* [+] vaiultlegend_t
* [+] vaultdef_t
- [+] implement addlegend()
- [+] implement addvault()
- [+] function to read in a vault from a data file
- [+] vs_noid
- [+] vs_loadingmap
- [+] vs_loadinglegend
- [+] vs_loadingflags
- [+] vs_loading
- [+] load all vaultdefs in at start
- [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion
- [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on
* [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid)
- [+] mapdata with letters
* [+] MSG up vault errors on load.
- [+] Select job _before_ generating first map.
* [+] make addob() handle door flags:
* [+] addob() improvements
* [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground.
- [+] genericise getroomedge()
- [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done)
- [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x,
v1=y, v2=pct text=what
* [+] "what" can be:
* [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany
* [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4'
- [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count.
- [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count.
- [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch()
- [+] ensure no DUPE ids
- [+] make legend take percentages (optional)
- [+] make "at" take negative values...
- [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms.
* [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms
- [+] flooded room
- [+] labyrinth
- [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors)
- [+] monster zoos (money and monsters)
- [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs
- [+] circleroom
- [+] pillared room
- [+] glass pillared room
- [+] cockatrice lair (statues)
- [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP.
- [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes.......
- [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field.
- [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs
- [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
General format:
map definition
s:ob:50:short sword
#:cell:stone wall
Legend is:
2011-06-05 19:21:21 +10:00
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
c:exit (denotes an exit, for use by linkexits)
2011-06-05 19:21:21 +10:00
* [+] vaiultlegend_t
* [+] vaultdef_t
- [+] implement addlegend()
- [+] implement addvault()
- [+] function to read in a vault from a data file
- [+] vs_noid
- [+] vs_loadingmap
- [+] vs_loadinglegend
- [+] vs_loadingflags
- [+] vs_loading
- [+] load all vaultdefs in at start
- [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion
- [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on
* [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid)
- [+] mapdata with letters
* [+] MSG up vault errors on load.
- [+] Select job _before_ generating first map.
* [+] make addob() handle door flags:
* [+] addob() improvements
* [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground.
- [+] genericise getroomedge()
- [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done)
- [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x,
v1=y, v2=pct text=what
* [+] "what" can be:
* [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany
* [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4'
- [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count.
- [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count.
- [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch()
- [+] ensure no DUPE ids
- [+] make legend take percentages (optional)
- [+] make "at" take negative values...
- [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms.
* [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms
- [+] flooded room
- [+] labyrinth
- [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors)
- [+] monster zoos (money and monsters)
- [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs
- [+] circleroom
- [+] pillared room
- [+] glass pillared room
- [+] cockatrice lair (statues)
- [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP.
- [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes.......
- [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field.
- [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs
- [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
c = any letter
type = ob, mon or cell
pct = optional pct chance of appearing
what = text of what this letter represents
Flags can be:
at(x,y) type:what[:pct] // put what at position x,y
'type' can be: ob, mon, cell
coords can be negative ("count back from right/bottom")
2011-08-24 18:15:09 +10:00
atoneof(x,y)(x,y)...(x,y) type:what[:pct]
// place 'what' at one of the given positions (picked randomly)
2011-06-05 19:21:21 +10:00
exitat(x,y) // vault exit is at position x,y
* [+] vaiultlegend_t
* [+] vaultdef_t
- [+] implement addlegend()
- [+] implement addvault()
- [+] function to read in a vault from a data file
- [+] vs_noid
- [+] vs_loadingmap
- [+] vs_loadinglegend
- [+] vs_loadingflags
- [+] vs_loading
- [+] load all vaultdefs in at start
- [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion
- [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on
* [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid)
- [+] mapdata with letters
* [+] MSG up vault errors on load.
- [+] Select job _before_ generating first map.
* [+] make addob() handle door flags:
* [+] addob() improvements
* [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground.
- [+] genericise getroomedge()
- [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done)
- [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x,
v1=y, v2=pct text=what
* [+] "what" can be:
* [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany
* [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4'
- [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count.
- [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count.
- [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch()
- [+] ensure no DUPE ids
- [+] make legend take percentages (optional)
- [+] make "at" take negative values...
- [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms.
* [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms
- [+] flooded room
- [+] labyrinth
- [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors)
- [+] monster zoos (money and monsters)
- [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs
- [+] circleroom
- [+] pillared room
- [+] glass pillared room
- [+] cockatrice lair (statues)
- [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP.
- [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes.......
- [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field.
- [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs
- [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
box(x,y,x2,y2) type:what[:pct] // outline box with what
fill(x,y,x2,y2) type:what[:pct] // filled box with what
coords can be negative ("count back from right/bottom")
scatter(x,y,x2,y2) type:what:howmany[:pct] // scatter what within region
howmany can be:
- a number (x)
- a range (x-y)
- a pct of the total region cells (x%)
coords can be negative ("count back from right/bottom")
2011-06-29 18:48:48 +10:00
pct is optional
* [+] vaiultlegend_t
* [+] vaultdef_t
- [+] implement addlegend()
- [+] implement addvault()
- [+] function to read in a vault from a data file
- [+] vs_noid
- [+] vs_loadingmap
- [+] vs_loadinglegend
- [+] vs_loadingflags
- [+] vs_loading
- [+] load all vaultdefs in at start
- [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion
- [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on
* [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid)
- [+] mapdata with letters
* [+] MSG up vault errors on load.
- [+] Select job _before_ generating first map.
* [+] make addob() handle door flags:
* [+] addob() improvements
* [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground.
- [+] genericise getroomedge()
- [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done)
- [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x,
v1=y, v2=pct text=what
* [+] "what" can be:
* [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany
* [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4'
- [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count.
- [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count.
- [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch()
- [+] ensure no DUPE ids
- [+] make legend take percentages (optional)
- [+] make "at" take negative values...
- [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms.
* [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms
- [+] flooded room
- [+] labyrinth
- [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors)
- [+] monster zoos (money and monsters)
- [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs
- [+] circleroom
- [+] pillared room
- [+] glass pillared room
- [+] cockatrice lair (statues)
- [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP.
- [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes.......
- [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field.
- [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs
- [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
2011-06-22 16:01:48 +10:00
autodoors:pct // automatically add at least one door to the edges of
* [+] vaiultlegend_t
* [+] vaultdef_t
- [+] implement addlegend()
- [+] implement addvault()
- [+] function to read in a vault from a data file
- [+] vs_noid
- [+] vs_loadingmap
- [+] vs_loadinglegend
- [+] vs_loadingflags
- [+] vs_loading
- [+] load all vaultdefs in at start
- [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion
- [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on
* [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid)
- [+] mapdata with letters
* [+] MSG up vault errors on load.
- [+] Select job _before_ generating first map.
* [+] make addob() handle door flags:
* [+] addob() improvements
* [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground.
- [+] genericise getroomedge()
- [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done)
- [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x,
v1=y, v2=pct text=what
* [+] "what" can be:
* [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany
* [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4'
- [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count.
- [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count.
- [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch()
- [+] ensure no DUPE ids
- [+] make legend take percentages (optional)
- [+] make "at" take negative values...
- [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms.
* [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms
- [+] flooded room
- [+] labyrinth
- [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors)
- [+] monster zoos (money and monsters)
- [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs
- [+] circleroom
- [+] pillared room
- [+] glass pillared room
- [+] cockatrice lair (statues)
- [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP.
- [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes.......
- [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field.
- [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs
- [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
// this room.
2011-06-22 16:01:48 +10:00
// pct is chance of the exit being a door as opposed
// to jsut an opening.
* [+] vaiultlegend_t
* [+] vaultdef_t
- [+] implement addlegend()
- [+] implement addvault()
- [+] function to read in a vault from a data file
- [+] vs_noid
- [+] vs_loadingmap
- [+] vs_loadinglegend
- [+] vs_loadingflags
- [+] vs_loading
- [+] load all vaultdefs in at start
- [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion
- [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on
* [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid)
- [+] mapdata with letters
* [+] MSG up vault errors on load.
- [+] Select job _before_ generating first map.
* [+] make addob() handle door flags:
* [+] addob() improvements
* [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground.
- [+] genericise getroomedge()
- [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done)
- [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x,
v1=y, v2=pct text=what
* [+] "what" can be:
* [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany
* [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4'
- [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count.
- [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count.
- [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch()
- [+] ensure no DUPE ids
- [+] make legend take percentages (optional)
- [+] make "at" take negative values...
- [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms.
* [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms
- [+] flooded room
- [+] labyrinth
- [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors)
- [+] monster zoos (money and monsters)
- [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs
- [+] circleroom
- [+] pillared room
- [+] glass pillared room
- [+] cockatrice lair (statues)
- [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP.
- [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes.......
- [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field.
- [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs
- [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
2011-06-29 18:48:48 +10:00
autopop // automatically add obs/mons/pillars to this vault as
// if it were a normal room.
* [+] vaiultlegend_t
* [+] vaultdef_t
- [+] implement addlegend()
- [+] implement addvault()
- [+] function to read in a vault from a data file
- [+] vs_noid
- [+] vs_loadingmap
- [+] vs_loadinglegend
- [+] vs_loadingflags
- [+] vs_loading
- [+] load all vaultdefs in at start
- [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion
- [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on
* [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid)
- [+] mapdata with letters
* [+] MSG up vault errors on load.
- [+] Select job _before_ generating first map.
* [+] make addob() handle door flags:
* [+] addob() improvements
* [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground.
- [+] genericise getroomedge()
- [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done)
- [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x,
v1=y, v2=pct text=what
* [+] "what" can be:
* [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany
* [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4'
- [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count.
- [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count.
- [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch()
- [+] ensure no DUPE ids
- [+] make legend take percentages (optional)
- [+] make "at" take negative values...
- [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms.
* [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms
- [+] flooded room
- [+] labyrinth
- [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors)
- [+] monster zoos (money and monsters)
- [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs
- [+] circleroom
- [+] pillared room
- [+] glass pillared room
- [+] cockatrice lair (statues)
- [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP.
- [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes.......
- [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field.
- [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs
- [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
2011-06-22 16:01:48 +10:00
dlevmin:xxx // can only randomly appear at or below dungeon
// level xxx (or map difficulty xxx for world map)
dlevmax:xxx // can only randomly appear at or before dungeon
// levle xxx
goesin:xxx // can only randomly appear in habitat xxx
2011-06-29 18:48:48 +10:00
margin:x,y // must be x/y away from edges of map
mayrotate // vault can be rotated randomly
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!!
- [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los
- [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange
* [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful
- [+] use colours for spell descriptions
- [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr'
* [+] add vault commonality.
- [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc
* [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID
- [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work.....
- [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms
- [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP.
- [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour
- [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working.
* [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed.
- [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2
- [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the
* [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects
* [+] allow hunger to work on monsters
- [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results.
- [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing?
initial vampire implementation
initial god implementation
- [+] they all start off in "heaven" map.
- [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0
- [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one.
* [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging)
* [+] everyone has 'pray' ability.
- [+] modpiety(rid, amt)
* [+] piety vals
* [+] when you pray
- [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0
* [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad!
* [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift.
* [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim)
- [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per
- [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress
- [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god
before (angergodmaybe)
- [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells.
- [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else.
* [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god
- [+] ?g for help on gods
- [+] IN general:
- [+] prey = oneoff effect
- [+] gift = ongoing
* [+] makeangry() vs modpiety
* [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns!
Hecta - partial
Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
rarity:xxx // how common this vault is.
// xxx can be:
// common (default)
// uncommon
// rare
// vrare / veryrare
// never
2011-06-22 16:01:48 +10:00
norandom // this vault doesn't appear randomly. it will only
// appear when specifically requested via a region's
// outline.
* [+] vaiultlegend_t
* [+] vaultdef_t
- [+] implement addlegend()
- [+] implement addvault()
- [+] function to read in a vault from a data file
- [+] vs_noid
- [+] vs_loadingmap
- [+] vs_loadinglegend
- [+] vs_loadingflags
- [+] vs_loading
- [+] load all vaultdefs in at start
- [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion
- [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on
* [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid)
- [+] mapdata with letters
* [+] MSG up vault errors on load.
- [+] Select job _before_ generating first map.
* [+] make addob() handle door flags:
* [+] addob() improvements
* [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground.
- [+] genericise getroomedge()
- [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done)
- [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x,
v1=y, v2=pct text=what
* [+] "what" can be:
* [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany
* [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4'
- [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count.
- [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count.
- [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch()
- [+] ensure no DUPE ids
- [+] make legend take percentages (optional)
- [+] make "at" take negative values...
- [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms.
* [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms
- [+] flooded room
- [+] labyrinth
- [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors)
- [+] monster zoos (money and monsters)
- [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs
- [+] circleroom
- [+] pillared room
- [+] glass pillared room
- [+] cockatrice lair (statues)
- [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP.
- [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes.......
- [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field.
- [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs
- [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
when adding lfs/objects, "random" creates a random one.