60 lines
2.1 KiB
60 lines
2.1 KiB
# Overview
Performs sound level monitoring using a USB Benetech GM1356 sonometer.
Named after [Loud Howard](https://dilbert.com/strip/1995-04-21).
Big thanks to [Maciej Ciemborowicz](https://github.com/ciembor) for his work documenting the [USB protocol](https://github.com/dobra-noc/gm1356/blob/master/PROTOCOL.md) this device uses.
# Requirements
- [hidapi](https://github.com/libusb/hidapi)
- An OS which recognises the GM1356 as a USB device (ie. not OSX Big Sur).
- A GM1356 sonometer (obviously)
# Usage
bash$ ./howard -h
usage: howard [OPTIONS] outputmode1 [ outputmode2 ... ]
Reads maximum noise level from a Benestar GM1356 sonometer
over a given interval, and optionally stores result in an
influxdb database.
Valid output modes are:
short (single line to stdout)
long (multiple lines to stdout)
db (HTTP POST to influxdb, must also provide INFLUXDB OPTIONS - see below)
-c Run endlessly (also see -i and -w)
-h Show this usage text then exit.
-i secs Define time over which to get max decibels
-t Test mode - just probe for sononeter then exit
-T Influxdb test mode - just test influxdb connectivity then exit
-w secs Define period to wait between noise level checks
insert will just be written to stdout.
-d dbname Define influxdb database name
-H hostname Define influxdb hostname
-p password Define influxdb password
-u username Define influxdb password
-y Actually write to influxdb. Without this,
# Graph of sample output
![sample output graph](https://cube.nethack.net/images/howard_graph.png "aircon.sh in action")
# Implementation Notes
- The device seems to 'hang' periodically and cause all subsequent reads to timeout. To work around this, after two concurrent timeouts I send an `IOCTL_USBDEVFS_RESET`.
- I don't yet have configuration commands working, so the following need to be manually configured on the physical device:
- slow/fast exponential time averaging
- MAX mode
- dBA vs dBC units