
167 lines
6.7 KiB

# Overview
![ in action]( " in action")
Script to automate control of an home reverse cycle aircon system based on custom logic and temperature measurements.
This was originally written for an [AdvantageAir]( system. It just calls an external script to interface with the aircon, so should be easily adaptable to other systems.
# Requirements
- [pymyair](
# Features
- Log temperature measurements to a CSV file or InfluxDB
- Control zone temperature by opening/closing its vents
- Control zone temperature by opening/closing vents in adjacent zones
- Automatically adjust aircon settings based on defined temperature thresholds
- Turn zones on/off based on ARP table entires for specific MAC addresses (for example, if a TV is turned on or a person's phone is detected)
- Define temperature rules based on weekday and/or time
# Usage
root@gridbug:~# scripts/ -h
usage: scripts/ [options]
Modifies aircon based on configured parameters in /root/.airconrc.
-h Show this text.
-c Cron mode. Only show output if actions were taken.
-i x.x.x.x Specify IP address for aircon (default is
-I db Log all zone temperatures to given influxdb database, then exit (see -o).
-A db Log actions to given influxdb database.
-f file Specify an alternate config file.
-k file If file exists, never change aircon settings (default: /root/.aircon_noaction).
-l num Set number of too hot/cold zones at which to taking action.
-L Log all zone temperatures to CSV file, then exit (see -o).
-o file Specify CSV output file. Default: /root/acstats.csv
-m Generate a config file based on current aircon setup.
-p Profiler mode.
-w List which zone owners' devices are available then exit.
-t num Specify degrees below min temperature before taking action.
-T num Specify degrees above max temperature before taking action.
-y Actually run commands/db inserts. By default, commands are just displayed.
# Examples
## Sample .airconrc file
root@gridbug:~# cat .airconrc
options -t 0.5
modelock heat
constant Family
owner Study robsphone
owner Rob&Beth robsphone bethsphone
owner Brendan brendansphone
owner Media lgtv_wifi
@Thu-Fri;0830-1630 force Nursery close # Childcare hours
@1830-0630 temp Nursery 17-19
@0600-2359 temp Family 18-21
temp Media 18-22
temp Rob&Beth 18-22
@Mon-Fri;0830-1730 temp Study 18-22 # Rob working
@Sat-Sun ignore Study # Not working
2000-0700 temp Ben/Sewing 18-22
@Mon-Fri;0830-1730 temp Ben/Sewing 17-22 # Brendan working
adj Brendan Family
adj Media Brendan
adj Rob&Beth Family
adj Study Family
person Rob robsphone
person Beth bethsphone
person Brendan brendansphone
## Generate ~/.airconrc based on your a tual aircon zones
bash$ -m
## Log temperature for each zone to csv then exit
bash$ -L -o /root/acstats.csv -x /usr/local/bin/pymyair -f /root/.airconrc
## Preview influxdb inserts for zone temperatures
bash$ -I myinfluxdb
/usr/local/bin/influx -database myinfluxdb -execute INSERT temperature,room=Family value=18.7
/usr/local/bin/influx -database myinfluxdb -execute INSERT temperature,room=Brendan value=19.1
/usr/local/bin/influx -database myinfluxdb -execute INSERT temperature,room=Media value=21
/usr/local/bin/influx -database myinfluxdb -execute INSERT temperature,room=Rob&Beth value=18.4
/usr/local/bin/influx -database myinfluxdb -execute INSERT temperature,room=Study value=19.2
/usr/local/bin/influx -database myinfluxdb -execute INSERT temperature,room=Nursery value=17.8
/usr/local/bin/influx -database myinfluxdb -execute INSERT attendance,person=Rob value=1
/usr/local/bin/influx -database myinfluxdb -execute INSERT attendance,person=Beth value=1
/usr/local/bin/influx -database myinfluxdb -execute INSERT aircon running=0
/usr/local/bin/influx -database myinfluxdb -execute INSERT aircon mode=0
## Log temperature for each zone to local influxdb then exit
bash$ -I myinfluxdb -y
## Determine required aircon changes and display them only (dry run)
Aircon mode: heat (locked to heat)
Current myzone: Family (zone 1)
Tolerance: 0.5 degrees low, 0 degrees high
Valid Set Actual Proposed
Zone Temp State Temp Temp Action
Family (C) 18-21 open 19 21.6 close_vent
Brendan n/a close 19 19.3 n/a
Media 18-22 close 20 21.6 n/a
Rob&Beth 18-22 close 18 19.5 n/a
Study n/a close 19 20.6 n/a
Mel&Rob 18-21 close 18 19.5 n/a
Nursery 17-19 open 19 18.9 set_myzone
Ben/Sewing n/a close 18 17.6 n/a
- Family is too hot (constant zone)
Proposed commands:
myair set --zone 1 --state off --temp 19 # In zone Family, close vent
myair myzone --zone 7 # Set MyZone to Nursery
## Make required aircon changes
bash$ -y
Aircon mode: heat (locked to heat)
Current myzone: Family (zone 1)
Tolerance: 0.5 degrees low, 0 degrees high
Valid Set Actual Proposed
Zone Temp State Temp Temp Action
Family (C) 18-21 open 19 21.6 close_vent
Brendan n/a close 19 19.3 n/a
Media 18-22 close 20 21.6 n/a
Rob&Beth 18-22 close 18 19.5 n/a
Study n/a close 19 20.6 n/a
Mel&Rob 18-21 close 18 19.5 n/a
Nursery 17-19 open 19 18.9 set_myzone
Ben/Sewing n/a close 18 17.6 n/a
- Family is too hot (constant zone)
Proposed commands:
myair set --zone 1 --state off --temp 19 # In zone Family, close vent
myair myzone --zone 7 # Set MyZone to Nursery
Running action: In zone Family, close vent
RUNNING myair set --zone 1 --state off --temp 19
Running action: Set MyZone to Nursery
RUNNING myair myzone --zone 7
## Make required aircon changes and log actions to influxdb
bash$ -y -A myinfluxdb
## Make required aircon changes and only produce output if actions taken (cron mdoe)
bash$ -y -c