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VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
General format:
map definition
s:ob:50:short sword
#:cell:stone wall
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
Legend is:
- [+] glorana doesn't like you attacking during Glorana's Peace - [+] make more shops let you donate - [+] bookstore - [+] jewellery store - [+] rename blood hawk to hunting hawk - [+] offering a bribe to creatures should make them move likely to helkp you, AND reset the "auto don't help' flag - [+] change "get lost " message to "get lost, <racename>" if your race is different. - [+] sayphrase() needs a new arg: lifeform_t *talkingto - [+] colours for spell effect. - [+] eg. "the flame dart hits xxx" should use CC_BAD - [+] muddy room - mud should be immutable. - [+] maybe change rage - you lose control totally and just attack anything in sight? - [+] do it. - [+] don't train when enraged - [+] don't hear sounds when enraged - [+] RAGE effects: strength bonus, accuracy bonus, infinite stamina, never flee, - [+] fix bug in skill point calculation - [+] CRASH - someone got their turn BEFORE the player! - [+] new poisontype field - contracttext - [+] hecta's pray effect not working. - [+] adjust food poisioning check difficulty based on food age - [+] check OBHP percentage of max. - [+] >= 80% obhp means -30% difficulty check - [+] ring of unholiness should confer dtvuln holy. - [+] fix colour on spellclouds - [+] fix bug with spellclouds not affecting centre cell. - [+] if you are frozen, heat does extra damage and cold does none. - [+] when frozen, lessen chance of melting. - [+] reduce bite damage of snakes - [+] balaclava should protect from gas - [+] make some floor types (like carpet) be multicoloured - [+] celltype->altcolour - [+] if altcolour is not C_NONE then use it where (x + y) % 2 is true. - [+] don't regain stamina while training - [+] random text in shops - sayphrase needs to cope with lf == null - [+] done - [+] fixed - hecta gifted me with a bamboo staff, but i'm inept with staves! - [+] BUG: in vault.vlt. - [+] "30% chance of door" really means "otherwise empty cell" - [+] need to be able to say "else put a wall here" - [+] so change: - [+] c:type:what[:pct] - [+] to this: - [+] c:type:what[:pct][:alttype:altwhat] - [+] vlegend_t needs - [+] enum VAULTTHING tt2 - [+] char *what2 - [+] they default to VT_NONE, NULL - [+] secret doors should take their fake wall type from the vault spec - [+] vaults need f_celltypeempty/solid flags - [+] add via: solid:xxx in vault def - [+] recycler - [+] donate anything
2012-07-15 15:01:58 +10:00
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! - [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los - [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange * [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful - [+] use colours for spell descriptions - [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr' * [+] add vault commonality. - [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc * [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID - [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work..... - [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms - [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP. - [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour - [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working. * [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed. - [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2 - [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the skill) * [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects * [+] allow hunger to work on monsters - [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results. - [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing? initial vampire implementation initial god implementation - [+] they all start off in "heaven" map. - [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0 - [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one. * [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging) * [+] everyone has 'pray' ability. - [+] modpiety(rid, amt) * [+] piety vals * [+] when you pray - [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0 * [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad! * [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift. * [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim) - [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per turn). - [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress - [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god before (angergodmaybe) - [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells. - [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else. * [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god - [+] ?g for help on gods - [+] IN general: - [+] prey = oneoff effect - [+] gift = ongoing * [+] makeangry() vs modpiety * [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns! Hecta - partial Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
c:exit (denotes an exit, for use by linkexits)
- [+] glorana doesn't like you attacking during Glorana's Peace - [+] make more shops let you donate - [+] bookstore - [+] jewellery store - [+] rename blood hawk to hunting hawk - [+] offering a bribe to creatures should make them move likely to helkp you, AND reset the "auto don't help' flag - [+] change "get lost " message to "get lost, <racename>" if your race is different. - [+] sayphrase() needs a new arg: lifeform_t *talkingto - [+] colours for spell effect. - [+] eg. "the flame dart hits xxx" should use CC_BAD - [+] muddy room - mud should be immutable. - [+] maybe change rage - you lose control totally and just attack anything in sight? - [+] do it. - [+] don't train when enraged - [+] don't hear sounds when enraged - [+] RAGE effects: strength bonus, accuracy bonus, infinite stamina, never flee, - [+] fix bug in skill point calculation - [+] CRASH - someone got their turn BEFORE the player! - [+] new poisontype field - contracttext - [+] hecta's pray effect not working. - [+] adjust food poisioning check difficulty based on food age - [+] check OBHP percentage of max. - [+] >= 80% obhp means -30% difficulty check - [+] ring of unholiness should confer dtvuln holy. - [+] fix colour on spellclouds - [+] fix bug with spellclouds not affecting centre cell. - [+] if you are frozen, heat does extra damage and cold does none. - [+] when frozen, lessen chance of melting. - [+] reduce bite damage of snakes - [+] balaclava should protect from gas - [+] make some floor types (like carpet) be multicoloured - [+] celltype->altcolour - [+] if altcolour is not C_NONE then use it where (x + y) % 2 is true. - [+] don't regain stamina while training - [+] random text in shops - sayphrase needs to cope with lf == null - [+] done - [+] fixed - hecta gifted me with a bamboo staff, but i'm inept with staves! - [+] BUG: in vault.vlt. - [+] "30% chance of door" really means "otherwise empty cell" - [+] need to be able to say "else put a wall here" - [+] so change: - [+] c:type:what[:pct] - [+] to this: - [+] c:type:what[:pct][:alttype:altwhat] - [+] vlegend_t needs - [+] enum VAULTTHING tt2 - [+] char *what2 - [+] they default to VT_NONE, NULL - [+] secret doors should take their fake wall type from the vault spec - [+] vaults need f_celltypeempty/solid flags - [+] add via: solid:xxx in vault def - [+] recycler - [+] donate anything
2012-07-15 15:01:58 +10:00
if pct chance fails, use alttype & altwhat to determine
what to place.
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
c = any letter
type = ob, mon or cell
pct = optional pct chance of appearing
what = text of what this letter represents
- [+] glorana doesn't like you attacking during Glorana's Peace - [+] make more shops let you donate - [+] bookstore - [+] jewellery store - [+] rename blood hawk to hunting hawk - [+] offering a bribe to creatures should make them move likely to helkp you, AND reset the "auto don't help' flag - [+] change "get lost " message to "get lost, <racename>" if your race is different. - [+] sayphrase() needs a new arg: lifeform_t *talkingto - [+] colours for spell effect. - [+] eg. "the flame dart hits xxx" should use CC_BAD - [+] muddy room - mud should be immutable. - [+] maybe change rage - you lose control totally and just attack anything in sight? - [+] do it. - [+] don't train when enraged - [+] don't hear sounds when enraged - [+] RAGE effects: strength bonus, accuracy bonus, infinite stamina, never flee, - [+] fix bug in skill point calculation - [+] CRASH - someone got their turn BEFORE the player! - [+] new poisontype field - contracttext - [+] hecta's pray effect not working. - [+] adjust food poisioning check difficulty based on food age - [+] check OBHP percentage of max. - [+] >= 80% obhp means -30% difficulty check - [+] ring of unholiness should confer dtvuln holy. - [+] fix colour on spellclouds - [+] fix bug with spellclouds not affecting centre cell. - [+] if you are frozen, heat does extra damage and cold does none. - [+] when frozen, lessen chance of melting. - [+] reduce bite damage of snakes - [+] balaclava should protect from gas - [+] make some floor types (like carpet) be multicoloured - [+] celltype->altcolour - [+] if altcolour is not C_NONE then use it where (x + y) % 2 is true. - [+] don't regain stamina while training - [+] random text in shops - sayphrase needs to cope with lf == null - [+] done - [+] fixed - hecta gifted me with a bamboo staff, but i'm inept with staves! - [+] BUG: in vault.vlt. - [+] "30% chance of door" really means "otherwise empty cell" - [+] need to be able to say "else put a wall here" - [+] so change: - [+] c:type:what[:pct] - [+] to this: - [+] c:type:what[:pct][:alttype:altwhat] - [+] vlegend_t needs - [+] enum VAULTTHING tt2 - [+] char *what2 - [+] they default to VT_NONE, NULL - [+] secret doors should take their fake wall type from the vault spec - [+] vaults need f_celltypeempty/solid flags - [+] add via: solid:xxx in vault def - [+] recycler - [+] donate anything
2012-07-15 15:01:58 +10:00
alttype = optional ob/mon/cell if pct chance fails
altwhat = optional text of what it represents if pct chance fails
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
Flags can be:
at(x,y) type:what[:pct] // put what at position x,y
'type' can be: ob, mon, cell
coords can be negative ("count back from right/bottom")
atoneof(x,y)(x,y)...(x,y) type:what[:pct]
// place 'what' at one of the given positions (picked randomly)
exitat(x,y) // vault exit is at position x,y
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
box(x,y,x2,y2) type:what[:pct] // outline box with what
fill(x,y,x2,y2) type:what[:pct] // filled box with what
coords can be negative ("count back from right/bottom")
- [+] glorana doesn't like you attacking during Glorana's Peace - [+] make more shops let you donate - [+] bookstore - [+] jewellery store - [+] rename blood hawk to hunting hawk - [+] offering a bribe to creatures should make them move likely to helkp you, AND reset the "auto don't help' flag - [+] change "get lost " message to "get lost, <racename>" if your race is different. - [+] sayphrase() needs a new arg: lifeform_t *talkingto - [+] colours for spell effect. - [+] eg. "the flame dart hits xxx" should use CC_BAD - [+] muddy room - mud should be immutable. - [+] maybe change rage - you lose control totally and just attack anything in sight? - [+] do it. - [+] don't train when enraged - [+] don't hear sounds when enraged - [+] RAGE effects: strength bonus, accuracy bonus, infinite stamina, never flee, - [+] fix bug in skill point calculation - [+] CRASH - someone got their turn BEFORE the player! - [+] new poisontype field - contracttext - [+] hecta's pray effect not working. - [+] adjust food poisioning check difficulty based on food age - [+] check OBHP percentage of max. - [+] >= 80% obhp means -30% difficulty check - [+] ring of unholiness should confer dtvuln holy. - [+] fix colour on spellclouds - [+] fix bug with spellclouds not affecting centre cell. - [+] if you are frozen, heat does extra damage and cold does none. - [+] when frozen, lessen chance of melting. - [+] reduce bite damage of snakes - [+] balaclava should protect from gas - [+] make some floor types (like carpet) be multicoloured - [+] celltype->altcolour - [+] if altcolour is not C_NONE then use it where (x + y) % 2 is true. - [+] don't regain stamina while training - [+] random text in shops - sayphrase needs to cope with lf == null - [+] done - [+] fixed - hecta gifted me with a bamboo staff, but i'm inept with staves! - [+] BUG: in vault.vlt. - [+] "30% chance of door" really means "otherwise empty cell" - [+] need to be able to say "else put a wall here" - [+] so change: - [+] c:type:what[:pct] - [+] to this: - [+] c:type:what[:pct][:alttype:altwhat] - [+] vlegend_t needs - [+] enum VAULTTHING tt2 - [+] char *what2 - [+] they default to VT_NONE, NULL - [+] secret doors should take their fake wall type from the vault spec - [+] vaults need f_celltypeempty/solid flags - [+] add via: solid:xxx in vault def - [+] recycler - [+] donate anything
2012-07-15 15:01:58 +10:00
cellempty:xxx // set empty cell type. eg. "dirt"
cellsolid:xxx // set solid cell type. eg. "brick wall"
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
scatter(x,y,x2,y2) type:what:howmany[:pct] // scatter what within region
howmany can be:
- a number (x)
- a range (x-y)
- a pct of the total region cells (x%)
coords can be negative ("count back from right/bottom")
pct is optional (chance of this happening)
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
autodoors:pct // automatically add at least one door to the edges of
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
// this room.
// pct is chance of the exit being a door as opposed
// to jsut an opening.
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
- [+] thrown objects taking no damage due to hardness * [+] DIETY is slow. - [+] map bug - from 0,0, walk NE (off top edge). i end up at 0,0 again!!! * [+] ALLOW ROTATING OF VAULTS - [+] BUG: dig X only goes 1 cell. - [+] add a U shaped turn vault. - [+] change wehre i apply HADRNESS for lfs! - don't use adjustdammaterial cause we inherit there - [+] make obchance/thingchance part of habitat_t - [+] make sense surroundings take cartography skill into account * [+] BUG: rotated at() etc not working. - [+] if you fail stealing, the target should get angry!!! - [+] make sure to redraw stat bar when mind scan finishes. - [+] villages - [+] initial code * [+] town gaurds. stand next to the gate - [+] potion shop vault - [+] implement - [+] potion shop isn't getting potions!! - [+] and getting wrong floor type. * [+] stop shop from always being at the top left. - [+] make sure its x/y arent too close to edge of map (at least 5 away) - [+] vault param. f_mapmargin, 5 - [+] make calcroompos take x/y margin - [+] don't put auto obs inside vaults - [+] town walls - [+] more kinds of shops * [+] signs outside shops - [+] bug with ai swapping between firearms and twohanded weapons. fixed. * [+] make _CELLS_ have habitats! - [+] move vaultchance to a habitat param instead of getvaultchance() * [+] shopkeepers (special race) village things: - [+] barrels, - [+] guards, - [+] statue - [+] thrown objects should still take damage if blocked via a shield * [+] hardness (must do dam >= xx to hurt) * [+] WATER spread mods * [+] very powerful spells have casttime - [+] allow linkstairs() to take a parameter rather than always jsut searching for the other end - [+] when digging holes, only use getrandomadjcell if there is an lf in the way. and then use WE_NOLF. clear out solid cells - [+] show armour EVASION penalty in describeob - [+] teleportation trap. You reintegrate inside a solid object! You die.--More--. - [+] riverroom vault * [+] water: swap { and ~ again?? - [+] make "large puddle of water" evaporate more quickly * [+] special glyph case: for deep water
2011-06-29 18:48:48 +10:00
autopop // automatically add obs/mons/pillars to this vault as
// if it were a normal room.
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
dlevmin:xxx // can only randomly appear at or below dungeon
// level xxx (or map difficulty xxx for world map)
dlevmax:xxx // can only randomly appear at or before dungeon
// levle xxx
- [+] BUG: arrows shouldn't be able to trigger arrow traps!!! - [+] king piranhas shouldn't leap out of the water! - [+] don't catch thrown missiles if it will burden us - [+] in @@, show "accuracy" as a seperate line, not with your weapon. - [+] higher chance of learning psionics on level up. - [+] fix up monster hp - too easy to kill most things in one hit with dam = 4-12, 2 attacks (ie. l6 monk) - [+] dump out all mosnters sorted by hit dice (show avg hp) - [+] fix them up - [+] vault->entertext - ie "you enter a dining room" - [+] make random monster generation go by hitdice AND rarity rr_. IGNORE rarity value. - [+] start with hd = level. sometimes incrase - [+] remove all rarity values from monsters - [+] disorient might need to be higher level than stun - [+] make psionic spell mp cost be level, rather than level^2? - [+] ai bug: - [+] .oO { looking for a target . } .oO { found an enemy target - lfid 256 (human) ! } .oO { default - moving randomly } - [+] reduce cost for higher levle spells agian. - [+] prevent player from eating an ice sheid! - [+] bug when eating from the floor with multiple food items there - [+] assassin's blink spell - teleport behind and facing someone. medium level translocation. - [+] make "chunk of roast meat" be "chunk of roast goblin meat" - [+] and base nutrition on corpse type - [+] highlevel sixth sense should let you turn to face it * [+] add prompt text to msg hist: - [+] sixth sense should only pick up hostile monsters - [+] need a good reason that wizards can't wear armour. - [+] if isplayer(), failure chance depends on any arm/shield penalties - [+] show f_impassable in describeob() - [+] no walking backwards/sideways if you're stuck in a web/vine. can only turn. - [+] objects for protection: - [+] eyeglasses (+vision) - [+] safety goggles - [+] ERROR - stairs link to existing map 0('the surface(0,0) (id #0)', depth 1), but it has no free stairs. - [+] when we restart map regeneration, must first REMOVE referenecs to this map!!! - [+] implemented. - [+] fixed bug with sleep interruption - [+] You attack the helpless the dwarf monk! You flatten the dwarf monk! The dwarf monk loses consciousness. damage's robe protects it. - [+] add stamina cost to other abilities - [+] add descriptions to lore skills - [+] make athletics skill give you more stamina? * [+] monstesr stopping fleeing when they can't see player
2011-09-28 04:56:58 +10:00
entertext:xxx // show xxx when a non-blind player enters
goesin:xxx // can only randomly appear in habitat xxx
- [+] add f_nostam to undead. - [+] add nonausea rather than nosmell sometimes. - [+] rats should eb able to smell, but not get nauseated. - [+] fix triumph pleasure for bjorn. must be no monsters within LOF... or within radius ? - [+] and make it very low piety gain. - [+] remember which level we got flags form - [+] flag_t -> fromlev - [+] announce this in getflagcourse - [+] undead qualities - [+] no criticals - [+] don't naturally heal - [+] don't breath - [+] drainlevel(fromlf) - [+] check for dtresist necrotic - [+] fitness saving throw (difficulty is 100 + fromlf's level*6) - [+] call loselevel() - [+] loselevel() - [+] announce. - [+] drop maxhp. - [+] adjust hp appropriately - [+] lose any flags where >fromlev is too high. - [+] handle monk f_hasattack specially. - [+] getmonkdr(level) - [+] getmonkattacks(level) - [+] keep track of what stats we gained and lose them again. - [+] TEST level drain with cursed xp pot - [+] TEST level drain with stats... - [+] prevent drinking when wearing full-face masks like gas mask/football helmet - [+] implement f_COVERSFACE. - [+] add it to objects. - [+] check it when doing caneat() candrink() - [+] up their AC bonus too - [+] large scorpion - [+] hellhound - [+] large primalities - [+] new vault flag: usehabitat:xxx - [+] means "set the habitat of all vault cells to xxx" - [+] real_getrandomob() should be given a CELL, not MAP. - [+] getrandomobofclass() should be given a CELL, not MAP. - [+] use CELL habitat to determine random obs - [+] apply to caves - [+] vault scatter: ignore locked cells (ie. reusable ones) new vaults - [+] dualroom - [+] sauna - vhot! - [+] pentagram and demons new pionic spells - [+] chi bolt - low dam ranged attack 1d4 - [+] chi strike (l4) - add 1d4 explosive damage to melee hits
2012-12-03 16:12:29 +11:00
usehabitat:xxx // cells in this vault have habitat=xxx
- [+] thrown objects taking no damage due to hardness * [+] DIETY is slow. - [+] map bug - from 0,0, walk NE (off top edge). i end up at 0,0 again!!! * [+] ALLOW ROTATING OF VAULTS - [+] BUG: dig X only goes 1 cell. - [+] add a U shaped turn vault. - [+] change wehre i apply HADRNESS for lfs! - don't use adjustdammaterial cause we inherit there - [+] make obchance/thingchance part of habitat_t - [+] make sense surroundings take cartography skill into account * [+] BUG: rotated at() etc not working. - [+] if you fail stealing, the target should get angry!!! - [+] make sure to redraw stat bar when mind scan finishes. - [+] villages - [+] initial code * [+] town gaurds. stand next to the gate - [+] potion shop vault - [+] implement - [+] potion shop isn't getting potions!! - [+] and getting wrong floor type. * [+] stop shop from always being at the top left. - [+] make sure its x/y arent too close to edge of map (at least 5 away) - [+] vault param. f_mapmargin, 5 - [+] make calcroompos take x/y margin - [+] don't put auto obs inside vaults - [+] town walls - [+] more kinds of shops * [+] signs outside shops - [+] bug with ai swapping between firearms and twohanded weapons. fixed. * [+] make _CELLS_ have habitats! - [+] move vaultchance to a habitat param instead of getvaultchance() * [+] shopkeepers (special race) village things: - [+] barrels, - [+] guards, - [+] statue - [+] thrown objects should still take damage if blocked via a shield * [+] hardness (must do dam >= xx to hurt) * [+] WATER spread mods * [+] very powerful spells have casttime - [+] allow linkstairs() to take a parameter rather than always jsut searching for the other end - [+] when digging holes, only use getrandomadjcell if there is an lf in the way. and then use WE_NOLF. clear out solid cells - [+] show armour EVASION penalty in describeob - [+] teleportation trap. You reintegrate inside a solid object! You die.--More--. - [+] riverroom vault * [+] water: swap { and ~ again?? - [+] make "large puddle of water" evaporate more quickly * [+] special glyph case: for deep water
2011-06-29 18:48:48 +10:00
margin:x,y // must be x/y away from edges of map
- [+] thrown objects taking no damage due to hardness * [+] DIETY is slow. - [+] map bug - from 0,0, walk NE (off top edge). i end up at 0,0 again!!! * [+] ALLOW ROTATING OF VAULTS - [+] BUG: dig X only goes 1 cell. - [+] add a U shaped turn vault. - [+] change wehre i apply HADRNESS for lfs! - don't use adjustdammaterial cause we inherit there - [+] make obchance/thingchance part of habitat_t - [+] make sense surroundings take cartography skill into account * [+] BUG: rotated at() etc not working. - [+] if you fail stealing, the target should get angry!!! - [+] make sure to redraw stat bar when mind scan finishes. - [+] villages - [+] initial code * [+] town gaurds. stand next to the gate - [+] potion shop vault - [+] implement - [+] potion shop isn't getting potions!! - [+] and getting wrong floor type. * [+] stop shop from always being at the top left. - [+] make sure its x/y arent too close to edge of map (at least 5 away) - [+] vault param. f_mapmargin, 5 - [+] make calcroompos take x/y margin - [+] don't put auto obs inside vaults - [+] town walls - [+] more kinds of shops * [+] signs outside shops - [+] bug with ai swapping between firearms and twohanded weapons. fixed. * [+] make _CELLS_ have habitats! - [+] move vaultchance to a habitat param instead of getvaultchance() * [+] shopkeepers (special race) village things: - [+] barrels, - [+] guards, - [+] statue - [+] thrown objects should still take damage if blocked via a shield * [+] hardness (must do dam >= xx to hurt) * [+] WATER spread mods * [+] very powerful spells have casttime - [+] allow linkstairs() to take a parameter rather than always jsut searching for the other end - [+] when digging holes, only use getrandomadjcell if there is an lf in the way. and then use WE_NOLF. clear out solid cells - [+] show armour EVASION penalty in describeob - [+] teleportation trap. You reintegrate inside a solid object! You die.--More--. - [+] riverroom vault * [+] water: swap { and ~ again?? - [+] make "large puddle of water" evaporate more quickly * [+] special glyph case: for deep water
2011-06-29 18:48:48 +10:00
mayrotate // vault can be rotated randomly
mayflipx // vault can be flipped horz
mayflipy // vault can be flipper vert
- [+] thrown objects taking no damage due to hardness * [+] DIETY is slow. - [+] map bug - from 0,0, walk NE (off top edge). i end up at 0,0 again!!! * [+] ALLOW ROTATING OF VAULTS - [+] BUG: dig X only goes 1 cell. - [+] add a U shaped turn vault. - [+] change wehre i apply HADRNESS for lfs! - don't use adjustdammaterial cause we inherit there - [+] make obchance/thingchance part of habitat_t - [+] make sense surroundings take cartography skill into account * [+] BUG: rotated at() etc not working. - [+] if you fail stealing, the target should get angry!!! - [+] make sure to redraw stat bar when mind scan finishes. - [+] villages - [+] initial code * [+] town gaurds. stand next to the gate - [+] potion shop vault - [+] implement - [+] potion shop isn't getting potions!! - [+] and getting wrong floor type. * [+] stop shop from always being at the top left. - [+] make sure its x/y arent too close to edge of map (at least 5 away) - [+] vault param. f_mapmargin, 5 - [+] make calcroompos take x/y margin - [+] don't put auto obs inside vaults - [+] town walls - [+] more kinds of shops * [+] signs outside shops - [+] bug with ai swapping between firearms and twohanded weapons. fixed. * [+] make _CELLS_ have habitats! - [+] move vaultchance to a habitat param instead of getvaultchance() * [+] shopkeepers (special race) village things: - [+] barrels, - [+] guards, - [+] statue - [+] thrown objects should still take damage if blocked via a shield * [+] hardness (must do dam >= xx to hurt) * [+] WATER spread mods * [+] very powerful spells have casttime - [+] allow linkstairs() to take a parameter rather than always jsut searching for the other end - [+] when digging holes, only use getrandomadjcell if there is an lf in the way. and then use WE_NOLF. clear out solid cells - [+] show armour EVASION penalty in describeob - [+] teleportation trap. You reintegrate inside a solid object! You die.--More--. - [+] riverroom vault * [+] water: swap { and ~ again?? - [+] make "large puddle of water" evaporate more quickly * [+] special glyph case: for deep water
2011-06-29 18:48:48 +10:00
nolink // don't try to link this vault up to the rest of
// the map
- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! - [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los - [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange * [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful - [+] use colours for spell descriptions - [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr' * [+] add vault commonality. - [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc * [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID - [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work..... - [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms - [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP. - [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour - [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working. * [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed. - [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2 - [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the skill) * [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects * [+] allow hunger to work on monsters - [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results. - [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing? initial vampire implementation initial god implementation - [+] they all start off in "heaven" map. - [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0 - [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one. * [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging) * [+] everyone has 'pray' ability. - [+] modpiety(rid, amt) * [+] piety vals * [+] when you pray - [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0 * [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad! * [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift. * [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim) - [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per turn). - [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress - [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god before (angergodmaybe) - [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells. - [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else. * [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god - [+] ?g for help on gods - [+] IN general: - [+] prey = oneoff effect - [+] gift = ongoing * [+] makeangry() vs modpiety * [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns! Hecta - partial Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
rarity:xxx // how common this vault is.
// xxx can be:
// common (default)
// uncommon
// rare
// vrare / veryrare
// never
norandom // this vault doesn't appear randomly. it will only
// appear when specifically requested via a region's
// outline.
- [+] allies should always give out info without payment - [+] ....but only about their home level! - [+] f_startmapid - [+] cave entrances should make noise - [+] drip - [+] echoing - [+] cope with multiple f_makesnoise flags on objects (pick one randomly) - [+] showlfstats skill display bug - "MORE" keystroke doesn't fall through. - [+] You impale the chicken! The chicken turns to face you. - [+] shouldn't turn to face if your'e dead! - [+] nulllify spell not populating seenbyplayer - [+] crash in createfakes() - [+] animals hsould still walk onto SHARP objects. - [+] secret doors showing up as empty remembered cells when you look away from them (and have lowish cartography) - [+] don't call remove_deadends on vaults. - [+] when walking down stairs to level 3: - [+] ERROR - stairs link to existing map 3('dungeon L2 (id #3)', depth 2), but it has no free stairs - [+] ie. Level 3 has too many up staircases ? no. 3 on all of them. - [+] FIXED. countstairs() was including too much. now using countmapobs(map, stairtype) instead. - [+] The goblin rogue a half-sized leather armour (null). - [+] fixed crash when you cast rage on someone who is eating. - [+] crash when catching a glowbug in a flask - [+] use canreachbp code when selecting armour to damage as well.... ie newt can't hit your helmet! - [+] BUG: "tunnel doing up" went down! - [+] for monsters:auto raise lf stats to match starting weapons - [+] crash in aigetspelltarget() for CLIMB - [+] should deactiveate all spells on polymorph - [+] allow usage of FEIGNDEATH while prone. - [+] make coprses non-stackable - [+] CRASH in animatedead - [+] shouldn't say 'you attack x from behind' if x has awareness
2012-01-06 11:20:57 +11:00
tag:xxxx // add tag "xxx" to vault(for use with rndvaultwithtag)
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
when adding lfs/objects, "random" creates a random one.