* [+] goblins aren't opening doors...
- [+] xat shouldn't be able to open doors! - [+] semicontrolled createmonster * [+] implement semicontrolled teleport (can pick the general direction) * [+] change how semicontrolled teleport works - [+] make identify/remove curse more common - [+] make minorheal/heal more common * [+] NOTDONE. maybe reduce the amount of damage which AR blocks a bit? i got to 30ar very fast! (ie -45% dam) * [+] make a special case for F_FLAKJACKET - [+] BUG: glowbug is causing PERMENANT light, not temp! - [+] diety ability - levelup - [+] new damtype: necrotic - [+] drain life spell - [+] make water evaporate - [+] BUG in validating target cell. was asking a monster for input * [+] boots get wet if you walk in water - [+] why does oil lamp and pil lantern make the same range of light? - [+] fixed another vending maching crash - [+] crash due to sprinting? - [+] 2 blessed flask of battery acids - [+] "This is a wand!" - don't use code for hiding names in the dark! * [+] animals shouldn't eat their own race! - [+] gem of seeing costs nothing! - [+] frozen weapons do +1d4 cold damage - [+] allomancy/psionics don't need spellcasting - [+] poison isn't being announced on mosnters? - [+] "you are full" only interrupt if we went < normal (ie peckish starving etc) - [+] only F_HUMANOID creatures can wear armour / use weapons * [+] what does a masterwork bow do? - [+] implement strength requirements on weapons - [+] UNDEAD cannot be poisoned by eating corpses! - [+] ai lfs shoudlnt' eat tainted food - [+] change how gravboost works wrt movement - [+] smart ai lfs shouldnt move when in pain - [+] don't stop walking if the only things there are non-pickupable - [+] make mosnters swap places with each other if they are the same baseid * [+] scroll of permenance - [+] make more monsters have gold * [+] can learn novice level weapon skills by using one a lot * [+] finish hawks * [+] add colour * [+] job attribs aren't working - [+] pile of ash has weird glyph! * [+] when you learn the first rank of some magic skills, you get a spell with it - [+] add colours to statbar - [+] can only "stop on xxx" if you have feet - [+] monsters shouldn't attack other to get to wanted objects. * [+] "xat throws a knife" - [+] manaspike doing no damage to giant newt - [+] assign colours to rings
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,11 +21,21 @@ int wantdb = B_TRUE;
void aiattack(lifeform_t *lf, lifeform_t *victim, int timelimit) {
int db = B_FALSE;
flag_t *f;
if (lfhasflag(lf, F_DEBUG)) {
db = B_TRUE;
// already targetting this lf?
f = lfhasflagval(lf, F_TARGET, victim->id, NA, NA, NULL);
if (f) {
if ((f->lifetime > 0) && (f->lifetime < timelimit)) {
f->lifetime = timelimit;
if (db) {
char lfname[BUFLEN],vicname[BUFLEN];
getlfname(lf, lfname);
@ -47,7 +57,6 @@ void aiattack(lifeform_t *lf, lifeform_t *victim, int timelimit) {
makenoise(lf, N_GETANGRY);
// change allegience ?
if (!areenemies(lf, victim)) {
if (getallegiance(victim) == AL_FRIENDLY) {
@ -347,7 +356,7 @@ void aimove(lifeform_t *lf) {
curarm = getarmour(lf, bp);
// do we have a better one?
for (o = lf->pack->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
if (isbetterarmourthan(o, curarm)) {
if (canwear(lf, o, BP_NONE) && isbetterarmourthan(o, curarm)) {
// wear this armour instead
if (!wear(lf, o)) return;
@ -480,7 +489,7 @@ void aimove(lifeform_t *lf) {
// if not adjacent, check for guns, wands, throwing
if (goingtomove && (getcelldist(lf->cell, target->cell) > 1) && haslof(lf, target->cell, B_FALSE, NULL)) {
// can we attack by firing something?
// can we attack by firing a weapon?
gun = getfirearm(lf);
if (goingtomove && gun && getammo(lf)) {
if (db) {
@ -500,8 +509,7 @@ void aimove(lifeform_t *lf) {
// can we attack by throwing something?
if (goingtomove) {
if (goingtomove && hasbp(lf, BP_HANDS)) {
o = getbestthrowmissile(lf);
if (o) {
if (db) dblog(".oO { will throw %s at my target instead of moving }", o->type->name);
@ -516,6 +524,7 @@ void aimove(lifeform_t *lf) {
// do we have a wand we can zap?
if (lfhasflag(lf, F_HUMANOID) || hasbp(lf, BP_HANDS)) {
if (lfhasflag(lf, F_FLEEFROM)) {
o = aigetwand(lf, F_AICASTTOFLEE);
} else {
@ -550,6 +559,7 @@ void aimove(lifeform_t *lf) {
// do we have a valid melee attack?
if (!curwep) {
@ -558,7 +568,7 @@ void aimove(lifeform_t *lf) {
if (goingtomove) {
if (!movetowards(lf, target->cell)) {
if (!movetowards(lf, target->cell, DT_ORTH)) {
// success
} else {
@ -599,7 +609,7 @@ void aimove(lifeform_t *lf) {
if (db) dblog(".oO { walking from %d,%d towards f_targetcell (%d,%d) ... }", lf->cell->x, lf->cell->y, x, y);
c = getcellat(lf->cell->map, x, y);
if (c) {
if (movetowards(lf, c)) {
if (movetowards(lf, c, DT_ORTH)) {
// couldn't move towards it for some reason.
// so stop trying.
if (db) dblog(".oO { couldn't walk towards f_targetcell. abandoning it. }");
@ -659,7 +669,7 @@ void aimove(lifeform_t *lf) {
if (db) dblog(".oO { moving towards my new target }");
if (curwep) {
if (!movetowards(lf, c)) return;
if (!movetowards(lf, c, DT_ORTH)) return;
} else {
if (db) dblog(".oO { won't move towards target - i have no weapon. }");
@ -684,7 +694,7 @@ void aimove(lifeform_t *lf) {
addtempflag(lf->flags, F_TARGET, c->lf->id, c->x, c->y, NULL, AI_FOLLOWTIME);
// then move towards them...
if (db) dblog(".oO { moving towards my new target }");
if (!movetowards(lf, c)) return;
if (!movetowards(lf, c, DT_ORTH)) return;
@ -908,6 +918,25 @@ int aispellok(lifeform_t *lf, enum OBTYPE spellid, lifeform_t *victim, enum FLAG
if ((ot->id == OT_S_BLINDNESS) && isblind(victim)) {
specificcheckok = B_FALSE;
if ((ot->id == OT_S_DRAINLIFE) && isimmuneto(victim->flags, DT_NECROTIC)) {
specificcheckok = B_FALSE;
if (ot->id == OT_A_SWOOP) {
flag_t *srflag;
int srange = 5;
srflag = lfhasflag(lf, F_SWOOPRANGE);
if (srflag) {
srange = srflag->val[0];
if (!haslof(lf, victim->cell, LOF_NEED,NULL)) {
specificcheckok = B_FALSE;
} else if (isimmobile(lf) || !lfhasflag(lf, F_FLYING)) {
specificcheckok = B_FALSE;
} else if (getcelldist(lf->cell, victim->cell) > srange) {
specificcheckok = B_FALSE;
if ((ot->id == OT_S_HASTE) && lfhasflag(lf, F_FASTACT)) {
specificcheckok = B_FALSE;
@ -1046,6 +1075,7 @@ int lookforobs(lifeform_t *lf, int covetsonly) {
// current cell has better weapon?
if (lfhasflag(lf, F_HUMANOID) && hasbp(lf, BP_WEAPON)) {
f = hasflag(lf->flags, F_WANTSBETTERWEP);
if (f) {
if (!covetsonly || (f->val[1] == B_COVETS)) {
@ -1058,6 +1088,9 @@ int lookforobs(lifeform_t *lf, int covetsonly) {
if (lfhasflag(lf, F_HUMANOID)) {
// current cell has better armour?
f = hasflag(lf->flags, F_WANTSBETTERARM);
if (f ) {
@ -1071,6 +1104,7 @@ int lookforobs(lifeform_t *lf, int covetsonly) {
// look around for objects which we want, if we don't already have a targetcell.
if (!hasflag(lf->flags, F_TARGETCELL)) {
@ -1079,7 +1113,7 @@ int lookforobs(lifeform_t *lf, int covetsonly) {
int gothere = B_FALSE;
c = lf->los[i];
if (c != lf->ignorecell) {
if (!c->lf && (c != lf->ignorecell)) {
o = hasobmulti(c->obpile, oid, noids);
if (o && !isdangerousob(o, lf, B_TRUE) && (canpickup(lf, o, 1) || caneat(lf,o)) ) {
if (db) dblog(".oO { remote cell has ob i want (%s). setting f_targetcell. }",o->type->name);
@ -1096,6 +1130,7 @@ int lookforobs(lifeform_t *lf, int covetsonly) {
if (!gothere) {
if (lfhasflag(lf, F_HUMANOID) && hasbp(lf, BP_WEAPON)) {
// remote cell has better weapon?
f = hasflag(lf->flags, F_WANTSBETTERWEP);
if (f) {
@ -1109,7 +1144,9 @@ int lookforobs(lifeform_t *lf, int covetsonly) {
if (!gothere) {
if (lfhasflag(lf, F_HUMANOID)) {
// remote cell has better armour?
f = hasflag(lf->flags, F_WANTSBETTERARM);
if (f) {
@ -1123,6 +1160,7 @@ int lookforobs(lifeform_t *lf, int covetsonly) {
if (gothere) {
@ -18,20 +18,60 @@ extern lifeform_t *player;
int applyarmourdamage(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *wep, int dam, enum DAMTYPE damtype) {
object_t *armour;
int adam;
object_t *armour = NULL;
int damtaken = 0;
if ((damtype == DT_ACID) || hasflag(wep->flags, F_ARMOURPIERCE)) {
// ALL of damage reduction goes towards armour
adam = dam;
} else {
// some of damage reduction goes towards armour
adam = (dam / 2);
// figure out what bit of armour was hit
// special case - missiles against flak jacket
if (damtype == DT_PROJECTILE) {
object_t *o;
o = getequippedob(lf->pack, BP_BODY);
if (o && (o->type->id == OT_FLAKJACKET)) {
// stop ALL missile damage
armour = o;
if (!armour) {
// pick a random piece of armour
armour = getrandomarmour(lf);
if (armour) {
damtaken = takedamage(armour,adam, damtype);
int actualdam;
flag_t *rust;
// adjust how much damage to do to armour
if ( ((armour->type->id == OT_FLAKJACKET) && (damtype == DT_PROJECTILE)) ||
(damtype == DT_ACID) ||
hasflag(wep->flags, F_ARMOURPIERCE)) {
// ALL of damage reduction goes towards armour
actualdam = dam;
} else {
// half the damage reduction goes towards armour
actualdam = (dam / 2);
// modify for rust
rust = hasflag(armour->flags, F_RUSTED);
if (rust) {
int multiplier = 1;
switch (rust->val[0]) {
case R_RUSTY:
multiplier = 2;
case R_VRUSTY:
multiplier = 6;
case R_TRUSTY:
multiplier = 10;
actualdam *= multiplier;
// actually apply the damage to the armour
damtaken = takedamage(armour,actualdam, damtype);
return damtaken;
@ -268,9 +308,12 @@ int attacklf(lifeform_t *lf, lifeform_t *victim) {
ndam = 1;
// determine extra damage for flaming etc.
// getextradam from USER too
if (!willheal) {
getextradam(wep, &dam[0], &damtype[0], &ndam);
getextradamwep(wep, &dam[0], &damtype[0], &ndam);
getextradamlf(lf, &dam[0], &damtype[0], &ndam);
} else {
hit = B_FALSE;
ndam = 0;
@ -282,8 +325,8 @@ int attacklf(lifeform_t *lf, lifeform_t *victim) {
flag_t *f;
for (i = 0; i < ndam; i++) {
int reduceamt;
int backstab = B_FALSE;
flag_t *rust;
if (firstisbackstab && (i == 0)) backstab = B_TRUE;
dblog("initial dam[%d] = %d",i,dam[i]);
@ -293,6 +336,25 @@ int attacklf(lifeform_t *lf, lifeform_t *victim) {
dblog("heavy blow makes dam[%d] = %d",i,dam[i]);
// modify for rust
rust = hasflag(wep->flags, F_RUSTED);
if (rust) {
switch (damtype[i]) {
case DT_SLASH:
if (rust->val[0] >= R_TRUSTY) {
dam[i] -= (pctof(50, dam[i]));
} else if (rust->val[0] >= R_VRUSTY) {
dam[i] -= (pctof(25, dam[i]));
} else {
dam[i] -= (pctof(10, dam[i]));
// modify based on resistances
adjustdamlf(victim, &dam[i], damtype[i]);
dblog("adjusted for lf to dam[%d] = %d",i,dam[i]);
@ -525,6 +587,16 @@ int attacklf(lifeform_t *lf, lifeform_t *victim) {
fightback(victim, lf);
// practice?
if (hit) {
skill_t *sk;
// extra damage for being skilled?
sk = getobskill(wep);
if (sk && !getskill(lf, sk->id)) {
practice(lf, sk->id);
// get rid of temp unarmed object pile
if (op) {
@ -624,7 +696,8 @@ int attackob(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o) {
// don't need to check for blessed vs mosnters
// determine extra damage
getextradam(wep, &dam[0], &damtype[0], &ndam);
getextradamwep(wep, &dam[0], &damtype[0], &ndam);
getextradamlf(lf, &dam[0], &damtype[0], &ndam);
for (i = 0; i < ndam; i++) {
@ -703,11 +776,22 @@ int getarmourdamreduction(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *wep, int dam, enum DAMTYPE d
int reduceamt = 0;
float reducepct;
int ar;
object_t *o;
ar = getarmourrating(lf);
reducepct = getdamreducepct(ar);
reduceamt = (int) ceil((reducepct / 100.0) * (float)dam);
// special case
if (damtype == DT_PROJECTILE) {
o = getequippedob(lf->pack, BP_BODY);
if (o && (o->type->id == OT_FLAKJACKET)) {
// stop ALL missile damage
reduceamt = dam;
if (reduceamt < 0) reduceamt = 0;
return reduceamt;
@ -891,13 +975,60 @@ enum DAMTYPE getdamtype(object_t *wep) {
return dt;
int getextradam(object_t *wep, int *dam, enum DAMTYPE *damtype, int *ndam) {
int getextradamlf(lifeform_t *lf, int *dam, enum DAMTYPE *damtype, int *ndam) {
flag_t *f;
// special case - EXTRADAM goes onto INITIAL dam[] if the same type, rather than
// adding a new one.
for (f = lf->flags->first ; f ; f = f->next) {
if (f->id == F_EXTRADAM) {
int *damwhere;
int *damtypewhere;
int doinc = B_FALSE;
if ((f->val[0] == NA) || (f->val[0] == *damtype)) {
damwhere = dam;
damtypewhere = damtype;
*(damwhere) += roll(f->text); // addition
} else {
damwhere = (dam + *ndam);
damtypewhere = (damtype + *ndam);
*(damwhere) = roll(f->text); // set
doinc = B_TRUE;
*(damtypewhere) = f->val[0];
if ((f->lifetime == FROMOBEQUIP) ||
(f->lifetime == FROMOBHOLD) ||
(f->lifetime == FROMOBACTIVATE) ) {
object_t *obfrom;
obfrom = findobbyid(lf->pack, f->obfrom);
if (obfrom) {
int bonusdam = 0;
sumflags(obfrom->flags, F_BONUS, &bonusdam, NULL, NULL);
*(damwhere) += bonusdam;
if (doinc) {
return *dam;
int getextradamwep(object_t *wep, int *dam, enum DAMTYPE *damtype, int *ndam) {
flag_t *f;
for (f = wep->flags->first ; f ; f = f->next) {
if (f->id == F_ONFIRE) {
*(dam + *ndam) = rolldie(2,8);
*(dam + *ndam) = rolldie(2,6);
*(damtype + *ndam) = DT_FIRE;
} else if (f->id == F_FROZEN) {
*(dam + *ndam) = rolldie(1,4);
*(damtype + *ndam) = DT_COLD;
return *dam;
@ -1019,6 +1150,7 @@ void getdamrangeunarmed(flag_t *f, int *min, int *max) {
// roll for damage
int getdamroll(object_t *o, lifeform_t *victim) {
int dam;
int bonusdam = 0;
flag_t *f;
f = hasflag(o->flags, F_DAM);
if (f) {
@ -1041,10 +1173,8 @@ int getdamroll(object_t *o, lifeform_t *victim) {
// modify for bonus
f = hasflag(o->flags, F_BONUS);
if (f) {
dam += f->val[0];
sumflags(o->flags, F_BONUS, &bonusdam, NULL, NULL);
dam += bonusdam;
if (dam < 0) dam = 0;
@ -1359,7 +1489,8 @@ void wepeffects(flagpile_t *fp, cell_t *where, int dam) {
fid = f->val[0];
if (!lfhasflag(victim, fid)) {
int passedcheck = B_FALSE;
if (!f->val[1] == NA) {
// do they get a saving throw?
if (f->val[1] != NA) {
int scdiff;
if (f->val[2] == NA) {
scdiff = 20; // default
@ -1372,8 +1503,6 @@ void wepeffects(flagpile_t *fp, cell_t *where, int dam) {
if (!passedcheck) {
int val0;
val0 = f->val[1];
if (f->text) {
char loctext[BUFLEN];
char *word, *dummy;
@ -1415,9 +1544,9 @@ void wepeffects(flagpile_t *fp, cell_t *where, int dam) {
} else {
strcpy(frombuf, "something unknown");
addtempflag(victim->flags, fid, val0, NA, NA, frombuf, howlong);
addtempflag(victim->flags, fid, NA, NA, NA, frombuf, howlong);
} else {
addtempflag(victim->flags, fid, val0, NA, NA, NULL, howlong);
addtempflag(victim->flags, fid, NA, NA, NA, NULL, howlong);
} // end if passedcheck
} // end (if victim doesn't already have the flag)
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ int getarmourdamreduction(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *wep, int dam, enum DAMTYPE d
char *getattackverb(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *wep, enum DAMTYPE damtype, int dam, int maxhp);
object_t *getattackwep(lifeform_t *lf, obpile_t **unarmedpile, flag_t **unarmedflag);
enum DAMTYPE getdamtype(object_t *wep);
int getextradam(object_t *wep, int *dam, enum DAMTYPE *damtype, int *ndam);
int getextradamlf(lifeform_t *lf, int *dam, enum DAMTYPE *damtype, int *ndam);
int getextradamwep(object_t *wep, int *dam, enum DAMTYPE *damtype, int *ndam);
char *getkillverb(lifeform_t *victim, enum DAMTYPE damtype, int dam, int maxhp);
void getdamrange(flagpile_t *fp, int *min, int *max);
void getdamrangeunarmed(flag_t *f, int *min, int *max);
@ -4,6 +4,30 @@
#define MAXOF(a,b) (a > b ? a : b)
#define PRACTICETIME 50 // #attempts it takes to learn new skill
#define WETTIME 10 // how long it takes for things to dry
// ncurses colours
enum COLOUR {
C_BLACK = 0,
C_RED = 1,
C_GREEN = 2,
C_BROWN = 3,
C_BLUE = 4,
C_CYAN = 6,
C_GREY = 7,
// bolded colours
C_WHITE = 9,
C_ORANGE = 13,
// save/load
#define MAPDIR "data/maps"
#define SAVEDIR "data/save"
@ -169,7 +193,8 @@ enum LFCONDITION {
#define ANIMDELAY (1000000 / 100) // 1/100 of a second
//#define ANIMDELAY (1000000 / 100) // 1/100 of a second
#define ANIMDELAY (1000000 / 50) // 1/100 of a second
#define MAXVISRANGE 10 // max visible range in full light
@ -386,9 +411,10 @@ enum DAMTYPE {
DT_FALL = 23,
DT_NONE = 26, // for direclty dealt damage, not really any type
DT_NONE = 27, // for direclty dealt damage, not really any type
#define MAXDAMTYPE 27
#define MAXDAMTYPE 28
// Object Classes
enum OBCLASS {
@ -482,7 +508,8 @@ enum RACE {
@ -507,6 +534,7 @@ enum JOB {
@ -635,6 +663,7 @@ enum OBTYPE {
@ -678,8 +707,10 @@ enum OBTYPE {
// allomancy can't be learned from books
// -- death
@ -749,11 +780,14 @@ enum OBTYPE {
// -- death
// -- divination
@ -772,6 +806,7 @@ enum OBTYPE {
// -- elemental - ice
// -- gravity
@ -824,11 +859,13 @@ enum OBTYPE {
// abilities
@ -852,6 +889,7 @@ enum OBTYPE {
@ -881,6 +919,7 @@ enum OBTYPE {
@ -953,11 +992,14 @@ enum OBTYPE {
// rings
// animal weapons
@ -1018,6 +1060,7 @@ enum OBTYPE {
// holy weapons
@ -1093,7 +1136,8 @@ enum FLAG {
F_BONUS, // val0=bonus/penalty to damage/armour. ie. +1 sword
F_THROWMISSILE, // weapon would make a good thrown missle - used by AI
F_UNIQUE, // only one may appear
F_GLYPH, // override the glyph with the first char of text
F_GLYPH, // override the glyph with the first char of text.
// v0 is either NA (white) or colourid (C_xxx).
F_NOPICKUP, // cannot pick this up
F_IMPASSABLE, // cannot walk past this if your size if v0 or smaller
F_CRUSHABLE, // if you are bigger than size v0, walking on this crushes it
@ -1179,6 +1223,11 @@ enum FLAG {
F_SLIPPERY, // you might slip when stepping on it. v0 is amt
F_SLIPMOVE, // if someone slips on this, it will move to an adj cell
F_FLAMMABLE, // object will catch alight if burnt (ie fire damage)
F_CANGETWET, // object will get F_WET if hit by water
// v0 = enum WETNESS. v1 = how long
F_WET, // object is wet
F_RUSTED, // object is rusty
// v0 = enum RUSTINESS.
// object mods/effects
F_ONFIRE, // burning, also deals extra fire damage
F_HEADLESS, // for corpses. can go on LFs too.
@ -1189,6 +1238,7 @@ enum FLAG {
F_OBATTACKDELAY, // how long weapon takes to attack
F_USESSKILL, // weapon needs skill sk_v0
F_CANHAVEOBMOD, // weapon can have obmod om_v0 applied
F_ATTREQ, // requires attrib v0 to be at least bracket v1
F_DAMTYPE, // val0 = damage type
F_DAM, // val0 = ndice, val1 = nsidesondie, val2 = mod
F_MISSILEDAM, // val0 = dam if it hits (without speed multiplier)
@ -1196,7 +1246,7 @@ enum FLAG {
F_ARMOURPIERCE, // goes through armour
F_TWOHANDED, // weapon uses two hands to weild
F_FIREARM, // this weapon is equipped in bp_secweapon, not _weapon.
F_FIRESPEED, // how fast this weapon shoots projectimes
F_FIRESPEED, // how fast this weapon shoots projectiles
F_AMMOOB, // what object this weapon fires
F_RANGE, // range of projectile firing weapon
F_FLAMESTRIKE, // causes fires where you hit
@ -1257,7 +1307,7 @@ enum FLAG {
// using their strength
// player only flags
F_DONEDARKMSG, // tells the game not to say 'it is very dark here'
// lifeform flags
// lifeform flags / lf flags
F_DEBUG, // debugging enabled
F_ATTRMOD, // modify attribute val0 by val1. ie. 0=A_STR,1=-3
F_ATTRSET, // forces attribute val0 to be val1. ie. 0=A_STR,1=18
@ -1283,9 +1333,10 @@ enum FLAG {
F_GUNTARGET, // current projectile weapon target
F_CASTINGSPELL, // set while the player is casting a spell
// v0 is spell id
// ABILITY/SPELL FLAGS / ability flags / spell flags
F_FAILEDINSPECT, // lf has failed an inspect check for item id v0
F_BOOSTSPELL, // v0 is active boost spell
F_SWOOPRANGE, // v0 = how far a flying creature can swoop
F_XPVAL, // force xp val for killing this lf to v0
F_HOSTILE, // lf will attack the player if in sight
@ -1334,6 +1385,7 @@ enum FLAG {
// v0=slot (0-9)
// text=spell text
// for monsters
F_HUMANOID, // this race can wear armour / use weapons
F_INSECT, // this race is classed as an insect
F_ANIMAL, // this race is classed as an animal
F_UNDEAD, // this race is classed as undead
@ -1355,19 +1407,26 @@ enum FLAG {
F_BEINGSTONED,// turn to stone when v0 drops to zero. (drops 1/turn)
F_BLIND, // cannot see anything
F_CANCAST, // can cast the spell val0 (need MP)
F_CANWILL, // can cast the spell val0 without using MP
F_CANWILL, // can cast the spell/ability val0 without using MP
// v1 is counter untiluse
// v2 is what you need to use it
// ie. when v1 == v2, ability is ready.
// text is other options, semicolon seperated:
// pw:xx; cast the spell at power xx
// dam:xdy+b; damage
// needgrab:xx; do you need to grab first?
F_CHARMEDBY,// you've been charmed by lf id v0
F_DETECTAURAS, // autodetect bless/curse
F_DETECTLIFE, // autodetect nearby lifeforms in orthogonal dist v0
F_DETECTMAGIC, // autodetect magic/special objects
F_DETECTMETAL, // autodetect nearby metal
F_DETECTOBS, // autodetect nearby obs in orthog dist v0
F_EXTRADAM, // do 'text' extra damage of damtype v0 when you hit
// if v1 is TRUE, also deal extra damage based on
// the flagpile's F_BONUS flag.
F_EXTRAINFO, // knows extra info
F_EXTRALUCK, // lf gets +v0 to all skill checks!
F_EXTRAMP, // lf has +v0 % extra maxmp
F_FLYING, // lf is flying
F_FASTACT, // modifier for action speed
F_FASTMOVE, // modifier for move speed
@ -1406,13 +1465,14 @@ enum FLAG {
F_SLOWMOVE, // modifier for move speed
F_XRAYVIS, //val0=num of walls we can see through
F_CANSEETHROUGHMAT, //val0=kind of material you can see through
F_SPRINTING, // you are sprinting
F_SPRINTING, // v0=true: you are sprinting. false=you are tired
F_TIRED, // you are too tired to sprint
F_DODGES, // you dodge missed attacks
F_NOTIME, // this lf's actions don't take time
F_PERCEPTION, // v0 = 0-20. perception level.
// skills
F_HASSKILL, // lf has skill v0 at level v1
F_PRACTICINGSKILL, // lf is pract skill v0
F_HASATTACK, // objecttype id to use when attacking unarmed
// if val0-3 are filled in, they override the object's
@ -1569,6 +1629,13 @@ enum ERROR {
E_LOWCON = 40,
E_LOWDEX = 41,
E_LOWIQ = 42,
E_LOWSTR = 43,
E_WONT = 44,
@ -1657,9 +1724,18 @@ typedef struct cell_s {
int visited;
} cell_t;
typedef struct glyph_s {
char ch;
int colour;
} glyph_t;
typedef struct celltype_s {
int id; // eg. dungeonfloor, wall, door
struct glyph_s glyph;
char glyph; // how to display it
int colour; // which colour?
char *name; // name of cell type
int solid; // can you walk through it?
int transparent; // can you see through it?
@ -1676,7 +1752,7 @@ typedef struct race_s {
enum RACE baseid;
struct material_s *material;
char *name;
char glyph;
struct glyph_s glyph;
float weight;
struct flagpile_s *flags;
// speed modifiers
@ -1853,7 +1929,7 @@ typedef struct objectclass_s {
enum OBCLASS id;
char *name;
char *desc;
char glyph;
glyph_t glyph;
struct flagpile_s *flags;
struct objectclass_s *next, *prev;
} objectclass_t;
@ -1890,6 +1966,19 @@ typedef struct object_s {
struct object_s *next, *prev;
} object_t;
// wetness
enum WETNESS {
W_DRY = 0,
W_DAMP = 1,
W_WET = 2,
R_RUSTY = 1,
enum OBMOD {
@ -1897,17 +1986,24 @@ enum OBMOD {
#define MAXOBMODS 4
enum BRAND {
@ -1918,7 +2014,7 @@ enum BRAND {
@ -49,6 +49,13 @@ flag_t *addflag_real(flagpile_t *fp, enum FLAG id, int val1, int val2, int val3,
// override values sometimes
if ((id == F_WET) && (val2 == NA)) {
val2 = WETTIME;
if (fp->first == NULL) {
fp->first = malloc(sizeof(flag_t));
f = fp->first;
@ -165,6 +172,16 @@ flagpile_t *addflagpile(lifeform_t *owner, object_t *ob) {
return fp;
void copyflag(flagpile_t *dst, flagpile_t *src, enum FLAG id) {
flag_t *f;
for (f = src->first ; f ; f = f->next) {
if (f->id == id) {
addflag_real(dst, f->id, f->val[0], f->val[1], f->val[2], f->text,
f->lifetime, f->known, -1);
void copyflags(flagpile_t *dst, flagpile_t *src, int lifetime) {
flag_t *f;
for (f = src->first ; f ; f = f->next) {
@ -328,24 +345,6 @@ void killflag(flag_t *f) {
lf->polyrevert = B_TRUE;
if (lf && (f->id == F_SPRINTING)) {
int howlong;
int slev;
// you get tired when you finish sprinting
howlong = 15;
// adjust for athletics skill. -2 per level.
slev = getskill(lf, SK_ATHLETICS);
if (slev != PR_INEPT) {
howlong -= (2*slev);
// adjust for constitution
howlong = howlong - (int) ((float)howlong * (getstatmod(lf, A_CON) / 100) );
// enforce minimum
if (howlong < 1) howlong = 1;
addtempflag(f->pile, F_TIRED, B_TRUE, NA, NA, NULL, howlong);
// free mem
// remove from list
@ -419,6 +418,18 @@ void timeeffectsflag(flag_t *f, int howlong) {
} else if (f->lifetime == 5) {
if (isplayer(f->pile->owner)) {
switch (f->id) {
if (f->val[0]) {
warn("You will have to stop sprinting soon...");
} else if (f->lifetime == 2) {
if (isplayer(f->pile->owner)) {
switch (f->id) {
@ -461,6 +472,38 @@ void timeeffectsflag(flag_t *f, int howlong) {
// sprinting is special
if (f->id == F_SPRINTING) {
if (f->val[0]) {
enum SKILLLEVEL slev;
lifeform_t *who;
int tiredtime;
who = f->pile->owner;
// now you get slow
// you get tired when you finish sprinting
tiredtime = 15;
// adjust for athletics skill. -2 per level.
slev = getskill(who, SK_ATHLETICS);
if (slev != PR_INEPT) {
tiredtime -= (2*slev);
// adjust for constitution
tiredtime = tiredtime - (int) ((float)tiredtime * (getstatmod(who, A_CON) / 100) );
// enforce minimum
if (tiredtime < 1) tiredtime = 1;
f->val[0] = B_FALSE;
f->lifetime = tiredtime;
if (isplayer(who)) {
msg("You are exhausted.");
} else if (cansee(player, who)) {
char lfname[BUFLEN];
getlfname(who, lfname);
msg("%s looks exhausted.",lfname);
@ -473,6 +516,22 @@ void timeeffectsflag(flag_t *f, int howlong) {
} else {
// stoning failed. stop being stoned.
if (f->id == F_WET) {
if (f->val[1] <= 0) {
if (f->val[0] <= W_DRY) {
} else {
// reset timer
f->val[1] = WETTIME;
// TODO: announce
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ flag_t *addflag(flagpile_t *fp, enum FLAG id, int val1, int val2, int val3, char
flag_t *addtempflag(flagpile_t *fp, enum FLAG id, int val1, int val2, int val3, char *text, int timeleft);
flag_t *addflag_real(flagpile_t *fp, enum FLAG id, int val1, int val2, int val3, char *text, int lifetime, int known, long obfromid);
flagpile_t *addflagpile(lifeform_t *owner, object_t *o);
void copyflag(flagpile_t *dst, flagpile_t *src, enum FLAG id);
void copyflags(flagpile_t *dst, flagpile_t *src, int lifetime);
int flagcausesredraw(lifeform_t *lf, enum FLAG fid);
int flagstacks(enum FLAG fid);
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ WINDOW *statwin;
int statdirty = B_TRUE;
int hascolour = B_TRUE;
extern int needredraw;
extern int numdraws;
@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ void addpromptq(prompt_t *p, char *q) {
void anim(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, char ch) {
void anim(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, char ch, int colour) {
int deltax, deltay;
int numpixels;
int d;
@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ void anim(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, char ch) {
int x1,y1;
int x;
int y;
glyph_t gl;
//int maxvisrange;
//int modmaxvisrange;
//int xray = B_FALSE;
@ -181,8 +184,13 @@ void anim(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, char ch) {
yinc2 = - yinc2;
x = x1; y = y1;
gl.ch = ch;
gl.colour = colour;
// hide cursor
for (i = 0; i < numpixels ; i++) {
cell_t *cell;
@ -190,11 +198,12 @@ void anim(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, char ch) {
cell = getcellat(src->map, x, y);
// update screen
if (haslos(player, cell)) {
if (haslos(player, cell)) {
// draw char & cursor at its current pos...
mvwprintw(gamewin, cell->y - viewy, cell->x - viewx, "%c", ch);
drawglyph(&gl, cell->x - viewx, cell->y - viewy);
//mvwprintw(gamewin, cell->y - viewy, cell->x - viewx, "%c", gl.ch);
wmove(gamewin, cell->y - viewy, cell->x - viewx);
@ -215,13 +224,20 @@ void anim(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, char ch) {
x += xinc;
y += yinc;
// show cursor
void animradial(cell_t *src, int radius, char ch) {
void animradial(cell_t *src, int radius, char ch, int colour) {
glyph_t gl;
int i;
int x,y;
cell_t *c;
gl.ch = ch;
gl.colour = colour;
// hide cursor
for (i = 0; i <= radius; i++) {
int drawn = B_FALSE;
@ -234,7 +250,8 @@ void animradial(cell_t *src, int radius, char ch) {
c = getcellat(src->map, x, y);
if (c && haslos(player, c) && (getcelldistorth(src, c) <= i)) {
// draw char & cursor at its current pos...
mvwprintw(gamewin, c->y - viewy, c->x - viewx, "%c", ch);
//mvwprintw(gamewin, c->y - viewy, c->x - viewx, "%c", ch);
drawglyph(&gl, c->x - viewx, c->y - viewy);
drawn = B_TRUE;
@ -245,14 +262,21 @@ void animradial(cell_t *src, int radius, char ch) {
// show cursor
void animradialorth(cell_t *src, int radius, char ch) {
void animradialorth(cell_t *src, int radius, char ch,int colour) {
glyph_t gl;
int i;
int x,y;
cell_t *c;
gl.ch = ch;
gl.colour = colour;
// hide cursor
for (i = 0; i <= radius; i++) {
int drawn = B_FALSE;
@ -265,7 +289,8 @@ void animradialorth(cell_t *src, int radius, char ch) {
c = getcellat(src->map, x, y);
if (c && haslos(player, c) && (getcelldist(src, c) <= i)) {
// draw char & cursor at its current pos...
mvwprintw(gamewin, c->y - viewy, c->x - viewx, "%c", ch);
//mvwprintw(gamewin, c->y - viewy, c->x - viewx, "%c", ch);
drawglyph(&gl, c->x - viewx, c->y - viewy);
drawn = B_TRUE;
@ -276,7 +301,8 @@ void animradialorth(cell_t *src, int radius, char ch) {
// show cursor
char askchar(char *prompt, char *validchars, char *def, int showchars) {
@ -826,8 +852,24 @@ int announceflaggain(lifeform_t *lf, flag_t *f) {
msg("%s %s very sick.", lfname, isplayer(lf) ? "feel" : "looks");
donesomething = B_TRUE;
if (isplayer(lf)) { // don't know if monsters get it
msg("You feel very sick.");
msg("You feel more dangerous!");
donesomething = B_TRUE;
if (isplayer(lf)) { // don't know if monsters get it
msg("Your magical power feels boosted!");
donesomething = B_TRUE;
if (isplayer(lf)) { // don't know if monsters get it
msg("You feel lucky!");
donesomething = B_TRUE;
@ -938,13 +980,13 @@ int announceflaggain(lifeform_t *lf, flag_t *f) {
msg("%s %s sprinting!",lfname, isplayer(lf) ? "start" : "starts");
donesomething = B_TRUE;
case F_TIRED:
if (isplayer(lf)) {
msg("You are exhausted.");
} else {
} else if (cansee(player, lf)) {
msg("%s looks exhausted.",lfname);
donesomething = B_TRUE;
if (isplayer(lf)) { // don't know if monsters get it
@ -1104,6 +1146,24 @@ int announceflagloss(lifeform_t *lf, flag_t *f) {
donesomething = B_TRUE;
if (isplayer(lf)) { // don't know if monsters lose it
msg("You no longer feel more dangerous.");
donesomething = B_TRUE;
if (isplayer(lf)) { // don't know if monsters get it
msg("You feel less lucky.");
donesomething = B_TRUE;
if (isplayer(lf)) { // don't know if monsters get it
msg("Your magical power no longer feels boosted.");
donesomething = B_TRUE;
msg("%s %s",lfname, isplayer(lf) ? "are no longer accelerated." : "is no longer accelerated.");
donesomething = B_TRUE;
@ -1120,10 +1180,8 @@ int announceflagloss(lifeform_t *lf, flag_t *f) {
msg("%s no longer looks quite so friendly!", lfname);
if (isplayer(lf)) { // don't know if monsters lose it
msg("You feel less sick now.");
msg("%s %s less sick now.", lfname, isplayer(lf) ? "feel" : "looks");
donesomething = B_TRUE;
case F_DODGES:
if (isplayer(lf)) { // don't know if monsters lose it
@ -1291,10 +1349,18 @@ int announceflagloss(lifeform_t *lf, flag_t *f) {
donesomething = B_TRUE;
if (f->val[0]) {
if (isplayer(lf)) { // don't know if monsters lose it (but you'll see them get exhausted)
msg("You stop sprinting.");
donesomething = B_TRUE;
} else {
if (isplayer(lf)) { // don't know if monsters get it
msg("You are no longer exhausted.");
} else {
msg("%s looks less exhausted.",lfname);
case F_TIRED:
if (isplayer(lf)) { // don't know if monsters get it
@ -1383,7 +1449,7 @@ int announceobflaggain(object_t *o, flag_t *f) {
donesomething = B_TRUE;
if (o->birthtime != curtime) msg("%s starts glowing!",prefix);
if (o->birthtime != curtime) msg("%s start%s glowing!",prefix, (o->amt == 1) ? "s" : "");
default: // no message
@ -1394,6 +1460,7 @@ int announceobflaggain(object_t *o, flag_t *f) {
void announceobflagloss(object_t *o, flag_t *f) {
char obname[BUFLEN];
char prefix[BUFLEN];
char isare[BUFLEN];
cell_t *loc;
loc = getoblocation(o);
@ -1418,17 +1485,20 @@ void announceobflagloss(object_t *o, flag_t *f) {
if (o->amt == 1) {
strcat(prefix, " is");
strcat(isare, "is");
} else {
strcat(prefix, " are");
strcat(isare, "are");
switch (f->id) {
case F_ONFIRE:
msg("%s no longer on fire.",prefix);
msg("%s %s no longer on fire.",prefix,isare);
msg("%s no longer glowing.",prefix);
msg("%s %s no longer glowing.",prefix,isare);
case F_WET:
msg("%s %s out.",prefix, (o->amt == 1) ? "dries" : "dry");
default: // no message
@ -2195,6 +2265,13 @@ void describeob(object_t *o) {
sprintf(buf, "It inflicts %d-%d %s damage",mindam,maxdam, getdamname(damtype));
dicetotext(f->val[0], f->val[1], f->val[2], NULL, NULL, dicebuf, NULL);
strcat(buf, " (");
strcat(buf, dicebuf);
strcat(buf, ").");
if (f->val[2] == NA) {
sprintf(dicebuf, " (%dd%d).", f->val[0], f->val[1]);
} else {
@ -2203,6 +2280,7 @@ void describeob(object_t *o) {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s",buf);
} else {
@ -2330,6 +2408,18 @@ void describeob(object_t *o) {
f = hasflag(o->flags, F_WET);
if (f) {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "It is wet.");
f = hasflag(o->flags, F_RUSTED);
if (f) {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "It is rusty.");
f = hasflag(o->flags, F_ACTIVATED);
if (f) {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "It is activated.");
@ -2366,7 +2456,7 @@ void describeob(object_t *o) {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s will detect nearby objects.", buf); y++;
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s will detect magical enchantemnts on objects.", buf); y++;
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s will detect magical enchantments on objects.", buf); y++;
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s will detect nearby metal.", buf); y++;
@ -2374,6 +2464,15 @@ void describeob(object_t *o) {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s provides enhanced knowledge to you.", buf); y++;
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s will cause you to deal more damage.", buf); y++;
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s will give you a bonus to all skill checks.", buf); y++;
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s will increase your mana pool by %d%%.", buf, f->val[0]); y++;
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s will speed up your actions.", buf); y++;
@ -2968,7 +3067,7 @@ void dovendingmachine(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *vm) {
ch = f->val[0];
if (strlen(f->text)) {
o = addob(op, f->text);
o = addobject(op, f->text, B_FALSE); // no stacking!
// remember letter
o->letter = ch;
// make object fully known
@ -3004,6 +3103,7 @@ void dovendingmachine(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *vm) {
strcat(choices, temp);
// construct string
o = hasobletter(op, ch);
// get the name of the object
getobname(o, obname, o->amt);
sprintf(buf, "%c - %s", ch, obname);
sprintf(buf2, "%-60s$%d",buf,getobvalue(o));
@ -3204,6 +3304,8 @@ void dolook(cell_t *where) {
seensomething = B_TRUE;
// writing here?
if (where->writing && !isblind(player)) {
msg("There is a magical inscription here:");
@ -3886,7 +3988,7 @@ void dorest(void) {
// can we rest?
if (canrest(player)) {
int willtrain = B_FALSE;
if (player->skillpoints) {
if (player->skillpoints || lfhasflag(player, F_STATGAINREADY)) {
int ch;
ch = askchar("Would you like to train your skills?","yn","y", B_TRUE);
if (ch == 'y') {
@ -4016,6 +4118,11 @@ void dothrow(obpile_t *op) {
object_t *o;
char buf[BUFLEN],buf2[BUFLEN];
if (!hasbp(player, BP_HANDS)) {
msg("You have no hands to throw with!");
// ask which object to throw
o = askobject(op, "Throw what", NULL, AO_NONE);
if (o) {
@ -4131,48 +4238,58 @@ int downline(int *y, int h, char *heading, char *subheading, char *bottomstring,
// draw a cell which we remember, but can't see
void drawunviscell(cell_t *cell, int x, int y) {
char glyph;
glyph_t glyph;
object_t *o;
if (cell->type->glyph == '.') {
glyph = ' ';
} else {
// copy from cell
glyph = cell->type->glyph;
if (glyph.ch == '.') {
glyph.ch = ' ';
// show staircases...
o = hasobwithflag(cell->obpile, F_CLIMBABLE);
if (o) {
glyph = getglyph(o);
glyph = *(getglyph(o));
// show dungeon features
o = hasobofclass(cell->obpile, OC_DFEATURE);
if (o) {
glyph = getglyph(o);
glyph = *(getglyph(o));
mvwprintw(gamewin, y, x, "%c", glyph);
//mvwprintw(gamewin, y, x, "%c", glyph);
drawglyph(&glyph, x, y);
void drawglyph(glyph_t *g, int x, int y) {
int col;
col = g->colour;
setcol(gamewin, g->colour);
mvwprintw(gamewin, y, x, "%c", g->ch);
unsetcol(gamewin, g->colour);
void drawcell(cell_t *cell, int x, int y) {
// draw ground
mvwprintw(gamewin, y, x, "%c", cell->type->glyph);
drawglyph(&cell->type->glyph, x, y);
// draw a cell that we have LOS to.
void drawcellwithcontents(cell_t *cell, int x, int y) {
if (cell->lf && cansee(player, cell->lf)) { // lifeform here that we can see
char ch;
glyph_t *gl;
// draw the lf's race glyph
ch = getlfglyph(cell->lf);
mvwprintw(gamewin, y, x, "%c", ch);
gl = getlfglyph(cell->lf);
drawglyph(gl, x, y);
} else {
void *thing;
char glyph;
glyph_t glyph;
// scanned lf here?
if (isinscanrange(cell, &thing, NULL, &glyph) == TT_MONSTER) {
//mvwprintw(gamewin, y-viewy, x-viewx, "%c", glyph);
mvwprintw(gamewin, y, x, "%c", glyph);
drawglyph(&glyph, x, y);
@ -4183,12 +4300,13 @@ void drawcellwithcontents(cell_t *cell, int x, int y) {
// draw highest object in sort order
o = gettopobject(cell);
if (o) {
mvwprintw(gamewin, y, x, "%c", getglyph(o));
drawglyph(getglyph(o), x, y);
} else {
// should never happen. if it does, just show the
// first object
dblog("Warn: sorted object glyph drawing matching nothing!");
mvwprintw(gamewin, y, x, "%c", cell->obpile->first->type->obclass->glyph);
//mvwprintw(gamewin, y, x, "%c", cell->obpile->first->type->obclass->glyph);
drawglyph(&cell->obpile->first->type->obclass->glyph, x, y);
} else {
// draw cell normally
@ -4217,7 +4335,7 @@ void drawlevelfor(lifeform_t *lf) {
if (cell) {
void *thing;
char desc[BUFLEN];
char glyph;
glyph_t glyph;
if (haslos(lf, cell)) {
drawcellwithcontents(cell, x-viewx, y-viewy);
} else {
@ -4225,7 +4343,7 @@ void drawlevelfor(lifeform_t *lf) {
switch (isinscanrange(cell, &thing, desc, &glyph)) {
mvwprintw(gamewin, y-viewy, x-viewx, "%c", glyph);
drawglyph(&glyph, x, y);
if (cell->known) {
@ -4254,11 +4372,33 @@ void initgfx(void) {
int msgwinh = 2;
int statwinh = 2;
mainwin = initscr();
// colour setup
if (!has_colors()) {
printf("Terminal does not support colour.\n");
hascolour = B_FALSE;
nodelay(mainwin, FALSE);
@ -4709,10 +4849,21 @@ void handleinput(void) {
f = hasflag(player->flags, F_RUNNING);
if (f) {
int dir;
int hasgettableobs = B_FALSE;
dir = f->val[0];
object_t *o;
for (o = player->cell->obpile->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
if (!hasflag(o->flags, F_NOPICKUP)) {
hasgettableobs = B_TRUE;
// something here?
if (player->cell->obpile->first) {
if (hasgettableobs) {
} else if (!canmove(player, dir, NULL)) { // can't move anymore?
@ -5152,6 +5303,8 @@ void msg_real(char *format, ... ) {
if (db) dblog("adding to msgbuf: [%s]",buf);
assert(!strchr(buf, '#'));
// ie. can the message buffer fit:
// what is already there + 2 spaces + the new text + '--more--' ?
//if (strlen(msgbuf) + 2 + strlen(buf) + strlen(MORESTRING) >= SCREENW) {
@ -5177,6 +5330,21 @@ void msg_real(char *format, ... ) {
int needsbold(enum COLOUR col) {
switch (col) {
case C_YELLOW:
case C_WHITE:
case C_ORANGE:
return B_TRUE;
return B_FALSE;
void nothinghappens(void) {
msg("Nothing seems to happen.");
@ -5198,40 +5366,78 @@ void drawstatus(void) {
xpleft = getxpforlev(player->level + 1) - player->xp;
sprintf(buf, "[%-26s] Lv:%d Next:%ld", pname,
player->level, xpleft);
sprintf(buf, "[%-26s] Lv:%d", pname,
mvwprintw(statwin, 0, 0, buf);
if ((player->skillpoints == 0) && (getattpoints(player) == 0)) {
wprintw(statwin, " Next:%ld",xpleft);
} else {
setcol(statwin, C_BOLDGREEN);
wprintw(statwin, " LevUp",xpleft);
unsetcol(statwin, C_BOLDGREEN);
// blinded?
if (isblind(player)) {
setcol(statwin, C_RED);
wprintw(statwin, " Blind");
unsetcol(statwin, C_RED);
// paralysed somehow?
if (isimmobile(player)) {
strcat(buf, " Immobile");
setcol(statwin, C_RED);
wprintw(statwin, " Immobile");
unsetcol(statwin, C_RED);
} else {
// show player action speed
getspeedname(getactspeed(player), buf2);
if (strcmp(buf2, "normal")) {
strcat(buf, " Act:");
enum COLOUR col;
if (getactspeed(player) < SP_NORMAL) {
col = C_GREEN;
} else {
col = C_RED;
setcol(statwin, col);
wprintw(statwin, " Act:");
strcat(buf, buf2);
wprintw(statwin, "%s", buf2);
unsetcol(statwin, col);
// show player movement speed
getspeedname(getmovespeed(player), buf2);
if (strcmp(buf2, "normal")) {
strcat(buf, " Mv:");
enum COLOUR col;
if (getmovespeed(player) < SP_NORMAL) {
col = C_GREEN;
} else {
col = C_RED;
setcol(statwin, col);
wprintw(statwin, " Mv:");
strcat(buf, buf2);
wprintw(statwin, "%s", buf2);
unsetcol(statwin, col);
// burdened somehow?
switch (isburdened(player)) {
strcat(buf, " Burdened");
setcol(statwin, C_BROWN);
wprintw(statwin, " Burdened");
unsetcol(statwin, C_BROWN);
strcat(buf, " Strained");
setcol(statwin, C_RED);
wprintw(statwin, " Strained");
unsetcol(statwin, C_RED);
strcat(buf, " Overloaded");
setcol(statwin, C_YELLOW);
wprintw(statwin, " Overloaded");
unsetcol(statwin, C_YELLOW);
@ -5239,11 +5445,12 @@ void drawstatus(void) {
// show certain flags
if (lfhasflag(player, F_POISONED)) {
strcat(buf, " Poisoned");
setcol(statwin, C_GREEN);
wprintw(statwin, " Poisoned");
unsetcol(statwin, C_GREEN);
mvwprintw(statwin, 0, 0, buf);
//mvwprintw(statwin, 0, 0, buf);
f = hasflag(player->flags, F_HUNGER);
if (f) {
@ -5260,7 +5467,9 @@ void drawstatus(void) {
if (strlen(buf2) > 0) {
setcol(statwin, C_BROWN);
wprintw(statwin, " %s", buf2);
unsetcol(statwin, C_BROWN);
// construct waiting string
@ -5419,6 +5628,19 @@ void redraw(void) {
void setcol(WINDOW *win, enum COLOUR col) {
if (needsbold(col)) {
wattron(win, A_BOLD);
wattron(win, COLOR_PAIR(col));
void unsetcol(WINDOW *win, enum COLOUR col) {
wattroff(win, COLOR_PAIR(col));
if (needsbold(col)) {
wattroff(win, A_BOLD);
void showlfarmour(lifeform_t *lf) {
enum BODYPART bp;
object_t *o;
@ -5598,12 +5820,7 @@ void showlfstats(lifeform_t *lf, int showall) {
if (isplayer(lf)) {
int attpoints;
f = lfhasflag(lf, F_STATGAINREADY);
if (f) {
attpoints = f->val[2];
} else {
attpoints = 0;
attpoints = getattpoints(lf);
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, ftext, "Training");
if ((lf->skillpoints == 0) && (attpoints == 0)) {
wprintw(mainwin, "n/a");
@ -6122,8 +6339,13 @@ void showlfstats(lifeform_t *lf, int showall) {
f = lfhasknownflag(lf, F_SPRINTING);
if (f) {
if (f->val[0]) {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s %s sprinting.", you(lf), isplayer(lf) ? "are" : "is");
} else {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s %s exhausted.", you(lf), isplayer(lf) ? "are" : "is");
@ -6155,7 +6377,6 @@ void showlfstats(lifeform_t *lf, int showall) {
strcat(expirebuf, ",after grab");
if (strlen(expirebuf)) {
} else {
@ -6351,6 +6572,61 @@ void showlfstats(lifeform_t *lf, int showall) {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s automatically detect nearby objects.", you(lf));
// extra dam - can have it multiple times
for (f = lf->flags->first ; f; f = f->next) {
if (f->id == F_EXTRADAM) {
int ndice,nsides,bonus;
char dicebuf[BUFLEN];
char mmbuf[BUFLEN];
char damtypebuf[BUFLEN];
int min = 0,max = 0;
texttodice(f->text, &ndice,&nsides,&bonus);
if ((f->lifetime == FROMOBEQUIP) ||
(f->lifetime == FROMOBHOLD) ||
(f->lifetime == FROMOBACTIVATE) ) {
object_t *obfrom;
obfrom = findobbyid(lf->pack, f->obfrom);
if (obfrom) {
int bonusdam;
sumflags(obfrom->flags, F_BONUS, &bonusdam, NULL, NULL);
bonus += bonusdam;
if (f->val[0] == NA) {
strcpy(damtypebuf, "damage");
} else {
sprintf(damtypebuf, "%s damage", getdamname(f->val[0]));
dicetotext(ndice, nsides, bonus, &min, &max, dicebuf, mmbuf);
if (strcmp(dicebuf, mmbuf)) {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s deal%s %s (%s) extra %s each hit.", you(lf),
isplayer(lf) ? "" : "s", dicebuf, mmbuf, damtypebuf);
} else {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s deal%s %s extra %s each hit.", you(lf),
isplayer(lf) ? "" : "s", dicebuf, damtypebuf);
f = lfhasknownflag(lf, F_EXTRALUCK);
if (f) {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "Your luck is being boosted.", you(lf));
f = lfhasknownflag(lf, F_EXTRAMP);
if (f) {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "Your mana pool is being boosted.", you(lf));
f = lfhasknownflag(lf, F_EXTRAINFO);
if (f && (f->known)) {
mvwprintw(mainwin, y, 0, "%s receive enhanced knowledge about the world.", you(lf));
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ void addchoice(prompt_t *p, char ch, char *text, char *desc, void *data);
void addheading(prompt_t *p, char *text);
void addmsghist(char *text);
void addpromptq(prompt_t *p, char *q);
void anim(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, char ch);
void animradial(cell_t *src, int radius, char ch);
void animradialorth(cell_t *src, int radius, char ch);
void anim(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, char ch, int colour);
void animradial(cell_t *src, int radius, char ch, int colour);
void animradialorth(cell_t *src, int radius, char ch, int colour);
//void announceob(enum OBTYPE oid);
int announceflaggain(lifeform_t *lf, flag_t *f);
int announceflagloss(lifeform_t *lf, flag_t *f);
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ void dovendingmachine(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *vm);
int dowear(obpile_t *op);
int doweild(obpile_t *op);
int downline(int *y, int h, char *heading, char *subheading, char *bottomstring, char *cmdchars, char *retchar);
void drawglyph(glyph_t *g, int x, int y);
void drawunviscell(cell_t *cell, int x, int y);
void drawcellwithcontents(cell_t *cell, int x, int y);
void drawcursor(void);
@ -84,10 +85,13 @@ void warn(char *format, ... );
void msg(char *format, ... );
void msgnocap(char *format, ... );
void msg_real(char *format, ... );
int needsbold(enum COLOUR col);
void nothinghappens(void);
void dblog(char *format, ... );
void redraw(void);
int savequit(void);
void setcol(WINDOW *win, enum COLOUR col);
void unsetcol(WINDOW *win, enum COLOUR col);
void showlfarmour(lifeform_t *lf);
void showlfstats(lifeform_t *lf, int showall);
void tombstone(lifeform_t *lf);
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
lifeform_t *addlf(cell_t *cell, enum RACE rid, int level);
lifeform_t *real_addlf(cell_t *cell, enum RACE rid, int level, int controller);
job_t *addjob(enum JOB id, char *name);
race_t *addrace(enum RACE id, char *name, float weight, char glyph, enum MATERIAL mat);
race_t *addrace(enum RACE id, char *name, float weight, char glyph, int glyphcolour, enum MATERIAL mat);
skill_t *addskill(enum SKILL id, char *name, char *desc);
void adjustdamlf(lifeform_t *lf, int *amt, enum DAMTYPE damtype);
int areallies(lifeform_t *lf1, lifeform_t *lf2);
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ enum ALLEGIENCE getallegiance(lifeform_t *lf);
object_t *getarmour(lifeform_t *lf, enum BODYPART bp);
int getarmourrating(lifeform_t *lf);
int getattackspeed(lifeform_t *lf);
int getattpoints(lifeform_t *lf);
int getattr(lifeform_t *lf, enum ATTRIB attr);
int getevasion(lifeform_t *lf);
object_t *getbestthrowmissile(lifeform_t *lf);
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ enum LFCONDITION getlfcondition(lifeform_t *lf);
int getnightvisrange(lifeform_t *lf);
char *getlfconditionname(enum LFCONDITION cond);
char *getseenlfconditionname(lifeform_t *lf, lifeform_t *viewer);
char getlfglyph(lifeform_t *lf);
glyph_t *getlfglyph(lifeform_t *lf);
enum MATERIAL getlfmaterial(lifeform_t *lf);
float getmaxcarryweight(lifeform_t *lf);
float getmaxliftweight(lifeform_t *lf);
@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ float getlfweight(lifeform_t *lf, int withobs);
int getspellspeed(lifeform_t *lf);
char *getplayername(char *buf);
char *getplayernamefull(char *buf);
int getracerarity(enum RACE rid);
object_t *getrandomarmour(lifeform_t *lf);
//int getrandommonlevel(int depth);
race_t *getrandomrace(map_t *map);
@ -173,6 +175,7 @@ float modifybystat(float num, lifeform_t *lf, enum ATTRIB att);
void noise(cell_t *c, lifeform_t *noisemaker, char *text, char *seetext);
void outfitlf(lifeform_t *lf);
int pickup(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *what, int howmany, int fromground);
void practice(lifeform_t *lf, enum SKILL skid);
void precalclos(lifeform_t *lf);
int push(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o, int dir);
void relinklf(lifeform_t *src, map_t *dst);
@ -7,9 +7,13 @@ xxx
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -18,10 +22,11 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -30,10 +35,11 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -42,10 +48,11 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -54,10 +61,11 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -66,10 +74,11 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -78,10 +87,11 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -90,10 +100,11 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -102,10 +113,11 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -114,10 +126,11 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -126,10 +139,11 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -138,10 +152,11 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -150,10 +165,11 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -162,10 +178,11 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
@ -174,124 +191,436 @@ finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 9 possibilities.
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
finding random lf with rarity val 85-100
-> possibility: goblin, rarity=85
-> possibility: troglodyte, rarity=85
-> possibility: xat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant bat, rarity=90
-> possibility: giant worker ant, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant newt, rarity=100
-> possibility: giant rat, rarity=90
-> possibility: brown snake, rarity=85
-> possibility: giant fly, rarity=85
-> possibility: glowbug, rarity=85
got 10 possibilities.
rollhitdice() - rolling 2d4 + 2
rollhitdice() - mod is +-5%
rollhitdice() ---- die 1/2 == 5
rollhitdice() ---- die 2/2 == 6
-> modified to: 11
rollhitdice() ---- die 1/2 == 4
rollhitdice() ---- die 2/2 == 4
-> modified to: 8
givejob() starting.
processing normal flag: 186
processing normal flag: 145
processing normal flag: 145
processing normal flag: 145
processing normal flag: 145
processing normal flag: 145
processing normal flag: 145
processing normal flag: 145
processing normal flag: 145
processing normal flag: 145
processing normal flag: 145
processing normal flag: 145
processing normal flag: 145
processing normal flag: 146
processing normal flag: 146
processing normal flag: 146
processing normal flag: 146
processing normal flag: 146
processing normal flag: 213
processing normal flag: 213
processing normal flag: 213
processing normal flag: 213
processing normal flag: 213
processing normal flag: 213
processing normal flag: 213
processing normal flag: 213
processing normal flag: 213
processing normal flag: 213
processing normal flag: 213
processing normal flag: 213
processing normal flag: 213
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
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processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
processing normal flag: 212
fireat(): dam = throwdam(2) * speed(2) = 4
AIMOVE: something
.oO { looking for covetted objects... }
.oO { no targetcell, so looking for remote objects }
.oO { didn't find any obs i want }
.oO { i have a target... }
.oO { my target is lfid 31 (human). }
.oO { i cannot see my target. moving to last known loc 12/15 }
.oO { something going to targecell: 12, 15 }
.oO { walking from 12,17 towards f_targetcell (12,15) ... }
.oO { successfully walked towards f_targetcell. }
AIMOVE: something
.oO { looking for covetted objects... }
.oO { didn't find any obs i want }
.oO { walking from 11,18 towards f_targetcell (12,15) ... }
.oO { successfully walked towards f_targetcell. }
processing normal flag: 191
processing normal flag: 149
processing normal flag: 149
processing normal flag: 149
processing normal flag: 149
processing normal flag: 149
processing normal flag: 149
processing normal flag: 149
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processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
processing normal flag: 218
nclasses is 0
nclasses is 0
nclasses is 0
nclasses is 0
nclasses is 0
nclasses is 0
initial dam[0] = 1
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 1
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 0
initial dam[0] = 1
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 1
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 0
initial dam[0] = 26
heavy blow makes dam[0] = 39
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 39
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 39
initial dam[1] = 10
heavy blow makes dam[1] = 15
adjusted for lf to dam[1] = 15
reduced by armour to dam[1] = 15
nclasses is 0
nclasses is 0
initial dam[0] = 19
heavy blow makes dam[0] = 28
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 28
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 23
initial dam[1] = 6
heavy blow makes dam[1] = 9
adjusted for lf to dam[1] = 4
reduced by armour to dam[1] = 3
nclasses is 0
nclasses is 0
initial dam[0] = 2
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 2
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 1
initial dam[0] = 0
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 0
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 0
initial dam[0] = 2
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 2
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 1
initial dam[0] = 4
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 4
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 2
initial dam[0] = 1
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 1
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 0
initial dam[0] = 2
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 2
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 1
initial dam[0] = 2
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 2
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 1
initial dam[0] = 30
heavy blow makes dam[0] = 45
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 45
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 45
initial dam[1] = 3
heavy blow makes dam[1] = 4
adjusted for lf to dam[1] = 4
reduced by armour to dam[1] = 4
rollhitdice() - rolling 49d4 + 0
rollhitdice() - mod is +22%
rollhitdice() ---- die 1/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 2/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 3/49 == 2
rollhitdice() ---- die 4/49 == 2
rollhitdice() ---- die 5/49 == 4
rollhitdice() ---- die 6/49 == 2
rollhitdice() ---- die 7/49 == 3
rollhitdice() ---- die 8/49 == 4
rollhitdice() ---- die 9/49 == 4
rollhitdice() ---- die 10/49 == 2
rollhitdice() ---- die 11/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 12/49 == 3
rollhitdice() ---- die 13/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 14/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 15/49 == 4
rollhitdice() ---- die 16/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 17/49 == 3
rollhitdice() ---- die 18/49 == 3
rollhitdice() ---- die 19/49 == 4
rollhitdice() ---- die 20/49 == 4
rollhitdice() ---- die 21/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 22/49 == 4
rollhitdice() ---- die 23/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 24/49 == 3
rollhitdice() ---- die 25/49 == 3
rollhitdice() ---- die 26/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 27/49 == 2
rollhitdice() ---- die 28/49 == 2
rollhitdice() ---- die 29/49 == 4
rollhitdice() ---- die 30/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 31/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 32/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 33/49 == 3
rollhitdice() ---- die 34/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 35/49 == 4
rollhitdice() ---- die 36/49 == 3
rollhitdice() ---- die 37/49 == 2
rollhitdice() ---- die 38/49 == 3
rollhitdice() ---- die 39/49 == 3
rollhitdice() ---- die 40/49 == 3
rollhitdice() ---- die 41/49 == 4
rollhitdice() ---- die 42/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 43/49 == 2
rollhitdice() ---- die 44/49 == 2
rollhitdice() ---- die 45/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 46/49 == 3
rollhitdice() ---- die 47/49 == 3
rollhitdice() ---- die 48/49 == 1
rollhitdice() ---- die 49/49 == 2
TOTAL: 115
-> modified to: 140
initial dam[0] = 0
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 0
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 0
initial dam[0] = 19
heavy blow makes dam[0] = 28
adjusted for lf to dam[0] = 28
reduced by armour to dam[0] = 28
initial dam[1] = 11
heavy blow makes dam[1] = 16
adjusted for lf to dam[1] = 16
reduced by armour to dam[1] = 16
nclasses is 1
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ extern map_t *firstmap,*lastmap;
extern int viewx,viewy,vieww,viewh;
extern lifeform_t *player;
extern glyph_t tempglyph;
extern enum OBCLASS sortorder[];
cell_t *addcell(map_t *m, int x, int y) {
@ -1493,7 +1495,7 @@ printf("dump of map '%s' (%d x %d):\n",map->name, map->w, map->h);
for (y = 0; y < map->h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < map->w; x++) {
cell = getcellat(map, x, y);
@ -1501,7 +1503,8 @@ printf("dump of map '%s' (%d x %d):\n",map->name, map->w, map->h);
void explodecells(cell_t *c, int dam, int killwalls, object_t *o, int range, int wantannounce) {
int x,y;
animradial(c, range, '}');
animradial(c, range, '}', C_RED);
if (haslos(player, c)) {
if (wantannounce) {
@ -1529,7 +1532,7 @@ void explodecells(cell_t *c, int dam, int killwalls, object_t *o, int range, int
if (cc && (getcelldist(c, cc) <= (range+1))) {
if (cc->lf && !isdead(cc->lf)) {
// move away from centre of explosion
knockback(cc->lf, getdiraway(cc, c, B_FALSE, DT_COMPASS), 2, NULL);
knockback(cc->lf, getdiraway(cc, c, NULL, B_FALSE, DT_COMPASS), 2, NULL);
@ -1974,7 +1977,7 @@ int isempty(cell_t *c) {
//returns TT_ based on what you can scan there
int isinscanrange(cell_t *c, void **thing, char *desc, char *glyph) {
int isinscanrange(cell_t *c, void **thing, char *desc, glyph_t *glyph) {
flag_t *f;
// handle scanner
f = lfhasflag(player, F_DETECTLIFE);
@ -1989,7 +1992,8 @@ int isinscanrange(cell_t *c, void **thing, char *desc, char *glyph) {
if (glyph) {
// select glyph based on size
*glyph = '0' + ((int) getlfsize(c->lf));
glyph->ch = '0' + ((int) getlfsize(c->lf));
glyph->colour = C_GREY;
return TT_MONSTER;
@ -2000,7 +2004,10 @@ int isinscanrange(cell_t *c, void **thing, char *desc, char *glyph) {
if (getcelldistorth(player->cell, c) <= f->val[0]) {
if (c->lf && ismetal(c->lf->race->material->id) ) {
*thing = c->lf;
if (glyph) *glyph = '*';
if (glyph) {
glyph->ch = '*';
glyph->colour = C_GREY;
if (desc) sprintf(desc, "something metallic");
return TT_MONSTER;
} else {
@ -2008,7 +2015,10 @@ int isinscanrange(cell_t *c, void **thing, char *desc, char *glyph) {
for (o = c->obpile->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
if (ismetal(o->material->id)) {
*thing = o;
if (glyph) *glyph = '*';
if (glyph) {
glyph->ch = '*';
glyph->colour = C_GREY;
if (desc) sprintf(desc, "something metallic");
return TT_OBJECT;
@ -2023,7 +2033,10 @@ int isinscanrange(cell_t *c, void **thing, char *desc, char *glyph) {
for (o = c->obpile->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
if (!hasflag(o->flags, F_NOPICKUP) && !hasflag(o->flags, F_DOOR)) {
*thing = o;
if (glyph) *glyph = '*';
if (glyph) {
glyph->ch = '*';
glyph->colour = C_GREY;
if (desc) sprintf(desc, "an object");
return TT_OBJECT;
@ -2139,6 +2152,11 @@ void makelit(cell_t *c, enum LIGHTLEV how, int howlong) {
if (how == L_TEMP) {
//if ((c->lit == L_PERMLIGHT) || (c->lit == L_PERMDARK)) {
if (c->lit == L_PERMLIGHT) {
// light sources can't override permenant light
if (c->lit == L_PERMDARK) {
// light sources can't override darkness spell
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ int isadjacent(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst);
int isdiggable(cell_t *c);
int isdoor(object_t *o, int *isopen);
int isempty(cell_t *c);
int isinscanrange(cell_t *c, void **thing, char *desc, char *glyph);
int isinscanrange(cell_t *c, void **thing, char *desc, glyph_t *glyph);
int islit(cell_t *c);
int isloopdirok(cell_t *cell, int dir);
int isnewcellok(cell_t *cell, char *err);
@ -46,11 +46,6 @@ int canmove(lifeform_t *lf, int dir, enum ERROR *error) {
rdata = NULL;
if (lfhasflag(lf, F_GRAVBOOSTED)) {
if (error) *error = E_GRAVBOOSTED;
return B_FALSE;
if (isburdened(lf) >= BR_OVERLOADED) {
if (error) *error = E_TOOHEAVY;
return B_FALSE;
@ -122,7 +117,7 @@ int celldangerous(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *cell, int onlyifknown, enum ERROR *err
// obvious things that you can see
if (!onlyifknown || haslos(lf, cell)) {
if (!onlyifknown || (haslos(lf, cell) && !lfhasflag(lf, F_UNDEAD))) {
for (o = cell->obpile->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
f = hasflag(o->flags, F_WALKDAM);
if (f) {
@ -144,9 +139,11 @@ int celldangerous(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *cell, int onlyifknown, enum ERROR *err
} else {
iq = getiqname(getattr(lf, A_IQ), NULL);
if ((iq >= IQ_AVERAGE) && haslos(lf, cell)) {
if (!lfhasflag(lf, F_UNDEAD)) {
include_nonobvious = B_TRUE;
if (include_nonobvious) {
for (o = cell->obpile->first ; o ; o = o->next) {
// don't walk on sharp objects without boots
@ -201,12 +198,24 @@ int cellwalkable(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *cell, enum ERROR *error) {
// ok
} else {
rdata = o;
if (error) *error = E_OBINWAY;
if (error) {
if (isdoor(o, NULL)) {
*error = E_DOORINWAY;
} else {
*error = E_OBINWAY;
return B_FALSE;
} else {
rdata = o;
if (error) *error = E_OBINWAY;
if (error) {
if (isdoor(o, NULL)) {
*error = E_DOORINWAY;
} else {
*error = E_OBINWAY;
return B_FALSE;
@ -297,13 +306,14 @@ void dorandommove(lifeform_t *lf, int badmovesok) {
// src is where something is
// dst is what we are going away from
// wantcheck is whether to check for dangerous things before considering a direction valid
int getdiraway(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, int wantcheck, int dirtype) {
int getdiraway(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, lifeform_t *srclf, int wantcheck, int dirtype) {
int d;
cell_t *c;
int maxdist=-1,bestdir=D_NONE;
int nposs;
enum ERROR error;
for (d = DC_N; d <= DC_NW; d++) {
dist[d - DC_N] = -1;
@ -318,19 +328,30 @@ int getdiraway(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, int wantcheck, int dirtype) {
// destination is the thing we're fleeing from!
thisdist = 0;
} else {
if (wantcheck) {
if (src->lf && canandwillmove(src->lf, d, NULL)) {
if (srclf) {
if (canandwillmove(srclf, d, &error)) {
ok = B_TRUE;
} else if (!src->lf) {
} else if (error == E_DOORINWAY) {
ok = B_TRUE;
} else {
if (src->lf && cellwalkable(src->lf, c, NULL)) {
ok = B_TRUE;
} else if (!src->lf) {
} else {
if (srclf) {
if (cellwalkable(srclf, c, &error)) {
ok = B_TRUE;
} else if (error == E_DOORINWAY) {
ok = B_TRUE;
} else {
ok = B_TRUE;
if (ok) {
if (dirtype == DT_ORTH) {
thisdist = getcelldistorth(c, dst);
@ -376,6 +397,7 @@ int getdirtowards(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, lifeform_t *srclf, int wantcheck, in
int nposs;
enum ERROR error;
for (d = DC_N; d <= DC_NW; d++) {
dist[d - DC_N] = -1;
@ -393,15 +415,23 @@ int getdirtowards(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, lifeform_t *srclf, int wantcheck, in
if (wantcheck) {
if (srclf && canandwillmove(srclf, d, NULL)) {
if (srclf) {
if (canandwillmove(srclf, d, &error)) {
ok = B_TRUE;
} else if (!srclf) {
} else if (error == E_DOORINWAY) {
ok = B_TRUE;
} else {
if (srclf && cellwalkable(srclf, c, NULL)) {
ok = B_TRUE;
} else if (!srclf) {
} else {
if (srclf) {
if (cellwalkable(srclf, c, &error)) {
ok = B_TRUE;
} else if (error == E_DOORINWAY) {
ok = B_TRUE;
} else {
ok = B_TRUE;
@ -487,7 +517,8 @@ int knockback(lifeform_t *lf, int dir, int howfar, lifeform_t *pusher) {
return B_FALSE;
int moveawayfrom(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *dst ) {
// see 'movetowards' for description of dirtype
int moveawayfrom(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *dst, int dirtype ) {
int dir;
int rv = B_TRUE;
@ -497,7 +528,7 @@ int moveawayfrom(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *dst ) {
// move away from them
dir = getdiraway(lf->cell, dst, B_TRUE, DT_COMPASS);
dir = getdiraway(lf->cell, dst, lf, B_TRUE, dirtype);
if (dir == D_NONE) {
rv = B_TRUE;
} else {
@ -589,7 +620,7 @@ int movelf(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *newcell) {
for (o = newcell->obpile->first ; o ; o = nexto ) {
nexto = o->next;
f = hasflag(o->flags, F_SHARP);
if (f) {
if (f && hasbp(lf, BP_FEET)) {
object_t *boots;
// has boots on?
boots = getequippedob(lf->pack, BP_FEET);
@ -798,7 +829,17 @@ int moveto(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *newcell, int onpurpose) {
return B_FALSE;
int movetowards(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *dst) {
// dirtype etermines whether to use compass or orthogonal direction to
// measure distance when determining which way is "towards"
// in general:
// use orthogonal for voluntary movement (eg. monster moving
// towards player), compass
// use compass for involuntary movement (eg. being knocked back by
// an explosion)
int movetowards(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *dst, int dirtype) {
int dir;
int rv = B_TRUE;
@ -808,7 +849,7 @@ int movetowards(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *dst) {
// move towards them
dir = getdirtowards(lf->cell, dst, lf, B_TRUE, DT_COMPASS);
dir = getdirtowards(lf->cell, dst, lf, B_TRUE, dirtype);
if (dir != D_NONE) {
rv = trymove(lf, dir, B_TRUE);
@ -909,7 +950,14 @@ int opendoor(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o) {
where = getoblocation(o);
noise(where, lf, "a door opening", NULL);
if (!haslos(player, where)) {
// don't anonuce this is we can see it.
// normally 'noise()' takes case of this by
// checking if we have LOS to the lifeform making
// sound, but in this case it's the door making
// the sound, not the lf.
noise(where, NULL, "a door opening.", NULL);
if (player && haslos(player, where)) {
needredraw = B_TRUE;
@ -1154,6 +1202,24 @@ int trymove(lifeform_t *lf, int dir, int onpurpose) {
// gravboosted
if (lfhasflag(lf, F_GRAVBOOSTED)) {
// make a saving throw to move
if (!skillcheck(lf, SC_STR, 25, 0)) {
if (isplayer(lf)) {
msg("You try to move but are unable to lift your feet!");
} else if (cansee(player, lf)) {
char lfname[BUFLEN];
getlfname(lf, lfname);
msg("%s tries to move but is unable to lift its feet!",lfname);
reason = E_OK;
taketime(lf, getmovespeed(lf));
return B_FALSE;
// move to new cell
reason = E_OK;
moveto(lf, cell, onpurpose);
@ -1188,7 +1254,7 @@ int trymove(lifeform_t *lf, int dir, int onpurpose) {
inway = (object_t *)rdata;
door = isdoor(inway, &dooropen);
if (door && !dooropen) {
@ -1221,7 +1287,10 @@ int trymove(lifeform_t *lf, int dir, int onpurpose) {
reason = E_OK;
} else {
inway = (object_t *)rdata;
// can we push this?
if (ispushable(inway)) {
if (canpush(lf, inway, dir)) {
@ -1251,7 +1320,6 @@ int trymove(lifeform_t *lf, int dir, int onpurpose) {
msg("There is %s in your way.",obname);
if (canswapwith(lf, cell->lf)) {
@ -1285,16 +1353,6 @@ int trymove(lifeform_t *lf, int dir, int onpurpose) {
return attacklf(lf, cell->lf);
if (isplayer(lf)) {
msg("You try to move but are unable to lift your feet!");
} else if (cansee(player, lf)) {
char lfname[BUFLEN];
getlfname(lf, lfname);
msg("%s tries to move but is unable to lift its feet!",lfname);
taketime(lf, getmovespeed(lf));
if (isplayer(lf)) {
msg("You cannot move!");
@ -1347,7 +1405,9 @@ int trymove(lifeform_t *lf, int dir, int onpurpose) {
int willmove(lifeform_t *lf, int dir, enum ERROR *error) {
cell_t *cell;
enum IQBRACKET iq;
//object_t *o;
iq = getiqname(getattr(lf, A_IQ), NULL);
// default
if (error) {
@ -1361,22 +1421,24 @@ int willmove(lifeform_t *lf, int dir, enum ERROR *error) {
// don't attack other monsters
if (cell->lf) {
if (cell->lf) { // if someone is in the way
if (!isplayer(lf)) { // if we are a monster
// friendly monsters: don't hit other friendlies
// if the person in the way isn't our enemy...
if (!areenemies(lf, cell->lf)) {
// TODO: swap places instead!
return B_FALSE;
// if they are an ally...
if (canswapwith(lf, cell->lf)) {
return B_TRUE;
} else if (ispeaceful(lf)) { // peaceful mosnters: don't hit anyone
return B_FALSE;
} else { // hostile/nonfriendly monsters - don't hit other monsters
if (!isplayer(cell->lf) && !isfriendly(cell->lf)) {
return B_FALSE;
// for intelligent things...
if (iq >= IQ_AVERAGE) {
// don't move if in pain
if (lfhasflag(lf, F_PAIN)) {
return B_FALSE;
return B_TRUE;
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ int closedoorat(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *c);
int closedoor(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o);
int diropposite(int dir);
void dorandommove(lifeform_t *lf, int badmovesok);
int getdiraway(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, int wantcheck, int dirtype);
int getdiraway(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, lifeform_t *srclf, int wantcheck, int dirtype);
int getdirtowards(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst, lifeform_t *srclf, int wantcheck, int dirtype);
int knockback(lifeform_t *lf, int dir, int howfar, lifeform_t *pusher);
int moveawayfrom(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *dst);
int moveawayfrom(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *dst, int dirtype);
void moveeffects(lifeform_t *lf);
int movelf(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *newcell);
int moveto(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *newcell, int onpurpose);
int movetowards(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *dst);
int movetowards(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *dst, int dirtype);
int opendoorat(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *c);
int opendoor(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o);
int pullnextto(lifeform_t *lf, cell_t *c);
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ map_t *firstmap = NULL,*lastmap = NULL;
knowledge_t *knowledge = NULL, *lastknowledge = NULL;
hiddenname_t *firsthiddenname = NULL, *lasthiddenname = NULL;
glyph_t playerglyph,tempglyph;
// maintains unique lifeform ID numbers
long nextlfid = 0;
@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return B_FALSE;
celltype_t *addcelltype(int id, char *name, char glyph, int solid, int transparent, enum MATERIAL mat) {
celltype_t *addcelltype(int id, char *name, char glyph, int colour, int solid, int transparent, enum MATERIAL mat) {
celltype_t *a;
// add to the end of the list
@ -284,7 +286,8 @@ celltype_t *addcelltype(int id, char *name, char glyph, int solid, int transpare
// set props
a->id = id;
a->name = strdup(name);
a->glyph = glyph;
a->glyph.ch = glyph;
a->glyph.colour = colour;
a->solid = solid;
a->transparent = transparent;
a->material = findmaterial(mat);
@ -538,6 +541,11 @@ int init(void) {
gamemode = GM_INIT;
playerglyph.ch = '@';
playerglyph.colour = C_GREY;
tempglyph.ch = '@';
tempglyph.colour = C_GREY;
@ -545,13 +553,11 @@ int init(void) {
// cell types
addcelltype(CT_WALL, "rock wall", '#', B_SOLID, B_OPAQUE, MT_STONE);
addcelltype(CT_ROOMWALL, "rock wall", '#', B_SOLID, B_OPAQUE, MT_STONE);
addcelltype(CT_CORRIDOR, "rock floor", '.', B_EMPTY, B_TRANS, MT_STONE);
addcelltype(CT_LOOPCORRIDOR, "rock floor", 'L', B_EMPTY, B_TRANS, MT_STONE);
addcelltype(CT_ROOM, "rock floor", '.', B_EMPTY, B_TRANS, MT_STONE);
//addcelltype(CT_DOOROPEN, "wooden door", '-', B_EMPTY, B_TRANS, MT_WOOD);
//addcelltype(CT_DOORCLOSED, "wooden door", '+', B_SOLID, B_OPAQUE, MT_WOOD);
addcelltype(CT_WALL, "rock wall", '#', C_GREY, B_SOLID, B_OPAQUE, MT_STONE);
addcelltype(CT_ROOMWALL, "rock wall", '#', C_GREY, B_SOLID, B_OPAQUE, MT_STONE);
addcelltype(CT_CORRIDOR, "rock floor", '.', C_GREY, B_EMPTY, B_TRANS, MT_STONE);
addcelltype(CT_LOOPCORRIDOR, "rock floor", 'L', C_GREY, B_EMPTY, B_TRANS, MT_STONE);
addcelltype(CT_ROOM, "rock floor", '.', C_GREY, B_EMPTY, B_TRANS, MT_STONE);
gamemode = GM_VALIDATION;
if (validateobs()) {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "defs.h"
celltype_t *addcelltype(int id, char *name, char glyph, int solid, int transparent, enum MATERIAL mat);
celltype_t *addcelltype(int id, char *name, char glyph, int colour, int solid, int transparent, enum MATERIAL mat);
command_t *addcommand(enum COMMAND id, char c, char *desc);
void checkdeath(void);
void checkendgame(void);
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ object_t *addemptyob(obpile_t *where, object_t *o);
hiddenname_t *addhiddenname(enum OBCLASS obclass, char *text);
knowledge_t *addknowledge(enum OBCLASS id, char *hiddenname, int known);
material_t *addmaterial(enum MATERIAL id, char *name, float weightrating);
objectclass_t *addoc(enum OBCLASS id, char *name, char *desc, char glyph);
objectclass_t *addoc(enum OBCLASS id, char *name, char *desc, char glyph, int glyphcolour);
object_t *addob(obpile_t *where, char *name);
object_t *addobject(obpile_t *where, char *name, int canstack);
int addobburst(cell_t *where, int range, int dirtype, char *name, lifeform_t *fromlf);
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ object_t *canstackob(obpile_t *op, object_t *match);
object_t *canstacknewot(obpile_t *op, objecttype_t *match);
int changemat(object_t *o, enum MATERIAL mat);
objecttype_t *checkobnames(char *haystack, char *needle);
void colourmatchob(object_t *o, lifeform_t *lf);
void copyobprops(object_t *dst, object_t *src);
int countnames(char **list);
int countobs(obpile_t *op);
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ void genhiddennames(void);
int getcharges(object_t *o);
int geteffecttime(int min, int max, enum BLESSTYPE isblessed);
objecttype_t *getlinkspell(object_t *o);
enum COLOUR getmaterialcolour(enum MATERIAL mat );
enum MATSTATE getmaterialstate(enum MATERIAL mat);
int getmissileaccuracy(lifeform_t *thrower, cell_t *where, object_t *missile, object_t *firearm, enum ATTRIB whichatt);
int getobaccuracy(object_t *wep, lifeform_t *weilder);
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ char *getdamnamenoun(enum DAMTYPE damtype);
char *getfillingname(int nutrition);
int getfirearmrange(object_t *o);
int getfirearmspeed(object_t *o);
char getglyph(object_t *o);
glyph_t *getglyph(object_t *o);
char *genhiddenname(enum OBCLASS id);
char *gethiddenname(object_t *o);
int getobattackdelay(object_t *o);
@ -146,6 +148,7 @@ int knockbackob(object_t *o, int dir, int howfar, int power, lifeform_t *pusher)
lifeform_t *makeanimated(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o, int level);
void makeduller(object_t *o, int howmuch);
void makeknown(enum OBTYPE otid);
void makewet(object_t *o, int amt);
object_t *moveob(object_t *src, obpile_t *dst, int howmany);
void modbonus(object_t *o, int amt);
//object_t *newobeffects(object_t *o);
@ -161,7 +164,7 @@ int obpropsmatch(object_t *a, object_t *b);
int obotpropsmatch(object_t *a, objecttype_t *b);
int operate(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o, cell_t *where);
int pilehasletter(obpile_t *op, char let);
void potioneffects(lifeform_t *lf, enum OBTYPE oid, enum BLESSTYPE isblessed, int *seen);
void potioneffects(lifeform_t *lf, enum OBTYPE oid, enum BLESSTYPE potlessed, int *seen);
int pour(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o);
void quaff(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o);
int readsomething(lifeform_t *lf, object_t *o);
@ -73,7 +73,104 @@ int abilityeffects(lifeform_t *user, enum OBTYPE abilid, cell_t *targcell, lifef
if (abilid == OT_A_GRAB) {
if (abilid == OT_A_SWOOP) {
cell_t *adjcell = NULL,*origcell;
char targetname[BUFLEN];
int i;
cell_t *retcell[MAXRETCELLS];
int nretcell;
int srange = 5;
flag_t *srflag;
// get max range
srflag = lfhasflag(user, F_SWOOPRANGE);
if (srflag) {
srange = srflag->val[0];
if (isimmobile(user)) {
if (isplayer(user)) msg("You can't move!");
return B_TRUE;
} else if (!lfhasflag(user, F_FLYING)) {
if (isplayer(user)) msg("You are not flying, therefore cannot swoop.");
return B_TRUE;
if (!targcell) {
if (isplayer(user)) {
sprintf(buf, "Flyby who (max range %d)?",srange);
// TODO: ask for direction
targcell = askcoords("Flyby who?", TT_MONSTER);
if (!targcell) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return B_FALSE;
if (getcelldist(user->cell, targcell) > srange) {
if (isplayer(user)) msg("You can't swoop that far!");
return B_TRUE;
// make sure we have LOF to there
target = targcell->lf;
if (!target) {
if (isplayer(user)) msg("There is nobody there!");
return TRUE;
} else if (!haslof(user, targcell, LOF_NEED, NULL)) {
if (isplayer(user)) msg("Your path there is blocked!");
return TRUE;
getlfname(target, targetname);
// find cell on the way...
calcbresnham(user->cell->map, user->cell->x, user->cell->y, targcell->x, targcell->y, retcell, &nretcell);
for (i = 1; i < nretcell; i++) {
if (retcell[i] == targcell) {
adjcell = retcell[i-1];
if (!adjcell) {
if (isplayer(user)) {
msg("There is no space nearby for you to attack!");
return B_TRUE;
// take some time
taketime(user, getactspeed(user));
// remember orig cell
origcell = user->cell;
// teleport next to them
movelf(user, adjcell);
if (haslos(player, adjcell)) {
msg("%s swoop%s towards %s!",username,isplayer(user) ? "" : "s",targetname);
needredraw = B_TRUE;
//if (!isplayer(user)) {
// attack
attackcell(user, targcell);
// teleport back to initial pos
movelf(user, origcell);
if (haslos(player, origcell)) {
} else if (abilid == OT_A_GRAB) {
char dirch;
flag_t *f;
@ -286,17 +383,28 @@ int abilityeffects(lifeform_t *user, enum OBTYPE abilid, cell_t *targcell, lifef
} else if (abilid == OT_A_SPRINT) {
int howlong;
int slev;
flag_t *f;
f = lfhasflag(user, F_SPRINTING);
if (f) {
if (f->val[0]) {
if (isplayer(user)) {
msg("You are already sprinting!");
} else {
if (isplayer(user)) {
msg("You are too tired to sprint right now.");
return B_TRUE;
if (lfhasflag(user, F_TIRED)) {
if (isplayer(user)) {
msg("You are too tired to sprint right now.");
return B_TRUE;
} else if (lfhasflag(user, F_SPRINTING)) {
if (isplayer(user)) {
msg("You are already sprinting!");
return B_TRUE;
howlong = 5;
// +2 for each athletics skill level
slev = getskill(user, SK_ATHLETICS);
@ -306,7 +414,7 @@ int abilityeffects(lifeform_t *user, enum OBTYPE abilid, cell_t *targcell, lifef
// modify for constitution
howlong = modifybystat(howlong, user, A_CON);
if (howlong <= 1) {
if (howlong <= 0) {
if (isplayer(user)) {
msg("You are too unfit to sprint.");
@ -357,6 +465,20 @@ int abilityeffects(lifeform_t *user, enum OBTYPE abilid, cell_t *targcell, lifef
return B_FALSE;
} else if (abilid == OT_A_LEVELUP) {
char buf[BUFLEN];
int lev;
askstring("Which xp level will you attain", '?', buf, BUFLEN, NULL);
lev = atoi(buf);
if (lev <= user->level) {
} else {
while (user->level < lev) {
return B_FALSE;
} else if (abilid == OT_A_DEBUG) {
cell_t *where;
where = askcoords("Debug who?", TT_MONSTER);
@ -595,17 +717,6 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
// reverse some spells if cursed
if (blessed == B_CURSED) {
switch (spellid) {
case OT_S_LIGHT:
spellid = OT_S_DARKNESS;
if (hasflag(sp->flags, F_ONGOING)) {
if (lfhasflagval(caster, F_BOOSTSPELL, spellid, NA, NA, NULL)) {
// cancel it.
@ -938,12 +1049,41 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
addtempflag(target->flags, F_CHARMEDBY, caster->id, NA, NA, NULL, howlong);
} else if (spellid == OT_S_COLDBURST) {
int range = 1;
int x,y;
range = 1 + (power / 5);
// announce
if (isplayer(caster) || cansee(player, caster)) {
msg("%s emit%s a blast of icy cold!",castername,isplayer(caster) ? "" : "s");
if (seenbyplayer) *seenbyplayer = B_TRUE;
animradialorth(caster->cell, range, '}', C_GREY);
for (y = caster->cell->y - range ; y <= caster->cell->y + range; y++) {
for (x = caster->cell->x - range ; x <= caster->cell->x + range; x++) {
targcell = getcellat(caster->cell->map, x,y);
if (targcell && (getcelldistorth(caster->cell, targcell) <= range)) {
if (targcell->lf && (targcell->lf != caster) && haslof(caster, targcell, B_FALSE, NULL)) {
char lfname[BUFLEN];
// automatic hit
getlfname(targcell->lf, lfname);
if (haslos(caster, targcell)) {
msg("%s %s chilled!",lfname,isplayer(targcell->lf) ? "are" : "is");
losehp(targcell->lf, rolldie(1,8)+3, DT_COLD, caster, "a burst of coldness");
} else if (spellid == OT_S_CONECOLD) {
char lfname[BUFLEN];
int acc;
if (!validatespellcell(caster, &targcell, TT_MONSTER, B_FALSE, LOF_NEED, spellid, power)) return B_TRUE;
// animation
anim(caster->cell, targcell, '}');
anim(caster->cell, targcell, '}', C_GREY);
if (isplayer(caster) || cansee(player, caster)) {
msg("%s shoot%s a blast of coldness.",castername,isplayer(caster) ? "" : "s");
if (seenbyplayer) *seenbyplayer = B_TRUE;
@ -953,20 +1093,20 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
if (target) {
getlfname(target, lfname);
// target takes magical damage
// check if it hits
acc = getmissileaccuracy(caster, target->cell, NULL, NULL, A_IQ);
if (rnd(1,100) <= acc) {
if (skillcheck(target, SC_DODGE, 20 + (power*2), 0)) {
// miss
if (cansee(caster, target)) {
msg("A blast of coldness misses %s.",lfname);
} else {
// hit
if (cansee(caster, target)) {
msg("A blast of coldness ray hits %s.",lfname);
losehp(target, rnd(2,6), DT_COLD, caster, "a blast of coldness");
} else {
// miss
if (cansee(caster, target)) {
msg("A blast of coldness misses %s.",lfname);
} else {
object_t *o, *nexto;
for (o = targcell->obpile->first; o ; o = nexto) {
@ -975,14 +1115,33 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
} else if (spellid == OT_S_CREATEMONSTER) {
cell_t *where;
lifeform_t *newlf;
job_t *forcejob = NULL;
race_t *r = NULL;
int randomjobsok = B_TRUE;
// create a monster nearby
if (blessed || (power >= 5)) {
if (!targcell) {
if (power >= 5) {
// control location
if (!validatespellcell(caster, &targcell, TT_NONE, B_TRUE, LOF_DONTNEED, spellid, power)) return B_TRUE;
// make sure it's empty
if (!cellwalkable(NULL, targcell, NULL)) {
targcell = NULL;
} else {
// get random adjacent cell
targcell = getrandomadjcell(caster->cell, WE_EMPTY);
if (!targcell) {
return B_TRUE;
// determine type of mosnter
if (power >= 7) {
// ask what kind of monster
askstring("Create what kind of monster", '?', buf, BUFLEN, NULL);
r = findracebyname(buf);
@ -1008,39 +1167,29 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
if (!r) {
if (caster->controller == C_PLAYER) {
return B_TRUE;
} else {
// random one
r = getreallyrandomrace();
// get random adjacent cell
where = getrandomadjcell(caster->cell, WE_EMPTY);
if (!where) {
if (caster->controller == C_PLAYER) {
return B_TRUE;
// create random monster in cell
if (forcejob) {
randomjobsok = B_FALSE;
} else {
randomjobsok = B_TRUE;
if (!blessed) {
r = getreallyrandomrace();
newlf = addmonster(where, r->id, randomjobsok, 1);
// add the monster
newlf = addmonster(targcell, r->id, randomjobsok, 1);
if (newlf) {
// assign job if required
if (forcejob) {
givejob(newlf, forcejob->id);
if (haslos(player, where)) {
if (haslos(player, targcell)) {
char *newbuf;
getlfname(newlf, buf);
newbuf = strdup(buf);
@ -1223,7 +1372,21 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
target = targcell->lf;
if (targcell->lf) {
int resisted = B_FALSE;
// if you cast this at yourself, only check for magic resistance if you have the
// flag.
// other people get a check anyway.
if (targcell->lf == caster) {
if (getmr(targcell->lf) && skillcheck(targcell->lf, SC_RESISTMAG, 20 + power, 0)) {
resisted = B_TRUE;
} else {
if (skillcheck(targcell->lf, SC_RESISTMAG, 20 + power, 0)) {
resisted = B_TRUE;
if (resisted) {
if (isplayer(targcell->lf)) {
msg("You flicker.");
if (seenbyplayer) *seenbyplayer = B_TRUE;
@ -1272,6 +1435,46 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
rv = B_FALSE;
} else if (spellid == OT_S_DRAINLIFE) {
char lfname[BUFLEN];
if (!validatespellcell(caster, &targcell,TT_MONSTER, B_FALSE, LOF_NEED, spellid, power)) return B_TRUE;
target = haslf(targcell);
if (target) {
getlfname(target, lfname);
} else {
return B_FALSE;
if (!isimmuneto(target->flags, DT_NECROTIC)) {
// animation (opposite dir)
anim(targcell, caster->cell, '%', C_MAGENTA);
if (isplayer(caster) || cansee(player, caster)) {
if (isimmuneto(target->flags, DT_NECROTIC)) {
msg("%s suck%s death from %s!",castername,isplayer(caster) ? "" : "s", lfname);
} else {
msg("%s suck%s life from %s!",castername,isplayer(caster) ? "" : "s", lfname);
if (seenbyplayer) *seenbyplayer = B_TRUE;
if (target) {
int amt;
if (isimmuneto(target->flags, DT_NECROTIC)) {
// target gains hp
amt = rnd(1,6) + power;
gainhp(target, amt);
// caster loses it
amt = losehp(caster, rnd(1,6) + power, DT_NECROTIC, caster, "lifeforce drain");
} else {
// target loses hp
amt = losehp(target, rnd(1,6) + power, DT_NECROTIC, caster, "lifeforce drain");
// caster gains it
gainhp(caster, amt);
} else if (spellid == OT_S_ENERGYBLAST) {
int range;
int x,y;
@ -1283,7 +1486,7 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
range = 2 + (power / 4);
animradial(caster->cell, range, '}');
animradial(caster->cell, range, '}', C_CYAN);
for (y = caster->cell->y - range ; y <= caster->cell->y + range; y++) {
for (x = caster->cell->x - range ; x <= caster->cell->x + range; x++) {
@ -1313,7 +1516,7 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
numtotext(power, numbuf);
if (!validatespellcell(caster, &targcell, TT_MONSTER, B_FALSE, LOF_NEED, spellid, power)) return B_TRUE;
// animation
anim(caster->cell, targcell, '}');
anim(caster->cell, targcell, '}', C_CYAN);
if (isplayer(caster) || cansee(player, caster)) {
if (power == 1) {
msg("%s fire%s a bolt of energy.",castername,isplayer(caster) ? "" : "s");
@ -1357,7 +1560,7 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
msg("An enormous ball of fire explodes!");
anim(caster->cell, targcell, '^');
anim(caster->cell, targcell, '^', C_RED);
// add fires as follows (3 = large, 2 = medium, 1 = smell)
@ -1416,10 +1619,9 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
} else if (spellid == OT_S_FIREDART) {
char lfname[BUFLEN];
int acc;
if (!validatespellcell(caster, &targcell,TT_MONSTER, B_FALSE, LOF_NEED, spellid, power)) return B_TRUE;
// animation
anim(caster->cell, targcell, '}');
anim(caster->cell, targcell, '}', C_RED);
if (isplayer(caster) || cansee(player, caster)) {
msg("%s shoot%s a dart of flame.",castername,isplayer(caster) ? "" : "s");
if (seenbyplayer) *seenbyplayer = B_TRUE;
@ -1430,18 +1632,15 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
getlfname(target, lfname);
// target takes magical damage
// check if it hits
acc = getmissileaccuracy(caster, target->cell, NULL, NULL, A_IQ);
if (rnd(1,100) <= acc) {
if (skillcheck(target, SC_DODGE, 20 + (power*2), 0)) {
// miss
msg("A dart of flame misses %s.",lfname);
} else {
// hit
if (cansee(caster, target)) {
msg("A dart of flame hits %s.",lfname);
losehp(target, rnd(2,6) + power, DT_FIRE, caster, "a dart of flame");
} else {
// miss
if (cansee(caster, target)) {
msg("A dart of flame misses %s.",lfname);
} else {
object_t *o, *nexto;
@ -1462,7 +1661,7 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
if (seenbyplayer) *seenbyplayer = B_TRUE;
animradialorth(caster->cell, range, '}');
animradialorth(caster->cell, range, '}', C_RED);
for (y = caster->cell->y - range ; y <= caster->cell->y + range; y++) {
for (x = caster->cell->x - range ; x <= caster->cell->x + range; x++) {
@ -1475,7 +1674,7 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
if (haslos(caster, targcell)) {
msg("%s burn%s!",lfname,isplayer(targcell->lf) ? "" : "s");
losehp(targcell->lf, rolldie(2,8)+3, DT_MAGIC, caster, "a burst of fire");
losehp(targcell->lf, rolldie(2,8)+3, DT_FIRE, caster, "a burst of fire");
@ -1837,8 +2036,7 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
for (l = caster->cell->map->lf ; l ; l = l->next) {
if (l != caster) {
if (skillcheck(l, SC_RESISTMAG, 20 + power, 0)) {
if (isimmuneto(l->flags, DT_NECROTIC) || skillcheck(l, SC_RESISTMAG, 20 + power, 0)) {
if (isplayer(l)) {
msg("Luckily, the evil doesn't seem to harm you.");
if (seenbyplayer) *seenbyplayer = B_TRUE;
@ -1848,10 +2046,24 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
char cname[BUFLEN];
real_getlfname(caster, cname, B_FALSE);
sprintf(dambuf, "%s%s infinite death spell", cname, getpossessive(cname));
losehp(l, 9999, DT_DIRECT, NULL, dambuf);
losehp(l, 500, DT_NECROTIC, NULL, dambuf);
// now hit the caster!
if (isimmuneto(caster->flags, DT_NECROTIC) || skillcheck(caster, SC_RESISTMAG, 20 + power, 0)) {
if (isplayer(caster)) {
msg("Luckily, the evil doesn't seem to harm you.");
if (seenbyplayer) *seenbyplayer = B_TRUE;
} else {
char dambuf[BUFLEN];
char cname[BUFLEN];
real_getlfname(caster, cname, B_FALSE);
sprintf(dambuf, "%s%s infinite death spell", cname, getpossessive(cname));
losehp(caster, 500, DT_NECROTIC, NULL, dambuf);
} else if (spellid == OT_S_MANASPIKE) {
char lfname[BUFLEN];
char numbuf[BUFLEN];
@ -1859,7 +2071,7 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
numtotext(power, numbuf);
if (!validatespellcell(caster, &targcell,TT_MONSTER, B_FALSE, LOF_NEED, spellid, power)) return B_TRUE;
// animation
anim(caster->cell, targcell, '}');
anim(caster->cell, targcell, '}', C_CYAN);
if (isplayer(caster) || cansee(player, caster)) {
if (power == 1) {
msg("%s fire%s a spike of mana.",castername,isplayer(caster) ? "" : "s");
@ -2164,6 +2376,97 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
if (seenbyplayer) *seenbyplayer = B_TRUE;
addflag(target->flags, F_BEINGSTONED, 2, NA, NA, NULL);
} else if (spellid == OT_S_POISONBOLT) {
char lfname[BUFLEN];
if (!validatespellcell(caster, &targcell,TT_MONSTER, B_FALSE, LOF_NEED, spellid, power)) return B_TRUE;
// animation
anim(caster->cell, targcell, '}', C_GREEN);
target = haslf(targcell);
if (target) {
getlfname(target, lfname);
// target gets saving throw to avoid...
if (skillcheck(target, SC_DODGE, 20 + (power*2), 0)) {
// miss
if (cansee(caster, target)) {
msg("A glob of venom misses %s.",lfname);
} else {
// hit
if (cansee(caster, target)) {
msg("A glob of venom hits %s.",lfname);
losehp(target, rnd(1,4), DT_POISON, caster, "a glob of poison");
if (!isimmuneto(target->flags, DT_POISON)) {
addtempflag(target->flags, F_POISONED, NA, NA, NA, castername, power*3);
} else {
object_t *o, *nexto;
for (o = targcell->obpile->first; o ; o = nexto) {
nexto = o->next;
takedamage(o, 0, DT_FIRE);
} else if (spellid == OT_S_POSSESSION) {
char targname[BUFLEN];
if (!validatespellcell(caster, &targcell,TT_MONSTER, B_TRUE, LOF_DONTNEED, spellid, power)) return B_TRUE;
target = targcell->lf;
if (!target) {
return B_FALSE;
getlfname(target, targname);
// saving throw....
if (skillcheck(target, SC_RESISTMAG, 20 + power*2, 0)) {
if (isplayer(caster) && cansee(player, target)) {
msg("%s%s mind fights off your intrusion!", targname, getpossessive(targname));
return B_FALSE;
// announce
if (cansee(player,target)) {
if (isplayer(caster)) {
msg("You take possession of %s%s mind!", targname, getpossessive(targname));
} else {
msg("%s takes possession of %s%s mind!",cansee(player, caster) ? castername : "Something",
targname, getpossessive(targname));
// possess!
if (isplayer(caster)) {
// player name
copyflag(target->flags, caster->flags, F_NAME);
// level
target->level = player->level;
player->controller = C_AI;
player = target;
target->controller = C_PLAYER;
} else {
switch (getallegiance(caster)) {
killflagsofid(target->flags, F_FRIENDLY);
addflag(target->flags, F_HOSTILE, B_TRUE, NA, NA, NULL);
killflagsofid(target->flags, F_FRIENDLY);
killflagsofid(target->flags, F_HOSTILE);
makefriendly(target, PERMENANT);
// now kill the caster!
} else if (spellid == OT_S_PSYARMOUR) {
flag_t *f;
// always targetted at caster
@ -2788,6 +3091,7 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
// target is always the caster
target = caster;
if (skillcheck(target, SC_RESISTMAG, 20 + power, 0)) {
if (isplayer(target)) {
msg("You flicker.");
@ -2800,14 +3104,14 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
return B_FALSE;
if ((power < 5) || !isplayer(caster)) {
// random
while (!c || c->type->solid || haslf(c)) {
c = getrandomcell(target->cell->map);
if (isplayer(target) || haslos(player, target->cell)) {
if (seenbyplayer) *seenbyplayer = B_TRUE;
} else {
} else if (power >= 8) {
// controlled
sprintf(buf, "Where will you teleport to?");
while (!c) {
int ch;
@ -2822,12 +3126,112 @@ int dospelleffects(lifeform_t *caster, enum OBTYPE spellid, int power, lifeform_
if (ch != 'y') c = NULL;
} else { // ie. if (power >= 5)
int dir;
char dirch;
cell_t *poss[MAX_MAPW * MAX_MAPH];
int nposs;
int x,y;
int xmin,ymin;
int xmax,ymax;
// semicontrolled
// ask for dir
dirch = askchar("Teleport in which direction (- to cancel)", "yuhjklbn.-","-", B_FALSE);
if ((dirch == '.') || (dir == '-')) {
return B_TRUE;
} else {
dir = chartodir(dirch);
// make a list of all valid cells in that dir
nposs = 0;
switch (dir) {
case D_N:
case DC_N:
ymin = 0;
ymax = target->cell->y - 1;
xmin = target->cell->x - 5;
xmax = target->cell->x + 5;
case DC_NE:
xmin = target->cell->x + 1;
ymin = 0;
xmax = target->cell->map->w - 1;
ymax = target->cell->y - 1;
case D_E:
case DC_E:
xmin = target->cell->x + 1;
xmax = target->cell->map->w - 1;
ymin = target->cell->y - 5;;
ymax = target->cell->y + 5;;
case DC_SE:
xmin = target->cell->x + 1;
ymin = target->cell->y + 1;
xmax = target->cell->map->w - 1;
ymax = target->cell->map->h - 1;
case D_S:
case DC_S:
ymin = target->cell->y + 1;
ymax = target->cell->map->h - 1;
xmin = target->cell->x - 5;
xmax = target->cell->x + 5;
case DC_SW:
xmin = 0;
ymin = target->cell->y + 1;
xmax = target->cell->x - 1;
ymax = target->cell->map->h - 1;
case D_W:
case DC_W:
xmin = 0;
xmax = target->cell->x - 1;
ymin = target->cell->y - 5;
ymax = target->cell->y + 5;
case DC_NW:
xmin = 0;
ymin = 0;
xmax = target->cell->x - 1;
ymax = target->cell->y - 1;
if (xmin < 0) xmin = 0;
if (ymin < 0) ymin = 0;
if (xmax > target->cell->map->w-1) xmax = target->cell->map->w-1;
if (ymax > target->cell->map->h-1) ymax = target->cell->map->h-1;
for (y = ymin; y <= ymax ; y++) {
for (x = xmin; x <= xmax ; x++) {
c = getcellat(target->cell->map, x,y);
if (c && cellwalkable(target, c, NULL)) {
poss[nposs] = c;
if (nposs <= 0) {
return B_FALSE;
c = poss[rnd(0,nposs-1)];
} // end if (semicontrolled | controlled | random )
targcell = c;
if (isplayer(target) || haslos(player, target->cell)) {
if (seenbyplayer) *seenbyplayer = B_TRUE;
teleportto(target, c, B_TRUE);
teleportto(target, targcell, B_TRUE);
rv = B_FALSE;
} else if (spellid == OT_S_TELEKINESIS) {
cell_t *where;
@ -3151,29 +3555,34 @@ char *getspellname(enum OBTYPE spellid, lifeform_t *lf, char *buf) {
power = getspellpower(lf, spellid);
ss = getspellschool(spellid);
if (spellid == OT_S_TELEPORT) {
if (power >= 5) {
strcat(buf, "(controlled)");
} else if (spellid == OT_S_POLYMORPH) {
if (power >= 5) {
strcat(buf, "(controlled)");
} else if (spellid == OT_S_CREATEMONSTER) {
if (power >= 5) {
strcat(buf, "(controlled)");
} else if (spellid == OT_S_LIGHT) {
if (power >= 8) {
strcat(buf, "(perm,controlled)");
} else if (power >= 3) {
strcat(buf, "(controlled)");
} else {
if ((power > 1) && (ss != SS_ABILITY)) {
strcat(buf, " ");
strcat(buf, roman(power));
if (spellid == OT_S_TELEPORT) {
if (power >= 8) {
strcat(buf, "(fullctrl)");
} else if (power >= 5) {
strcat(buf, "(semictrl)");
} else if (spellid == OT_S_POLYMORPH) {
if (power >= 5) {
strcat(buf, "(ctrl)");
} else if (spellid == OT_S_CREATEMONSTER) {
if (power >= 7) {
strcat(buf, "(fullctrl)");
} else if (power >= 5) {
strcat(buf, "(semictrl)");
} else if (spellid == OT_S_LIGHT) {
if (power >= 8) {
strcat(buf, "(perm,ctrl)");
} else if (power >= 3) {
strcat(buf, "(ctrl)");
return buf;
@ -3182,7 +3591,8 @@ int getspellpower(lifeform_t *lf, enum OBTYPE spellid) {
int power = 0;
int statmod;
int spelllev;
int skill;
enum SKILLLEVEL spellskill,schoolskill;
enum SPELLSCHOOL school;
int max = 10;
flag_t *f;
@ -3206,25 +3616,52 @@ int getspellpower(lifeform_t *lf, enum OBTYPE spellid) {
statmod = 0;
skill = getskill(lf, SK_SPELLCASTING);
if (skill == PR_INEPT) {
school = getspellschool(spellid);
spellskill = getskill(lf, SK_SPELLCASTING);
// dont need spellcasting skill for mental/allomancy
switch (school) {
if (spellskill == PR_INEPT) {
return 0;
// every 6 levels you get 1 more power
// ie. at level 30 you get +5 power
power = (lf->level/6) + statmod + skill;
power = (lf->level/6) + statmod;
switch (school) {
power += spellskill;
spelllev = getspelllevel(spellid);
if (spelllev > 0) {
power /= spelllev;
int divamt;
if ((school == SS_ALLOMANCY) || (school == SS_MENTAL)) {
divamt = (spelllev/2);
} else {
divamt = spelllev;
// specialised spellcasting - apply this AFTER dividing by spell level?
skill = getskill(lf, getschoolskill(getspellschool(spellid)));
if (skill != PR_INEPT) {
power += skill;
if (divamt > 0) {
power /= divamt;
// specialised school skill - apply this AFTER dividing by spell level
schoolskill = getskill(lf, getschoolskill(getspellschool(spellid)));
if (schoolskill != PR_INEPT) {
power += schoolskill;
// enforce maximum
@ -3274,8 +3711,11 @@ int getspellrange(enum OBTYPE spellid, int power) {
void pullobto(object_t *o, lifeform_t *lf) {
char obname[BUFLEN];
char lfname[BUFLEN];
glyph_t *gl;
anim(getoblocation(o), lf->cell, getglyph(o));
gl = getglyph(o);
anim(getoblocation(o), lf->cell, gl->ch, gl->colour);
getobname(o, obname, o->amt);
getlfname(lf, lfname);
@ -3404,13 +3844,15 @@ cell_t *validatespellcell(lifeform_t *caster, cell_t **targcell, int targtype, i
if (where) {
cell_t *newwhere = NULL;
// validate it
if (where && needlos && !haslos(caster, where)) {
if (where && needlos && !haslos(caster, where) && (where != caster->cell)) {
msg("You cannot see there!"); more();
where = NULL;
// line of fire interrupted?
if (where && needlof && !haslof(caster, where, needlof, &newwhere)) {
if (newwhere) {
if (isplayer(caster)) {
// warn!
int ch;
ch = askchar("Your have no clear line of fire - really target here?","yn","n", B_TRUE);
@ -3419,6 +3861,7 @@ cell_t *validatespellcell(lifeform_t *caster, cell_t **targcell, int targtype, i
} else {
where = NULL;
} else {
where = NULL;
@ -3467,8 +3910,8 @@ cell_t *validatespellcell(lifeform_t *caster, cell_t **targcell, int targtype, i
if (!where) {
int ch;
ch = askchar("Abandon your spell?","yn","n", B_TRUE);
if (ch != 'y') {
where = NULL;
if (ch == 'y') {
return NULL;
} else {
@ -30,6 +30,49 @@ char *capitaliseall(char *text) {
return text;
char *dicetotext(int ndice, int nsides, int bonus, int *min, int *max, char *dicebuf, char *minmaxbuf) {
int localmin, localmax;
if (ndice == NA) ndice = 0;
if (nsides == NA) nsides = 0;
if (bonus == NA) bonus = 0;
// ie. rolled a 1 on all dice
localmin = (ndice * 1) + bonus;
// ie. rolled max on all dice
localmax = (ndice * nsides) + bonus;
if (min) {
*min = localmin;
if (max) {
*max = localmax;
if (dicebuf) {
if ((ndice == 0) || (nsides == 0)) {
sprintf(dicebuf, "%d", bonus);
} else {
if (bonus) {
sprintf(dicebuf, "%dd%d%c%d", ndice, nsides,
(bonus > 0) ? '+' : '-',
} else {
sprintf(dicebuf, "%dd%d", ndice, nsides);
if (minmaxbuf) {
if (localmin == localmax) {
sprintf(minmaxbuf, "%d", localmin);
} else {
sprintf(minmaxbuf, "%d-%d", localmin, localmax);
return dicebuf;
char *getattrname(enum ATTRIB att) {
switch (att) {
case A_NONE:
@ -171,6 +214,8 @@ char *makeplural(char *text) {
if (rv) return newtext;
newtext = strrep(newtext, "chunk ", "chunks ", &rv);
if (rv) return newtext;
newtext = strrep(newtext, "flask ", "flasks ", &rv);
if (rv) return newtext;
newtext = strrep(newtext, "gem ", "gems ", &rv);
if (rv) return newtext;
newtext = strrep(newtext, "loaf ", "loaves ", &rv);
@ -429,7 +474,7 @@ int strpixmatch(char *haystack, char *needle) {
int texttodice(char *text, int *ndice, int *nsides, int *bonus) {
char *dummy;
char *localtext;
char *p;
char *p,*plusloc;
localtext = strdup(text);
// number of dice
p = strtok_r(localtext, "d", &dummy);
@ -444,18 +489,34 @@ int texttodice(char *text, int *ndice, int *nsides, int *bonus) {
if (!p) {
return B_TRUE;
// strip out bonus
plusloc = strchr(p, '+');
if (plusloc) *plusloc = '\0';
plusloc = strchr(p, '-');
if (plusloc) *plusloc = '\0';
if (nsides) {
*nsides = atoi(p);
localtext = strdup(text);
// bonus/plus
if (bonus) {
p = strtok_r(NULL, "+", &dummy);
p = strchr(localtext, '+');
if (p) {
*bonus = atoi(p);
*bonus = atoi(p+1);
} else {
p = strchr(localtext, '-');
if (p) {
*bonus = -(atoi(p+1));
} else {
*bonus = 0;
return B_FALSE;
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
char *capitalise(char *text);
char *capitaliseall(char *text);
char *dicetotext(int ndice, int nsides, int bonus, int *min, int *max, char *dicebuf, char *minmaxbuf);
char *getattrname(enum ATTRIB att);
char *getpossessive(char *text);
char *getsizetext(enum LFSIZE sz);
Reference in New Issue