- [+] change code:
v2=TT_xxx text=pctchance or NULL.
- [+] aispellok(xx, purpose) : check this _before_ checking
- [+] add spelltargetoverride for vampire
- [+] add spelltargetoverride for werewolf
- [+] retain F_FLEEFROM on polymorph.
- [+] lycanthropes
- [+] show up as "human" unless your animal/magic lore is high
- [+] vulnerable to silver weapons
- [+] Wererat (3hd, weapon damage)
- [+] uses short blades
- [+] stench
- [+] want alcohol?
- [+] transform into fast version of rat. plague rat?
- [+] summon small animals. summon # override? "count:"
- [+] Werewolf (4hd, 6 dam)
- [+] summon wolves ?
- [+] shapeshift to dire wolf
- [+] regenerates
- [+] firstaid skill (fast healing when resting)
- [+] Werebear
- [+] 6 hd
- [+] shapeshift to grizzly bear
- [+] summon 2-3 black bears
- [+] firstaid skill (fast healing)
- [+] shapeshifting monsters sometimes start as animal form
- [+] if you are good/evil different alignments, mosnters should flat
out refuse to join you.
- [+] more different sayphrases for recruitment.
- [+] when placing homelevobs, try to stick to rooms, not corridors
- [+] getrandomroomcell() needs WE_xxx argument.
- [+] implement cellmatchescondition(c, cond)
- [+] real_getrandomadjcell() should use this too
- [+] swoop ability should only work with claw attacks
- [+] getweapons() needs to honour this.
- [+] spell.c: check if you have the right attack type
- [+] aispellok: only if you have the right attack yype
- [+] horse - 2hd, brown u
- [+] Hippogriff (3hd , horse/eagle, 'u') - yellow
- [+] centaur (4hd, u) - grey
- [+] make pegasus be cyan
- [+] CATs
- [+] Griffon (7hd, tr4-5, u, hates horses) - lion/eagle - yellow