->dead = D_FINAL;
return B_FALSE;
void dotileeffects(sprite_t *s) {
tiletype_t *tt;
int finished = B_FALSE;
int state = 0;
int tilex,tiley,checkingx = 0, checkingy = 0;
if (!s) return;
if (iseffect(s->id) || isbullet(s->id)) {
if (s->jumping || s->dead || s->caughtby) {
// no tile effects for machine gun
if (haspowerupany(PW_GUNNER)) {
if (isplayer(s)) {
/* check where we are */
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y-2,&tilex,&tiley);
// teleporters
if ((tt->id == T_TELEPORT) || (tt->id == T_TELEPORT2)) {
//if (!isendoflev()) { // can't enter teleporters after level end to avoid cloud moving too far
if (isplayer(s) || ismonster(s->id)) {
if (s->id != P_BLACKCLOUD) {
if (!s->teleporting) {
s->teleporting = 1;
// }
/* check on top of us */
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y-(s->img->h/2),&tilex,&tiley);
switch (tt->id) {
if (!ismonster(s->id) && !isfruit(s->id)) {
movex(s, 1.5, B_TRUE);
} else if (s->id == P_PLANT) {
movex(s, 1.5, B_TRUE);
if (!ismonster(s->id) && !isfruit(s->id)) {
movex(s, -1.5, B_TRUE);
} else if (s->id == P_PLANT) {
movex(s, -1.5, B_TRUE);
if (!ismonster(s->id) && !isfruit(s->id)) {
s->y += 1.5;
} else if (s->id == P_PLANT) {
s->y += 1.5;
if (isdeadly(tt, tilex, tiley)) {
if (!isfruit(s->id) ) {
if (!s->invuln) {
if ((s->id != P_BLACKCLOUD) && (s->id != P_KINGSNAIL) && (s->id != P_KINGCAT)) {
printf("DB: killed by deadly tile\n"); fflush(stdout);
finished = B_TRUE;
if (!finished) {
/* check under us */
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y+3,&tilex,&tiley);
// remember the exact x/y location we're checking.
checkingx = s->x;
checkingy = s->y+3;
while (!finished) {
if (tt->id == T_RIGHT) {
if (globpowerup != PW_CLOCK) {
if (!ismonster(s->id) && !isfruit(s->id)) {
movex(s, 1.5, B_FALSE);
} else if (s->id == P_PLANT) {
movex(s, 1.5, B_FALSE);
finished = B_TRUE;
} else if (tt->id == T_LEFT) {
if (globpowerup != PW_CLOCK) {
if (!ismonster(s->id) && !isfruit(s->id)) {
movex(s, -1.5, B_FALSE);
} else if (s->id == P_PLANT) {
movex(s, -1.5, B_FALSE);
finished = B_TRUE;
} else if (tt->slippery) {
if (isplayer(s) && !isinwater(s)) {
if (globpowerup != PW_CLOCK) {
if (!s->moved) {
if (s->xs != 0) {
// slide along the ground
movex(s, s->xs, B_FALSE);
// slow down
if (s->xs > 0) {
s->xs -= ICEDECCEL;
if (s->xs < 0) s->xs = 0;
} else if (s->xs < 0) {
s->xs += ICEDECCEL;
if (s->xs > 0) s->xs = 0;
finished = B_TRUE;
} else if (isspikes(tt, tilex, tiley)) {
if (!isfruit(s->id) ) {
if (!s->invuln) {
if ((s->id != P_BLACKCLOUD) && (s->id != P_KINGSNAIL) && (s->id != P_KINGCAT)) {
printf("DB: killed by spikes\n"); fflush(stdout);
finished = B_TRUE;
} else if (tt->id == T_TRAMPUP) {
/* tile changes to trampoline down */
//if (!isfruit(s->id) && !iseffect(s->id) && !isbullet(s->id)) {
if (isplayer(s)) {
// are we on a trampoline already?
if (s->ontramp) {
// a different one?
if ((s->trampx != tilex) || (s->trampy != tiley)) {
// if a different one, release it
if (s->tramplayer == 1) {
curlevel->map[s->trampy * LEVELW + s->trampx] = getuniq(T_TRAMPUP);
} else {
curlevel->map2[s->trampy * LEVELW + s->trampx] = getuniq(T_TRAMPUP);
drawtile(temps, s->trampx, s->trampy);
} else {
tiletype_t *temptile, *tt;
int xoff;
// remember we were on it so it can release
s->ontramp = B_TRUE;
s->trampx = tilex;
s->trampy = tiley;
// which layer was it on?
temptile = gettile(curlevel->map2[s->trampy*LEVELW+s->trampx]);
if (temptile->id == T_TRAMPUP) {
s->tramplayer = 2;
} else {
s->tramplayer = 1;
// move it down then draw it
if (s->tramplayer == 1) {
curlevel->map[tiley*LEVELW+tilex] = getuniq(T_TRAMPDOWN);
} else {
curlevel->map2[tiley*LEVELW+tilex] = getuniq(T_TRAMPDOWN);
drawtile(temps, tilex, tiley);
// move player to new trampoline height
tt = gettile(T_TRAMPDOWN);
xoff = checkingx - (tilex*TILEW);
s->y = (tiley * TILEH) + tt->lowness[xoff];
finished = B_TRUE;
} else if (tt->id == T_TRAMPDOWN) {
// don't keep checking tiles left/right
finished = B_TRUE;
} else {
if (state == 0) {
/* check tile to our right */
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->img->w/2,s->y+3,&tilex,&tiley);
checkingx = s->x + s->img->w/2;
checkingy = s->y+3;
state = 1;
} else if (state == 1) {
/* check tile to our left */
tt = gettileat(s->x - s->img->w/2,s->y+3,&tilex,&tiley);
checkingx = s->x - s->img->w/2;
checkingy = s->y+3;
state = 2;
} else {
finished = B_TRUE;
// initial transition to a new level
void drawlevel(void) {
int x,y,i;
double turns;
double dist[2];
int speed = 16;
//SDL_Surface *playerbg = NULL, *playerbg2 = NULL;
//SDL_Surface *cloudbg = NULL,*cloudbg2 = NULL;
SDL_Surface *screencopy = NULL;
int got1p = B_FALSE,got2p = B_FALSE;
sprite_t tempcloud, tempcloud2;
levscrollinfo_t scrollinfo;
// this will hold a copy of the NEW level that we're going to.
if (temps) {
temps = NULL;
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
// this will be a copy of the real screen we take before
// drawing the player and cloud sprites.
// no alpha mask on screen copy - otherwise we'll need to draw
// black all over it to make clear out alpha channel.
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
screen->format->Gmask,screen->format->Bmask, 0);
if (player && player->lives > 0) got1p = B_TRUE;
if (player2 && player2->lives > 0) got2p = B_TRUE;
if (!got1p && !got2p) {
// ERROR!!
printf("trying to transition level with no players!!\n ");
// initialise values so we don't accidentally use them
// uninitialied...
scrollinfo.player = player;
scrollinfo.player2 = player2;
scrollinfo.cloud = NULL;
scrollinfo.cloud2 = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
scrollinfo.dstx[i] = 0;
scrollinfo.dsty[i] = 0;
scrollinfo.xdis[i] = 0;
scrollinfo.ydis[i] = 0;
scrollinfo.pspeed[i] = 1;
// init clouds
if (got1p) {
scrollinfo.cloud = &tempcloud;
scrollinfo.cloud->id = P_PINKCLOUD;
scrollinfo.cloud->iceimg = NULL;
// redo image
scrollinfo.cloud->img =rotozoomSurfaceXY(imageset[P_PINKCLOUD].img[F_WALK1],0,1,1,0);
// set player image
player->img = imageset[player->id].img[F_SHOOT];
if (got2p) {
scrollinfo.cloud2 = &tempcloud2;
scrollinfo.cloud2->id = P_PINKCLOUD;
scrollinfo.cloud2->iceimg = NULL;
// redo image
scrollinfo.cloud2->img =rotozoomSurfaceXY(imageset[P_PINKCLOUD].img[F_WALK1],0,1,1,0);
// set player image
player2->img = imageset[player2->id].img[F_SHOOT];
// draw the full (new) level onto the temporary surface
for (x = 0; x < LEVELW; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < LEVELH; y++) {
// figure out where the players' new start positions are
if (player) {
scrollinfo.dstx[0] = (curlevel->p1x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
scrollinfo.dsty[0] = (curlevel->p1y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
if (player2) {
scrollinfo.dstx[1] = (curlevel->p2x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
scrollinfo.dsty[1] = (curlevel->p2y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
// figure out distance to newposition
if (player) {
scrollinfo.xdis[0] = player->x - scrollinfo.dstx[0];
if (scrollinfo.xdis[0] < 0) scrollinfo.xdis[0] = -scrollinfo.xdis[0];
scrollinfo.ydis[0] = player->y - scrollinfo.dsty[0];
if (scrollinfo.ydis[0] < 0) scrollinfo.ydis[0] = -scrollinfo.ydis[0];
if (player2) {
scrollinfo.xdis[1] = player2->x - scrollinfo.dstx[1];
if (scrollinfo.xdis[1] < 0) scrollinfo.xdis[1] = -scrollinfo.xdis[1];
scrollinfo.ydis[1] = player2->y - scrollinfo.dsty[1];
if (scrollinfo.ydis[1] < 0) scrollinfo.ydis[1] = -scrollinfo.ydis[1];
// figure out how many loops it will take to scroll to the next level
switch (oldexitdir) {
case D_LEFT:
case D_RIGHT:
speed = 16;
turns = SCREENW / speed;
case D_UP:
case D_DOWN:
speed = 12;
turns = SCREENH / speed;
//turns -= 2; // just to be safe
if (turns < 1) turns = 1;
// figure out how fast player needs to move to get there in time
if (player) {
dist[0] = sqrt((scrollinfo.xdis[0]*scrollinfo.xdis[0]) + (scrollinfo.ydis[0]*scrollinfo.ydis[0]));
scrollinfo.pspeed[0] = dist[0] / turns;
if (player2) {
dist[1] = sqrt((scrollinfo.xdis[1]*scrollinfo.xdis[1]) + (scrollinfo.ydis[1]*scrollinfo.ydis[1]));
scrollinfo.pspeed[1] = dist[1] / turns;
// just to be sure
//pspeed += 1;
// The overall plan here is:
// - Move player(s) + cloud(s) to new position
// - shuffle screen along
// - blit the next column of the new level in place
if (oldexitdir == D_LEFT) {
for (x = 0; x < SCREENW; x += speed) {
leveltransition_scrolllevel( 0, 0, SCREENW-speed, SCREENH,
speed, 0,
SCREENW-x, 0, speed, SCREENH,
0, 0, 0, 0);
leveltransition_blit(&scrollinfo, screencopy);
} else if (oldexitdir == D_UP) {
for (y = 0; y < SCREENH; y += speed) {
leveltransition_scrolllevel( 0, 0, SCREENW, SCREENH-speed,
0, speed,
0, SCREENH-y, SCREENW, speed,
0, 0, 0, 0);
leveltransition_blit(&scrollinfo, screencopy);
} else if (oldexitdir == D_DOWN) {
for (y = 0; y < SCREENH; y += speed) {
leveltransition_scrolllevel( 0, speed, SCREENW, SCREENH-speed,
0, 0,
0, y, SCREENW, speed,
0, SCREENH-speed, 0, 0);
leveltransition_blit(&scrollinfo, screencopy);
} else { // RIGHT right, or default
for (x = 0; x < SCREENW; x += speed) {
leveltransition_scrolllevel( speed, 0, SCREENW-speed, SCREENH,
0, 0,
x, 0, speed, SCREENH,
SCREENW-speed, 0, 0, 0);
leveltransition_blit(&scrollinfo, screencopy);
SDL_BlitSurface(screencopy, NULL, screen, NULL);
levelcomplete = B_FALSE;
double getspeed(sprite_t *s ) {
int id = s->id;
double speed = DEFAULTSPEED;
if ((s == player) || (s == player2)) {
if (haspowerup(s, PW_PILL)) {
} else {
speed = s->speed;
} else if (id == P_SNAIL) {
if (s->recoiling) {
speed = 2;
} else {
if (s->angry) speed = 1;
else speed = 0.5;
} else if (id == P_SLUG) {
if (s->angry) speed = 1;
else speed = 0.5;
if (s->jumping) {
speed = 8; // very fast jumping
} else if (id == P_FROG) {
if (s->angry) speed = 1.5;
else speed = 1;
} else if (id == P_RAT) {
if (s->angry) speed = 1.5;
else speed = 1;
} else if (id == P_WSPIDER) {
if (s->angry) speed = 1.5;
else speed = 1;
} else if (id == P_ANT1) {
if (s->angry) speed = 1.5;
else speed = 1;
} else if (id == P_ANT2) {
if (s->angry) speed = 2.5;
else speed = 2;
} else if (id == P_ANT3) {
if (s->angry) speed = 2.5;
else speed = 2;
} else if (id == P_SNAKE) {
if (s->angry) speed = 1.5;
else speed = 1;
} else if (id == P_BEE) {
if (s->angry) speed = 2;
else speed = 1;
} else if (id == P_FLY) {
if (s->owner) {
speed = 2;
} else {
if (s->angry) speed = 2.5;
else speed = 1.5;
} else if (id == P_SPIDER) {
if (s->angry) speed = 2;
else speed = 1.5;
} else if (id == P_BAT) {
if (s->angry) speed = 3;
else speed = 2.5;
} else if (id == P_SONAR) {
speed = 2.5;
} else if (id == P_KINGRAT) {
speed = 1.5;
} else if (id == P_KINGANT) {
speed = 1.5;
} else if (id == P_KINGFLY) {
speed = 2;
} else if (id == P_KINGCAT) {
speed = 2;
} else if (id == P_PLATFORM) {
if (isinwater(s) && (s->id != P_FISH) && (s->id != P_FROG)) {
if (!s->hasmask) {
speed /= 2;
if ((globpowerup == PW_SPRAYUP) || (globpowerup == PW_SPRAYDOWN)) {
if (!isplayer(s)) {
speed /= 2;
return speed;
void addfadingtile(int x, int y) {
int i;
sprite_t *s;
for (i = 0; i < nfadingtiles; i++) {
if ((tilefadex[i] == x) && (tilefadey[i] == y)) {
// already there
tilefadex[nfadingtiles] = x;
tilefadey[nfadingtiles] = y;
// add drip
s = addsprite(P_DRIP, x*TILEW + (TILEW/4) + (rand() % (TILEW/2)), (y*TILEH) + TILEH, "drip");
s->fallspeed = ICEDRIPSPEED;
int addtext(int x, int y, int size, char *string, SDL_Color *c, int delay, int ttype) {
text_t *t;
if (text == NULL) {
text = malloc(sizeof(text_t));
t = text;
t->prev = NULL;
} else {
t = lasttext;
t->next = malloc(sizeof(text_t));
t->next->prev = t;
t = t->next;
t->bg = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
300, 110,
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
t->type = ttype;
t->c = c;
t->x = x;
t->y = y;
t->maxsize = size;
t->size = 3;
strcpy(t->txt, string);
t->state = 0;
t->delay = delay;
t->img = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[t->size], t->txt, *t->c);
if (t->img == NULL) {
printf("rendertext failed for '%s'\n", t->txt);
t->next = NULL;
lasttext = t;
return B_FALSE;
void movetext(void) {
text_t *t,*nextt;
int newhelpfreeze = B_FALSE;
for (t = text ; t ; t = nextt) {
nextt = t->next;
if (t->state == 0) {
t->size += TEXTSPEED;
if (t->size >= t->maxsize) {
if (t->type == TT_HELP) {
// freeze
oldlevelcomplete = levelcomplete;
levelcomplete = LV_HELPFREEZE;
t->state = t->delay;
newhelpfreeze = B_TRUE;
} else {
t->state = 1;
} else if (t->state == t->delay) {
t->size -= TEXTSPEED;
if (t->size <= 3) {
if ((t->type == TT_GAMEOVER) && (levelcomplete == LV_GAMEOVER)) {
// start game over timer
gameovertime = gtime;
if (t->type == TT_INTROTEXT) {
introstate = IS_JUMP;
} else {
if (newhelpfreeze) {
// expire delay on all help text
for (t = text ; t ; t = t->next) {
if (t->type == TT_HELPSHADOW) {
t->state = t->delay;
void drawbosshealth(void) {
int i;
SDL_Rect area;
int healthframe;
int maxhealth;
maxhealth = getbosshealth(boss->id);
area.x = (SCREENW/2) - maxhealth*(healthbar[0]->w+HEALTHBARGAP);
area.y = HEALTHBARY;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
// for each health point, draw two bars
for (i = 0; i < boss->lives; i++) {
if (i < (maxhealth/8)) {
healthframe = HF_RED;
} else if (i <= (maxhealth/3)) {
healthframe = HF_YELLOW;
} else {
healthframe = HF_GREEN;
SDL_BlitSurface(healthbar[healthframe], NULL, screen, &area);
area.x += (healthbar[healthframe]->w + HEALTHBARGAP);
SDL_BlitSurface(healthbar[healthframe], NULL, screen, &area);
area.x += (healthbar[healthframe]->w + HEALTHBARGAP);
void drawscore(void) {
SDL_Surface *score;
SDL_Rect area;
SDL_Color scorecol;
int i;
int numtoshow;
int numtoshow2;
int scoreval;
if (player) {
SDL_Surface *myhead,*myhead5;
if (swapplayers) {
myhead = head2;
myhead5 = head52;
} else {
myhead = head;
myhead5 = head5;
if (forcegoodcard) {
if ((timer / LUCKYFLASH) % 2 == 0) {
scorecol = green;
} else {
scorecol = red;
} else {
scorecol = red;
if (wantframerate) {
scoreval = fps;
sprintf(tempm, "%d fps",scoreval);
} else {
scoreval = player->score;
addcommas(tempm, scoreval);
/* shadow */
score = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_SCORE], tempm, black);
area.x = P1SCOREX-2;
area.y = SCOREY;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(score, NULL, screen, &area);
/* score */
score = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_SCORE], tempm, scorecol);
area.x = P1SCOREX;
area.y = SCOREY-2;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(score, NULL, screen, &area);
// lives
if (player->lives > 0) {
// show 1 less than lives
numtoshow = player->lives-1;
area.x = P1LIVESX;
area.y = LIVESY;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
// show "x5" for lots of lives
while (numtoshow >= 5) {
SDL_BlitSurface(myhead5, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x += (myhead5->w + 3);
numtoshow -= 5;
for (i = 0; i < numtoshow; i++) {
SDL_BlitSurface(myhead, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x += (myhead->w + 3);
} else {
area.x = P1LIVESX;
area.y = LIVESY;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(grave, NULL, screen, &area);
// cards
if (levelcomplete != LV_DOPOKER) {
area.x = CARDX;
area.y = CARDY;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
for (i = 0; i < player->numcards; i++) {
SDL_Surface *cardimg;
cardimg = imageset[player->card[i]].img[F_WALK1];
SDL_BlitSurface(cardimg, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x += (cardimg->w + 2);
if (player2) {
SDL_Surface *myhead,*myhead5;
if (swapplayers) {
myhead = head;
myhead5 = head5;
} else {
myhead = head2;
myhead5 = head52;
if (forcegoodcard) {
if ((timer / LUCKYFLASH) % 2 == 0) {
scorecol = green;
} else {
scorecol = purple;
} else {
scorecol = purple;
if (wantframerate) {
scoreval = fps;
sprintf(tempm, "%d fps",scoreval);
} else {
scoreval = player2->score;
addcommas(tempm, scoreval);
/* shadow */
score = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_SCORE], tempm, black);
area.x = SCREENW - score->w - P1SCOREX - 2;
area.y = SCOREY-2;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(score, NULL, screen, &area);
/* score */
score = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_SCORE], tempm, scorecol);
area.x = SCREENW - score->w - P1SCOREX;
area.y = SCOREY;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(score, NULL, screen, &area);
// lives
if (player2->lives > 0) {
// show 1 less than lives
numtoshow = player2->lives-1;
area.x = SCREENW - P1LIVESX;
area.y = LIVESY;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
// go left correct amount
numtoshow2 = numtoshow;
while (numtoshow2 >= 5) {
area.x -= (myhead->w + 3);
numtoshow2 -= 5;
for (i = 0; i < numtoshow2; i++) {
area.x -= (myhead->w + 3);
// now start displaying
// show "x5" for lots of lives
while (numtoshow >= 5) {
SDL_BlitSurface(myhead5, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x += (myhead5->w + 3);
numtoshow -= 5;
for (i = 0; i < numtoshow; i++) {
SDL_BlitSurface(myhead, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x += (myhead->w + 3);
} else {
area.x = SCREENW - P1LIVESX - (myhead->w);
area.y = LIVESY;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(grave, NULL, screen, &area);
// cards
if (levelcomplete != LV_DOPOKER) {
//area.x = SCREENW - CARDX - (5*(imageset[P_FIRSTCARD].img[F_WALK1]->w + 2));
area.x = SCREENW - CARDX - (imageset[P_FIRSTCARD].img[F_WALK1]->w );
area.y = CARDY;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
for (i = 0; i < player2->numcards; i++) {
SDL_Surface *cardimg;
cardimg = imageset[player2->card[i]].img[F_WALK1];
SDL_BlitSurface(cardimg, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x -= (cardimg->w + 2);
// level #
if (globpowerup != PW_ENDGAME) {
sprintf(tempm, "Level %d-%d",getcurworld(), getcurlevel());
/* shadow */
score = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_SCORE], tempm, black);
area.x = 320-(score->w/2)-2;
area.y = 7;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(score, NULL, screen, &area);
/* text */
score = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_SCORE], tempm, white);
area.x = 320-(score->w/2);
area.y = 5;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
SDL_BlitSurface(score, NULL, screen, &area);
void drawtext(void) {
text_t *t;
SDL_Rect area;
for (t = text ; t ; t = t->next) {
if ((levelcomplete != LV_HELPFREEZE) || (t->type == TT_HELP)) {
/* create text */
if (t->img) {
t->img = NULL;
t->img = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[t->size], t->txt, *t->c);
// make sure it's on the screen (leave space for border)
if (t->x - (t->img->w / 2) < 2) { // left
t->x = 2 + (t->img->w/2);
if (t->x + (t->img->w / 2) > SCREENW-2) { // right
t->x = SCREENW-2 - (t->img->w/2);
if (t->y - (t->img->h / 2) < 2) { // top
t->y = 2 + (t->img->h/2);
if (t->y + (t->img->h / 2) > SCREENH-2) { // bottom
t->y = SCREENH-2 - (t->img->h/2);
/* get bg */
t->bgarea.x = t->x - t->img->w/2;
t->bgarea.y = t->y - t->img->h/2;
t->bgarea.w = t->img->w;
t->bgarea.h = t->img->h;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &t->bgarea, t->bg, NULL);
/* draw text */
area.x = t->x - t->img->w/2;
area.y = t->y - t->img->h/2;
area.w = t->img->w;
area.h = t->img->h;
SDL_BlitSurface(t->img,NULL, screen, &area);
/* copy background buffer (ie. tiles) to screen, erasing sprites */
void removeall(void) {
sprite_t *s;
text_t *t;
SDL_Rect area;
int clearfull = B_FALSE;
int *animtile;
switch (player->powerup) {
case PW_BOMB:
clearfull = B_TRUE;
switch (levelcomplete) {
case LV_CLOUD:
clearfull = B_TRUE;
if (curlevel->iced) clearfull = B_TRUE;
if (paused) clearfull = B_TRUE;
if (playedbell == BELL_DONESOUND) {
if (timer < BELLTIME) {
clearfull = B_TRUE;
if (isbosslevel(curlevelnum)) {
clearfull = B_TRUE;
clearfull = B_TRUE;
if (clearfull) {
// clear the entire screen
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, NULL, screen, NULL);
} else {
for (s = sprite; s ; s = s->next) {
// blit every tile coverting this sprite
startx = s->x - (s->img->w/2);
starty = s->y - s->img->h;
endx = s->x + (s->img->w/2);
endy = s->y;
for (y = starty ; y <= endy; y++) {
for (x = startx ; x <= endx; x++) {
// animated tiles
for (animtile = curlevel->animtiles; animtile && *animtile != -1; animtile++) {
int offset,tx,ty;
offset = *animtile;
tx = offset%LEVELW; ty = offset / LEVELW;
area.x = tx*TILEW;
area.y = ty*TILEH;
area.w = TILEW;
area.h = TILEH;
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, &area, screen, &area);
// remove all text
for (t = text ; t ; t = t->next) {
/* draw text */
area.x = t->x - t->img->w/2;
area.y = t->y - t->img->h/2;
area.w = t->img->w;
area.h = t->img->h;
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, &area, screen, &area);
// clear top left (with score +cards)
area.x = 0;
area.y = 0;
area.w = 200;
area.h = 80;
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, &area, screen, &area);
// clear top middle (level)
area.x = 250;
area.y = 0;
area.w = 100;
area.h = 25;
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, &area, screen, &area);
// clear bottom middle (credits)
area.x = 270;
area.y = 455;
area.w = 130;
area.h = 24;
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, &area, screen, &area);
void drawnetting(sprite_t *s) {
int sx;
int xx;
SDL_Rect area;
if (!s) return;
if (s->powerup == PW_RAYGUN) return;
if (s->netting) {
int y,yy;
int dis;
int netsleft;
sx = s->x;
s->nety = s->y - (s->img->h/2) + 2;
s->netxstart = s->x;
s->netystart = s->nety - 3;
if (s->netdir == 1) {
area.x = s->netxstart + TILEW/2;
} else {
area.x = s->netxstart - TILEW/2 - s->netlen;
//area.y = s->netystart;
area.y = s->y - s->img->h-2 + 2;
area.w = s->netlen;
area.h = s->img->h+2;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &area,s->netbg, NULL);
netsleft = s->netmax - s->netcaught;
if (netsleft < 1) netsleft = 1;
dis = (int)s->img->h / (int)(netsleft+1) + 1;
for (y = dis; y < s->img->h; y += dis) {
SDL_Rect endarea;
SDL_Surface *netim;
yy = s->y - s->img->h;
yy += y;
xx = s->x + s->netdir*s->netlen;
if (s->netsticky) {
} else {
// add sparkle
xx = s->x + s->netdir*s->netlen;
if (levelcomplete != LV_HELPFREEZE) {
addsprite(P_SPARKLE, xx + (rand() % 14) - 7, yy + (rand() % 8) - 4, "sparkle");
netim = imageset[P_NET].img[(s->netdir == 1) ? 0 : 1];
endarea.x = xx;
endarea.y = yy - (netim->h/2);
SDL_BlitSurface(netim, NULL, screen, &endarea);
//drawline(screen,sx,s->nety,s->x + s->netdir*s->netlen,s->nety-3,white);
//drawline(screen,sx,s->nety,s->x + s->netdir*s->netlen,s->nety,white);
//drawline(screen,sx,s->nety,s->x + s->netdir*s->netlen,s->nety+3,white);
} else if (s->slamming) {
double dist;
int x,y;
int ii;
SDL_Color *col1,*col2;
dist = (s->slamangle * (180/M_PI))/2;
if (s->powerup == PW_SMALLNET) {
dist /= 2;
s->netxstart = s->x + cos(s->slamangle-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist*s->dir;
s->netystart = s->y + sin(s->slamangle-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist;
// select colours
if (s->netsticky) {
col1 = &orange;
col2 = &yellow;
} else {
col1 = &white;
col2 = &white2;
/* middle dotline */
drawdotline16(screen,s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2,
/* left dotline */
x = s->x + cos(s->slamangle-(5*(M_PI/180))-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist*s->dir;
y = s->y + sin(s->slamangle-(5*(M_PI/180))-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist;
drawdotline16(screen,s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2,x, y, *col1,*col2);
/* right dotline */
x = s->x + cos(s->slamangle+(5*(M_PI/180))-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist*s->dir;
y = s->y + sin(s->slamangle+(5*(M_PI/180))-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist;
drawdotline16(screen,s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2,x, y, *col1,*col2);
// add sparkles
for (ii = 0 ; ii < s->netmax; ii++) {
addsprite(P_SPARKLE, s->netxstart + (rand() % 8) - 4, s->netystart + (rand() % 8) - 4, "sparkle");
void removenetting(sprite_t *s) {
SDL_Rect area,sarea;
if (s->netting) {
sarea.x = 0;
sarea.y = 0;
sarea.w = s->netlen;
sarea.h = s->img->h+2;
if (s->netdir == 1) {
area.x = s->netxstart + TILEW/2;
} else {
area.x = s->netxstart - TILEW/2 - s->netlen;
//area.y = s->netystart;
area.y = s->y - s->img->h-2;
area.w = s->netlen;
area.h = s->img->h+2;
if (s->netbg != NULL) {
SDL_BlitSurface(s->netbg, &sarea, screen, &area);
int randommonster(void) {
switch (rand() % 4) {
case 0: return P_RAT;
case 1: return P_BEE;
case 2: return P_ANT2;
case 3: return P_WSPIDER;
return P_RAT;
void removesprite(sprite_t *s) {
int startx,starty,endx,endy;
int x,y;
if (s == NULL) return;
// find topleft-most tile
gettileat(s->x - s->img->w, s->y - s->img->h,&startx,&starty);
// find bottomright-most tile
gettileat(s->x + s->img->w, s->y + s->img->h,&endx,&endy);
if (s->slamming) {
if (s->dir == D_LEFT) {
startx -= 5;
endx += 1;
} else {
startx -= 1;
endx += 5;
starty -= 2;
endy += 1;
if (s->netting) {
if (s->dir == D_LEFT) {
if (s->powerup == PW_ACCORDION) {
startx = 0;
} else {
startx -= 5;
} else {
if (s->powerup == PW_ACCORDION) {
endx = LEVELW-1;
} else {
endx += 5;
starty -= 1;
endy += 1;
if (s->doublejump) {
if (s->dir == D_LEFT) {
endx += 2;
} else {
startx -= 2;
// handle spider's web
if ((s->id == P_SPIDER) && ((s->ys != -99) || s->falling) && !s->dead && !s->caughtby && !s->iced) {
// do entire column
starty = 0;
// draw the tiles
for (y = starty; y <= endy; y++) {
for (x = startx; x <= endx; x++) {
int isonbridge(sprite_t *s) {
tiletype_t *tthere;
tthere = gettileat(s->x,s->y, NULL,NULL);
if (isbridge(tthere->id)) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isladder(int tid) {
switch (tid) {
case T_LADDER:
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
// return the x position of the middle of the ladder if so
int isonladder(sprite_t *s) {
int tx;
tiletype_t *tthere;
tthere = gettileat(s->x,s->y, &tx,NULL);
if (isladder(tthere->id)) {
return (tx*TILEW)+(TILEW/2);
// if ladder above and climbing
if (isladderabove(s) && s->climbing) {
return isladderabove(s);
return B_FALSE;
// return the x position of the middle of the ladder if so
int isladderabove(sprite_t *s) {
tiletype_t *tthere;
int tx;
//tthere = gettileat(s->x,s->y-TILEH, NULL,NULL);
tthere = gettileat(s->x,s->y-s->img->h, &tx,NULL);
if (isladder(tthere->id)) {
return (tx*TILEW)+(TILEW/2);
return B_FALSE;
// return the x position of the middle of the ladder if so
int isladderbelow(sprite_t *s) {
tiletype_t *tthere;
int tx;
//tthere = gettileat(s->x,s->y-TILEH, NULL,NULL);
tthere = gettileat(s->x,s->y, &tx,NULL);
if (isladder(tthere->id)) {
return (tx*TILEW)+(TILEW/2);
return B_FALSE;
int isdeadly(tiletype_t *tt, int tx, int ty) {
int curframe;
curframe = curlevel->tileframe[ty*LEVELW+tx];
if (tt->killframe[curframe]) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isspikes(tiletype_t *tt, int tx, int ty) {
int curframe;
if (tt->spikes) return B_TRUE;
curframe = curlevel->tileframe[ty*LEVELW+tx];
if (tt->spikeframe[curframe]) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isinwater(sprite_t *s) {
return isinwaterpoint(s->x, s->y - s->img->h/2);
int isinwaterpoint(int x, int y) {
tiletype_t *tt;
tt = gettileat(x, y, NULL, NULL);
if (tt->water) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isroofabove(sprite_t *s) {
tiletype_t *tt;
/* get tile above sprite's head */
tt = gettileat(s->x, s->y - s->img->h,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) return B_TRUE;
tt = gettileat(s->x + s->img->w/3, s->y - s->img->h,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) return B_TRUE;
tt = gettileat(s->x - s->img->w/3, s->y - s->img->h,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
/* is there a roof n tiles above us. If howfar is 1, this is the same
as the regular isroofabove() */
int isroofnabove(sprite_t *s, int howfar) {
tiletype_t *tt;
int ypos;
ypos = s->y - s->img->h - TILEH*(howfar-1);
if (ypos < 0) return B_TRUE;
/* get tile above sprite's head */
tt = gettileat(s->x, ypos,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) return B_TRUE;
tt = gettileat(s->x + (s->img->w/2 - 2), ypos,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) return B_TRUE;
tt = gettileat(s->x - (s->img->w/2 - 2), ypos,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isonground(sprite_t *s) {
// are we on a platform?
if (s->onplatform) {
return B_TRUE;
// antigrav?
if (s->antigrav ) {
return B_TRUE;
/* get tile below sprite's feet */
if (isongroundpoint(s, s->x, s->y)) {
return B_TRUE;
if ((s->dead) || (!s->falling && !s->dropping)) {
if (!s->swimming) {
if (isongroundpoint(s, s->x + s->img->w/2, s->y)) {
return B_TRUE;
if (isongroundpoint(s, s->x - s->img->w/2, s->y)) {
return B_TRUE;
//if (s->falling && s->id == P_KINGRAT) {
if (s->id == P_KINGRAT) {
if (isongroundpoint(s, s->x + s->img->w/2, s->y)) {
return B_TRUE;
if (isongroundpoint(s, s->x - s->img->w/2, s->y)) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isongroundpoint(sprite_t *s, int x,int y) {
tiletype_t *tt;
int tilex,tiley;
int xoff;
int groundy;
if (s->onplatform) {
return B_TRUE;
tt = gettileat(x,y, &tilex, &tiley);
// slope etc doesn't matter if you're dead
if (s->dead && tt->solid) {
return B_TRUE;
// when dropping, the tile you dropped from doesn't count
// as "ground".
//if (s->dropping && (tilex == s->dropx) && (tiley == s->dropy)) {
if (s->dropping && (tiley == s->dropy)) {
return B_FALSE;
/* get offset */
xoff = x - (tilex*TILEW);
/* if it's not solid... */
if (tt->solid == 0) {
return B_FALSE;
} else {
/* check height of tile at that position */
groundy = tiley*TILEH + tt->lowness[xoff];
/* above ground level */
if (y < groundy) {
return B_FALSE;
} else if (y > groundy + 3) {
/* below ground level */
if (s->jumping) {
return B_FALSE;
} else if (s->falling) {
tiletype_t *abovetile;
/* falling, on a tile, but with tiles above you */
// ie. you've jumped up through a single tile (can't
// jump through two or more tiles
abovetile = gettileat(x,y-TILEH, NULL, NULL);
if (abovetile->solid) {
return B_FALSE;
// } else if (s->dropping) {
// tiletype_t *abovetile;
/* if the tile we're on is solid but not the one
above, then we've "dropped" and are still
travelling through the tile we dropped from. */
// abovetile = gettileat(x,y-TILEH, NULL, NULL);
// if (!abovetile->solid) {
// return B_FALSE;
// }
return B_TRUE;
void dogravity(sprite_t *s) {
sprite_t *s2;
tiletype_t *tt;
int tilex,tiley;
if (!s) return;
if (s->id == P_PINKCLOUD) return;
// only player can move if you have a clock
if (globpowerup == PW_CLOCK) {
if (!iseffect(s->id) && (!isplayer(s)) && !s->caughtby && !s->dead) {
// no gravity for players if you have the machine gun
if (haspowerupany(PW_GUNNER)) {
if (isplayer(s)) {
// if we were on a trampoline and are now not, it releases */
if (s->id != P_BLACKCLOUD) {
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y,&tilex,&tiley);
if (s->ontramp) {
if (s->trampy == tiley) {
// you jump automatically!
jump(s, s->xs / getspeed(s));
} else {
//if (s->trampy != tiley) {
// change tile type
if (s->tramplayer == 1) {
curlevel->map[s->trampy * LEVELW + s->trampx] = getuniq(T_TRAMPUP);
} else {
curlevel->map2[s->trampy * LEVELW + s->trampx] = getuniq(T_TRAMPUP);
drawtile(temps, s->trampx, s->trampy);
// update sprite settings
s->ontramp = B_FALSE;
s->trampx = -1;
s->trampy = -1;
if (s->dead) return;
// update flashing bosses
if ((s == boss) && (s->angry)) {
if (s->flies && !s->iced) return; // no gravity if you fly, but ice cancels flying
if (s->id != P_KSSHELL) {
if (iseffect(s->id)) return;
if (isbullet(s->id)) return;
//if (isonladder(s) && !s->falling && !s->jumping) {
if (isonladder(s) ) {
s->falling = B_FALSE;
// iced sprites can't jump
if (s->iced) {
s->jumping = B_FALSE;
// update water stats
if ((isplayer(s) || ismonster(s->id)) && !s->oncloud) {
if (isinwater(s)) {
if (!s->swimming) {
// we just entered the water
s->swimming = B_TRUE;
s->watertimer = rand() % BUBBLETIME;
// play a splash sound
if (curlevel->iced != WATER_INPROGRESS) {
if (!s->caughtby && !s->dead) {
// give player a mask if they don't have one
if (isplayer(s) && (s->hasmask)) {
sprite_t *ms;
int found = B_FALSE;
// is there one already?
for (ms = sprite; ms ; ms = ms->next) {
if ((ms->id == P_MASK) && (ms->owner == s)) {
found = B_TRUE;
if (!found) {
ms = addsprite(P_MASK, s->x + MASKOFFSETX*s->dir, s->y + MASKOFFSETY, "mask");
ms->owner = s;
// adjust x pos so we don't get stuck in a wall
if (isplayer(s)) adjustx(s, F_SWIM1);
else adjustx(s, F_WALK1);
if (isplayer(s)) {
// dim the music
// generate bubbles
// just use s->x and s->y to add randomness, so that
// all sprites don't make bubbles at the same time
if (s->watertimer >= BUBBLETIME) {
addsprite(P_BUBBLE,s->x + (s->dir*((s->img->w/4)+(rand() % 12 - 6))),s->y-(s->img->h/2),"bubble" );
s->watertimer = 0;
} else {
if (s->swimming) {
sprite_t *ms;
// exitted the water
s->swimming = B_FALSE;
if (isplayer(s)) {
// get rid of the mask
for (ms = sprite; ms ; ms = ms->next) {
if ((ms->id == P_MASK) && (ms->owner == s)) {
ms->dead = D_FINAL;
if (s->climbing) {
int attop = B_FALSE;
// check if we are at the top of our ladder
//tt = gettileat(s->x, s->y - s->img->h-1,NULL,NULL);
if (!isonladder(s)) {
attop = B_TRUE;
if (isongroundpoint(s, s->x, s->y)) {
if (!isongroundpoint(s, s->x, s->y-1)) {
attop = B_TRUE;
if (attop) {
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
} else {
// don't do any more checking
// handle jumps
if (s->jumping) {
s->falling = B_FALSE;
s->y -= s->jumpspeed;
if (s->jumping % 5 == 0) {
if (s->jumpspeed > 0) {
} else {
s->jumping = B_FALSE;
s->falling = B_TRUE;
s->fallspeed = 0;
if (s->powerup == PW_JETPACK) {
puffin(-1, s->x, s->y, "jet_puff", 0);
// handle ring
if (isplayer(s)) {
if (s->powerup == PW_RINGJUMP) {
if (timer % 2 == 0) {
int xx,yy;
// add sparkle
xx = s->x + (rand() % s->img->w) - (s->img->w/2);
yy = s->y - (rand() % (s->img->h/2));
addsprite(P_SPARKLE, xx, yy, "sparkle");
// gain points
addscore(s, 65);
// king ant makes flames
if (s->id == P_KINGANT) {
// add flames on it
if (( timer % 2) == 0) {
addsprite(P_FLAME, s->x + (rand() % s->img->w) - (s->img->w/2),
s->y - (s->img->h/2) + (rand() % s->img->h/2), "antflame");
/* have we hit a roof ? */
if (isroofabove(s)) {
// king ANT destroys tiles when jumping, and shoots at players
if (s->id == P_KINGANT) {
int xxx;
int tx,ty;
// melt roof
for (xxx = s->x - (s->img->w/2) ; xxx < s->x + (s->img->w/2) ; xxx += TILEW) {
tt = gettileat(xxx, s->y - s->img->h,&tx,&ty);
if (isbridge(tt->id)) {
// melt it!
melttile(tx,ty,REGROWTIMER_LONG, B_PUFF);
// shoot at players
if (!s->bullet) {
sprite_t *mytarget;
// shoot fireball if player in front!
mytarget = isplayerahead(s);
if (mytarget) {
sprite_t *ss;
// shoot!
ss = addsprite(P_BIGFIREBALL,s->x,mytarget->y+(TILEH/2),"horzfireball" );
ss->ys = 0;
ss->xs = s->dir * 4;
ss->dir = s->dir;
ss->owner = s;
s->bullet = ss;
/* can jump through one tile, but not two or more */
if (isroofnabove(s,2)) {
if ((s->id != P_KINGRAT) && (s->id != P_KINGANT)) { // king rat can't hit roof
/* stop jumping */
s->jumping = B_FALSE;
s->falling = B_TRUE;
s->fallspeed = 0;
} else { // not jumping
int ontheground;
if ((isfruit(s->id) == FT_SUPER) && (s->y < SCREENH/2)) {
ontheground = B_FALSE;
} else {
ontheground = isonground(s);
if (ontheground) {
// reset doublejump
if (s->doublejump) {
s->useddoublejump = B_FALSE;
// reset jumpdir
if (!s->jumptimer) {
s->jumpdir = 0;
if (s->falling && s->iced) {
// when an iced monster hits the ground, it smashes
s->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
if (s->id == P_SNAIL) s->id = P_SLUG;
if ((s->id == P_KINGRAT) && (s->timer1 == KRS_FALL)) { // special case
// king rat drops until he is at player height
if (!playersalive() || isplayerbelow(s)) { // above player
ontheground = B_FALSE;
} else { // above player
s->dropping = B_FALSE;
s->falling = B_FALSE;
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
} else if ((s->id == P_KINGANT) && ((s->timer1 == KAS_FALL1) || (s->timer1 == KAS_FALL2))) { // special case
int xxx,tx,ty;
// add extra flames on it
if (( timer % 2) == 0) {
addsprite(P_FLAME, s->x + (rand() % s->img->w) - (s->img->w/2),
s->y - (s->img->h/2) + (rand() % s->img->h/2), "antflame");
// king ant drops until he is at the wanted height
if (s->y >= s->timer3) {
s->dropping = B_FALSE;
s->falling = B_FALSE;
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
} else {
// keep falling through
ontheground = B_FALSE;
// king ant melts ground
for (xxx = s->x - (s->img->w/2) ; xxx < s->x + (s->img->w/2) ; xxx += TILEW) {
tt = gettileat(xxx, s->y + 2 ,&tx,&ty);
if (isbridge(tt->id)) {
melttile(tx,ty,REGROWTIMER_LONG, B_PUFF);
} else if ((s->id == P_KINGSNAIL) && (s->timer1 == KSS_JUMPING)) { // special case
// king snail drops until he is at original height
if (s->y < s->timer3) { // above orig height
ontheground = B_FALSE;
} else {
s->dropping = B_FALSE;
s->falling = B_FALSE;
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
} else if ((s->id == P_SNAIL) && (s->lives == 0) && s->falling) {
// snail dies - this is actuall the snail's shell
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if ((s->id == P_KSSHELL) && s->falling) {
// king snail's shell dies when it hits the ground
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else { // everyone else
s->dropping = B_FALSE;
s->falling = B_FALSE;
s->climbing = B_FALSE;
// snail also dies if it's been alive too long
if ((s->id == P_SNAIL) && (s->lives == 0) && (!s->invuln)) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
// don't use an ELSE here because king rat needs to fall through
if (!ontheground) {
//if ((s->id == P_KINGRAT) && ((s->timer1 == KRS_CHARGE) || (s->timer1 == KRS_WALK))) {
// do nothing
//} else {
//if (!s->climbing) {
if (s->falling == B_FALSE) {
s->fallspeed = 1;
s->falling = B_TRUE;
if (isplayer(s)) {
// stop ice inertia
if (!s->moved) {
s->xs = 0;
if (endgame && isplayer(s)) {
// don't fall
} else if (s->id == P_FLY) {
// constant speed - we are flying down, not falling
s->y += getspeed(s);
} else {
double termvel;
if (isinwater(s) && !s->iced) {
if (s->hasmask) {
// bob around
s->y += (sin(timer/5)/3);
} else {
// sink
s->y += (s->fallspeed/2);
} else {
s->y += s->fallspeed;
if (s->umbrella && s->umbrellaup) {
} else {
termvel = FALLSPEED;
if ((timer % 10 == 0) && (s->fallspeed < termvel)) {
if (s->fallspeed > termvel) s->fallspeed = termvel;
// extend/withdraw player net
if (s->netting) {
tiletype_t *tt;
double xx,yy;
double disfromtop,incamt;
int stop = B_FALSE;
// check for net hitting bad tile.
xx = s->x + (s->netlen * s->netdir);
//incamt = (int)s->img->h / (int)(netsleft+1) + 1;
incamt = (int)s->img->h / (int)(s->netmax+1) + 1;
for (disfromtop = incamt; disfromtop < s->img->h; disfromtop += incamt) {
yy = s->y - s->img->h + disfromtop;
tt = gettileat(xx,yy,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->stopnet) {
stop = B_TRUE;
if (stop) {
// net immediately starts returning.
s->netspeed = -NETSPEED;
adjustx(s, F_WALK1);
// net is still going
if (s->powerup == PW_ACCORDION) {
if (s->netspeed > 0) {
s->netlen += s->netspeed;
} else {
s->netlen += (s->netspeed*2);
} else {
s->netlen += s->netspeed;
if ((s->powerup == PW_ACCORDION) || (s->netting % 2 == 0)) {
if ((s->netlen > 0) && (s->netspeed > -NETSPEED)) {
} else {
if (s->netlen <= 0) {
// finished netting
if ((s->powerup == PW_RAYGUN) && (s->timer1 <= 0)) {
// finished using ray gun
s->powerup = PW_NONE;
s->netting = 0;
adjustx(s, F_WALK1);
for (s2 = sprite ; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if ((s2->caughtby == s) && (s2->caughtstate == C_NETTING)) {
s2->caughtstate = C_NETTED;
} else if (s->slamming) {
int netx,nety;
double dist;
int hitwall = B_FALSE;
s->slamangle += (10 * (M_PI/180));
dist = (s->slamangle * (180/M_PI))/2;
if (s->powerup == PW_SMALLNET) {
dist /= 2;
netx = s->x + cos(s->slamangle-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist*s->dir;
nety = s->y + sin(s->slamangle-(180*(M_PI/180)))*dist;
if ((netx >= (SCREENW-TILEW)) || (netx <= TILEW)) {
hitwall = B_TRUE;
// hit a boss?
if (boss) {
if ( (netx >= boss->x-(boss->img->w/2)) && (netx <= boss->x+(boss->img->w/2))) {
if ((nety >= boss->y - boss->img->h) && (nety <= boss->y)) {
hitwall = B_TRUE;
if (s->slamangle >= (180 * (M_PI/180)) || (hitwall && (s->slamangle >= (90 * (M_PI/180))))) {
/* finished slamming */
int xdiff,ydiff,xnet = 0,ynet = 0;
int pointsinc = 250;
int psize = 6;
int gotsomething = B_FALSE;
int gotclover = B_FALSE;
int hitboss = B_FALSE;
int macex,macey;
int numcaught = 0;
// initialise just in case
macex = s->x ; macey = s->y;
s->slamming = 0;
// if we have a mace, add an explosion and play a thump sound
if (s->powerup == PW_MACE) {
// play sound
// find location of mace
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2->id == P_MACE) {
if (s2->owner == s) {
if (!s2) {
// should never happen
macex = s->x ; macey = s->y;
} else {
int xx,yy;
macex = s2->x;
macey = s2->y - s2->img->h/2;
// add explosion
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex, macey, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex+TILEW, macey, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex-TILEW, macey, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex, macey+TILEH, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex, macey-TILEH, "smash");
for (yy = 1; yy <= MACEEXPY; yy++) {
for (xx = 1; xx <= MACEEXPX; xx++) {
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex+xx*TILEW, macey-yy*TILEH, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex-xx*TILEW, macey-yy*TILEH, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex+xx*TILEW, macey+yy*TILEH, "smash");
addsprite(P_SMASH, macex-xx*TILEW, macey+yy*TILEH, "smash");
/* kill anything we've caught */
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
/* kill anything we have caught */
if (s2->caughtby == s) {
tiletype_t *tt;
int onplatform;
if (!isplayer(s2)) {
numcaught++; // used later in slam code
tt = gettileat(s2->x,s2->y+2,NULL,NULL);
// check for platform
onplatform = isonplatform(s2->x,s2->y+2);
/* if on ground or hitting a wall, monster dies */
if ((hitwall) || (onplatform) || (tt == NULL) || (tt->solid)) {
if (isplayer(s2)) {
tiletype_t *tt2;
// release player
tt2 = gettileat(s2->x, s2->y-(TILEH), NULL, NULL);
// if they were slammed into solid wall, they die
if (tt2->solid) {
} else {
// otherwise they recoil
s2->recoiling = B_TRUE;
jump(s2, s->dir); // away from the one who caught them
s2->jumpspeed = 3;
// still counts as a monster for hitting others
xnet = s2->x;
ynet = s2->y - s2->img->h/2;
} else {
/* will become a fruit when it finishes dying */
if (boss) {
s2->willbecome = -1;
} else if (s->powerup == PW_TOPHAT) {
/* all fruits are powerups! */
s2->willbecome = poweruptypes[curpoweruptype[getpnum(s)]];
if (poweruptypes[++(curpoweruptype[getpnum(s)])] == -1) {
curpoweruptype[getpnum(s)] = 0;
} else {
if (forcegold) {
s2->willbecome = P_GOLDBAR;
} else {
s2->willbecome = fruittypes[curfruittype];
/* increment fruit type */
// fruit time
fruittime = gtime;
if ((s->powerup == PW_MACE) && (s2->id == P_SNAIL)) {
// turn into a slug so that it really dies
s2->id = P_SLUG;
if ((s->powerup == PW_MACE) || (s2->id != P_SNAIL)) {
pointsinc *= 2;
psize += 10;
// killing 5 at a time gives us a clover for good luck
if ((!gotclover) && (gotsomething >= 5)) {
puffin(P_CLOVER, s2->x, s2->y, "clover", 0);
gotclover = B_TRUE;
xnet = s2->x;
ynet = s2->y - s2->img->h/2;
} // end if isplayer()
} else {
/* otherwise it gets angry */
if (!isplayer(s2)) {
s2->angry = B_TRUE;
// if we have a powerup, centre of net is the mace position
if (s->powerup == PW_MACE) {
xnet = macex;
ynet = macey;
// only check for hitting something if we already had a monster caught,
// or we have a mace
if (gotsomething || (s->powerup == PW_MACE)) {
/* kill anything we hit */
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if ((s2->caughtby != s) && !s2->dead && !s2->invuln && (ismonster(s2->id))) {
int xthresh,ythresh;
xdiff = s2->x - xnet;
if (xdiff < 0) xdiff =-xdiff;
ydiff = (s2->y - s2->img->h/2) - ynet;
if (ydiff < 0) ydiff =-ydiff;
if (player->powerup == PW_MACE) {
xthresh = TILEW*MACEEXPX*2;
ythresh = TILEW*MACEEXPY*2;
} else {
xthresh = s2->img->w;
ythresh = s2->img->h;
if ((xdiff <= xthresh) && (ydiff <= ythresh)) {
if (s2 == boss) {
int n;
// flash white, longer for each monster we were
// holding
s2->angry = BOSSFLASHTIME*numcaught;
// lose health
s2->lives -= numcaught;
// if no health left < 0, it dies
if (s2->lives <= 0) {
sprite_t *s3;
// todo: change to big fruit!
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
// add puffs
for (n = 0; n < 30; n++) {
puffin(-1, s2->x - (s2->img->w/2) + (rand() % s2->img->w), s2->y - (rand() % s2->img->h), "nothing", rand() % 80);
pointsinc *= 2;
pointsinc = 64000; // hardcode for a boss
psize += 10;
// kill everything else too
for (s3 = sprite; s3 ; s3=s3->next) {
if (ismonster(s3->id) && !s3->dead) {
s3->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
if (s3->caughtby) {
hitboss = B_TRUE;
} else { // remaining health
hitboss = B_TRUE;
} else if (s2->id != P_BLACKCLOUD) { // non bosses
/* dies and becomes a powerup */
// if we were holding something, we can get a powerup.
// if we used a mace, it becomes a diamond.
if (gotsomething) {
if (boss) { // no fruits on boss levels
s2->willbecome = -1;
} else {
int forcespeed = B_FALSE;
if (!haspowerup(s, P_SPEED)) forcespeed = B_TRUE;
// if anyone is alive and not fast isn't fast, give a speed.
if (forcespeed) {
s2->willbecome = P_SPEED;
} else if (!gotcard & (gotsomething >= 4)) { // card for killing 4 at once
s2->willbecome = getrandomcard();
gotcard = B_TRUE;
} else if (!gotcard && (rand() % 5 == 0)) { // random chance of a card
s2->willbecome = getrandomcard();
gotcard = B_TRUE;
} else {
// otherwise use normal powerup counter
s2->willbecome = poweruptypes[curpoweruptype[getpnum(s)]];
if (poweruptypes[++(curpoweruptype[getpnum(s)])] == -1) {
curpoweruptype[getpnum(s)] = 0;
} else if (s->powerup == PW_MACE) {
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
} else { // should never happen
if (s->powerup == PW_TOPHAT) {
s2->willbecome = poweruptypes[curpoweruptype[getpnum(s)]];
if (poweruptypes[++(curpoweruptype[getpnum(s)])] == -1) {
curpoweruptype[getpnum(s)] = 0;
} else {
if (forcegold) {
s2->willbecome = P_GOLDBAR;
} else {
/* will become a fruit when it finishes dying */
s2->willbecome = fruittypes[curfruittype];
fruittime = gtime;
if (s2->id == P_SNAIL) {
// turn into a slug so that it really dies
s2->id = P_SLUG;
if (s2->id == P_SNAIL) {
// avoid triggering death code twice for caught snails
// since for them s->dead won't be set after we
// slam them.
if (s2->lives != 0) { // ie if we didn't just catch+slam it
} else {
pointsinc *= 2;
psize += 10;
// killing 5 at a time gives us a clover for good luck
if ((!gotclover) && (gotsomething >= 5)) {
puffin(P_CLOVER, s2->x, s2->y, "clover", 0);
gotclover = B_TRUE;
} // end if gotsomething || PW_MACE
// play sound effect
if (!hitboss) {
if (gotsomething >= 1) {
if (gotsomething > 1) {
gotsomething = B_FALSE;
/* release anything we've caught */
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2->caughtby == s) {
/* release it */
s->netcaught = 0;
/* show points */
if (psize >= MAXLETTERHEIGHT) {
if (pointsinc > 250) {
/* give points to player */
//s->score += pointsinc;
sprintf(tempm, "%d",addscore(s, pointsinc));
addoutlinetext(xnet,ynet-TILEH, psize, tempm, &white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
} // end if slamangle > 180degrees
} // end if slamming
if (isonground(s) && isplayer(s) && !s->jumping && !s->falling && !s->swimming) {
//int tx,ty,xoff;
int px[3],py[3],i;
// make list of tiles:
// firstctly at feet, and left, and right, just like isonground() !
px[0] = s->x;
py[0] = s->y + 1;
px[1] = s->x - s->img->w/2;
py[1] = s->y + 1;
px[2] = s->x + s->img->w/2;
py[2] = s->y + 1;
// under+left, underneath, under+right
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int off,tx,ty;
tx = px[i] / TILEW;
ty = py[i] / TILEH;
off = ty*LEVELW+tx;
if ((off > 0) && (off < LEVELW*LEVELH)) {
tiletype_t *tt;
// only check layer 1
tt = gettile(curlevel->map[off]);
if (tt && (tt->walkvanish != -1) && (curlevel->tilewalkvanish[off] > 0)) {
// instead of this, just add the newx+ty to a list of fading tiles.
addfadingtile(tx, ty);
int movex(sprite_t *s,double amt,int onpurpose) {
double newx,newy;
double curx,cury;
int tilex,tiley;
tiletype_t *tt,*tt2;
int newxoff,newgroundy;
int newtilex,newtiley;
int domove = B_FALSE;
double amtdir;
tt = gettileat(s->x, s->y, &tilex,&tiley);
if (amt > 0) amtdir = 1;
else (amtdir = -1);
// walking on sticky tiles?
if (isplayer(s) || ismonster(s->id)) {
if (tt->sticky && onpurpose && !s->falling) {
amt /= 2;
// enforce minimum speed for player
if (isplayer(s)) {
if (amt > 0 && amt < 1) {
amt = 1;
} else if (amt < 0 && amt > -1) {
amt = -1;
curx = s->x;
cury = s->y;
/* check for blockage to E/W */
if ((s->id == P_SNAIL) && (s->jumping) && (boss)) {
// unless we're a snail on kingsnail level
} else {
newx = s->x + (amtdir*(s->img->w/2)) ;
//newx = s->x + (amtdir*TILEW/2);
newy = cury-TILEH;
tt2 = gettileat(newx,newy,&newtilex,&newtiley);
if (tt2->solid == S_SOLID) {
s->xs = 0;
return NM_SIDE;
if ((tt2->solid == S_SLOPE) && (!candoslopes(s->id))) {
s->xs = 0;
return NM_SIDE;
// if falling, check the tile directly to our SW/SEtoo */
if ((s->falling) && (s->id != P_KINGSNAIL)) {
newx = s->x + (amtdir*TILEW/2);
newy = cury;
tt2 = gettileat(newx,newy,&newtilex,&newtiley);
if (tt2->solid == S_SOLID) {
//s->xs = 0;
return NM_BELOW;
if (tt2->solid == S_SLOPE && (!candoslopes(s->id))) {
//s->xs = 0;
return NM_BELOW;
/* get new position */
if (isplayer(s) && tt->slippery && !isinwater(s) && onpurpose ) {
double newxs;
double accel = ICEACCEL;
// change speed
newxs = s->xs + (s->dir*accel);
s->xs += (s->dir*accel);
// don't get too fast!
if (newxs > getspeed(s)) newxs = getspeed(s);
if (newxs < -getspeed(s)) newxs = -getspeed(s);
newx = curx + newxs;
amt = newx - curx;
} else {
newx = curx + amt;
newy = cury-2;
tt2 = gettileat(newx,newy,&newtilex,&newtiley);
newxoff = newx - (newtilex*TILEW);
newgroundy = newtiley*TILEH + tt2->lowness[newxoff];
/* new block is at least partially solid */
domove = B_FALSE;
if (tt2->solid == S_SOLID) {
// s->xs = 0;
return NM_SIDE;
} else if ((tt2->solid == S_SLOPE) && candoslopes(s->id)) {
/* we can move, but need to adjust our height */
domove = B_TRUE;
} else {
/* new block is empty */
domove = B_TRUE;
if (domove) {
if (isplayer(s) && tt->slippery && !isinwater(s) && onpurpose) {
double accel = ICEACCEL;
// change speed
s->xs += (s->dir*accel);
// don't get too fast!
if (s->xs > getspeed(s)) s->xs = getspeed(s);
if (s->xs < -getspeed(s)) s->xs = -getspeed(s);
s->x += s->xs;
s->moved = MV_WALK;
} else {
s->x += amt;
s->xs = amt;
if (!onpurpose) {
if (tt->slippery && !isinwater(s)) {
s->moved = MV_ICE;
} else if (!isconveyor(tt->id)) {
s->moved = MV_WALK;
} else {
s->moved = MV_WALK;
} else {
s->xs = 0;
// rings
if (isplayer(s)) {
if (s->powerup == PW_RINGWALK) {
if (isonground(s) && !s->swimming) {
int xx,yy;
// add sparkle
xx = s->x + (rand() % s->img->w) - (s->img->w/2);
yy = s->y - (rand() % (s->img->h/2));
addsprite(P_SPARKLE, xx, yy, "sparkle");
// gain points
addscore(s, 15);
return B_FALSE;
void adjustheight(sprite_t *s) {
tiletype_t *tt;
int xoff,groundy;
int tilex,tiley;
double origy;
int totmoved;
if ((s->flies) || isbullet(s->id) ) {
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y-1,&tilex,&tiley);
if (!tt) return;
if (tt->solid == S_SLOPE) {
xoff = s->x - (tilex*TILEW);
groundy = tiley*TILEH + tt->lowness[xoff];
s->y = groundy;
} else if (tt->solid == S_SOLID) {
origy = s->y;
totmoved = 0;
// keep moving up
while (tt->solid == S_SOLID) {
// don't move more than 1 tile worth!
// don't go off top of screen
if ((totmoved >= TILEH) || (s->y <= TILEH)) {
tt = gettileat(s->x,s->y-1,&tilex,&tiley);
int dofruiteffect(sprite_t *pp, sprite_t *s) {
if (s->id == P_SPEED) {
pp->speed = PLAYERFAST;
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, "Speed up!", &white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_BIGSPEED) {
// both players
if (player) {
player->permspeed = B_TRUE;
player->speed = PLAYERFAST;
addoutlinetext(player->x,player->y - player->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_LIFE, "SUPER SPEED UP!", &cyan,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
if (player2) {
player2->permspeed = B_TRUE;
player2->speed = PLAYERFAST;
addoutlinetext(player2->x,player2->y - player2->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_LIFE, "SUPER SPEED UP!", &cyan,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_BIGSCUBA) {
// both players
if (player) {
player->permmask = B_TRUE;
player->hasmask = B_TRUE;
if ((player->lives > 0) && !player->dead) {
addoutlinetext(player->x,player->y - player->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_LIFE, "SUPER MASK!", &cyan,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
if (player2) {
player2->permmask = B_TRUE;
player2->hasmask = B_TRUE;
if ((player2->lives > 0) && !player2->dead) {
addoutlinetext(player2->x,player2->y - player2->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_LIFE, "SUPER MASK!", &cyan,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_SUPERUMBRELLA) {
// both players
if (player) {
player->permumbrella = B_TRUE;
player->umbrella = B_TRUE;
if ((player->lives > 0) && !player->dead) {
addoutlinetext(player->x,player->y - player->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_LIFE, "SUPER UMBRELLA!", &cyan,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
if (player2) {
player2->permumbrella = B_TRUE;
player2->umbrella = B_TRUE;
if ((player2->lives > 0) && !player2->dead) {
addoutlinetext(player2->x,player2->y - player2->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_LIFE, "SUPER UMBRELLA!", &cyan,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_BIGHELMET) {
// both players
if (player) {
player->permarmour = B_TRUE;
player->armour = B_TRUE;
if ((player->lives > 0) && !player->dead) {
int xx,yy;
addoutlinetext(player->x,player->y - player->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_LIFE, "SUPER ARMOUR!", &cyan,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
for (xx = player->x - TILEW; xx <= player->x + TILEW; xx += TILEW) {
for (yy = player->y - TILEW*2; yy <= player->y; yy += TILEH) {
puffin(-1, xx, yy, "nothing", 0);
player->id = P_ARMOUR; // change how the player looks
if (player2) {
player2->permarmour = B_TRUE;
player2->armour = B_TRUE;
if ((player2->lives > 0) && !player2->dead) {
int xx,yy;
addoutlinetext(player2->x,player2->y - player2->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_LIFE, "SUPER ARMOUR!", &cyan,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
// add puffs
for (xx = player2->x - TILEW; xx <= player2->x + TILEW; xx += TILEW) {
for (yy = player2->y - TILEW*2; yy <= player2->y; yy += TILEH) {
puffin(-1, xx, yy, "nothing", 0);
player2->id = P_ARMOUR; // change how the player looks
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_BIGCHEST) { // trigger endgame!
int tx,ty,i;
sprite_t *s2,*nexts;
endgame = EG_FRUITFALL;
endtexttimer = 0;
endtexty = 120;
// kill all monsters
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isbullet(s2->id) || ismonster(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
globpowerup = PW_ENDGAME;
globtimer = 0;
// add initial stars
for (i = 0; i < MINUPSTARS; i++) {
sprite_t *ss;
ss = addupstar();
ss->y = (rand() % (SCREENH-(TILEH*2))) + TILEH;
// all tiles become fruit
for (ty = 0 ; ty < LEVELH; ty++) {
for (tx = 0 ; tx < LEVELW; tx++) {
tiletype_t *tt;
tt = gettileat(tx*TILEW,ty*TILEH, NULL, NULL);
if (tt->id != T_BLANK) {
sprite_t *sp;
// clear layer 2 as well
curlevel->map2[ty * LEVELW + tx ] = getuniq(T_BLANK);
melttile(tx, ty, FOREVER, B_PUFF);
sp = addsprite(fruittypes[curfruittype],
tx * TILEW + (TILEW/2),
ty * TILEH + (TILEH/2), "end_fruit");
sp->xs = 0;
sp->ys = (rand() % 2);
} else if (s->id == P_NUMNETS) {
if (pp->netmax < 4) {
sprintf(tempm, "%d nets!",pp->netmax);
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_BIGNET) {
pp->netbig = B_TRUE;
sprintf(tempm, "Big net!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_TROPHY) {
// all powerups
pp->netmax = 4; // all nets
pp->netbig = B_TRUE; // big net
pp->speed = PLAYERFAST; // fast
sprintf(tempm, "Full power!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_MASKPOWERUP) {
pp->hasmask = B_TRUE;
sprintf(tempm, "Scuba Mask!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_BELL) {
// powerup detector - makes the level flash depending on what power up will appear.
// white = permenant
// green = temporary ability
// red = instawin
// purple = bad
playfx(FX_BELL); // different sound effect
pp->hasbell = B_TRUE;
sprintf(tempm, "Powerup Detector!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_RINGGOLD) {
// points for walking
pp->powerup = PW_RINGWALK;
sprintf(tempm, "Walk Ring!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_RINGSILVER) {
// points for walking
pp->powerup = PW_RINGJUMP;
sprintf(tempm, "Jump Ring!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_MACEPOWERUP) {
pp->powerup = PW_MACE;
sprintf(tempm, "Mace Slam!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_BOXING) {
pp->powerup = PW_BOXING;
sprintf(tempm, "Boxing Glove!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_HELMET) {
int xx,yy;
if (pp == player) {
pp->id = P_ARMOUR; // change how the player looks
} else {
pp->id = P_ARMOUR2; // change how the player looks
pp->armour = B_TRUE;
sprintf(tempm, "Armour!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
// add puffs
for (xx = pp->x - TILEW; xx <= pp->x + TILEW; xx += TILEW) {
for (yy = pp->y - TILEW*2; yy <= pp->y; yy += TILEH) {
puffin(-1, xx, yy, "nothing", 0);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_GEMBOOST) {
if (pp->gemboost <= 1) {
pp->gemboost = 2;
} else {
pp->gemboost = 3;
sprintf(tempm, "Bonus x%d!",pp->gemboost);
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_FTODIAMOND) {
sprite_t *s2, *nexts;
// convert all flowers to diamonds
sprintf(tempm, "Make diamonds!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isflower(s2->id)) {
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y, "nothing", 0);
// replace with a diamond
s2->id = P_DIAMOND;
s2->score = getpoints(P_DIAMOND);
sprintf(s2->name, "made_diamond");
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_FTOGEM) {
sprite_t *s2, *nexts;
int howmany;
int puffdelay;
int gemtype = P_GEMYELLOW;
int xx;
tiletype_t *tt;
// convert all flowers to gems
sprintf(tempm, "Make gems!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isflower(s2->id)) {
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y, "nothing", 0);
// replace with a diamond
s2->id = flowertogem(s2->id);
s2->score = getpoints(s2->id);
sprintf(s2->name, "made_gem");
// and also make a stream of gems underneath us
howmany = (STREAMWID+1)*3;
puffdelay = 0;
for (xx = s->x+TILEW; xx < s->x + (TILEW*howmany); xx += TILEW) {
// if on a wall, exit
tt = gettileat(xx,s->y-TILEH,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) {
switch (puffdelay % 3) {
case 0: gemtype = P_GEMYELLOW; break;
case 1: gemtype = P_GEMRED; break;
case 2: gemtype = P_GEMPURPLE; break;
/* create a gem */
puffin(gemtype, xx, s->y, "gem", puffdelay);
puffdelay += 1;
puffdelay = 0;
for (xx = s->x+TILEW; xx > s->x - (TILEW*howmany); xx -= TILEW) {
// if on a wall, exit
tt = gettileat(xx,s->y-TILEH,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) {
switch (puffdelay % 3) {
case 0: gemtype = P_GEMYELLOW; break;
case 1: gemtype = P_GEMRED; break;
case 2: gemtype = P_GEMPURPLE; break;
/* create a gem */
puffin(gemtype, xx, s->y, "gem", puffdelay);
puffdelay += 1;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_CLOCK) {
// Freeze monsters
globpowerup = PW_CLOCK;
clocktime = CLOCKTIME;
sprintf(tempm, "Freeze time!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
// pause music
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_TAP) {
// flood level
sprintf(tempm, "Flood!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&blue,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
if (!curlevel->iced) {
curlevel->iced = WATER_INPROGRESS;
curlevel->icey = LEVELH-1;
// water for 20 seconds
watertime = 20;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_SNOWMAN) {
// ice
sprintf(tempm, "Blizzard!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&cyan,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
if (!curlevel->iced) {
curlevel->iced = ICE_INPROGRESS;
curlevel->icey = 0;
// postpone hurryup
nexthurryup += 10;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_SPRAY) {
// flyspray
sprintf(tempm, "Fly Spray!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
globpowerup = PW_SPRAYUP;
sprayalpha = 0;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_RAYGUN) {
// ray gun
sprintf(tempm, "Ray Gun!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
pp->powerup = PW_RAYGUN;
pp->timer1 = 5; // # of shots
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_TOPHAT) {
// Top Hat
sprintf(tempm, "Top Hat!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
pp->powerup = PW_TOPHAT;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_LAMP) {
int xx,yy,delay;
sprite_t *s2;
tiletype_t *tt;
// Magic Lamp
Mix_PauseMusic(); // pause music
sprintf(tempm, "Magic Lamp!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
globpowerup = PW_LAMP;
lamptime = -1;
// create gold coins
delay = 0;
for (xx = 0; xx < LEVELW; xx++) {
for (yy = 0; yy < (LEVELH-1); yy++) {
tt = gettileat(xx*TILEW,yy*TILEH, NULL,NULL);
if (!tt->solid && !tt->spikes) {
// check tile below
tt = gettileat(xx*TILEW,(yy+1)*TILEH, NULL,NULL);
if (tt->id == T_LAND) {
// add a coin ! (NAME is important as it gives a higher doom
// count when being placed in addsprite()!)
puffin(P_GOLDCOIN, xx*TILEW+(TILEW/2), yy*TILEH+(TILEH),"goldcoin", delay);
//inc delay
delay += 1;
// remove all monsters
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (ismonster(s2->id) && !s2->dead ) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
puffin(-1, s2->x - (s2->img->w/2), s2->y, "wandpuff", rand() % 5);
puffin(-1, s2->x + (s2->img->w/2), s2->y, "wandpuff", rand() % 5);
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y - (s2->img->h/2), "wandpuff", rand() % 5);
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y + (s2->img->h/2), "wandpuff", rand() % 5);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_CANNONPOWERUP) {
sprite_t *newsp;
// cannon
sprintf(tempm, "Fusion Cannon");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
pp->powerup = PW_CANNON;
puffin(-1, pp->x, pp->y,"nothign", 0);
newsp = addsprite(P_CANNON, pp->x, pp->y, "cannon");
newsp->owner = pp;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_HONEY) {
pp->netsticky = B_TRUE;
sprintf(tempm, "Sticky net!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_LIFE) {
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_PHONE) {
sprite_t *s2, *nexts;
// can't skip levels if the nxet one is a boss level
if (isbosslevel(curlevelnum + 1)) {
sprintf(tempm, "Engaged");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
} else {
if (!strstr(s->name, "warp")) {
sprintf(tempm, "Telephone!");
} else {
sprintf(tempm, "Warp!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
// set powerup
pp->powerup = PW_PHONE;
skiplevels = 1;
// kill all enemies and fruits
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isbullet(s2->id) || ismonster(s2->id) || isfruit(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
if (ismonster(s2->id)) {
if (s2->caughtby) {
// call in cloud immediately
levelcomplete = LV_FINAL;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_UFO) {
int n;
int wid,hei;
sprite_t *sp;
sprintf(tempm, "Meteor Shower!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
wid = imageset[P_METEOR].img[0]->w;
hei = imageset[P_METEOR].img[0]->h;
for (n = 0; n < 7; n++) {
sp = addsprite(P_METEOR, rand() % (SCREENW - (wid*2)) + (wid/2), - (rand() % (hei*7)), "meteor");
sp->ys = (rand() % METEORMAXSPEED)+2;
lastmet = sp;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_STARPOWERUP) {
int n;
double ang;
sprite_t *sp;
// add a starburst
ang = (rand() % 360) * (M_PI/180);
for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
sp = addsprite(P_STAR, pp->x, pp->y, "star");
switch (n) {
case 0: sp->xs = 0; sp->ys = -STARSPEED; break;
case 1: sp->xs = STARSPEED; sp->ys = -STARSPEED; break;
case 2: sp->xs = STARSPEED; sp->ys = 0; break;
case 3: sp->xs = STARSPEED; sp->ys = STARSPEED; break;
case 4: sp->xs = 0; sp->ys = STARSPEED; break;
case 5: sp->xs = -STARSPEED; sp->ys = STARSPEED; break;
case 6: sp->xs = -STARSPEED; sp->ys = 0; break;
case 7: sp->xs = -STARSPEED; sp->ys = -STARSPEED; break;
sp->xs = cos(ang)*STARSPEED;
sp->ys = sin(ang)*STARSPEED;
ang = ang + (45 * (M_PI/180));
// use timer1 as the frame counter
sp->timer1 = rand() % STARFRAMES;
sprintf(tempm, "Shuriken!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_BOMB) {
sprite_t *s2, *nexts;
// make the screen shake
globpowerup = PW_BOMB;
globtimer = BOMBSHAKETIME;
// kill all monsters
sprintf(tempm, "KABOOM!!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BOMB, tempm,&red,&yellow,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isbullet(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
} else if (ismonster(s2->id)) {
addsprite(P_SMASH, s2->x, s2->y, "kaboom");
s2->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
s2->lives = 0; // for snails
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_SHIELD) {
sprintf(tempm, "Shield!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
// temp invincibility
pp->invuln = SHIELDTIME;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_CLOVER) {
sprintf(tempm, "Lucky!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_CLOVER, tempm,&green2,&black,CLOVERDELAY, TT_NORM);
nextforcegoodcard = B_TRUE;
forcegoodcard = B_TRUE;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_ACCORDION) {
sprintf(tempm, "Extra Long Net!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
pp->powerup = PW_ACCORDION;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_WINGBOOTS) {
sprintf(tempm, "Double jump!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
pp->doublejump = B_TRUE;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_PILL) {
sprintf(tempm, "Hyper speed!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
pp->powerup = PW_PILL;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_GUN) {
sprintf(tempm, "Machine gunner!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
guntime = 10;
gundelay[0] = 0; // used to control shooting speed
gundelay[1] = 0; // used to control shooting speed
// gunner works on BOTH players
if (player) {
player->netting = B_FALSE;
player->slamming = B_FALSE;
player->powerup = PW_GUNNER;
gunorigx[0] = player->x;
gunorigy[0] = player->y;
if (player2) {
player2->netting = B_FALSE;
player2->slamming = B_FALSE;
player2->powerup = PW_GUNNER;
gunorigx[1] = player2->x;
gunorigy[1] = player2->y;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_GNOME) {
sprite_t *s2;
sprintf(tempm, "Exploding Flowers!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
puffin(-1, s->x, s->y, "gnomepuff", 0);
// turn all flowers into explosions
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (isflower(s2->id)) {
// replace with an explosion
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
addsprite(P_SMASH, s2->x, s2->y, "gnom_exp");
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_WHISTLE) {
sprite_t *bc;
sprite_t *s2;
int found = B_FALSE;
// if black cloud exists, it gets angry
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2->id == P_BLACKCLOUD) {
found = B_TRUE;
if (found) {
s2->angry = B_TRUE;
addoutlinetext(320,240,TEXTSIZE_HURRY, "Angry cloud!", &red,&black,HURRYDELAY, TT_NORM);
} else {
bc = addsprite(P_BLACKCLOUD, 320,240,"cloud");
bc->angry = B_TRUE;
addoutlinetext(320,240,TEXTSIZE_HURRY, "Angry cloud!", &red,&black,HURRYDELAY, TT_NORM);
globpowerup = PW_WHISTLE;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_CANDLE) {
sprintf(tempm, "Flaming Corpses!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
globpowerup = PW_CANDLE;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_MAGNET) {
sprintf(tempm, "Attract fruits!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
pp->powerup = PW_MAGNET;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_JETPACK) {
sprintf(tempm, "Jet pack!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
pp->powerup = PW_JETPACK;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_UMBRELLA) {
sprintf(tempm, "Umbrella!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
pp->umbrella = B_TRUE;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_BADMAGNET) {
sprintf(tempm, "Repel fruits!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&black,&grey,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
pp->powerup = PW_BADMAGNET;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_ANCHOR) {
sprintf(tempm, "Anchor!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
globpowerup = PW_ANCHOR;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_CAMERA) {
sprintf(tempm, "Blind enemies!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
globpowerup = PW_CAMERA;
cameraalpha = 255;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_WAND) {
sprite_t *s2;
sprintf(tempm, "Weaken monsters!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
// turn all live monsters into weaker versions
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (ismonster(s2->id) && !s2->dead && !s2->caughtby) {
// don't get ones which we just created!
if (!strstr(s2->name, "created")) {
int newtype = -1;
// make it non-angry
if (s2->angry) s2->angry = B_FALSE;
// change to a weaker version
switch (s2->id) {
case P_SNAKE:
case P_TICK:
case P_SNAIL:
case P_SLUG:
newtype = P_RAT;
case P_FISH:
case P_FLY:
newtype = P_BEE;
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
if (newtype != -1) {
// morph into something else...
addsprite(newtype, s2->x, s2->y, "created_mon");
//puffs anyway
puffin(-1, s2->x - (s2->img->w/2), s2->y, "wandpuff", rand() % 5);
puffin(-1, s2->x + (s2->img->w/2), s2->y, "wandpuff", rand() % 5);
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y - (s2->img->h/2), "wandpuff", rand() % 5);
puffin(-1, s2->x, s2->y + (s2->img->h/2), "wandpuff", rand() % 5);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_ZAPPOWERUP) {
sprite_t *newsp;
sprintf(tempm, "Bug Zapper!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
puffin(-1, pp->x, pp->y, "bzpuff", 0);
newsp = addsprite(P_ZAPPER, pp->x,pp->y, "bugzapper" );
newsp->timer1 = 0;
newsp->timer2 = ZAPPERDELAY;
newsp->timer3 = 0;
newsp->doomcount = 800;
newsp->owner = pp;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_SKULL) {
sprintf(tempm, "Power Down!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&black,&grey,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
pp->powerup = PW_SMALLNET;
return B_TRUE;
} else if (s->id == P_HELP) {
addoutlinetext(320,240,TEXTSIZE_HELP, s->name, &white,&black,HELPDELAY,TT_HELP);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (iscard(s->id)) {
if (pp->numcards < MAXCARDS) {
sprite_t *newc;
int cardwidth,cardheight;
// show text
sprintf(tempm, getcardname(s->id), BUFLEN);
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY,TT_NORM);
// add a "card" effect. it will move slowly towards the corner.
newc = addsprite(P_MOVINGCARD,s->x, s->y, "moving_card");
newc->owner = pp;
// timer1 is the actual cardid
// timer2 is the target x position
// timer3 is the target y position
cardwidth = imageset[P_FIRSTCARD].img[F_WALK1]->w;
cardheight = imageset[P_FIRSTCARD].img[F_WALK1]->h;
newc->timer1 = s->id;
if (pp == player) {
newc->timer2 = CARDX + (pp->numcards * (cardwidth+2)) + (cardwidth/2);
} else if (pp == player2) {
int cardx2 = SCREENW - CARDX - (imageset[P_FIRSTCARD].img[F_WALK1]->w + 2);
newc->timer2 = cardx2 - (pp->numcards * (cardwidth+2)) + (cardwidth/2);
newc->timer3 = CARDY + cardheight;
// set image
newc->img = imageset[s->timer1].img[F_WALK1];
} else {
// is this possible?!
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, "Full cards!",getptextcol(s),&black,POINTSDELAY,TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
} else if (isflower(s->id)) {
int xx;
sprite_t *ss;
tiletype_t *tt;
int found = B_FALSE;
/* was this the last fruit of its kind on the level? */
for (ss = sprite; ss; ss = ss->next) {
if ((ss != s) && (ss->id == s->id)) {
found = B_TRUE;
/* if so, create a left/right stream of flowers */
if (!found) {
int howmany = (STREAMWID + 1) * pp->gemboost;
int puffdelay;
puffdelay = 0;
for (xx = s->x+TILEW; xx < s->x + (TILEW*howmany); xx += TILEW) {
// if on a wall, exit
tt = gettileat(xx,s->y-TILEH,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) {
/* create a flower */
puffin(flowertogem(s->id), xx, s->y, "flower", puffdelay);
puffdelay += 1;
puffdelay = 0;
for (xx = s->x+TILEW; xx > s->x - (TILEW*howmany); xx -= TILEW) {
// if on a wall, exit
tt = gettileat(xx,s->y-TILEH,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) {
puffin(flowertogem(s->id), xx, s->y, "flower", puffdelay);
puffdelay += 1;
sprintf(tempm, "BONUS!");
addoutlinetext(s->x,s->y - s->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BONUS, tempm,&white,&black,BONUSDELAY,TT_NORM);
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
void usage(void) {
printf("usage: rc [-fs] [-l xx]\n");
printf(" -fs Start in full-screen mode.\n");
printf(" -l xx Skip to level xx.\n");
//printf(" -hs xx Set hiscore_server to http://xx.\n");
//printf(" -hp xx Connect to hiscore_server on port xx.\n");
printf(" -js Joystick test mode.\n");
printf(" -as Auto screenshot mode (dumps to /tmp/levelxx.bmp).\n");
printf(" -t Enable tutorial (ie. help text).\n");
printf(" -s Enable swapplayers mode (ie. player 1 is Mrs Dwarf)\n");
// returns B_TRUE if the given player is able to walk/fall left/right
int canmove(sprite_t *pl) {
if (!pl->jumping && !pl->slamming ) {
if (!pl->netting) {
if ( pl->climbing || pl->falling || isonground(pl)) {
return B_TRUE;
} else if (pl->netting && pl->falling) { // netting and falling
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
// returns B_TRUE if the given player is able to change which direction they're facing
int canturn(sprite_t *pl) {
if (!pl->slamming && !pl->netting) {
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int loadfx(int sid , char *filename) {
char tempname[BUFLEN];
sprintf(tempname, "%s/sounds/",datadir);
strncat(tempname, filename, BUFLEN);
sfx[sid] = Mix_LoadWAV(tempname);
if (!sfx[sid]) {
printf("error loading %s\n",tempname);
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int initsound(void) {
int i;
char filename[BUFLEN];
/* init */
//if (Mix_OpenAudio(44100, AUDIO_S16SYS, 2, 1024) < 0) {
//if (Mix_OpenAudio(22050, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 512) < 0) {
if (Mix_OpenAudio(44100, AUDIO_S16SYS, 2, 512) < 0) {
printf("Error initialising sound: %s.\n",Mix_GetError());
return B_TRUE;
loadfx(FX_SHOOT, "shoot.wav");
loadfx(FX_SLAM, "slam.wav");
loadfx(FX_KILL, "kill.wav");
loadfx(FX_MULTIKILL, "multikill.wav");
loadfx(FX_JUMP, "jump.wav");
loadfx(FX_FRUIT, "fruit.wav");
loadfx(FX_POWERUP, "powerup.wav");
loadfx(FX_DIE, "die.wav");
loadfx(FX_WINLEVEL, "winlevel.wav");
loadfx(FX_HURRYUP, "hurryup.wav");
loadfx(FX_TOOSLOW, "tooslow.wav");
loadfx(FX_BONUS, "bonus.wav");
loadfx(FX_MORPH, "morph.wav");
loadfx(FX_BOOM, "boom.wav");
loadfx(FX_SPRING, "spring.wav");
loadfx(FX_TELEPORT, "teleport.wav");
loadfx(FX_SPLASH, "splash.wav");
loadfx(FX_MACE, "mace.wav");
loadfx(FX_COIN, "coin.wav");
loadfx(FX_GAMEOVER, "gameover.wav");
loadfx(FX_OW, "ow.wav");
loadfx(FX_BELL, "bell.wav");
loadfx(FX_CLOCK, "clock.wav");
loadfx(FX_ARMOR, "armor.wav");
loadfx(FX_FREEZE, "freeze.wav");
loadfx(FX_ICEBREAK, "icebreak.wav");
loadfx(FX_BOSSWINDUP, "chargewait.wav");
loadfx(FX_BOSSCHARGE, "bosscharge.wav");
loadfx(FX_BOSSDIE, "bossdie.wav");
loadfx(FX_BOSSHIT, "bosshit.wav");
loadfx(FX_BOSSWALL, "bosswall.wav");
loadfx(FX_SPRAY, "spray.wav");
loadfx(FX_CANNON, "fusion.wav");
loadfx(FX_CRACK, "crack.wav");
loadfx(FX_PHONE, "phone.wav");
loadfx(FX_STAR, "star.wav");
loadfx(FX_STARHIT, "starhit.wav");
loadfx(FX_METEOR, "meteor.wav");
loadfx(FX_ENGAGED, "engaged.wav");
loadfx(FX_FLOOD, "flood.wav");
loadfx(FX_CARD, "card.wav");
loadfx(FX_POKER, "poker.wav");
loadfx(FX_SKULL, "skull.wav");
loadfx(FX_KEYPRESS, "1up.wav");
loadfx(FX_CATCH, "catch.wav");
loadfx(FX_GUN, "gun.wav");
loadfx(FX_ALARM, "alarm.wav");
loadfx(FX_ZAP, "zap.wav");
loadfx(FX_SNAILPREPARE, "longdrum.wav");
loadfx(FX_WHOOSH, "whoosh.wav");
loadfx(FX_BOOM2, "boom2.wav");
loadfx(FX_WAND, "wand.wav");
loadfx(FX_WHISTLE, "whistle.wav");
loadfx(FX_EVILLAUGH, "evillaugh.wav");
loadfx(FX_BIRDS, "birds.wav");
loadfx(FX_EXTRALIFE, "extralife.wav");
loadfx(FX_WARP, "warp.wav");
loadfx(FX_JETPACK, "jetpack.wav");
loadfx(FX_CAMERA, "camera.wav");
loadfx(FX_LASER, "laser.wav");
loadfx(FX_HISS, "hiss.wav");
loadfx(FX_CHOMP, "chomp.wav");
loadfx(FX_GROWL, "growl.wav");
loadfx(FX_LAMP, "lamp.wav");
loadfx(FX_SONAR, "pea.wav");
// load sound effects
for (i = 0; i < MAXFX; i++) {
if (!sfx[i]) {
return B_TRUE;
// set up callback
// load music
for (i = 1; i <= MAXWORLDS; i++) {
sprintf(filename, "%s/music/main%d.mod",datadir, i);
normalmusic[i] = Mix_LoadMUS(filename);
if (!normalmusic[i]) {
printf("can't load music: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
return B_TRUE;
sprintf(filename, "%s/music/mainfast%d.mod",datadir,i);
fastmusic[i] = Mix_LoadMUS(filename);
if (!fastmusic[i]) {
printf("can't load fast music\n");
return B_TRUE;
sprintf(filename, "%s/music/boss.mod",datadir);
bossmusic = Mix_LoadMUS(filename);
if (!bossmusic) {
printf("can't load music\n");
return B_TRUE;
sprintf(filename, "%s/music/hiscore.mod",datadir);
hiscoremusic = Mix_LoadMUS(filename);
if (!hiscoremusic) {
printf("can't load music\n");
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
void playfx(int num) {
Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sfx[num], 0);
void playmusic(Mix_Music *toplay) {
// is this one already playing?
if ((curmusic == toplay) && (musicplaying)) {
/* stop music */
if (musicplaying) {
/* start music */
//music = toplay;
Mix_PlayMusic(toplay, -1);
if ((player && player->swimming) || (player2 && player2->swimming)) {
} else {
curmusic = toplay;
musicplaying = B_TRUE;
void stopmusic(void) {
/* stop music */
if (musicplaying) {
musicplaying = B_FALSE;
curmusic = NULL;
// callback for sound effects finishing
void channeldone(int channel) {
if (channel == CH_HURRYUP) {
// start fast music
// move player towards new position
// return distance left
int moveto(sprite_t *p, int dstx, int dsty, double xspeed, double yspeed) {
double ang,xs,ys;
int distanceleft;
int therex = B_FALSE,therey = B_FALSE;
// figure out angle to player
ang = atan2(dsty - p->y, dstx - p->x);
xs = (cos(ang) * xspeed);
ys = (sin(ang) * yspeed);
if (p->x < dstx) {
p->x += xs;
if (p->x >= dstx) {
p->x = dstx;
if (p->x > dstx) {
p->x += xs;
if (p->x <= dstx) {
p->x = dstx;
if (p->x == dstx) {
therex = B_TRUE;
if (p->y < dsty) {
p->y += ys;
if (p->y >= dsty) {
p->y = dsty;
if (p->y > dsty) {
p->y += ys;
if (p->y <= dsty) {
p->y = dsty;
if (p->y == dsty) {
therey = B_TRUE;
// figure out distance to target
distanceleft = getdistance(p->x,p->y,dstx,dsty);
if (therex && therey) return 0;
return distanceleft;
// grabs area behind a sprite into a temp buffer
SDL_Surface *grabbehind(sprite_t *s, SDL_Surface *surf) {
SDL_Rect area;
// create buffer for player background
if (surf) {
surf = NULL;
surf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
s->img->w, s->img->h,
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
// remember area behind player
area.x = s->x - s->img->w/2;
area.y = s->y - s->img->h;
area.w = surf->w;
area.h = surf->h;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &area, surf, NULL);
return surf;
void dumpsprites(void) {
sprite_t *s;
int i = 0;
int mcount = 0;
for (s = sprite; s ; s = s->next) {
printf("Sprite #%d: %s at %1.0f,%1.0f id=%d (",i,s->name,s->x,s->y, s->id);
if (ismonster(s->id)) { printf("MONSTER, "); mcount++; }
if (isfruit(s->id)) printf("FRUIT, ");
if (isflower(s->id)) printf("FLOWER, ");
if (isbullet(s->id)) printf("BULLET, ");
if (iseffect(s->id)) printf("EFFECT, ");
printf("Total monsters: %d\n",mcount);
// returns width
int drawoutlinetext(SDL_Surface *where,int x, int y, int size, char *msg, SDL_Color *col, SDL_Color *bgcol) {
SDL_Surface *surf;
SDL_Rect area;
int wid;
surf = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[size], msg, *bgcol);
area.x = x-1; area.y = y; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x-1; area.y = y-1; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x; area.y = y-1; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x+1; area.y = y-1; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x+1; area.y = y; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x+1; area.y = y+1; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x; area.y = y+1; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x-1; area.y = y+1; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
// text
SDL_SetColors(surf, col, 1, 1);
area.x = x; area.y = y; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
wid = surf->w;
return wid;
void drawoutlinecentretext(SDL_Surface *where, int y, int size, char *msg, SDL_Color *col, SDL_Color *bgcol) {
SDL_Surface *surf;
SDL_Rect area;
int x;
surf = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[size], msg, *bgcol);
x = 320 - (surf->w/2);
area.x = x-1; area.y = y; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x-1; area.y = y-1; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x; area.y = y-1; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x+1; area.y = y-1; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x+1; area.y = y; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x+1; area.y = y+1; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x; area.y = y+1; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
area.x = x-1; area.y = y+1; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
// text
SDL_SetColors(surf, col, 1, 1);
area.x = x; area.y = y; SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, where, &area);
void addoutlinetext(int x, int y, int size, char *msg, SDL_Color *col, SDL_Color *bgcol, int delay, int ttype) {
int shadowtype;
if (ttype == TT_HELP) {
shadowtype = TT_HELPSHADOW;
} else {
shadowtype = TT_NORM;
addtext(x-1,y,size,msg,bgcol,delay,shadowtype); // outline
addtext(x-1,y-1,size,msg,bgcol,delay,shadowtype); // outline
addtext(x,y-1,size,msg,bgcol,delay,shadowtype); // outline
addtext(x+1,y-1,size,msg,bgcol,delay,shadowtype); // outline
addtext(x+1,y,size,msg,bgcol,delay,shadowtype); // outline
addtext(x+1,y+1,size,msg,bgcol,delay,shadowtype); // outline
addtext(x,y+1,size,msg,bgcol,delay,shadowtype); // outline
addtext(x-1,y+1,size,msg,bgcol,delay,shadowtype); // outline
addtext(x,y,size,msg,col,delay,ttype); // main text
char *addcommas(char *buffer, long num) {
char tempbuf[MIDBUFLEN];
char *p;
char *p2;
int count;
sprintf(tempbuf, "%ld",num);
p2 = buffer;
p = tempbuf;
if (strlen(tempbuf) <= 3) {
return buffer;
} else {
count = ((strlen(tempbuf)-1) % 3)+1;
for (p = tempbuf; *p; p++) {
if (count == 0) {
count = 3;
*p2 = ',';
*p2 = *p;
*p2 = '\0';
return buffer;
sprite_t *addupstar(void) {
sprite_t *ss;
int x,y;
// spawn a new star
x = (rand() % (SCREENW-(TILEW*2))) + TILEW;
ss = addsprite(P_UPSTAR, x, y, "upstar");
ss->xs = 0;
ss->ys = (rand() % 4)+1;
return ss;
int addscore(sprite_t *s, long amt) {
int oldscore;
oldscore = s->score;
// less points in easy mode
if (gamemode == GM_EASY) {
amt /= 2;
s->score += amt;
// each multiple of 100,000
if (isplayer(s) && !endgame) {
if ((s->score / 100000) > (oldscore / 100000)) {
return amt;
void extralife(sprite_t *which) {
which->lives += 1;
addoutlinetext(which->x,which->y - which->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_LIFE, "Extra life!",&green,&black,LIFEDELAY,TT_NORM);
// slowly change level to ice
void doice(void) {
int yy,xx,changed;
sprite_t *s;
int l2id;
// just in case
if (!curlevel->iced) {
curlevel->iced = ICE_INPROGRESS;
// slowly change a level to ice
//if (timer % ICESPEED == 0) {
xx = 0;
for (yy = curlevel->icey; yy >= 0; yy--) {
// make sure tile is valid
if ((yy >= 0) && (yy < LEVELH) && (xx >= 0) && (xx < LEVELW)) {
tiletype_t *tt;
changed = B_FALSE;
// if not already a second layer here...
//l2id = curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx];
tt = gettile(curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx]);
l2id = tt->id;
if (l2id == T_BLANK) {
// add ice layer
tt = gettile(curlevel->map[yy*LEVELW+xx]);
switch (tt->id) {
case T_FULL:
curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx] = getuniq(T_ICE);
changed = B_TRUE;
case T_LAND:
curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx] = getuniq(T_ICETOP);
changed = B_TRUE;
} else { // certain l2 ids can still be replaced
switch (l2id) {
case T_FULL:
curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx] = getuniq(T_ICE);
changed = B_TRUE;
case T_LAND:
curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx] = getuniq(T_ICETOP);
changed = B_TRUE;
if (changed) {
drawtile(temps, xx, yy);
// finished?
if ((xx == LEVELW-1) && (yy == LEVELH-1)) {
curlevel->iced = ICE_COMPLETE;
if (xx >= LEVELW) break;
// ice any monsters
for (s = sprite; s ; s = s->next) {
if (ismonster(s->id)) {
if ((s->x <= (xx*TILEW)) && (s->y <= (curlevel->icey*TILEH))) {
if (!s->iced && !s->dead && !s->caughtby) {
// ice it!
s->iced = B_TRUE;
s->jumping = B_FALSE;
// increase icey for next time
void adjustx(sprite_t *s,int framenum) {
int newx,newy,diff;
tiletype_t *tt;
if (imageset[s->id].img[framenum] == NULL) {
if ((levelcomplete == LV_CLOUD) || (levelcomplete == LV_CLOUDLOOP)) {
if (imageset[s->id].img[framenum]->w > s->img->w) {
diff = (imageset[s->id].img[framenum]->w - s->img->w) +1 ;
} else {
diff = (s->img->w - imageset[s->id].img[framenum]->w) +1 ;
newy = s->y-TILEH;
// check RIGHT
newx = s->x + (s->img->w/2);
tt = gettileat(newx,newy,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid == S_SOLID) {
s->x -= diff;
// check LEFT
newx = s->x - (s->img->w/2);
tt = gettileat(newx,newy,NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid == S_SOLID) {
s->x += diff;
/* check for death & update movement status*/
void checksprites(void) {
sprite_t *s, *nextsprite;
int inair = 0;
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = nextsprite) {
s->moved = MV_NONE;
nextsprite = s->next;
if (ismonster(s->id)) {
if ((s->dead && (s->dead != D_FINAL))) {
if (s->dead == D_FINAL) {
if (isplayer(s)) {
int alldead;
if (s->lives > 0) {
/* if we have lives left, go back to start position */
if (s == player) {
s->x = (curlevel->p1x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
s->y = (curlevel->p1y * TILEH) + (TILEH/2);
} else {
s->x = (curlevel->p2x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
s->y = (curlevel->p2y * TILEH) + (TILEH/2);
} else {
// permenantly dead - mark for later
s->lives = -1;
// is everyone dead?
alldead = B_TRUE;
if (player) {
if ((player->dead != D_FINAL) || (player->lives > 0)) alldead = B_FALSE;
if (player2) {
if ((player2->dead != D_FINAL) || (player2->lives > 0)) alldead = B_FALSE;
if (alldead) {
if (levelcomplete != LV_GAMEOVER) {
// special type - when it expires, gameover timer will start
addoutlinetext(320,240,TEXTSIZE_GAMEOVER,"Game Over",&red,&black,GAMEOVERDELAY,TT_GAMEOVER);
levelcomplete = LV_GAMEOVER;
} else {
if ((s->id == P_PUFF) && (s->timer1 != 999)) {
printf("puff died without changing!!!\n");
// check for level completion
if ((inair == 0) && (fruittime != -1)) {
// reset fruit counter
fruittime = -1;
curfruittype = 0;
// check if we've hit the cloud
if (levelcomplete == LV_NEXTLEV) {
void moveallsprites(void) {
sprite_t *s;
for (s = sprite; s ; s = s->next) {
void checkcollideall(void) {
sprite_t *s;
/* check collisions for player and effects */
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = s->next) {
if (isplayer(s)) {
if (!inintro()) {
if (s->powerup != PW_GUNNER) {
} else if (needscollisions(s->id)) {
if (isplatform(s->id)) {
} else {
} else if ((s->id == P_BLACKCLOUD) && (globpowerup == PW_WHISTLE)) {
} else if (inintro() && s->id == P_RAT) {
} else if ((s->id == P_ANT1) || (s->id == P_ANT2) || (s->id == P_ANT3)) {
void drawallsprites(void) {
sprite_t *s;
int lastframe;
/* draw non-puff sprites */
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = s->next) {
if (s->id != P_PUFF) {
lastframe = s->frame;
if (s->frame != lastframe) {
if ((s->id == P_KINGFLY) || ((s->id == P_FLY) && (s->owner))) {
// don't adjust
} else {
adjustx(s, s->frame);
/* draw puff sprites */
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = s->next) {
if (s->id == P_PUFF) drawsprite(s);
// check if sprite has passed off bottom/top of screen
void checkwrap(sprite_t *s) {
if (!s) return;
if (!s->dead) {
if (!iseffect(s->id)) {
/* if we've fallen off the bottom... */
if (s->y > (SCREENH+s->img->h)) {
if (inintro()) {
// die
s->dead = D_FINAL;
} else {
// move to top
s->y = -s->img->h;
/* if we've gone off the top */
if (s->y < -s->img->h) {
// move to bottom
s->y = (SCREENH+s->img->h);
int getcurworld(void) {
return getworld(curlevelnum);
int getcurlevel(void) {
return getlevel(curlevelnum);
// returns how high a given monster will jump
int getmonjumpspeed(sprite_t *s ) {
switch (s->id) {
case P_SLUG:
if (s->jumpdir == 0) { // jumping straight up
} else { // jumping horizontally
return 3;
return 3;
return 7;
// returns how long to pause before jumping
int getjumpdelay(int mid) {
switch (mid) {
case P_SLUG:
return 30;
return 60;
return 60;
void togglepause(void) {
if (paused) {
paused = B_FALSE;
} else {
paused = B_TRUE;
void togglefullscreen(void) {
int vidargs;
// close window
// set fullscreen variable
if (fullscreen) {
fullscreen = B_FALSE;
} else {
fullscreen = B_TRUE;
vidargs = SDL_SWSURFACE|(fullscreen?SDL_FULLSCREEN:0);
#ifdef OPENGL
vidargs |= SDL_OPENGL;
#ifdef OPENGL
// set title bar if required
if (!fullscreen) {
SDL_WM_SetCaption(progname, progname);
// redraw background
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, NULL, screen, NULL);
if (!paused) {
/* redo framerate manager */
SDL_setFramerate(&manager, WANTFPS);
#ifdef OPENGL
void preinitgl(void) {
SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5 );
SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 5 );
SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5 );
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16);
void initgl(void) {
glClearColor( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); // Need this to display a texture
glViewport( 0, 0, SCREENW, SCREENH ); // set screen size
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
glOrtho( 0, SCREENW, SCREENH, 0, -1, 1 );
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
void initsdl(void) {
int i;
int wantbpp = 32;
printf("SDL_Init: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
vidargs = 0;
if (fullscreen) {
vidargs |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
#ifdef OPENGL
realscreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(SCREENW,SCREENH,wantbpp,SDL_SWSURFACE|SDL_OPENGL|vidargs);
screen = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, realscreen->w, realscreen->h, wantbpp, rm, gm, bm ,am);
SDL_SetAlpha(screen, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0);
// Try for 16 bit mode, but SDL_ANYFORMAT means that 32 bit is acceptable.
// set drawpixel function based on what depth we ended up with
if (realscreen->format->BitsPerPixel == 32) {
drawpixel = drawpixel32;
printf("32 bit mode in use.\n");
} else {
drawpixel = drawpixel16;
printf("16 bit mode in use.\n");
#ifdef OPENGL
// set title bar
SDL_WM_SetCaption(progname, progname);
if (!screen) {
printf("Failed to open window: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
// find joysticks
havejoysticks = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
joy[i] = SDL_JoystickOpen(i);
if (joy[i]) {
joyname[i] = SDL_JoystickName(i);
printf("Joystick #%d found: %s",i, joyname[i]);
if (strstr(joyname[i], "aystati")) {
joytype[i] = J_PLAYSTATION;
printf(" (PS3 controller)\n");
} else if (strstr(joyname[i], "Wii")) {
joytype[i] = J_WII;
printf(" (Wiimote)\n");
} else {
joytype[i] = J_OTHER;
printf(" (Generic joystick)\n");
joybuttons[i] = SDL_JoystickNumButtons(joy[i]);
printf("Joy %d has %d buttons\n",i,joybuttons[i]);
if (joytype[i] == J_PLAYSTATION) {
joyanalog[i] = B_TRUE;
} else {
joyanalog[i] = B_FALSE;
if (joyanalog[i]) {
joythresh[i] = JOYTHRESH_ANA;
} else {
joythresh[i] = JOYTHRESH_DIG;
if (havejoysticks) {
} else {
printf("No joysticks found.\n");
// player collects the given fruit
void getfruit(sprite_t *giveto, sprite_t *fruit, int multiplier) {
char tempm[MIDBUFLEN];
char tempm2[BUFLEN];
int gotscore = fruit->score;
int modscore; // default
int i;
SDL_Color *col, *bgcol;
/* kill the fruit */
fruit->dead = D_FINAL;
// 100x points at endgame
if (endgame) {
gotscore *= 100;
modscore = gotscore; // default
/* give points to the player */
for (i = 0; i < multiplier; i++) {
modscore = addscore(giveto, gotscore);
if (fruit->id == P_RANDOM) {
// change id to whatever it currently looks like
fruit->id = fruit->timer1;
/* handle fruit effects */
if (!dofruiteffect(giveto, fruit)) {
int pointsx,pointsy;
col = getcolour(fruit->id);
bgcol = getbgcolour(fruit->id);
pointsx = fruit->x;
pointsy = fruit->y - fruit->img->h/2;
if (fruit->caughtby) {
// offset a little.
pointsx += (fruit->caughtdelay * fruit->caughtby->netdir);
pointsy -= (fruit->caughtdelay/4);
if (multiplier <= 1) {
addcommas(tempm, modscore);
//sprintf(tempm, "%d", modscore);
if (modscore > 0) {
addoutlinetext(pointsx,pointsy, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm, col,bgcol,POINTSDELAY,TT_NORM);
} else {
addcommas(tempm, modscore);
sprintf(tempm2, "%s x %d" , tempm,multiplier);
if (modscore > 0) {
addoutlinetext(pointsx,pointsy, TEXTSIZE_POINTS + 2*multiplier, tempm2, col,bgcol,POINTSDELAY,TT_NORM);
// last goin coin is special...
if (fruit->id == P_GOLDCOIN) {
int ccount;
sprite_t *s2;
ccount = 0;
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = s2->next) {
if (s2 != fruit) {
if (s2->id == P_GOLDCOIN) {
} else if ((s2->id == P_PUFF) && (s2->timer3 == P_GOLDCOIN)) {
if (ccount == 0) {
addoutlinetext(fruit->x,fruit->y - fruit->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BOMB, "Perfect!", &green,&black,CLOVERDELAY,TT_NORM);
forcegold = B_TRUE;
forcegoldlev = curlevelnum;
// slowly change level to water
void doflood(void) {
int yy,xx,changed;
int l2id;
// just in case
if (!curlevel->iced) {
curlevel->iced = WATER_INPROGRESS;
// slowly change a level to water
//if (timer % ICESPEED == 0) {
for (yy = curlevel->icey ; (yy <= curlevel->icey+1) && (yy < LEVELH); yy++) {
for (xx = 0; xx < LEVELW; xx++) {
tiletype_t *tt;
changed = B_FALSE;
// if not already a second layer here...
//l2id = curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx];
tt = gettile(curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx]);
l2id = tt->id;
if (l2id == T_BLANK) {
// maybe change to water ice layer
tt = gettile(curlevel->map[yy*LEVELW+xx]);
switch (tt->id) {
case T_BLANK:
case T_SKY:
case T_SPIKES:
case T_WATER:
if (yy == curlevel->icey) {
curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx] = getuniq(T_WATERTOP);
} else {
curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx] = getuniq(T_WATER);
changed = B_TRUE;
} else { // certain l2 ids can still be replaced
switch (l2id) {
case T_SKY:
case T_WATER:
if (yy == curlevel->icey) {
curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx] = getuniq(T_WATERTOP);
} else {
curlevel->map2[yy*LEVELW+xx] = getuniq(T_WATER);
changed = B_TRUE;
if (changed) {
drawtile(temps, xx, yy);
// decrease icey for next time
if (curlevel->icey < 0) {
curlevel->iced = WATER_COMPLETE;
// put flood effect back to normal
void undoflood(void) {
int x,y;
for (y = 0 ; y < LEVELH; y++) {
for (x = 0 ; x < LEVELW; x++) {
curlevel->map2[y*LEVELW+x] = savemap[y*LEVELW+x];
drawtile(temps, x, y);
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, NULL, screen, NULL);
sprite_t *haspowerupany(int pid) {
if (player && haspowerup(player,pid)) return player;
if (player2 && haspowerup(player2,pid)) return player2;
return NULL;
int haspowerup(sprite_t *s, int pid) {
if (!s) return B_FALSE;
switch (pid) {
case P_SPEED:
if (s->speed != PLAYERSLOW) {
return B_TRUE;
if (s->netmax >= 4 ) {
return B_TRUE;
case P_BIGNET:
if (s->netbig) {
return B_TRUE;
if (s->hasmask) {
return B_TRUE;
case P_TROPHY:
if ((s->netmax >= 4) && (s->netbig) && (s->speed != PLAYERSLOW)) {
return B_TRUE;
case P_HELMET:
if (s->armour) {
return B_TRUE;
case P_BELL:
if (s->hasbell) {
return B_TRUE;
if (s->gemboost >= 3) {
return B_TRUE;
case P_HONEY:
if (s->netsticky) {
return B_TRUE;
if (s->doublejump) {
return B_TRUE;
if (s->powerup == pid) return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
void gaincard(sprite_t *s, int cardid) {
int i;
char msg[BUFLEN];
// just in case
if (s->numcards >= MAXCARDS) return;
// gain the card
s->card[s->numcards] = cardid;
// check for a full hand of cards
if (s->numcards == MAXCARDS) {
int cardwidth,cardheight;
SDL_Rect area;
sprite_t *newsp;
cardwidth = imageset[P_FIRSTCARD].img[F_WALK1]->w;
cardheight = imageset[P_FIRSTCARD].img[F_WALK1]->h;
// remember old level state
oldlevelcomplete = levelcomplete;
// change state to LV_CARDCOMPLETE
// (in this state, everything is frozen )
levelcomplete = LV_DOPOKER;
// generate FIVECARDS sprite
if (s == player) {
newsp = addsprite(P_FIVECARDS, CARDX, CARDY, "fivecards");
} else {
int cardx2 = SCREENW - CARDX - (5*(imageset[P_FIRSTCARD].img[F_WALK1]->w + 2));
newsp = addsprite(P_FIVECARDS, cardx2, CARDY, "fivecards");
newsp->owner = s;
// create blank image
newsp->img = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
(cardwidth+2)*MAXCARDS, cardheight,
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
SDL_FillRect(newsp->img, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));
// fill in the cards
if (s == player) { // left to right
area.x = 0;
area.y = 0;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
for (i = 0; i < s->numcards; i++) {
SDL_Surface *cardimg;
cardimg = imageset[s->card[i]].img[F_WALK1];
if (cardimg == NULL){
printf("ERROR! Card image is null!!\n");
SDL_BlitSurface(cardimg, NULL, newsp->img, &area);
area.x += (cardimg->w + 2);
} else { // right to left
area.x = 4*(cardwidth+2);
area.y = 0;
area.w = 0;
area.h = 0;
for (i = 0; i < s->numcards; i++) {
SDL_Surface *cardimg;
cardimg = imageset[s->card[i]].img[F_WALK1];
if (cardimg == NULL){
printf("ERROR! Card image is null!!\n");
SDL_BlitSurface(cardimg, NULL, newsp->img, &area);
area.x -= (cardimg->w + 2);
// adjust x value so we can use drawsprite()
newsp->x += (newsp->img->w / 2);
newsp->y += (newsp->img->h);
// figure out what happened
pokereffect = getpokereffect(s);
getpokermsg2(pokereffect, msg);
// display BIG message
addoutlinetext(320,180,TEXTSIZE_POKER,getpokermsg(pokereffect),&green, &black, POKERDELAY,TT_NORM);
addoutlinetext(320,290,TEXTSIZE_POKER,msg,&green, &black, POKERDELAY,TT_NORM);
// pause music
// sound effect
// figure out what poker effect to apply and set variables
// also record which cards were used in pl->usedcards
int getpokereffect(sprite_t *pl) {
int i, c, count, curval, val, suit, found;
// default
pokerpoints = 0;
/// mark all player cards as unused
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
pl->usedcard[c] = B_FALSE;
// * check for royal straight flush (perm trophy)
// for each card, count up from here
for (i = 0; i < MAXCARDS; i++) {
count = 1;
val = getcardvalue(pl->card[i]);
suit = getcardsuit(pl->card[i]);
curval = val;
found = B_TRUE;
// start at this card
while (found && count < 5) {
found = B_FALSE;
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
if (c != i) {
if (getcardsuit(pl->card[c]) == suit) { // same suit?
if (getcardvalue(pl->card[c]) == curval + 1) {
found = B_TRUE;
// got it?
if (count >= 5) {
if (curval == 13) { // last card was a king
// GOT IT!
/// mark all player cards as USED
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
pl->usedcard[c] = B_TRUE;
// * check for straight flush (skip 7 levels)
for (i = 0; i < MAXCARDS; i++) {
count = 1;
val = getcardvalue(pl->card[i]);
suit = getcardsuit(pl->card[i]);
curval = val;
found = B_TRUE;
// start at this card
while (found && count < 5) {
found = B_FALSE;
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
if (c != i) {
if (getcardsuit(pl->card[c]) == suit) { // same suit?
if (getcardvalue(pl->card[c]) == curval + 1) {
found = B_TRUE;
// got it?
if (count >= 5) {
// GOT IT!
/// mark all player cards as USED
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
pl->usedcard[c] = B_TRUE;
// * check for four of a kind (perm 4 nets )
for (i = 0; i < MAXCARDS; i++) {
val = getcardvalue(pl->card[i]);
count = 1;
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
if (c != i) {
if (getcardvalue(pl->card[c]) == val ) {
// got it?
if (count >= 4) {
// GOT IT!
/// mark all player cards with correct value as USED
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
if (getcardvalue(pl->card[c]) == val) {
pl->usedcard[c] = B_TRUE;
return PE_FOUR;
// * check for full house (perm bignet )
for (i = 0; i < MAXCARDS; i++) {
val = getcardvalue(pl->card[i]);
count = 1;
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
if (c != i) {
if (getcardvalue(pl->card[c]) == val ) {
// got it?
if (count >= 3) {
int ii, val2,cc,count2;
// got a triple with this card - now look for doubles
for (ii = 0; ii < MAXCARDS; ii++) {
val2 = getcardvalue(pl->card[ii]);
if (val2 != val) { // must be a DIFFERENT value!
count2 = 1;
for (cc = 0; cc < MAXCARDS; cc++) {
if (cc != ii) {
if (getcardvalue(pl->card[cc]) == val2 ) {
// got it?
if (count2 >= 2) {
// GOT IT! - double with this one
/// mark all player cards as USED
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
pl->usedcard[c] = B_TRUE;
// * check for flush (skip 5 levels )
for (i = 0; i < MAXCARDS; i++) {
suit = getcardsuit(pl->card[i]);
count = 1;
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
if (c != i) {
if (getcardsuit(pl->card[c]) == suit ) {
// got it?
if (count >= 5) {
// GOT IT!
/// mark all player cards as USED
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
pl->usedcard[c] = B_TRUE;
return PE_FLUSH;
// * check for straight (perm honey)
for (i = 0; i < MAXCARDS; i++) {
count = 1;
val = getcardvalue(pl->card[i]);
suit = getcardsuit(pl->card[i]);
curval = val;
found = B_TRUE;
// start at this card
while (found && count < 5) {
found = B_FALSE;
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
if (c != i) {
if (getcardvalue(pl->card[c]) == curval + 1) {
found = B_TRUE;
// got it?
if (count >= 5) {
// GOT IT!
/// mark all player cards as USED
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
pl->usedcard[c] = B_TRUE;
// * check for triple (skip 3 levels )
for (i = 0; i < MAXCARDS; i++) {
val = getcardvalue(pl->card[i]);
count = 1;
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
if (c != i) {
if (getcardvalue(pl->card[c]) == val ) {
// got it?
if (count >= 3) {
// GOT IT!
/// mark all player cards with correct value as USED
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
if (getcardvalue(pl->card[c]) == val) {
pl->usedcard[c] = B_TRUE;
return PE_TRIPLE;
// * check for two pair (value * 2000 for each card in pair )
for (i = 0; i < MAXCARDS; i++) {
val = getcardvalue(pl->card[i]);
count = 1;
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
if (c != i) {
if (getcardvalue(pl->card[c]) == val ) {
// got it?
if (count >= 2) {
int ii, val2,cc,count2;
// got a pair with this card - now look for another one
for (ii = 0; ii < MAXCARDS; ii++) {
val2 = getcardvalue(pl->card[ii]);
if (val2 != val) { // must be a DIFFERENT value!
count2 = 1;
for (cc = 0; cc < MAXCARDS; cc++) {
if (cc != ii) {
if (getcardvalue(pl->card[cc]) == val2 ) {
// got it?
if (count2 >= 2) {
// GOT IT! - double with this one
/// mark all player cards as USED and assign points
pokerpoints = 0;
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
int thisval;
thisval = getcardvalue(pl->card[c]);
if ((thisval == val) || (thisval == val2)) {
pokerpoints += (thisval * 4000);
pl->usedcard[c] = B_TRUE;
return PE_TWOPAIR;
// * check for pair (value * 2000 for each card in pair )
for (i = 0; i < MAXCARDS; i++) {
val = getcardvalue(pl->card[i]);
count = 1;
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
if (c != i) {
if (getcardvalue(pl->card[c]) == val ) {
// got it?
if (count >= 2) {
// GOT IT!
// assign points and
// mark all player cards with correct value as USED
pokerpoints = 0;
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
int thisval;
thisval = getcardvalue(pl->card[c]);
if (thisval == val) {
pokerpoints += (thisval * 4000);
pl->usedcard[c] = B_TRUE;
return PE_PAIR;
// * default is high card (value * 1000)
// find highest card
count = -1;// use this to track highest card index
curval = -1;
for (i = 0; i < MAXCARDS; i++) {
val = getcardvalue(pl->card[i]);
if (val > curval) {
curval = val;
count = i;
// assign points
pokerpoints = curval * 1000;
// mark used card
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
if (c == count) {
pl->usedcard[c] = B_TRUE;
} else {
pl->usedcard[c] = B_FALSE;
// actually apply the current poker effect (in global "pokereffect")
void dopokereffect(sprite_t *pl, int effect) {
char tempmsg[BUFLEN];
sprite_t *s2, *nexts;
switch (effect) {
case PE_PAIR:
// points
sprintf(tempmsg, "%d",addscore(pl, pokerpoints));
addoutlinetext(pl->x,pl->y - pl->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BONUS, tempmsg,&cyan,&black,POKERMSGDELAY,TT_NORM);
// skip 3 levels
sprintf(tempmsg, "Skip 3 levels!");
addoutlinetext(pl->x,pl->y - pl->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BONUS, tempmsg,&cyan,&black,POKERMSGDELAY,TT_NORM);
// set powerup
pl->powerup = PW_PHONE;
skiplevels = 2;
// kill all enemies
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isbullet(s2->id) || ismonster(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
if (s2->caughtby) {
// call in cloud immediately
levelcomplete = LV_FINAL;
// permenant big net
pl->permbignet = B_TRUE;
pl->netbig = B_TRUE;
sprintf(tempmsg, "Permenant Big Nets!");
addoutlinetext(pl->x,pl->y - pl->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BONUS, tempmsg,&cyan,&black,POKERMSGDELAY,TT_NORM);
case PE_FLUSH:
// skip 5 levels
sprintf(tempmsg, "Skip 5 levels!");
addoutlinetext(pl->x,pl->y - pl->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BONUS, tempmsg,&cyan,&black,POKERMSGDELAY,TT_NORM);
// set powerup
pl->powerup = PW_PHONE;
skiplevels = 4;
// kill all enemies
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isbullet(s2->id) || ismonster(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
if (s2->caughtby) {
// call in cloud immediately
levelcomplete = LV_FINAL;
// permenant double jump
pl->permdoublejump = B_TRUE;
pl->doublejump = B_TRUE;
sprintf(tempmsg, "Permenant Double Jump!");
addoutlinetext(pl->x,pl->y - pl->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BONUS, tempmsg,&cyan,&black,POKERMSGDELAY,TT_NORM);
case PE_FOUR:
// permenant max nets
pl->permnumnets = 4;
pl->netmax = 4;
sprintf(tempmsg, "Permenant Max Nets!");
addoutlinetext(pl->x,pl->y - pl->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BONUS, tempmsg,&cyan,&black,POKERMSGDELAY,TT_NORM);
// skip 7 levels
sprintf(tempmsg, "Skip 7 levels!");
addoutlinetext(pl->x,pl->y - pl->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BONUS, tempmsg,&cyan,&black,POKERMSGDELAY,TT_NORM);
// set powerup
pl->powerup = PW_PHONE;
skiplevels = 6;
// kill all enemies
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isbullet(s2->id) || ismonster(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
if (s2->caughtby) {
// call in cloud immediately
levelcomplete = LV_FINAL;
// permenant trophy
pl->permspeed = B_TRUE;
pl->permbignet = B_TRUE;
pl->permnumnets = 4;
pl->speed = PLAYERFAST;
pl->netbig = B_TRUE;
pl->netmax = 4;
sprintf(tempmsg, "Permenant full power!");
addoutlinetext(pl->x,pl->y - pl->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_BONUS, tempmsg,&cyan,&black,POKERMSGDELAY,TT_NORM);
char *getpokermsg(int effect) {
switch (effect) {
return "High Card";
case PE_PAIR:
return "Pair!";
return "Two Pairs!";
return "Triple!";
return "Straight!";
case PE_FLUSH:
return "Flush!";
return "Full House!";
case PE_FOUR:
return "Four of a Kind!";
return "Straight Flush!";
return "ROYAL FLUSH!";
return "unknown";
char *getpokermsg2(int effect, char *buf) {
sprintf(buf, "Unknown");
switch (effect) {
sprintf(buf, "%d points",pokerpoints);
case PE_PAIR:
sprintf(buf, "%d points",pokerpoints);
sprintf(buf, "%d points",pokerpoints);
sprintf(buf, "Skip 3 levels");
sprintf(buf, "Permenant Big Nets");
case PE_FLUSH:
sprintf(buf, "Skip 5 levels");
sprintf(buf, "Permenant Double Jump");
case PE_FOUR:
sprintf(buf, "Permenant 4x Nets");
sprintf(buf, "Skip 7 levels");
sprintf(buf, "Permenant Full Power");
return buf;
void handleinput(void) {
SDL_Event event;
/* check for key releases */
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
if (event.type == SDL_KEYUP) {
// TODO: can only add credits in title screen ?
// lose points for each credit after the first.
if ((event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_5) || (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_6)) {
if (levelcomplete == LV_HELPFREEZE) {
if ((event.key.keysym.sym == KEY_SHOOT) || (event.key.keysym.sym == KEY_SLAM) ||
(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_s) || (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_f)) {
levelcomplete = oldlevelcomplete;
} else if (havejoysticks && (event.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONUP)) {
if (levelcomplete == LV_HELPFREEZE) {
if ((joybuttontokey(event.jbutton.button) == KEY_SHOOT) || (joybuttontokey(event.jbutton.button) == KEY_SLAM)) {
levelcomplete = oldlevelcomplete;
// don't accept other input in helpfreeze state
if (levelcomplete == LV_HELPFREEZE) return;
// now handle key preses /joystick
/* ************************************************************
These keys can always be pressed
// toggle fullscreen
if (keydown(0, SDLK_F3) || keydown(0, SDLK_BACKSLASH)) {
if (toggletimer == 0) {
// always pause first
paused = B_TRUE;
toggletimer = 40;
// pause
if (keydown(0, SDLK_p)) {
if (toggletimer == 0) {
toggletimer = 80;
// quit
if (keydown(0, SDLK_ESCAPE)) {
if (keydown(0, SDLK_F2)) { // show framerate
if (toggletimer == 0) {
if (wantframerate) {
wantframerate = B_FALSE;
} else {
wantframerate = B_TRUE;
toggletimer = 80;
// 1up/2up
if ( (player && keydown(0, SDLK_1)) || (player2 && keydown(0, SDLK_2))) {
if (inintro()) {
// skip intro
if (cheat) {
if (keydown(0, SDLK_q)) {
gtime = nexthurryup-1;
//gtime = nexthurryup+14;
if (keydown(0, SDLK_b)) {
//gtime = nexthurryup-1;
if (player && !player->dead) {
player->lives = 1;
if (player2 && !player2->dead) {
player2->lives = 1;
if (keydown(0, SDLK_t)) {
if (player->numcards == 0) {
//gaincard(player, getrandomcard());
//gaincard(player, getrandomcard());
//gaincard(player, getrandomcard());
//gaincard(player, getrandomcard());
gaincard(player, P_CARDD4);
gaincard(player, P_CARDD5);
gaincard(player, P_CARDD1);
gaincard(player, P_CARDDJ);
gaincard(player, P_CARDD10);
if (keydown(0, SDLK_u)) {
if (player2->numcards == 0) {
//gaincard(player, getrandomcard());
//gaincard(player, getrandomcard());
//gaincard(player, getrandomcard());
//gaincard(player, getrandomcard());
gaincard(player2, P_CARDD4);
gaincard(player2, P_CARDC5);
gaincard(player2, P_CARDD5);
gaincard(player2, P_CARDSJ);
gaincard(player2, P_CARDD10);
if (keydown(0, SDLK_e)) {
if (toggletimer == 0) {
addscore(player, 100001);
toggletimer = 30;
if (keydown(0, SDLK_v)) { // cheat
if (toggletimer == 0) {
// addsprite(P_BIGCHEST, (SCREENW/2), 0, "bigchest");
// all powerups
sprintf(tempm, "Cheat!");
if (player) {
//player->powerup = PW_MAGNET;
player->powerup = PW_RAYGUN;
player->netmax = 4; // all nets
player->netbig = B_TRUE; // big net
player->speed = PLAYERFAST; // fast
player->netsticky = B_TRUE;
player->doublejump = B_TRUE;
player->hasbell = B_TRUE;
player->umbrella = B_TRUE;
player->armour = B_TRUE;
player->id = P_ARMOUR; // change how the player looks
player->hasmask = B_TRUE;
addoutlinetext(player->x,player->y - player->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY,TT_NORM);
if (player2) {
player2->netmax = 4; // all nets
player2->netbig = B_TRUE; // big net
player2->speed = PLAYERFAST; // fast
player2->netsticky = B_TRUE;
player2->doublejump = B_TRUE;
player2->hasbell = B_TRUE;
player2->hasmask = B_TRUE;
player2->umbrella = B_TRUE;
addoutlinetext(player2->x,player2->y - player2->img->h/2, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&white,&black,POINTSDELAY,TT_NORM);
toggletimer = 80;
if (keydown(0, SDLK_n)) {
if (toggletimer == 0) {
// nextlevel();
sprite_t *s2, *nexts;
// kill all enemies and fruits
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isbullet(s2->id) || ismonster(s2->id) || isfruit(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
if (ismonster(s2->id)) {
if (s2->caughtby) {
// call in cloud immediately
levelcomplete = LV_FINAL;
toggletimer = 50;
if (keydown(0, SDLK_d)) {
if (toggletimer == 0) {
// dump sprites
toggletimer = 50;
if (keydown(SDLK_d)) {
sprite_t *s2,*nexts;
// set powerup
player->powerup = PW_PHONE;
// kill all enemies
for (s2 = sprite; s2 ; s2 = nexts) {
nexts = s2->next;
if (isbullet(s2->id) || ismonster(s2->id)) {
s2->dead = D_FINAL;
if (s2->caughtby) {
// revive from dead or join in?
if (levelcomplete == LV_INPROGRESS) {
if (keydown(0, SDLK_1)) {
if (player) {
if ((player->dead == D_FINAL) && (player->lives == -1)) {
if (credits >= 1) {
double px,py;
// lose credit and come back to life
player->lives = INITPLAYERLIVES;
player->score = 0;
px = (curlevel->p1x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
py = (curlevel->p1y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
puffin(-1, px, py-TILEH, "nothing", 0);
puffin(-1, px, py, "nothing", 0);
if (!lockcredits) {
lockcredits = B_TRUE;
addoutlinetext(px,py - TILEH, TEXTSIZE_SCORE, "Credits locked",&yellow,&red2,DIEDELAY, TT_NORM);
} else { // !player
if (credits >= 1) {
double px,py;
// join the game
px = (curlevel->p1x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
py = (curlevel->p1y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
want1up = B_TRUE;
player = addsprite(swapplayers ? P_PLAYER2 : P_PLAYER, px, py, "Player 1" );
puffin(-1, px, py-TILEH, "nothing", 0);
puffin(-1, px, py, "nothing", 0);
player->score = 0;
if (gamemode == GM_EASY) {
player->permarmour = B_TRUE;
player->armour = B_TRUE;
player->id = swapplayers ? P_ARMOUR2 : P_ARMOUR;
} else {
player->permarmour = B_FALSE;
player->armour = B_FALSE;
player->id = swapplayers ? P_PLAYER2 : P_PLAYER;
player->lives = INITPLAYERLIVES;
if (keydown(0, SDLK_2)) {
if (player2) {
if ((player2->dead == D_FINAL) && (player2->lives == -1)) {
if (credits >= 1) {
double px,py;
// lose credit and come back to life
player2->lives = INITPLAYERLIVES;
player2->score = 0;
px = (curlevel->p2x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
py = (curlevel->p2y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
puffin(-1, px, py-TILEH, "nothing", 0);
puffin(-1, px, py, "nothing", 0);
if (!lockcredits) {
lockcredits = B_TRUE;
addoutlinetext(px,py - TILEH, TEXTSIZE_SCORE, "Credits locked",&yellow,&red2,DIEDELAY, TT_NORM);
} else { // !player2
if (credits >= 1) {
double px,py;
// join the game
px = (curlevel->p2x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
py = (curlevel->p2y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
want1up = B_TRUE;
player2 = addsprite(swapplayers ? P_PLAYER : P_PLAYER2, px, py, "Player 2" );
puffin(-1, px, py-TILEH, "nothing", 0);
puffin(-1, px, py, "nothing", 0);
player2->score = 0;
if (gamemode == GM_EASY) {
player2->permarmour = B_TRUE;
player2->armour = B_TRUE;
player2->id = swapplayers ? P_ARMOUR : P_ARMOUR2;
} else {
player2->permarmour = B_FALSE;
player2->armour = B_FALSE;
player2->id = swapplayers ? P_PLAYER : P_PLAYER2;
player2->lives = INITPLAYERLIVES;
/* ************************************************************
Player movement
if ((!inintro()) && !paused && (!levelcomplete != LV_DOPOKER) ) {
// is cloud touching the player?
if (levelcomplete == LV_CLOUD) {
sprite_t *c;
int hitplayer1 = B_FALSE,hitplayer2 = B_FALSE;
for (c = sprite ; c ; c = c->next) {
if (player) {
if ((c->owner == player) && (c->timer1 == LV_CLOUDLOOP)) {
// can't move
hitplayer1 = B_TRUE;
if (player2) {
if ((c->owner == player2) && (c->timer1 == LV_CLOUDLOOP)) {
// can't move
hitplayer2 = B_TRUE;
if (!hitplayer1) doplayermovement(player);
if (!hitplayer2) doplayermovement(player2);
} else {
// ignore other events
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
void swimup(sprite_t *pl) {
int pnum;
if (pl == player) {
pnum = 0;
} else if (pl == player2) {
pnum = 1;
} else return; // only valid for players
if (pl->moved & MV_SWIM) {
pl->falling = B_FALSE;
if (!isroofabove(pl)) {
// is there water above us too?
if (isinwaterpoint(pl->x, pl->y-TILEH)) {
double swimspeed;
swimspeed = getspeed(pl);
if (pl->hasmask) {
swimspeed *= 1.5;
} else {
swimspeed *= 2;
// if so, swim up
pl->y -= swimspeed;
pl->moved |= MV_SWIM;
} else {
int whichway;
// if not, jump up
pl->climbing = B_FALSE;
if (keydown(pnum, KEY_RIGHT)) {
whichway = 1;
} else if (keydown(pnum, KEY_LEFT)) {
whichway = -1;
} else {
whichway = 0;
jump(pl, whichway);
void swimdown(sprite_t *pl) {
if (pl->moved & MV_SWIM) {
pl->falling = B_FALSE;
if (!isonground(pl)) {
double swimspeed;
// swim down
swimspeed = getspeed(pl);
if (pl->hasmask) {
swimspeed *= 1.5;
} else {
swimspeed *= 2;
pl->y += swimspeed;
pl->moved |= MV_SWIM;
void leveltransition_blit(levscrollinfo_t *l, SDL_Surface *copybuffer) {
// remember entire screen
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, NULL, copybuffer, NULL);
// draw player(s)
if (curlevelnum != INTRO_LEVELNUM) {
if (l->player && l->player->lives > 0) {
if (l->player2 && l->player2->lives > 0) {
// update screen
if (!paused) SDL_framerateDelay(&manager);
// remove players
if (curlevelnum != INTRO_LEVELNUM) {
// restore copy of screen
SDL_BlitSurface(copybuffer, NULL, screen, NULL);
void leveltransition_moveplayer(levscrollinfo_t *l) {
// move player
if (l->player && l->player->lives > 0) moveto(l->player,l->dstx[0],l->dsty[0],l->pspeed[0],l->pspeed[0]);
if (l->player2 && l->player2->lives > 0) moveto(l->player2,l->dstx[1],l->dsty[1],l->pspeed[1],l->pspeed[1]);
// set cloud location
if (l->player && l->player->lives > 0) {
l->cloud->x = l->player->x;
l->cloud->y = l->player->y + (l->cloud->img->h / 2);
if (l->player2 && l->player2->lives > 0) {
l->cloud2->x = l->player2->x;
l->cloud2->y = l->player2->y + (l->cloud2->img->h / 2);
void leveltransition_scrolllevel(int srcx, int srcy, int srcw, int srch,
int dstx, int dsty,
int nextcolx, int nextcoly, int nextcolw, int nextcolh,
int nextcol_dstx, int nextcol_dsty, int nextcol_dstw, int nextcol_dsth) {
SDL_Rect src,dst,area;
SDL_Surface *buf = NULL;
// shuffle real screen. Use a temp surface cause sdl doesn't seem to like
// blitting to and from the same surface.
src.x = srcx;
src.y = srcy;
src.w = srcw;
src.h = srch;
dst.x = dstx;
dst.y = dsty;
dst.w = 0;
dst.h = 0;
buf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, srcw, srch,
screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask,
screen->format->Gmask,screen->format->Bmask, 0);
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &src, buf, NULL);
SDL_BlitSurface(buf, NULL, screen, &dst);
// blit next column from temp surface (take last column first)
area.x = nextcolx;
area.y = nextcoly;
area.w = nextcolw;
area.h = nextcolh;
dst.x = nextcol_dstx;
dst.y = nextcol_dsty;
dst.w = nextcol_dstw;
dst.h = nextcol_dsth;
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, &area, screen, &dst);
void trytojump(sprite_t *pl) {
int pnum;
if (pl == player) {
pnum = 0;
} else if (pl == player2) {
pnum = 1;
} else return; // only valid for players
if (pl->caughtby) return;
// can't jump while slamming
if (pl->slamming) return;
if (isinwater(pl)) { // in water?
// swim up
if (!pl->jumping) {
} else { // not in water
// jump
if (!pl->jumping || (pl->doublejump && pl->doublejumpready && !pl->useddoublejump)) {
if (!pl->falling || (pl->doublejump && pl->doublejumpready && !pl->useddoublejump)) {
if (isonground(pl) || isonladder(pl) || pl->doublejump ) {
/* dropping through a bridge */
if (keydown(pnum,KEY_DOWN)) {
if (isonbridge(pl) && !pl->falling) {
/* drop down */
pl->dropping = B_TRUE;
pl->dropx = pl->x / TILEW;
pl->dropy = pl->y / TILEH;
} else { // jumping
int whichway;
if (keydown(pnum,KEY_RIGHT)) {
whichway = 1;
} else if (keydown(pnum,KEY_LEFT)) {
whichway = -1;
} else {
whichway = 0;
jump(pl, whichway);
void trytoslam(sprite_t *pl) {
if (pl->caughtby) return;
if ((!pl->netting) && (!pl->slamming)) {
/* slam */
if ((!pl->slamming) && (isonground(pl) && !pl->climbing)) {
pl->slamming = B_TRUE;
pl->slamangle = 0;
pl->netxstart = pl->x - (pl->img->w/2)*pl->dir;
adjustx(pl, F_SLAM1);
pl->netystart = pl->y;
/* handle mace */
if (pl->powerup == PW_MACE) {
sprite_t *s;
int found;
// use existing mace if it is there
found = B_FALSE;
for (s = sprite; s ; s = s->next) {
if ((s->id == P_MACE) && (s->owner == pl)) {
s->x = pl->x;
s->y = pl->y - (imageset[pl->id].img[F_SHOOT]->h / 2) + 5;
found = B_TRUE;
if (!found) {
sprite_t *newsp;
newsp = addsprite(P_MACE, pl->x,
pl->y - (imageset[pl->id].img[F_SHOOT]->h / 2) + 5,
newsp->owner = pl;
void trytoshoot(sprite_t *pl) {
if (pl->caughtby) return;
if ((!pl->netting) && (!pl->slamming)) {
if ((pl->netcaught < pl->netmax) && (pl->climbing == B_FALSE)) {
// handle cannon
if (pl->powerup == PW_CANNON) {
pl->powerup = PW_CANNONFIRE;
pl->timer3 = CANNONSIZE+5; // use this for size
} else {
if (pl->powerup == PW_RAYGUN) {
// fire a ray gun bullet
sprite_t *ss;
ss = addsprite(P_RAYGUNBULLET, pl->x, pl->y - (pl->img->h/2) + 4, "raygunbullet");
ss->xs = pl->dir * RAYGUNSPEED;
ss->dir = pl->dir;
pl->timer1--; // reduce # of shots
if (pl->timer1 > 0) {
sprintf(tempm, "%d shots left",pl->timer1);
addoutlinetext(pl->x,pl->y - pl->img->h, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&cyan,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
} else {
sprintf(tempm, "Out of ammo");
addoutlinetext(pl->x,pl->y - pl->img->h, TEXTSIZE_POINTS, tempm,&grey2,&black,POINTSDELAY, TT_NORM);
} else {
// net sound effect
/* shoot net */
pl->netting = 1;
adjustx(pl, F_SHOOT);
if (pl->powerup == PW_ACCORDION) {
pl->netspeed = ACCNETSPEED;
} else if (pl->powerup == PW_SMALLNET) {
pl->netspeed = SMALLNETSPEED;
} else if (pl->netbig) {
pl->netspeed = BIGNETSPEED;
} else {
pl->netspeed = NETSPEED;
pl->netlen = 0;
pl->netdir = pl->dir;
// set up initial...
pl->nety = pl->y - (pl->img->h/2) + 2;
/* handle boxing glove */
if (pl->powerup == PW_BOXING) {
sprite_t *s;
int found;
// use existing glove if it is there
found = B_FALSE;
for (s = sprite; s ; s = s->next) {
if ((s->id == P_GLOVE) && (s->owner == pl)) {
s->x = pl->x;
s->y = pl->y - (imageset[pl->id].img[F_SHOOT]->h / 2) + 5;
found = B_TRUE;
if (!found) {
sprite_t *newsp;
newsp = addsprite(P_GLOVE, pl->x,
pl->y - (imageset[pl->id].img[F_SHOOT]->h / 2) + 5,
newsp->owner = pl;
int keydown(int whichplayer, int checkfor) {
int checkkey;
checkkey = checkfor;
// adjust checkkey based on player
if (whichplayer == 1) {
if (checkfor == KEY_RIGHT) checkkey = KEY2_RIGHT;
if (checkfor == KEY_LEFT) checkkey = KEY2_LEFT;
if (checkfor == KEY_UP) checkkey = KEY2_UP;
if (checkfor == KEY_DOWN) checkkey = KEY2_DOWN;
if (checkfor == KEY_SHOOT) checkkey = KEY2_SHOOT;
if (checkfor == KEY_JUMP) checkkey = KEY2_JUMP;
if (checkfor == KEY_SLAM) checkkey = KEY2_SLAM;
// check for keypress
if (keys[checkkey]) {
return B_TRUE;
// check for joystick
if (havejoysticks) {
//if (joybut[keytojoybutton(checkfor)]) return B_TRUE;
if (joybuttondown(whichplayer, checkfor)) return B_TRUE;
if ((checkfor == KEY_UP) && (joyy[whichplayer] <= -joythresh[whichplayer])) return B_TRUE;
if ((checkfor == KEY_DOWN) && (joyy[whichplayer] >= joythresh[whichplayer])) return B_TRUE;
if ((checkfor == KEY_LEFT) && (joyx[whichplayer] <= -joythresh[whichplayer])) return B_TRUE;
if ((checkfor == KEY_RIGHT) && (joyx[whichplayer] >= joythresh[whichplayer])) return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
// draw cannon lasers and check for collision from them
void docannoneffect(sprite_t *pp) {
if (timer % 2 == 0) {
int found;
sprite_t *s;
// find cannon
found = B_FALSE;
for (s = sprite; s ; s = s->next) {
if (s->id == P_CANNON) {
if (s->owner == pp) {
found = B_TRUE;
if (!found) {
printf("weird error - no cannon!!\n");
} else {
int initx,inity;
int i;
int initsize;
int xx,yy;
sprite_t *s3;
initsize = pp->timer3;
if (initsize > CANNONSIZE) initsize = CANNONSIZE;
// calc init positions
inity = s->y - (s->img->h/2) - (initsize/2);
initx = s->x - (initsize/2);
yy = inity;
xx = initx;
// horiz lines
for (i = 0; i < initsize ; i++) {
for (s3 = sprite; s3 ; s3 = s3->next) {
if (ismonster(s3->id) && !s3->dead) {
if (!s3->caughtby) {
if ((yy >= s3->y - s3->img->h) && (yy <= s3->y)) {
s3->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
if (s3->id == P_SNAIL) s3->id = P_SLUG;
// vert lines
for (i = 0; i < initsize ; i++) {
for (s3 = sprite; s3 ; s3 = s3->next) {
if (ismonster(s3->id) && !s3->dead) {
if (!s3->caughtby) {
if ((xx >= s3->x - (s3->img->w/2)) && (xx <= s3->x + (s3->img->w/2))) {
s3->willbecome = P_DIAMOND;
if (s3->id == P_SNAIL) s3->id = P_SLUG;
// dec size
if (timer % 8 == 0) {
if (pp->timer3 <= 0) {
s->dead = D_FINAL;
SDL_BlitSurface(temps, NULL, screen, NULL);
void dotitlescreen(void) {
char tempst[BUFLEN];
char svnver[MIDBUFLEN];
SDL_Surface *titlebg;
SDL_Surface *cointext, *text, *text2, *easy, *norm, *ver;
SDL_Surface *help, *helpon, *helpoff;
SDL_Surface *p1ready,*p2ready;
SDL_Surface *p1readyalt,*p2readyalt;
SDL_Surface *ts;
SDL_Event event;
SDL_Rect area;
int timer = 0;
double bouncetimer = 0;
//int i;
int texton = B_TRUE;
int htstart = 0, htime = 0,hticks;
// allow credits
lockcredits = B_FALSE;
// clear all sprites!!
want1up = B_FALSE;
want2up = B_FALSE;
swapplayers = initialswapplayers;
while (sprite) {
sprite = NULL;
player = NULL;
player2 = NULL;
// reset gothiscore setting
gothiscore = -1;
gothiscore2 = -1;
// load title screen
sprintf(tempst, "%s/backgrounds/title.png",datadir);
ts = IMG_Load(tempst);
SDL_SetColorKey(ts, SDL_RLEACCEL, 0);
titlebg = SDL_DisplayFormat(ts);
if (!titlebg) {
printf("cannot load title screen (%s)\n",tempst);
// load ready text
sprintf(tempst, "%s/sprites/p1ready.png",datadir);
ts = IMG_Load(tempst);
SDL_SetColorKey(ts, SDL_RLEACCEL, 0);
p1ready = SDL_DisplayFormat(ts);
if (!p1ready) {
printf("cannot load p1 ready img (%s)\n",tempst);
sprintf(tempst, "%s/sprites/p1ready_alt.png",datadir);
ts = IMG_Load(tempst);
SDL_SetColorKey(ts, SDL_RLEACCEL, 0);
p1readyalt = SDL_DisplayFormat(ts);
if (!p1readyalt) {
printf("cannot load p1 ready alt img (%s)\n",tempst);
sprintf(tempst, "%s/sprites/p2ready.png",datadir);
ts = IMG_Load(tempst);
SDL_SetColorKey(ts, SDL_RLEACCEL, 0);
p2ready = SDL_DisplayFormat(ts);
if (!p2ready) {
printf("cannot load p2 ready img (%s)\n",tempst);
sprintf(tempst, "%s/sprites/p2ready_alt.png",datadir);
ts = IMG_Load(tempst);
SDL_SetColorKey(ts, SDL_RLEACCEL, 0);
p2readyalt = SDL_DisplayFormat(ts);
if (!p2readyalt) {
printf("cannot load p2 ready alt img (%s)\n",tempst);
// set up text
cointext = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_TITLE], "Insert Coin", white);
text = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_TITLE], "Press 1UP or 2UP to start", red);
text2 = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_TITLE], "Select game mode:", red);
easy = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_TITLE], "Easy Mode", red2);
norm = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_TITLE], "Normal Mode", red2);
help = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_TITLE], "Hints:", green);
helpoff = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_TITLE], "Off", green2);
helpon = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_TITLE], "On", green2);
//sprintf(svnver, "rpearce, 2006-2016 - %s", REV);
sprintf(svnver, "By rpearce, 2006-2016");
ver = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_VER], svnver, greenish);
if (credits > 0) {
titlemode = TS_WAIT1UP;
} else {
titlemode = TS_INSERTCOIN;
gamemode = GM_NORM; // default
blinkspeed = 20;
// wait for keypress
titledone = B_FALSE;
while (!titledone) {
if (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
int j;
switch (event.type) {
j = event.jaxis.which;
joyx[j] = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy[j],0);
joyy[j] = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy[j],1);
//printf("got joy motion: joy %d, x=%d,y=%d\n",j,joyx[j],joyy[j]);
if (joyy[j] <= -6000) handletitleinput(j, KEY_UP);
if (joyy[j] >= 6000) handletitleinput(j, KEY_DOWN);
if (joyx[j] <= -6000) handletitleinput(j, KEY_LEFT);
if (joyx[j] >= 6000) handletitleinput(j, KEY_RIGHT);
handletitleinput(0, event.key.keysym.sym);
//printf("got joy button: joy %d, button=%d\n",j,event.jbutton.button);
handletitleinput(event.jbutton.which, joybuttontokey(event.jbutton.button));
if (++timer >= blinkspeed) {
// reset timer
timer = 0;
// blink text
if (texton) {
// disappear
texton = B_FALSE;
} else {
// appear
texton = B_TRUE;
// draw screen
if ((titlemode == TS_HISCORES) || (titlemode == TS_CREDITS)) {
// clear screen to black
SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));
} else {
// draw titlescreen background
SDL_BlitSurface(titlebg, NULL, screen, NULL);
if (titlemode == TS_INSERTCOIN) {
// version number
//area.x = SCREENW - (ver->w) - 10;
area.x = (SCREENW/2) - (ver->w/2) - 10;
area.y = 150;
SDL_SetColors(ver, &black, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(ver, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x -= 2;
area.y -= 2;
SDL_SetColors(ver, &greenish, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(ver, NULL, screen, &area);
// "insert coin" text
if ((titlemode == TS_INSERTCOIN) || (titlemode == TS_HISCORES) || (titlemode == TS_CREDITS)) {
if (texton) {
area.x = 320 - (cointext->w/2)+2;
area.y = 10;
SDL_SetColors(cointext, &black, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(cointext, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x -= 2;
area.y -= 2;
SDL_SetColors(cointext, &white, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(cointext, NULL, screen, &area);
if (titlemode == TS_WAIT1UP) {
//if (texton) {
area.x = 320 - (text->w/2)+2;
area.y = 240 - (text->h/2)+2;
SDL_SetColors(text, &black, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(text, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x -= 2;
area.y -= 2;
SDL_SetColors(text, &red, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(text, NULL, screen, &area);
} else if (titlemode == TS_SELECTMODE) {
SDL_Surface *desc;
// who is in?
if (want1up) {
area.x = 10;
area.y = (SCREENH/2) - (p1ready->h/2);
area.y += (sin(bouncetimer * (M_PI/180)) * 20);
SDL_BlitSurface(swapplayers ? p1readyalt : p1ready, NULL, screen, &area);
if (want2up) {
area.x = SCREENW - p2ready->w - 10;
area.y = (SCREENH/2) - (p2ready->h/2);
area.y -= (sin(bouncetimer * (M_PI/180)) * 20);
SDL_BlitSurface(swapplayers ? p2readyalt : p2ready, NULL, screen, &area);
// "select mode"
area.x = 320 - (text2->w/2)+2;
area.y = 240 - (text2->h*3)+2;
SDL_SetColors(text2, &black, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(text2, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x -=2 ; area.y -= 2;
SDL_SetColors(text2, &red, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(text2, NULL, screen, &area);
// "easy"
area.x = 320 - (easy->w/2)+2;
area.y = 240 - (easy->h)+2;
SDL_SetColors(easy, &black, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(easy, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x -= 2; area.y -= 2;
if ((gamemode == GM_NORM) || (texton)) { // easy not blinking
// normal
SDL_SetColors(easy, &red2, 1, 1);
} else {
// white
SDL_SetColors(easy, &white, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(easy, NULL, screen, &area);
// "normal"
area.x = 320 - (norm->w/2)+2;
area.y = 240 +2;
SDL_SetColors(norm, &black, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(norm, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x -= 2; area.y -= 2;
if ((gamemode == GM_EASY) || (texton)) { // easy not blinking
// normal
SDL_SetColors(norm, &red2, 1, 1);
} else {
// white
SDL_SetColors(norm, &white, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(norm, NULL, screen, &area);
// help on/off
area.x = 320 - 100 +2;
area.y = SCREENH - 50 +2;
SDL_SetColors(help, &black, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(help, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x -= 2; area.y -= 2;
SDL_SetColors(help, &red, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(help, NULL, screen, &area);
// "on"
area.x += (help->w+10)+2;
area.y = SCREENH - 50 +2;
SDL_SetColors(helpon, &black, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(helpon, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x -= 2; area.y -= 2;
if ((showhelp == B_FALSE) || (texton)) { // on not blinking
// normal
SDL_SetColors(helpon, &red2, 1, 1);
} else {
// white
SDL_SetColors(helpon, &white, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(helpon, NULL, screen, &area);
// "off"
area.x += (helpon->w+10)+2;
area.y = SCREENH - 50 +2;
SDL_SetColors(helpoff, &black, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(helpoff, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x -= 2; area.y -= 2;
if ((showhelp == B_TRUE) || (texton)) { // off not blinking
// normal
SDL_SetColors(helpoff, &red2, 1, 1);
} else {
// white
SDL_SetColors(helpoff, &white, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(helpoff, NULL, screen, &area);
// level description
if (gamemode == GM_EASY) {
int x,y;
int startx,starty;
desc = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_TITLE2], "Permenant armour and extra time", black);
startx = 320 - (desc->w/2);
starty = 240 + (desc->h)*2;
for (x = startx-1 ; x <= startx+1; x++) {
for (y = starty-1 ; y <= starty+1; y++) {
area.x = x; area.y = y;
SDL_BlitSurface(desc, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x = startx;
area.y = starty;
SDL_SetColors(desc, &green, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(desc, NULL, screen, &area);
} else if (titlemode == TS_HISCORES) {
} else if (titlemode == TS_CREDITS) {
bouncetimer += 7;
if (bouncetimer >= 360) {
bouncetimer = 0;
// draw text
hticks = SDL_GetTicks();
if (htstart == 0) {
htstart = hticks;
} else {
/* once per second */
if (hticks - htstart >= 1000) {
htstart = hticks;
if ((htime > 0) && (htime % TTIME == 0)) {
if (titlemode == TS_INSERTCOIN) {
titlemode = TS_HISCORES;
if (wanthiscores) gethiscores(easymode());
} else if (titlemode == TS_HISCORES) {
// next time, get other hiscores
if (gamemode == GM_EASY) gamemode = GM_NORM;
else gamemode = GM_EASY;
titlemode = TS_CREDITS;
} else if (titlemode == TS_CREDITS) {
titlemode = TS_INSERTCOIN;
// clear screen to black
//SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));
// free temp surfaces
SDL_FreeSurface(cointext );
SDL_FreeSurface(ver );
SDL_FreeSurface(text );
SDL_FreeSurface(text2 );
SDL_FreeSurface(easy );
SDL_FreeSurface(norm );
SDL_FreeSurface(help );
SDL_FreeSurface(helpon );
SDL_FreeSurface(helpoff );
SDL_FreeSurface(titlebg );
void startgame(void) {
int i;
// initial variables
curlevelnum = 1;
musicplaying = B_FALSE;
levelcompletetime = -1;
oldlevelcomplete = -1;
pokereffect = -1;
pokerpoints = 0;
skiplevels = 0;
gothiscore = -1;
gothiscore2 = -1;
forcegold = B_FALSE;
forcegoldlev = -1;
endgame = B_FALSE;
curfruittype = 0;
curpoweruptype[0] = 0;
curpoweruptype[1] = 0;
fpsticks = 0;
fpsstart = 0;
numregrow = 0;
// init player variables - if player
// hasn't been allocated yet then this will
// be done so in loadlevel(), and the below
// settings done in addsprite()
if (player) {
int c;
player->permspeed = B_FALSE;
player->permbignet = B_FALSE;
player->permnumnets = B_FALSE;
player->permmask = B_FALSE;
player->permarmour = B_FALSE;
player->permsticky = B_FALSE;
player->numcards = 0;
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
player->card[c] = -1;
player->usedcard[c] = 0;
if (player2) {
int c;
player2->permspeed = B_FALSE;
player2->permbignet = B_FALSE;
player2->permnumnets = B_FALSE;
player2->permmask = B_FALSE;
player2->permarmour = B_FALSE;
player2->permsticky = B_FALSE;
player2->numcards = 0;
for (c = 0; c < MAXCARDS; c++) {
player2->card[c] = -1;
player2->usedcard[c] = 0;
// is we're skipping to a level, do so now
if (skipto >= 0) {
for (i = 0; i < numlevels; i++) {
if (levelentry[i].id == skipto) {
curlevelnum = i;
} else {
// special intro level
curlevelnum = INTRO_LEVELNUM;
// allocate player
if (want1up) {
if (player == NULL) {
player = addsprite(swapplayers ? P_PLAYER2 : P_PLAYER, 32, 450, "Player 1" );
if (want2up) {
if (player2 == NULL) {
player2 = addsprite(swapplayers ? P_PLAYER : P_PLAYER2, 32, 450, "Player 2" );
// more initial variables
if (player) {
player->score = 0;
if (gamemode == GM_EASY) {
player->permarmour = B_TRUE;
player->armour = B_TRUE;
player->id = swapplayers ? P_ARMOUR2 : P_ARMOUR;
} else {
player->permarmour = B_FALSE;
player->armour = B_FALSE;
player->id = swapplayers ? P_PLAYER2 : P_PLAYER;
player->lives = INITPLAYERLIVES;
if (player2) {
player2->score = 0;
if (gamemode == GM_EASY) {
player2->permarmour = B_TRUE;
player2->armour = B_TRUE;
player2->id = swapplayers ? P_ARMOUR : P_ARMOUR2;
} else {
player2->permarmour = B_FALSE;
player2->armour = B_FALSE;
player2->id = swapplayers ? P_PLAYER : P_PLAYER2;
player2->lives = INITPLAYERLIVES;
forcegoodcard = B_FALSE;
nextforcegoodcard = B_FALSE;
gameover = B_FALSE;
gameovertime = -1;
gtime = 0;
curlevelnum-- ; // since nextlevel() will increment it
// start intro
introstate = IS_START;
firstlevel = B_TRUE;
firstlevel = B_FALSE;
if (skipto == -1) {
// start timer
timer = 0;
void uncatch(sprite_t *s) {
if (s->caughtby) {
s->caughtby = NULL;
s->caughtstate = B_FALSE;
if (s->id == P_SPIDER) {
// climb up!
s->flies = B_TRUE;
s->falling = B_FALSE;
s->ys = -getspeed(s);
void makeinvuln(sprite_t *s) {
if (!s) return;
if (s->id == P_BLACKCLOUD) {
s->invuln = INVULNTIME/2;
} else {
s->invuln = INVULNTIME;
void setjoymappings(void) {
// ps3
joymap[4] = KEY_UP;
joymap[5] = KEY_RIGHT;
joymap[6] = KEY_DOWN;
joymap[7] = KEY_LEFT;
joymap[14] = KEY_JUMP; //x == jump
joymap[13] = KEY_SLAM; //circle = slam
joymap[12] = KEY_SHOOT; // square/triangle = shoot
joymap[15] = KEY_SHOOT;
// mame (directions are joystick)
joymap[0] = KEY_SHOOT;
joymap[1] = KEY_JUMP;
joymap[2] = KEY_SLAM;
joymap[3] = KEY_SLAM;
int joybuttontokey(int buttonnum) {
return joymap[buttonnum];
int joybuttondown(int whichplayer, int key) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < joybuttons[whichplayer]; i++) {
if ((joymap[i] == key) && (joybut[whichplayer][i])) return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int keytojoybutton(int key) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < joybuttons; i++) {
if (joymap[i] == key) return i;
return -1;
void handletitleinput(int whichplayer, int key) {
if (key == SDLK_ESCAPE) {
// quit
if ((titlemode == TS_INSERTCOIN) || (titlemode == TS_HISCORES)) {
if ((key == SDLK_5) || (key == SDLK_6) || (key == SDLK_RETURN)) {
titlemode = TS_WAIT1UP;
} else if (titlemode == TS_WAIT1UP) {
if ((key == SDLK_5) || (key == SDLK_6)) {
// if this was the first credit, default to normal mode
if (credits == 1) {
gamemode = GM_NORM;
} else if ((key == SDLK_1) || (key == SDLK_2) || (key == SDLK_RETURN)) {
int usecredit = B_FALSE;
if (credits > 0) {
if ((key == SDLK_1) || (key == SDLK_RETURN)) {
if (!want1up) {
// add player 1
want1up = B_TRUE;
usecredit = B_TRUE;
} else if (key == SDLK_2) {
if (!want2up) {
// add player 2
want2up = B_TRUE;
usecredit = B_TRUE;
if (usecredit) {
titlemode = TS_SELECTMODE;
blinkspeed = 5;
} else if (titlemode == TS_SELECTMODE) {
// pick current mode
if (key == KEY_UP) {
gamemode = GM_EASY;
} else if (key == KEY_DOWN) {
gamemode = GM_NORM;
} else if (key == KEY_LEFT) {
showhelp = B_TRUE;
} else if (key == KEY_RIGHT) {
showhelp = B_FALSE;
} else if ((key == KEY_SHOOT) || (key == SDLK_RETURN)) {
titledone = B_TRUE;
} else if ((key == SDLK_1) || (key == SDLK_2) || (key == SDLK_RETURN)) {
// another player joining
int usecredit = B_FALSE;
if ((key == SDLK_1) || (key == SDLK_RETURN)) {
if (want1up) {
// toggle players
if (swapplayers) swapplayers = B_FALSE;
else swapplayers = B_TRUE;
} else if (credits > 0) {
want1up = B_TRUE;
usecredit = B_TRUE;
} else if (key == SDLK_2) {
if (want2up) {
// toggle players
if (swapplayers) swapplayers = B_FALSE;
else swapplayers = B_TRUE;
} else {
want2up = B_TRUE;
usecredit = B_TRUE;
if (usecredit) {
} else if ((key == SDLK_5) || (key == SDLK_6)) {
void drawcredits(void) {
char tempst[BUFLEN];
SDL_Rect area;
// credits
if (credits == MAXCREDITS) {
sprintf(tempst, "Credits: MAX");
} else {
sprintf(tempst, "Credits: %d",credits);
credittext = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font[TEXTSIZE_CREDIT], tempst, black);
area.x = 320 - (credittext->w / 2) + 2;
area.y = SCREENH - 2 - (credittext->h)+2;
if (lockcredits) {
SDL_SetColors(credittext, &red2, 1, 1);
} else {
SDL_SetColors(credittext, &black, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(credittext, NULL, screen, &area);
area.x -= 2; area.y -= 2;
SDL_SetColors(credittext, &white, 1, 1);
SDL_BlitSurface(credittext, NULL, screen, &area);
int submithiscore(int score,int level, char *name) {
return submithiscore_local(score, level, name);
void drawgamecredits(void) {
int x,y,sx,sy;
int indent = 200;
// draw credits for game
sx = 110;
sy = 50;
x = sx;
y = sy;
// headings
drawoutlinecentretext(screen, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "Credits", &cyan, &blue);
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "Code:", &white, &grey2);
x += indent;
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "Rob", &red, &red2);
x = sx;
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "Graphics:", &white, &grey2);
x += indent;
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "Rob", &red, &red2);
x = sx;
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "Music:", &white, &grey2);
x += indent;
// ingame
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "Deelite", &red, &red2);
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "fingal", &red, &red2);
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "x-ceed", &red, &red2);
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "MELOMANIAC/VTY", &red, &red2);
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "BeaT", &red, &red2);
// boss
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "Teo / Fatal Rage", &red, &red2);
// hiscores
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "Jess", &red, &red2);
x = sx;
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "Giant Cookie:", &white, &grey2);
x += indent;
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_CREDITS, "Karen", &red, &red2);
x = sx;
int submithiscore_inet(int score,int level, char *name) {
struct sockaddr_in serveraddress;
struct hostent *server;
int rv;
int sock;
char buf[1500];
char newtext[BUFLEN];
char buf2[512];
char *p,*p2;
server = gethostbyname(hiscoreserver);
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock < 0) {
printf("Error getting socket.\n");
return B_TRUE;
//bzero((char *) &serveraddress, sizeof(serveraddress));
memset(&serveraddress, 0, sizeof(serveraddress));
serveraddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
memcpy(&serveraddress.sin_addr.s_addr, server->h_addr,
serveraddress.sin_port = htons(hiscoreport);
// replace spaces in name with %20s
p2 = newtext;
for (p = name ; *p != '\0'; p++) {
if (*p == ' ') {
*p2 = '%'; p2++;
*p2 = '2'; p2++;
*p2 = '0';
} else {
*p2 = *p;
} *p2 = '\0';
// connect
if (connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&serveraddress,sizeof(serveraddress)) < 0) {
printf("Error connecting to hiscore server.\n");
return B_TRUE;
// send request
sprintf(buf2, "GET HTTP://ratcatcher.nethack.net/hiscores/submitscore.php?score=%d&name=%s&level=%d&easymode=%d HTTP/1.0\n\n", score,newtext,level,easymode());
// wait for data
rv = read(sock, buf, 1500);
while (rv > 0) {
rv = read(sock, buf, 1500);
return B_FALSE;
int submithiscore_local(int score,int level, char *name) {
int rv;
sqlite3 *db;
char *cmd,*errmsg = NULL;
char filename[BUFLEN];
if (easymode()) {
snprintf(filename, BUFLEN, "%s", "data/hiscores.easy.db");
} else {
snprintf(filename, BUFLEN, "%s", "data/hiscores.db");
rv = sqlite3_open(filename, &db);
if (rv) {
printf("can't open database file %s\n",filename);
return B_TRUE;
// request hiscores
asprintf(&cmd, "insert into 'hiscores' (name,level,score) VALUES ('%s',%d,%d)",name,level,score);
rv = sqlite3_exec(db, cmd, processhiscore, NULL, &errmsg);
if (rv != SQLITE_OK) {
printf("* error writing hiscores: '%s'\n", errmsg);
printf("* query was: '%s'\n", cmd);
return B_FALSE;
int gethiscores(int easyscores) {
return gethiscores_local(easyscores);
int gethiscores_inet(int easyscores) {
struct sockaddr_in serveraddress;
struct hostent *server;
int rv;
int sock;
char buf[BUFLEN];
char buf2[512];
int state = 0;
int pos;
int finished;
server = gethostbyname(hiscoreserver);
if (!server) {
printf("can't resolve hiscore server name\n");
return B_TRUE;
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock < 0) {
printf("Error getting socket.\n");
return B_TRUE;
//bzero((char *) &serveraddress, sizeof(serveraddress));
memset(&serveraddress, 0, sizeof(serveraddress));
serveraddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
memcpy(&serveraddress.sin_addr.s_addr, server->h_addr,
serveraddress.sin_port = htons(hiscoreport);
// connect
if (connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&serveraddress,sizeof(serveraddress)) < 0) {
printf("Error connecting to hiscore server.\n");
return B_TRUE;
// send request
if (easyscores) {
sprintf(buf2, "GET HTTP://ratcatcher.nethack.net/hiscores/hiscores_plain.php?easymode=1 HTTP/1.0\n\n");
} else {
sprintf(buf2, "GET HTTP://ratcatcher.nethack.net/hiscores/hiscores_plain.php HTTP/1.0\n\n");
pos = 0;
finished = B_FALSE;
// wait for data
//rv = read(sock, buf, 1500);
rv = socket_readline(sock, buf);
while ((rv > 0) && !finished) {
buf[rv] = '\0';
if (state == 0) { // header
char *p;
p = strstr(buf, "text/plain");
if (p) {
state = 1;
} else if (state == 1) { // waiting for start of data
if (strstr(buf, "start")) {
state = 2;
} else {
char *p;
// validate line
if (strstr(buf, "endofscores")) {
finished = B_TRUE;
} else if (strstr(buf, "^")) {
// process line
p = strtok(buf, "^");
hiscore[pos].score = atoi(p);
p = strtok(NULL, "^");
hiscore[pos].level = atoi(p);
p = strtok(NULL, "^");
sprintf(hiscore[pos].name,"%s", p);
if (pos >= MAXHISCORES) {
// too many - cut it off here
finished = B_TRUE;
//rv = read(sock, buf, 1500);
rv = socket_readline(sock, buf);
numhiscores = pos;
return B_FALSE;
int gethiscores_local(int easyscores) {
int rv;
sqlite3 *db;
char *cmd,*errmsg = NULL;
char filename[BUFLEN];
if (easyscores) {
snprintf(filename, BUFLEN, "%s", "data/hiscores.easy.db");
} else {
snprintf(filename, BUFLEN, "%s", "data/hiscores.db");
rv = sqlite3_open(filename, &db);
if (rv) {
printf("can't open database file %s\n",filename);
return B_TRUE;
// request hiscores
asprintf(&cmd, " select (select count(*) from hiscores b where b.score > a.score) + 1 as rank,name,level,score from hiscores a order by score desc limit 10");
numhiscores = 0;
rv = sqlite3_exec(db, cmd, processhiscore, NULL, &errmsg);
if (rv != SQLITE_OK) {
printf("* error reading hiscores: '%s'\n", errmsg);
printf("* query was: '%s'\n", cmd);
return B_FALSE;
int processhiscore(void *dataptr, int ncols, char **argv, char **colname) {
int i, rank = -1;
for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
if (!strcmp(colname[i], "rank")) {
rank = atoi(argv[i]) - 1;
if (rank == -1) {
printf("error processing hiscore data - no rank round.\n");
for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
if (!strcmp(colname[i], "score")) {
hiscore[rank].score = atoi(argv[i]);
} else if (!strcmp(colname[i], "level")) {
hiscore[rank].level = atoi(argv[i]);
} else if (!strcmp(colname[i], "name")) {
snprintf(hiscore[rank].name, MIDBUFLEN, "%s", argv[i]);
return B_FALSE;
void checkhiscores(sprite_t *who){
int finished = B_FALSE;
int i;
char srank[BUFLEN],sscore[BUFLEN],slevel[BUFLEN],sname[BUFLEN];
//char line[BUFLEN];
char commascore[BUFLEN];
int x,y,sx,sy;
char thisname[BUFLEN];
int timer = 0,keytimer = 0;
int capital = B_TRUE;
int curlet;
int pnum;
// player number (for key input)
if (who == player) {
pnum = 0;
} else {
pnum = 1;
// no hiscores if we are cheating!
if (cheat) {
// contact server and read appropriate list
if (gethiscores(easymode())) {
printf("Cannot contact hiscore server!\n");
// check if we are higher than any
if (who == player) {
gothiscore = -1;
for (i = 0; i < numhiscores; i++) {
if (who->score > hiscore[i].score) {
// we got a hi score
gothiscore = i;
} else {
gothiscore2 = -1;
for (i = 0; i < numhiscores; i++) {
if (who->score > hiscore[i].score) {
// we got a hi score
gothiscore2 = i;
if ((who == player) && (gothiscore == -1)) return; // didn't get a hiscore
if ((who == player2) && (gothiscore2 == -1)) return; // didn't get a hiscore
// play hiscore music
// prompt user for a name
curlet = 'a';
strcpy(thisname, "");
while (!finished) {
SDL_Color *fg, *bg;
SDL_Event event;
char let[2];
// clear
SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,black.r,black.g,black.b));
//draw hiscore heading
sx = 110;
sy = 100;
x = sx;
y = sy;
// headings
if (who == player) {
drawoutlinecentretext(screen, 50, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, "1UP - New high score!", &white, &grey2);
} else {
drawoutlinecentretext(screen, 50, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, "2UP - New high score!", &white, &grey2);
// print rank
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, "Rank", &cyan, &blue);
x += 70;
// print score
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, "Score", &cyan, &blue);
x += 150;
// print level
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, "Level", &cyan, &blue);
x += 90;
// print name
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, "Name", &cyan, &blue);
x = sx;
// player's score...
// generate hiscore lines
sprintf(srank, "%-2d.",((who == player) ? gothiscore : gothiscore2)+1);
addcommas(commascore, who->score );
sprintf(sscore, "%-14s",commascore);
sprintf(slevel, "%1d-%-2d",getworld(curlevelnum),getlevel(curlevelnum));
if (strlen(thisname) > 0) {
sprintf(sname, "%-32s",thisname);
fg = &white;
bg = &grey2;
// print rank
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, srank, fg, bg);
x += 70;
// print score
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, sscore, fg, bg);
x += 150;
// print level
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, slevel, fg, bg);
x += 90;
// print name
if (strlen(thisname) > 0) {
int wid;
wid = drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, thisname, fg, bg);
x += (wid + 2);
// print cursor
if (curlet == '*') {
if (((timer / 5) % 2) == 0) {
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y+3, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE/2, "END", &white, &grey2);
} else {
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y+3, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE/2, "END", &red, &red2);
} else {
sprintf(let, "%c",capital ? toupper(curlet) : curlet );
if (((timer / 5) % 2) == 0) {
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, let, &white, &grey2);
} else {
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, let, &red, &red2);
if (++timer == 100) {
timer = 0;
if (keytimer == 0) {
// check for scrolling
if (keydown(pnum, KEY_UP) || keydown(pnum, KEY_LEFT)) { // scroll through letters
if (curlet == 'a') curlet = '*';
else if (curlet == '*') curlet = ' ';
else if (curlet == ' ') curlet = 'z';
else curlet--;
keytimer = 5;
} else if (keydown(pnum, KEY_DOWN) || keydown(pnum, KEY_RIGHT)) { // scroll through letters
if (curlet == 'z') curlet = ' ';
else if (curlet == ' ') curlet = '*';
else if (curlet == '*') curlet = 'a';
else curlet++;
keytimer = 5;
} else {
if (strlen(thisname) >= MAXHISCORENAME) {
// have to END now
// wait for a key...
if (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
int key = -1;
switch (event.type) {
key = event.key.keysym.sym;
// make sure it's the correct player
if (who == player ){
switch (key) {
case SDLK_s:
case SDLK_d:
case SDLK_f:
case SDLK_6:
case SDLK_2:
key = -1;
} else {
switch (key) {
case KEY_JUMP:
case KEY_SLAM:
case SDLK_5:
case SDLK_1:
key = -1;
if (event.jbutton.which == pnum) {
key = joybuttontokey(event.jbutton.button);
} else {
key = -1;
if ((event.type == SDL_KEYUP) || (event.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONUP)) {
if (key != -1) {
if (key == SDLK_ESCAPE) {
// quit
} else if ((key == SDLK_RETURN) || (key == SDLK_5) || (key == SDLK_6)) {
if (strlen(thisname) > 0) {
finished = B_TRUE;
} else if ((key == SDLK_BACKSPACE) || (key == KEY_JUMP) || (key == SDLK_d)) {
thisname[strlen(thisname)-1] = '\0';
if (strlen(thisname) == 0) {
capital = B_TRUE;
} else if (thisname[strlen(thisname)-1] == ' ') {
capital = B_TRUE;
} else if ((key == KEY_SHOOT) || (key == SDLK_s)) {
// add current letter or finish if it is on "end"
if (curlet == '*') {
if (strlen(thisname) > 0) {
finished = B_TRUE;
} else {
// capital
let[0] = capital ? toupper(curlet) : curlet;
let[1] = '\0';
strcat(thisname, let);
// don't let name get too long
if (curlet == ' ') {
// next letter is a capital
capital = B_TRUE;
} else {
capital = B_FALSE;
if (!paused) SDL_framerateDelay(&manager);
// submit the hiscore
if (submithiscore(who->score, curlevelnum, thisname)) {
printf("failed to submit hiscore.\n");
} else {
// downlaod the hiscores again
void showhiscores(void){
int finished = B_FALSE;
//char line[BUFLEN];
int htstart = 0, htime = 0,hticks;
// contact server and read list
if (gethiscores()) {
printf("Cannot contact hiscore server!\n");
hiscore[0].score = 55000;
hiscore[0].level = 24;
sprintf(hiscore[0].name, "King Rat");
hiscore[1].score = 1000;
hiscore[1].level = 5;
sprintf(hiscore[1].name, "Queen Rat");
numscores = 2;
// display list on screen and wait for key
while (!finished) {
SDL_Event event;
// check for a key...
if (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
int key = -1;
switch (event.type) {
key = event.key.keysym.sym;
key = joybuttontokey(event.jbutton.button);
if (key != -1) {
if (key == SDLK_ESCAPE) {
// quit
} else if ((key == SDLK_1) || (key == SDLK_2)) {
// 1up buttons
finished = B_TRUE;
hticks = SDL_GetTicks();
if (htstart == 0) {
htstart = hticks;
} else {
/* once per second */
if (hticks - htstart >= 1000) {
htstart = hticks;
finished = B_TRUE;
// stop music ready for title screen again (it will only be playing if
// we got a hiscore)
int socket_readline(int sock, char* out) {
/* current location in buffer */
int i = 0;
/* whether the previous char was a \r */
int cr = 0;
char ch;
/* result, grows as we need it to */
//out = malloc(sizeof(char) * size);
for ( ; ; ) {
if (recv(sock, &ch, 1, 0) == -1) {
return -1;
if (i >= size) {
// grow buffer
size *= 2;
out = realloc(out, size);
if (ch == '\n') {
/* if preceded by a \r, we overwrite it */
if (cr) {
out[i] = '\0';
} else {
cr = (ch == '\r' ? 1 : 0);
out[i] = ch;
return i + 1;
void drawhiscores(void) {
char srank[BUFLEN],sscore[BUFLEN],slevel[BUFLEN],sname[BUFLEN];
char commascore[BUFLEN];
int x,y,sx,sy;
int i;
//draw hiscore list
sx = 110;
sy = 100;
x = sx;
y = sy;
// headings
if (easymode()) {
drawoutlinecentretext(screen, 50, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, "High Scores - Easy", &cyan, &blue);
} else {
drawoutlinecentretext(screen, 50, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, "High Scores - Normal", &cyan, &blue);
if (numhiscores <= 0) {
// print rank
drawoutlinecentretext(screen, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, "High score server unavailable", &red, &red3);
} else {
// print rank
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, "Rank", &cyan, &blue);
x += 70;
// print score
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, "Score", &cyan, &blue);
x += 150;
// print level
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, "Level", &cyan, &blue);
x += 90;
// print name
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, "Name", &cyan, &blue);
x = sx;
for (i = 0; i < numhiscores; i++) {
SDL_Color *fg, *bg;
// generate hiscore lines
sprintf(srank, "%-2d.",i+1);
addcommas(commascore, hiscore[i].score);
sprintf(sscore, "%-14s",commascore);
sprintf(slevel, "%1d-%-2d",getworld(hiscore[i].level),getlevel(hiscore[i].level));
sprintf(sname, "%-32s",hiscore[i].name);
if ((gothiscore != -1) && (i == gothiscore)) {
fg = &white;
bg = &grey2;
} else if ((gothiscore2 != -1) && (i == gothiscore2)) {
fg = &white;
bg = &grey2;
} else {
fg = &red;
bg = &red3;
// print rank
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, srank, fg, bg);
x += 70;
// print score
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, sscore, fg, bg);
x += 150;
// print level
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, slevel, fg, bg);
x += 90;
// print name
drawoutlinetext(screen, x, y, TEXTSIZE_HISCORE, sname, fg, bg);
// go to next line
x = sx;
// read keyboard info
void getinput(void) {
int i,j;
keys = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL);
if (havejoysticks) {
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
joyx[j] = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy[j],0);
joyy[j] = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy[j],1);
for (i = 0; i < joybuttons[j]; i++) {
joybut[j][i] = SDL_JoystickGetButton(joy[j],i);
int isendoflev(void) {
if (levelcomplete == LV_CLEAR) return B_TRUE;
if (levelcomplete == LV_WAIT) return B_TRUE;
if (levelcomplete == LV_FINAL) return B_TRUE;
if (levelcomplete == LV_CLOUD) return B_TRUE;
if (levelcomplete == LV_CLOUDLOOP) return B_TRUE;
if (levelcomplete == LV_NEXTLEV) return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
void keeponscreen(sprite_t *s) {
if (s->x >= (SCREENW-(s->img->w/2))) {
s->x = SCREENW - (s->img->w/2)-1;
if (s->x <= s->img->w/2) {
s->x = (s->img->w/2)+1;
if (s->y <= s->img->h) {
s->y = s->img->h+1;
if (s->y >= SCREENH) {
s->y = SCREENH - 1;
void stopteleporting(sprite_t *s) {
if (s->teleporting) {
if (s->allocimg) {
s->img = NULL;
s->allocimg = B_FALSE;
s->teleporting = 0;
s->img = imageset[s->id].img[F_WALK1];
void disablepowerups(int pid) {
if (haspowerup(player, pid)) {
if (haspowerup(player2, pid)) {
void losepowerup(sprite_t *s) {
if (s->powerup == PW_GUNNER) {
// go back to original position
if (s == player) {
s->x = gunorigx[0];
s->y = gunorigy[0];
} else if (s == player2) {
s->x = gunorigx[1];
s->y = gunorigy[1];
// invulnerable for a little while
s->invuln = INVULNTIME/2;
s->powerup = B_FALSE;
int easymode(void) {
if (gamemode == GM_EASY) return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
double getdistance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
double xdis,ydis;
xdis = abs(x1 - x2);
ydis = abs(y1 - y2);
if ((xdis == 0) && (ydis == 0)) {
return 0;
} else return sqrt((xdis*xdis) + (ydis*ydis));
void doplayermovement(sprite_t *pl) {
int pnum;
if (pl == player) {
pnum = 0;
} else if (pl == player2) {
pnum = 1;
} else return; // only valid for players
if (!pl) return;
if (pl->caughtby) return;
if (pl->powerup == PW_GUNNER) {
// move crosshairs
if (keydown(pnum,KEY_RIGHT)) {
if (pl->x < SCREENW-(TILEW/2)) {
if (keydown(pnum,KEY_LEFT)) {
if (pl->x > (TILEW/2)) {
if (keydown(pnum,KEY_DOWN)) {
if (pl->y < SCREENH-(TILEH/2)) {
if (keydown(pnum,KEY_UP)) {
if (pl->y > (TILEH/2)) {
if (keydown(pnum,KEY_SHOOT)) {
// shoot - add explosion
if (gundelay[pnum] == 0) {
addsprite(P_SMASH, pl->x, pl->y+(TILEH/2), "gunexplosion");
gundelay[pnum] = GUNNERDELAY;
} else {
if ((!pl->dead) && (!pl->teleporting)) {
int moveok = B_FALSE;
if (pl->climbing) {
tiletype_t *tt;
// can only move left/right if we're at the bottom of a ladder
tt = gettileat(pl->x,pl->y, NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid) {
moveok = B_TRUE;
tt = gettileat(pl->x,pl->y+TILEH, NULL,NULL);
if (tt->solid ) {
moveok = B_TRUE;
} else moveok = B_TRUE;
if (moveok) {
if (keydown(pnum,KEY_RIGHT)) {
if (canmove(pl)) {
movex(pl, getspeed(pl), B_TRUE);
if (canturn(pl)) {
pl->dir = D_RIGHT;
} else if (keydown(pnum,KEY_LEFT)) {
if (canmove(pl)) {
movex(pl, -getspeed(pl), B_TRUE);
if (canturn(pl)) {
pl->dir = D_LEFT;
if (keydown(pnum,KEY_UP)) {
if (endgame) {
int spd;
spd = getspeed(pl)/2;
if (spd < 1) spd = 1;
// drift upwards
if (!isroofabove(pl)) pl->y -= spd;
pl->moved = MV_FLY;
} else if ((pl->swimming) && (pl->hasmask)) {
// swimming
} else if (!pl->netting && !pl->slamming && !pl->jumping) {
// climbing
if (pl->climbing) {
int ladderx = isladderabove(pl);
// if tile above is non-solid, or a ladder
if (ladderx || !isroofabove(pl)) {
// lock to ladder
if (ladderx) {
pl->x = ladderx; // lock to ladder
// continue climbing
pl->y -= getspeed(pl);
pl->jumping = 0;
pl->falling = 0;
pl->climbing = B_TRUE;
pl->moved = MV_WALK;
} else {// not climbing
int ladderx = isladderabove(pl);
if (ladderx) {
pl->x = ladderx; // lock to ladder
// start climbing
pl->y -= getspeed(pl);
pl->jumping = 0;
pl->falling = 0;
pl->climbing = B_TRUE;
pl->moved = MV_WALK;
if (pl->umbrella) pl->umbrellaup = B_TRUE;
} else {
if (pl->umbrella) pl->umbrellaup = B_FALSE;
if (keydown(pnum,KEY_DOWN)) {
if (endgame) {
int spd;
spd = getspeed(pl)/2;
if (spd < 1) spd = 1;
// drift downwards
if (pl->y < SCREENH-spd) pl->y += spd;
pl->moved = MV_FLY;
} else if ((pl->swimming) && (pl->hasmask)) {
// swimming
} else if (!pl->netting && !pl->slamming && !pl->jumping) {
int ladderx = isonladder(pl);
if (ladderx) {
pl->y += getspeed(pl);
pl->jumping = 0;
pl->falling = 0;
pl->climbing = B_TRUE;
pl->moved = MV_WALK;
// lock player to centre of ladder
pl->x = ladderx;
// Jump
if (keydown(pnum,KEY_JUMP)) {
} else {
if (pl->jumping && pl->doublejump) {
// have to let go of jump button to double jump
if (!pl->doublejumpready) {
pl->doublejumpready = B_TRUE;
// Shoot
if (keydown(pnum,KEY_SHOOT)) {
if (!havejoysticks && keydown(pnum,KEY_DOWN)) {
} else if (havejoysticks && (joytype[pnum] == J_WII) && keydown(pnum, KEY_DOWN)) {
} else {
// Slam
if (keydown(pnum,KEY_SLAM)) {
sprite_t *getclosestplayer(sprite_t *s) {
double xdiff1,xdiff2,ydiff1,ydiff2,diff1,diff2;
sprite_t *closest = NULL;
// closest player
if (player && !player->dead) {
xdiff1 = abs(player->x - s->x);
ydiff1 = abs(player->y - s->y);
diff1 = xdiff1 + ydiff1;
closest = player;
} else {
diff1 = 9999;
if (player2 && !player2->dead) {
xdiff2 = abs(player2->x - s->x);
ydiff2 = abs(player2->y - s->y);
diff2 = xdiff2 + ydiff2;
if (closest == NULL) closest = player2;
else if (closest == player) {
if (diff2 > diff1) closest = player2;
return closest;
sprite_t *getclosestplayerxy(int x, int y) {
double xdiff1,xdiff2,ydiff1,ydiff2,diff1,diff2;
sprite_t *closest = NULL;
// closest player
if (player && !player->dead) {
xdiff1 = abs(player->x - x);
ydiff1 = abs(player->y - y);
diff1 = xdiff1 + ydiff1;
closest = player;
} else {
diff1 = 9999;
if (player2 && !player2->dead) {
xdiff2 = abs(player2->x - x);
ydiff2 = abs(player2->y - y);
diff2 = xdiff2 + ydiff2;
if (closest == NULL) closest = player2;
else if (closest == player) {
if (diff2 > diff1) closest = player2;
return closest;
double getxdisttoplayer(sprite_t *s, sprite_t **pl) {
double xdiff1,xdiff2,xdiff = 9999;
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) return 9999;
/* distance to closest player */
if (player) {
xdiff1 = abs(player->x - s->x);
} else {
xdiff1 = 9999;
if (player2) {
xdiff2 = abs(player2->x - s->x);
} else {
xdiff2 = 9999;
if (pl != NULL) *pl = NULL; // default
if (xdiff1 < xdiff2) { // p1 closer
if (xdiff1 != 9999) {
xdiff = player->x - s->x;
if (pl != NULL) *pl = player;
} else { // p2 closer
if (xdiff2 != 9999) {
xdiff = player2->x - s->x;
if (pl != NULL) *pl = player2;
return xdiff;
double getydisttoplayer(sprite_t *s) {
double ydiff1,ydiff2,ydiff;
/* distance to closest player */
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) return 9999;
if (player) {
ydiff1 = player->y - s->y;
} else {
ydiff1 = 9999;
if (player2) {
ydiff2 = player2->y - s->y;
} else {
ydiff2 = 9999;
if (ydiff1 < ydiff2) {
ydiff = ydiff1;
} else {
ydiff = ydiff2;
return ydiff;
sprite_t *isplayerbelow(sprite_t *s) {
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) return NULL;
if (player && !player->dead && player->y > s->y) return player;
if (player2 && !player2->dead && player2->y > s->y) return player2;
return NULL;
// is there a player more than "dis" pixels below?
sprite_t *isplayerbelowgt(sprite_t *s,int dis) {
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) return NULL;
if (player && !player->dead && (player->y - s->y) >= dis ) return player;
if (player2 && !player2->dead && (player2->y - s->y) >= dis) return player2;
return NULL;
sprite_t *isplayerabove(sprite_t *s) {
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) return NULL;
if (player && !player->dead && player->y < s->y) return player;
if (player2 && !player2->dead && player2->y < s->y) return player2;
return NULL;
// is there a player within "dis" pixels above?
sprite_t *isplayerabovelt(sprite_t *s,int dis) {
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) return NULL;
if (player && !player->dead && (player->y < s->y) && ((s->y - player->y) <= dis )) return player;
if (player2 && !player2->dead && (player->y < s->y) && ((s->y - player2->y) <= dis)) return player2;
return NULL;
// is there a player more than "dis" pixels above?
sprite_t *isplayerabovegt(sprite_t *s,int dis) {
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) return NULL;
if (player && !player->dead && ((s->y - player->y) >= dis )) return player;
if (player2 && !player2->dead && ((s->y - player2->y) >= dis)) return player2;
return NULL;
sprite_t *isplayerright(sprite_t *s) {
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) return NULL;
if (player && !player->dead && player->x > s->x) return player;
if (player2 && !player2->dead && player2->x > s->x) return player2;
return NULL;
sprite_t *isplayerleft(sprite_t *s) {
if (globpowerup == PW_CAMERA) return NULL;
if (player && !player->dead && player->x < s->x) return player;
if (player2 && !player2->dead && player2->x < s->x) return player2;
return NULL;
sprite_t *isplayerahead(sprite_t *s) {
sprite_t *seen = NULL;
int ydis;
if (!playersalive()) {
seen = NULL;
} else {
if (player) {
ydis = abs((s->y - s->img->h/2) - (player->y - player->img->h/2));
if (ydis > TILEH*2) {
seen = NULL;
} else if ((s->dir < 0) && (player->x > s->x)) {
seen = NULL;
} else if ((s->dir > 0) && (player->x < s->x)) {
seen = NULL;
} else seen = player;
if (!seen && (player2)) {
ydis = abs((s->y - s->img->h/2) - (player2->y - player2->img->h/2));
if (ydis > TILEH*2) {
seen = NULL;
} else if ((s->dir < 0) && (player2->x > s->x)) {
seen = NULL;
} else if ((s->dir > 0) && (player2->x < s->x)) {
seen = NULL;
} else seen = player2;
return seen;
// turn to face a player
void faceplayer(sprite_t *s) {
// face a player
if ((s->dir == D_RIGHT) && !isplayerright(s) && isplayerleft(s)) {
s->dir = D_LEFT;
} else if ((s->dir == D_LEFT) && !isplayerleft(s) && isplayerright(s)) {
s->dir = D_RIGHT;
SDL_Color *getcolour(int id) {
switch (id) {
case P_CHEESE:
case P_PIZZA:
return &yellow;
case P_GEMRED:
case P_CHIPS:
return &red;
return &purple;
case P_BURGER:
case P_SUNDAE:
return &brown;
return &cyan;
case P_CAKE:
return &blue;
return &white;
return &white;
SDL_Color *getbgcolour (int id) {
switch (id) {
case P_PIZZA:
return &red2;
case P_CHIPS:
return &brown2;
return &black;
int inintro(void) {
if (curlevelnum == INTRO_LEVELNUM) return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
void dointroseq(void) {
if (introstate == IS_START) {
if (gtime >= 2) {
introstate = IS_YUM;
} else if (introstate == IS_YUM) {
if (player) {
addoutlinetext(player->x,player->y - (player->img->h*1.5),TEXTSIZE_YUM,"Yum!",getptextcol(player), &black,YUMDELAY, TT_INTROTEXT);
if (player2) {
addoutlinetext(player2->x,player2->y - (player2->img->h*1.5),TEXTSIZE_YUM,"Yum!",getptextcol(player2),&black,YUMDELAY, TT_INTROTEXT);
introstate = IS_YUMWAIT; // exits when yum text is gone
} else if (introstate == IS_JUMP) {
if (player) {
if (!player->jumping && !player->falling) {
jump(player, D_RIGHT);
player->jumpspeed = 7;
} else if (player->falling) {
movex(player, getspeed(player)/2, B_TRUE);
if (player2) {
if (player) {
if (player->jumping && player->jumpspeed <= 5) {
if (!player2->jumping && !player2->falling) {
jump(player2, D_LEFT);
player2->jumpspeed = 7;
} else if (player2->falling) {
movex(player2, -getspeed(player2)/2, B_TRUE);
} else {
if (!player2->jumping && !player2->falling) {
jump(player2, D_LEFT);
player2->jumpspeed = 7;
} else if (player2->falling) {
movex(player2, -getspeed(player2)/2, B_TRUE);
if ((player && player->falling) || (player2 && player2->falling)) {
sprite_t *newsp;
double startx,starty;
// add rats
startx = TILEW;
starty = (curlevel->p1y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
puffin(-1, startx, starty, "nothing", 0);
newsp = addsprite(P_RAT, startx, starty, "intro_rat");
newsp->speed = INTRO_RATSPEED;
newsp->antigrav = B_TRUE;
introstate = IS_RATS;
} else if ((introstate == IS_RATS) || (introstate == IS_RATS2)) {
sprite_t *s;
double xpoint;
// keep moving until we hit the ground
if (player) {
if (player->falling) {
movex(player, getspeed(player), B_TRUE);
if (introstate == IS_RATS2) {
// look around
if (timer % 20 == 0) {
player->dir = -player->dir;
if (player2) {
if (player2->falling) {
movex(player2, -getspeed(player2), B_TRUE);
if (introstate == IS_RATS2) {
// look around
if ((timer+5) % 20 == 0) {
player2->dir = -player2->dir;
// add more rats
if (introstate != IS_RATS2) {
if (countmonsters(P_RAT) <= 6) {
if (timer % 5 == 0) {
sprite_t *newsp;
double startx,starty;
// add rats
startx = TILEW;
starty = (curlevel->p1y * TILEH) + TILEH-2;
puffin(-1, startx, starty, "nothing", 0);
newsp = addsprite(P_RAT, startx, starty, "intro_rat");
newsp->speed = INTRO_RATSPEED;
newsp->antigrav = B_TRUE;
// if rats are past p2 start point, they fall
xpoint = (curlevel->p2x * TILEW) + (TILEW/2);
for (s = sprite ; s ; s = s->next) {
if (ismonster(s->id)) {
if (s->x >= xpoint) {
s->antigrav = B_FALSE;
s->speed = (INTRO_RATSPEED / 2);
introstate = IS_RATS2;
// next state
if (countmonsters(-1) <= 0) {
introstate = IS_FINISH;
if (player) {
player->timer1 = 0;
player->timer2 = 0;
if (player2) {
player2->timer1 = 0;
player2->timer2 = 0;
} else if (introstate == IS_FINISH) {
int finished = B_TRUE;
// players jump up and down 3 times
if (player) {
if (isonground(player)) {
if (player->timer1 < 3) {
player->jumping = 1;
player->jumpdir = 0;
player->jumpspeed = 2;
finished = B_FALSE;
if (player2) {
if (isonground(player2)) {
if (player2->timer1 < 3) {
player2->jumping = 1;
player2->jumpdir = 0;
player2->jumpspeed = 2;
finished = B_FALSE;
if (finished) {
if (levelcomplete == LV_INPROGRESS) {
// clouds come in
levelcomplete = LV_FINAL;
// don't delay
levelcompletetime = gtime;
gtime += 10;
int addcredit(void) {
// can't add credits during game
if (credits < MAXCREDITS) {
if (lockcredits) {
} else {
return B_FALSE;
return B_TRUE;
int getpnum(sprite_t *s) {
if (s == player) return 0;
else return 1;
int countbabies(sprite_t *s, int babytype) {
sprite_t *ss;
int numbabies;
numbabies = 0;
for (ss = sprite ; ss ; ss = ss->next) {
if ((ss->id == babytype) && (ss->owner == s)) {
return numbabies;
int isbridge(int id) {
switch (id) {
case T_BRIDGE:
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isice(int id) {
switch (id) {
case T_ICE:
case T_ICETOP:
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int isconveyor(int id) {
switch (id) {
case T_RIGHT:
case T_LEFT:
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
int savebmp(SDL_Surface *which) {
int rv;
char filename[BUFLEN];
sprintf(filename, "/tmp/level_%d_%d.bmp",getcurworld(), getcurlevel());
rv = SDL_SaveBMP(which, filename);
printf("Screenshot saved in %s\n",filename);
return rv;
void melttile(int tx, int ty,int howlong, int wantpuff) {
if (numregrow >= (MAXREGROW-1)) {
if (howlong != FOREVER) {
regrow[numregrow].tx = tx;
regrow[numregrow].ty = ty;
regrow[numregrow].origid = curlevel->map[ty * LEVELW + tx ];
regrow[numregrow].timer = howlong;
curlevel->map[ty * LEVELW + tx ] = getuniq(T_BLANK);
drawtile(temps, tx,ty);
if (wantpuff) {
puffin(-1, tx*TILEW+(TILEW/2), ty*TILEH+TILEH, "nothing", 0);
// select a random spell for king cat
void selectspell(sprite_t *s) {
// select spell
s->timer1 = KCS_SPELLCAST;
// defaults
s->timer4 = 0; // for spell effects
if (s->timer5 >= 3) {
s->timer3 = SPL_TELEPORT;
s->timer5 = 0;
} else if (countmonsters(ALL) <= 3) {
// if there aren't anough monsters, summon
// some more.
s->timer3 = SPL_SUMMON;
} else { // random spell
enum SPELL poss[SPL_LAST];
int nposs = 0;
// add all possible spells to a list
// only possible if a player is alive
if (getrandomaliveplayer()) {
poss[nposs++] = SPL_TELEPORT;
// always possible
poss[nposs++] = SPL_WIND;
poss[nposs++] = SPL_FIREBALLS;
poss[nposs++] = SPL_BRICKS;
// select one of them
if (!nposs) {
s->timer3 = SPL_NONE;
} else {
s->timer3 = poss[rand() % nposs];
// test...
//s->timer3 = SPL_BRICKS;
// fill in characteristics for spell
if (s->timer3 == SPL_TELEPORT) {
sprite_t *who = NULL;
who = getrandomaliveplayer();
if (who) {
s->newx = who->x;
s->newy = who->y;
} else {
// abort spell. back to walking.
s->timer1 = KCS_WALK;
s->timer2 = 0;
} else if (s->timer3 == SPL_WIND) {
s->timer2 = KC_SPELLCASTTIME*3;
} else if (s->timer3 == SPL_BRICKS) {
s->timer2 = KC_SPELLCASTTIME*3;
// inc teleport timer - when this reaches 2 we
// will do a teleport.
void incfruittype(void) {
if (fruittypes[curfruittype] == -1) {
curfruittype = 0;
SDL_Color *getptextcol(sprite_t *s) {
if (s == player) {
if (swapplayers) return &purple;
else return &red;
} else { // ie. player 2
if (swapplayers) return &red;
else return &purple;
return &red;