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2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
#ifndef __OBJECTS_H
#define __OBJECTS_H
#include "defs.h"
brand_t *addbrand(enum BRAND id, char *suffix, enum BODYPART bp, enum BLESSTYPE blessed, int blesschance);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
object_t *addemptyob(obpile_t *where, object_t *o);
2011-03-10 16:47:18 +11:00
hiddenname_t *addhiddenname(enum OBCLASS obclass, char *text);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
knowledge_t *addknowledge(enum OBCLASS id, char *hiddenname, int known);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
material_t *addmaterial(enum MATERIAL id, char *name, float weightrating);
- [+] bug: when ally can't see you it goes to sleep - [+] after waking it just goes to sleep again!!! - [+] bug:npc warriors aren't starting with a weapon - [+] shouldn't be able to shieldblock if youre asleep!!! - [+] allies sohuld announce what they are doing - [+] "I'm attacking a goblin" - [+] I just killed a goblin - [+] I need some rest soon... - [+] make sure only HUMANS do - [+] F_EXTRADESC v0 should be 'order'. - [+] makedesc_skill should honour this - [+] makedesc_spell - [+] same with other makedesc() functions - [+] auto-inc this when adding them. - [+] allies not properly following me downthe stairs - [+] armour that can cover multiple body parts - [+] f_goesonmulti - [+] multiple f_equipped flags. - [+] handle multiple f_equipped in takeoff() - [+] all required bodyparts must both be clear - [+] if not, prompt to remove both things. - [+] check all code for f_equipped copes with multiple occurences... - [+] display as: f - a wetsuit (worn over body and on legs) - [+] update io.c. "it is worn over xxx and yyy)" - [+] heat metal spell - [+] weilded metal burns hands and you drop it (unless immunte to fire/burn) - [+] metal armour damages you (1-4 each) - [+] metal lifeforms take huge damage - [+] all lifeforms should have at least novice level knowledge of their own raceclass - [+] new raceclass - dragons - [+] define it - [+] define skill for it - [+] make jobs know the skill - [+] red dragon - [+] high armourrating - [+] swoop - [+] fly - [+] breath weapon - [+] spells - [+] heat metal - [+] fireball - [+] burning wave - [+] want gold - [+] immune to fire - [+] red dragon hatchling - [+] generally lwoer power, only has heat metal and spark ? - [+] spellcasttext for individual spells - [+] ancient red dragon - [+] higher hp and armourrating - [+] more damage - [+] more spells
2011-11-07 13:12:04 +11:00
objectclass_t *addoc(enum OBCLASS id, char *name, char *desc, char glyph, int glyphcolour, enum RARITY rarity);
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
void addocnoun(objectclass_t *oc, char *text);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
object_t *addob(obpile_t *where, char *name);
object_t *addobfast(obpile_t *where, enum OBTYPE oid);
object_t *addobject(obpile_t *where, char *name, int canstack, int wantlinkholes, enum OBTYPE forceoid);
* [+] need to set "needredraw" every time we exit: - [+] make eating take longer - depends on lf size and food sizes * [+] stop eating if something attacks you! - [+] change spell code to cope with caster = NULL!! - [+] why are rooms never more than 2 high * [+] traps * [+] eating bug again * [+] disarm trap skill? - [+] lots of needredraw bugs - [+] bug with cursor jumping around lots - [+] draw darkened visible cells in blue * [+] shadow cloak - [+] tree shouldn't prevent resting! - [+] make plants not attack druids * [+] cooking - [+] stop eating if your eating object is no longer with you * [+] FLAG CORRUPTION BUG - [+] pet walking back and forth on rotted objects - [+] purified food shouldn't decay anymore. - [+] plants shouldn't sleep - [+] RESTING on statbar not being cleared. the add of f_interrupted was clearing statdirty before f_asleep got removed in killflag(). - [+] AI: don't eat if in battle - [+] reduce projectile damage - [+] show raceclass in statbars - [+] smoke should make you cough. - [+] when going up levle, only prompt for spells you can cast?? (don't show "NOTCASTABLE") - [+] Your young hawk dies. The stirge releases something! - [+] sleeping thigns shoudn't follow you up/down stairs. - [+] when throw'ng an object, don't let it stack (otherwise we might destroy too much) - [+] don't draw "c - " for nopickup objects. - [+] saving throw for traps if you know about it. - [+] druid - get xp for calming animals - [+] rogue- get xp for picking locks, disarming traps. - [+] metal should be immune to most damage types * [+] make heavy blow need HEAVY weapon, not bashing. - [+] can't rest/train while levitating! - [+] gas traps only go off once. - [+] bug: The goblin throws a boulder at you. A boulder misses you. - [+] don't give short sword skill to wizard. - [+] hearing range based on listen skill * [+] coldness disease: - [+] CRASH when swapping places - [+] bug: i can teleport into an impassable object! - [+] add: "really target (your ally)?" - [+] give wizards school-based skill instead of manaspike + wildmagic - [+] LevUp still not being cleared!!! * [+] why is air wizard being prompted for call lightning at level 2??? * [+] summon weapon (summoning) - [+] hold portal (mod) - [+] reveal hidden - [+] stench (death) - [+] frostbite (minor but direct cold damage. 1dpower. maxpower 3) - [+] grease (modific) creates oil in a circle - [+] fear (death) - [+] seeinvis (div) - [+] locate obejct (div) tells you where a seen objcet is. - [+] swap places (transl) "twiddle" - [+] fire brand (fire, melee attaks deal fire damage) - [+] iceedge - [+] lore (div, temporary knowledge from a particular school?) - [+] icicle (cold, deals cold dam and knocks enemies away) * [+] chill (ice, 1d3 damage per exposed body part) - [+] hail storm (ice, big damage in area) - [+] wall of ice (creates icy wall, hp based on power)
2011-05-12 11:49:35 +10:00
int addobburst(cell_t *where, int range, int dirtype, char *name, lifeform_t *fromlf, enum LOFTYPE needlof);
2011-03-10 16:47:18 +11:00
obmod_t *addobmod(enum OBMOD id, char *prefix);
* [+] make vending machines use this container code instead. - [+] don't say "you see a few things" if one of them is footsteps * [+] IFMONSTER code failing....because flags are now SORTED!!! - [+] tumble - askcoords is letting us pick a cell we don't have lof to. * [+] assign a name to lfs once you hire them * [+] coloured msgtext - [+] make min dam reduction from AR be AR/5. - [+] safebox - [+] if intelligent, prompt before walking into RESTRICTMOVEMENT with no getsweaker (val1) * [+] make fire / ice damage mor elike netheck - [+] towns should have gates on EVERY side - [+] forest cells outside town gates need to be CLEARED. (maybe turn to dirt) - [+] fix up knock targetting to include magical barriers - [+] say "open a bag?" not "operate a bag?" * [+] implement immunetodisease - [+] sort known skills in @s. - [+] better damage bonus when attacking someone who is asleep - [+] practive firearms/throwing * [+] need objecttype->size * [+] containers * [+] change guns so you have to reload them. ("operate") - [+] crash when loading map with water - [+] SAVE OBJECT CONTENTSk - [+] monsters with jobs aren't getting start items - [+] shopkeeper has shotgun - [+] bug: monster keeps swapping between shotgun and flail - [+] when hiring, remember failure. * [+] Inn - [+] bug: pets fighting!!! then they all turn on you. never make allies get angry unless the attacker is the player * [+] hiring npcs - [+] chat to pet: "stay close" or "keep your distance" - [+] new 'furniture' obclass - [+] allow for 'randomshop' regiontype * [+] add enchantment school - [+] cast a scroll of mending on itself. CRASH. * [+] lessengravity should make you jump better and get knocked back further - [+] boostgrav/lessengrav cancel out each other. * [+] CRASH when you fall down a hole and die. - [+] problem: master gravitation doesn't let us cast levitat. getspellschoolknown() should return the HIGHEST known skill, not the first. * [+] bug: dregion is null?!??! * [+] dig a pit, if you cleared out land below, you just stay down there. - [+] potion of leveitation - [+] warning msg when levitate is about to expire * [+] if you fall upwards to the surface... * [+] if you are ever on the surface while levitating.... - [+] BUG: cna't go up stairs to surface anymore!!!!! - [+] get hungry LOTS more quickly when you start sprinting * [+] monk slow metabolism psionic pell. - [+] fix buf with lore giving LESS accuracy instead of more. - [+] food shop - [+] wand of digging not identified if you dig upwards * [+] when you make ah ole in the roof, objects above should fall through right away * [+] all towns should have: - [+] give monks more psionics spells. - [+] sk_throwing skill - [+] make calm animals use spellpower * [+] add wisdom * [+] need to save region data along with maps * [+] COMBINE armour evasion and accuracy penalty!!! * [+] make armour reduce accuracy as well (unless you have 'armour' skill) - [+] landmine trap * [+] make friendly monsters of same raceclass swap ammo - [+] rename 'pull' to 'suck' to avoid confusion with pull metal * [+] food to fix blindness - [+] potion of coffee * [+] genericise statbrackets * [+] tumble ability * [+] simplify spell power * [+] shopkeeprs should be allowed to pursue targets outside of the shop. - [+] give shopkeepers a shotgun * [+] make F_RNDHOSTILE be able to ahve a random chance. * [+] if you randomly generate food in a shop, still give it a price. - [+] if peaceful humanoid walks into you, "sorry!" - [+] sayphrase(lf, SP_SORRY, vol) - [+] only let you recruit jobs with j_recruitable - [+] CRASH - summon "monk" - [+] dogs, - [+] chickens, - [+] drunks, * [+] village objects - [+] change armourrating AGAIN. instead of a percentage, make it a number. - [+] rename inn to "pub", since you can't sleep there. * [+] random speech code * [+] genericise sayphrase text based on lf's job * [+] monks - add rest of abliities - [+] add fiengdeath ability to some monsters
2011-07-14 07:40:28 +10:00
obpile_t *addobpile(lifeform_t *owner, cell_t *where, object_t *parentob);
- [+] young hawk moving very slowly? was healing. - [+] make monsters heal faster when resting - [+] make pet rest when you do - [+] allow 'R' to heal allies - [+] F_RESTUNTILALLIES - [+] mindless/animal mosnters won't throw things - [+] announceflag for attrset not working * [+] feeblemind spell - reduces intelligence to ANIMAL. - [+] ai: if we are carrying too much, drop something (non-weapons/armour first) - [+] teleport spell should teleport any adjacent allies too. * [+] new 'C'hat commands: * [+] change 'resist elements' potion to 'rum' * [+] notify when pet is low on hp - [+] why could a pirate use a biuckler? * [+] genericise usage of canhaveobmod! - [+] armour mod: blooodstained. adds scary. - [+] CRASH when you have two weapons and catch a glowbug in your flask. * [+] potion of restoration onto frozen axe: - [+] slow spell repeated message: The brown snake looks sluggish. The brown snake is now moving slower. - [+] make you only hear one thing each turn ? - [+] always draw impassable objects on top - [+] special ash - [+] exploding powder - explode in radius 1 around player (including player) - [+] concealing powder - create smoke cloud radius 3 around player - [+] redo levelup logic. - [+] trigger LevUp when you have 'newskillready' - [+] announce when you gain level. - [+] can't gain more experience when LevUp! - [+] only update maxhp/mp from new level after you train - [+] diety can't use abilities. fixed. * [+] when i exit from@S output, statbar isn't redrawn * [+] make SKILLS page show which skills you can learn. - [+] In @s, downline isn't showing the title on the second page of SKILLS... - [+] show POWER in @M spells page - [+] ###--- - [+] show cost RANGE in @M for varpower ones - [+] need getspellcosttext(spellid, power, buf) function - [+] 25-62MP - [+] leftover rubbish chars at end of ---- in doheading() - [+] mosnters should follow you up/down stairs * [+] different poison types - [+] implement tremorsense (like darkvision butrun can't be blinded etc) * [+] implement HIDE ability * [+] Thief job - [+] if you walk into a room and every cell is lit, reveal it all. - [+] auto-learn jump ability with high athletics skill * [+] secret doors - [+] items to spot secret doors - [+] gem of seeing - [+] ENHANCESEARCH - [+] F_SEEINVIS - [+] spell: "reveal hidden" - [+] shows secret doors - [+] removes invisibility - [+] wand of detect hidden - [+] ... casts the spell
2011-04-14 09:44:29 +10:00
void addobsinradius(cell_t *centre, int radius, int dirtype, char *name, int allowdupes);
* [+] make vending machines use this container code instead. - [+] don't say "you see a few things" if one of them is footsteps * [+] IFMONSTER code failing....because flags are now SORTED!!! - [+] tumble - askcoords is letting us pick a cell we don't have lof to. * [+] assign a name to lfs once you hire them * [+] coloured msgtext - [+] make min dam reduction from AR be AR/5. - [+] safebox - [+] if intelligent, prompt before walking into RESTRICTMOVEMENT with no getsweaker (val1) * [+] make fire / ice damage mor elike netheck - [+] towns should have gates on EVERY side - [+] forest cells outside town gates need to be CLEARED. (maybe turn to dirt) - [+] fix up knock targetting to include magical barriers - [+] say "open a bag?" not "operate a bag?" * [+] implement immunetodisease - [+] sort known skills in @s. - [+] better damage bonus when attacking someone who is asleep - [+] practive firearms/throwing * [+] need objecttype->size * [+] containers * [+] change guns so you have to reload them. ("operate") - [+] crash when loading map with water - [+] SAVE OBJECT CONTENTSk - [+] monsters with jobs aren't getting start items - [+] shopkeeper has shotgun - [+] bug: monster keeps swapping between shotgun and flail - [+] when hiring, remember failure. * [+] Inn - [+] bug: pets fighting!!! then they all turn on you. never make allies get angry unless the attacker is the player * [+] hiring npcs - [+] chat to pet: "stay close" or "keep your distance" - [+] new 'furniture' obclass - [+] allow for 'randomshop' regiontype * [+] add enchantment school - [+] cast a scroll of mending on itself. CRASH. * [+] lessengravity should make you jump better and get knocked back further - [+] boostgrav/lessengrav cancel out each other. * [+] CRASH when you fall down a hole and die. - [+] problem: master gravitation doesn't let us cast levitat. getspellschoolknown() should return the HIGHEST known skill, not the first. * [+] bug: dregion is null?!??! * [+] dig a pit, if you cleared out land below, you just stay down there. - [+] potion of leveitation - [+] warning msg when levitate is about to expire * [+] if you fall upwards to the surface... * [+] if you are ever on the surface while levitating.... - [+] BUG: cna't go up stairs to surface anymore!!!!! - [+] get hungry LOTS more quickly when you start sprinting * [+] monk slow metabolism psionic pell. - [+] fix buf with lore giving LESS accuracy instead of more. - [+] food shop - [+] wand of digging not identified if you dig upwards * [+] when you make ah ole in the roof, objects above should fall through right away * [+] all towns should have: - [+] give monks more psionics spells. - [+] sk_throwing skill - [+] make calm animals use spellpower * [+] add wisdom * [+] need to save region data along with maps * [+] COMBINE armour evasion and accuracy penalty!!! * [+] make armour reduce accuracy as well (unless you have 'armour' skill) - [+] landmine trap * [+] make friendly monsters of same raceclass swap ammo - [+] rename 'pull' to 'suck' to avoid confusion with pull metal * [+] food to fix blindness - [+] potion of coffee * [+] genericise statbrackets * [+] tumble ability * [+] simplify spell power * [+] shopkeeprs should be allowed to pursue targets outside of the shop. - [+] give shopkeepers a shotgun * [+] make F_RNDHOSTILE be able to ahve a random chance. * [+] if you randomly generate food in a shop, still give it a price. - [+] if peaceful humanoid walks into you, "sorry!" - [+] sayphrase(lf, SP_SORRY, vol) - [+] only let you recruit jobs with j_recruitable - [+] CRASH - summon "monk" - [+] dogs, - [+] chickens, - [+] drunks, * [+] village objects - [+] change armourrating AGAIN. instead of a percentage, make it a number. - [+] rename inn to "pub", since you can't sleep there. * [+] random speech code * [+] genericise sayphrase text based on lf's job * [+] monks - add rest of abliities - [+] add fiengdeath ability to some monsters
2011-07-14 07:40:28 +10:00
objecttype_t *addot(enum OBTYPE id, char *name, char *description, int material, float weight, int obclassid, enum LFSIZE size);
- [+] bug: when ally can't see you it goes to sleep - [+] after waking it just goes to sleep again!!! - [+] bug:npc warriors aren't starting with a weapon - [+] shouldn't be able to shieldblock if youre asleep!!! - [+] allies sohuld announce what they are doing - [+] "I'm attacking a goblin" - [+] I just killed a goblin - [+] I need some rest soon... - [+] make sure only HUMANS do - [+] F_EXTRADESC v0 should be 'order'. - [+] makedesc_skill should honour this - [+] makedesc_spell - [+] same with other makedesc() functions - [+] auto-inc this when adding them. - [+] allies not properly following me downthe stairs - [+] armour that can cover multiple body parts - [+] f_goesonmulti - [+] multiple f_equipped flags. - [+] handle multiple f_equipped in takeoff() - [+] all required bodyparts must both be clear - [+] if not, prompt to remove both things. - [+] check all code for f_equipped copes with multiple occurences... - [+] display as: f - a wetsuit (worn over body and on legs) - [+] update io.c. "it is worn over xxx and yyy)" - [+] heat metal spell - [+] weilded metal burns hands and you drop it (unless immunte to fire/burn) - [+] metal armour damages you (1-4 each) - [+] metal lifeforms take huge damage - [+] all lifeforms should have at least novice level knowledge of their own raceclass - [+] new raceclass - dragons - [+] define it - [+] define skill for it - [+] make jobs know the skill - [+] red dragon - [+] high armourrating - [+] swoop - [+] fly - [+] breath weapon - [+] spells - [+] heat metal - [+] fireball - [+] burning wave - [+] want gold - [+] immune to fire - [+] red dragon hatchling - [+] generally lwoer power, only has heat metal and spark ? - [+] spellcasttext for individual spells - [+] ancient red dragon - [+] higher hp and armourrating - [+] more damage - [+] more spells
2011-11-07 13:12:04 +11:00
recipe_t *addrecipe(enum OBTYPE result, ...);
- [+] prevent 'A' (forceattack) behind you - [+] replace: - [+] Something critically savages your body. Your uncursed suit of ring mail protects you. Your suit of ring mail is damaged! - [+] with: - [+] Something critically savages your suit of ring mail. - [+] Your suit of ring mail is damaged! - [+] tremorsense shouldn't see flying creatures - [+] rename blink to "bamf" - [+] add F_containsmeat for non-vegetarian foods - [+] use this in vegetarian checks instead of mt_Flesh - [+] "what goes up" spell - [+] "equal and opposite" spell - [+] why didn't cyborg ninja start with weapon weilded? - [+] getbestwepon - accuracy was counting for too much. have changed calculation. - [+] why is wizard's staff not enchanted??? - [+] elephant race - Pachyon or Mammoan - [+] bonus - [+] Leather skin - [+] str++ - [+] photo mem - [+] high listen skill - [+] good smell - [+] penalty - [+] slow movement - [+] no armour on ears - [+] agi- - [+] low eyesight - [+] vuln to sonic - [+] vegetarian - [+] other - [+] large - [+] throw salt to blind targets - [+] if you learn a new spell school skill while game is in progress, gain a 1st level spell too. - [+] for random roast meat, always use base race - [+] ie. orc, not "elite orc" - [+] (ie. human, not 'town guard') - [+] remove "prepare food" skill. - [+] use "cook" instead - [+] startskill should be a modifier, not absolute. - [+] ie. elf can have sk_ranged, so can hunter. these will now stack. - [+] chance for ai to use a firearm is lowered based on firearm accuracy - [+] bug: massively high amount of skillxp needed for a point - [+] firearms should do more damage at pointblank range. - [+] icicle bugs - getrandomadjcell for knockback failing - [+] still a bug with firearm accuracy updating - [+] 2 squares away, move towards enemy - it doesn't update! - [+] display all valid hits in brown - [+] wear melted wax in ears to reduce sonic damage - [+] ranged skillls - [+] adp - [+] fast reloading - [+] exp - [+] fire through lifeforms! lof_wallstop instead of lof_need - [+] mas - [+] extra dam. - [+] object HP issue: - [+] head: b - an uncursed helmet [AR:3] [110%] - [+] body: c - an uncursed suit of ring mail [AR:6] [173%] - [+] hands: d - an uncursed battered pair of gauntlets [AR:2] [86%] - [+] are objects taking negative damage?? - [+] have put an assertion in to check - [+] wait for it to happen again... - [+] add hitchance to askcoords when throwing/shooting - [+] code it - [+] test for throw - [+] add for telekeniis too - [+] add for guns: - [+] "targetted: something [x%]" - [+] "bow->Target->xxx [x%]" - [+] show gun target on botl - [+] redo throw accuracy: - [+] 100 to hit yourself - [+] apply per-cell penalty based on: - [+] throwing / ranged skill (more) - [+] AGI (lesser) - [+] wetsuit description not showing dtresist cold!! - [+] hunter job - [+] wetsuit (covers multiple body parts), prot from cold - [+] announce bleeding damage from injuries - [+] only mark _weapons_ as 'tried' when weilding them - [+] change random items: - [+] fix wantrr bug - [+] test... - [+] new function: enum RARITY pickrarity() - [+] check for all wantrr = xxx and use pickrarity instead. - [+] give classes a RR_RARITY - [+] common - [+] weapon / armour / money / missile - [+] furniture - [+] misc - [+] rock - [+] uncommon - [+] potion / scroll / food - [+] rare - [+] trap - [+] tech/tool - [+] dfeature (pentagram, vending machine, etc) - [+] vrare - [+] wand - [+] ring - [+] book * [+] rewrite wrappers * [+] marge getrandomobofclass and getrandomob - [+] bug: telling allies to attack something they can't see. need a msg for this. - [+] Norman->Attack->A young hawk [flying, facing NE] - [+] Cancelled. - [+] bug: allies not regaining hp when asleep! fixed. - [+] you can now always 'see' your allies if you have LOH - [+] ie. scannedcell - [+] ie. cansee - [+] player luck should cause better random item creation, and easier monsters - [+] pickrr() needs arg to say what it is for (vault , ob, lf) - [+] meals have special effects. eg: - [+] easy: - [+] mushroom + water = mushroom soup = restore a little stamina - [+] tomato + water = tomato soup = restore a little stamina - [+] apple + stone = fruit juice (don't kill the stone) - [+] cheese + bread = cheese sandwich = restore all food and stamina - [+] rum + chocolate = rum ball = cure pain, restore some hp - [+] med: - [+] corpse + water + salt = jerky - [+] mushroom + water + beef = beef strogonoff = filling, temporary Fitness boost - [+] garlic + bread + clover = garlic bread = produce stench like a trogolodyte - [+] bread + meat + tomato = hot dog = temporary strength - [+] water + sugar + 2 berries = potion of red cordial = speed boost - [+] hard - [+] peanut + stone + salt + bread = peanut butter sandwich = super filling, restore all stamina, temp fitness boost - [+] rum + chocolate + sugar + berry = fruit cake = restores all stamina and hp and mp - [+] implement recipe_t - [+] int ningerdients - [+] enum OBTYPE ingredient[MAXINGREDS] - [+] int count[MAXINGREDS] - [+] int cosumeingredient[MAXINGREDS] (boolean) - [+] makedesc_ob should show the recipe for it, if cooking skill is high enough - [+] cooking skill determines how many ingredients you can use - [+] ie. beginner = you can make recipes which need 2 ingredients - [+] redo "cook" ability. - [+] can combine ingredients using recipes to make meals - [+] ingredients must be known! - [+] chef job - [+] attr - [+] gtaverage agility - [+] low fitnesss - [+] objects: - [+] meat cleaver (slashing, low acc, high crit) - [+] apron (rubber, low protection) - [+] chef hat (cloth, low protection) - [+] butane torch (flambe on adjacent lifeform) - [+] abilities - [+] rage at lv3 * [+] skills - [+] chef job - [+] attr - [+] gtaverage agility - [+] low fitnesss - [+] objects: - [+] meat cleaver (slashing, low acc, high crit) - [+] apron (rubber, low protection) - [+] chef hat (cloth, low protection) - [+] butane torch (flambe on adjacent lifeform) - [+] abilities - [+] rage at lv3 * [+] skills
2011-11-15 05:21:40 +11:00
void adjustdamhardness(int *dam, enum DAMTYPE damtype, enum MATERIAL mat);
void adjustdammaterial(int *dam, enum DAMTYPE damtype, enum MATERIAL mat);
void adjustdamob(object_t *o, int *dam, enum DAMTYPE damtype);
int adjustarmourpenalty(lifeform_t *lf, float amt);
- [+] bug: "10 flaming arrows ##########\n are no longer on fire" - [+] bug: when wearing no boots: "A small puddle of water hits you!" - [+] animated zombie keeps changing colour * [+] wizard special case: * [+] bug - walked down stiars on top of a monster - [+] change "haslof" to come from a cell - [+] replace WE_NOTSOLID with WE_WALKABLE - [+] show hp/mp in colour - [+] invis potion should always traget user - [+] generic functions to curse/uncurse an object - [+] not prompting for statgain after training properly. fixed. * [+] pressing a key should interrupt resting * [+] implement doublebuffering for screen - [+] don't show attack dmg for mosnters - [+] reduce sprint time - [+] if a monster is chasing someone (ie has F_TARGET), then don't consider cursed ob ells as valid - [+] don't hear noises when in battle - [+] colourise attribs on status bar * [+] askob/askobmulti - [+] "lockpick with what" showing too much * [+] inventoy colours - [+] "masterwork stick" ?! - [+] poison: save to get rid of poison should be HARDER than save to prevent getting it * [+] why are xats starting off carrying objects ? * [+] small chance of catching a thrown missile if you have very high dex * [+] if you polymorphed on purpose, have a "revert to original form" ability - [+] nausea should only affect humanoids - [+] BUG displaying knowledge when it goes longer than 1 screen. - [+] monsters are attacking each other again! fixed? * [+] BUG: when i load a game, i gain all knowledge! - [+] more pole weapons * [+] disarming weapons * [+] tripping weapons * [+] MORE ISSUES with askobject * [+] validatelf - [+] fix bug with poison triggering too often - [+] chance of retching when nauseated. no hp loss, but takes time. - [+] monsters shouldn't throw stuff if they don't have lof. - [+] fix crash in knockbackob->fireat, caused by thrower == null - [+] let high powered KNOCK knockback creatures again ? - [+] test function to dump out: dungeonlev which_monsters_can_appear - [+] firstaid tells you how long poison will last and whether it's lifethreatenting? * [+] high level listen gives more info - [+] wind shield spell - [+] repels all missiles of speed <= power - [+] variable level spells - [+] F_VARLEVEL - [+] when you cast, say "cast at how much power" with choices "Power II (5 MP)" - [+] show in spell list: "5-10 MP" - [+] replace ARBOOST with MAGICARMOUR - [+] needan() * [+] move psychic shield check into losehp - [+] high level detectlife should show actual lf glyphs - [+] control which jobs can learn which new skills. - [+] F_CANLEARN xxx - [+] remember last target from spells - [+] askcoords = does lf for lastlftarg exist? if not, set it to null - [+] if so, start with it - [+] when you pick one, set it. - [+] F_SHIELDPENALTY - modifies accuracy. * [+] stop wizards from using shields
2011-04-06 17:27:55 +10:00
int adjustshieldpenalty(lifeform_t *lf, float amt);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
//void adjustprice(objecttype_t *ot, float *price );
void appendinscription(object_t *o, char *text);
2011-03-16 15:45:46 +11:00
void applyobmod(object_t *o, obmod_t *om);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int blessob(object_t *o);
void brightflash(cell_t *centre, int range, lifeform_t *immunelf);
void calcshopprice(object_t *o, flag_t *shopitemflag);
int canbepoisoned(enum OBTYPE oid);
Monster AI improvements: - [+] replace f_target with f_targetlf - [+] wantrange. for melee fighters (default), it's 0. for spells/archers, it's higiher. - [+] if we are further away than bestrange, move towards. - [+] if we are closer than bestrange, move away - [+] AND: move to wantrange before doing spells etc - [+] if we have a ranged attack and wantrange is default, increase it. - [+] in movetowards/away, cells in the wrong dir should NEVER be acceptable! * [+] mflag_push for monsters er-ai-part-three.html - [+] randomly use ranged attacks when adjacent * [+] show trail in askcoords - [+] when throwing, pass range to askcoords - [+] max monsters per room is depth + 1 * [+] why do humans take ages to appear? - [+] fireball spell is slow - [+] why can i throw objects through magic barriers? - [+] add a bonus for mastery of cartography - magic mapping every 50 turns. - [+] crash with monsters moving off edge of world map - [+] make magic barriers be ON stairs, not around them. - [+] handle DIAGONAL entry to maps - [+] OR make this impossible. - [+] druid should get auto nature knoeldge as they levle up (levs 5 10 15). - [+] CRASH flagpile corrupt - [+] happening during AI movement. - [+] make lightning storm only hit enemies - [+] store last known movement dir in TARGETLF and PETOF. - [+] limit monsters per room not working?!?! - [+] make askcoords let you show object piles with . - [+] make askcoords say "A magical barrier (+xx other objects)" - [+] combine getlastknownmovedir into getlastknowncell * [+] BUG: secret doors are showing up as . again! * [+] implement trails (footprints & scent) * [+] aimovetowardslf(lf, wantattack) * [+] make pets use wantdist code? - [+] what does expert/master tracking give you? - [+] ex: your tracks don't last as long - [+] ms: you don't leave tracks. - [+] change f_reducemovement from multiplier to addition - [+] comma still showing up scents and footprints incorrectly!!!!!!!! Initial shallow/deep water: - [+] restrict movement - [+] check for drowning in turneffectslf AND movelf - [+] warn before walking onto dangerous objects. - [+] change how walkdam works for deepwater. - [+] don't use walkdam flags. - [+] don't make splashes of water on top of deepwater. * [+] deep water will drown you if - [+] don't leave footprints in either - [+] create steam on fire damage, but don't CONVERT to it. - [+] f_waterbreathing - [+] can't drown in water - [+] extra damage from cold/elec if in deep/shallow water Initial swimming implementation * [+] sacred/cursed ground - [+] vending machine - [+] don't transfer f_rarity flag when making objects / lifeforms. Initial work on adding a goal to the game!
2011-05-25 12:12:00 +10:00
int canseeob(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
object_t *canstackob(obpile_t *op, object_t *match);
object_t *canstacknewot(obpile_t *op, objecttype_t *match);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int changemat(object_t *o, enum MATERIAL mat);
- [+] BUG: trying to go down stairs from L7 (6?) - [+] You walk down the staircase... ERROR - can't find opposite end of stairs/portal! - [+] You walk down the staircase... ERROR - unlinked stairs! - [+] This is related to the fact that all the staircases came from Jimbo's vault - [+] For some reason we're not linking them when they come for ma vault!!! - [+] "joining unliked stairs" section not working??? - [+] it calls getstairdestination, but this DOESNT call linkstairs! - [+] maby: call autolink everytime i add stairs ? or only do this during createvault ? - [+] automatically remove useless doors (ie. ones where all adjacent walkable cells are in the same room) - [+] in fix_reachability i'm drawing a corridor through vault/room walls. <- probably this one. - [+] don't allow auto reachability to enter rooms through the wrong side wall. - [+] TEST during regular playtests, see if maps look better. - [+] quality on doors. - [+] sturdy / plain / shoddy doors. this impacts the hp - [+] stone doors (solid / plain /crumbling) - [+] metal ( reinforced / plain / rusty) - [+] only show this if perception >= beginner - [+] dungeon shapes - [+] new cell attribute - locked. - [+] calcroompos can't make rooms on locked cells. - [+] normal - [+] cross - [+] circle - [+] turret - [+] - premask out blocked cells before generation! - [+] minion code - if leader dies, - [+] minions drop morale - [+] and might either immediately flee - [+] need lastdamlf - [+] if wisdom >= gtaverage, automatically turn off lamps when you go to sleep - [+] "scratch"/"gnaw" etc should be based on actual damage hp amount, not percentage. - [+] change getattackverb() - [+] 1-2 - [+] 3-6 - [+] 8-12 - [+] 12-18 - [+] 18+ - [+] shop objects should start with all flags known. - [+] allow usage of godstones without id'ing them first. this will id them. - [+] weapon/armour shop should resize armour for you for a cost. - [+] chanelling bonus - [+] novice - [+] tell you when wand is low on charges (0-3) - [+] beginner - [+] let you determine exact remaining charges in wands once it is == 1! - [+] adept - [+] let you determine exact remaining charges in wands once it is <= 3! - [+] skilled: - [+] let you determine exact remaining charges in wands once it is <= 6! - [+] master - [+] lets you always see full amount of want charges. - [+] lets you convert your mp into wand charges? "imbue item"
2012-01-09 15:02:26 +11:00
int chargesknown(object_t *o);
- [+] bug: wrapprint() needs to cope with long lines which wrap!!! - [+] in progress... - [+] currently hanging - fixed. - [+] once done, make it not add spaces - [+] add spaces manually in showlfstats. - [+] once done, change all code to use wrapprint instead of textwithcol - [+] still an issue - everything in my inventory is coming up bold! - [+] missing the last word again.... - [+] remove requirement that you have to be able to pick up an object to eat it * [+] make ninja weapons be "exotic" or ninjitsu - [+] ghost missing melee attacks - [+] make oil lamps last HEAPS longer too - [+] @ should include weapon bonuses for skill/str - [+] "headless bones" when you kill a skeleton?? - [+] allow for change of verb instead of always using "Killed by xxx" - [+] only call maketried() for the player - [+] don't show 'really attack the peaceful something' if you can't see it! - [+] vault: suply closet - [+] 1 sq room with tools - [+] why is hecta's pain hitting the player? - [+] make it so you can only Offer to gods you ahve prayeed to? - [+] recalc light on: - [+] darkness/light spells - [+] eye destroyed - [+] prevent tumble/jump while grabbed - [+] prompt to drop when wearing new armour - [+] canine tracking should be a potion, not a scroll - [+] some '?' help commands not working. - [+] add f_critprotection to armour - [+] crash when tumbling into an lf - [+] incrase cellknown time when no cartography skill - [+] change disarm and trip into abilities: - [+] disarm - [+] trip - [+] ninja - [+] skills: - [+] athletics (enouhg to tumble) - [+] throwing - [+] unarmed - [+] long blades - [+] stealth - [+] objects: - [+] smoke bombs - [+] shuriken - another missle. higher dam than darts. - [+] how will this be different from the rogue class??? - [+] disarm - [+] trip. maybe make trip polearms confer this ability? - [+] flip .
2011-10-19 10:08:14 +11:00
int getcritprotection(object_t *o);
int checkobnames(char *haystack, char *needle);
* [+] goblins aren't opening doors... - [+] xat shouldn't be able to open doors! - [+] semicontrolled createmonster * [+] implement semicontrolled teleport (can pick the general direction) * [+] change how semicontrolled teleport works - [+] make identify/remove curse more common - [+] make minorheal/heal more common * [+] NOTDONE. maybe reduce the amount of damage which AR blocks a bit? i got to 30ar very fast! (ie -45% dam) * [+] make a special case for F_FLAKJACKET - [+] BUG: glowbug is causing PERMENANT light, not temp! - [+] diety ability - levelup - [+] new damtype: necrotic - [+] drain life spell - [+] make water evaporate - [+] BUG in validating target cell. was asking a monster for input * [+] boots get wet if you walk in water - [+] why does oil lamp and pil lantern make the same range of light? - [+] fixed another vending maching crash - [+] crash due to sprinting? - [+] 2 blessed flask of battery acids - [+] "This is a wand!" - don't use code for hiding names in the dark! * [+] animals shouldn't eat their own race! - [+] gem of seeing costs nothing! - [+] frozen weapons do +1d4 cold damage - [+] allomancy/psionics don't need spellcasting - [+] poison isn't being announced on mosnters? - [+] "you are full" only interrupt if we went < normal (ie peckish starving etc) - [+] only F_HUMANOID creatures can wear armour / use weapons * [+] what does a masterwork bow do? - [+] implement strength requirements on weapons - [+] UNDEAD cannot be poisoned by eating corpses! - [+] ai lfs shoudlnt' eat tainted food - [+] change how gravboost works wrt movement - [+] smart ai lfs shouldnt move when in pain - [+] don't stop walking if the only things there are non-pickupable - [+] make mosnters swap places with each other if they are the same baseid * [+] scroll of permenance - [+] make more monsters have gold * [+] can learn novice level weapon skills by using one a lot * [+] finish hawks * [+] add colour * [+] job attribs aren't working - [+] pile of ash has weird glyph! * [+] when you learn the first rank of some magic skills, you get a spell with it - [+] add colours to statbar - [+] can only "stop on xxx" if you have feet - [+] monsters shouldn't attack other to get to wanted objects. * [+] "xat throws a knife" - [+] manaspike doing no damage to giant newt - [+] assign colours to rings
2011-04-01 10:54:44 +11:00
void colourmatchob(object_t *o, lifeform_t *lf);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
void copyobprops(object_t *dst, object_t *src);
- [+] job abilities can now generally happen as often as you like, since they're ilmited by stamina. - [+] rename dexterity to agility - [+] The leprechaun steals an uncursed ring of miracles from you! The leprechaun cowers away from you! - [+] should FLEE , not cower! - [+] should set blessknown after reading a scroll - [+] cursed mending scroll not working on non-damaged objects - [+] spanner helps metal repair - [+] needle boosts sewing ability - [+] when resting in a tent, monstesr have very low chance of noticing you (5%) - [+] move display of resistances to 'effects' section. - [+] show what a mosnter wants in effects (if you have >= beginner knowledge) - [+] prevent running into monsters with shift+dir - [+] infinite loop when creating a map, constant getrandomroomcell() calls failing - [+] monstesr will steal objects they WANT rather than always random - [+] monster: - [+] leprechaun - [+] lucky - [+] covets gold - [+] shillelagh ? or just a club? - [+] blink - [+] steal - [+] dodge - [+] at the moment attack doesn't seem to be draining stamina... - [+] it is, but i'm getting it right back due to attack speed. - [+] make stamina take longer to regen. - 1 per 3 turns rather than 1 per 2. - [+] stamina loss must be MORE than basic regen rate (0.3) - [+] make stamina loss for attack depend on atatck speed! - [+] instead of "you feel sick", say "you have contracted weakening poison" or "you have been infected with xxx" - [+] store stamina as a float, but getstamina() should return an int. - [+] sprinting - use 1.5 stamina per cell instead of 1? - [+] modify accuracy text - [+] fork - [+] showing f_entertext should set didmsg - [+] instead of printing 100% accuracy, show "Acc:0" (ie 100), "Acc:-1" (ie -10) etc - [+] do this in @@ - [+] do this in describeob - [+] nocturnal monsters - [+] base monsters initially being asleep on time and whether mosnter is nocturnal - [+] also during aiturn(), if they have nothing to do and it's their sleeping time, goto sleep - [+] add flags - [+] flies should always move towards corpses if possible - [+] maybe F_WANTSOB corpse, covet? - [+] but thye can't pick it up so they'll just hover nearby? - [+] now they can be hostile too - [+] when we're picking a random corpse, try again if we get something with nocorpse like a ghost - [+] getrandomcorpserace() - [+] lower stamina max - currently at lv1+ft:11 i have 7 stam. should be more like 5 - [+] severed finger shoudn't count as making you bleed when you attack - [+] in askcoords, always show cell name - [+] monsters with no melee attacks can always cast spells while adjacent - [+] resting issues - [+] having a temporary injury means oyu need to rest, so don't say "you don't need to rest"! - [+] also don't stop resting until all temporary injuries are healed - [+] show comparative weights / armour ratings - [+] make price for npcs to join be lower - [+] assertion failure with who->timespent == 0 when a mosnter falls through a hole - [+] (after I follow by falling down the pit) - [+] make taketime() not work when not on the player's map - [+] bug - monsters never waking up - [+] "tailwind" spell (fast movement speed but forwards only) - [+] now that i have Hardness, _all_ reduced damage should go towards armour. - [+] earthquake - pits open up around you (but not under you) - [+] force sphere - radial blast outwards, knocks back lfs + obs + doors etc
2011-10-04 14:24:53 +11:00
int countmoney(obpile_t *op);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
int countnames(char **list);
Monster AI improvements: - [+] replace f_target with f_targetlf - [+] wantrange. for melee fighters (default), it's 0. for spells/archers, it's higiher. - [+] if we are further away than bestrange, move towards. - [+] if we are closer than bestrange, move away - [+] AND: move to wantrange before doing spells etc - [+] if we have a ranged attack and wantrange is default, increase it. - [+] in movetowards/away, cells in the wrong dir should NEVER be acceptable! * [+] mflag_push for monsters er-ai-part-three.html - [+] randomly use ranged attacks when adjacent * [+] show trail in askcoords - [+] when throwing, pass range to askcoords - [+] max monsters per room is depth + 1 * [+] why do humans take ages to appear? - [+] fireball spell is slow - [+] why can i throw objects through magic barriers? - [+] add a bonus for mastery of cartography - magic mapping every 50 turns. - [+] crash with monsters moving off edge of world map - [+] make magic barriers be ON stairs, not around them. - [+] handle DIAGONAL entry to maps - [+] OR make this impossible. - [+] druid should get auto nature knoeldge as they levle up (levs 5 10 15). - [+] CRASH flagpile corrupt - [+] happening during AI movement. - [+] make lightning storm only hit enemies - [+] store last known movement dir in TARGETLF and PETOF. - [+] limit monsters per room not working?!?! - [+] make askcoords let you show object piles with . - [+] make askcoords say "A magical barrier (+xx other objects)" - [+] combine getlastknownmovedir into getlastknowncell * [+] BUG: secret doors are showing up as . again! * [+] implement trails (footprints & scent) * [+] aimovetowardslf(lf, wantattack) * [+] make pets use wantdist code? - [+] what does expert/master tracking give you? - [+] ex: your tracks don't last as long - [+] ms: you don't leave tracks. - [+] change f_reducemovement from multiplier to addition - [+] comma still showing up scents and footprints incorrectly!!!!!!!! Initial shallow/deep water: - [+] restrict movement - [+] check for drowning in turneffectslf AND movelf - [+] warn before walking onto dangerous objects. - [+] change how walkdam works for deepwater. - [+] don't use walkdam flags. - [+] don't make splashes of water on top of deepwater. * [+] deep water will drown you if - [+] don't leave footprints in either - [+] create steam on fire damage, but don't CONVERT to it. - [+] f_waterbreathing - [+] can't drown in water - [+] extra damage from cold/elec if in deep/shallow water Initial swimming implementation * [+] sacred/cursed ground - [+] vending machine - [+] don't transfer f_rarity flag when making objects / lifeforms. Initial work on adding a goal to the game!
2011-05-25 12:12:00 +10:00
int countobs(obpile_t *op, int onlyifknown);
int countobsoftype(obpile_t *op, enum OBTYPE oid);
- [+] don't place draininge grates on low floor!! - [+] gate spell should always take you to a location wihtout water!! - [+] enhance speak with dead spell (SPEAKDEAD) - [+] may ask "how did you die" plus one of the below: - [+] tell me about the area - [+] mark stairs on the map - [+] mark shops on the map - [+] tell about very rare objects - [+] tell me about nearby dangers - [+] tell about odd monsters - [+] tell about traps - [+] test - [+] let you ask peaceful lfs about the surroundings too - [+] move code into io.c "askaboutarea(char *who)" - [+] test - [+] the first time you ask someone for info, randomly determine whether they know about: - [+] stairs (high chance) - [+] shops (medium chance) - [+] traps (low chance) - [+] areacomms_danger should include out of depth monsters - need isoutofdepth(lf) - [+] room floors should take the entry type from the habitat, NOT just use ct_room!!!! - [+] sometimes generate fixed SEWER regionthings - [+] done - [+] BUG: canT enter goblin caves again!!!! - [+] getting "ERROR - can't find opposite end of stairs/portal!" - [+] FAILED to link stiars: 'tunnel leading up' - [+] make maps direct you to regionthings. - [+] region things need unique IDs !!! - [+] change F_MAPTO - [+] v0 = src region id - [+] v1 = src depth - [+] v2 = regionthing with whatkind = RT_REGIONLINK - [+] when generating map objects, fill in a random branch entry - [+] fix getobname code for unknown maps. - [+] TEST - [+] with "map to the goblin caves" - [+] with "map" - [+] with "map to" - [+] use "the goblin caves are to the north", not "is to the north" - [+] is - [+] isn't - [+] test reading a map when on the wrong branch - [+] test reading a map when on the wrong level - [+] test reading a map when on the right level - [+] move staircase generation to END of map create - [+] finalisemap() - [+] countobswithflagval(obpile, flagid, val0...) - [+] countmapobswithflagval(map, flagid, v0...) - [+] jimbo's map should lead you to one of the major branches. - [+] crit pos shouldn't be higher than you can reach! - [+] same size or bigger = can reach anything - [+] 1 size smaller = you can't reach the head - [+] 2 sizes smaller = can't reach head or hands - [+] 3 sizes smaller = can't reach head, hands or body - [+] jimbo's room should contain all the staircases - [+] make you have to pass a speech check before people will tell you about the area - [+] bug in recruitment skillchecks - using wrong attribute, and too easy. - [+] rename dwarf to delver - [+] somtimes say "dons" instead of "puts on"
2012-01-05 02:54:28 +11:00
int countobswithflag(obpile_t *op, enum FLAG flagid);
int countobswithflagval(obpile_t *op, enum FLAG flagid, int val0, int val1, int val2, char *text);
Monster AI improvements: - [+] replace f_target with f_targetlf - [+] wantrange. for melee fighters (default), it's 0. for spells/archers, it's higiher. - [+] if we are further away than bestrange, move towards. - [+] if we are closer than bestrange, move away - [+] AND: move to wantrange before doing spells etc - [+] if we have a ranged attack and wantrange is default, increase it. - [+] in movetowards/away, cells in the wrong dir should NEVER be acceptable! * [+] mflag_push for monsters er-ai-part-three.html - [+] randomly use ranged attacks when adjacent * [+] show trail in askcoords - [+] when throwing, pass range to askcoords - [+] max monsters per room is depth + 1 * [+] why do humans take ages to appear? - [+] fireball spell is slow - [+] why can i throw objects through magic barriers? - [+] add a bonus for mastery of cartography - magic mapping every 50 turns. - [+] crash with monsters moving off edge of world map - [+] make magic barriers be ON stairs, not around them. - [+] handle DIAGONAL entry to maps - [+] OR make this impossible. - [+] druid should get auto nature knoeldge as they levle up (levs 5 10 15). - [+] CRASH flagpile corrupt - [+] happening during AI movement. - [+] make lightning storm only hit enemies - [+] store last known movement dir in TARGETLF and PETOF. - [+] limit monsters per room not working?!?! - [+] make askcoords let you show object piles with . - [+] make askcoords say "A magical barrier (+xx other objects)" - [+] combine getlastknownmovedir into getlastknowncell * [+] BUG: secret doors are showing up as . again! * [+] implement trails (footprints & scent) * [+] aimovetowardslf(lf, wantattack) * [+] make pets use wantdist code? - [+] what does expert/master tracking give you? - [+] ex: your tracks don't last as long - [+] ms: you don't leave tracks. - [+] change f_reducemovement from multiplier to addition - [+] comma still showing up scents and footprints incorrectly!!!!!!!! Initial shallow/deep water: - [+] restrict movement - [+] check for drowning in turneffectslf AND movelf - [+] warn before walking onto dangerous objects. - [+] change how walkdam works for deepwater. - [+] don't use walkdam flags. - [+] don't make splashes of water on top of deepwater. * [+] deep water will drown you if - [+] don't leave footprints in either - [+] create steam on fire damage, but don't CONVERT to it. - [+] f_waterbreathing - [+] can't drown in water - [+] extra damage from cold/elec if in deep/shallow water Initial swimming implementation * [+] sacred/cursed ground - [+] vending machine - [+] don't transfer f_rarity flag when making objects / lifeforms. Initial work on adding a goal to the game!
2011-05-25 12:12:00 +10:00
int countnoncosmeticobs(obpile_t *op, int onlyifknown);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int curseob(object_t *o);
Monster AI improvements: - [+] replace f_target with f_targetlf - [+] wantrange. for melee fighters (default), it's 0. for spells/archers, it's higiher. - [+] if we are further away than bestrange, move towards. - [+] if we are closer than bestrange, move away - [+] AND: move to wantrange before doing spells etc - [+] if we have a ranged attack and wantrange is default, increase it. - [+] in movetowards/away, cells in the wrong dir should NEVER be acceptable! * [+] mflag_push for monsters er-ai-part-three.html - [+] randomly use ranged attacks when adjacent * [+] show trail in askcoords - [+] when throwing, pass range to askcoords - [+] max monsters per room is depth + 1 * [+] why do humans take ages to appear? - [+] fireball spell is slow - [+] why can i throw objects through magic barriers? - [+] add a bonus for mastery of cartography - magic mapping every 50 turns. - [+] crash with monsters moving off edge of world map - [+] make magic barriers be ON stairs, not around them. - [+] handle DIAGONAL entry to maps - [+] OR make this impossible. - [+] druid should get auto nature knoeldge as they levle up (levs 5 10 15). - [+] CRASH flagpile corrupt - [+] happening during AI movement. - [+] make lightning storm only hit enemies - [+] store last known movement dir in TARGETLF and PETOF. - [+] limit monsters per room not working?!?! - [+] make askcoords let you show object piles with . - [+] make askcoords say "A magical barrier (+xx other objects)" - [+] combine getlastknownmovedir into getlastknowncell * [+] BUG: secret doors are showing up as . again! * [+] implement trails (footprints & scent) * [+] aimovetowardslf(lf, wantattack) * [+] make pets use wantdist code? - [+] what does expert/master tracking give you? - [+] ex: your tracks don't last as long - [+] ms: you don't leave tracks. - [+] change f_reducemovement from multiplier to addition - [+] comma still showing up scents and footprints incorrectly!!!!!!!! Initial shallow/deep water: - [+] restrict movement - [+] check for drowning in turneffectslf AND movelf - [+] warn before walking onto dangerous objects. - [+] change how walkdam works for deepwater. - [+] don't use walkdam flags. - [+] don't make splashes of water on top of deepwater. * [+] deep water will drown you if - [+] don't leave footprints in either - [+] create steam on fire damage, but don't CONVERT to it. - [+] f_waterbreathing - [+] can't drown in water - [+] extra damage from cold/elec if in deep/shallow water Initial swimming implementation * [+] sacred/cursed ground - [+] vending machine - [+] don't transfer f_rarity flag when making objects / lifeforms. Initial work on adding a goal to the game!
2011-05-25 12:12:00 +10:00
void damageallobs(object_t *srcob, obpile_t *op, int howmuch, int damtype);
- [+] get rid of "sorcery" skill, and move 'study scrolls' ability to cmoe from lore:arcana instead - [+] rename magic skillls to sorcery:fire etc? - [+] adjust spell power calculation to take lack of sorcery skill int oaccount - [+] allow '\' during getchoice() and getchoicestr() - [+] so that we can see what we have identified - [+] lower metabolism while lmeditating - [+] poisonous mushrooms - [+] toadstool - poisonous - [+] shiitake - normal - [+] recognise via cooking skill - [+] if you add a blood ob, 1 randmo piece of armour in the pile becomes bloodstained - [+] accuracy boost when attacking something who has grabbedyou - [+] lessen gravitiy should prvent falls * [+] bug: - [+] add job descriptions - [+] handle ESC in askchar - [+] You attack the helpless the xat! You flatten the xat! - [+] "the helpless the xat" - [+] shoiuldn't use "flatten" sinec we're not killing it - [+] You attack the helpless xat! You kill the xat! - [+] ...but it wasn't dead! - [+] flame pillar scroll no longer works - [+] not asking for target. - [+] use castspell - [+] cope with 'ESC' presses during normal travel - [+] allow "maycancel" in askchar - [+] make wizards NOT automatically know wild magic - [+] is F_MPMOD working? check with elf wizard....... - [+] now it is. - [+] bug: create an elf, go over it, v - CRASH in makedesc_race. - [+] removeob() should update burdened status - [+] ie drinking a potion - [+] wizards start with a staff and a pointy hat - [+] don't "stir in your slumber" if meditating - [+] elves should have higher mp - [+] dwarves should have lower mp - [+] when monsters fail to open a door, abandon their targetcell - [+] might be able to jsut make failing a dooropen count as a move failure. - [+] HiGrv didn't stop me from moving? i passed the skill check, need to have a msg telling me this. - [+] race descriptions. - [+] add the descriptions - [+] ? in @@ shows info on them. - [+] (add ?=help in the bottom when in @ mode regardless of showall) - [+] make clouds expand as they disappate - [+] modify gethitstokill() to take "useevasion" and "usearmour" as a parameter - [+] at adept lore, you get threat comparison. at skilled level you get exact hit turns. - [+] make threat calculation use gethitstokill - [+] TEST new threat calc * [+] way too easy to notice traps on chests from 4-5 cells away, with only novice perception - [+] make cloudkill create puff of poison gas rather than a cloud - [+] attacking should count as movement (ie dont regen stamina) - [+] need more body bash criticals. - [+] torso bruised (acc penalty) - [+] torso bruised badly (higher acc penalty, low dam penalty) - [+] ribs broken (huge acc penalty, med dam penalty) - [+] lungs winded (stam=0 onetimeeffect, fit -1, only lasts a 2-3 turns) - [+] should stop flying when you lose ocnsciousness... - [+] warn before moving with f_pain as well. maybe cahnge confirm_injiury_action ??? - [+] extra warrior skill: aimed strike - [+] -50%acc - [+] auto crit on the part you select (if you hit)
2011-10-13 08:15:48 +11:00
int doobdieconvert(object_t *o, int wantannounce);
* [+] fire should set equipped obs on fire too * [+] trapped doors/objcets * [+] make careful walking have less chance of triggering some traps (eg tripwire) - [+] dex penalty when drunk - [+] require dex to put on most shoes - [+] Diety's short sword of pyromania isn't appearing? - [+] make sure i can tumble over traps * [+] able to cut tripwires with slashing/chopping/piercing weapons? - [+] maybe make cmomando have no weapon skill - [+] make armour more common - [+] shouldnt be able to swap place with someone who is sleeping - [+] if you're not in the water, can't see lfs in water (unless they are adjacent) - [+] You break free from the zombie! You reintegrate inside a solid object!--More-- * [+] shopkeepers will charge an extra fee to identify stuff - [+] shouldn't get an empty flask when I dirnk from a fountain! - [+] identify and remove curse scrolls should be COMMON * [+] provide detailed skill descriptions - [+] dumpoutlines() - [+] make minotaurs stay in room - [+] make minotaurs have good smell - [+] don't auotreveal vaults. * [+] should be able to fill flasks from fountains - [+] don't announce corpse decay death while training. * [+] add the initial godstone at the bottom of firstdungeon * [+] make fountains names same as their linked potions - [+] bug: when filling potions from the ground, ground object was never dryaing up Beggars - [+] stealing ability sometimes. run away after using this * [+] various lots of generic f_talktext->"have a coin to spare?" World map - [+] 1-2,1-2: habitat: village - [+] multiple villages - [+] vault: island with treasure (or acid island?) - [+] jump into a water - it splashes small puddles to surrounding cells * [+] let dig spell go up/down. * [+] fountains, random potion effect or water (blue _ or }) - [+] make thingchance and obchance be habitat_t parameters. work on game goal - [+] find a way out of the magical dungeon barriers in the first dungeon - [+] slime - [+] troll = t - [+] lizardman - [+] ogre - [+] kobold - [+] fire sprite - [+] hobgoblin - [+] bugbear - [+] gnoll - [+] giant - [+] zombie - [+] skeleton * [+] ghoul - [+] ghast - [+] can operate spanner to - [+] jam/unjam a door * [+] visibility - [+] initial code for monsters opening doors while giving chase - [+] acid does more damage to armour * [+] implement temporary flags. * [+] implement unknown flags - [+] mana spike - [+] energy bolt - [+] energy blast (hits all in radius) - [+] flash (like flashbang) - [+] telekinesis (open/close doors remotely, grab/throw objects remotely) - [+] mindscan - knoweldge of hp etc * [+] airblast (push obs, push someone very far, AND lose obs. break walls they hit?) - [+] fireball - sets on fire - [+] flamepillar - [+] fire arrow - [+] spark (light a flammable object) - [+] flameburst - 2d8+3 damage in a circle - [+] burning wave - 2d10 damage and set on firea, line towards target - [+] range 3 - [+] freezing touch (turns an object to ice) - [+] knock - opens doors - [+] gas form - [+] polymorph - [+] write on floor - [+] light - [+] weaken (lose str) - [+] poison cloud - change cloudkill to this? - [+] animate dead - [+] posession - [+] minor healing - [+] healing - [+] turn undead - [+] identify - [+] detect magic - [+] detect aura - [+] reveal surroundings - [+] uncontrolled teleport - [+] speed - [+] slow - [+] boost gravity - [+] create monster - [+] divine - [+] wish
2011-07-21 11:43:45 +10:00
int doobtraps(object_t *o, lifeform_t *lf);
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
void dumpobrarity(void);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
void explodeob(object_t *o, flag_t *f, int bigness);
void extinguish(object_t *o);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
material_t *findmaterial(int id);
objectclass_t *findoc(int id);
object_t *findobbyid(obpile_t *op, long oid);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
object_t *findobl(obpile_t *op, char let); // find object by letter
2011-03-10 16:47:18 +11:00
brand_t *findbrand(enum BRAND id);
obmod_t *findobmod(enum OBMOD id);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
objecttype_t *findot(enum OBTYPE id);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
objecttype_t *findotn(char *name); // find objecttype by name
- [+] bug: when ally can't see you it goes to sleep - [+] after waking it just goes to sleep again!!! - [+] bug:npc warriors aren't starting with a weapon - [+] shouldn't be able to shieldblock if youre asleep!!! - [+] allies sohuld announce what they are doing - [+] "I'm attacking a goblin" - [+] I just killed a goblin - [+] I need some rest soon... - [+] make sure only HUMANS do - [+] F_EXTRADESC v0 should be 'order'. - [+] makedesc_skill should honour this - [+] makedesc_spell - [+] same with other makedesc() functions - [+] auto-inc this when adding them. - [+] allies not properly following me downthe stairs - [+] armour that can cover multiple body parts - [+] f_goesonmulti - [+] multiple f_equipped flags. - [+] handle multiple f_equipped in takeoff() - [+] all required bodyparts must both be clear - [+] if not, prompt to remove both things. - [+] check all code for f_equipped copes with multiple occurences... - [+] display as: f - a wetsuit (worn over body and on legs) - [+] update io.c. "it is worn over xxx and yyy)" - [+] heat metal spell - [+] weilded metal burns hands and you drop it (unless immunte to fire/burn) - [+] metal armour damages you (1-4 each) - [+] metal lifeforms take huge damage - [+] all lifeforms should have at least novice level knowledge of their own raceclass - [+] new raceclass - dragons - [+] define it - [+] define skill for it - [+] make jobs know the skill - [+] red dragon - [+] high armourrating - [+] swoop - [+] fly - [+] breath weapon - [+] spells - [+] heat metal - [+] fireball - [+] burning wave - [+] want gold - [+] immune to fire - [+] red dragon hatchling - [+] generally lwoer power, only has heat metal and spark ? - [+] spellcasttext for individual spells - [+] ancient red dragon - [+] higher hp and armourrating - [+] more damage - [+] more spells
2011-11-07 13:12:04 +11:00
recipe_t *findrecipefor(enum OBTYPE result);
* [+] F_prone if you're knocked down - [+] make sheilds very good against projectiles - [+] make smoke just REDUCE vision, not block it. - [+] noncorporeal should stop grabs! * [+] don't say 'a javelin is damaged' when you throw it, just apply the damge - [+] increase damage bonus with every lore level. +10% each time (ie. up to 50% at top) * [+] give accuracy + critical bonus for lore levles too - [+] typo: Enhance which skill enhance (1 left)? ['=next page,?=toggle] - [+] Show Pain on botl. * [+] more staves - [+] low hitpoint warning for pets (or make them shriek, whine, etc) - [+] CRITKNOCKDOWN * [+] FINISH GRIZZLY - [+] undead should be immune to poison!! - [+] make code to auto add flags to undead. - [+] if you ever move a door (ie. airblast), automatically open it. - [+] young wolf shouldn't be able to open a door! * [+] You throw a dart at the carpet snake. Your dart misses you.--More-- - [+] no sprinting while burdneed - [+] blood should be drawn BELOW stairs - [+] weilded torch should do 1d4 fire damage (counts as a club) * [+] The skeleton touches a leather belt then recoils in pain!The skeleton drops a blessed leather belt.The skeleton puts on a leather belt. - [+] don't show "you can cast it at power level xxx" for abilities * [+] more item randomising - [+] make grey ooze splatter into acid - [+] "the vine grabs you" if you walk onto an entangling vine. - [+] don't start monsters within player's los - [+] properly randomise sticks to snakes - [+] stirge - [+] leech (like stirge but can charge/leap, and slightly more hp / damage) - [+] treesnake - [+] constrictor - [+] cobra - [+] stickes to snakes - make caster's weapon revert. - [+] A something comes into view. - [+] is invisibility code working properly when you see someone use the invis spell? - [+] don't include cosmetic objects in 'you see xxx' * [+] monsters: don't use spells if you don't have lof. - [+] pets not following around corners if you move diagonally. fixed a little. - [+] summon small animals (2-3 x SZ_SMALL) * [+] jet of water - [+] summon medium animals (2-4 x SZ_MEDIUM, wolf etc) - [+] lightning storm (lightbning everyone within los, and more damage) - [+] summon large animals (SZ_LARGE, horse, bear etc)
2011-05-03 17:34:07 +10:00
void fragments(cell_t *centre, char *what, int speed, int howfar);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
void genhiddennames(void);
- [+] shops on a level should make loud sounds every few turns. (onein3) - [+] inifniite loop in ?k - [+] add to balaclava: equipconfer -> f_anonymous - [+] can't get banned from shops with this! - [+] when randomly increasing skills, don't select maxed ones. - [+] remove warning for movement while bleeding - [+] injuries heal too fast. - [+] bug: The sound of sounds of fighting awakens you! - [+] shouldnt be able to rest while airborne! - [+] make drunkenness give more damage resistance! - [+] "unseen" etc not working on tombstone - [+] bug: merloch getting infinite attacks!! - [+] add "a xxx moves out of view" - [+] why are wizards starting with 2 cold spells? fixed. was getting an extra one for gaining a "new" spell skill. - [+] slowwalking shoudl reduce move volume, not eliminate it. - [+] i noticed a secret iron door forom 6 cells away! - [+] make SC_SEARCH not autopassable on natural 20. - [+] armour can have a SIZE - [+] remove some occurences of "f_noarmouron" for sz_large, sz_small creatures - [+] in "canwear", implement size check. if lf's body size isn't sz_human then armour must have "f_armoursize -> sz_xxx" - [+] exception for ears / eyes - [+] f_multisize - [+] f_armoursize sz_xxx - [+] can only wear armour whih is your size - [+] in io.c, show armour size - [+] assign f_multisize to objects - [+] when adding objects - [+] cope with asking for "large armour" etc - [+] adding to a lf's pack? make sure armour is the correct fit - [+] somewhere else? 25% chance of different size. if so, 50/50 as to which way. - [+] in getobname, show "huge armour" etc - [+] medium ("halfling size pair of gauntlets"), human ("gauntlets"), or large ("huge gauntlets") - [+] high sewing/metalwork skills will let you modify armour for custom fit. - [+] half the hit points of the object - [+] implement a multi-level menu system for shops - [+] text on shop exit ("thank you for your business!") - [+] shops: - [+] only let you donate if you can takeoff / unweild it first. - [+] replace "vending machine" with shop - [+] make shops/buildings their own category - [+] this will let us say 'random shop' - [+] enable stealing from shops - [+] armour - [+] book - [+] weapon - [+] general - [+] potion - [+] hardware - [+] food - [+] jeweller - [+] always show full name for shop items - [+] temple of xxx - - [+] actions - [+] donate - [+] detect curse - [+] bless(costs more if equipped) - [+] absolve sins - [+] special depending on who the temple is to? - [+] temple of'xxx' - assign in addobject() - [+] extend CHA/SPEECH mods to all shops - [+] disable stacking for shop objects - [+] hotel/inn - [+] actions - [+] pay to rest (for 100 turns) - [+] if you do this, call startresting() before exitting shop - [+] and set some kind of flag so monsters will never approach - [+] maybe: f_resting_in_hotel - [+] and so that they will never wake up you up through sound - [+] remove these when you stop resting. - [+] force you to stop resting once your time expires - [+] buy food/drink - [+] weapon shop: - [+] donate weapons - [+] armour shop: - [+] buy armour - [+] donate armour (so that monsters don't pick it up!) * [+] firearm reload messages - [+] don't take f_throwmissile into account when using telekinesis - [+] ranged weapons: auto reload after firing. - [+] done.
2011-11-16 11:57:21 +11:00
enum LFSIZE getarmoursize(object_t *o);
* [+] operate a candlabrum on the ground confers permenant light producing! * [+] bug - water appearing in walls. - [+] make armour less common in forests - [+] too many --more--s when enhancing stats. use drawmsg() rather than more(). - [+] when i go up/down stairs, i keep ending up BESIDE them?? * [+] "you hear footstepszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" (random junk) - [+] when i start training with a spell active, it gets interrupted. try again, interrupted again! works 3rd time. - [+] replace lockpicking with "locksmithing" - [+] replace 'body control' with 'slow metabolism' - [+] pit traps broken - fixed now. - [+] doheading issue in @M still. * [+] how did zombie get 28 hp? bug in rollhitdice. - [+] blind a skeleton with light. it gets blind, starts fleeing. but because it can't SEE you, it stops fleeing instantly! * [+] getflags(flagpile_t *fp, ... ) - [+] stun spell - [+] only say "x2" etc if msgbuf we are going to draw still contains the original text. - [+] when you level up, your psionic skill determines your chance of learning a new psionic spell? - [+] when you teleport/use stairs, get all allies in SIGHT, not adjacent. * [+] more traps! * [+] prisoners in cells - [+] recruitment: instead of outright refusing to join, just up the price. * [+] make spellbook contents depend on map difficulty - [+] cloak of shadows - give invisibility when in darkness * [+] limited wish: - [+] casting WISH reduces max hp by 50%! - [+] monster ai code: if inventory full (or close), put non-eqiupped stuff into containers * [+] infinite loop in firedam to lf - [+] pot of xp isn't working for monsters. they get no more hp!! - [+] summonmosnter should jsut relocate existing uniques - [+] 'planeshift' spell for gods - "unsummon"s them. * [+] diety - greedgod * [+] more village contents
2011-07-26 12:01:05 +10:00
object_t *getbestcontainer(obpile_t *op);
* [+] fire should set equipped obs on fire too * [+] trapped doors/objcets * [+] make careful walking have less chance of triggering some traps (eg tripwire) - [+] dex penalty when drunk - [+] require dex to put on most shoes - [+] Diety's short sword of pyromania isn't appearing? - [+] make sure i can tumble over traps * [+] able to cut tripwires with slashing/chopping/piercing weapons? - [+] maybe make cmomando have no weapon skill - [+] make armour more common - [+] shouldnt be able to swap place with someone who is sleeping - [+] if you're not in the water, can't see lfs in water (unless they are adjacent) - [+] You break free from the zombie! You reintegrate inside a solid object!--More-- * [+] shopkeepers will charge an extra fee to identify stuff - [+] shouldn't get an empty flask when I dirnk from a fountain! - [+] identify and remove curse scrolls should be COMMON * [+] provide detailed skill descriptions - [+] dumpoutlines() - [+] make minotaurs stay in room - [+] make minotaurs have good smell - [+] don't auotreveal vaults. * [+] should be able to fill flasks from fountains - [+] don't announce corpse decay death while training. * [+] add the initial godstone at the bottom of firstdungeon * [+] make fountains names same as their linked potions - [+] bug: when filling potions from the ground, ground object was never dryaing up Beggars - [+] stealing ability sometimes. run away after using this * [+] various lots of generic f_talktext->"have a coin to spare?" World map - [+] 1-2,1-2: habitat: village - [+] multiple villages - [+] vault: island with treasure (or acid island?) - [+] jump into a water - it splashes small puddles to surrounding cells * [+] let dig spell go up/down. * [+] fountains, random potion effect or water (blue _ or }) - [+] make thingchance and obchance be habitat_t parameters. work on game goal - [+] find a way out of the magical dungeon barriers in the first dungeon - [+] slime - [+] troll = t - [+] lizardman - [+] ogre - [+] kobold - [+] fire sprite - [+] hobgoblin - [+] bugbear - [+] gnoll - [+] giant - [+] zombie - [+] skeleton * [+] ghoul - [+] ghast - [+] can operate spanner to - [+] jam/unjam a door * [+] visibility - [+] initial code for monsters opening doors while giving chase - [+] acid does more damage to armour * [+] implement temporary flags. * [+] implement unknown flags - [+] mana spike - [+] energy bolt - [+] energy blast (hits all in radius) - [+] flash (like flashbang) - [+] telekinesis (open/close doors remotely, grab/throw objects remotely) - [+] mindscan - knoweldge of hp etc * [+] airblast (push obs, push someone very far, AND lose obs. break walls they hit?) - [+] fireball - sets on fire - [+] flamepillar - [+] fire arrow - [+] spark (light a flammable object) - [+] flameburst - 2d8+3 damage in a circle - [+] burning wave - 2d10 damage and set on firea, line towards target - [+] range 3 - [+] freezing touch (turns an object to ice) - [+] knock - opens doors - [+] gas form - [+] polymorph - [+] write on floor - [+] light - [+] weaken (lose str) - [+] poison cloud - change cloudkill to this? - [+] animate dead - [+] posession - [+] minor healing - [+] healing - [+] turn undead - [+] identify - [+] detect magic - [+] detect aura - [+] reveal surroundings - [+] uncontrolled teleport - [+] speed - [+] slow - [+] boost gravity - [+] create monster - [+] divine - [+] wish
2011-07-21 11:43:45 +10:00
int getchargeinfo(object_t *o, int *cur, int *max);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int getcharges(object_t *o);
- [+] make "fear" be used to flee, not attack - [+] CRASH in linkexit() - [+] make most monsters either have sk_perception at least novice. - [+] show success rate when studying scrolls - [+] bug: unable to drink from fountains anymore - [+] always use multidrop - this will free up 'D' - [+] forest tree cluster maps are not working - only a single tree in each cluster! - [+] crash - ghost adding footprint to solid cell! - [+] amberon's wrath for attacking peaceful should happen once per ATTACK, not once per HIT - [+] show cells outside LOS as blue or darkgrey - [+] Don't place normal rooms next to the edge of the map either!! - [+] getradiuscells(scatter) needs an option to include density - [+] then make absolute zero have high density * [+] summoning spells on pentagram will summon a demon instead - [+] "confusion" / "baffle" mental spell - l2 - [+] add 'concussion' injury (head bash) - confusion effect. - [+] iswoozy checks for this. - [+] severed limbs -"frominjury" so taht you can heal them - [+] linkexit() needs to be able to handle making THREE turns: - [+] when looking for turnpos, remember each up/down celll - [+] if we don't find one ("annot find a way to link up") , go through each up/down cell and look left/right - [+] fix is in place. - [+] tested. - [+] bug: doors being placed on top of rock walls!!! think this is related to fix_deadends. - [+] assert statement added. * [+] bug: no up stairs generated on first dungeon map! was being removed by clearcell() for overlapping rooms. - [+] mass stun spell - l4. stuns all in los ? * [+] make "stun" / massstun durations be 2-4 depending on power - [+] "restricted" jobs/races? - [+] don't put shopkeepers in pubs - [+] make a per-map maxvisrange. the deeper you go, the lower this gets (ie . it is darker, less ambientlight) - [+] limit getvisrange(lf) by getmapmaxvisrange() - [+] map->habitat->maxvisrange. set this during createhabitat() - [+] reduce maxvisrange - [+] reduce it to 6 - [+] why can i still see 1 cell? - [+] why can i still always see my own cell? - [+] when in pitch black for a certain amount of time, your vision adjusts to maxrange=1 - [+] ie. getnightvisrange(lf) should be modified by lf->eyeadjustment - [+] reset if you can ever see a lit cell. - [+] when this happens to the player: - [+] msgs about this - [+] also force light recalc - [+] only recalc light when dirty - [+] if we call "haslos()" for a lf and they have losdirty, precalclos first. - [+] vis range problems - [+] sunglasses/footballhelm visrangereduce isn't working anymore - [+] it's reducing maxvisrange(lf). - [+] BUT - my maxvisrange is 5, which is still higher than the ambient range. - [+] need to apply reductions AFTER ambient light - [+] NOW eyeadjustment isn't working. because cell lit is l_temp, not l_notlit. - [+] but if this is the case, why can't i see? anwer: because my visrange has been reduced to 0 due to no ambient light! - [+] so.... how do i make lightt sources override this? - [+] maybe say: if a cell is lit, i can see it, even if it's outside my ambient light. - [+] falling over isn't reducing your visrange anymore - [+] why doesn't eyeadjust make the screen update? - [+] is regular "haslos" code ever used anymore???? - [+] now i can't see lit cells in the darkness again....fixed - [+] after you calm something, give it xpval0 - [+] show message when calm animals fails - [+] check all spell sc_resistmag oskillcheck difficulties - [+] diff should be 20 + (spelllev*2) + power - [+] l1 spell should be diff 20 - [+] l2 should be diff 24 - [+] ... - [+] l7 should be diff 34 - [+] bleeding injuries should make armour "bloodstained" (5% chance per turn) - [+] msgs for "the sun is starting to set" and "the sun is starting to rise" - [+] make 6am, 18pm be constants - [+] add crushed windpipe - lower Fitness, cannot sprint * [+] CRASH when going down stairs! another overlapping room bug i think. - [+] cockatrices and chickens should cluck - [+] canwill param: race:xxx; - [+] define it - [+] use this in "createmonster" - [+] use this in "polymorph" when on self - [+] then remove f_forcepoly - [+] TEST - [+] make playerstart vaults able to appear randomly (just don't place the the "playerstart" object) - [+] redo texttospellopts() to make it more friendly - [+] give a list of what we want as args, rather than passing lots of nulls - [+] "pw:", &localpowervar etc - [+] make "n_lowhp" noisetext happen at END of lf turn - NOT during losehp. - [+] rename turneffectslf() to startlfturn() - [+] show hunger level as a bar in @@ - [+] warn before becoming burdened. - [+] warn when you ARE burdened. at the end of moveob() - [+] l6 - absolute zero (turn everyone around you to ice, freeze all obs, turn ground to ice) - [+] some monsters leave non-meat food behind? - [+] cactus -> cactus juice/fruit - [+] dreamfungus -> sleeping powerder - [+] silver weapons (5% chance on eligible weapons) - [+] hurt vampires - [+] vulnerable to mat??? - then use fromob in losehp() - [+] f_matvuln mt_xxx multiplier - [+] add some silver weapons - [+] f_canbediffmat mt_silver 10% - [+] if f_canbediffmat is true, sometimes change material to this on creation - [+] getobname - if material is differnet, show this - [+] dagger - [+] sword - [+] arrow - [+] bolt - [+] dart - [+] addob should accept 'wantdiffmat'
2011-09-10 09:03:32 +10:00
int getcritchance(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o, lifeform_t *victim);
int getdr(object_t *o);
- [+] bug: wrapprint() needs to cope with long lines which wrap!!! - [+] in progress... - [+] currently hanging - fixed. - [+] once done, make it not add spaces - [+] add spaces manually in showlfstats. - [+] once done, change all code to use wrapprint instead of textwithcol - [+] still an issue - everything in my inventory is coming up bold! - [+] missing the last word again.... - [+] remove requirement that you have to be able to pick up an object to eat it * [+] make ninja weapons be "exotic" or ninjitsu - [+] ghost missing melee attacks - [+] make oil lamps last HEAPS longer too - [+] @ should include weapon bonuses for skill/str - [+] "headless bones" when you kill a skeleton?? - [+] allow for change of verb instead of always using "Killed by xxx" - [+] only call maketried() for the player - [+] don't show 'really attack the peaceful something' if you can't see it! - [+] vault: suply closet - [+] 1 sq room with tools - [+] why is hecta's pain hitting the player? - [+] make it so you can only Offer to gods you ahve prayeed to? - [+] recalc light on: - [+] darkness/light spells - [+] eye destroyed - [+] prevent tumble/jump while grabbed - [+] prompt to drop when wearing new armour - [+] canine tracking should be a potion, not a scroll - [+] some '?' help commands not working. - [+] add f_critprotection to armour - [+] crash when tumbling into an lf - [+] incrase cellknown time when no cartography skill - [+] change disarm and trip into abilities: - [+] disarm - [+] trip - [+] ninja - [+] skills: - [+] athletics (enouhg to tumble) - [+] throwing - [+] unarmed - [+] long blades - [+] stealth - [+] objects: - [+] smoke bombs - [+] shuriken - another missle. higher dam than darts. - [+] how will this be different from the rogue class??? - [+] disarm - [+] trip. maybe make trip polearms confer this ability? - [+] flip .
2011-10-19 10:08:14 +11:00
int checkcritprotection(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int geteffecttime(int min, int max, enum BLESSTYPE isblessed);
- [+] magic map should be magical - [+] crash when generating monster warriors - [+] bug: calling taketime twice when attacks fail? - [+] (once in attackcell(), then again in attacklf() or attackob()) - [+] weapon changes: - [+] in general, lower accuracy for piercing weapons - [+] in general, raise accuracy for slashing / bashing weapons - [+] long piercing weapons (ie. spear) give you a 'thrust' ability (attack 2 cells away) - [+] long slashing weapons cannot be used if < 3 open cells around you (f_needspace) - [+] maybe: you can't "hear" your unseen ally if they are asleep - [+] need to draw after flying things swoop away, in case they block your view. - [+] raceslaying weapons - [+] dragon - dragonslaying - [+] animal - butchering - [+] plant - of blight - [+] undead - of divine power - [+] magic - of antimagic - [+] brand restriction - [+] brands: f_onlygoeson ot_xxx - [+] brands: f_onlygoesondt dt_xxx - [+] check this in brandappliesto - [+] "pyromania" spell - [+] for all fires or burning objects in sight: (implement getflamingobs() ) - [+] "the fire flares!" (fire objects regain full hp, burning flags gain lifetime) - [+] large fire obs:surround it with smaller ones. - [+] small fire obs: make bigger - [+] burning obs: make a small fire - [+] give it to red dragons - [+] ai casting... (if fire in sight) - [+] blue dragon - lightning - [+] ancient has chain lightning - [+] flood ? lowlevel - [+] gust of wind - [+] white dragon - cold - [+] pea soup - [+] hailstorm - [+] ancient: absolute zero ?
2011-11-08 06:39:43 +11:00
int getflamingobs(obpile_t *op, object_t **retob, int *nretobs);
- [+] bug: when ally can't see you it goes to sleep - [+] after waking it just goes to sleep again!!! - [+] bug:npc warriors aren't starting with a weapon - [+] shouldn't be able to shieldblock if youre asleep!!! - [+] allies sohuld announce what they are doing - [+] "I'm attacking a goblin" - [+] I just killed a goblin - [+] I need some rest soon... - [+] make sure only HUMANS do - [+] F_EXTRADESC v0 should be 'order'. - [+] makedesc_skill should honour this - [+] makedesc_spell - [+] same with other makedesc() functions - [+] auto-inc this when adding them. - [+] allies not properly following me downthe stairs - [+] armour that can cover multiple body parts - [+] f_goesonmulti - [+] multiple f_equipped flags. - [+] handle multiple f_equipped in takeoff() - [+] all required bodyparts must both be clear - [+] if not, prompt to remove both things. - [+] check all code for f_equipped copes with multiple occurences... - [+] display as: f - a wetsuit (worn over body and on legs) - [+] update io.c. "it is worn over xxx and yyy)" - [+] heat metal spell - [+] weilded metal burns hands and you drop it (unless immunte to fire/burn) - [+] metal armour damages you (1-4 each) - [+] metal lifeforms take huge damage - [+] all lifeforms should have at least novice level knowledge of their own raceclass - [+] new raceclass - dragons - [+] define it - [+] define skill for it - [+] make jobs know the skill - [+] red dragon - [+] high armourrating - [+] swoop - [+] fly - [+] breath weapon - [+] spells - [+] heat metal - [+] fireball - [+] burning wave - [+] want gold - [+] immune to fire - [+] red dragon hatchling - [+] generally lwoer power, only has heat metal and spark ? - [+] spellcasttext for individual spells - [+] ancient red dragon - [+] higher hp and armourrating - [+] more damage - [+] more spells
2011-11-07 13:12:04 +11:00
int getingredients(obpile_t *op, recipe_t *rec, object_t **retob, int *retcount, int *retconsume, int *nretobs, int promptformulti);
objecttype_t *getlinkspell(object_t *o);
* [+] goblins aren't opening doors... - [+] xat shouldn't be able to open doors! - [+] semicontrolled createmonster * [+] implement semicontrolled teleport (can pick the general direction) * [+] change how semicontrolled teleport works - [+] make identify/remove curse more common - [+] make minorheal/heal more common * [+] NOTDONE. maybe reduce the amount of damage which AR blocks a bit? i got to 30ar very fast! (ie -45% dam) * [+] make a special case for F_FLAKJACKET - [+] BUG: glowbug is causing PERMENANT light, not temp! - [+] diety ability - levelup - [+] new damtype: necrotic - [+] drain life spell - [+] make water evaporate - [+] BUG in validating target cell. was asking a monster for input * [+] boots get wet if you walk in water - [+] why does oil lamp and pil lantern make the same range of light? - [+] fixed another vending maching crash - [+] crash due to sprinting? - [+] 2 blessed flask of battery acids - [+] "This is a wand!" - don't use code for hiding names in the dark! * [+] animals shouldn't eat their own race! - [+] gem of seeing costs nothing! - [+] frozen weapons do +1d4 cold damage - [+] allomancy/psionics don't need spellcasting - [+] poison isn't being announced on mosnters? - [+] "you are full" only interrupt if we went < normal (ie peckish starving etc) - [+] only F_HUMANOID creatures can wear armour / use weapons * [+] what does a masterwork bow do? - [+] implement strength requirements on weapons - [+] UNDEAD cannot be poisoned by eating corpses! - [+] ai lfs shoudlnt' eat tainted food - [+] change how gravboost works wrt movement - [+] smart ai lfs shouldnt move when in pain - [+] don't stop walking if the only things there are non-pickupable - [+] make mosnters swap places with each other if they are the same baseid * [+] scroll of permenance - [+] make more monsters have gold * [+] can learn novice level weapon skills by using one a lot * [+] finish hawks * [+] add colour * [+] job attribs aren't working - [+] pile of ash has weird glyph! * [+] when you learn the first rank of some magic skills, you get a spell with it - [+] add colours to statbar - [+] can only "stop on xxx" if you have feet - [+] monsters shouldn't attack other to get to wanted objects. * [+] "xat throws a knife" - [+] manaspike doing no damage to giant newt - [+] assign colours to rings
2011-04-01 10:54:44 +11:00
enum COLOUR getmaterialcolour(enum MATERIAL mat );
enum MATSTATE getmaterialstate(enum MATERIAL mat);
int getmissileaccuracy(lifeform_t *thrower, cell_t *where, object_t *missile, object_t *firearm, flag_t *tkthrow);
int getobaccuracy(object_t *wep, lifeform_t *weilder);
- [+] job abilities can now generally happen as often as you like, since they're ilmited by stamina. - [+] rename dexterity to agility - [+] The leprechaun steals an uncursed ring of miracles from you! The leprechaun cowers away from you! - [+] should FLEE , not cower! - [+] should set blessknown after reading a scroll - [+] cursed mending scroll not working on non-damaged objects - [+] spanner helps metal repair - [+] needle boosts sewing ability - [+] when resting in a tent, monstesr have very low chance of noticing you (5%) - [+] move display of resistances to 'effects' section. - [+] show what a mosnter wants in effects (if you have >= beginner knowledge) - [+] prevent running into monsters with shift+dir - [+] infinite loop when creating a map, constant getrandomroomcell() calls failing - [+] monstesr will steal objects they WANT rather than always random - [+] monster: - [+] leprechaun - [+] lucky - [+] covets gold - [+] shillelagh ? or just a club? - [+] blink - [+] steal - [+] dodge - [+] at the moment attack doesn't seem to be draining stamina... - [+] it is, but i'm getting it right back due to attack speed. - [+] make stamina take longer to regen. - 1 per 3 turns rather than 1 per 2. - [+] stamina loss must be MORE than basic regen rate (0.3) - [+] make stamina loss for attack depend on atatck speed! - [+] instead of "you feel sick", say "you have contracted weakening poison" or "you have been infected with xxx" - [+] store stamina as a float, but getstamina() should return an int. - [+] sprinting - use 1.5 stamina per cell instead of 1? - [+] modify accuracy text - [+] fork - [+] showing f_entertext should set didmsg - [+] instead of printing 100% accuracy, show "Acc:0" (ie 100), "Acc:-1" (ie -10) etc - [+] do this in @@ - [+] do this in describeob - [+] nocturnal monsters - [+] base monsters initially being asleep on time and whether mosnter is nocturnal - [+] also during aiturn(), if they have nothing to do and it's their sleeping time, goto sleep - [+] add flags - [+] flies should always move towards corpses if possible - [+] maybe F_WANTSOB corpse, covet? - [+] but thye can't pick it up so they'll just hover nearby? - [+] now they can be hostile too - [+] when we're picking a random corpse, try again if we get something with nocorpse like a ghost - [+] getrandomcorpserace() - [+] lower stamina max - currently at lv1+ft:11 i have 7 stam. should be more like 5 - [+] severed finger shoudn't count as making you bleed when you attack - [+] in askcoords, always show cell name - [+] monsters with no melee attacks can always cast spells while adjacent - [+] resting issues - [+] having a temporary injury means oyu need to rest, so don't say "you don't need to rest"! - [+] also don't stop resting until all temporary injuries are healed - [+] show comparative weights / armour ratings - [+] make price for npcs to join be lower - [+] assertion failure with who->timespent == 0 when a mosnter falls through a hole - [+] (after I follow by falling down the pit) - [+] make taketime() not work when not on the player's map - [+] bug - monsters never waking up - [+] "tailwind" spell (fast movement speed but forwards only) - [+] now that i have Hardness, _all_ reduced damage should go towards armour. - [+] earthquake - pits open up around you (but not under you) - [+] force sphere - radial blast outwards, knocks back lfs + obs + doors etc
2011-10-04 14:24:53 +11:00
int getobbonus(object_t *o, int onlyknown);
int getobpoints(object_t *o);
skill_t *getobskill(object_t *o);
* [+] make vending machines use this container code instead. - [+] don't say "you see a few things" if one of them is footsteps * [+] IFMONSTER code failing....because flags are now SORTED!!! - [+] tumble - askcoords is letting us pick a cell we don't have lof to. * [+] assign a name to lfs once you hire them * [+] coloured msgtext - [+] make min dam reduction from AR be AR/5. - [+] safebox - [+] if intelligent, prompt before walking into RESTRICTMOVEMENT with no getsweaker (val1) * [+] make fire / ice damage mor elike netheck - [+] towns should have gates on EVERY side - [+] forest cells outside town gates need to be CLEARED. (maybe turn to dirt) - [+] fix up knock targetting to include magical barriers - [+] say "open a bag?" not "operate a bag?" * [+] implement immunetodisease - [+] sort known skills in @s. - [+] better damage bonus when attacking someone who is asleep - [+] practive firearms/throwing * [+] need objecttype->size * [+] containers * [+] change guns so you have to reload them. ("operate") - [+] crash when loading map with water - [+] SAVE OBJECT CONTENTSk - [+] monsters with jobs aren't getting start items - [+] shopkeeper has shotgun - [+] bug: monster keeps swapping between shotgun and flail - [+] when hiring, remember failure. * [+] Inn - [+] bug: pets fighting!!! then they all turn on you. never make allies get angry unless the attacker is the player * [+] hiring npcs - [+] chat to pet: "stay close" or "keep your distance" - [+] new 'furniture' obclass - [+] allow for 'randomshop' regiontype * [+] add enchantment school - [+] cast a scroll of mending on itself. CRASH. * [+] lessengravity should make you jump better and get knocked back further - [+] boostgrav/lessengrav cancel out each other. * [+] CRASH when you fall down a hole and die. - [+] problem: master gravitation doesn't let us cast levitat. getspellschoolknown() should return the HIGHEST known skill, not the first. * [+] bug: dregion is null?!??! * [+] dig a pit, if you cleared out land below, you just stay down there. - [+] potion of leveitation - [+] warning msg when levitate is about to expire * [+] if you fall upwards to the surface... * [+] if you are ever on the surface while levitating.... - [+] BUG: cna't go up stairs to surface anymore!!!!! - [+] get hungry LOTS more quickly when you start sprinting * [+] monk slow metabolism psionic pell. - [+] fix buf with lore giving LESS accuracy instead of more. - [+] food shop - [+] wand of digging not identified if you dig upwards * [+] when you make ah ole in the roof, objects above should fall through right away * [+] all towns should have: - [+] give monks more psionics spells. - [+] sk_throwing skill - [+] make calm animals use spellpower * [+] add wisdom * [+] need to save region data along with maps * [+] COMBINE armour evasion and accuracy penalty!!! * [+] make armour reduce accuracy as well (unless you have 'armour' skill) - [+] landmine trap * [+] make friendly monsters of same raceclass swap ammo - [+] rename 'pull' to 'suck' to avoid confusion with pull metal * [+] food to fix blindness - [+] potion of coffee * [+] genericise statbrackets * [+] tumble ability * [+] simplify spell power * [+] shopkeeprs should be allowed to pursue targets outside of the shop. - [+] give shopkeepers a shotgun * [+] make F_RNDHOSTILE be able to ahve a random chance. * [+] if you randomly generate food in a shop, still give it a price. - [+] if peaceful humanoid walks into you, "sorry!" - [+] sayphrase(lf, SP_SORRY, vol) - [+] only let you recruit jobs with j_recruitable - [+] CRASH - summon "monk" - [+] dogs, - [+] chickens, - [+] drunks, * [+] village objects - [+] change armourrating AGAIN. instead of a percentage, make it a number. - [+] rename inn to "pub", since you can't sleep there. * [+] random speech code * [+] genericise sayphrase text based on lf's job * [+] monks - add rest of abliities - [+] add fiengdeath ability to some monsters
2011-07-14 07:40:28 +10:00
enum LFSIZE getobsize(object_t *o);
- [+] implement getradiuscells() - [+] evaporate spell - turn water into steam - [+] monster generation bug? even on dlev10 i'm stil getting mostly kobolds - [+] ai infinint eloop again - frost hawk trying to open door - [+] another infinite loop - not falling through after spell failure. * [+] reduce attack delay for most weapons. - [+] letplayer see a tiny bit in the dark (1 cell ?) - [+] beginner tracking not working - fixed. - [+] only show "...but do no damage" if you have good knowledge about their race. - [+] make gold lighter * [+] footprints glyph shouldn't override pudles of water! - [+] only show eviscerate etc if you have good knowledge? - [+] don't start monsters on the stairs/magical barriers!!! - [+] stone should be immune to more damage types * [+] addexits adding way too many exits. - [+] blessed identify should ID everything - [+] blessed mending mends all - [+] don't make noise when slowmoving. - [+] eyebat dispersal big: The eyebat's strong scent leading north disappears! - [+] go over footprint+scent+corpse and pickup:"You can't pick up footprints!" * [+] doors can't do on top of each other!!! * [+] low ground - [+] make sure you can't have more than one "water" object in a cell. * [+] make val2 of rarity be "common/uncommon/rare" etc - [+] more monster types should appear in the forest. - [+] when i go down stairs into a dark area, "it is pitch black!" is being cleared. * [+] helm of the poltergeist - [+] flying creatures get penalties in webs etc - [+] blind things shoudln't follow up/donw stairs - [+] You shout a blood-curdling war cry! The sawgrass turns to flee from you! - [+] potions still worth too much. minor healing was 420!! - [+] AI should only go towards covetted object if it's closer or the same distanec as target. - [+] branded objects should be worth LOTS - at the moment they're worth 1!! * [+] maybe just adjust value of rarity? - [+] don't roll spot checks while training! * [+] replace f_nofeel with: - [+] revenge did too much damage (50) * [+] change how AR works - [+] need to add: "really walk into a falling rock trap" ? - [+] put only ONE staircase going up on dlev 0 - [+] why am i stopping sprinting after 1 move? * [+] somehow make sure mosnters can't see footprints in a cell with mist - [+] bones shouldn't be able to catch on fire. - [+] when you levle up, gainskill BEFORE getting new spells - [+] put out flaming objects after pickup * [+] don't say "really target yourself?" when using a potion of sleep!! - [+] enhance a random skill when levelling up? every 2 levels? - [+] weaken koboldsa little - less change of javelin - [+] don't drown instantly - take a few turns, depending on CON * [+] create vault spell for debugging ??? - [+] doors in the middle of rooms. - [+] highlight selected choice in askstr - [+] flooded_room being created without walls!!!!!! - [+] describe spell from levleup not working * [+] GETROOMEDGE RETURNING NO CELLS for circularroom!!!!! - [+] fire wizard not prompted to get firedart at l2.. Vaults * [+] X corridor - - [+] crosshatch - [+] should water be ~ instead ?? and change whatever is currently a tilde to something else... Initial work on goal: - [+] surround all stairs with barriers - [+] start player NEAR stairs (randomadjcell from stairs, allowexpand) + methods of escape - [+] knock scroll - [+] digging (but it stops the dig from going any further)
2011-06-09 18:58:35 +10:00
int getobspellpower(object_t *o, lifeform_t *lf);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int getobvalue(object_t *o);
* [+] make vending machines use this container code instead. - [+] don't say "you see a few things" if one of them is footsteps * [+] IFMONSTER code failing....because flags are now SORTED!!! - [+] tumble - askcoords is letting us pick a cell we don't have lof to. * [+] assign a name to lfs once you hire them * [+] coloured msgtext - [+] make min dam reduction from AR be AR/5. - [+] safebox - [+] if intelligent, prompt before walking into RESTRICTMOVEMENT with no getsweaker (val1) * [+] make fire / ice damage mor elike netheck - [+] towns should have gates on EVERY side - [+] forest cells outside town gates need to be CLEARED. (maybe turn to dirt) - [+] fix up knock targetting to include magical barriers - [+] say "open a bag?" not "operate a bag?" * [+] implement immunetodisease - [+] sort known skills in @s. - [+] better damage bonus when attacking someone who is asleep - [+] practive firearms/throwing * [+] need objecttype->size * [+] containers * [+] change guns so you have to reload them. ("operate") - [+] crash when loading map with water - [+] SAVE OBJECT CONTENTSk - [+] monsters with jobs aren't getting start items - [+] shopkeeper has shotgun - [+] bug: monster keeps swapping between shotgun and flail - [+] when hiring, remember failure. * [+] Inn - [+] bug: pets fighting!!! then they all turn on you. never make allies get angry unless the attacker is the player * [+] hiring npcs - [+] chat to pet: "stay close" or "keep your distance" - [+] new 'furniture' obclass - [+] allow for 'randomshop' regiontype * [+] add enchantment school - [+] cast a scroll of mending on itself. CRASH. * [+] lessengravity should make you jump better and get knocked back further - [+] boostgrav/lessengrav cancel out each other. * [+] CRASH when you fall down a hole and die. - [+] problem: master gravitation doesn't let us cast levitat. getspellschoolknown() should return the HIGHEST known skill, not the first. * [+] bug: dregion is null?!??! * [+] dig a pit, if you cleared out land below, you just stay down there. - [+] potion of leveitation - [+] warning msg when levitate is about to expire * [+] if you fall upwards to the surface... * [+] if you are ever on the surface while levitating.... - [+] BUG: cna't go up stairs to surface anymore!!!!! - [+] get hungry LOTS more quickly when you start sprinting * [+] monk slow metabolism psionic pell. - [+] fix buf with lore giving LESS accuracy instead of more. - [+] food shop - [+] wand of digging not identified if you dig upwards * [+] when you make ah ole in the roof, objects above should fall through right away * [+] all towns should have: - [+] give monks more psionics spells. - [+] sk_throwing skill - [+] make calm animals use spellpower * [+] add wisdom * [+] need to save region data along with maps * [+] COMBINE armour evasion and accuracy penalty!!! * [+] make armour reduce accuracy as well (unless you have 'armour' skill) - [+] landmine trap * [+] make friendly monsters of same raceclass swap ammo - [+] rename 'pull' to 'suck' to avoid confusion with pull metal * [+] food to fix blindness - [+] potion of coffee * [+] genericise statbrackets * [+] tumble ability * [+] simplify spell power * [+] shopkeeprs should be allowed to pursue targets outside of the shop. - [+] give shopkeepers a shotgun * [+] make F_RNDHOSTILE be able to ahve a random chance. * [+] if you randomly generate food in a shop, still give it a price. - [+] if peaceful humanoid walks into you, "sorry!" - [+] sayphrase(lf, SP_SORRY, vol) - [+] only let you recruit jobs with j_recruitable - [+] CRASH - summon "monk" - [+] dogs, - [+] chickens, - [+] drunks, * [+] village objects - [+] change armourrating AGAIN. instead of a percentage, make it a number. - [+] rename inn to "pub", since you can't sleep there. * [+] random speech code * [+] genericise sayphrase text based on lf's job * [+] monks - add rest of abliities - [+] add fiengdeath ability to some monsters
2011-07-14 07:40:28 +10:00
char *getoperateverb(object_t *o);
object_t *getoutercontainer(object_t *o);
object_t *getoutercontainerop(obpile_t *op);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
//int getobtypevalue(objecttype_t *ot);
* [+] make vending machines use this container code instead. - [+] don't say "you see a few things" if one of them is footsteps * [+] IFMONSTER code failing....because flags are now SORTED!!! - [+] tumble - askcoords is letting us pick a cell we don't have lof to. * [+] assign a name to lfs once you hire them * [+] coloured msgtext - [+] make min dam reduction from AR be AR/5. - [+] safebox - [+] if intelligent, prompt before walking into RESTRICTMOVEMENT with no getsweaker (val1) * [+] make fire / ice damage mor elike netheck - [+] towns should have gates on EVERY side - [+] forest cells outside town gates need to be CLEARED. (maybe turn to dirt) - [+] fix up knock targetting to include magical barriers - [+] say "open a bag?" not "operate a bag?" * [+] implement immunetodisease - [+] sort known skills in @s. - [+] better damage bonus when attacking someone who is asleep - [+] practive firearms/throwing * [+] need objecttype->size * [+] containers * [+] change guns so you have to reload them. ("operate") - [+] crash when loading map with water - [+] SAVE OBJECT CONTENTSk - [+] monsters with jobs aren't getting start items - [+] shopkeeper has shotgun - [+] bug: monster keeps swapping between shotgun and flail - [+] when hiring, remember failure. * [+] Inn - [+] bug: pets fighting!!! then they all turn on you. never make allies get angry unless the attacker is the player * [+] hiring npcs - [+] chat to pet: "stay close" or "keep your distance" - [+] new 'furniture' obclass - [+] allow for 'randomshop' regiontype * [+] add enchantment school - [+] cast a scroll of mending on itself. CRASH. * [+] lessengravity should make you jump better and get knocked back further - [+] boostgrav/lessengrav cancel out each other. * [+] CRASH when you fall down a hole and die. - [+] problem: master gravitation doesn't let us cast levitat. getspellschoolknown() should return the HIGHEST known skill, not the first. * [+] bug: dregion is null?!??! * [+] dig a pit, if you cleared out land below, you just stay down there. - [+] potion of leveitation - [+] warning msg when levitate is about to expire * [+] if you fall upwards to the surface... * [+] if you are ever on the surface while levitating.... - [+] BUG: cna't go up stairs to surface anymore!!!!! - [+] get hungry LOTS more quickly when you start sprinting * [+] monk slow metabolism psionic pell. - [+] fix buf with lore giving LESS accuracy instead of more. - [+] food shop - [+] wand of digging not identified if you dig upwards * [+] when you make ah ole in the roof, objects above should fall through right away * [+] all towns should have: - [+] give monks more psionics spells. - [+] sk_throwing skill - [+] make calm animals use spellpower * [+] add wisdom * [+] need to save region data along with maps * [+] COMBINE armour evasion and accuracy penalty!!! * [+] make armour reduce accuracy as well (unless you have 'armour' skill) - [+] landmine trap * [+] make friendly monsters of same raceclass swap ammo - [+] rename 'pull' to 'suck' to avoid confusion with pull metal * [+] food to fix blindness - [+] potion of coffee * [+] genericise statbrackets * [+] tumble ability * [+] simplify spell power * [+] shopkeeprs should be allowed to pursue targets outside of the shop. - [+] give shopkeepers a shotgun * [+] make F_RNDHOSTILE be able to ahve a random chance. * [+] if you randomly generate food in a shop, still give it a price. - [+] if peaceful humanoid walks into you, "sorry!" - [+] sayphrase(lf, SP_SORRY, vol) - [+] only let you recruit jobs with j_recruitable - [+] CRASH - summon "monk" - [+] dogs, - [+] chickens, - [+] drunks, * [+] village objects - [+] change armourrating AGAIN. instead of a percentage, make it a number. - [+] rename inn to "pub", since you can't sleep there. * [+] random speech code * [+] genericise sayphrase text based on lf's job * [+] monks - add rest of abliities - [+] add fiengdeath ability to some monsters
2011-07-14 07:40:28 +10:00
object_t *getammo(object_t *gun);
objecttype_t *getbasicweaponforskill(enum SKILL skid);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
object_t *getrandomammo(lifeform_t *lf);
objecttype_t *getrandomammofor(object_t *o);
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
brand_t *getrandombrandfor(objecttype_t *ot);
objecttype_t *getrandomobofclass(enum OBCLASS ocid, int minrarity, int maxrarity);
* [+] fire should set equipped obs on fire too * [+] trapped doors/objcets * [+] make careful walking have less chance of triggering some traps (eg tripwire) - [+] dex penalty when drunk - [+] require dex to put on most shoes - [+] Diety's short sword of pyromania isn't appearing? - [+] make sure i can tumble over traps * [+] able to cut tripwires with slashing/chopping/piercing weapons? - [+] maybe make cmomando have no weapon skill - [+] make armour more common - [+] shouldnt be able to swap place with someone who is sleeping - [+] if you're not in the water, can't see lfs in water (unless they are adjacent) - [+] You break free from the zombie! You reintegrate inside a solid object!--More-- * [+] shopkeepers will charge an extra fee to identify stuff - [+] shouldn't get an empty flask when I dirnk from a fountain! - [+] identify and remove curse scrolls should be COMMON * [+] provide detailed skill descriptions - [+] dumpoutlines() - [+] make minotaurs stay in room - [+] make minotaurs have good smell - [+] don't auotreveal vaults. * [+] should be able to fill flasks from fountains - [+] don't announce corpse decay death while training. * [+] add the initial godstone at the bottom of firstdungeon * [+] make fountains names same as their linked potions - [+] bug: when filling potions from the ground, ground object was never dryaing up Beggars - [+] stealing ability sometimes. run away after using this * [+] various lots of generic f_talktext->"have a coin to spare?" World map - [+] 1-2,1-2: habitat: village - [+] multiple villages - [+] vault: island with treasure (or acid island?) - [+] jump into a water - it splashes small puddles to surrounding cells * [+] let dig spell go up/down. * [+] fountains, random potion effect or water (blue _ or }) - [+] make thingchance and obchance be habitat_t parameters. work on game goal - [+] find a way out of the magical dungeon barriers in the first dungeon - [+] slime - [+] troll = t - [+] lizardman - [+] ogre - [+] kobold - [+] fire sprite - [+] hobgoblin - [+] bugbear - [+] gnoll - [+] giant - [+] zombie - [+] skeleton * [+] ghoul - [+] ghast - [+] can operate spanner to - [+] jam/unjam a door * [+] visibility - [+] initial code for monsters opening doors while giving chase - [+] acid does more damage to armour * [+] implement temporary flags. * [+] implement unknown flags - [+] mana spike - [+] energy bolt - [+] energy blast (hits all in radius) - [+] flash (like flashbang) - [+] telekinesis (open/close doors remotely, grab/throw objects remotely) - [+] mindscan - knoweldge of hp etc * [+] airblast (push obs, push someone very far, AND lose obs. break walls they hit?) - [+] fireball - sets on fire - [+] flamepillar - [+] fire arrow - [+] spark (light a flammable object) - [+] flameburst - 2d8+3 damage in a circle - [+] burning wave - 2d10 damage and set on firea, line towards target - [+] range 3 - [+] freezing touch (turns an object to ice) - [+] knock - opens doors - [+] gas form - [+] polymorph - [+] write on floor - [+] light - [+] weaken (lose str) - [+] poison cloud - change cloudkill to this? - [+] animate dead - [+] posession - [+] minor healing - [+] healing - [+] turn undead - [+] identify - [+] detect magic - [+] detect aura - [+] reveal surroundings - [+] uncontrolled teleport - [+] speed - [+] slow - [+] boost gravity - [+] create monster - [+] divine - [+] wish
2011-07-21 11:43:45 +10:00
enum OBTYPE getrandomtrapforob(void);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
char *getdamname(enum DAMTYPE damtype);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
char *getdamnamenoun(enum DAMTYPE damtype);
char *getfillingname(int nutrition);
int getfirearmrange(object_t *o);
int getfirearmspeed(object_t *o);
* [+] goblins aren't opening doors... - [+] xat shouldn't be able to open doors! - [+] semicontrolled createmonster * [+] implement semicontrolled teleport (can pick the general direction) * [+] change how semicontrolled teleport works - [+] make identify/remove curse more common - [+] make minorheal/heal more common * [+] NOTDONE. maybe reduce the amount of damage which AR blocks a bit? i got to 30ar very fast! (ie -45% dam) * [+] make a special case for F_FLAKJACKET - [+] BUG: glowbug is causing PERMENANT light, not temp! - [+] diety ability - levelup - [+] new damtype: necrotic - [+] drain life spell - [+] make water evaporate - [+] BUG in validating target cell. was asking a monster for input * [+] boots get wet if you walk in water - [+] why does oil lamp and pil lantern make the same range of light? - [+] fixed another vending maching crash - [+] crash due to sprinting? - [+] 2 blessed flask of battery acids - [+] "This is a wand!" - don't use code for hiding names in the dark! * [+] animals shouldn't eat their own race! - [+] gem of seeing costs nothing! - [+] frozen weapons do +1d4 cold damage - [+] allomancy/psionics don't need spellcasting - [+] poison isn't being announced on mosnters? - [+] "you are full" only interrupt if we went < normal (ie peckish starving etc) - [+] only F_HUMANOID creatures can wear armour / use weapons * [+] what does a masterwork bow do? - [+] implement strength requirements on weapons - [+] UNDEAD cannot be poisoned by eating corpses! - [+] ai lfs shoudlnt' eat tainted food - [+] change how gravboost works wrt movement - [+] smart ai lfs shouldnt move when in pain - [+] don't stop walking if the only things there are non-pickupable - [+] make mosnters swap places with each other if they are the same baseid * [+] scroll of permenance - [+] make more monsters have gold * [+] can learn novice level weapon skills by using one a lot * [+] finish hawks * [+] add colour * [+] job attribs aren't working - [+] pile of ash has weird glyph! * [+] when you learn the first rank of some magic skills, you get a spell with it - [+] add colours to statbar - [+] can only "stop on xxx" if you have feet - [+] monsters shouldn't attack other to get to wanted objects. * [+] "xat throws a knife" - [+] manaspike doing no damage to giant newt - [+] assign colours to rings
2011-04-01 10:54:44 +11:00
glyph_t *getglyph(object_t *o);
- [+] if you put a water object onto dirt, it should become a mud object instead. - [+] dynamic morale - [+] whenever you fail a moral check, your moral gets a bit lower - [+] opposite if you pass it. - [+] make morale checks depend more on morale - [+] after you flee, become timid - [+] in io.c, show current morale if lorelev is high enough. "looks scared/timid/confident" - [+] implement f_timid: - [+] (will only move into melee range if it is behind you) * [+] checks: - [+] monsters can't attack while prone. always jsut stand up. - [+] call initiatemove even when atatcking - [+] bug: monsters not gaining abilities frmo skills - [+] bug when creating monsters with jobs: "xx looks foolish" etc - [+] tohit penalty for small monster hitting flying or levitating things (lower penalty for levitating) * [+] if you are flying and get hit, you drop to the ground? - [+] make feign death code better for mosnters - [+] moving should cose STAMREGEN points (ie don't regenerate stamina if you move) - [+] maybe: when you finish sprinting, drop stamina to -2 - [+] until it gets back, you can't move at all - [+] bug: stuck in moveto(), after walking up stairs to a new levle - [+] happened again right after "The young wolf starts sprinting! The young wolf flees down the staircase." - [+] was getting stuck in donextturn because we weren't on the plaeyr's map - taketime was returning. - [+] shield bash skill - [+] gain it at shieldlev beginner - [+] costs stamina - [+] pass a skill check based on shield skill and shield value to stun enemy - [+] only works if shield has hardness - [+] only works if you're the same size or larger than the opponent - [+] damages your shield (1d3 hp ?)
2011-10-06 09:08:13 +11:00
int gethardness(enum MATERIAL matid);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
char *genhiddenname(enum OBCLASS id);
char *gethiddenname(object_t *o);
int getobattackdelay(object_t *o);
2011-03-04 12:22:36 +11:00
float getobhppct(object_t *o);
- [+] when throwin gn aobject, warn if you have no LOF (just like spells) - [+] allow dodge/catch of thrown object when there is no thrower (ie. arrow traps) - [+] simplify monster spellcasting - [+] don't use any mp - [+] select power based on monster hit dice only - [+] monsters should cast spells less often - use f_castchance, default of 15% chance - [+] TEST - [+] you keep your own mpdice when polymorphing into a mosnter - [+] fxied: throw a tranq dart, then: - [+] The cockatrice loses consciousness. The cockatrice falls asleep. - [+] bug: can't operate a fridge on the ground cause it's too heavy to lift - [+] monsters generated on dark levels should always have seeindark 3-4 - [+] vending machines not working... fixed. - [+] in getchoicestr: - [+] if !showall, and if it shows a longdesc, then you hit backspace, longdesc should be cleared. - [+] show completion in a different colour - [+] bug: sometimes we seem to have map->room[x], but no cells with cell->room->id == thatid!! - [+] stop vaults from overlapping. - [+] taking too long to walk down levels - enforce max number of monster free turns - [+] inept weapon penalty should be slightly higher - [+] bad feeling check is too easy. - [+] skeletons should have f_noinjuries - [+] shouldn't check for slipping on things while swimming - [+] tweak how traps + perception skill impact search checks - [+] bug: sometimes we have no player start position. - [+] if the vault creation fails, restart map generation. - [+] only give study scroll ability at high spellcasting skill - [+] typo: ring (1 charges left) * [+] god effects when you die: - [+] pea soup should work in the cell in FRONT of you. - [+] bug: ring of control seems to work when you _weild_ it!! - [+] non-lethal weapons - [+] sword of mercy (at <1hp, ko) - [+] tranq dart - [+] add sleeptypes - [+] change all refernces to f_asleep->val[1] (now an enum) - [+] change "stirs in its slumber" if unconscious - [+] change all 'fallasleep' calls - [+] attacking a ko'd enemy with merciful weapon should do nothing. - [+] ai shouldn't target ko'd enemies - [+] ai should stop targetting people once they're dead/ko'd - [+] bashing damage should sometimes just knock unconscious instead of killing? - [+] if their hp would be >= -3, and onein(2) - [+] different body part names? "metal frame" instead of "body" - [+] implement F_BPNAME, v0=enum bodypart, text = name - [+] getbodypartname() needs a lf argument. - [+] once i add this, also make animals have "front legs" instead of "arms", "paws" rather than "hands" etc. - [+] fix calls to getbodypartname to pass in lf or null - [+] cyborg mods: - [+] can't wear most armour? - [+] need f_noarmouron - we HAVE this bp, but can't put armour on it. - [+] large rust damage from water - [+] if you have a bad feeling about an object, mark it as "[bad]" - [+] f_knownbad - [+] killing should anger the god of mercy
2011-09-22 12:00:16 +10:00
int getobmaxhp(object_t *o);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
int getletindex(char let);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int getmaterialvalue(enum MATERIAL mat );
int getmaxthrowrange(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
char getnextletter(obpile_t *op, char *wantletter);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int getnumshards(object_t *o);
int getnutritionbase(object_t *o);
int getnutrition(object_t *o);
Monster AI improvements: - [+] replace f_target with f_targetlf - [+] wantrange. for melee fighters (default), it's 0. for spells/archers, it's higiher. - [+] if we are further away than bestrange, move towards. - [+] if we are closer than bestrange, move away - [+] AND: move to wantrange before doing spells etc - [+] if we have a ranged attack and wantrange is default, increase it. - [+] in movetowards/away, cells in the wrong dir should NEVER be acceptable! * [+] mflag_push for monsters er-ai-part-three.html - [+] randomly use ranged attacks when adjacent * [+] show trail in askcoords - [+] when throwing, pass range to askcoords - [+] max monsters per room is depth + 1 * [+] why do humans take ages to appear? - [+] fireball spell is slow - [+] why can i throw objects through magic barriers? - [+] add a bonus for mastery of cartography - magic mapping every 50 turns. - [+] crash with monsters moving off edge of world map - [+] make magic barriers be ON stairs, not around them. - [+] handle DIAGONAL entry to maps - [+] OR make this impossible. - [+] druid should get auto nature knoeldge as they levle up (levs 5 10 15). - [+] CRASH flagpile corrupt - [+] happening during AI movement. - [+] make lightning storm only hit enemies - [+] store last known movement dir in TARGETLF and PETOF. - [+] limit monsters per room not working?!?! - [+] make askcoords let you show object piles with . - [+] make askcoords say "A magical barrier (+xx other objects)" - [+] combine getlastknownmovedir into getlastknowncell * [+] BUG: secret doors are showing up as . again! * [+] implement trails (footprints & scent) * [+] aimovetowardslf(lf, wantattack) * [+] make pets use wantdist code? - [+] what does expert/master tracking give you? - [+] ex: your tracks don't last as long - [+] ms: you don't leave tracks. - [+] change f_reducemovement from multiplier to addition - [+] comma still showing up scents and footprints incorrectly!!!!!!!! Initial shallow/deep water: - [+] restrict movement - [+] check for drowning in turneffectslf AND movelf - [+] warn before walking onto dangerous objects. - [+] change how walkdam works for deepwater. - [+] don't use walkdam flags. - [+] don't make splashes of water on top of deepwater. * [+] deep water will drown you if - [+] don't leave footprints in either - [+] create steam on fire damage, but don't CONVERT to it. - [+] f_waterbreathing - [+] can't drown in water - [+] extra damage from cold/elec if in deep/shallow water Initial swimming implementation * [+] sacred/cursed ground - [+] vending machine - [+] don't transfer f_rarity flag when making objects / lifeforms. Initial work on adding a goal to the game!
2011-05-25 12:12:00 +10:00
enum DEPTH getobdepth(object_t *o, lifeform_t *lf);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
char *getobdesc(object_t *o, char *buf);
- [+] bug: "10 flaming arrows ##########\n are no longer on fire" - [+] bug: when wearing no boots: "A small puddle of water hits you!" - [+] animated zombie keeps changing colour * [+] wizard special case: * [+] bug - walked down stiars on top of a monster - [+] change "haslof" to come from a cell - [+] replace WE_NOTSOLID with WE_WALKABLE - [+] show hp/mp in colour - [+] invis potion should always traget user - [+] generic functions to curse/uncurse an object - [+] not prompting for statgain after training properly. fixed. * [+] pressing a key should interrupt resting * [+] implement doublebuffering for screen - [+] don't show attack dmg for mosnters - [+] reduce sprint time - [+] if a monster is chasing someone (ie has F_TARGET), then don't consider cursed ob ells as valid - [+] don't hear noises when in battle - [+] colourise attribs on status bar * [+] askob/askobmulti - [+] "lockpick with what" showing too much * [+] inventoy colours - [+] "masterwork stick" ?! - [+] poison: save to get rid of poison should be HARDER than save to prevent getting it * [+] why are xats starting off carrying objects ? * [+] small chance of catching a thrown missile if you have very high dex * [+] if you polymorphed on purpose, have a "revert to original form" ability - [+] nausea should only affect humanoids - [+] BUG displaying knowledge when it goes longer than 1 screen. - [+] monsters are attacking each other again! fixed? * [+] BUG: when i load a game, i gain all knowledge! - [+] more pole weapons * [+] disarming weapons * [+] tripping weapons * [+] MORE ISSUES with askobject * [+] validatelf - [+] fix bug with poison triggering too often - [+] chance of retching when nauseated. no hp loss, but takes time. - [+] monsters shouldn't throw stuff if they don't have lof. - [+] fix crash in knockbackob->fireat, caused by thrower == null - [+] let high powered KNOCK knockback creatures again ? - [+] test function to dump out: dungeonlev which_monsters_can_appear - [+] firstaid tells you how long poison will last and whether it's lifethreatenting? * [+] high level listen gives more info - [+] wind shield spell - [+] repels all missiles of speed <= power - [+] variable level spells - [+] F_VARLEVEL - [+] when you cast, say "cast at how much power" with choices "Power II (5 MP)" - [+] show in spell list: "5-10 MP" - [+] replace ARBOOST with MAGICARMOUR - [+] needan() * [+] move psychic shield check into losehp - [+] high level detectlife should show actual lf glyphs - [+] control which jobs can learn which new skills. - [+] F_CANLEARN xxx - [+] remember last target from spells - [+] askcoords = does lf for lastlftarg exist? if not, set it to null - [+] if so, start with it - [+] when you pick one, set it. - [+] F_SHIELDPENALTY - modifies accuracy. * [+] stop wizards from using shields
2011-04-06 17:27:55 +10:00
char *getobequipinfo(object_t *o, char *buf);
2011-03-04 12:22:36 +11:00
char *getobextrainfo(object_t *o, char *buf);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
cell_t *getoblocation(object_t *o);
cell_t *getobpilelocation(obpile_t *op);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
char *getobname(object_t *o, char *buf, int count);
char *getshardobname(enum MATERIAL mid, char *buf);
* [+] let credit cards be used at some shops? * [+] bug with adding obejcts to shops - [+] issue with objects dying and killing their flagpiles - [+] A medium fire dies down a little. A medium fire is no longer glowing. - [+] shouldn't say "is no longer glowing" when we're changing the type... ? - [+] put a breakpoint on "is no longer glowing" * [+] let you bless objects using a holy circle somehow (but it might make the circle disappear?). - [+] darness bug - need to recalc light for anyone who sees a cell's lightlevel change. - [+] call more() after showing vaultentertext() - [+] remove "inspected" when you ident or makeknown an object. - [+] BUG - no objects in inventory!!!! - [+] listobs failing? mylist[0] = null. MEMLEAK - [+] finish implementing CLEANUP() - [+] crash in cleanup() -> killot() -> findleak.c_stuff while freeing STACKABLE flag from cactus fruit??? - [+] better now? - [+] now a crash freeing hiddennames! - [+] forgot to free obmods - [+] leaking approx. 1 meg per turn! - [+] where am i leaking?! maybe try valgrind or findleak.c - [+] findleak.c now finds nothing. - [+] but i am sitll leaking????? - [+] related to lifeform count. killing all but player dramatically slows it. - [+] check calclos()... looks okay. - [+] setcellknown() ?no. - [+] startlfturn?? no. - [+] remove unused "lf->viscell" - [+] when there are 2 things in a cell, say "you see x and x here." - [+] restore original stast when polymorphing back to original form!!! - [+] when making shops, pick new ones more often. - [+] change to maps: don't let vaults overlap. - [+] HARDCODE object values - [+] potions - [+] tech - [+] tools - [+] rings - [+] increase evasion skill effects - [+] changes to animradial... and animradialorth - [+] combine into one function - [+] move msg into here - [+] refs to spellcloud() - [+] refs to animradial() - [+] fire should spread onto flammable lifeforms - [+] bug: attack flurry doesn't work for monk - [+] let monsters climb even when not facing a wall? - [+] set their facing first. - [+] CRASH when you die while climbing (or on a solid cell) - [+] rings - [+] stench - [+] breath water - [+] detect life - [+] deceleration - [+] meditation - [+] reflection - [+] boost magic power - [+] education - gain xpskills more quickly - [+] crit protection - [+] greed - detect obs - [+] ivy - grows! - [+] ragefungus - bezerk spores - [+] nutter - drops peanuts - [+] dish which slightly increases maxhp (beginner level) - [+] stuffed mushroom. shiitake mushroom + bread
2011-12-08 13:55:14 +11:00
char *getshopobname(object_t *o, char *buf, int count);
* [+] F_prone if you're knocked down - [+] make sheilds very good against projectiles - [+] make smoke just REDUCE vision, not block it. - [+] noncorporeal should stop grabs! * [+] don't say 'a javelin is damaged' when you throw it, just apply the damge - [+] increase damage bonus with every lore level. +10% each time (ie. up to 50% at top) * [+] give accuracy + critical bonus for lore levles too - [+] typo: Enhance which skill enhance (1 left)? ['=next page,?=toggle] - [+] Show Pain on botl. * [+] more staves - [+] low hitpoint warning for pets (or make them shriek, whine, etc) - [+] CRITKNOCKDOWN * [+] FINISH GRIZZLY - [+] undead should be immune to poison!! - [+] make code to auto add flags to undead. - [+] if you ever move a door (ie. airblast), automatically open it. - [+] young wolf shouldn't be able to open a door! * [+] You throw a dart at the carpet snake. Your dart misses you.--More-- - [+] no sprinting while burdneed - [+] blood should be drawn BELOW stairs - [+] weilded torch should do 1d4 fire damage (counts as a club) * [+] The skeleton touches a leather belt then recoils in pain!The skeleton drops a blessed leather belt.The skeleton puts on a leather belt. - [+] don't show "you can cast it at power level xxx" for abilities * [+] more item randomising - [+] make grey ooze splatter into acid - [+] "the vine grabs you" if you walk onto an entangling vine. - [+] don't start monsters within player's los - [+] properly randomise sticks to snakes - [+] stirge - [+] leech (like stirge but can charge/leap, and slightly more hp / damage) - [+] treesnake - [+] constrictor - [+] cobra - [+] stickes to snakes - make caster's weapon revert. - [+] A something comes into view. - [+] is invisibility code working properly when you see someone use the invis spell? - [+] don't include cosmetic objects in 'you see xxx' * [+] monsters: don't use spells if you don't have lof. - [+] pets not following around corners if you move diagonally. fixed a little. - [+] summon small animals (2-3 x SZ_SMALL) * [+] jet of water - [+] summon medium animals (2-4 x SZ_MEDIUM, wolf etc) - [+] lightning storm (lightbning everyone within los, and more damage) - [+] summon large animals (SZ_LARGE, horse, bear etc)
2011-05-03 17:34:07 +10:00
char *getobnametrue(object_t *o, char *buf, int count);
char *real_getobname(object_t *o, char *buf, int count, int wantpremods, int wantcondition, int adjustforblind, int wantblesscurse, int showall);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
float getobpileweight(obpile_t *op);
char *getobconditionname(object_t *o, char *buf);
char *getobhurtname(object_t *o, enum DAMTYPE damtype);
float getobweight(object_t *o);
float getobunitweight(object_t *o);
objecttype_t *getoppositestairs(objecttype_t *ot);
- [+] ob1() macros - [+] healing potions should heal even "permenant" injuries - [+] potions/spells - [+] summon decoy (chicken horde) spell - "friends!" - [+] potion of spider climb (arachnid adhesion) - [+] gloves of the spider - [+] F_startobwepskill sk_shortblades etc - [+] change mosnter starting weapons to be based on wepsk, not specific named weapons - [+] make wrapprint cope properly with 0 length strings - [+] fix io.c showlfstats layout - [+] fountains of xp should always dry up after one use! - [+] plants shouldn't leave footprints! - [+] fix overcomplicated code in updateknowncells - [+] you always "see" allies following you down/up stairs, even if they are behind you. - [+] remove dtresist slash from skeletons - their bone skin reduces this already. - [+] leave dtresist pierce because it's hard to hit them. - [+] confirm gold amount when donating to shops - [+] increase piety by half of any gold donated to temples - [+] move hp, mp, sp to same line as target, and make them into bars - [+] HP:[ 11 / 11 ] - [+] makebar(window,min,max, loss,barcol, losscol) - [+] print the prefix: "HP:[" - [+] construct the bar string to fit into 10 chars: " 11 / 11 " - [+] print it one char at a time, setting bg as follows: - [+] background: - [+] 0 - min is barcol - [+] min+1 - min+loss is losscol - [+] rest is black - [+] print the suffix: "] " - [+] remember last dam amount for hp. - [+] show mp and stamina like this too. - [+] update viewpoint sooner when moving vertically - [+] if you can't comprehend the contents of a spellbook, don't ID it! - [+] hpbar: pass textcol and texcolwithbg - [+] show f_stability in @e - [+] don't identify tech inside shops if it's beyond your skill level - [+] bug: "a cursed +-1 ring of dexterity" - [+] enraged or deaf lfs shouldn't respond to chats - [+] drawbar: show mp/sp text in orange if it's at 0. - [+] allow vegetarians to eat frozen corpses. - [+] anything flying + stunned loses flying. - [+] chance for monsters to throw missiles is reduced when acc < C - [+] use same code as firearms - [+] undead shouldn't lose consciousness - they should jsut die.
2011-12-06 04:03:47 +11:00
char *real_getrandomob(map_t *map, char *buf, int forcedepth, int forcehabitat, enum LFSIZE maxsize, enum SKILL wepsk, int forpickup, ... );
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
char *getrandomob(map_t *map, char *buf);
* [+] make vending machines use this container code instead. - [+] don't say "you see a few things" if one of them is footsteps * [+] IFMONSTER code failing....because flags are now SORTED!!! - [+] tumble - askcoords is letting us pick a cell we don't have lof to. * [+] assign a name to lfs once you hire them * [+] coloured msgtext - [+] make min dam reduction from AR be AR/5. - [+] safebox - [+] if intelligent, prompt before walking into RESTRICTMOVEMENT with no getsweaker (val1) * [+] make fire / ice damage mor elike netheck - [+] towns should have gates on EVERY side - [+] forest cells outside town gates need to be CLEARED. (maybe turn to dirt) - [+] fix up knock targetting to include magical barriers - [+] say "open a bag?" not "operate a bag?" * [+] implement immunetodisease - [+] sort known skills in @s. - [+] better damage bonus when attacking someone who is asleep - [+] practive firearms/throwing * [+] need objecttype->size * [+] containers * [+] change guns so you have to reload them. ("operate") - [+] crash when loading map with water - [+] SAVE OBJECT CONTENTSk - [+] monsters with jobs aren't getting start items - [+] shopkeeper has shotgun - [+] bug: monster keeps swapping between shotgun and flail - [+] when hiring, remember failure. * [+] Inn - [+] bug: pets fighting!!! then they all turn on you. never make allies get angry unless the attacker is the player * [+] hiring npcs - [+] chat to pet: "stay close" or "keep your distance" - [+] new 'furniture' obclass - [+] allow for 'randomshop' regiontype * [+] add enchantment school - [+] cast a scroll of mending on itself. CRASH. * [+] lessengravity should make you jump better and get knocked back further - [+] boostgrav/lessengrav cancel out each other. * [+] CRASH when you fall down a hole and die. - [+] problem: master gravitation doesn't let us cast levitat. getspellschoolknown() should return the HIGHEST known skill, not the first. * [+] bug: dregion is null?!??! * [+] dig a pit, if you cleared out land below, you just stay down there. - [+] potion of leveitation - [+] warning msg when levitate is about to expire * [+] if you fall upwards to the surface... * [+] if you are ever on the surface while levitating.... - [+] BUG: cna't go up stairs to surface anymore!!!!! - [+] get hungry LOTS more quickly when you start sprinting * [+] monk slow metabolism psionic pell. - [+] fix buf with lore giving LESS accuracy instead of more. - [+] food shop - [+] wand of digging not identified if you dig upwards * [+] when you make ah ole in the roof, objects above should fall through right away * [+] all towns should have: - [+] give monks more psionics spells. - [+] sk_throwing skill - [+] make calm animals use spellpower * [+] add wisdom * [+] need to save region data along with maps * [+] COMBINE armour evasion and accuracy penalty!!! * [+] make armour reduce accuracy as well (unless you have 'armour' skill) - [+] landmine trap * [+] make friendly monsters of same raceclass swap ammo - [+] rename 'pull' to 'suck' to avoid confusion with pull metal * [+] food to fix blindness - [+] potion of coffee * [+] genericise statbrackets * [+] tumble ability * [+] simplify spell power * [+] shopkeeprs should be allowed to pursue targets outside of the shop. - [+] give shopkeepers a shotgun * [+] make F_RNDHOSTILE be able to ahve a random chance. * [+] if you randomly generate food in a shop, still give it a price. - [+] if peaceful humanoid walks into you, "sorry!" - [+] sayphrase(lf, SP_SORRY, vol) - [+] only let you recruit jobs with j_recruitable - [+] CRASH - summon "monk" - [+] dogs, - [+] chickens, - [+] drunks, * [+] village objects - [+] change armourrating AGAIN. instead of a percentage, make it a number. - [+] rename inn to "pub", since you can't sleep there. * [+] random speech code * [+] genericise sayphrase text based on lf's job * [+] monks - add rest of abliities - [+] add fiengdeath ability to some monsters
2011-07-14 07:40:28 +10:00
char *getrandomobofsize(map_t *map, char *buf, enum LFSIZE maxsize);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
char *getrandomobwithdt(map_t *map, enum DAMTYPE damtype, char *buf);
char *getrandomobwithclass(map_t *map, enum OBCLASS cid, char *buf, int depthmod);
- [+] monster: triclops. perception. vuln to light. - [+] flying creatures shoudl fall to the ground when unconscious - [+] (this might kill them) - [+] animate statue - bring statue to life - [+] excavate - radial, obliterate walls + obs, doesn't affect lfs - [+] test unicode wall glyph! 0x2588 - [+] use unicode for gas - [+] change f_glyph so that v1 = symbol, instead of text = symbol - [+] change code - [+] change definitions (macro) - [+] test - [+] implement puff = UNI_SHADELIGHT - [+] implement cloud = bolded - [+] if good, extend to staem etc - [+] blue background for lfs in the water - [+] prone in water means effective lower height - [+] glass/ice cells not shattering properly - [+] make magic barriers be solid too - [+] combine lockpick code in io.c and objects.c into the lockpick() function. - [+] first ask what to use (if required) - [+] then ask what dir (if required) - [+] then ask what to unlock (if reuiqred) - [+] then do it - [+] locked containers - [+] picklocks prompts to try them. - [+] in addob, use non-inheritable f_lockedchance for both doors and chests? - [+] v0 = chance v1 = mod per depth - [+] doors: - [+] base 20% chance locked - [+] every 5 levels, add 10% chance - [+] add this to chests / safeboxes - [+] operate doesn't let you open them - [+] bugs in linkexits and linkexit - [+] linkexits: wasn't checking the correct exit cell!!! - [+] lnkexit: wasn't blanking the startcell GRATINGS: - [+] flags: - [+] addflag(lastot->flags, F_OPPOSITESTAIRS, OT_HOLEINROOF, NA, NA, NULL); - [+] climbable d_down NA - [+] BUT you can't climb it if it's locked. - [+] usestairs() - if you climb a grating and it has no maplink: - [+] use createregionlink(map, cell, grating_object, NULL, RG_SEWER, map->region) - [+] make stench affect enhancedsmell creatures more. - [+] excavate should only affect SOLID matter. - [+] going down a drain: - [+] "You walk down a staircase" should be "climb down a drain" - [+] deep slime in sewers sohuldn't spread - [+] deep slime should spread to a slime puddle if it does.... - [+] fix background glyph colour for slime - [+] killed by drowning should really be "drowned in %s" SEWER HABITAT - [+] permenant stench - [+] if you're in a sewer cell and are not nauseated, add it. - [+] nauseated doesn't expire in sewers. - [+] add RG_SEWER - [+] new regiontype - RG_SEWER - [+] map: - [+] pick size 2 - 5 - [+] start at x=2,y=2 - [+] add square 3x3 rooms in gridlike layout (but need space for 5) - [+] connect rooms to orthogonally adjacent ones with passages - [+] use addexits(). no exits on outer walls. - [+] fill all empty cells with low floor and water (but NOt the one with the exit!) - [+] any solid with orthogonally adjacent water changes to a walkway - [+] cope with different x/y room counts - [+] cope with differnet vert/horz corridor sizes. - [+] horz = 2 - [+] vert = 1 - [+] random room size - [+] allow objectclasses to have f_rarity - [+] modify getrandomobcalss - [+] but DONT make objects inherit it!!! - [+] this is used to override selection hased on habitat - modify getrandomobcalss appropriately - [+] random objects/treasure: - [+] add these only in non-water cells?? - [+] move all obs from water clls to random land cells - [+] frequent - [+] vomit - [+] soggy paper - [+] rotted food (add f_tainted to it) - [+] common - [+] wep/arm - [+] all wep/arm are shoddy in sewers - [+] uncommon - [+] rings (higher than normal chance - they were lost down sinks) - [+] occasional tech - [+] bug: playerstart3 vault filled with walls when made randomly! - [+] death speech text for intelligent monsters - [+] 'aaargh!' - [+] 'this isn't over!' - [+] BUG: linkexits() - gettings exits in the wrong place. maybe not taking rotation into account??? - [+] for example in playerstart_5 vault, found an 'exit' at the x: - [+] this comes from the map flag f_roomexit, x, y - [+] the flag may have bene added from autodoors() - [+] have changed code so that f_roomexti uses text field to say who added it
2011-11-29 13:25:04 +11:00
enum OBCLASS getrandomobclass(enum HABITAT hab);
- [+] implement getradiuscells() - [+] evaporate spell - turn water into steam - [+] monster generation bug? even on dlev10 i'm stil getting mostly kobolds - [+] ai infinint eloop again - frost hawk trying to open door - [+] another infinite loop - not falling through after spell failure. * [+] reduce attack delay for most weapons. - [+] letplayer see a tiny bit in the dark (1 cell ?) - [+] beginner tracking not working - fixed. - [+] only show "...but do no damage" if you have good knowledge about their race. - [+] make gold lighter * [+] footprints glyph shouldn't override pudles of water! - [+] only show eviscerate etc if you have good knowledge? - [+] don't start monsters on the stairs/magical barriers!!! - [+] stone should be immune to more damage types * [+] addexits adding way too many exits. - [+] blessed identify should ID everything - [+] blessed mending mends all - [+] don't make noise when slowmoving. - [+] eyebat dispersal big: The eyebat's strong scent leading north disappears! - [+] go over footprint+scent+corpse and pickup:"You can't pick up footprints!" * [+] doors can't do on top of each other!!! * [+] low ground - [+] make sure you can't have more than one "water" object in a cell. * [+] make val2 of rarity be "common/uncommon/rare" etc - [+] more monster types should appear in the forest. - [+] when i go down stairs into a dark area, "it is pitch black!" is being cleared. * [+] helm of the poltergeist - [+] flying creatures get penalties in webs etc - [+] blind things shoudln't follow up/donw stairs - [+] You shout a blood-curdling war cry! The sawgrass turns to flee from you! - [+] potions still worth too much. minor healing was 420!! - [+] AI should only go towards covetted object if it's closer or the same distanec as target. - [+] branded objects should be worth LOTS - at the moment they're worth 1!! * [+] maybe just adjust value of rarity? - [+] don't roll spot checks while training! * [+] replace f_nofeel with: - [+] revenge did too much damage (50) * [+] change how AR works - [+] need to add: "really walk into a falling rock trap" ? - [+] put only ONE staircase going up on dlev 0 - [+] why am i stopping sprinting after 1 move? * [+] somehow make sure mosnters can't see footprints in a cell with mist - [+] bones shouldn't be able to catch on fire. - [+] when you levle up, gainskill BEFORE getting new spells - [+] put out flaming objects after pickup * [+] don't say "really target yourself?" when using a potion of sleep!! - [+] enhance a random skill when levelling up? every 2 levels? - [+] weaken koboldsa little - less change of javelin - [+] don't drown instantly - take a few turns, depending on CON * [+] create vault spell for debugging ??? - [+] doors in the middle of rooms. - [+] highlight selected choice in askstr - [+] flooded_room being created without walls!!!!!! - [+] describe spell from levleup not working * [+] GETROOMEDGE RETURNING NO CELLS for circularroom!!!!! - [+] fire wizard not prompted to get firedart at l2.. Vaults * [+] X corridor - - [+] crosshatch - [+] should water be ~ instead ?? and change whatever is currently a tilde to something else... Initial work on goal: - [+] surround all stairs with barriers - [+] start player NEAR stairs (randomadjcell from stairs, allowexpand) + methods of escape - [+] knock scroll - [+] digging (but it stops the dig from going any further)
2011-06-09 18:58:35 +10:00
int getobrarity(object_t *o, enum RARITY *rr);
2011-03-04 12:22:36 +11:00
enum SPELLSCHOOL getschool(enum OBTYPE sid);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
char *getschoolname(enum SPELLSCHOOL sch);
- [+] young hawk moving very slowly? was healing. - [+] make monsters heal faster when resting - [+] make pet rest when you do - [+] allow 'R' to heal allies - [+] F_RESTUNTILALLIES - [+] mindless/animal mosnters won't throw things - [+] announceflag for attrset not working * [+] feeblemind spell - reduces intelligence to ANIMAL. - [+] ai: if we are carrying too much, drop something (non-weapons/armour first) - [+] teleport spell should teleport any adjacent allies too. * [+] new 'C'hat commands: * [+] change 'resist elements' potion to 'rum' * [+] notify when pet is low on hp - [+] why could a pirate use a biuckler? * [+] genericise usage of canhaveobmod! - [+] armour mod: blooodstained. adds scary. - [+] CRASH when you have two weapons and catch a glowbug in your flask. * [+] potion of restoration onto frozen axe: - [+] slow spell repeated message: The brown snake looks sluggish. The brown snake is now moving slower. - [+] make you only hear one thing each turn ? - [+] always draw impassable objects on top - [+] special ash - [+] exploding powder - explode in radius 1 around player (including player) - [+] concealing powder - create smoke cloud radius 3 around player - [+] redo levelup logic. - [+] trigger LevUp when you have 'newskillready' - [+] announce when you gain level. - [+] can't gain more experience when LevUp! - [+] only update maxhp/mp from new level after you train - [+] diety can't use abilities. fixed. * [+] when i exit from@S output, statbar isn't redrawn * [+] make SKILLS page show which skills you can learn. - [+] In @s, downline isn't showing the title on the second page of SKILLS... - [+] show POWER in @M spells page - [+] ###--- - [+] show cost RANGE in @M for varpower ones - [+] need getspellcosttext(spellid, power, buf) function - [+] 25-62MP - [+] leftover rubbish chars at end of ---- in doheading() - [+] mosnters should follow you up/down stairs * [+] different poison types - [+] implement tremorsense (like darkvision butrun can't be blinded etc) * [+] implement HIDE ability * [+] Thief job - [+] if you walk into a room and every cell is lit, reveal it all. - [+] auto-learn jump ability with high athletics skill * [+] secret doors - [+] items to spot secret doors - [+] gem of seeing - [+] ENHANCESEARCH - [+] F_SEEINVIS - [+] spell: "reveal hidden" - [+] shows secret doors - [+] removes invisibility - [+] wand of detect hidden - [+] ... casts the spell
2011-04-14 09:44:29 +10:00
char *getschoolnameshort(enum SPELLSCHOOL sch);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int getshatterdam(object_t *o);
float getshopprice(object_t *o, lifeform_t *buyer);
int getstairdirection(object_t *o);
enum SKILLLEVEL gettechlevel(enum OBTYPE oid);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int getthrowdam(object_t *o);
Monster AI improvements: - [+] replace f_target with f_targetlf - [+] wantrange. for melee fighters (default), it's 0. for spells/archers, it's higiher. - [+] if we are further away than bestrange, move towards. - [+] if we are closer than bestrange, move away - [+] AND: move to wantrange before doing spells etc - [+] if we have a ranged attack and wantrange is default, increase it. - [+] in movetowards/away, cells in the wrong dir should NEVER be acceptable! * [+] mflag_push for monsters er-ai-part-three.html - [+] randomly use ranged attacks when adjacent * [+] show trail in askcoords - [+] when throwing, pass range to askcoords - [+] max monsters per room is depth + 1 * [+] why do humans take ages to appear? - [+] fireball spell is slow - [+] why can i throw objects through magic barriers? - [+] add a bonus for mastery of cartography - magic mapping every 50 turns. - [+] crash with monsters moving off edge of world map - [+] make magic barriers be ON stairs, not around them. - [+] handle DIAGONAL entry to maps - [+] OR make this impossible. - [+] druid should get auto nature knoeldge as they levle up (levs 5 10 15). - [+] CRASH flagpile corrupt - [+] happening during AI movement. - [+] make lightning storm only hit enemies - [+] store last known movement dir in TARGETLF and PETOF. - [+] limit monsters per room not working?!?! - [+] make askcoords let you show object piles with . - [+] make askcoords say "A magical barrier (+xx other objects)" - [+] combine getlastknownmovedir into getlastknowncell * [+] BUG: secret doors are showing up as . again! * [+] implement trails (footprints & scent) * [+] aimovetowardslf(lf, wantattack) * [+] make pets use wantdist code? - [+] what does expert/master tracking give you? - [+] ex: your tracks don't last as long - [+] ms: you don't leave tracks. - [+] change f_reducemovement from multiplier to addition - [+] comma still showing up scents and footprints incorrectly!!!!!!!! Initial shallow/deep water: - [+] restrict movement - [+] check for drowning in turneffectslf AND movelf - [+] warn before walking onto dangerous objects. - [+] change how walkdam works for deepwater. - [+] don't use walkdam flags. - [+] don't make splashes of water on top of deepwater. * [+] deep water will drown you if - [+] don't leave footprints in either - [+] create steam on fire damage, but don't CONVERT to it. - [+] f_waterbreathing - [+] can't drown in water - [+] extra damage from cold/elec if in deep/shallow water Initial swimming implementation * [+] sacred/cursed ground - [+] vending machine - [+] don't transfer f_rarity flag when making objects / lifeforms. Initial work on adding a goal to the game!
2011-05-25 12:12:00 +10:00
char *gettopobname(cell_t *c, char *retbuf);
* [+] calcxp - [+] more low power rings - [+] don't think book names are being randomized - always 'azure' - [+] charm moidifications - [+] possession modifications - [+] troglodyte being made with 180180108180180 mp!! * [+] gain skills on level up for some jobs - [+] only magic/blessed weapons can hit noncorporeal things. - [+] monsters shouldn't walk into walls to attack things there. - [+] The skeleton slams you with a boulder.--More--Innate Attack: boulder . was a bug in HASATTACK - [+] no polymorphing into undead. - [+] missiles shoudl always miss noncorporeal things! - [+] need OFFMAP as well as WALLINWAY - [+] can't possess undead - [+] less charges in wands - [+] when a thrown potion misses, "xx is destroyed" rather than "xx shatters!" - [+] instead of "act:slow mv: slow", just "slow" - [+] sprinting: "you are exhausted" isn't triggering statdirty - [+] On status, use '' '' usbtead if "Very" etc - [+] allies shouldn't attack peaceful things. - [+] make fleeing lfs use stairs - [+] undead can't start with blessed objects. - [+] undead can't touch blessed objects * [+] GHOST * [+] PET code - [+] can't trade items if your ally has NOPACK - [+] make sure shared xp is working * [+] firstaid skill shows extra mosnter hp info * [+] more low power wands - at the moment it's always light or pwoer - [+] pets: say 'your xxx' instead of 'the xxx' * [+] pets: dancing weapons should be pets - [+] need f_allyof as well so that allies will stay close. - [+] difference is that allies aren't called "your" - [+] AND no alignment penalty for attacking allies? - [+] in lfstats, move physical stuff BACK to first page!!! - [+] remove ally/pet flag when you die * [+] pirate job * [+] let firearms go into primary hand. test with PIRATE. - [+] when fighting with a non-weapon: "you whack the xxx with xxx" - [+] add specific attack verbs to weapons - [+] F_ATTACKVERB, dampct between v0 and v1, "stabs" - [+] make showlfarmour() use colours
2011-04-11 15:05:45 +10:00
enum BODYPART getweildloc(object_t *o, enum BODYPART *otherloc, int *twohanded);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int hasedibleob(obpile_t *op);
object_t *hasequippedobid(obpile_t *op, enum OBTYPE oid);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
object_t *hasknownob(obpile_t *op, enum OBTYPE oid);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
object_t *hasob(obpile_t *op, enum OBTYPE oid);
2011-03-16 15:45:46 +11:00
object_t *hasobletter(obpile_t *op, char letter);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
object_t *hasobofclass(obpile_t *op, enum OBCLASS cid);
object_t *hasobofmaterial(obpile_t *op, enum MATERIAL mid);
- [+] make "fear" be used to flee, not attack - [+] CRASH in linkexit() - [+] make most monsters either have sk_perception at least novice. - [+] show success rate when studying scrolls - [+] bug: unable to drink from fountains anymore - [+] always use multidrop - this will free up 'D' - [+] forest tree cluster maps are not working - only a single tree in each cluster! - [+] crash - ghost adding footprint to solid cell! - [+] amberon's wrath for attacking peaceful should happen once per ATTACK, not once per HIT - [+] show cells outside LOS as blue or darkgrey - [+] Don't place normal rooms next to the edge of the map either!! - [+] getradiuscells(scatter) needs an option to include density - [+] then make absolute zero have high density * [+] summoning spells on pentagram will summon a demon instead - [+] "confusion" / "baffle" mental spell - l2 - [+] add 'concussion' injury (head bash) - confusion effect. - [+] iswoozy checks for this. - [+] severed limbs -"frominjury" so taht you can heal them - [+] linkexit() needs to be able to handle making THREE turns: - [+] when looking for turnpos, remember each up/down celll - [+] if we don't find one ("annot find a way to link up") , go through each up/down cell and look left/right - [+] fix is in place. - [+] tested. - [+] bug: doors being placed on top of rock walls!!! think this is related to fix_deadends. - [+] assert statement added. * [+] bug: no up stairs generated on first dungeon map! was being removed by clearcell() for overlapping rooms. - [+] mass stun spell - l4. stuns all in los ? * [+] make "stun" / massstun durations be 2-4 depending on power - [+] "restricted" jobs/races? - [+] don't put shopkeepers in pubs - [+] make a per-map maxvisrange. the deeper you go, the lower this gets (ie . it is darker, less ambientlight) - [+] limit getvisrange(lf) by getmapmaxvisrange() - [+] map->habitat->maxvisrange. set this during createhabitat() - [+] reduce maxvisrange - [+] reduce it to 6 - [+] why can i still see 1 cell? - [+] why can i still always see my own cell? - [+] when in pitch black for a certain amount of time, your vision adjusts to maxrange=1 - [+] ie. getnightvisrange(lf) should be modified by lf->eyeadjustment - [+] reset if you can ever see a lit cell. - [+] when this happens to the player: - [+] msgs about this - [+] also force light recalc - [+] only recalc light when dirty - [+] if we call "haslos()" for a lf and they have losdirty, precalclos first. - [+] vis range problems - [+] sunglasses/footballhelm visrangereduce isn't working anymore - [+] it's reducing maxvisrange(lf). - [+] BUT - my maxvisrange is 5, which is still higher than the ambient range. - [+] need to apply reductions AFTER ambient light - [+] NOW eyeadjustment isn't working. because cell lit is l_temp, not l_notlit. - [+] but if this is the case, why can't i see? anwer: because my visrange has been reduced to 0 due to no ambient light! - [+] so.... how do i make lightt sources override this? - [+] maybe say: if a cell is lit, i can see it, even if it's outside my ambient light. - [+] falling over isn't reducing your visrange anymore - [+] why doesn't eyeadjust make the screen update? - [+] is regular "haslos" code ever used anymore???? - [+] now i can't see lit cells in the darkness again....fixed - [+] after you calm something, give it xpval0 - [+] show message when calm animals fails - [+] check all spell sc_resistmag oskillcheck difficulties - [+] diff should be 20 + (spelllev*2) + power - [+] l1 spell should be diff 20 - [+] l2 should be diff 24 - [+] ... - [+] l7 should be diff 34 - [+] bleeding injuries should make armour "bloodstained" (5% chance per turn) - [+] msgs for "the sun is starting to set" and "the sun is starting to rise" - [+] make 6am, 18pm be constants - [+] add crushed windpipe - lower Fitness, cannot sprint * [+] CRASH when going down stairs! another overlapping room bug i think. - [+] cockatrices and chickens should cluck - [+] canwill param: race:xxx; - [+] define it - [+] use this in "createmonster" - [+] use this in "polymorph" when on self - [+] then remove f_forcepoly - [+] TEST - [+] make playerstart vaults able to appear randomly (just don't place the the "playerstart" object) - [+] redo texttospellopts() to make it more friendly - [+] give a list of what we want as args, rather than passing lots of nulls - [+] "pw:", &localpowervar etc - [+] make "n_lowhp" noisetext happen at END of lf turn - NOT during losehp. - [+] rename turneffectslf() to startlfturn() - [+] show hunger level as a bar in @@ - [+] warn before becoming burdened. - [+] warn when you ARE burdened. at the end of moveob() - [+] l6 - absolute zero (turn everyone around you to ice, freeze all obs, turn ground to ice) - [+] some monsters leave non-meat food behind? - [+] cactus -> cactus juice/fruit - [+] dreamfungus -> sleeping powerder - [+] silver weapons (5% chance on eligible weapons) - [+] hurt vampires - [+] vulnerable to mat??? - then use fromob in losehp() - [+] f_matvuln mt_xxx multiplier - [+] add some silver weapons - [+] f_canbediffmat mt_silver 10% - [+] if f_canbediffmat is true, sometimes change material to this on creation - [+] getobname - if material is differnet, show this - [+] dagger - [+] sword - [+] arrow - [+] bolt - [+] dart - [+] addob should accept 'wantdiffmat'
2011-09-10 09:03:32 +10:00
int hasobmod(object_t *o, obmod_t *om);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
object_t *hasobmulti(obpile_t *op, enum OBTYPE *oid, int noids);
object_t *hasobwithflag(obpile_t *op, enum FLAG flagid);
object_t *hasobwithflagval(obpile_t *op, enum FLAG flagid, int val0, int val1, int val2, char *text);
- [+] add autopop to playerstart vaults - [+] rename magic skills: Magic:Cold - [+] bug: infinite loop in poison arrow trap - make sure the arrow always dies. - [+] bug: c4 didn't kill iron door - [+] implement stamina (float). max is Fit/2 * [+] in startlfturn: - [+] sprinting drains this. - [+] ...then stop using f_sprinting for exhausted - [+] ...and remove f_tired - [+] if exhausted, stop sprinting. (in modstamina) - [+] change crushed windpipe - [+] f_stamcost for abilities. - [+] modify cancast. - [+] tumbling - [+] jumping - [+] rage - [+] swimming - [+] drains stamina like sprinting - [+] if stamina drops to 0, you start drowning. - [+] new spell: lethargy (sets stamina to 0) - [+] if a sleep spell fails, use lethergy instead. - [+] no attacking while stam = 0 ??? - [+] need to update statbar right away when casting ongoing spells. - [+] bug: reading an awareness scroll counting as an active spell! - [+] genericise magic resistance check into a function - [+] "disorient" - l1 mental spell which randomly turns lf, someitmes makes them dizzy - [+] change stun - just means you can't attack, cast spell, use abils * [+] AI shouldn't look for targets if stunned or no stamina * [+] why do mosnters end up facing -1 (d_none) ?? - [+] turn undead problem. - [+] The skeleton turns to flee from you! The skeleton bites you. - [+] crit which spins you around (bash to body) - [+] say "you attack xxx from behind" when you ar ebehidn them and they can't see you - [+] or "you attack the helpless xxx" when thye just can't see you - [+] genericise sacrifice text - [+] fix up weight of heads (8% of body mass) - [+] make attribss do more: - [+] iq: determine how soon you learn new skills (ie. modify SKILLXPPERPOINT) - [+] fit: determines stamina points. - [+] wisdom >= AT_HIGH - [+] warn before wearing/eating/drinking/weilding unknown bad/cursed objects (low chance) - [+] use isbadobject() - [+] chance: - [+] high = 10% - [+] vhigh = 30% - [+] exhigh = 50% - [-] idea: sacrifice to gods to make them happier - [+] mercy: weapons - [+] death: any corpses - [+] thieves: gold
2011-09-15 08:42:54 +10:00
object_t *hasobid(obpile_t *op, long id);
- [+] allies should always give out info without payment - [+] ....but only about their home level! - [+] f_startmapid - [+] cave entrances should make noise - [+] drip - [+] echoing - [+] cope with multiple f_makesnoise flags on objects (pick one randomly) - [+] showlfstats skill display bug - "MORE" keystroke doesn't fall through. - [+] You impale the chicken! The chicken turns to face you. - [+] shouldn't turn to face if your'e dead! - [+] nulllify spell not populating seenbyplayer - [+] crash in createfakes() - [+] animals hsould still walk onto SHARP objects. - [+] secret doors showing up as empty remembered cells when you look away from them (and have lowish cartography) - [+] don't call remove_deadends on vaults. - [+] when walking down stairs to level 3: - [+] ERROR - stairs link to existing map 3('dungeon L2 (id #3)', depth 2), but it has no free stairs - [+] ie. Level 3 has too many up staircases ? no. 3 on all of them. - [+] FIXED. countstairs() was including too much. now using countmapobs(map, stairtype) instead. - [+] The goblin rogue a half-sized leather armour (null). - [+] fixed crash when you cast rage on someone who is eating. - [+] crash when catching a glowbug in a flask - [+] use canreachbp code when selecting armour to damage as well.... ie newt can't hit your helmet! - [+] BUG: "tunnel doing up" went down! - [+] for monsters:auto raise lf stats to match starting weapons - [+] crash in aigetspelltarget() for CLIMB - [+] should deactiveate all spells on polymorph - [+] allow usage of FEIGNDEATH while prone. - [+] make coprses non-stackable - [+] CRASH in animatedead - [+] shouldn't say 'you attack x from behind' if x has awareness
2012-01-06 11:20:57 +11:00
object_t *hassecretdoor(obpile_t *op);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
void identify(object_t *o);
2011-03-04 12:22:36 +11:00
void ignite(object_t *o);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
flag_t *isarmour(object_t *o);
int isactivated(object_t *o);
int isammofor(objecttype_t *ammo, object_t *gun);
* [+] need to set "needredraw" every time we exit: - [+] make eating take longer - depends on lf size and food sizes * [+] stop eating if something attacks you! - [+] change spell code to cope with caster = NULL!! - [+] why are rooms never more than 2 high * [+] traps * [+] eating bug again * [+] disarm trap skill? - [+] lots of needredraw bugs - [+] bug with cursor jumping around lots - [+] draw darkened visible cells in blue * [+] shadow cloak - [+] tree shouldn't prevent resting! - [+] make plants not attack druids * [+] cooking - [+] stop eating if your eating object is no longer with you * [+] FLAG CORRUPTION BUG - [+] pet walking back and forth on rotted objects - [+] purified food shouldn't decay anymore. - [+] plants shouldn't sleep - [+] RESTING on statbar not being cleared. the add of f_interrupted was clearing statdirty before f_asleep got removed in killflag(). - [+] AI: don't eat if in battle - [+] reduce projectile damage - [+] show raceclass in statbars - [+] smoke should make you cough. - [+] when going up levle, only prompt for spells you can cast?? (don't show "NOTCASTABLE") - [+] Your young hawk dies. The stirge releases something! - [+] sleeping thigns shoudn't follow you up/down stairs. - [+] when throw'ng an object, don't let it stack (otherwise we might destroy too much) - [+] don't draw "c - " for nopickup objects. - [+] saving throw for traps if you know about it. - [+] druid - get xp for calming animals - [+] rogue- get xp for picking locks, disarming traps. - [+] metal should be immune to most damage types * [+] make heavy blow need HEAVY weapon, not bashing. - [+] can't rest/train while levitating! - [+] gas traps only go off once. - [+] bug: The goblin throws a boulder at you. A boulder misses you. - [+] don't give short sword skill to wizard. - [+] hearing range based on listen skill * [+] coldness disease: - [+] CRASH when swapping places - [+] bug: i can teleport into an impassable object! - [+] add: "really target (your ally)?" - [+] give wizards school-based skill instead of manaspike + wildmagic - [+] LevUp still not being cleared!!! * [+] why is air wizard being prompted for call lightning at level 2??? * [+] summon weapon (summoning) - [+] hold portal (mod) - [+] reveal hidden - [+] stench (death) - [+] frostbite (minor but direct cold damage. 1dpower. maxpower 3) - [+] grease (modific) creates oil in a circle - [+] fear (death) - [+] seeinvis (div) - [+] locate obejct (div) tells you where a seen objcet is. - [+] swap places (transl) "twiddle" - [+] fire brand (fire, melee attaks deal fire damage) - [+] iceedge - [+] lore (div, temporary knowledge from a particular school?) - [+] icicle (cold, deals cold dam and knocks enemies away) * [+] chill (ice, 1d3 damage per exposed body part) - [+] hail storm (ice, big damage in area) - [+] wall of ice (creates icy wall, hp based on power)
2011-05-12 11:49:35 +10:00
int isbadfood(object_t *o);
- [+] add autopop to playerstart vaults - [+] rename magic skills: Magic:Cold - [+] bug: infinite loop in poison arrow trap - make sure the arrow always dies. - [+] bug: c4 didn't kill iron door - [+] implement stamina (float). max is Fit/2 * [+] in startlfturn: - [+] sprinting drains this. - [+] ...then stop using f_sprinting for exhausted - [+] ...and remove f_tired - [+] if exhausted, stop sprinting. (in modstamina) - [+] change crushed windpipe - [+] f_stamcost for abilities. - [+] modify cancast. - [+] tumbling - [+] jumping - [+] rage - [+] swimming - [+] drains stamina like sprinting - [+] if stamina drops to 0, you start drowning. - [+] new spell: lethargy (sets stamina to 0) - [+] if a sleep spell fails, use lethergy instead. - [+] no attacking while stam = 0 ??? - [+] need to update statbar right away when casting ongoing spells. - [+] bug: reading an awareness scroll counting as an active spell! - [+] genericise magic resistance check into a function - [+] "disorient" - l1 mental spell which randomly turns lf, someitmes makes them dizzy - [+] change stun - just means you can't attack, cast spell, use abils * [+] AI shouldn't look for targets if stunned or no stamina * [+] why do mosnters end up facing -1 (d_none) ?? - [+] turn undead problem. - [+] The skeleton turns to flee from you! The skeleton bites you. - [+] crit which spins you around (bash to body) - [+] say "you attack xxx from behind" when you ar ebehidn them and they can't see you - [+] or "you attack the helpless xxx" when thye just can't see you - [+] genericise sacrifice text - [+] fix up weight of heads (8% of body mass) - [+] make attribss do more: - [+] iq: determine how soon you learn new skills (ie. modify SKILLXPPERPOINT) - [+] fit: determines stamina points. - [+] wisdom >= AT_HIGH - [+] warn before wearing/eating/drinking/weilding unknown bad/cursed objects (low chance) - [+] use isbadobject() - [+] chance: - [+] high = 10% - [+] vhigh = 30% - [+] exhigh = 50% - [-] idea: sacrifice to gods to make them happier - [+] mercy: weapons - [+] death: any corpses - [+] thieves: gold
2011-09-15 08:42:54 +10:00
int isunknownbadobject(object_t *o);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int isbetterarmourthan(object_t *a, object_t *b);
- [+] get rid of "sorcery" skill, and move 'study scrolls' ability to cmoe from lore:arcana instead - [+] rename magic skillls to sorcery:fire etc? - [+] adjust spell power calculation to take lack of sorcery skill int oaccount - [+] allow '\' during getchoice() and getchoicestr() - [+] so that we can see what we have identified - [+] lower metabolism while lmeditating - [+] poisonous mushrooms - [+] toadstool - poisonous - [+] shiitake - normal - [+] recognise via cooking skill - [+] if you add a blood ob, 1 randmo piece of armour in the pile becomes bloodstained - [+] accuracy boost when attacking something who has grabbedyou - [+] lessen gravitiy should prvent falls * [+] bug: - [+] add job descriptions - [+] handle ESC in askchar - [+] You attack the helpless the xat! You flatten the xat! - [+] "the helpless the xat" - [+] shoiuldn't use "flatten" sinec we're not killing it - [+] You attack the helpless xat! You kill the xat! - [+] ...but it wasn't dead! - [+] flame pillar scroll no longer works - [+] not asking for target. - [+] use castspell - [+] cope with 'ESC' presses during normal travel - [+] allow "maycancel" in askchar - [+] make wizards NOT automatically know wild magic - [+] is F_MPMOD working? check with elf wizard....... - [+] now it is. - [+] bug: create an elf, go over it, v - CRASH in makedesc_race. - [+] removeob() should update burdened status - [+] ie drinking a potion - [+] wizards start with a staff and a pointy hat - [+] don't "stir in your slumber" if meditating - [+] elves should have higher mp - [+] dwarves should have lower mp - [+] when monsters fail to open a door, abandon their targetcell - [+] might be able to jsut make failing a dooropen count as a move failure. - [+] HiGrv didn't stop me from moving? i passed the skill check, need to have a msg telling me this. - [+] race descriptions. - [+] add the descriptions - [+] ? in @@ shows info on them. - [+] (add ?=help in the bottom when in @ mode regardless of showall) - [+] make clouds expand as they disappate - [+] modify gethitstokill() to take "useevasion" and "usearmour" as a parameter - [+] at adept lore, you get threat comparison. at skilled level you get exact hit turns. - [+] make threat calculation use gethitstokill - [+] TEST new threat calc * [+] way too easy to notice traps on chests from 4-5 cells away, with only novice perception - [+] make cloudkill create puff of poison gas rather than a cloud - [+] attacking should count as movement (ie dont regen stamina) - [+] need more body bash criticals. - [+] torso bruised (acc penalty) - [+] torso bruised badly (higher acc penalty, low dam penalty) - [+] ribs broken (huge acc penalty, med dam penalty) - [+] lungs winded (stam=0 onetimeeffect, fit -1, only lasts a 2-3 turns) - [+] should stop flying when you lose ocnsciousness... - [+] warn before moving with f_pain as well. maybe cahnge confirm_injiury_action ??? - [+] extra warrior skill: aimed strike - [+] -50%acc - [+] auto crit on the part you select (if you hit)
2011-10-13 08:15:48 +11:00
int isbetterwepthan(object_t *a, object_t *b, lifeform_t *owner);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int isblessed(object_t *o);
int isblessknown(object_t *o);
int iscorpse(object_t *o);
int iscursed(object_t *o);
- [+] implement getradiuscells() - [+] evaporate spell - turn water into steam - [+] monster generation bug? even on dlev10 i'm stil getting mostly kobolds - [+] ai infinint eloop again - frost hawk trying to open door - [+] another infinite loop - not falling through after spell failure. * [+] reduce attack delay for most weapons. - [+] letplayer see a tiny bit in the dark (1 cell ?) - [+] beginner tracking not working - fixed. - [+] only show "...but do no damage" if you have good knowledge about their race. - [+] make gold lighter * [+] footprints glyph shouldn't override pudles of water! - [+] only show eviscerate etc if you have good knowledge? - [+] don't start monsters on the stairs/magical barriers!!! - [+] stone should be immune to more damage types * [+] addexits adding way too many exits. - [+] blessed identify should ID everything - [+] blessed mending mends all - [+] don't make noise when slowmoving. - [+] eyebat dispersal big: The eyebat's strong scent leading north disappears! - [+] go over footprint+scent+corpse and pickup:"You can't pick up footprints!" * [+] doors can't do on top of each other!!! * [+] low ground - [+] make sure you can't have more than one "water" object in a cell. * [+] make val2 of rarity be "common/uncommon/rare" etc - [+] more monster types should appear in the forest. - [+] when i go down stairs into a dark area, "it is pitch black!" is being cleared. * [+] helm of the poltergeist - [+] flying creatures get penalties in webs etc - [+] blind things shoudln't follow up/donw stairs - [+] You shout a blood-curdling war cry! The sawgrass turns to flee from you! - [+] potions still worth too much. minor healing was 420!! - [+] AI should only go towards covetted object if it's closer or the same distanec as target. - [+] branded objects should be worth LOTS - at the moment they're worth 1!! * [+] maybe just adjust value of rarity? - [+] don't roll spot checks while training! * [+] replace f_nofeel with: - [+] revenge did too much damage (50) * [+] change how AR works - [+] need to add: "really walk into a falling rock trap" ? - [+] put only ONE staircase going up on dlev 0 - [+] why am i stopping sprinting after 1 move? * [+] somehow make sure mosnters can't see footprints in a cell with mist - [+] bones shouldn't be able to catch on fire. - [+] when you levle up, gainskill BEFORE getting new spells - [+] put out flaming objects after pickup * [+] don't say "really target yourself?" when using a potion of sleep!! - [+] enhance a random skill when levelling up? every 2 levels? - [+] weaken koboldsa little - less change of javelin - [+] don't drown instantly - take a few turns, depending on CON * [+] create vault spell for debugging ??? - [+] doors in the middle of rooms. - [+] highlight selected choice in askstr - [+] flooded_room being created without walls!!!!!! - [+] describe spell from levleup not working * [+] GETROOMEDGE RETURNING NO CELLS for circularroom!!!!! - [+] fire wizard not prompted to get firedart at l2.. Vaults * [+] X corridor - - [+] crosshatch - [+] should water be ~ instead ?? and change whatever is currently a tilde to something else... Initial work on goal: - [+] surround all stairs with barriers - [+] start player NEAR stairs (randomadjcell from stairs, allowexpand) + methods of escape - [+] knock scroll - [+] digging (but it stops the dig from going any further)
2011-06-09 18:58:35 +10:00
int isdamaged(object_t *o);
int isdangerousob(object_t *o, lifeform_t *lf, int onlyifknown);
* [+] bug: secret doors revealed when we walk away from them. - [+] make lamps last heaps longer * [+] web spell * [+] spider monstrer * [+] funnelweb: * [+] redback: - [+] if you are wracked with pain, don't clear msg - [+] check rarity for spiders * [+] attack/defense mod if there is stickiness in your square - [+] replace "sticky" with "restrictive" * [+] make some mosnters start hidden - [+] adjust spot checks basd on distance - [+] ensure that attacking stops you hiding - [+] casting spells stops you from being hidden - [+] hidden mosnters shouldn't move unless their victim is ADJACENT. - [+] hidden mosnters shouldn't cast spells, throw missiles, etc unless their victim is ADJACENT. - [-] XP CALC - [+] funnelweb and redback are the same. - [+] check this is right...... i want funnel web to be worse. - [+] make hitconfer check in calcxpval take lifetime into account - [+] ALSO assign an xp rating to each hitconferred flag. - [+] hardcode this. * [+] entangle spell - [+] reveal secret doors if you see them get damaged. * [+] make askcoords list restrivitce objects - [+] ACTUALLY make vines not damaged by struggling * [+] object descriptions, a/an needs to change if showing condition: "a battered entangling vine" - [+] wizard levelled up and was prompted for "WISH, GIFT"! shouldn't happen! - [+] The human diety reads a blessed scroll of create monster! -- but nothing happens?? * [+] throw code - [+] wizard: ask for school specialty at start, from: fire, ice, xxx ? You get this + WILD. - [+] describe varpower spells - [+] fix mp cost for varpower spells - [+] we're not stopping running at staircases anymore for some reason. - [+] CHARGE ability (like swoop but don't return to original positino) - [+] need to honor f_canlearn when displaying new skills to learn! - [+] ai: if we are going to player's last known loc (via targetcell), abandon if we can SEE the player! - [+] make shatter() into a function - [+] oil potion makes oil puddle whan smashed - [+] make flammable objects be able to convert to others - [+] replace 'magic item usage' with 'channeling' - [+] a cloud of darkness descends. this is a *cursed* wand of light. - [+] spiders shouldn't be able to be stuck in a web! * [+] spells should be able to have MULTIPLE schools. - [+] don't bleed into walls - [+] in @M, use colours to show which spells are too hard so far (ie cost > maxmp) * [+] in @M, use schools that you know * [+] after loading game, barbarian is getting an extra attack? You miss the eyebat. You punch the eyebat. - [+] show objects on top of stairs - [+] stuck mosnters must pass a saving throw to follow you up/down stairs - [+] genericise: trytomove(lf) * [+] add more snakes - [+] undead can't eat or drink? or MOST undead can't. * [+] why can MONSTERS shoot webs through things? (but I can't) - [+] barkskin - doesn't reduce max mp enough? - [+] The skeleton touches a fuming aqua potion [tried] then recoils in pain! The skeleton drops a blessed fuming aqua potion [tried]. The skeleton drinks a fuming aqua potion! - [+] why can't i use abilites anymore? - [+] infinite loop bug due to ai only having one ignorecell. - [+] make sleet storms rust all armour - [+] make a kind of walkdam that hits armour - [+] add this as well as walkdam for: acid, fire, water - [+] Takeoff isn't prompting properly. only showing weapons! * [+] waterproof obs (ie cloak) * [+] walkdambp doesn't hurt body if you have a cloak NATURE SPELLS: - [+] mending, heals 1d6 damage - [+] spark - [+] purify food - [+] sticks to snakes - [+] calm animals (power_d4 hd) * [+] charm animal (works on one animal up to power hit dice, temporary) - [+] airblast - [+] barkskin (power +2 AR, firevuln, ongoing) - [+] soften earth (makes ground into mud) - [+] warp wood (damages wooden objects) - [+] repel insects - [+] reduce poison - [+] web - [+] windshield - [+] call lightning, air - [+] resist elements, ongoing - [+] passwall - [+] poisonbolt - [+] quench (puts out a fire) - [+] sleet storm (lowers movement, vision) - [+] healing - [+] cure poison * [+] calming scent - [+] dig - [+] entangle - [+] levitate - [+] flamepillar - [+] hailstorm. like sleetstorm but hurts more. power d 6. - [+] burning wave - [+] gaseous form * [+] knowledge skills: * [+] force makespellchoicelist() to show spells in level order. * [+] druid - [+] check OBJECT rarity list (dumplev) - [+] fix bug where heaps of books suddently appear from dlev 3 onwards - [+] gain skills on level up for some jobs - [+] f_levspellschool, v0=lev, v1 = school or ANY - select one from that school
2011-04-23 14:27:42 +10:00
int isdeadob(object_t *o);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
int isdrinkable(object_t *o);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int isedible(object_t *o);
- [+] weapon skill of sk_skilled or high gives you a chance to block some damtypes - [+] BUT each weapon can only block certain damtypes (whereas shields can block all melee damtypes) - [+] add f_canblock to some weapons - [+] add f_canblock to shields - [+] check_for_block() should be a function - [+] getallshields() - [+] move othermod in SC_SHIELDBLOCK out of skillcheck(). calculate the bonus beforehand instead?? - [+] update descriptions for weapon skills - [+] can only block if you have full attrib requirements for this weapon - [+] update io.c to show what weapons/shields can block. "it can block xx, xx and xx damage" - [+] weapons can't ever block projectiles - [+] make pickup/drop actions heaps faster - [+] better description of agi/str affecting weapon accuracy/dam - [+] stinkbeetle should be hostile, and should have bite attack ,not zapper - [+] don't recover stamina while training - [+] add seetext for "a blaring siren" - [+] draw up a matrix for weapon types - [+] draw it up for: - [+] accuracy - [+] damage - [+] attack speed - [+] crit chance - [+] then adjust weapon stats - [+] in shops, "?" now lets you examine an object - [+] add canwill option for abilities: "stamcost:" (to override stamina cost) - [+] add it. - [+] bug: pickaxe not working - [+] "you start digging". but nothign more. - [+] salt kills: - [+] frog - [+] impaler frog - [+] canwill jump - [+] ranged tongue attack - [+] killed by salt - [+] BUG; getting manuals with no contents - [+] odd-sized armour should cost more. - [+] need to set statdirty when we change armour. - [+] when we say "you see x and y here", don't include obs we can't see
2011-12-13 03:40:17 +11:00
flag_t *isequipped(object_t *o);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int isequippedon(object_t *o, enum BODYPART bp);
int isfirearm(object_t *o);
int isflammable(object_t *o);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
int isknown(object_t *o);
2011-03-11 12:25:38 +11:00
int isknownot(objecttype_t *ot);
int isheavyweapon(object_t *o);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int isidentified(object_t *o);
2011-03-04 12:22:36 +11:00
int isimpassableob(object_t *o, lifeform_t *lf);
* [+] calcxp - [+] more low power rings - [+] don't think book names are being randomized - always 'azure' - [+] charm moidifications - [+] possession modifications - [+] troglodyte being made with 180180108180180 mp!! * [+] gain skills on level up for some jobs - [+] only magic/blessed weapons can hit noncorporeal things. - [+] monsters shouldn't walk into walls to attack things there. - [+] The skeleton slams you with a boulder.--More--Innate Attack: boulder . was a bug in HASATTACK - [+] no polymorphing into undead. - [+] missiles shoudl always miss noncorporeal things! - [+] need OFFMAP as well as WALLINWAY - [+] can't possess undead - [+] less charges in wands - [+] when a thrown potion misses, "xx is destroyed" rather than "xx shatters!" - [+] instead of "act:slow mv: slow", just "slow" - [+] sprinting: "you are exhausted" isn't triggering statdirty - [+] On status, use '' '' usbtead if "Very" etc - [+] allies shouldn't attack peaceful things. - [+] make fleeing lfs use stairs - [+] undead can't start with blessed objects. - [+] undead can't touch blessed objects * [+] GHOST * [+] PET code - [+] can't trade items if your ally has NOPACK - [+] make sure shared xp is working * [+] firstaid skill shows extra mosnter hp info * [+] more low power wands - at the moment it's always light or pwoer - [+] pets: say 'your xxx' instead of 'the xxx' * [+] pets: dancing weapons should be pets - [+] need f_allyof as well so that allies will stay close. - [+] difference is that allies aren't called "your" - [+] AND no alignment penalty for attacking allies? - [+] in lfstats, move physical stuff BACK to first page!!! - [+] remove ally/pet flag when you die * [+] pirate job * [+] let firearms go into primary hand. test with PIRATE. - [+] when fighting with a non-weapon: "you whack the xxx with xxx" - [+] add specific attack verbs to weapons - [+] F_ATTACKVERB, dampct between v0 and v1, "stabs" - [+] make showlfarmour() use colours
2011-04-11 15:05:45 +10:00
int ismagical(object_t *o);
int ismeleeweapon(object_t *o);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int ismetal(enum MATERIAL mat);
* [+] backstab - [+] monsters start asleep and make spot checks ? - [+] make them start asleep - [+] then make this random - [+] sound will wake them (ie. "makenoise") - [+] when you move, make SC_STEALTH check. if you fail, you make noise! - [+] must pass LISTEN check OR have los to hear something. - [+] "the blowfly falls asleep" "the blowfly appears" when summoned. - [+] don't show 'falls asleep' while being created! * [+] don't start summoned mosnters asleep! * [+] clean up bresnham functions - [+] hearing - instead of just using distance, use distance modiied by # of walls! - [+] getcelldistsound() - each wall counts as an extra cell! - [+] add WALK/FLY noises to all monsters! - [+] don't show 'you hear xxx' when resting. - [+] extra damage for weapon skill (up to 50% extra) - [+] make broken glass crushable - [+] only interrupt rest for non-peaceful, non-friendly monsters - [+] save to fight off poison * [+] beholder is never using its BITE attack * [+] need a price for manuals!! * [+] change"dobresnham" to populate an array of cells - [+] make ai cast animate metal (if they ahve a second weapon) - [+] implement getallegiance() to clean up isfriendly / ispeaceful etc - [+] bug - f_else f_ifpct etc not working in startobs * [+] OT_S_CHARM - [+] update askcoords to show "weilding x AND Y" - [+] stop enemies from throwing firearm ammo somehow * [+] implement - [+] pacify spell - [+] make spellbooks less common - [+] detectmetal not wokring. fixed. - [+] detectobjects spell - [+] cleanup using flagcausesredraw() - [+] increase odds of weapons in rooms, and max ob count in rooms
2011-03-24 16:09:31 +11:00
int isthrowmissile(object_t *o);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int isoperable(object_t *o);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
int isplainob(object_t *o);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int ispourable(object_t *o);
int ispushable(object_t *o);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
int isreadable(object_t *o);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int isrotting(object_t *o);
- [+] young hawk moving very slowly? was healing. - [+] make monsters heal faster when resting - [+] make pet rest when you do - [+] allow 'R' to heal allies - [+] F_RESTUNTILALLIES - [+] mindless/animal mosnters won't throw things - [+] announceflag for attrset not working * [+] feeblemind spell - reduces intelligence to ANIMAL. - [+] ai: if we are carrying too much, drop something (non-weapons/armour first) - [+] teleport spell should teleport any adjacent allies too. * [+] new 'C'hat commands: * [+] change 'resist elements' potion to 'rum' * [+] notify when pet is low on hp - [+] why could a pirate use a biuckler? * [+] genericise usage of canhaveobmod! - [+] armour mod: blooodstained. adds scary. - [+] CRASH when you have two weapons and catch a glowbug in your flask. * [+] potion of restoration onto frozen axe: - [+] slow spell repeated message: The brown snake looks sluggish. The brown snake is now moving slower. - [+] make you only hear one thing each turn ? - [+] always draw impassable objects on top - [+] special ash - [+] exploding powder - explode in radius 1 around player (including player) - [+] concealing powder - create smoke cloud radius 3 around player - [+] redo levelup logic. - [+] trigger LevUp when you have 'newskillready' - [+] announce when you gain level. - [+] can't gain more experience when LevUp! - [+] only update maxhp/mp from new level after you train - [+] diety can't use abilities. fixed. * [+] when i exit from@S output, statbar isn't redrawn * [+] make SKILLS page show which skills you can learn. - [+] In @s, downline isn't showing the title on the second page of SKILLS... - [+] show POWER in @M spells page - [+] ###--- - [+] show cost RANGE in @M for varpower ones - [+] need getspellcosttext(spellid, power, buf) function - [+] 25-62MP - [+] leftover rubbish chars at end of ---- in doheading() - [+] mosnters should follow you up/down stairs * [+] different poison types - [+] implement tremorsense (like darkvision butrun can't be blinded etc) * [+] implement HIDE ability * [+] Thief job - [+] if you walk into a room and every cell is lit, reveal it all. - [+] auto-learn jump ability with high athletics skill * [+] secret doors - [+] items to spot secret doors - [+] gem of seeing - [+] ENHANCESEARCH - [+] F_SEEINVIS - [+] spell: "reveal hidden" - [+] shows secret doors - [+] removes invisibility - [+] wand of detect hidden - [+] ... casts the spell
2011-04-14 09:44:29 +10:00
flag_t *issecretdoor(object_t *o);
flag_t *isshield(object_t *o);
int issmellableob(object_t *o);
- [+] bug: "10 flaming arrows ##########\n are no longer on fire" - [+] bug: when wearing no boots: "A small puddle of water hits you!" - [+] animated zombie keeps changing colour * [+] wizard special case: * [+] bug - walked down stiars on top of a monster - [+] change "haslof" to come from a cell - [+] replace WE_NOTSOLID with WE_WALKABLE - [+] show hp/mp in colour - [+] invis potion should always traget user - [+] generic functions to curse/uncurse an object - [+] not prompting for statgain after training properly. fixed. * [+] pressing a key should interrupt resting * [+] implement doublebuffering for screen - [+] don't show attack dmg for mosnters - [+] reduce sprint time - [+] if a monster is chasing someone (ie has F_TARGET), then don't consider cursed ob ells as valid - [+] don't hear noises when in battle - [+] colourise attribs on status bar * [+] askob/askobmulti - [+] "lockpick with what" showing too much * [+] inventoy colours - [+] "masterwork stick" ?! - [+] poison: save to get rid of poison should be HARDER than save to prevent getting it * [+] why are xats starting off carrying objects ? * [+] small chance of catching a thrown missile if you have very high dex * [+] if you polymorphed on purpose, have a "revert to original form" ability - [+] nausea should only affect humanoids - [+] BUG displaying knowledge when it goes longer than 1 screen. - [+] monsters are attacking each other again! fixed? * [+] BUG: when i load a game, i gain all knowledge! - [+] more pole weapons * [+] disarming weapons * [+] tripping weapons * [+] MORE ISSUES with askobject * [+] validatelf - [+] fix bug with poison triggering too often - [+] chance of retching when nauseated. no hp loss, but takes time. - [+] monsters shouldn't throw stuff if they don't have lof. - [+] fix crash in knockbackob->fireat, caused by thrower == null - [+] let high powered KNOCK knockback creatures again ? - [+] test function to dump out: dungeonlev which_monsters_can_appear - [+] firstaid tells you how long poison will last and whether it's lifethreatenting? * [+] high level listen gives more info - [+] wind shield spell - [+] repels all missiles of speed <= power - [+] variable level spells - [+] F_VARLEVEL - [+] when you cast, say "cast at how much power" with choices "Power II (5 MP)" - [+] show in spell list: "5-10 MP" - [+] replace ARBOOST with MAGICARMOUR - [+] needan() * [+] move psychic shield check into losehp - [+] high level detectlife should show actual lf glyphs - [+] control which jobs can learn which new skills. - [+] F_CANLEARN xxx - [+] remember last target from spells - [+] askcoords = does lf for lastlftarg exist? if not, set it to null - [+] if so, start with it - [+] when you pick one, set it. - [+] F_SHIELDPENALTY - modifies accuracy. * [+] stop wizards from using shields
2011-04-06 17:27:55 +10:00
int isthrownmissile(object_t *o);
int istried(object_t *o);
int istriedot(objecttype_t *ot);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int isweapon(object_t *o);
int iswearable(object_t *o);
- [+] thrown objects taking no damage due to hardness * [+] DIETY is slow. - [+] map bug - from 0,0, walk NE (off top edge). i end up at 0,0 again!!! * [+] ALLOW ROTATING OF VAULTS - [+] BUG: dig X only goes 1 cell. - [+] add a U shaped turn vault. - [+] change wehre i apply HADRNESS for lfs! - don't use adjustdammaterial cause we inherit there - [+] make obchance/thingchance part of habitat_t - [+] make sense surroundings take cartography skill into account * [+] BUG: rotated at() etc not working. - [+] if you fail stealing, the target should get angry!!! - [+] make sure to redraw stat bar when mind scan finishes. - [+] villages - [+] initial code * [+] town gaurds. stand next to the gate - [+] potion shop vault - [+] implement - [+] potion shop isn't getting potions!! - [+] and getting wrong floor type. * [+] stop shop from always being at the top left. - [+] make sure its x/y arent too close to edge of map (at least 5 away) - [+] vault param. f_mapmargin, 5 - [+] make calcroompos take x/y margin - [+] don't put auto obs inside vaults - [+] town walls - [+] more kinds of shops * [+] signs outside shops - [+] bug with ai swapping between firearms and twohanded weapons. fixed. * [+] make _CELLS_ have habitats! - [+] move vaultchance to a habitat param instead of getvaultchance() * [+] shopkeepers (special race) village things: - [+] barrels, - [+] guards, - [+] statue - [+] thrown objects should still take damage if blocked via a shield * [+] hardness (must do dam >= xx to hurt) * [+] WATER spread mods * [+] very powerful spells have casttime - [+] allow linkstairs() to take a parameter rather than always jsut searching for the other end - [+] when digging holes, only use getrandomadjcell if there is an lf in the way. and then use WE_NOLF. clear out solid cells - [+] show armour EVASION penalty in describeob - [+] teleportation trap. You reintegrate inside a solid object! You die.--More--. - [+] riverroom vault * [+] water: swap { and ~ again?? - [+] make "large puddle of water" evaporate more quickly * [+] special glyph case: for deep water
2011-06-29 18:48:48 +10:00
void killallobs(obpile_t *op);
- [+] add more vrare vaults to reduce likelihood of cockatrice lair! - [+] bazaar - [+] money vault hsould be vrare - [+] so should traproom - [+] rename giant rat to "dire rat" - [+] don't show anything other than object description and throwing for unknown tech - [+] shouldn't be able to rest in a tent if it's not known! - [+] eyebat corpse increase maxmp? - [+] blessed missiles should nearly always hit undead * [+] too easy to dodge thrown missiles? - [+] spell and wand of culinary abundance - [+] if a carnivorous animal kills you: "Eaten by a xxx" * [+] bug: stairsperlev is only ever used in making DUNGEONS. generecise this ?? - [+] safetorest - should ignore monsters feigning death - [+] broken nose should reduce smell range - [+] fresh and stale bread should be interchangable in cooking - [+] make scroll of permenance act on you, not your objects - [+] tweak object rarity yet agian... - [+] bug: hole in roof above player start pos is immediately destroyed. - [+] change pickaxe to be like resting - [+] wait first, then if not interrupted, do the dig. - [+] add cell->hp, celltype->hp. around 100. - [+] f_digging, x, y, digperturn - [+] interrupt() will stop this. - [+] each turn, lower hp of cell by 1. - [+] make wlaking bakwards take less time based on athletics skill!!! - [+] at adept, takes no extra time? - [+] better racial display - [+] ? for extra info. - [+] hitdice - [+] general attribs (str etc) - [+] don't show description until you press '?' - [+] addbonustext(flagpile, f_BONDESC, "asdffas") - to avoid index issues - [+] remove VULNS from "effects" unless temporary - [+] isresistantto() etc need to have "int onlytemp" - [+] remove VULNS from manual BONTEXT flags - [+] CRASH IN DTVULN CODE!! - [+] limit '?r' display ?? - [+] what to show - [+] show races you have encountered - [+] show races you know about through Lore (adept level) - [+] show playable races????? - [+] structs - [+] race->encountered - [+] need to save this. - [+] make EFFECTS only show TEMPORARY effects or ones which don't come from race? - [+] automate bondesc/pendesc based on flags! - [+] vulnarabilities / resist / immun - [+] vision range!! (visrangemod) - [+] size? restricted armour. - [+] stayinroom - [+] f_humanoid (can use weapons) - [+] tamable - [+] seeindark - [+] caneatraw - [+] enhancesmell - [+] caneatraw - [+] vegeatrian - [+] cernivore - [+] fastmetab - [+] startskill - [+] tremorsense - [+] silentmove - [+] deaf - [+] flying / levitating - [+] awareness - [+] nocturnal / diurnal - [+] heavyblow - [+] packattack - [+] dodges - [+] autocreateob - [+] MPMOD - [+] HPMOD - [+] MEDITATES - [+] PHOOTMEM - [+] canwill "Spells: xx, x, x, x" - [+] spells: - [+] animate stone - "power" walls turn into stone golems - [+] implement spell - [+] golem - [+] r_golemstone - [+] knockback attack - [+] high str - [+] fists - [+] corpsetype and iunsummonob = boulder - [+] spell power modification - subtract spell level. - [+] when i go down a drain, make sure the new map links to THE DRAIN I WENT DOWN. not some otehr one. - [+] some monsters shouldn't sleep! add new flag: f_nosleep - [+] make spanner help disarm traps!
2011-12-04 09:33:37 +11:00
int killallobsexcept(obpile_t *op, ...);
* [+] let credit cards be used at some shops? * [+] bug with adding obejcts to shops - [+] issue with objects dying and killing their flagpiles - [+] A medium fire dies down a little. A medium fire is no longer glowing. - [+] shouldn't say "is no longer glowing" when we're changing the type... ? - [+] put a breakpoint on "is no longer glowing" * [+] let you bless objects using a holy circle somehow (but it might make the circle disappear?). - [+] darness bug - need to recalc light for anyone who sees a cell's lightlevel change. - [+] call more() after showing vaultentertext() - [+] remove "inspected" when you ident or makeknown an object. - [+] BUG - no objects in inventory!!!! - [+] listobs failing? mylist[0] = null. MEMLEAK - [+] finish implementing CLEANUP() - [+] crash in cleanup() -> killot() -> findleak.c_stuff while freeing STACKABLE flag from cactus fruit??? - [+] better now? - [+] now a crash freeing hiddennames! - [+] forgot to free obmods - [+] leaking approx. 1 meg per turn! - [+] where am i leaking?! maybe try valgrind or findleak.c - [+] findleak.c now finds nothing. - [+] but i am sitll leaking????? - [+] related to lifeform count. killing all but player dramatically slows it. - [+] check calclos()... looks okay. - [+] setcellknown() ?no. - [+] startlfturn?? no. - [+] remove unused "lf->viscell" - [+] when there are 2 things in a cell, say "you see x and x here." - [+] restore original stast when polymorphing back to original form!!! - [+] when making shops, pick new ones more often. - [+] change to maps: don't let vaults overlap. - [+] HARDCODE object values - [+] potions - [+] tech - [+] tools - [+] rings - [+] increase evasion skill effects - [+] changes to animradial... and animradialorth - [+] combine into one function - [+] move msg into here - [+] refs to spellcloud() - [+] refs to animradial() - [+] fire should spread onto flammable lifeforms - [+] bug: attack flurry doesn't work for monk - [+] let monsters climb even when not facing a wall? - [+] set their facing first. - [+] CRASH when you die while climbing (or on a solid cell) - [+] rings - [+] stench - [+] breath water - [+] detect life - [+] deceleration - [+] meditation - [+] reflection - [+] boost magic power - [+] education - gain xpskills more quickly - [+] crit protection - [+] greed - detect obs - [+] ivy - grows! - [+] ragefungus - bezerk spores - [+] nutter - drops peanuts - [+] dish which slightly increases maxhp (beginner level) - [+] stuffed mushroom. shiitake mushroom + bread
2011-12-08 13:55:14 +11:00
void killbrand(brand_t *b);
void killhiddenname(hiddenname_t *hn);
void killknowledge(knowledge_t *k);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
void killmaterial(material_t *m);
void killob(object_t *o);
* [+] let credit cards be used at some shops? * [+] bug with adding obejcts to shops - [+] issue with objects dying and killing their flagpiles - [+] A medium fire dies down a little. A medium fire is no longer glowing. - [+] shouldn't say "is no longer glowing" when we're changing the type... ? - [+] put a breakpoint on "is no longer glowing" * [+] let you bless objects using a holy circle somehow (but it might make the circle disappear?). - [+] darness bug - need to recalc light for anyone who sees a cell's lightlevel change. - [+] call more() after showing vaultentertext() - [+] remove "inspected" when you ident or makeknown an object. - [+] BUG - no objects in inventory!!!! - [+] listobs failing? mylist[0] = null. MEMLEAK - [+] finish implementing CLEANUP() - [+] crash in cleanup() -> killot() -> findleak.c_stuff while freeing STACKABLE flag from cactus fruit??? - [+] better now? - [+] now a crash freeing hiddennames! - [+] forgot to free obmods - [+] leaking approx. 1 meg per turn! - [+] where am i leaking?! maybe try valgrind or findleak.c - [+] findleak.c now finds nothing. - [+] but i am sitll leaking????? - [+] related to lifeform count. killing all but player dramatically slows it. - [+] check calclos()... looks okay. - [+] setcellknown() ?no. - [+] startlfturn?? no. - [+] remove unused "lf->viscell" - [+] when there are 2 things in a cell, say "you see x and x here." - [+] restore original stast when polymorphing back to original form!!! - [+] when making shops, pick new ones more often. - [+] change to maps: don't let vaults overlap. - [+] HARDCODE object values - [+] potions - [+] tech - [+] tools - [+] rings - [+] increase evasion skill effects - [+] changes to animradial... and animradialorth - [+] combine into one function - [+] move msg into here - [+] refs to spellcloud() - [+] refs to animradial() - [+] fire should spread onto flammable lifeforms - [+] bug: attack flurry doesn't work for monk - [+] let monsters climb even when not facing a wall? - [+] set their facing first. - [+] CRASH when you die while climbing (or on a solid cell) - [+] rings - [+] stench - [+] breath water - [+] detect life - [+] deceleration - [+] meditation - [+] reflection - [+] boost magic power - [+] education - gain xpskills more quickly - [+] crit protection - [+] greed - detect obs - [+] ivy - grows! - [+] ragefungus - bezerk spores - [+] nutter - drops peanuts - [+] dish which slightly increases maxhp (beginner level) - [+] stuffed mushroom. shiitake mushroom + bread
2011-12-08 13:55:14 +11:00
void killobmod(obmod_t *om);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
void killobpile(obpile_t *o);
* [+] let credit cards be used at some shops? * [+] bug with adding obejcts to shops - [+] issue with objects dying and killing their flagpiles - [+] A medium fire dies down a little. A medium fire is no longer glowing. - [+] shouldn't say "is no longer glowing" when we're changing the type... ? - [+] put a breakpoint on "is no longer glowing" * [+] let you bless objects using a holy circle somehow (but it might make the circle disappear?). - [+] darness bug - need to recalc light for anyone who sees a cell's lightlevel change. - [+] call more() after showing vaultentertext() - [+] remove "inspected" when you ident or makeknown an object. - [+] BUG - no objects in inventory!!!! - [+] listobs failing? mylist[0] = null. MEMLEAK - [+] finish implementing CLEANUP() - [+] crash in cleanup() -> killot() -> findleak.c_stuff while freeing STACKABLE flag from cactus fruit??? - [+] better now? - [+] now a crash freeing hiddennames! - [+] forgot to free obmods - [+] leaking approx. 1 meg per turn! - [+] where am i leaking?! maybe try valgrind or findleak.c - [+] findleak.c now finds nothing. - [+] but i am sitll leaking????? - [+] related to lifeform count. killing all but player dramatically slows it. - [+] check calclos()... looks okay. - [+] setcellknown() ?no. - [+] startlfturn?? no. - [+] remove unused "lf->viscell" - [+] when there are 2 things in a cell, say "you see x and x here." - [+] restore original stast when polymorphing back to original form!!! - [+] when making shops, pick new ones more often. - [+] change to maps: don't let vaults overlap. - [+] HARDCODE object values - [+] potions - [+] tech - [+] tools - [+] rings - [+] increase evasion skill effects - [+] changes to animradial... and animradialorth - [+] combine into one function - [+] move msg into here - [+] refs to spellcloud() - [+] refs to animradial() - [+] fire should spread onto flammable lifeforms - [+] bug: attack flurry doesn't work for monk - [+] let monsters climb even when not facing a wall? - [+] set their facing first. - [+] CRASH when you die while climbing (or on a solid cell) - [+] rings - [+] stench - [+] breath water - [+] detect life - [+] deceleration - [+] meditation - [+] reflection - [+] boost magic power - [+] education - gain xpskills more quickly - [+] crit protection - [+] greed - detect obs - [+] ivy - grows! - [+] ragefungus - bezerk spores - [+] nutter - drops peanuts - [+] dish which slightly increases maxhp (beginner level) - [+] stuffed mushroom. shiitake mushroom + bread
2011-12-08 13:55:14 +11:00
void killobtype(object_t *o);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
void killoc(objectclass_t *oc);
void killot(objecttype_t *ot);
int knockbackob(object_t *o, int dir, int howfar, int power, lifeform_t *pusher);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
lifeform_t *makeanimated(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o, int level);
* [+] always add webs if there are randomly generated spiders on a level - [+] non-wood doors - [+] iron - [+] only interrupt rest for hunger if it's 'starving' or 'vhungry' - [+] limit the amount of jumping we can do from athletics skill. - [+] no message when i lockpick with a -6 combat knife. - [+] make small corpses give much less nutrition! - [+] high unarmed skill should give you unarmed attacks with a 1-handed weapon. - [+] dual weild - [+] if you have twoweapon skill, when you weild a weapon, say "weild as secondary weapon? y/n" - [+] in attackcell(), check if we have a weapon in our second hand AND are skilled in twoweaponing - [+] if so, get an attack with both, but with an accuracy penalty (until adept level) - [+] make sure shiedl code doesn't accept weapons! - [+] knockback() can now knock back other lfs that you hit on the way * [+] faster resting obs (only via R) - [+] replace F_RESTING with F_ASLEEP. v0 = onpurpose. if v0, you wake up when at full hp/mp/etc - [+] implement F_TRAINING with traincounter - [+] don't say 'rest until nearby allies ar eheald' if they aren't damaged - [+] make listen dififculty check dependant on distance to noise - [+] doesn't make sense for druid to be a vegetarian. use "can only eat meat when hungry" - [+] @@ - combine acc+dmg. ie. "weapon: mace (63%,2-9dmg) - [+] @@ - show both weapons if dualweilding. - [+] porcupine shoudl have F_SHARP corpse. implement F_CORPSEFLAGS - [+] create monster - "giant ant" making "giant antlion"! - [+] giant porcupine - [+] implement - [+] should attack ants on sight - f_hatesrace - [+] if race=hatesrace or baserace = hatesrace, will attack it. - [+] gust of wind - blow obs away! - [+] thorns (grow spikes, attackers take dmg) - [+] f_retaliate, v0=ndice,v1=dsides, v2=damype, text=obname - [+] major healing (new spell)
2011-05-05 13:12:52 +10:00
int makeduller(object_t *o, int howmuch);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
void makeknown(enum OBTYPE otid);
void maketried(enum OBTYPE otid);
* [+] goblins aren't opening doors... - [+] xat shouldn't be able to open doors! - [+] semicontrolled createmonster * [+] implement semicontrolled teleport (can pick the general direction) * [+] change how semicontrolled teleport works - [+] make identify/remove curse more common - [+] make minorheal/heal more common * [+] NOTDONE. maybe reduce the amount of damage which AR blocks a bit? i got to 30ar very fast! (ie -45% dam) * [+] make a special case for F_FLAKJACKET - [+] BUG: glowbug is causing PERMENANT light, not temp! - [+] diety ability - levelup - [+] new damtype: necrotic - [+] drain life spell - [+] make water evaporate - [+] BUG in validating target cell. was asking a monster for input * [+] boots get wet if you walk in water - [+] why does oil lamp and pil lantern make the same range of light? - [+] fixed another vending maching crash - [+] crash due to sprinting? - [+] 2 blessed flask of battery acids - [+] "This is a wand!" - don't use code for hiding names in the dark! * [+] animals shouldn't eat their own race! - [+] gem of seeing costs nothing! - [+] frozen weapons do +1d4 cold damage - [+] allomancy/psionics don't need spellcasting - [+] poison isn't being announced on mosnters? - [+] "you are full" only interrupt if we went < normal (ie peckish starving etc) - [+] only F_HUMANOID creatures can wear armour / use weapons * [+] what does a masterwork bow do? - [+] implement strength requirements on weapons - [+] UNDEAD cannot be poisoned by eating corpses! - [+] ai lfs shoudlnt' eat tainted food - [+] change how gravboost works wrt movement - [+] smart ai lfs shouldnt move when in pain - [+] don't stop walking if the only things there are non-pickupable - [+] make mosnters swap places with each other if they are the same baseid * [+] scroll of permenance - [+] make more monsters have gold * [+] can learn novice level weapon skills by using one a lot * [+] finish hawks * [+] add colour * [+] job attribs aren't working - [+] pile of ash has weird glyph! * [+] when you learn the first rank of some magic skills, you get a spell with it - [+] add colours to statbar - [+] can only "stop on xxx" if you have feet - [+] monsters shouldn't attack other to get to wanted objects. * [+] "xat throws a knife" - [+] manaspike doing no damage to giant newt - [+] assign colours to rings
2011-04-01 10:54:44 +11:00
void makewet(object_t *o, int amt);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
object_t *moveob(object_t *src, obpile_t *dst, int howmany);
* [+] need to set "needredraw" every time we exit: - [+] make eating take longer - depends on lf size and food sizes * [+] stop eating if something attacks you! - [+] change spell code to cope with caster = NULL!! - [+] why are rooms never more than 2 high * [+] traps * [+] eating bug again * [+] disarm trap skill? - [+] lots of needredraw bugs - [+] bug with cursor jumping around lots - [+] draw darkened visible cells in blue * [+] shadow cloak - [+] tree shouldn't prevent resting! - [+] make plants not attack druids * [+] cooking - [+] stop eating if your eating object is no longer with you * [+] FLAG CORRUPTION BUG - [+] pet walking back and forth on rotted objects - [+] purified food shouldn't decay anymore. - [+] plants shouldn't sleep - [+] RESTING on statbar not being cleared. the add of f_interrupted was clearing statdirty before f_asleep got removed in killflag(). - [+] AI: don't eat if in battle - [+] reduce projectile damage - [+] show raceclass in statbars - [+] smoke should make you cough. - [+] when going up levle, only prompt for spells you can cast?? (don't show "NOTCASTABLE") - [+] Your young hawk dies. The stirge releases something! - [+] sleeping thigns shoudn't follow you up/down stairs. - [+] when throw'ng an object, don't let it stack (otherwise we might destroy too much) - [+] don't draw "c - " for nopickup objects. - [+] saving throw for traps if you know about it. - [+] druid - get xp for calming animals - [+] rogue- get xp for picking locks, disarming traps. - [+] metal should be immune to most damage types * [+] make heavy blow need HEAVY weapon, not bashing. - [+] can't rest/train while levitating! - [+] gas traps only go off once. - [+] bug: The goblin throws a boulder at you. A boulder misses you. - [+] don't give short sword skill to wizard. - [+] hearing range based on listen skill * [+] coldness disease: - [+] CRASH when swapping places - [+] bug: i can teleport into an impassable object! - [+] add: "really target (your ally)?" - [+] give wizards school-based skill instead of manaspike + wildmagic - [+] LevUp still not being cleared!!! * [+] why is air wizard being prompted for call lightning at level 2??? * [+] summon weapon (summoning) - [+] hold portal (mod) - [+] reveal hidden - [+] stench (death) - [+] frostbite (minor but direct cold damage. 1dpower. maxpower 3) - [+] grease (modific) creates oil in a circle - [+] fear (death) - [+] seeinvis (div) - [+] locate obejct (div) tells you where a seen objcet is. - [+] swap places (transl) "twiddle" - [+] fire brand (fire, melee attaks deal fire damage) - [+] iceedge - [+] lore (div, temporary knowledge from a particular school?) - [+] icicle (cold, deals cold dam and knocks enemies away) * [+] chill (ice, 1d3 damage per exposed body part) - [+] hail storm (ice, big damage in area) - [+] wall of ice (creates icy wall, hp based on power)
2011-05-12 11:49:35 +10:00
object_t *real_moveob(object_t *src, obpile_t *dst, int howmany, int stackok);
void modbonus(object_t *o, int amt);
//object_t *newobeffects(object_t *o);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
void obaction(object_t *o, char *text);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
object_t *obexists(enum OBTYPE obid);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
void obdie(object_t *o);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
int obfits(object_t *o, obpile_t *op);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
enum DAMTYPE oblastdamtype(object_t *o);
2011-03-10 16:47:18 +11:00
int brandappliesto(brand_t *om, objecttype_t *ot);
int obmatchescondition(object_t *o, long opts);
int obproduceslight(object_t *o);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
int obpropsmatch(object_t *a, object_t *b);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int obotpropsmatch(object_t *a, objecttype_t *b);
* [+] make vending machines use this container code instead. - [+] don't say "you see a few things" if one of them is footsteps * [+] IFMONSTER code failing....because flags are now SORTED!!! - [+] tumble - askcoords is letting us pick a cell we don't have lof to. * [+] assign a name to lfs once you hire them * [+] coloured msgtext - [+] make min dam reduction from AR be AR/5. - [+] safebox - [+] if intelligent, prompt before walking into RESTRICTMOVEMENT with no getsweaker (val1) * [+] make fire / ice damage mor elike netheck - [+] towns should have gates on EVERY side - [+] forest cells outside town gates need to be CLEARED. (maybe turn to dirt) - [+] fix up knock targetting to include magical barriers - [+] say "open a bag?" not "operate a bag?" * [+] implement immunetodisease - [+] sort known skills in @s. - [+] better damage bonus when attacking someone who is asleep - [+] practive firearms/throwing * [+] need objecttype->size * [+] containers * [+] change guns so you have to reload them. ("operate") - [+] crash when loading map with water - [+] SAVE OBJECT CONTENTSk - [+] monsters with jobs aren't getting start items - [+] shopkeeper has shotgun - [+] bug: monster keeps swapping between shotgun and flail - [+] when hiring, remember failure. * [+] Inn - [+] bug: pets fighting!!! then they all turn on you. never make allies get angry unless the attacker is the player * [+] hiring npcs - [+] chat to pet: "stay close" or "keep your distance" - [+] new 'furniture' obclass - [+] allow for 'randomshop' regiontype * [+] add enchantment school - [+] cast a scroll of mending on itself. CRASH. * [+] lessengravity should make you jump better and get knocked back further - [+] boostgrav/lessengrav cancel out each other. * [+] CRASH when you fall down a hole and die. - [+] problem: master gravitation doesn't let us cast levitat. getspellschoolknown() should return the HIGHEST known skill, not the first. * [+] bug: dregion is null?!??! * [+] dig a pit, if you cleared out land below, you just stay down there. - [+] potion of leveitation - [+] warning msg when levitate is about to expire * [+] if you fall upwards to the surface... * [+] if you are ever on the surface while levitating.... - [+] BUG: cna't go up stairs to surface anymore!!!!! - [+] get hungry LOTS more quickly when you start sprinting * [+] monk slow metabolism psionic pell. - [+] fix buf with lore giving LESS accuracy instead of more. - [+] food shop - [+] wand of digging not identified if you dig upwards * [+] when you make ah ole in the roof, objects above should fall through right away * [+] all towns should have: - [+] give monks more psionics spells. - [+] sk_throwing skill - [+] make calm animals use spellpower * [+] add wisdom * [+] need to save region data along with maps * [+] COMBINE armour evasion and accuracy penalty!!! * [+] make armour reduce accuracy as well (unless you have 'armour' skill) - [+] landmine trap * [+] make friendly monsters of same raceclass swap ammo - [+] rename 'pull' to 'suck' to avoid confusion with pull metal * [+] food to fix blindness - [+] potion of coffee * [+] genericise statbrackets * [+] tumble ability * [+] simplify spell power * [+] shopkeeprs should be allowed to pursue targets outside of the shop. - [+] give shopkeepers a shotgun * [+] make F_RNDHOSTILE be able to ahve a random chance. * [+] if you randomly generate food in a shop, still give it a price. - [+] if peaceful humanoid walks into you, "sorry!" - [+] sayphrase(lf, SP_SORRY, vol) - [+] only let you recruit jobs with j_recruitable - [+] CRASH - summon "monk" - [+] dogs, - [+] chickens, - [+] drunks, * [+] village objects - [+] change armourrating AGAIN. instead of a percentage, make it a number. - [+] rename inn to "pub", since you can't sleep there. * [+] random speech code * [+] genericise sayphrase text based on lf's job * [+] monks - add rest of abliities - [+] add fiengdeath ability to some monsters
2011-07-14 07:40:28 +10:00
flag_t *obrestrictsmovement(object_t *o, lifeform_t *lf);
int obsfallthrough(cell_t *c, object_t *pit);
int operate(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o, cell_t *where);
- [+] bug: when ally can't see you it goes to sleep - [+] after waking it just goes to sleep again!!! - [+] bug:npc warriors aren't starting with a weapon - [+] shouldn't be able to shieldblock if youre asleep!!! - [+] allies sohuld announce what they are doing - [+] "I'm attacking a goblin" - [+] I just killed a goblin - [+] I need some rest soon... - [+] make sure only HUMANS do - [+] F_EXTRADESC v0 should be 'order'. - [+] makedesc_skill should honour this - [+] makedesc_spell - [+] same with other makedesc() functions - [+] auto-inc this when adding them. - [+] allies not properly following me downthe stairs - [+] armour that can cover multiple body parts - [+] f_goesonmulti - [+] multiple f_equipped flags. - [+] handle multiple f_equipped in takeoff() - [+] all required bodyparts must both be clear - [+] if not, prompt to remove both things. - [+] check all code for f_equipped copes with multiple occurences... - [+] display as: f - a wetsuit (worn over body and on legs) - [+] update io.c. "it is worn over xxx and yyy)" - [+] heat metal spell - [+] weilded metal burns hands and you drop it (unless immunte to fire/burn) - [+] metal armour damages you (1-4 each) - [+] metal lifeforms take huge damage - [+] all lifeforms should have at least novice level knowledge of their own raceclass - [+] new raceclass - dragons - [+] define it - [+] define skill for it - [+] make jobs know the skill - [+] red dragon - [+] high armourrating - [+] swoop - [+] fly - [+] breath weapon - [+] spells - [+] heat metal - [+] fireball - [+] burning wave - [+] want gold - [+] immune to fire - [+] red dragon hatchling - [+] generally lwoer power, only has heat metal and spark ? - [+] spellcasttext for individual spells - [+] ancient red dragon - [+] higher hp and armourrating - [+] more damage - [+] more spells
2011-11-07 13:12:04 +11:00
enum RARITY pickrr(int whatfor);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
int pilehasletter(obpile_t *op, char let);
- [+] implement getradiuscells() - [+] evaporate spell - turn water into steam - [+] monster generation bug? even on dlev10 i'm stil getting mostly kobolds - [+] ai infinint eloop again - frost hawk trying to open door - [+] another infinite loop - not falling through after spell failure. * [+] reduce attack delay for most weapons. - [+] letplayer see a tiny bit in the dark (1 cell ?) - [+] beginner tracking not working - fixed. - [+] only show "...but do no damage" if you have good knowledge about their race. - [+] make gold lighter * [+] footprints glyph shouldn't override pudles of water! - [+] only show eviscerate etc if you have good knowledge? - [+] don't start monsters on the stairs/magical barriers!!! - [+] stone should be immune to more damage types * [+] addexits adding way too many exits. - [+] blessed identify should ID everything - [+] blessed mending mends all - [+] don't make noise when slowmoving. - [+] eyebat dispersal big: The eyebat's strong scent leading north disappears! - [+] go over footprint+scent+corpse and pickup:"You can't pick up footprints!" * [+] doors can't do on top of each other!!! * [+] low ground - [+] make sure you can't have more than one "water" object in a cell. * [+] make val2 of rarity be "common/uncommon/rare" etc - [+] more monster types should appear in the forest. - [+] when i go down stairs into a dark area, "it is pitch black!" is being cleared. * [+] helm of the poltergeist - [+] flying creatures get penalties in webs etc - [+] blind things shoudln't follow up/donw stairs - [+] You shout a blood-curdling war cry! The sawgrass turns to flee from you! - [+] potions still worth too much. minor healing was 420!! - [+] AI should only go towards covetted object if it's closer or the same distanec as target. - [+] branded objects should be worth LOTS - at the moment they're worth 1!! * [+] maybe just adjust value of rarity? - [+] don't roll spot checks while training! * [+] replace f_nofeel with: - [+] revenge did too much damage (50) * [+] change how AR works - [+] need to add: "really walk into a falling rock trap" ? - [+] put only ONE staircase going up on dlev 0 - [+] why am i stopping sprinting after 1 move? * [+] somehow make sure mosnters can't see footprints in a cell with mist - [+] bones shouldn't be able to catch on fire. - [+] when you levle up, gainskill BEFORE getting new spells - [+] put out flaming objects after pickup * [+] don't say "really target yourself?" when using a potion of sleep!! - [+] enhance a random skill when levelling up? every 2 levels? - [+] weaken koboldsa little - less change of javelin - [+] don't drown instantly - take a few turns, depending on CON * [+] create vault spell for debugging ??? - [+] doors in the middle of rooms. - [+] highlight selected choice in askstr - [+] flooded_room being created without walls!!!!!! - [+] describe spell from levleup not working * [+] GETROOMEDGE RETURNING NO CELLS for circularroom!!!!! - [+] fire wizard not prompted to get firedart at l2.. Vaults * [+] X corridor - - [+] crosshatch - [+] should water be ~ instead ?? and change whatever is currently a tilde to something else... Initial work on goal: - [+] surround all stairs with barriers - [+] start player NEAR stairs (randomadjcell from stairs, allowexpand) + methods of escape - [+] knock scroll - [+] digging (but it stops the dig from going any further)
2011-06-09 18:58:35 +10:00
void potioneffects(lifeform_t *lf, enum OBTYPE oid, object_t *o, enum BLESSTYPE potlessed, int *seen);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int pour(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
void quaff(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o);
2011-03-04 12:22:36 +11:00
int readsomething(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
void removedeadobs(obpile_t *op);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
int removeob(object_t *o, int howmany);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
object_t *relinkob(object_t *src, obpile_t *dst);
- [+] BUG: trying to go down stairs from L7 (6?) - [+] You walk down the staircase... ERROR - can't find opposite end of stairs/portal! - [+] You walk down the staircase... ERROR - unlinked stairs! - [+] This is related to the fact that all the staircases came from Jimbo's vault - [+] For some reason we're not linking them when they come for ma vault!!! - [+] "joining unliked stairs" section not working??? - [+] it calls getstairdestination, but this DOESNT call linkstairs! - [+] maby: call autolink everytime i add stairs ? or only do this during createvault ? - [+] automatically remove useless doors (ie. ones where all adjacent walkable cells are in the same room) - [+] in fix_reachability i'm drawing a corridor through vault/room walls. <- probably this one. - [+] don't allow auto reachability to enter rooms through the wrong side wall. - [+] TEST during regular playtests, see if maps look better. - [+] quality on doors. - [+] sturdy / plain / shoddy doors. this impacts the hp - [+] stone doors (solid / plain /crumbling) - [+] metal ( reinforced / plain / rusty) - [+] only show this if perception >= beginner - [+] dungeon shapes - [+] new cell attribute - locked. - [+] calcroompos can't make rooms on locked cells. - [+] normal - [+] cross - [+] circle - [+] turret - [+] - premask out blocked cells before generation! - [+] minion code - if leader dies, - [+] minions drop morale - [+] and might either immediately flee - [+] need lastdamlf - [+] if wisdom >= gtaverage, automatically turn off lamps when you go to sleep - [+] "scratch"/"gnaw" etc should be based on actual damage hp amount, not percentage. - [+] change getattackverb() - [+] 1-2 - [+] 3-6 - [+] 8-12 - [+] 12-18 - [+] 18+ - [+] shop objects should start with all flags known. - [+] allow usage of godstones without id'ing them first. this will id them. - [+] weapon/armour shop should resize armour for you for a cost. - [+] chanelling bonus - [+] novice - [+] tell you when wand is low on charges (0-3) - [+] beginner - [+] let you determine exact remaining charges in wands once it is == 1! - [+] adept - [+] let you determine exact remaining charges in wands once it is <= 3! - [+] skilled: - [+] let you determine exact remaining charges in wands once it is <= 6! - [+] master - [+] lets you always see full amount of want charges. - [+] lets you convert your mp into wand charges? "imbue item"
2012-01-09 15:02:26 +11:00
void resizeobject(object_t *o, enum LFSIZE wantsize);
VAULTS * [+] vaiultlegend_t * [+] vaultdef_t - [+] implement addlegend() - [+] implement addvault() - [+] function to read in a vault from a data file - [+] vs_noid - [+] vs_loadingmap - [+] vs_loadinglegend - [+] vs_loadingflags - [+] vs_loading - [+] load all vaultdefs in at start - [+] change createroom to calculate the posistion - [+] for each room, give a %chance of haivng a vault. (based on habitat?) * [+] createvault(map_t, roomid?, char *vaultid) - [+] mapdata with letters * [+] MSG up vault errors on load. - [+] Select job _before_ generating first map. * [+] make addob() handle door flags: * [+] addob() improvements * [+] wish bug: first object goes in pack, rest on ground. - [+] genericise getroomedge() - [+] finish 'autodoors' (at the end, add doors if none already done) - [+] at(x,y):type:what:pct -> f_vaultob / vaultlf / vaultcell, v0=x, v1=y, v2=pct text=what * [+] "what" can be: * [+] scatter:y1:x2:y2:what:chance%:howmany * [+] some way to make the @map bit just say 'random room at least 2x4' - [+] make "scatter" able to take range instead of count. - [+] make "scatter"able to take x% instead of count. - [+] upsidedown chars no longer working with winch() - [+] ensure no DUPE ids - [+] make legend take percentages (optional) - [+] make "at" take negative values... OPTIONS - [+] autodoors - put doors on edges like with normal dungeon rooms. * [+] autopop - fill with obs/monsters like normal rooms VAULT FILES - [+] flooded room - [+] labyrinth - [+] vault (lots of money, locked secret doors) - [+] monster zoos (money and monsters) - [+] diningroom - lots of tables and chairs - [+] circleroom - [+] pillared room - [+] glass pillared room - [+] cockatrice lair (statues) - [+] traproom - need "random trap". need OC_TRAP. - [+] BUG: piranhas walking out of water sometimes....... - [+] add startatt x-y rather than just a bracket. use text field. - [+] make teleport auto move away form lfs - [+] add minotaur
2011-06-02 18:34:44 +10:00
void rrtorarity(enum RARITY r, int *minr, int *maxr);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
void setblessed(object_t *o, enum BLESSTYPE wantbless);
int sethiddenname(objecttype_t *o, char *text);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
void setinscription(object_t *o, char *text);
void setobcreatedby(object_t *o, lifeform_t *lf);
- [+] thrown objects taking no damage due to hardness * [+] DIETY is slow. - [+] map bug - from 0,0, walk NE (off top edge). i end up at 0,0 again!!! * [+] ALLOW ROTATING OF VAULTS - [+] BUG: dig X only goes 1 cell. - [+] add a U shaped turn vault. - [+] change wehre i apply HADRNESS for lfs! - don't use adjustdammaterial cause we inherit there - [+] make obchance/thingchance part of habitat_t - [+] make sense surroundings take cartography skill into account * [+] BUG: rotated at() etc not working. - [+] if you fail stealing, the target should get angry!!! - [+] make sure to redraw stat bar when mind scan finishes. - [+] villages - [+] initial code * [+] town gaurds. stand next to the gate - [+] potion shop vault - [+] implement - [+] potion shop isn't getting potions!! - [+] and getting wrong floor type. * [+] stop shop from always being at the top left. - [+] make sure its x/y arent too close to edge of map (at least 5 away) - [+] vault param. f_mapmargin, 5 - [+] make calcroompos take x/y margin - [+] don't put auto obs inside vaults - [+] town walls - [+] more kinds of shops * [+] signs outside shops - [+] bug with ai swapping between firearms and twohanded weapons. fixed. * [+] make _CELLS_ have habitats! - [+] move vaultchance to a habitat param instead of getvaultchance() * [+] shopkeepers (special race) village things: - [+] barrels, - [+] guards, - [+] statue - [+] thrown objects should still take damage if blocked via a shield * [+] hardness (must do dam >= xx to hurt) * [+] WATER spread mods * [+] very powerful spells have casttime - [+] allow linkstairs() to take a parameter rather than always jsut searching for the other end - [+] when digging holes, only use getrandomadjcell if there is an lf in the way. and then use WE_NOLF. clear out solid cells - [+] show armour EVASION penalty in describeob - [+] teleportation trap. You reintegrate inside a solid object! You die.--More--. - [+] riverroom vault * [+] water: swap { and ~ again?? - [+] make "large puddle of water" evaporate more quickly * [+] special glyph case: for deep water
2011-06-29 18:48:48 +10:00
void setwaterdepth(cell_t *c, int depth);
int shatter(object_t *o, int hitlf, char *damstring, lifeform_t *fromlf);
2011-03-11 12:25:38 +11:00
void shufflehiddennames(void);
- [+] BUG: arrows shouldn't be able to trigger arrow traps!!! - [+] king piranhas shouldn't leap out of the water! - [+] don't catch thrown missiles if it will burden us - [+] in @@, show "accuracy" as a seperate line, not with your weapon. - [+] higher chance of learning psionics on level up. - [+] fix up monster hp - too easy to kill most things in one hit with dam = 4-12, 2 attacks (ie. l6 monk) - [+] dump out all mosnters sorted by hit dice (show avg hp) - [+] fix them up - [+] vault->entertext - ie "you enter a dining room" - [+] make random monster generation go by hitdice AND rarity rr_. IGNORE rarity value. - [+] start with hd = level. sometimes incrase - [+] remove all rarity values from monsters - [+] disorient might need to be higher level than stun - [+] make psionic spell mp cost be level, rather than level^2? - [+] ai bug: - [+] .oO { looking for a target . } .oO { found an enemy target - lfid 256 (human) ! } .oO { default - moving randomly } - [+] reduce cost for higher levle spells agian. - [+] prevent player from eating an ice sheid! - [+] bug when eating from the floor with multiple food items there - [+] assassin's blink spell - teleport behind and facing someone. medium level translocation. - [+] make "chunk of roast meat" be "chunk of roast goblin meat" - [+] and base nutrition on corpse type - [+] highlevel sixth sense should let you turn to face it * [+] add prompt text to msg hist: - [+] sixth sense should only pick up hostile monsters - [+] need a good reason that wizards can't wear armour. - [+] if isplayer(), failure chance depends on any arm/shield penalties - [+] show f_impassable in describeob() - [+] no walking backwards/sideways if you're stuck in a web/vine. can only turn. - [+] objects for protection: - [+] eyeglasses (+vision) - [+] safety goggles - [+] ERROR - stairs link to existing map 0('the surface(0,0) (id #0)', depth 1), but it has no free stairs. - [+] when we restart map regeneration, must first REMOVE referenecs to this map!!! - [+] implemented. - [+] fixed bug with sleep interruption - [+] You attack the helpless the dwarf monk! You flatten the dwarf monk! The dwarf monk loses consciousness. damage's robe protects it. - [+] add stamina cost to other abilities - [+] add descriptions to lore skills - [+] make athletics skill give you more stamina? * [+] monstesr stopping fleeing when they can't see player
2011-09-28 04:56:58 +10:00
int sizetonutrition(enum LFSIZE size);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
object_t *splitob(object_t *o);
- [+] prevent 'A' (forceattack) behind you - [+] replace: - [+] Something critically savages your body. Your uncursed suit of ring mail protects you. Your suit of ring mail is damaged! - [+] with: - [+] Something critically savages your suit of ring mail. - [+] Your suit of ring mail is damaged! - [+] tremorsense shouldn't see flying creatures - [+] rename blink to "bamf" - [+] add F_containsmeat for non-vegetarian foods - [+] use this in vegetarian checks instead of mt_Flesh - [+] "what goes up" spell - [+] "equal and opposite" spell - [+] why didn't cyborg ninja start with weapon weilded? - [+] getbestwepon - accuracy was counting for too much. have changed calculation. - [+] why is wizard's staff not enchanted??? - [+] elephant race - Pachyon or Mammoan - [+] bonus - [+] Leather skin - [+] str++ - [+] photo mem - [+] high listen skill - [+] good smell - [+] penalty - [+] slow movement - [+] no armour on ears - [+] agi- - [+] low eyesight - [+] vuln to sonic - [+] vegetarian - [+] other - [+] large - [+] throw salt to blind targets - [+] if you learn a new spell school skill while game is in progress, gain a 1st level spell too. - [+] for random roast meat, always use base race - [+] ie. orc, not "elite orc" - [+] (ie. human, not 'town guard') - [+] remove "prepare food" skill. - [+] use "cook" instead - [+] startskill should be a modifier, not absolute. - [+] ie. elf can have sk_ranged, so can hunter. these will now stack. - [+] chance for ai to use a firearm is lowered based on firearm accuracy - [+] bug: massively high amount of skillxp needed for a point - [+] firearms should do more damage at pointblank range. - [+] icicle bugs - getrandomadjcell for knockback failing - [+] still a bug with firearm accuracy updating - [+] 2 squares away, move towards enemy - it doesn't update! - [+] display all valid hits in brown - [+] wear melted wax in ears to reduce sonic damage - [+] ranged skillls - [+] adp - [+] fast reloading - [+] exp - [+] fire through lifeforms! lof_wallstop instead of lof_need - [+] mas - [+] extra dam. - [+] object HP issue: - [+] head: b - an uncursed helmet [AR:3] [110%] - [+] body: c - an uncursed suit of ring mail [AR:6] [173%] - [+] hands: d - an uncursed battered pair of gauntlets [AR:2] [86%] - [+] are objects taking negative damage?? - [+] have put an assertion in to check - [+] wait for it to happen again... - [+] add hitchance to askcoords when throwing/shooting - [+] code it - [+] test for throw - [+] add for telekeniis too - [+] add for guns: - [+] "targetted: something [x%]" - [+] "bow->Target->xxx [x%]" - [+] show gun target on botl - [+] redo throw accuracy: - [+] 100 to hit yourself - [+] apply per-cell penalty based on: - [+] throwing / ranged skill (more) - [+] AGI (lesser) - [+] wetsuit description not showing dtresist cold!! - [+] hunter job - [+] wetsuit (covers multiple body parts), prot from cold - [+] announce bleeding damage from injuries - [+] only mark _weapons_ as 'tried' when weilding them - [+] change random items: - [+] fix wantrr bug - [+] test... - [+] new function: enum RARITY pickrarity() - [+] check for all wantrr = xxx and use pickrarity instead. - [+] give classes a RR_RARITY - [+] common - [+] weapon / armour / money / missile - [+] furniture - [+] misc - [+] rock - [+] uncommon - [+] potion / scroll / food - [+] rare - [+] trap - [+] tech/tool - [+] dfeature (pentagram, vending machine, etc) - [+] vrare - [+] wand - [+] ring - [+] book * [+] rewrite wrappers * [+] marge getrandomobofclass and getrandomob - [+] bug: telling allies to attack something they can't see. need a msg for this. - [+] Norman->Attack->A young hawk [flying, facing NE] - [+] Cancelled. - [+] bug: allies not regaining hp when asleep! fixed. - [+] you can now always 'see' your allies if you have LOH - [+] ie. scannedcell - [+] ie. cansee - [+] player luck should cause better random item creation, and easier monsters - [+] pickrr() needs arg to say what it is for (vault , ob, lf) - [+] meals have special effects. eg: - [+] easy: - [+] mushroom + water = mushroom soup = restore a little stamina - [+] tomato + water = tomato soup = restore a little stamina - [+] apple + stone = fruit juice (don't kill the stone) - [+] cheese + bread = cheese sandwich = restore all food and stamina - [+] rum + chocolate = rum ball = cure pain, restore some hp - [+] med: - [+] corpse + water + salt = jerky - [+] mushroom + water + beef = beef strogonoff = filling, temporary Fitness boost - [+] garlic + bread + clover = garlic bread = produce stench like a trogolodyte - [+] bread + meat + tomato = hot dog = temporary strength - [+] water + sugar + 2 berries = potion of red cordial = speed boost - [+] hard - [+] peanut + stone + salt + bread = peanut butter sandwich = super filling, restore all stamina, temp fitness boost - [+] rum + chocolate + sugar + berry = fruit cake = restores all stamina and hp and mp - [+] implement recipe_t - [+] int ningerdients - [+] enum OBTYPE ingredient[MAXINGREDS] - [+] int count[MAXINGREDS] - [+] int cosumeingredient[MAXINGREDS] (boolean) - [+] makedesc_ob should show the recipe for it, if cooking skill is high enough - [+] cooking skill determines how many ingredients you can use - [+] ie. beginner = you can make recipes which need 2 ingredients - [+] redo "cook" ability. - [+] can combine ingredients using recipes to make meals - [+] ingredients must be known! - [+] chef job - [+] attr - [+] gtaverage agility - [+] low fitnesss - [+] objects: - [+] meat cleaver (slashing, low acc, high crit) - [+] apron (rubber, low protection) - [+] chef hat (cloth, low protection) - [+] butane torch (flambe on adjacent lifeform) - [+] abilities - [+] rage at lv3 * [+] skills - [+] chef job - [+] attr - [+] gtaverage agility - [+] low fitnesss - [+] objects: - [+] meat cleaver (slashing, low acc, high crit) - [+] apron (rubber, low protection) - [+] chef hat (cloth, low protection) - [+] butane torch (flambe on adjacent lifeform) - [+] abilities - [+] rage at lv3 * [+] skills
2011-11-15 05:21:40 +11:00
int takedamage(object_t *o, int howmuch, int damtype);
int real_takedamage(object_t *o, int howmuch, int damtype, int wantannounce);
int fireat(lifeform_t *thrower, object_t *o, int amt, cell_t *where, int speed, object_t *firearm);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
void timeeffectsob(object_t *o);
* [+] bug: map structure being corrupted. - [+] reduce hardness values * [+] problem with skills: as you level up , you learn them less often * [+] throw objects to set off traps - [+] combination strike ability at expert wep level - [+] reduce skill bonus to sc_stealth and sc_search - [+] modify descriptions for all spells to explain the effect of spell power - [+] make chill work more like frostbite (but less powerful) - [+] make beginner skills still only cost 1. above there thye csost more - [+] modify cha check based on remaining hp% (ie. less attractive if you're bleeding everywhere!) - [+] am i getting all level up skill messages? don't think i saw "you can now detect magic" as a wizard. - [+] can use "more()" more often now that it checks strlen(msgbuf) first. - [+] make askchar etc call more() first. - [+] falling over should lower your visrange. - [+] missile size should impact how hard it is to catch it - [+] backstabbing doesn't seem to work..... fixed now ? - [+] all non-movement actions should stop sprinting. Cold spells: - [+] l1 - glaciate (turns water to sheets of ice) - [+] l1 - snowball (minor cold damage in a ball, 1 to all) - [+] l2 - e "train" to train skills or go up a levle, instead of 'R'. - [+] better way to learn spells (without spellbooks) - [+] transcribe from scrolls using "study scroll"ability - [+] sc_learnmagic - [+] (int/2) + yourlevel + sorceryskill + BONUS:(spellskill*2) - [+] difficulty is 20 + spelllevel*3 - [+] you lose the scroll even if it fails - [+] same for learning from a spellbook! - [+] but difficulty is 15 + sorceryskill + spelllevel*3 - [+] make pea soup be targetted. ie. make mist on top of your enemy, not you! - [+] implement maximum level in f_canlearn. - [+] wizards - short blades at novice. - [+] limit spell skills for some other classes? ce shield? creates a shield
2011-08-31 06:10:43 +10:00
//void trapeffects(object_t *trapob, enum OBTYPE oid, lifeform_t *lf);
void trapeffects(object_t *trapob, enum OBTYPE oid, cell_t *c);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
void turnoff(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o);
void turnon(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o);
- [+] bug: "10 flaming arrows ##########\n are no longer on fire" - [+] bug: when wearing no boots: "A small puddle of water hits you!" - [+] animated zombie keeps changing colour * [+] wizard special case: * [+] bug - walked down stiars on top of a monster - [+] change "haslof" to come from a cell - [+] replace WE_NOTSOLID with WE_WALKABLE - [+] show hp/mp in colour - [+] invis potion should always traget user - [+] generic functions to curse/uncurse an object - [+] not prompting for statgain after training properly. fixed. * [+] pressing a key should interrupt resting * [+] implement doublebuffering for screen - [+] don't show attack dmg for mosnters - [+] reduce sprint time - [+] if a monster is chasing someone (ie has F_TARGET), then don't consider cursed ob ells as valid - [+] don't hear noises when in battle - [+] colourise attribs on status bar * [+] askob/askobmulti - [+] "lockpick with what" showing too much * [+] inventoy colours - [+] "masterwork stick" ?! - [+] poison: save to get rid of poison should be HARDER than save to prevent getting it * [+] why are xats starting off carrying objects ? * [+] small chance of catching a thrown missile if you have very high dex * [+] if you polymorphed on purpose, have a "revert to original form" ability - [+] nausea should only affect humanoids - [+] BUG displaying knowledge when it goes longer than 1 screen. - [+] monsters are attacking each other again! fixed? * [+] BUG: when i load a game, i gain all knowledge! - [+] more pole weapons * [+] disarming weapons * [+] tripping weapons * [+] MORE ISSUES with askobject * [+] validatelf - [+] fix bug with poison triggering too often - [+] chance of retching when nauseated. no hp loss, but takes time. - [+] monsters shouldn't throw stuff if they don't have lof. - [+] fix crash in knockbackob->fireat, caused by thrower == null - [+] let high powered KNOCK knockback creatures again ? - [+] test function to dump out: dungeonlev which_monsters_can_appear - [+] firstaid tells you how long poison will last and whether it's lifethreatenting? * [+] high level listen gives more info - [+] wind shield spell - [+] repels all missiles of speed <= power - [+] variable level spells - [+] F_VARLEVEL - [+] when you cast, say "cast at how much power" with choices "Power II (5 MP)" - [+] show in spell list: "5-10 MP" - [+] replace ARBOOST with MAGICARMOUR - [+] needan() * [+] move psychic shield check into losehp - [+] high level detectlife should show actual lf glyphs - [+] control which jobs can learn which new skills. - [+] F_CANLEARN xxx - [+] remember last target from spells - [+] askcoords = does lf for lastlftarg exist? if not, set it to null - [+] if so, start with it - [+] when you pick one, set it. - [+] F_SHIELDPENALTY - modifies accuracy. * [+] stop wizards from using shields
2011-04-06 17:27:55 +10:00
int uncurseob(object_t *o, int *seen);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int usecharge(object_t *o);
* [+] let credit cards be used at some shops? * [+] bug with adding obejcts to shops - [+] issue with objects dying and killing their flagpiles - [+] A medium fire dies down a little. A medium fire is no longer glowing. - [+] shouldn't say "is no longer glowing" when we're changing the type... ? - [+] put a breakpoint on "is no longer glowing" * [+] let you bless objects using a holy circle somehow (but it might make the circle disappear?). - [+] darness bug - need to recalc light for anyone who sees a cell's lightlevel change. - [+] call more() after showing vaultentertext() - [+] remove "inspected" when you ident or makeknown an object. - [+] BUG - no objects in inventory!!!! - [+] listobs failing? mylist[0] = null. MEMLEAK - [+] finish implementing CLEANUP() - [+] crash in cleanup() -> killot() -> findleak.c_stuff while freeing STACKABLE flag from cactus fruit??? - [+] better now? - [+] now a crash freeing hiddennames! - [+] forgot to free obmods - [+] leaking approx. 1 meg per turn! - [+] where am i leaking?! maybe try valgrind or findleak.c - [+] findleak.c now finds nothing. - [+] but i am sitll leaking????? - [+] related to lifeform count. killing all but player dramatically slows it. - [+] check calclos()... looks okay. - [+] setcellknown() ?no. - [+] startlfturn?? no. - [+] remove unused "lf->viscell" - [+] when there are 2 things in a cell, say "you see x and x here." - [+] restore original stast when polymorphing back to original form!!! - [+] when making shops, pick new ones more often. - [+] change to maps: don't let vaults overlap. - [+] HARDCODE object values - [+] potions - [+] tech - [+] tools - [+] rings - [+] increase evasion skill effects - [+] changes to animradial... and animradialorth - [+] combine into one function - [+] move msg into here - [+] refs to spellcloud() - [+] refs to animradial() - [+] fire should spread onto flammable lifeforms - [+] bug: attack flurry doesn't work for monk - [+] let monsters climb even when not facing a wall? - [+] set their facing first. - [+] CRASH when you die while climbing (or on a solid cell) - [+] rings - [+] stench - [+] breath water - [+] detect life - [+] deceleration - [+] meditation - [+] reflection - [+] boost magic power - [+] education - gain xpskills more quickly - [+] crit protection - [+] greed - detect obs - [+] ivy - grows! - [+] ragefungus - bezerk spores - [+] nutter - drops peanuts - [+] dish which slightly increases maxhp (beginner level) - [+] stuffed mushroom. shiitake mushroom + bread
2011-12-08 13:55:14 +11:00
int usecharges(object_t *o, int amt);
* [+] fire should set equipped obs on fire too * [+] trapped doors/objcets * [+] make careful walking have less chance of triggering some traps (eg tripwire) - [+] dex penalty when drunk - [+] require dex to put on most shoes - [+] Diety's short sword of pyromania isn't appearing? - [+] make sure i can tumble over traps * [+] able to cut tripwires with slashing/chopping/piercing weapons? - [+] maybe make cmomando have no weapon skill - [+] make armour more common - [+] shouldnt be able to swap place with someone who is sleeping - [+] if you're not in the water, can't see lfs in water (unless they are adjacent) - [+] You break free from the zombie! You reintegrate inside a solid object!--More-- * [+] shopkeepers will charge an extra fee to identify stuff - [+] shouldn't get an empty flask when I dirnk from a fountain! - [+] identify and remove curse scrolls should be COMMON * [+] provide detailed skill descriptions - [+] dumpoutlines() - [+] make minotaurs stay in room - [+] make minotaurs have good smell - [+] don't auotreveal vaults. * [+] should be able to fill flasks from fountains - [+] don't announce corpse decay death while training. * [+] add the initial godstone at the bottom of firstdungeon * [+] make fountains names same as their linked potions - [+] bug: when filling potions from the ground, ground object was never dryaing up Beggars - [+] stealing ability sometimes. run away after using this * [+] various lots of generic f_talktext->"have a coin to spare?" World map - [+] 1-2,1-2: habitat: village - [+] multiple villages - [+] vault: island with treasure (or acid island?) - [+] jump into a water - it splashes small puddles to surrounding cells * [+] let dig spell go up/down. * [+] fountains, random potion effect or water (blue _ or }) - [+] make thingchance and obchance be habitat_t parameters. work on game goal - [+] find a way out of the magical dungeon barriers in the first dungeon - [+] slime - [+] troll = t - [+] lizardman - [+] ogre - [+] kobold - [+] fire sprite - [+] hobgoblin - [+] bugbear - [+] gnoll - [+] giant - [+] zombie - [+] skeleton * [+] ghoul - [+] ghast - [+] can operate spanner to - [+] jam/unjam a door * [+] visibility - [+] initial code for monsters opening doors while giving chase - [+] acid does more damage to armour * [+] implement temporary flags. * [+] implement unknown flags - [+] mana spike - [+] energy bolt - [+] energy blast (hits all in radius) - [+] flash (like flashbang) - [+] telekinesis (open/close doors remotely, grab/throw objects remotely) - [+] mindscan - knoweldge of hp etc * [+] airblast (push obs, push someone very far, AND lose obs. break walls they hit?) - [+] fireball - sets on fire - [+] flamepillar - [+] fire arrow - [+] spark (light a flammable object) - [+] flameburst - 2d8+3 damage in a circle - [+] burning wave - 2d10 damage and set on firea, line towards target - [+] range 3 - [+] freezing touch (turns an object to ice) - [+] knock - opens doors - [+] gas form - [+] polymorph - [+] write on floor - [+] light - [+] weaken (lose str) - [+] poison cloud - change cloudkill to this? - [+] animate dead - [+] posession - [+] minor healing - [+] healing - [+] turn undead - [+] identify - [+] detect magic - [+] detect aura - [+] reveal surroundings - [+] uncontrolled teleport - [+] speed - [+] slow - [+] boost gravity - [+] create monster - [+] divine - [+] wish
2011-07-21 11:43:45 +10:00
int usefountaincharge(object_t *o, flag_t *drinkflag);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int validateobs(void);
int wepdullable(object_t *o);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
int willshatter(enum MATERIAL mat);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00