Rob Pearce
- [+] getting a lot of individual non-stacked blood stains. - [+] penalty to slip checks when sprinting. - [+] protetcion form good/evil - use saving throw for tougher monsters - [-] redo god piety - [+] piety levels confer abilities/bonuses - [-] hecta - [+] pls - resist necro - [+] thr - stench - [ ] ecs - finger of death OR necrobeam every x turns. - [ ] fod: kill low hit die instantly. - [-] amberon - [+] pls - glow - [ ] thrilled = poly immune, - [+] t = also undead dam boost - [+] ecs = prot evil - [-] glorana - [+] p = stam boost - [ ] t = auto bless weapons / arm - [+] e = regenhp - [-] ekrub - [+] p = plantsfriendly - [+] t = chance to autoentangle on hit (plev*10) - [+] t = disease immune - [ ] e = ??? - [+] klikirak - [+] p = res fire - [+] t = immune fire - [+] e = burning body - [-] yumi - [+] p = enhance search 10 - [+] t = detect bless/curse.. - [+] t = detect life - [ ] e = save life - [+] lumara - [+] p = boost mag 1. spell on levelup. - [+] t = boost mag 2. - [+] e = boost mag 3. regen mp. - [+] bjorn - [+] p = resist fear - [+] p = stam boost too - [+] t = dam boost, acc boost - [+] e = knockback - [ ] felix - [ ] p = enhance stealth ? - [ ] t = enhance search 20 - [ ] e = ??? - [ ] move gift effects........ - [+] remove gifts? - [ ] TEST!! |
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