2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
#include "defs.h"
cell_t *addcell(map_t *map, int x, int y);
* [+] always add webs if there are randomly generated spiders on a level
- [+] non-wood doors
- [+] iron
- [+] only interrupt rest for hunger if it's 'starving' or 'vhungry'
- [+] limit the amount of jumping we can do from athletics skill.
- [+] no message when i lockpick with a -6 combat knife.
- [+] make small corpses give much less nutrition!
- [+] high unarmed skill should give you unarmed attacks with a
1-handed weapon.
- [+] dual weild
- [+] if you have twoweapon skill, when you weild a weapon, say
"weild as secondary weapon? y/n"
- [+] in attackcell(), check if we have a weapon in our second hand
AND are skilled in twoweaponing
- [+] if so, get an attack with both, but with an accuracy penalty
(until adept level)
- [+] make sure shiedl code doesn't accept weapons!
- [+] knockback() can now knock back other lfs that you hit on the way
* [+] faster resting obs (only via R)
- [+] replace F_RESTING with F_ASLEEP. v0 = onpurpose. if v0, you wake
up when at full hp/mp/etc
- [+] implement F_TRAINING with traincounter
- [+] don't say 'rest until nearby allies ar eheald' if they aren't
- [+] make listen dififculty check dependant on distance to noise
- [+] doesn't make sense for druid to be a vegetarian. use "can only
eat meat when hungry"
- [+] @@ - combine acc+dmg. ie. "weapon: mace (63%,2-9dmg)
- [+] @@ - show both weapons if dualweilding.
- [+] porcupine shoudl have F_SHARP corpse. implement F_CORPSEFLAGS
- [+] create monster - "giant ant" making "giant antlion"!
- [+] giant porcupine
- [+] implement
- [+] should attack ants on sight - f_hatesrace
- [+] if race=hatesrace or baserace = hatesrace, will attack it.
- [+] gust of wind - blow obs away!
- [+] thorns (grow spikes, attackers take dmg)
- [+] f_retaliate, v0=ndice,v1=dsides, v2=damype, text=obname
- [+] major healing (new spell)
2011-05-05 13:12:52 +10:00
void addhomeobs(lifeform_t *lf);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
map_t *addmap(void);
* [+] bug: secret doors revealed when we walk away from them.
- [+] make lamps last heaps longer
* [+] web spell
* [+] spider monstrer
* [+] funnelweb:
* [+] redback:
- [+] if you are wracked with pain, don't clear msg
- [+] check rarity for spiders
* [+] attack/defense mod if there is stickiness in your square
- [+] replace "sticky" with "restrictive"
* [+] make some mosnters start hidden
- [+] adjust spot checks basd on distance
- [+] ensure that attacking stops you hiding
- [+] casting spells stops you from being hidden
- [+] hidden mosnters shouldn't move unless their victim is ADJACENT.
- [+] hidden mosnters shouldn't cast spells, throw missiles, etc unless
their victim is ADJACENT.
- [-] XP CALC
- [+] funnelweb and redback are the same.
- [+] check this is right...... i want funnel web to be worse.
- [+] make hitconfer check in calcxpval take lifetime into account
- [+] ALSO assign an xp rating to each hitconferred flag.
- [+] hardcode this.
* [+] entangle spell
- [+] reveal secret doors if you see them get damaged.
* [+] make askcoords list restrivitce objects
- [+] ACTUALLY make vines not damaged by struggling
* [+] object descriptions, a/an needs to change if showing condition:
"a battered entangling vine"
- [+] wizard levelled up and was prompted for "WISH, GIFT"! shouldn't
- [+] The human diety reads a blessed scroll of create monster! -- but
nothing happens??
* [+] throw code
- [+] wizard: ask for school specialty at start, from: fire, ice, xxx
? You get this + WILD.
- [+] describe varpower spells
- [+] fix mp cost for varpower spells
- [+] we're not stopping running at staircases anymore for some reason.
- [+] CHARGE ability (like swoop but don't return to original positino)
- [+] need to honor f_canlearn when displaying new skills to learn!
- [+] ai: if we are going to player's last known loc (via targetcell),
abandon if we can SEE the player!
- [+] make shatter() into a function
- [+] oil potion makes oil puddle whan smashed
- [+] make flammable objects be able to convert to others
- [+] replace 'magic item usage' with 'channeling'
- [+] a cloud of darkness descends. this is a *cursed* wand of light.
- [+] spiders shouldn't be able to be stuck in a web!
* [+] spells should be able to have MULTIPLE schools.
- [+] don't bleed into walls
- [+] in @M, use colours to show which spells are too hard so far (ie
cost > maxmp)
* [+] in @M, use schools that you know
* [+] after loading game, barbarian is getting an extra attack?
You miss the eyebat. You punch the eyebat.
- [+] show objects on top of stairs
- [+] stuck mosnters must pass a saving throw to follow you up/down
- [+] genericise: trytomove(lf)
* [+] add more snakes
- [+] undead can't eat or drink? or MOST undead can't.
* [+] why can MONSTERS shoot webs through things? (but I can't)
- [+] barkskin - doesn't reduce max mp enough?
- [+] The skeleton touches a fuming aqua potion [tried] then recoils in
The skeleton drops a blessed fuming aqua potion [tried].
The skeleton drinks a fuming aqua potion!
- [+] why can't i use abilites anymore?
- [+] infinite loop bug due to ai only having one ignorecell.
- [+] make sleet storms rust all armour
- [+] make a kind of walkdam that hits armour
- [+] add this as well as walkdam for: acid, fire, water
- [+] Takeoff isn't prompting properly. only showing weapons!
* [+] waterproof obs (ie cloak)
* [+] walkdambp doesn't hurt body if you have a cloak
- [+] mending, heals 1d6 damage
- [+] spark
- [+] purify food
- [+] sticks to snakes
- [+] calm animals (power_d4 hd)
* [+] charm animal (works on one animal up to power hit dice, temporary)
- [+] airblast
- [+] barkskin (power +2 AR, firevuln, ongoing)
- [+] soften earth (makes ground into mud)
- [+] warp wood (damages wooden objects)
- [+] repel insects
- [+] reduce poison
- [+] web
- [+] windshield
- [+] call lightning, air
- [+] resist elements, ongoing
- [+] passwall
- [+] poisonbolt
- [+] quench (puts out a fire)
- [+] sleet storm (lowers movement, vision)
- [+] healing
- [+] cure poison
* [+] calming scent
- [+] dig
- [+] entangle
- [+] levitate
- [+] flamepillar
- [+] hailstorm. like sleetstorm but hurts more. power d 6.
- [+] burning wave
- [+] gaseous form
* [+] knowledge skills:
* [+] force makespellchoicelist() to show spells in level order.
* [+] druid
- [+] check OBJECT rarity list (dumplev)
- [+] fix bug where heaps of books suddently appear from dlev 3 onwards
- [+] gain skills on level up for some jobs
- [+] f_levspellschool, v0=lev, v1 = school or ANY - select one
from that school
2011-04-23 14:27:42 +10:00
lifeform_t *addmonster(cell_t *c, enum RACE raceid, int jobok, int amt, int autogen);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
void addrandomob(cell_t *c);
2011-03-24 16:09:31 +11:00
void addrandomthing(cell_t *c, int obchance);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int cellhaslos(cell_t *c1, cell_t *dest);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
cell_t *getcellat(map_t *map, int x, int y);
int getcelldist(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int getcelldistorth(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst);
2011-04-06 17:27:55 +10:00
void getcellglyph(glyph_t *g, cell_t *c, lifeform_t *viewer);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
enum CELLTYPE getemptycelltype(enum HABITAT hab);
2011-04-14 09:44:29 +10:00
enum CELLTYPE getwallcelltype(enum HABITAT hab);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
object_t *gettopobject(cell_t *where);
void calclight(map_t *map);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
int calcroompos(map_t *map, int w, int h, int *bx, int *by);
int countadjcellsoftype(cell_t *cell, int id);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int countadjcellswithflag(cell_t *cell, enum FLAG fid);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
int countcellexits(cell_t *cell);
2011-04-08 13:18:54 +10:00
void createmap(map_t *map, int depth, int habitat);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
void createroom(map_t *map, int minx, int miny, int w, int h, int roomid);
int dirtox(int dt, int dir);
int dirtoy(int dt, int dir);
void dumpmap(map_t *map);
2011-03-18 12:25:18 +11:00
void explodesinglecell(cell_t *c, int dam, int killwalls, object_t *o, cell_t *centre);
2011-04-14 09:44:29 +10:00
void explodecells(cell_t *c, int dam, int killwalls, object_t *o, int range, int dirtype, int wantannounce);
celltype_t *findcelltype(enum CELLTYPE cid);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
map_t *findmap(int mid);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
map_t *findmapofdepth(int depth);
2011-04-08 13:18:54 +10:00
object_t *findobidinmap(map_t *m, long id);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
cell_t *findobinmap(map_t *m, enum OBCLASS oid);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
void forgetcells(map_t *map, int amt);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
cell_t *getcellindir(cell_t *cell, int dir);
int getnewdigdir(cell_t *cell, int lastdir, int turnpct, int *moved);
int getobchance(int habitat);
2011-04-06 17:27:55 +10:00
cell_t *getrandomadjcell(cell_t *c, int wantempty, int allowexpand);
* [+] bug: secret doors revealed when we walk away from them.
- [+] make lamps last heaps longer
* [+] web spell
* [+] spider monstrer
* [+] funnelweb:
* [+] redback:
- [+] if you are wracked with pain, don't clear msg
- [+] check rarity for spiders
* [+] attack/defense mod if there is stickiness in your square
- [+] replace "sticky" with "restrictive"
* [+] make some mosnters start hidden
- [+] adjust spot checks basd on distance
- [+] ensure that attacking stops you hiding
- [+] casting spells stops you from being hidden
- [+] hidden mosnters shouldn't move unless their victim is ADJACENT.
- [+] hidden mosnters shouldn't cast spells, throw missiles, etc unless
their victim is ADJACENT.
- [-] XP CALC
- [+] funnelweb and redback are the same.
- [+] check this is right...... i want funnel web to be worse.
- [+] make hitconfer check in calcxpval take lifetime into account
- [+] ALSO assign an xp rating to each hitconferred flag.
- [+] hardcode this.
* [+] entangle spell
- [+] reveal secret doors if you see them get damaged.
* [+] make askcoords list restrivitce objects
- [+] ACTUALLY make vines not damaged by struggling
* [+] object descriptions, a/an needs to change if showing condition:
"a battered entangling vine"
- [+] wizard levelled up and was prompted for "WISH, GIFT"! shouldn't
- [+] The human diety reads a blessed scroll of create monster! -- but
nothing happens??
* [+] throw code
- [+] wizard: ask for school specialty at start, from: fire, ice, xxx
? You get this + WILD.
- [+] describe varpower spells
- [+] fix mp cost for varpower spells
- [+] we're not stopping running at staircases anymore for some reason.
- [+] CHARGE ability (like swoop but don't return to original positino)
- [+] need to honor f_canlearn when displaying new skills to learn!
- [+] ai: if we are going to player's last known loc (via targetcell),
abandon if we can SEE the player!
- [+] make shatter() into a function
- [+] oil potion makes oil puddle whan smashed
- [+] make flammable objects be able to convert to others
- [+] replace 'magic item usage' with 'channeling'
- [+] a cloud of darkness descends. this is a *cursed* wand of light.
- [+] spiders shouldn't be able to be stuck in a web!
* [+] spells should be able to have MULTIPLE schools.
- [+] don't bleed into walls
- [+] in @M, use colours to show which spells are too hard so far (ie
cost > maxmp)
* [+] in @M, use schools that you know
* [+] after loading game, barbarian is getting an extra attack?
You miss the eyebat. You punch the eyebat.
- [+] show objects on top of stairs
- [+] stuck mosnters must pass a saving throw to follow you up/down
- [+] genericise: trytomove(lf)
* [+] add more snakes
- [+] undead can't eat or drink? or MOST undead can't.
* [+] why can MONSTERS shoot webs through things? (but I can't)
- [+] barkskin - doesn't reduce max mp enough?
- [+] The skeleton touches a fuming aqua potion [tried] then recoils in
The skeleton drops a blessed fuming aqua potion [tried].
The skeleton drinks a fuming aqua potion!
- [+] why can't i use abilites anymore?
- [+] infinite loop bug due to ai only having one ignorecell.
- [+] make sleet storms rust all armour
- [+] make a kind of walkdam that hits armour
- [+] add this as well as walkdam for: acid, fire, water
- [+] Takeoff isn't prompting properly. only showing weapons!
* [+] waterproof obs (ie cloak)
* [+] walkdambp doesn't hurt body if you have a cloak
- [+] mending, heals 1d6 damage
- [+] spark
- [+] purify food
- [+] sticks to snakes
- [+] calm animals (power_d4 hd)
* [+] charm animal (works on one animal up to power hit dice, temporary)
- [+] airblast
- [+] barkskin (power +2 AR, firevuln, ongoing)
- [+] soften earth (makes ground into mud)
- [+] warp wood (damages wooden objects)
- [+] repel insects
- [+] reduce poison
- [+] web
- [+] windshield
- [+] call lightning, air
- [+] resist elements, ongoing
- [+] passwall
- [+] poisonbolt
- [+] quench (puts out a fire)
- [+] sleet storm (lowers movement, vision)
- [+] healing
- [+] cure poison
* [+] calming scent
- [+] dig
- [+] entangle
- [+] levitate
- [+] flamepillar
- [+] hailstorm. like sleetstorm but hurts more. power d 6.
- [+] burning wave
- [+] gaseous form
* [+] knowledge skills:
* [+] force makespellchoicelist() to show spells in level order.
* [+] druid
- [+] check OBJECT rarity list (dumplev)
- [+] fix bug where heaps of books suddently appear from dlev 3 onwards
- [+] gain skills on level up for some jobs
- [+] f_levspellschool, v0=lev, v1 = school or ANY - select one
from that school
2011-04-23 14:27:42 +10:00
cell_t *real_getrandomadjcell(cell_t *c, int wantempty, int allowexpand, enum OBTYPE *dontwantob);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
cell_t *getrandomcell(map_t *map);
cell_t *getrandomcelloftype(map_t *map, int id);
int getrandomdir(int dirtype);
cell_t *getrandomroomcell(map_t *map, int roomid);
2011-04-14 09:44:29 +10:00
void getroomcells(map_t *m, int roomid, cell_t **retcell, int *ncells);
2011-03-04 12:22:36 +11:00
int getslipperyness(cell_t *c, object_t **slipob);
2011-04-08 13:18:54 +10:00
cell_t *getstairdestination(object_t *o);
2011-02-16 05:21:33 +11:00
object_t *hasenterableobject(cell_t *c);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
lifeform_t *haslf(cell_t *c);
* [+] need to set "needredraw" every time we exit:
- [+] make eating take longer - depends on lf size and food sizes
* [+] stop eating if something attacks you!
- [+] change spell code to cope with caster = NULL!!
- [+] why are rooms never more than 2 high
* [+] traps
* [+] eating bug again
* [+] disarm trap skill?
- [+] lots of needredraw bugs
- [+] bug with cursor jumping around lots
- [+] draw darkened visible cells in blue
* [+] shadow cloak
- [+] tree shouldn't prevent resting!
- [+] make plants not attack druids
* [+] cooking
- [+] stop eating if your eating object is no longer with you
- [+] pet walking back and forth on rotted objects
- [+] purified food shouldn't decay anymore.
- [+] plants shouldn't sleep
- [+] RESTING on statbar not being cleared. the add of f_interrupted
was clearing statdirty before f_asleep got removed in killflag().
- [+] AI: don't eat if in battle
- [+] reduce projectile damage
- [+] show raceclass in statbars
- [+] smoke should make you cough.
- [+] when going up levle, only prompt for spells you can cast?? (don't
- [+] Your young hawk dies. The stirge releases something!
- [+] sleeping thigns shoudn't follow you up/down stairs.
- [+] when throw'ng an object, don't let it stack (otherwise we might
destroy too much)
- [+] don't draw "c - " for nopickup objects.
- [+] saving throw for traps if you know about it.
- [+] druid - get xp for calming animals
- [+] rogue- get xp for picking locks, disarming traps.
- [+] metal should be immune to most damage types
* [+] make heavy blow need HEAVY weapon, not bashing.
- [+] can't rest/train while levitating!
- [+] gas traps only go off once.
- [+] bug: The goblin throws a boulder at you. A boulder misses you.
- [+] don't give short sword skill to wizard.
- [+] hearing range based on listen skill
* [+] coldness disease:
- [+] CRASH when swapping places
- [+] bug: i can teleport into an impassable object!
- [+] add: "really target (your ally)?"
- [+] give wizards school-based skill instead of manaspike + wildmagic
- [+] LevUp still not being cleared!!!
* [+] why is air wizard being prompted for call lightning at level 2???
* [+] summon weapon (summoning)
- [+] hold portal (mod)
- [+] reveal hidden
- [+] stench (death)
- [+] frostbite (minor but direct cold damage. 1dpower. maxpower 3)
- [+] grease (modific) creates oil in a circle
- [+] fear (death)
- [+] seeinvis (div)
- [+] locate obejct (div) tells you where a seen objcet is.
- [+] swap places (transl) "twiddle"
- [+] fire brand (fire, melee attaks deal fire damage)
- [+] iceedge
- [+] lore (div, temporary knowledge from a particular school?)
- [+] icicle (cold, deals cold dam and knocks enemies away)
* [+] chill (ice, 1d3 damage per exposed body part)
- [+] hail storm (ice, big damage in area)
- [+] wall of ice (creates icy wall, hp based on power)
2011-05-12 11:49:35 +10:00
int hasknownobject(cell_t *c);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int hasobject(cell_t *c);
int isadjacent(cell_t *src, cell_t *dst);
2011-04-11 15:05:45 +10:00
int isdark(cell_t *c);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int isdiggable(cell_t *c);
int isdoor(object_t *o, int *isopen);
int isempty(cell_t *c);
2011-04-01 10:54:44 +11:00
int isinscanrange(cell_t *c, void **thing, char *desc, glyph_t *glyph);
2011-02-01 06:16:13 +11:00
int islit(cell_t *c);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
int isloopdirok(cell_t *cell, int dir);
int isnewcellok(cell_t *cell, char *err);
int isonmap(map_t *map, int x, int y);
int iswallindir(cell_t *cell, int dir);
2011-04-08 13:18:54 +10:00
int linkstairs(object_t *o);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
void makedoor(cell_t *cell);
2011-03-10 16:47:18 +11:00
void makelit(cell_t *c, enum LIGHTLEV how, int howlong);
void makelitradius(cell_t *c, int radius, enum LIGHTLEV how, int howlong);
2010-12-02 12:17:54 +11:00
void setcelltype(cell_t *cell, int id);
2010-12-07 18:34:26 +11:00
void updateknowncells(void);