- [+] ....but only about their home level!
- [+] f_startmapid
- [+] cave entrances should make noise
- [+] drip
- [+] echoing
- [+] cope with multiple f_makesnoise flags on objects (pick one
- [+] showlfstats skill display bug - "MORE" keystroke doesn't fall
- [+] You impale the chicken! The chicken turns to face you.
- [+] shouldn't turn to face if your'e dead!
- [+] nulllify spell not populating seenbyplayer
- [+] crash in createfakes()
- [+] animals hsould still walk onto SHARP objects.
- [+] secret doors showing up as empty remembered cells when you look
away from them (and have lowish cartography)
- [+] don't call remove_deadends on vaults.
- [+] when walking down stairs to level 3:
- [+] ERROR - stairs link to existing map 3('dungeon L2 (id #3)',
depth 2), but it has no free stairs
- [+] ie. Level 3 has too many up staircases ? no. 3 on all of them.
- [+] FIXED. countstairs() was including too much. now using
countmapobs(map, stairtype) instead.
- [+] The goblin rogue a half-sized leather armour (null).
- [+] fixed crash when you cast rage on someone who is eating.
- [+] crash when catching a glowbug in a flask
- [+] use canreachbp code when selecting armour to damage as well....
ie newt can't hit your helmet!
- [+] BUG: "tunnel doing up" went down!
- [+] for monsters:auto raise lf stats to match starting weapons
- [+] crash in aigetspelltarget() for CLIMB
- [+] should deactiveate all spells on polymorph
- [+] allow usage of FEIGNDEATH while prone.
- [+] make coprses non-stackable
- [+] CRASH in animatedead
- [+] shouldn't say 'you attack x from behind' if x has awareness