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Command line CardDAV CLI client.



rpearce@crom:task_cli$ ./t.sh -h
usage:  ./t.sh COMMAND [commandopts]

               COMMAND  DESCRIPTION                               SYNONYMS
   list [id1] .. [idX]  List [just the specified] tasks           ls,show
             fold <id>  Fold a parent task (hide its children)    f,zc
           unfold <id>  Unfold a parent task (show its children)  u,zo
           toggle <id>  Fold/Unfold a parent task                 z
         done <taskid>  Complete a task                           x,complete
      notdone <taskid>  Uncomplete a task                         o,incomplete,uncomplete,clear
   add [parent] <name>  Add a new task [as subtask of parent]     a,new,create
    del [id1] .. [idX]  Delete given task(s)                      rm,delete
               cleanup  Delete all completed tasks                clean,flush,dc
 rename <id> <newname>  Rename given task
             left <id>  Decrease indent of given task             h,out,up
   right <id> <parent>  Move task below the given parent          l,mv,in
     note <id> <notes>  Change notes for given task               desc,description,comment
        tag <id> <tag>  Add a tag to the given task               t
      untag <id> <tag>  Remove a tag from the given task          ut
                  sync  Sync tasks using vdirsyncer
             view <id>  Show detailed info for given task         v,info,vcal