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- [+] outdoor bug: at -1,-1. travel south. end up at 0,0!!! - [+] blink should go to random place within lof, not los - [+] sunglasses shuld reduce nightvis range, not visrange * [+] since jolt needs adjacency, make it more powerful - [+] use colours for spell descriptions - [+] replace 'call wind' with 'zephyr' * [+] add vault commonality. - [+] add more common vaults - roundabout etc * [+] change "addmonster" to take a string arg instrad of RACEID - [+] pouring cursed water on blessed scroll didn't work..... - [+] append "...god of xxx" to rc_god lifeforms - [+] try to attack with f_pain -> INFINITE LOOP. - [+] ARMOURPIERCE shouldn't hurt armour - [+] ghast touchparalyze attack isn't working. * [+] bug: when praying to gods, ones not in heaven aren't listed. - [+] when a god apepars..."Hecta appears" x2 - [+] attacking fleeing lf should count as a backstab (if you have the skill) * [+] "nothing happens" during god spell effects * [+] allow hunger to work on monsters - [+] pressing 'a' on @Magic has weird results. - [+] bug: got a gift form yumi during combat???? what for? healing? initial vampire implementation initial god implementation - [+] they all start off in "heaven" map. - [+] gods ahve f_piety. starts at 0 - [+] keep track of piety with each god. starts at 0 for each one. * [+] let planeshift take you to heaven (for debugging) * [+] everyone has 'pray' ability. - [+] modpiety(rid, amt) * [+] piety vals * [+] when you pray - [+] isangry(god) - ie is piety < 0 * [+] if you pray when god is angry, bad! * [+] once piety gets over 200 or so, praying might give you a gift. * [+] god_appears(lifeform_t *victim) - [+] if >=0 (indiff / pleased), goes up to indiff over time(1 per turn). - [+] regain through doing actions ... in progress - [+] lose through doing actions only if you have prayed to this god before (angergodmaybe) - [+] special: gods don't need LOS to cast spells. - [+] gods planeshift away if not doing anything else. * [+] @g to see your piety levels for each god - [+] ?g for help on gods - [+] IN general: - [+] prey = oneoff effect - [+] gift = ongoing * [+] makeangry() vs modpiety * [+] Yumi - fem,mercy/healing - if you die within the first few turns! Hecta - partial Avamon - partial
2011-08-04 04:43:05 +10:00
#include "defs.h"
void angergod(enum RACE rid, int amt);
void angergodmaybe(enum RACE rid, int amt);
lifeform_t *findgod(enum RACE rid);
int getpiety(enum RACE rid);
enum PIETYLEV getpietylev(enum RACE rid, enum COLOUR *col, char *happiness);
lifeform_t *godappears(enum RACE rid, cell_t *where);
int godgiftmaybe(enum RACE rid);
int godisangry(enum RACE rid);
void godsay(enum RACE rid, char *format, ...);
void modpiety(enum RACE rid, int amt);
void pleasegod(enum RACE rid, int amt);
void pleasegodmaybe(enum RACE rid, int amt);
int prayto(lifeform_t *lf, lifeform_t *god);
void setpiety(enum RACE rid, int amt);